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  • @timofaust1315
    @timofaust1315 ปีที่แล้ว +78

    This video proofs the horrible state of MMORPGs in 2022...

    • @hawkCZ
      @hawkCZ ปีที่แล้ว

      @Tanya Shosa ff14 is shit

    • @hawkCZ
      @hawkCZ ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@Tanya Shosa number 1 mmorpg by far for hyper gay people like u

    • @samreecewellsable
      @samreecewellsable ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @Tanya Shosa the only reason people think ff14 is any good is that everything else is bad. there are a few things which make it amazing, but the majority of the game is watching story content (which, let's face it, isn't why people play mmo's) going out into the world solo to do something, or to re-run instanced content either with random's, or people you spam the same runs with every day

    • @aryantzh2028
      @aryantzh2028 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      yeah, albion & mortal is such a bad choice to put on a list, he should make to wow, gw2, ff14, lost ark, and elder scrolls online

    • @billy_cross5580
      @billy_cross5580 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Tanya Shosa please answer I am sick of hearing about how good Final Fantasy 14 is Final Fantasy 14 is just really available. Doesn’t have a great shamanic fashion because it’s got a subscription and that is why it’s popular but it’s got a terrible dialogue-based story at least at the beginning, I hear that it changes future or later expansions the way the story work from the beginning, your question, question, clicking, clicking, clicking, clicking, clicking, use from Boulder time standing and clicking on dialog Box 5th Avenue FDC that is not a good story. Good story is voice acted with cinematics and you don’t have to click on shit because I don’t want to click on makes any difference or close games turn sound like you have choices you prefer the corn through the dialogue and final fantasy have no PVP career need to speak of because the PVP is entirely different than the normal gameplay which is also another failure. It’s not the best game ever honestly, the best game ever is even popular anymore. It’s all of them online instead of Steve for all these other names wow stalled my Chihuahuas got an old man line and walked out the back fence, sorry rather games by things like the persistent world an older man like where are your house? Your vendor was always in the world. That was awesome. That was good. No game does that anymore it’s obviously yellow difficult direct space in the maps. Current of houses for thousands of people, but it was a feature Pepsi bad game above anything that exist today give me a delegate was everywhere Paul, even in the guards all zoo can still kill someone someone will talk to you or whatever you could work on the guards with work you but you can’t kill a person easily if you did it, right when you left town it was actually accelerating when you ran into another wire should I run? Should I fast travel away if you gonna attack me it was exciting no do you have that anymore? There’s too many restrictions on PVP even when it exists in the open world part of the game, I have any game pass to have the title met. Still, you know operating at that large capacity at wow is existent for longer than any of you have a wife and I am pretty sure they claim there’s between one and 2 million daily active players

  • @polatbor
    @polatbor ปีที่แล้ว +12

    there are no mmorpgs worth playing anymore :(

    • @johnhill762
      @johnhill762 ปีที่แล้ว

      Mhm…hopefully ashes of creation is worth it

  • @BioDestiny
    @BioDestiny ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Best for me are teso and gw2, and maybe albion online for the last.

  • @unrealdevop
    @unrealdevop ปีที่แล้ว

    4:09 Lol, the graphics look super flat and unshaded. It looks like they used a lighting system from 10+ years ago.

  • @pensive8552
    @pensive8552 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I didn't play New World at launch because it was obviously a complete shit show. But I recently picked it up and it's pretty fun imo. I can't really explain why, the fun doesn't really translate to video imo, but once you get in and play it hooks you - or atleast it hooked me.

  • @pawelunikow1563
    @pawelunikow1563 ปีที่แล้ว

    Eso is unplayable cuz of block bug

  • @DrPanda-kf8cu
    @DrPanda-kf8cu ปีที่แล้ว

    mortal online is an mmo but isn't it more of a (Rust) kinda mmo? it feels weird and wrong to be put into the same category as the others listed here...

