I have previously watched your recent 2 re-posts ( from 文雋’s channel ). So, somehow I tried to do a search on 《只要有電影》 As I scrolled down the screen, honestly I was holding my breath. I have watched many of the movies you commented on, but of course there are many more which I have never watched. Too many of your episodes I want to watch, the difficult part is to decide which one to watch first. 🙂🙃
@@shukei Thanks 舒先生 I decided to watch your episode on 《毒舌大狀》: 《毒舌大狀》:起碼近十年來從未有過如此高度的劇本,給你逐一解密【只要有電影】第201集(2023-01-02) And I just finished watching the first one. Very good and very interesting, thanks. From what I know, from reading and watching news over the years, and especially from being currently involved in a Court case first hand, 事務律師 ( in English : Solicitor, which is rather meaningless, as are many English terms ) and 大律師 ( in English : Barrister, again rather meaningless ) are actually two different careers / jobs. There is nothing 大 about 大律師, and also that it is ranked higher than 事務律師 is just a myth and mis-understanding. The actual difference is that 事務律師 cannot represent a client to 上庭打官司, therefore they mostly do 業務 related to 物業 ( property ) and like Power of Attorney, Enduring Guardian, Wills, etc. ( too lazy to look for Chinese translations ). But the traditional rule is that the client cannot directly get the help of a 大律師, and must be through a Solicitor 必須由事務律師 轉介 There is actually no real justification for such a requirement, and I understand it is very possible to be abolished in the next few years in various countries / areas, including and especially in HK. Also, it is NOT true that the charge rate of 大律師 is higher than 事務律師, the hourly rate of my 事務律師 is MUCH HIGHER than the hourly rate of my 大律師 Will watch your second episode soon, take a break first.
@@shukei Your second episode on 《毒舌大狀》: 《毒舌大狀》(二之二):沒有攻擊法律制度或法治精神,強調的是(中文詞彙中沒有的)Common Sense【只要有電影】第202集(2023-3-02) Is also very good. Thanks. Of course I am TOTALLY NOT qualified to discuss about script writing 劇本寫作, film directing, camera positioning, etc. etc. Perhaps I just want to add a few points : ( 1 ) As my lawyers, and ex-classmates who are lawyers, told me, the actual process inside the Court is in fact very boring. Scenes like “your Honour, Objection !!” are dramatizations in movies. ( 2 ) I can safely say that a lot of the storyline in 《毒舌大狀》 has been previously seen in other movies, Such as lawyers played by Paul Newman, Al Pacino ( as you said ), And quite possibly Gene Hackman, And by other less famous actors, whose names I cannot recall off the top of my head. Even the 片集 played by 鄭嘉穎 - again I forgot the name of the 片集, I think his performance in it won him a 視帝 後補 : was it 怒火街頭 in 2011. ( 3 ) I think we still need to have confidence in the Law System, in HK or elsewhere. The ‘design’ has been improved and improved over many many years. Really NOT NECESSARY to dwell on its 漏㓊 Otherwise, life in a modern society is NOT WORTH living. ( 4 ) I think claiming that 人性 凌駕於 法律 is also just a dramatization. We need to get real, and wake up, once we leave the cinema. Thanks for your 2 episodes about 《毒舌大狀》
I have previously watched your recent 2 re-posts ( from 文雋’s channel ).
So, somehow I tried to do a search on 《只要有電影》
As I scrolled down the screen, honestly I was holding my breath.
I have watched many of the movies you commented on, but of course there are many more which I have never watched.
Too many of your episodes I want to watch, the difficult part is to decide which one to watch first. 🙂🙃
Thx for your support. Haha take your time. Happy viewing.
@@shukei Thanks 舒先生
I decided to watch your episode on 《毒舌大狀》:
And I just finished watching the first one.
Very good and very interesting, thanks.
From what I know, from reading and watching news over the years, and especially from being currently involved in a Court case first hand,
事務律師 ( in English : Solicitor, which is rather meaningless, as are many English terms ) and 大律師 ( in English : Barrister, again rather meaningless ) are actually two different careers / jobs.
There is nothing 大 about 大律師, and also that it is ranked higher than 事務律師 is just a myth and mis-understanding.
The actual difference is that 事務律師 cannot represent a client to 上庭打官司, therefore they mostly do 業務 related to 物業 ( property ) and like Power of Attorney, Enduring Guardian, Wills, etc. ( too lazy to look for Chinese translations ).
But the traditional rule is that the client cannot directly get the help of a 大律師, and must be through a Solicitor 必須由事務律師 轉介
There is actually no real justification for such a requirement, and I understand it is very possible to be abolished in the next few years in various countries / areas, including and especially in HK.
Also, it is NOT true that the charge rate of 大律師 is higher than 事務律師, the hourly rate of my 事務律師 is MUCH HIGHER than the hourly rate of my 大律師
Will watch your second episode soon, take a break first.
@@shukei Your second episode on 《毒舌大狀》:
《毒舌大狀》(二之二):沒有攻擊法律制度或法治精神,強調的是(中文詞彙中沒有的)Common Sense【只要有電影】第202集(2023-3-02)
Is also very good. Thanks.
Of course I am TOTALLY NOT qualified to discuss about script writing 劇本寫作, film directing, camera positioning, etc. etc.
Perhaps I just want to add a few points :
( 1 ) As my lawyers, and ex-classmates who are lawyers, told me, the actual process inside the Court is in fact very boring.
Scenes like “your Honour, Objection !!” are dramatizations in movies.
( 2 ) I can safely say that a lot of the storyline in 《毒舌大狀》 has been previously seen in other movies,
Such as lawyers played by Paul Newman, Al Pacino ( as you said ),
And quite possibly Gene Hackman,
And by other less famous actors, whose names I cannot recall off the top of my head.
Even the 片集 played by 鄭嘉穎 - again I forgot the name of the 片集, I think his performance in it won him a 視帝
後補 : was it 怒火街頭 in 2011.
( 3 ) I think we still need to have confidence in the Law System, in HK or elsewhere.
The ‘design’ has been improved and improved over many many years.
Really NOT NECESSARY to dwell on its 漏㓊
Otherwise, life in a modern society is NOT WORTH living.
( 4 ) I think claiming that 人性 凌駕於 法律 is also just a dramatization.
We need to get real, and wake up, once we leave the cinema.
Thanks for your 2 episodes about 《毒舌大狀》
舒生你好,不知你怎看相米慎二這位導演呢?最近hkiff做了一個相米慎二的回顧 我也看了幾套 個人認為搬家和夏之庭也是相當出色的傑作 反而最出名的水手服與機關槍就不是太欣賞 他對日本電影也好像是個相當特別的存在 作品不是十分賣座但卻影響深遠 也影響不少後輩導演 如果可以有一集聽你講講他就好了~