Beside Chinese vocal and traditional musical instruments, I can hear the western piano throughout the song :) I found this West-East fusion very pleasing and satisfying to the ears.
Since, I'm only 1/8 Chinese, in spite of my profile picture, I can understand most of the lyrics in the song.Other than that I love how beautiful and graceful the whole song is.
this song bought tear to my eye. the taste of first love , the bitter and sour feeling knowing your first love getting married . sweet as the fruit in sping , and the bitter taste of the fresh puer tea . and buring taste of the Burning Dagger .
Lucky I am no American! All together, North-Eastern Asia has one of the most refined history and politic system ever known. Sadly it all came to an end since World War II, if I could choose and pick a time / place from the past.. It would most definetly be China or Japan in the years around the 1600 / 1700.
John Smith That's an awesome answer! But for its time it was really refined, it might of been one of the most powerful systems out there if it ever came to the point where it was fully developed. I wonder how the worl would of looked like if China was a well developed country too.
Giovanni de Vries if you are interested on how they might developed to you can try the Song dynasty which was around 960 to 1127(sadly it was also destroyed by barbarian, by Jin and Mongolian).
Japan's "traditional" music is the rough and simple version of Chinese Han/Tang Dynasty music. KOTOS (Japanese transliteration) is an unprepared version of Chinese Guzheng. This is a musical instrument used by ancient Chinese in ancient Japan. Ancient Japan was called "Dongye 東瀛" as one of the Chinese territory. (There are other indigenous peoples in the local area, including the ancestors of Japanese today). ---------------------------- In ancient Japan, it was also known as "扶桑 / 東赢". Its name originated from 秦始皇Qin Shihuang's son, 扶蘇 Fu Su. 秦始皇 Qin Shihuang's name was "赢政", and the last name was "赢". Therefore, the ancient Japan's name 扶桑 (扶蘇) and 瀛 (赢). * After that, the other Chinese emperor renamed Japan "倭 WA" . 徐福Xu Fu is 扶蘇 Prince Fusu's loyal confidant. 徐福Fu Su knows that someone wants to murder himself. He led hundreds of thousands of troops to Japan with the help of 徐福Xu Fu. This was why the number of 秦軍Qin army of more than 100,000 at that time suddenly disappeared. After Prince 扶蘇 Fu Su arrived in Japan, he led his army to create an era. Japanese history has since opened a new chapter. * 邪馬台國 Yamataikoku_ 女王卑彌呼Queen Himiko is obviously Chinese. She can speak Chinese language and classical Chinese (文言文). She accepts the identity of the wholesale official of the Chinese emperor. Given "official seal 漢倭奴國金印" According to historical records. 卑彌呼 Himiko is the adopted daughter of the Chinese emperor Wei. His identity is also a Chinese female official - 倭王 . Her divine power is actually Chinese Taoism and divination. Local Japan's indigenous people look at her as God. * The powerful and economic sources of 邪馬台國 Yamataikoku. It is supported by the Chinese royal family. -------------------------- But before the 13th century. In ancient Japan, the Chinese regime established by Chinese people in the local area. Therefore, Chinese culture naturally appeared in ancient Japan. They have always maintained a relationship with Chinese officials. "The history of Japan before the 13th" is the history of the Chinese people in ancient Japan. It is a local history written by the Chinese emperor instructed by the Chinese emperor (the same as other Chinese cities). At that time, in addition to the Chinese people lived in a place in Japan (near the Chinese palace), there were many other indigenous peoples in Japan. These are the ancestors of Japanese people today. They speak Japanese language. After the 13th century, indigenous (bald hairstyles on the top) invaded Chinese palaces and snatched the materials of local Chinese. Including a large number of Chinese books and Chinese art. Forced those Chinese elites to join and assist the indigenous (invaders) to continue to develop and maintain Chinese governance methods and Chinese civilization. Some wandering Chinese change their identities and become local Robs/samurai/ninja/monks .... These industries The founders and organization members. Most of them are Chinese. So in Japan (including Korea and North Vietnam) area , there are a large number of ancient Chinese tombs and Chinese relics unearthed . Of course, Today Japanese (日本人) are not Chinese. The ancestors of the Japanese are indigenous in ancient Japan . ----------------------- Anceint japan (before 13th century )= 東瀛 & 扶桑 & 倭 . (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record) Today japan = 日本 Anceint korea= 朝鮮 (and 高包麗. 百濟. 新羅. 王氏高麗. 李氏朝鮮) . (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record) Today korea = 韓國(南北) Anceint Nonth Vietnam= 交趾 . (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record) Today Vietnam = 越南 Anceint Okinawa= 琉球. (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record) Today Okinawa = 沖繩
I've tried finding information about this singer but I can not find anything! Can someone help me find information on HITA please? Such as if she's still singing, her albums, how she got into singing, etc.