    • @BullCashish
      @BullCashish ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It's similar to Rust in some ways, but it's a fully fledged MMORPG whereas Rust isn't - it has one massive fully persistent server for all players that doesn't get wiped and skills you need to level up as well as gold you need to make with banks to store it and so on. Rust is a great game but not an MMORPG, as there are hundreds of different servers and all of them get regular wipes. Nothing is persistent and it's really a different type of game. Hope this helps!

    • @DrPanda-kf8cu
      @DrPanda-kf8cu ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@BullCashish yep! Thanks for the helpful insight.

    • @billy_cross5580
      @billy_cross5580 ปีที่แล้ว

      Rust is in fact massively multiplayer online but it is a pvp sandbox survival game rather than an rpg. Mortal online 2 is an mmorpg without survival requirements. Ultima Online hands down the godfather of all mmorpgs started as full loot pvp just like mortal.

  • @skones5445
    @skones5445 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Eso has the worst combat system in any mmo 🤮

  • @sehrgrossesglied5000
    @sehrgrossesglied5000 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Too bad that new world wasn't finished as a open pvp full loot mom

    • @BullCashish
      @BullCashish ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Completely agree with you there skibba, New World could have been something truly greater than it currently is if they'd stuck with their original vision!

  • @rubenlamberti3791
    @rubenlamberti3791 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    No Guild Wars 2? Interesting 😕

    • @BullCashish
      @BullCashish ปีที่แล้ว

      Guild Wars 2 is a really great MMORPG too! It didn't make it in my list here because I personally don't like it as much as some other MMOs due to the horizontal progression (can be good and bad), but it's definitely a good one and will be featured in my next video coming out within the next few hours ;)

  • @bencarrington7260
    @bencarrington7260 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    No gw2 or lost ark? Damn bro I’d even put LOTRO above new world 💀

    • @Covac713
      @Covac713 ปีที่แล้ว

      Has LOTRO fixed the lag? :( I hate to play and each minute close to a ''busy area'' (more than 3 players k) it LAGS!

  • @tylerboyd7712
    @tylerboyd7712 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    We all know who the real goat is FFXIV

    • @kevingumfory
      @kevingumfory ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Even your name says boy in it. If you are hyper gay, like dresses and makeup you might like ff14. 8t has no endgame its about the dress you wear.

    • @skones5445
      @skones5445 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Even I who don't like FFXIV agrees on that

    • @romu_umu4681
      @romu_umu4681 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@kevingumfory you're into thai boytoys, old man. You sure you ain't projecting?

  • @rremnar
    @rremnar ปีที่แล้ว +4

    This is a opinion piece of what he thinks are good MMORPG's to play. Here are my opinions:
    WoW is the same boring crap, every expansion feels and plays the same. Go here and kill that, go there and get that, etc.. BORING. Avatars are ugly and boring, except maybe the Blood Elves. WoW Classic has better combat and a easier crafting system, but the lack of so many QoL features, killed it for me.
    New World: Never played it, and I won't touch it with a 10 foot pole. I don't have another 3 grand to blow if that game melts my GPU. It's been a shit show since it released, and there's still controversy on duping and other shit that goes on.
    MO2: same PvP garbage where devs have no idea WTF they are doing and spit out another turd. No thanks.
    Albion Online: I tried playing it, but it felt flat and boring and meaningless. It just didn't hook me.
    ESO: The only thing ESO has going for it, are the voice acting, quests and some nostalgia on some areas based on older Elder Scrolls games. The crafting sux, the combat is meh, and there is no general direction to take. Just pick a theme and go with it. Good luck finding any groups to play with. IF you do que for a dungeon, sometimes you get left sitting on the bench and don't even enter the dungeon. Why que at all?
    Some other mentions:
    Guild Wars 2 just feels archaic and old in some places. Don't bother crafting unless you got real money to drop on expanding your bank slots and stuff. Not worth it IMO. It's an ok game, but not good enough to keep me hooked. Don't bother being creative with your build, because you have to stick with cookie cutter builds in order to be useful.
    Star Wars the Old Republic: Decent story and lots of voice acting are what's going for it. I hope you enjoy being enclosed by walls of mountains or bad city planning in a scifi game. It's ok to try out, but it's too old and some of its features players don't use any more.
    Final Fantasy 14: It has many systems done right, except combat; which is kind of dull. It is a huge game, but the QoL features rival just about every other game. If you enjoy high fantasy, story and don't mind reading some, then it is a pretty good game. Though if you want to reach the end, you will have to go through the story of each expansion, which has its own pros and cons. The game kept me going off and on for 2 years or so on my total play time. I burned out to the point where I could no longer enjoy it. Graphics are starting to get dated, but a revamp is comming in version 7. Enjoy the Zodiark story, as deep and long (and a bit inconsistent) as it is. It's not for every one, but I do recommend trying the demo. It's funny that this game rivals another in terms of quality; and you'll pay for it too.

