0:01 Steve Dies For Lava 0:02 The Steve runs of ice? 0:03 POV: Thr Broker Tool Zombie get u 0:04 The Steve Chash? 0:05 End Of Trick? 0:06 Steve Jobs that build? 0:07 RIP panda 0:08 House Of Sea
I love not safe’s videos and i love to play on minecraft furniture mods and shaders mods and i love to build modern house and i love to play fortnite 🏠😎😍🥰😘
*building a road in the nether* “AAAAAAAHHHHH!” Edit: *just mining casually while his pick breaks* *baby zombie runs at him with diamond sword and full diamond armor* “AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!”
1:27 me when I discover that i have assignments to do and i did no assignments, AND i have to send them tomorrow (u had a stroke reading that right yes)
2:15 Steve's body is made of very densely compacted matter. A block in minecraft is one cubic meter, and even a bar of gold is very heavy. Enchanted golden apples (when they were craftable) are made with 8 blocks of gold. Steve can hold 64 enchanted golden apples per slot, and has 36 slots. He is able to hold a full inventory of enchanted golden apples and still sprint 5.6 meters per second. He can also punch through a tree with a diameter of 1 meter in seconds. He should be ripped but he's the size of your average man, meaning his body is very compressed, and therefore weighs a lot more than hundreds of anvils. The eggs may also be incredibly strong, but steve is too great a being for them to handle his weight.
A word of advice try mining on y 11 12 9 or 10 in the nether to find ancient debris if you have beds tnt or expendable fast diamond pickaxes then u just clear the whole thing and you should end up with a full set of armor (use a tool smithing table to minimize the amount of netherite needed instead of using 3 ingots for armor you use one for each piece) after that ur good as long as your gear has mending which u can get from librarian villagers you can also buy expendable diamond pickaxes from tool smiths and you can use fletchers to sell sticks to in exchange for emeralds that way you have a trust worthy source of pickaxes enchants and emeralds the netherite is up to how many beds tnt and determination u have good luck in ur world
2:04 If you search on Google you find that a Minecraft player weighs about 450kg, calculating that an anvil weighs 50kg, a Minecraft player weighs more than an anvil.
I think 3:28 worked because he created a world pre-1.17 then loaded another section in 1.17, then they did it at the border where the height limit has been extended
No, everywhere has the new height limit. It's more likely that one client is pre-1.18 and another is 1.18. It seems that pre-1.18 can support blocks here, but obviously wouldn't write it to the world save. They probably used a server which had a plugin that could act as both versions, which wouldn't be hard especially when it doesn't need to be fully stable.
Note: The first part have been trim out to copyright issue
(is about enderman taking end portal frame)
1:18 that really shocked me bro!
You mean "That really shocked me bro!"?
@Pedro Payes he added the capital in that
Me too
@@lightning2122 If you know what he meant then don’t correct him
This is wierd I stopped watching you 2 years ago I don’t know how to react meeting my childhood favorite youtuber
Minecraft glitch edition 😂
No mincraft wtf edition
@@dianabahena6956 wtf que dices
@@Fh_karma no minecraft r/ihadastroke edition
the fact that the Enderman said ''whats up'' at the beginning makes it 100x funnier
Hejo bereq
@@zeza9344 oof
@@zeza9344 cześć
@@bereq868 jak ja cie pod losowym filmem znalazłem lmao
@@zeza9344 1 in 696969699696969 chance
0:01 Steve Dies For Lava
0:02 The Steve runs of ice?
0:03 POV: Thr Broker Tool Zombie get u
0:04 The Steve Chash?
0:05 End Of Trick?
0:06 Steve Jobs that build?
0:07 RIP panda
0:08 House Of Sea
I’m not sure about that
You made it not right
Don't kill the Steve in 1:20
1:45 Zombie: Hey friend, you forgot your armor and your sword
He aready has a sword
Top 10 most feared criminals
I gave the 100° like
My ears died
1:25 is The bridge ready?
No its N-
Spam this time 1:27
its bedrok bridge
0:41 That music is what really gets me 😂
Do you know the name of the music?
@@nenedaikon1267 No
Nevermind i found it XD
1:18 when your mom tells you we are going to McDonald’s but she actually takes you to the adoption center
Pov: you just saw the kid run away from the mom and you’re a construction worker
Bruh it should be 1:28
@@ImDaiko shhhhhh, it's okay🙏
Yumean 1:26
@@amtrakisveryepic k
"Check out my trick!"