Japan's "traditional" music is the rough and simple version of Chinese Tang Dynasty music. KOTOS (Japanese transliteration) is an unprepared version of Chinese Guzheng. This is a musical instrument used by ancient Chinese in ancient Japan. Ancient Japan was called "Dongye 東瀛" as one of the Chinese territory. (There are other indigenous peoples in the local area, including the ancestors of Japanese today). ---------------------------- In ancient Japan, it was also known as "扶桑 / 東赢". Its name originated from 秦始皇Qin Shihuang's son, 扶蘇 Fu Su. 秦始皇 Qin Shihuang's name was "赢政", and the last name was "赢". Therefore, the ancient Japan's name 扶桑 (扶蘇) and 瀛 (赢). * After that, the other Chinese emperor renamed Japan "倭 WA" . 徐福Xu Fu is 扶蘇 Prince Fusu's loyal confidant. 徐福Fu Su knows that someone wants to murder himself. He led hundreds of thousands of troops to Japan with the help of 徐福Xu Fu. This was why the number of 秦軍Qin army of more than 100,000 at that time suddenly disappeared. After Prince 扶蘇 Fu Su arrived in Japan, he led his army to create an era. Japanese history has since opened a new chapter. * 邪馬台國 Yamataikoku_ 女王卑彌呼Queen Himiko is obviously Chinese. She can speak Chinese language and classical Chinese (文言文). She accepts the identity of the wholesale official of the Chinese emperor. Given "official seal 漢倭奴國金印" According to historical records. 卑彌呼 Himiko is the adopted daughter of the Chinese emperor Wei. His identity is also a Chinese female official - 倭王 . Her divine power is actually Chinese Taoism and divination. Local Japan's indigenous people look at her as God. * The powerful and economic sources of 邪馬台國 Yamataikoku. It is supported by the Chinese royal family. -------------------------- But before the 13th century. In ancient Japan, the Chinese regime established by Chinese people in the local area. Therefore, Chinese culture naturally appeared in ancient Japan. They have always maintained a relationship with Chinese officials. "The history of Japan before the 13th" is the history of the Chinese people in ancient Japan. It is a local history written by the Chinese emperor instructed by the Chinese emperor (the same as other Chinese cities). At that time, in addition to the Chinese people lived in a place in Japan (near the Chinese palace), there were many other indigenous peoples in Japan. These are the ancestors of Japanese people today. They speak Japanese language. After the 13th century, indigenous (bald hairstyles on the top) invaded Chinese palaces and snatched the materials of local Chinese. Including a large number of Chinese books and Chinese art. Forced those Chinese elites to join and assist the indigenous (invaders) to continue to develop and maintain Chinese governance methods and Chinese civilization. Some wandering Chinese change their identities and become local Robs/samurai/ninja/monks .... These industries The founders and organization members. Most of them are Chinese. So in Japan (including Korea and North Vietnam) area , there are a large number of ancient Chinese tombs and Chinese relics unearthed . Of course, Today Japanese (日本人) are not Chinese. The ancestors of the Japanese are indigenous in ancient Japan . ----------------------- Anceint japan (before 13th century )= 東瀛 & 扶桑 & 倭 . (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record) Today japan = 日本 Anceint korea= 朝鮮 (and 高包麗. 百濟. 新羅. 王氏高麗. 李氏朝鮮) . (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record) Today korea = 韓國(南北) Anceint Nonth Vietnam= 交趾 . (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record) Today Vietnam = 越南 Anceint Okinawa= 琉球. (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record) Today Okinawa = 沖繩
It's easy. I had translated the chorus: 卿尚小,共采薇, When we were young, we went together to pluck the leaves, 風欲暖,初成蕊 the wind was warm and the leaves were budding. 問離人,山中四季流轉又幾歲? we asked the passersby:"How many passing of seasons have these mountains endured?" 卿初嫁,獨采薇, When you were newly wedded, I went alone to pluck the leaves, 露尚稀,葉已翠, The dew was fresh and the leaves were crisp, 問征人,何處望鄉一枯一葳蕤? I asked the warriors passing by:"How long have you left your hometown and do you miss it?" 卿已老,憶采薇, When you are old, we reminisce about plucking the leaves. 草未凋,又抽穗, The grass has yet withered and the grains are ripening, 問斯人,等到野火燃盡胡不歸? We asked the passersby:"Why do you not return home after the campfire has died?" 昔我往,楊柳垂, The last time I came by, the willows were green, 今我來,雪霏霏, I come by here today, a flurry of snow falls. 問故人,可記當年高歌唱《采薇》?" I asked my friend:"Do you remember the song "Cai Wei"that we used to sing?"