  • @guidoblok
    @guidoblok ปีที่แล้ว +1

    "Where maplestory?""

    • @vihaanreyansh6244
      @vihaanreyansh6244 ปีที่แล้ว

      💩- Right here!

    • @guidoblok
      @guidoblok ปีที่แล้ว

      @@vihaanreyansh6244 you never played it i know

    • @vihaanreyansh6244
      @vihaanreyansh6244 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@guidoblok I've played pretty much everything MMO! That's why I'm watching videos like this, I'm looking for a new MMO that doesn't suck! I'm chasing a high that doesn't exist! IT DOESN'T EXIST!!!!

    • @guidoblok
      @guidoblok ปีที่แล้ว

      @@vihaanreyansh6244 What level is your maplestory main?

    • @guidoblok
      @guidoblok ปีที่แล้ว

      @@vihaanreyansh6244 I agree the perfect mmo is really hard to find and yeah i do have a bias to maplestory since 2009 but dont get me wrong i do not play it all the time, maybe once a month or season i return. The last mmo ive been playing alot was ff14 but im really waiting for that graphical update patch in the far future.

  • @raydden1210
    @raydden1210 ปีที่แล้ว

    lol huh ... no ...
    I think the best one to play is ff14 in first place , and than you could play GW2 or humm.. .i couldnt say ... maybe lost ark if you ignore the pay to win .. its still enjoyable without paying to win ..ESO i guess..i just hate the graphics and physics...the rest in this list is pffff

  • @DarkReaperK97
    @DarkReaperK97 ปีที่แล้ว

    No Guild Wars 2 and no Final Fantasy XIV? Interesting...

    • @kvak
      @kvak ปีที่แล้ว

      because gw2 is trash game for trash players

  • @doanrii3242
    @doanrii3242 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    if u ask me lost ark is better than new world no endgame content in new world unlike lost ark u have horizontal content u can do if u r bored in dungeon raid but new world has good pvp than lost ark but buggy

  • @tomikontkanen44
    @tomikontkanen44 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Albion online is full trash for me.

  • @tjklegion
    @tjklegion ปีที่แล้ว

    NEW World is dead , 900 - 1600 ppl on servers, when cap is 2500. Cant find pvp, pve it's a joke. 25k players sunday peak for WORLD , 13k for EU .... It's DEAD

  • @aryantzh2028
    @aryantzh2028 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    u should change ur title into "my top 5 mmorpg" because u don't have money to buy ff14, u sucks at playing lost ark, and u dont have more storage space to play guild wars 2.

  • @ariessuggs3819
    @ariessuggs3819 ปีที่แล้ว

    your lists are all too similar unfortunately

  • @lutrueson9000
    @lutrueson9000 ปีที่แล้ว

    wow... this list has not aged well🤣

  • @liveletlive0regrets
    @liveletlive0regrets ปีที่แล้ว

    Ark Survival Evolved

  • @BossXAOC
    @BossXAOC ปีที่แล้ว +2

    How Can ESO be in the TOP 5? The combat is completely dull, the system that everything is levling with you makes everything samey and repetetive. There is literally no different in combat or gameplay either you have 10 or 100-1000 hours. Its just a Spam combat, with bad hit feedback and repetetive gameplay without any challange. The Storys and the world are beautiful thats why I am so pissed off by the combat. The Combat and the leveling system are holding this game so back. Eso should decicde if they want to have a REAL Action combat or a tab target combat and go for it. And please change the everything is everytime on your level system. First it sound cool and newcomer friendly but it destroys any feeling of progression, because there is no progression you make. You could play this game 100 hours with your start armor and weapons. Thats just so frustrating.

