+Nate Mallory yeah men i hope too , but u fam can get shit right cause u owe me over 285 $ but not that bad just give it in few days or ur whole fam gone end up on a shirt #NETGANG
I adore how Maino wasn't talking about fucking bitches or any of that mess. I loved it when I saw the little kids just dancing and enjoying themselves. This song reminds me of my country DRC we Milly rock too but we don't call it that. Even-though those people in the video are mainly African - Amercan and i'm Congolese - American , it is amazing how centuries later after their ancestors where brought here , they still hold that African spirit. You know?
Flatbush has bobby shmurda and joey badass, bed study has 2 milli...they're very close but there's so many people in Brooklyn that each area has its own distinct feel and culture, pretty amazing
youngpain123 because i know people from brooklyn, and they told me that the dance just came out. literally a few years ago. martin has been out for over 10 years.
+justin mercado im from brooklyn too, this dance been out. idk how long ago tho, but a lot of people people didn't know about it tho. only people from gates knew
This ain't the 90's anymore...nobody really got the game on lock. Chicago drill rappers have made the most impact on the streets and Atlanta is pretty much the center of urban culture. Jay, Nas, Fab, Kiss,etc...that era is pretty much gone
+spadedot Chicago rappers f****** suck they all sound the same whole bunch of little kids with no lyrics what they need is to learn how to read and write before they try to wrap
Dancing songs are coming back. TBS (throw back Saturday) Soulja boy made that superman song, now history is repeating it self lol. Only a matter of time
ynotrhyme You must don't know where N/A Roc and gates ave at, if any celeb can just chill over there and not get rob, shot, or even disrespected they deserve to wear that crown.
+DJAY PANDA lol u say that but u not doin shit i mean they doing something they clearly got ppl like u talking about them getting there name out there and showin them they got haters......im talkin bout u
You know how high you gotta be to Milly Rock for 4 days?!
Every cigerett be blessed
@@lilliancalla7842 🤣🤣
I cant 🤣🤣🤣
I milly rock on selective blocks that are well lit at night for safety measures
Ok Precious Memories
+Crank Sinatra lmfao bruh
+Crank Sinatra YOOOO LOL
Good to see the kids having fun and the community out together doing something positive!! Good vibes and energy in this video!
Good vibes and energy? do you know what milly rock on any block means? lol
@@vindenap6987 I'm talking about tbe video only
I Been Milly Rockin For 4 Days.
life was good when this dropped. God really answered my prayers in 2015 that is why I'm here. plus it's a beautiful song. I love self expression.
Facts now music not like this no more and I miss it
You gotta respect the BLACK COMMUNITY salute from puerto rico
+Eric Eisenhardt u legally blind then fool
+Eric Eisenhardt i hope u get claped up yo fam 2 home boi
+Nate Mallory yeah men i hope too , but u fam can get shit right cause u owe me over 285 $ but not that bad just give it in few days or ur whole fam gone end up on a shirt #NETGANG
+#DesertEagle AtyoNeck who?
u and ur lil bro for dat sizzurp so get yo shit right hit my line give my shit what u owe me or i come thru now i give u 2h nigga
I adore how Maino wasn't talking about fucking bitches or any of that mess. I loved it when I saw the little kids just dancing and enjoying themselves. This song reminds me of my country DRC we Milly rock too but we don't call it that. Even-though those people in the video are mainly African - Amercan and i'm Congolese - American , it is amazing how centuries later after their ancestors where brought here , they still hold that African spirit. You know?
drc looooool
Esaar ????
+LaBelleCongolese my old bitch gave me new head.
That's the beauty of this dance. it's dope but you can see the ancestors in it
2024 anyone?
Heard ❤
This shit aged well 😂
No no one is here in 2024
2023 just started and still milly rocking 🙌🏼🔥
Real shit
Its 2020 and im still listening to this 🔥 🔥 🔥
It's 2023, I'm still milly Rockin👊🏾
Flatbush has bobby shmurda and joey badass, bed study has 2 milli...they're very close but there's so many people in Brooklyn that each area has its own distinct feel and culture, pretty amazing
for a fact💯
Joey badass not from bedstuy he from bushwish 😑
Jonathan Tejeda
No, I said Flatbush. He confirmed that he was from East Flatbush in an interview I saw.