so 卿 is another word for you? you translated both 離人 and 斯人 as passerbys but...are they different in any way? and 薇 is leaves huh...Well it does have the grass top thingy... and this何處望鄉一枯一葳蕤?how did you translate it? sowwy for the questions I'm just trying to learn chinese on youtube...
niah possog 斯人 is the common folk or the common people but if you read on the stanza, the people who are near enough to hear the question would be passersby sharing the warmth of the fire. 薇 is the shoots and leaves of a certain plant family that are commonly harvested for food.
niah possog 卿 in this case is a third person address of a close friend or between husband and wife. In this song, the chorus is a person directly addressing a friend and thus in common English would be a "you". 何處望鄉一枯一葳蕤 is just an artistic expression one's longing of their hometown(stating the soldiers are looking at their hometown with a withered and weary spirit) but in this case, please note that the person is asking warriors or soldiers passing by so I rephrased it in a more respectful way.
you know it's Chinese culture, Japanese know they got it from us as well but unfortunately most of the North Americans I know they are not aware of this...
HITA,网络原创音乐团队“墨明棋妙”成员,“百度偶像”官方认证音乐人、中国原创音乐基地推荐音乐人、音乐翻唱网推荐歌手。被誉为:“古风御姐”,声音百变,能唱各种类型的歌曲。 hope you can read chinese LOL you can easily find the info. about her indeed
昔我往矣 楊柳依依 今我來思 雨雪霏霏
曲风很古雅,歌词古朴又带着一丝哀伤,配上采薇原诗, 好美!
大哥 你不会不知道采薇是归征的将士唱的吧
@@ericxu3860 你说的是《诗经》里面的《采薇》,我说的这首歌的歌词。
@@jianingli256 这不就是诗经的词句么?
@@ericxu3860 也真是少遇到你这么较真的。歌词里面除了最后一句是改编了《诗经》小雅《采薇》,其他还有哪个啊?“彤云出岫”难不成也是《诗经》写的吗?《诗经》小雅《采薇》里面写的是士兵征伐,你说的没错。这些将士都是死爹死妈没老婆也没孩子的单身汉?战死沙场,家里都没人惦记的那种人吗?若不是,就可以听听歌词里面说的是啥意思了……
雪欲來的時候,又燙一壺酒,將寂寞,綿長入口。大寒夜,山那頭,彤雲出岫,小爐邊,那首歌謠,不經意被寫就。白露前,麥未熟,恰是初秋,約臨走,將柴扉輕叩。嶺上霜紅也浸透了眼眸,那首歌,哽在喉,沈默不忍回頭。"卿尚小,共采薇,風欲暖,初成蕊,問離人,山中四季流轉又幾歲?卿初嫁,獨采薇,露尚稀,葉已翠,問征人,何處望鄉一枯一葳蕤?"雨未停的時節,煎茶試新葉,讓光陰,杯中交疊。茅檐下,水如瀉,沾衣未覺,研開墨,芒種剛過,歌寫至下半阙。春分後,花未謝,尚可采撷,卻低首,問是耶非耶?枝上殘香也覆蓋了眼睫,誰和著那首歌,剛吟罷的第一節。"卿尚小,共采薇,風欲暖,初成蕊,問離人,山中四季流轉又幾歲? 卿初嫁,獨采薇,露尚稀,葉已翠,問征人,何處望鄉一枯一葳蕤?卿已老,憶采薇,草未凋,又抽穗,問斯人,等到野火燃盡胡不歸?昔我往,楊柳垂,今我來,雪霏霏,問故人,可記當年高歌唱《采薇》?