    • @MrKaniu47
      @MrKaniu47 ปีที่แล้ว

      Eso combat is best combat there out of any other mmorpgs, you just dont like it and its okay, but its not "spam combat", its more complex but its unique, fast, dynamic, but some people dont like fast and dynamic combat like that and they prefer to have 20 seconds skills cooldown with slow, boring combat system

  • @billy_cross5580
    @billy_cross5580 ปีที่แล้ว

    No, it is it different every MMORPG with what they call action combat gives you the ability to lock up how the father or mother of action combat oh I had a lockdown function and all the way back to hold them online. They didn’t call it action camera, but you could either directly target your Adamy are you going to logon with tab targeting this is a new none of this shit is new Games like black desert where you’re just spamming abilities in the general direction of your target are the new thing but almost every other game allows you to lock and keep your perspective on your target at all times and never miss a shot. That’s not a new cancel that cancel dates all the way back to the very first MMORPGs And I had a buddy in a guild I was in an old man live there. Correction come out with a bastard. He was deadly with a spear all of the scream attacking you. Fuck me while SMH you always your staff targeting because you know every spell hand to be targeted, so why bother directly targeting when you can photos of attorney, won NFL last start a button cast of Sproul last started gas smell last target, why anybody thinks counter hitting is bad is beyond me

    • @Kaiddou
      @Kaiddou ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Dude your responses on all these videos are crazy. They don't even make sense. Noone can tell what the hell you are talking about. You just start talking in the middle of an idea and just don't make sense lol. What are you trying to say.

    • @billy_cross5580
      @billy_cross5580 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Kaiddou I’m sorry I don’t understand

    • @Kaiddou
      @Kaiddou ปีที่แล้ว +1

      What a surprise... lmao. Nobody understands a single comment of yours. They just don't make sense. It's like you are responding to someone that isn't talking to you?

    • @billy_cross5580
      @billy_cross5580 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Kaiddou what the fuck are you talking about?

  • @charlesshook5834
    @charlesshook5834 ปีที่แล้ว

    anyone that add full loot pvp game have no clue what there talking about

  • @aryantzh2028
    @aryantzh2028 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    change albion online & mortal online 2 to lost ark & final fantasy 14 and u'll get a lot of viewers & likes. ur welcome.

  • @willsteuer1621
    @willsteuer1621 ปีที่แล้ว

    What krap! These are the 5 worst mmo's you could play. 10 points will be deducted from Slytherin.

  • @-LoNova
    @-LoNova ปีที่แล้ว

    Dcuo is better than all of these

    • @luga7421
      @luga7421 ปีที่แล้ว

      Which one u recommend? I dont know which one to play.

  • @dterror5975
    @dterror5975 ปีที่แล้ว

    bro those games are so old and not fun anymore

    • @luga7421
      @luga7421 ปีที่แล้ว

      Which one u recomend? I dont know Which one to play.

  • @kevingumfory
    @kevingumfory ปีที่แล้ว +1

    MMO's are dead. The people that say otherwise rely on games to live. Devs mods content creators. Stop listening to these clowns

    • @johnwhite4070
      @johnwhite4070 ปีที่แล้ว

      They are dead to you but there are still a lot of people who play them. They aren’t dead

    • @kevingumfory
      @kevingumfory ปีที่แล้ว

      @@johnwhite4070 the people that play them are shills and employees. There are no common gamers playing any mmo anymore. Load any mmo. They are populated with bots and shills. Theres nobody grouping. Nobody playing. Its all pay to win shit. Ill respond to anybody that declares otherwise. Shit ass pay to win mmoa

  • @vodkarum8187
    @vodkarum8187 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nobody cares about WoW, its a 20 years old game, get over it. If we would play it we wouldnt be here.