If any will be wealthy it is the almighty Jesus who makes them wealthy/ he allowed the individuals . I pray all who are wealthy remember god allowed that wealth and use it for his purposes and not of our own greed . Bless thy neighbors , family, friends, thy enemies, if it be gods will in Jesus name!! Amen 🙏
It is more likely for a camel to go through a needle than a rich man to get into heaven. Also john the baptist was a man from the wilderness (homeless) and was Jesus greatest preacher because of his understanding rather than a rich man claiming that he was closest to the LORD because of his riches.
If any will be wealthy it is the almighty Jesus who makes them wealthy/ he allowed the individuals . I pray all who are wealthy remember god allowed that wealth and use it for his purposes and not of our own greed . Bless thy neighbors , family, friends, thy enemies, if it be gods will in Jesus name!! Amen 🙏
It is more likely for a camel to go through a needle than a rich man to get into heaven. Also john the baptist was a man from the wilderness (homeless) and was Jesus greatest preacher because of his understanding rather than a rich man claiming that he was closest to the LORD because of his riches.