+Thatcomment000 Brook lyn is a borough of Nyc
+Thatcomment000 brooklyn and Kings County are the same thing...yes it's kind of odd the city of New York is made up of 5 counties or boroughs
When manio say let's gooooo sounds like dad when he's getting them kids ready for school .let's goooooo
😂😂😂😂😂 I love it!
I'm Milly Rocking all over the world with my Iraqi hsbn. From Istanbul, Dubai, Canada, and bringing it back to Brooklyn. Lets get it!
4:07 She Was Killing It ! ! !
Listening in March 2019🤷🏽♂️🚀😎
March 2020
Chick w/tha glasses at the end killed it lol
The look on those cops face when he dropped them knowledge 👉 priceless 😂😂😭😭😭
0:45 damn she milky rocking hard af
This is still hot in 2024 Detroit Eastside.
Where they get that dance from??? They saw it on reruns of Martin.... That's Martin Lawrence's signature dance!!!
this dance was here before that. yall just finding out.
+youngpain123 it was there in the 90's? now you're just lying.
+justin mercado how ? dances were always around. it was just something people from there only knew about it. now it just caught on
youngpain123 because i know people from brooklyn, and they told me that the dance just came out. literally a few years ago. martin has been out for over 10 years.
+justin mercado im from brooklyn too, this dance been out. idk how long ago tho, but a lot of people people didn't know about it tho. only people from gates knew
This was awesome to find. Brings me back.
The dance won't be official until Chris Brown kill it.
social media doesn't really need chris brown to do it.
+Smiley Beats but it definitely helps
he did last night Lol go look at Chris IG
he did
Maino is my guy...he remind me of a Koala bear though🐨
Maino got bars th-cam.com/video/lF04VM71zRM/w-d-xo.html 💯💯💯💯
No koala bears are cute lol he's not ugly but in my opinion he is not as cute as koala bears either he's ok
Hell no koala 🐨 tho😂😂😭💀
I don't care what nobody say new york still got the best rappers in the world.
Your right! Jay-Z, Biggie, Nas, Rakim... I could go on but don't act like any of em in their 20's my nigga!!! 😂😂😂😂
Yall have a few cats now and in the past y'all did. Right now LA killing y'all on the rappers note
+Jervon Adams Jr. Check the charts again Homie ... The South on top!
+Jervon Adams Jr. La got Kendrick thats it Atl On top
This ain't the 90's anymore...nobody really got the game on lock. Chicago drill rappers have made the most impact on the streets and Atlanta is pretty much the center of urban culture. Jay, Nas, Fab, Kiss,etc...that era is pretty much gone
This joint 🔥, much luv and respect from Bklyn, N.Y
milly rock in 2018 and beyond
Omg I can’t believe this was 5 years ago 😶. Where has the time gone 🤣
Now 7
2:05 lol even the police had to hold back laughing at that nonsense.
Peep Queen at 3:21. She got it!
Summer of 2023 and we still doing the milly rock and it's been many a minute
Milly rock that joint
Milly Rock, to the KOB Mix.
2020 i milly rock in every room in my home #quarantinemillyrock
2024 and I’m still milly rockin 😂😂
Me too on occasions 😂
3:49 Clearly there's no age limits on bein' a undercover cop lol
who still milly rocking in 2019? just asking for a friend.
2022 I am👍🏽💕
I milly rock on any block ayeeeee
Yesuhhh came back to this MASTERPIECE
This shit just ancestral african dances with beats
l oloooool bruh
FACTS. makes it even more awesome
so true
Soyemi Phantom true
Soyemi Phantom Is that bad?
It been 4 years since I heard this I just listened to this
Love this song!
I milly roc on any blocc 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥⁉️⁉️⁉️
Lowkey happy im black i mean honestly no other has the rythm and beats that we have!
+TreVaughn Williams more like rude n disrespectful as fuck. smh
Why lowkey? Be proud of what you are
You shouldn't be low-key happy to be black, you should just be happy PERIOD.
Every time a black person say we proud to be black its a problem smh the world we live in
That cop look like Dr. Martin Luther King
According to you luther king was doctor you cant be serious mehhhhh
@@seunmajekodunmikikiemmanue7099 he was dummy
Yoooo i said the same thing soon as i seen him lol and the fact that it was in black and white didn't help either 😂😂😂
Fr fr I was looking this comment
This blew up first before the original song! Classic record
The song is a straight club banger.
when I come down here in lambos and Bentleys these kids are inspired to also rent these same cars .