Wow, this video is eight years old, and the lyrics is eternal.
曲:DATEKEN紡唄 - つむぎうた
"HITA - 采薇 Harvest Sprouts",這首歌實在好聽!
Taigong Ting兄的,"中國官話"考古;
也令人耳目一新!Taigong Ting兄讚啦!感恩ㄛ!
Evelyne So 刚刚在越人歌也看到你
seabiscuit913 哈哈
吳采薇 哈哈,名字不錯
Beside Chinese vocal and traditional musical instruments, I can hear the western piano throughout the song :) I found this West-East fusion very pleasing and satisfying to the ears.
Hehe, this song not has any piano sound throughout, but you said it is piano🤔
Ok, I found it, just a little. Sorry.
昔我往矣 楊柳依依 今我來思 雨雪菲菲
Oh myv
Rui ruii 歌词来自《诗经》,古汉语不懂也不奇怪,没翻译我也看不懂。
Rui ruii 古文的翻译
+christ ten 厉害
+christ ten 谁翻译的阿 真好
天啊, 跟著詞下來感觸良多...
Since, I'm only 1/8 Chinese, in spite of my profile picture, I can understand most of the lyrics in the song.Other than that I love how beautiful and graceful the whole song is.
Blessed Hoshi 為什麼一定要别人和你翻譯,你觉得他會看得懂嗎?
You are not Chinese😐
Wow! This is probably the best Chinese version of this song!
this song bought tear to my eye. the taste of first love , the bitter and sour feeling knowing your first love getting married . sweet as the fruit in sping , and the bitter taste of the fresh puer tea . and buring taste of the Burning Dagger .
Lucky I am no American!
All together, North-Eastern Asia has one of the most refined history and politic system ever known.
Sadly it all came to an end since World War II, if I could choose and pick a time / place from the past.. It would most definetly be China or Japan in the years around the 1600 / 1700.
John Smith That's an awesome answer!
But for its time it was really refined, it might of been one of the most powerful systems out there if it ever came to the point where it was fully developed.
I wonder how the worl would of looked like if China was a well developed country too.
Giovanni de Vries if you are interested on how they might developed to you can try the Song dynasty which was around 960 to 1127(sadly it was also destroyed by barbarian, by Jin and Mongolian).
John Smith 不赞同啊!不管怎样满清都是我们的历史文化不可避免,也不可分割。要说起对文化的摧残,从焚书坑儒到罢黜百家独尊儒术到打臭老九,可我们一样有汉唐。开元时以着胡服为潮流者多矣。私以为假使能够兼收并蓄,我们会有新的被后人称作盛世的时代。
Jiang Yao。
很觸人的一首歌^ ^
A mber 喜愛的感覺好像是自己感動到落淚。😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇
美麗的曲, 精緻的詞
鄭本傑 現在聽4次😇😇😇😇😇😇
It`s just amazing, really. Definitely will share with my friends. Thank you!
karkar lim 舞蹈表演多種同一.😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍好看
so proud to see so many cultures combined through music.
想起雲中歌...快要哭了 "昔我來矣,楊柳依依,今我來思,雨雪霏霏。"
really beautiful I’m Arabic but BIG LOVE Chinese muscle classic
好美的歌 好喜欢
日本人做的中华风曲子还是和中国人做出来的不同,但是除了我们本身中国人以外,日本人也算是这个世界上最了解中华文化的国家了,虽然今天日本发展处自己独特的日本文化,但是仍然根源自中华,我喜欢两种不同的风格,我大唐时期,波斯人可以做大唐的将军,日本人和高丽人可以在唐朝任高官 包容啊 朋友们!