"Oh ok!"
"Oh there’s lava there"
oh wait nvm now i get it
F in the chat for panda
1:27 My Favourite Part
true i'm brazilian more ok
Same xD
0:44 BRO THE SOUND IS SO GOOD (the keyboard one)
1:27 that was freaking scary😂🤣
Jajaja lol x2
Boat railgun
Yeah XD
1:26 I died laughing on that part XD
Wich one of the part
i wonder how did you comment
@@shinziro9632 hmm I WONDER HOW
@@krustyy30 r/technicallythetruth
POV your watching the best game
Shut up
Ypu have no friends
You think youre cool well you are not
@@boma2.049 ayyo what
Great video What’s up 👋
enderman be like: no more of these speedrunners
Ha 😁
Wait If You Killed It With Enchantments Won't It Give It To You
If u kill an elder man with a block u get it
Imagine if Dream tries to get the world record and see that one of the end portal block is missing only to see that the enderman carrying it.
1:28 rest in peace pro guy without oak boat :(
This one was sooo funniest 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
He could have survived by using the method where you leave and re-enter the boat to get to that island there
Try to tap 1:28 fast
Rip f
2:08 man that steve is heavy
he must be obese
It's 2:10
Who care 😂
He is heavy weapons guy
1:00 perfectly cut screams
ايوة هه أنا عربية
4:01 R. I. P cute panda boi😂😂
rip :(
3:50 We pandas don't walk, we ROLL.
-Po's Actual Dad, 2019.
And his name is Rick
😂 😂 😂
@@fabo-desu I knew someone was gonna say that
@@fabo-desu ファボです
@@fabo-desulol my name is Rick and I like panda
(1:58)Minecraft Theory: Steve is heaviest character in minecraft?
Lily pad.
@@NoMercyRC What about Alex?
Oh you could reply me r/woosh, bcs I didn't understand that I should. So, this can be Steve/Alex, Ender Dragon or Wither
0:25 ranboo didn’t want you to go to the end
@@aaarr8218 ranboo the guy from the SMP of dream
@@random1nce14 wth is that
@@Electronem1 idk
Enderman was before ranboo so ranboo is a ripoff enderman
1:27 heart attack🔥🔥😂
Edit - Oh my god I never get this type of reaction thanks to all❤️❤️
omg it went by so fast O-O
Reminds me of "wait your not done yet ?"
0:21 *don’t mind him he’s just disobeying the laws of enderman physics*
Reminder 1:00
@@JANCOff1al nice addition
@@boi5911 ty
If he luck he can get that :D
Yo among us boi i sub to u
1:04 weeeeeeee,lmao🤣.You're video are funny,i like them!🙂👍👏
0:54 *Lava Noises* : HeLlo I aM uNdeR tHe WatAr pLs HeLP Me ThEre 'S ToO MucH RaIny
@@M3ry_BMG Me when the imposter is sus amogus
@@menace1937 lol
1:48 Wow is the zombie full pack
it's possible if you give him but low precent with it's own like if you die they can grab items but not armors i think lol
I laughed way too long
You did? Hmm I don’t rly know?
Hmmm one way to find out
It is the rarest thing in Minecraft
3:29 he just has a good gaming chair.
How he do that
He was in creative
@@tanismaha8264 you can't place blocks past the height limit
Yeah he dose have one
might be a mod or smth
2:33 if you didn't understand. In minecraft u can't make a nether portal in the end
1:27 damn I laughed so hard with that scream
That scream is Gonna turn into silence if you just stay at my house like we are your family just in 2 months😂😑
its 1:27
lol ye
1:47 LOL
1:45 that scream tho
The boat scream
When the when dentist drill teeth scream😬😱🤯
The scream is:✨perfect ✨
:him: AYO the pizzas here :the panda: my ears burn :(
3:52 When My crush rejects me
oml I died reading this comment XD
@@thefuturek1ng230 oh yeah I DIED too, I’m writing this from my grave right now. So funny 😐
@@thsbh2 nice sarcasm. Have you heard that it is a hyperbole? it means that I laughed really hard. duh
@@thefuturek1ng230 I know I’m just super bored
I love not safe’s videos and i love to play on minecraft furniture mods and shaders mods and i love to build modern house and i love to play fortnite 🏠😎😍🥰😘
2:10 Kinda makes sense considering Steve can carry 11 Million Tons of weight
Strongest video game character 😛
And considering that an anvil usually weights 50 kilograms
He can lift a pyramid of Giza
@@obi-wankenobi5163 you mean the heaviest Minecraft player
2:00 Minecraft logic be like
Yes😀😀😀me torkis no speak ingiliş 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿
@@brwlapo3214 daha yeni farkettim
Ben de Türküm
@@brwlapo3214 uhh what?