+jtf jtf ROTFL
I Enterprise on any block.
this song raw
Jersey stand up I'm in the building !
Who got ciggars*-×$
My legends and v.i.p
That girl at 3:21 hitting it fine... Lol
I taught my nephew's how to Milly Rock tonight 😂 yeeee
Man I haven't actually seen Maino since that song with T Pain years ago lmaoo.
all the above lol
Aye iont usually fw them dance songs but this right here go hard 🔥
Bed Stuy, Brooklyn....Home of B.I.G....Yessurrrrrrrrrrr
Man i rock with NYC they drop good sh$$t ever time i can tell you that manio keep going my dude. Lil will from GR
the black cop look pissed.. his whole movement sayd thugger croocket type.. he remind me of the cop from "Boyz In The Hood"
The black cop Detective Lang from Shootas lmaooo
my nigga maino been going hard on the instrumentals since day one. keep feed the streetz maino
I didn't see a single Bentley or rolls Royce.
1 Hyundai though
Nigga enjoy da Video
Don't be a Car Hopper...
camry at 1:03 though
wassup with you
This goes harder than chicago trap beats
slap yourself for that bull
Lmao bs..
+Slim Jesus Brother #DrillTime gang shit man
+tibiboss your crazy! ny tryna sound like chicago. ny fell off. BIG Jay and Fab. THATS IT
+spadedot Chicago rappers f****** suck they all sound the same whole bunch of little kids with no lyrics what they need is to learn how to read and write before they try to wrap
dope video...
I love this songg 😂😂
Yezzur!! 3:22, 3:34 & 4:07 Pure FIIIRRREEE! 🔥🔥
Can you Milly rock in the suburbs?. 😅😅
I’m proud to see my ppl win ! Bed Stuy .... ❤️❤️❤️
Oh shit Key Food I didn't know they still around lmao
Brooklyn new York I love new york period
New York is back the creators of this rap shit bronx Brooklyn harlem queens we milly rock on any block #200Block uptown
fuck yo block
Come on nah!! This is soft. Sounds like a DirtySouth record.
+Supa SilverSurf thats a fact. #BXWeOutHere
Milly rock is fake diddy bob fa shmoney dance
Dancing songs are coming back. TBS (throw back Saturday) Soulja boy made that superman song, now history is repeating it self lol. Only a matter of time
"Come to milli rock on yo mamma block" Maino
New York city ❤
why maino wearing that burger king crown?
Cuz he's the king of Brooklyn
Matthew Sleider word...
ynotrhyme You must don't know where N/A Roc and gates ave at, if any celeb can just chill over there and not get rob, shot, or even disrespected they deserve to wear that crown.
+Matthew Sleider Biggie,Jay z,Papoose,Flatbush zombies,Joey bada$$,Big Daddy kane,Talib kweli etc... Maino ain't shit
+DJAY PANDA lol u say that but u not doin shit i mean they doing something they clearly got ppl like u talking about them getting there name out there and showin them they got haters......im talkin bout u
feeling energized as fawk
How are you gonna look like a Big Mac but wear a Burger King crown
Raul Gutierrez jjmjikoeoto,ro,roe
I guess he just wanted to be different and that's ok
🎶We Milly Rock in NC 🎶
*i like it*
TH-cam is the closest thing we have to a timemachine.😂😂😂😂.
1203 people didn't appreciate the milly rockin on their block
Brooklyn salute
October 2024??😂
Had to pause, were in this video was there a rolls or a Bentley ? 😒😐
milly rock is dope
Why is he still making music?
Yeah guys great job comming from a artist,milly on any block
"Cops tried to shut us down"
No, they said don't block the fucking road. Jesus.
+John Carter I can't stand that ignorant ass shit. "we can show them how to get that cash forreal" stfu
***** I hear ya bud. Just garbage
That cop smile says everything
CapiTen10 you white aint you don't understand niggas getting shot everyday so cops get offensive for nothing
Bobby shmurda will kill this dance
Chris Brown
Maino look funny😂😂😂 doing the milly rock
Μεθυσμένος μπαίνω στο club dab
Ουπς λάθος βίντεο
Love dis song
μεθυσμενος μπαινω στο club #dab,ειπα τι μου θυμιζει......
Millie Rock with a drink in my hand!