I like it, and i love these pic too :D
thank you for uploading!
11年 我的天
真有意思! 也好好听!
Love the drawing. So pretty.
its so pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
害我想到孟珏跟雲歌 ~"~
I ves 那一本,😍😍😍😍
2024 還在聽❤
Anyone knows the artist who drew the pictures?
I think it made by computer
好听 好喜欢
Es una canción increible.
Love this version.
Japan's "traditional" music is the rough and simple version of Chinese Han/Tang Dynasty music.
KOTOS (Japanese transliteration) is an unprepared version of Chinese Guzheng. This is a musical instrument used by ancient Chinese in ancient Japan.
Ancient Japan was called "Dongye 東瀛" as one of the Chinese territory. (There are other indigenous peoples in the local area, including the ancestors of Japanese today).
In ancient Japan, it was also known as "扶桑 / 東赢".
Its name originated from 秦始皇Qin Shihuang's son, 扶蘇 Fu Su.
秦始皇 Qin Shihuang's name was "赢政", and the last name was "赢".
Therefore, the ancient Japan's name 扶桑 (扶蘇) and 瀛 (赢).
* After that, the other Chinese emperor renamed Japan "倭 WA" .
徐福Xu Fu is 扶蘇 Prince Fusu's loyal confidant. 徐福Fu Su knows that someone wants to murder himself. He led hundreds of thousands of troops to Japan with the help of 徐福Xu Fu. This was why the number of 秦軍Qin army of more than 100,000 at that time suddenly disappeared.
After Prince 扶蘇 Fu Su arrived in Japan, he led his army to create an era. Japanese history has since opened a new chapter.
* 邪馬台國 Yamataikoku_ 女王卑彌呼Queen Himiko is obviously Chinese. She can speak Chinese language and classical Chinese (文言文). She accepts the identity of the wholesale official of the Chinese emperor. Given "official seal 漢倭奴國金印"
According to historical records. 卑彌呼 Himiko is the adopted daughter of the Chinese emperor Wei. His identity is also a Chinese female official - 倭王 . Her divine power is actually Chinese Taoism and divination. Local Japan's indigenous people look at her as God.
* The powerful and economic sources of 邪馬台國 Yamataikoku. It is supported by the Chinese royal family.
But before the 13th century. In ancient Japan, the Chinese regime established by Chinese people in the local area. Therefore, Chinese culture naturally appeared in ancient Japan. They have always maintained a relationship with Chinese officials.
"The history of Japan before the 13th" is the history of the Chinese people in ancient Japan. It is a local history written by the Chinese emperor instructed by the Chinese emperor (the same as other Chinese cities).
At that time, in addition to the Chinese people lived in a place in Japan (near the Chinese palace), there were many other indigenous peoples in Japan. These are the ancestors of Japanese people today. They speak Japanese language.
After the 13th century, indigenous (bald hairstyles on the top) invaded Chinese palaces and snatched the materials of local Chinese. Including a large number of Chinese books and Chinese art.
Forced those Chinese elites to join and assist the indigenous (invaders) to continue to develop and maintain Chinese governance methods and Chinese civilization. Some wandering Chinese change their identities and become local Robs/samurai/ninja/monks .... These industries The founders and organization members. Most of them are Chinese.
So in Japan (including Korea and North Vietnam) area , there are a large number of ancient Chinese tombs and Chinese relics unearthed .
Of course, Today Japanese (日本人) are not Chinese. The ancestors of the Japanese are indigenous in ancient Japan .
Anceint japan (before 13th century )= 東瀛 & 扶桑 & 倭 . (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record)
Today japan = 日本
Anceint korea= 朝鮮 (and 高包麗. 百濟. 新羅. 王氏高麗. 李氏朝鮮) . (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record)
Today korea = 韓國(南北)
Anceint Nonth Vietnam= 交趾 . (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record)
Today Vietnam = 越南
Anceint Okinawa= 琉球. (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record)
Today Okinawa = 沖繩
Betty Wang 江南
Betty Wang 江南古時盛產美人,而且很繁華
I've tried finding information about this singer but I can not find anything! Can someone help me find information on HITA please? Such as if she's still singing, her albums, how she got into singing, etc.