ohaa yaşasın ırkımız çine bedel kırkımız
1:17 Only legends notice that it was bedrock edition
Cuz of the bridging
Also Cuz the graphic
Ye I knew
And the controller sounds
Yesss. I am a legend. Yessss
Bro is 3 years late
2:57 perfectly cut scream lol
edit: thanks for the likes i never expected this
1:46 scream
The man:ntries to speedrun*
The enderman: i'm about to end this man's whole career
His defending his homeland
1:45 zombie:I'm gonna ruin this mans whole career
*fast printer noises*
It was more funny
That scream was very very funny where did he even edit that scream?!
Poor PhilzaMinecraft
Lol man
1:01 Made me laugh so hard
It’s so perfectly cut
1:27 my brain when the teacher hands out a quiz
Ha ha
It made me laugh
But not so much
@@almagomez841 o
@@almagomez841 gf kichhu and
4:06 i saw that 2b2t save
3:50 best part 😂😂😂😂
what u know about rollin down in the deep..
@@adamz22 LMFAO
@@yukislost ??
@@adamz22 and then you fall into lava and you scream
That scream was personal 1:18
1:26 VOUMMMM lol i am dead 😂😂😂
3:38 waitwaitwaitwaitWHAT
L... wait why are we L-ling me? WHY AM I L-ING MYSELF
*building a road in the nether*
Edit: *just mining casually while his pick breaks*
*baby zombie runs at him with diamond sword and full diamond armor*
1:28 that scream just killed me 🤣🤣😂
@@arkaprabha_idk 🤣😂
He hacker block placement
ME TOO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@rip_hot9225 yed
0:44 * aggressive keyboard typing or placing blocks*
The panda was like: whatchu know about rolling down in the deep
New song: Panda in the lava
@@mrult28 Ye
No he will be like what u know about rolling down in the lava 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
1:02 and that is why they need to add an obsidian cauldron folks
Respawn Anchor, take it or leave it.
1:18 when my mum tells me we are going to go to McDonald’s
You mean 1:28?
1:47 thank u very much for - headphones
Now U wont listen ;u rip my ears*
1:00 Directed by Robert B. Wiede
i should stop with these jokes
I love that one
Excutive producer: Larry
We actually dont care
2024 Minecraft TH-camr attempts to make people think it’s 2020
0:16 I just cant stop laughing 😂😂😂😂😂
Enderman: yo look sus so I won't let you win
2:03 these EGGS blessed by God Holy Eggs
This kills me every time 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 1:01
1:27 me when I discover that i have assignments to do and i did no assignments, AND i have to send them tomorrow (u had a stroke reading that right yes)
My head hurts
@@PigLips1 same
That’s also me when I have homework for every subject when I did none and it’s 10:00 pm and they’re due tomorrow XD
2:13 Steve actually looks very surprised!!
1:00 i like this part 🤣🤣🤣
2:15 Steve's body is made of very densely compacted matter. A block in minecraft is one cubic meter, and even a bar of gold is very heavy. Enchanted golden apples (when they were craftable) are made with 8 blocks of gold. Steve can hold 64 enchanted golden apples per slot, and has 36 slots. He is able to hold a full inventory of enchanted golden apples and still sprint 5.6 meters per second. He can also punch through a tree with a diameter of 1 meter in seconds. He should be ripped but he's the size of your average man, meaning his body is very compressed, and therefore weighs a lot more than hundreds of anvils. The eggs may also be incredibly strong, but steve is too great a being for them to handle his weight.
Yes but at the same time Steve can walk on a lily pad.
I edited this comment so that the replies don't make sense
pog I didn't even realize
@kc2x_ I think if you kill it you get the block
omg bro so funny
@@novahelixable6685 omg bro so serious
Imagine if that was chasing you..
Hi Dream XD
And you in hardcore mod
@@luizmargelo Im Austra Hungryyy but thanks for calling my youtube name earlier :)
@@ahmetbaran4347 yes..
i laughed so hard when the panda not only took fall damage from rolling but then proceeded to die in lava
When ur mom finds out you failed on test
Here how I escape
0:32 Reminds me that I have only played Minecraft today and how much I miss it despite only playing it this afternoon...
1:23 this was the funnies thing i ever seen
0:26 I did that too and it actually work! Thank you 🧡 😊
1:46 the moment we were waiting for
Experience true terror, nothing is scarier than a baby zombie with a diamond sword and full diamond armor in hardcore
@@RandomoUnknownNo theres Some thing scarier
The baby zombie with enchanted netherite sword and enchanted netherite armor
It’s not even that funny
:( poor panda
That panda was cute
1:05 never knew that you can fill a cauldron with lava
It is possible in the 1.17 snapshots i think
@@thenextgen2 yes
Its possible-
@@thenextgen2 its been possible for alot longer than that. Its been around since cornflower were added
On 1:00 that part cracked me up
3:15 Steve is just better then anyone
1:13 i guess placing blocks in the air is now a thing lmao
Its a feature on bedrock edition, I'm not positive but looks like it
@@markullgaming6289 yes it's only on bedrock
As a bedrock player I can approve
0:30 put subtitles on and then look at them
It's dababy Easter egg
03:14 I laughed suddenly the panda fell 😂🤣👍
Me when I find ancient debris 1:47
Me when I find more 1:28
When you find out you need *4 pieces* to make at least one ingot
A word of advice try mining on y 11 12 9 or 10 in the nether to find ancient debris if you have beds tnt or expendable fast diamond pickaxes then u just clear the whole thing and you should end up with a full set of armor (use a tool smithing table to minimize the amount of netherite needed instead of using 3 ingots for armor you use one for each piece) after that ur good as long as your gear has mending which u can get from librarian villagers you can also buy expendable diamond pickaxes from tool smiths and you can use fletchers to sell sticks to in exchange for emeralds that way you have a trust worthy source of pickaxes enchants and emeralds the netherite is up to how many beds tnt and determination u have good luck in ur world
Ik how to get some spooky
@@spookyboivilla5386 wait how u would need 3 ingots for armor?
@@jokutyyppi1038 oh i messed up I thought without the smithing table you would need 3 pieces sorry for the misunderstanding
3:55 LOL imagine all that hard work
Mojang Deleted Ocean Monument.
Me who never went to them: *”Oh no, anyways.”*
no it deosn't
@@gam8052 do you big monke has
@@atsign_ what is still underground seventy circle master
Did they really delete it
I love how it’s just stuff you can’t do in Minecraft
2:04 If you search on Google you find that a Minecraft player weighs about 450kg, calculating that an anvil weighs 50kg, a Minecraft player weighs more than an anvil.
1 anvil, theres way more anvils than 45
I think 3:28 worked because he created a world pre-1.17 then loaded another section in 1.17, then they did it at the border where the height limit has been extended
The video got cut at a part, so you may have to change your timestamps.
It's 2:56 now but you can see the fade-in, yeah
No, everywhere has the new height limit.
It's more likely that one client is pre-1.18 and another is 1.18. It seems that pre-1.18 can support blocks here, but obviously wouldn't write it to the world save. They probably used a server which had a plugin that could act as both versions, which wouldn't be hard especially when it doesn't need to be fully stable.
@@JACKHARRINGTON or they just changed the version and spliced the recording
@@DamianQualshy I was going to suggest that too. But then I forgot lol. I love my memory.
3:05 when you playing bedwars
Enemy team:
My brotha went flying 🫡💀 1:00
2:49 endarman: erony??? (irony, i dont now im russian, tnis video NIIICE)
My two braincells during an exam
1:27 3:51
@@davidjamesbage E
Went to hell and vomited suicide in lava? Lul
3:30 He was just playing in 1.17 :D
Rip steve rip panda 🪦 😂😭🙏🙏🏻🙏🏼🙏🏽🙏🏾🙏🏿🙏
1:05 Your name is Not Safe its acctully Not Safe lol
1:28 that scared the hell out of me
3:23 Bye Bye Panda 💀
1:21 i can't stop laughing 😂😂😂😂
3:50 **My literal childhood accident**
I checked the replies and im angry
O no