Srsly tho....Chineese & Japanese Music hold a Special spot in my Heart.....Beautiful~
Japan's "traditional" music is the rough and simple version of Chinese Tang Dynasty music.
KOTOS (Japanese transliteration) is an unprepared version of Chinese Guzheng. This is a musical instrument used by ancient Chinese in ancient Japan.
Ancient Japan was called "Dongye 東瀛" as one of the Chinese territory. (There are other indigenous peoples in the local area, including the ancestors of Japanese today).
In ancient Japan, it was also known as "扶桑 / 東赢".
Its name originated from 秦始皇Qin Shihuang's son, 扶蘇 Fu Su.
秦始皇 Qin Shihuang's name was "赢政", and the last name was "赢".
Therefore, the ancient Japan's name 扶桑 (扶蘇) and 瀛 (赢).
* After that, the other Chinese emperor renamed Japan "倭 WA" .
徐福Xu Fu is 扶蘇 Prince Fusu's loyal confidant. 徐福Fu Su knows that someone wants to murder himself. He led hundreds of thousands of troops to Japan with the help of 徐福Xu Fu. This was why the number of 秦軍Qin army of more than 100,000 at that time suddenly disappeared.
After Prince 扶蘇 Fu Su arrived in Japan, he led his army to create an era. Japanese history has since opened a new chapter.
* 邪馬台國 Yamataikoku_ 女王卑彌呼Queen Himiko is obviously Chinese. She can speak Chinese language and classical Chinese (文言文). She accepts the identity of the wholesale official of the Chinese emperor. Given "official seal 漢倭奴國金印"
According to historical records. 卑彌呼 Himiko is the adopted daughter of the Chinese emperor Wei. His identity is also a Chinese female official - 倭王 . Her divine power is actually Chinese Taoism and divination. Local Japan's indigenous people look at her as God.
* The powerful and economic sources of 邪馬台國 Yamataikoku. It is supported by the Chinese royal family.
But before the 13th century. In ancient Japan, the Chinese regime established by Chinese people in the local area. Therefore, Chinese culture naturally appeared in ancient Japan. They have always maintained a relationship with Chinese officials.
"The history of Japan before the 13th" is the history of the Chinese people in ancient Japan. It is a local history written by the Chinese emperor instructed by the Chinese emperor (the same as other Chinese cities).
At that time, in addition to the Chinese people lived in a place in Japan (near the Chinese palace), there were many other indigenous peoples in Japan. These are the ancestors of Japanese people today. They speak Japanese language.
After the 13th century, indigenous (bald hairstyles on the top) invaded Chinese palaces and snatched the materials of local Chinese. Including a large number of Chinese books and Chinese art.
Forced those Chinese elites to join and assist the indigenous (invaders) to continue to develop and maintain Chinese governance methods and Chinese civilization. Some wandering Chinese change their identities and become local Robs/samurai/ninja/monks .... These industries The founders and organization members. Most of them are Chinese.
So in Japan (including Korea and North Vietnam) area , there are a large number of ancient Chinese tombs and Chinese relics unearthed .
Of course, Today Japanese (日本人) are not Chinese. The ancestors of the Japanese are indigenous in ancient Japan .
Anceint japan (before 13th century )= 東瀛 & 扶桑 & 倭 . (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record)
Today japan = 日本
Anceint korea= 朝鮮 (and 高包麗. 百濟. 新羅. 王氏高麗. 李氏朝鮮) . (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record)
Today korea = 韓國(南北)
Anceint Nonth Vietnam= 交趾 . (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record)
Today Vietnam = 越南
Anceint Okinawa= 琉球. (the name set by the Chinese emperor. It is also the name of the historical record)
Today Okinawa = 沖繩
Such beauty :)
One of my favorite songs
汉服 我们民族的服饰。 大明王朝 。
大明錦衣親軍 XU 收集資料、好、C D、書、古文、😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
XU大明錦衣親軍 大明的服飾是漢人最終的漢服~而現今世人以西服為主也是無可避免但在重要場合真的要穿出自己民族服飾,可中華文化是民族大融合要穿哪一種才是代表中國文化呢?令人迷惑也~
這是中國音樂. 在歷史上日本是没有傳統音樂的. 只有古代中國人在日本的音樂.
its beautiful. i guess it does touch the Chinese blood within my veins even though im a filipino ^_^
filipino don't have chinese blood.
Could I please get the English translation for this song?
Thank you in advance.
我挑选了几首你发的所谓大陆顶尖轻音乐,大多水准一般,甚至比不过我刚才提到的,我的父亲母亲ost,winter sky,永恒之地。
as an American who studied Chinese for 5 years... fudge this is nearly impossible to translate...
It's easy. I had translated the chorus:
When we were young, we went together to pluck the leaves,
the wind was warm and the leaves were budding.
we asked the passersby:"How many passing of seasons have these mountains endured?"
When you were newly wedded, I went alone to pluck the leaves,
The dew was fresh and the leaves were crisp,
I asked the warriors passing by:"How long have you left your hometown and do you miss it?"
When you are old, we reminisce about plucking the leaves.
The grass has yet withered and the grains are ripening,
We asked the passersby:"Why do you not return home after the campfire has died?"
The last time I came by, the willows were green,
I come by here today, a flurry of snow falls.
I asked my friend:"Do you remember the song "Cai Wei"that we used to sing?"
so 卿 is another word for you?
you translated both 離人 and 斯人 as passerbys but...are they different in any way?
and 薇 is leaves huh...Well it does have the grass top thingy...
and this何處望鄉一枯一葳蕤?how did you translate it?
sowwy for the questions I'm just trying to learn chinese on youtube...
niah possog 斯人 is the common folk or the common people but if you read on the stanza, the people who are near enough to hear the question would be passersby sharing the warmth of the fire. 薇 is the shoots and leaves of a certain plant family that are commonly harvested for food.
niah possog 卿 in this case is a third person address of a close friend or between husband and wife. In this song, the chorus is a person directly addressing a friend and thus in common English would be a "you". 何處望鄉一枯一葳蕤 is just an artistic expression one's longing of their hometown(stating the soldiers are looking at their hometown with a withered and weary spirit) but in this case, please note that the person is asking warriors or soldiers passing by so I rephrased it in a more respectful way.
Mr2tails wrong translation, read the whole poem and translate it again.
HITA姐的聲音真的很美 但能否附上原曲名呢?
you know it's Chinese culture, Japanese know they got it from us as well but unfortunately most of the North Americans I know they are not aware of this...
i kind of like it ?
hope you can read chinese LOL
you can easily find the info. about her indeed
narcissusinmirror 😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙
proshow producer
雪欲來的時候,又燙一壺酒,將寂寞,綿長入口。大寒夜,山那頭,彤雲出岫,小爐邊,那首歌謠,不經意被寫就。白露前,麥未熟,恰是初秋,約臨走,將柴扉輕叩。嶺上霜紅也浸透了眼眸,那首歌,哽在喉,沈默不忍回頭。"卿尚小,共采薇,風欲暖,初成蕊,問離人,山中四季流轉又幾歲?卿初嫁,獨采薇,露尚稀,葉已翠,問征人,何處望鄉一枯一葳蕤?"雨未停的時節,煎茶試新葉,讓光陰,杯中交疊。茅檐下,水如瀉,沾衣未覺,研開墨,芒種剛過,歌寫至下半阙。春分後,花未謝,尚可采撷,卻低首,問是耶非耶?枝上殘香也覆蓋了眼睫,誰和著那首歌,剛吟罷的第一節。"卿尚小,共采薇,風欲暖,初成蕊,問離人,山中四季流轉又幾歲? 卿初嫁,獨采薇,露尚稀,葉已翠,問征人,何處望鄉一枯一葳蕤?卿已老,憶采薇,草未凋,又抽穗,問斯人,等到野火燃盡胡不歸?昔我往,楊柳垂,今我來,雪霏霏,問故人,可記當年高歌唱《采薇》?
神stand for神韻啦...
Does anybody know an instrumental to this song ? Or a karaoke ?