Personally. I don't think Schmooey would try to fake Act 9. I just don't think Schmooey would do something that obvious, I doubt he would dare Fake something as time consuming and as unrealistic as Act 9. I think Supernovae was already a bit of a stretch but I don't think he would dare do any of act 9, at least until a Method was found, because he probably would've slide tapped most of it which just isn't possible for things like Suicide solo, or he would rake Final solo on a World Tour guitar which I just doubt. He probably would've went for individual sections at higher speeds like 110% or 125% but he wouldn't try to tech all of act 9. Obviously, this is all my opinion, don't go shitting on my opinion or other people's opinion just because it's different to your own. This should be just a passive conversation about it but please don't end this like every other Schmooey talk. I'm talking to everyone, including myself.
he played this shit again??
light machine gun strumming
aggravational beer downfall
55:43 never forget
37:26 idk why in the hell they nerfed chorus 8
7 stars on a song like this must be next to impossible.
Does anyone have a recording of his first playthrough?
Hell act 9 can be its own song
Wow frif si es muy bueno
44:15 lol
I mean even after exposed he got it still.
Omg fran resubiendo clips de illojuan😱😱😱🤑🤑🤑
Bro 5:00
Personally. I don't think Schmooey would try to fake Act 9. I just don't think Schmooey would do something that obvious, I doubt he would dare Fake something as time consuming and as unrealistic as Act 9.
I think Supernovae was already a bit of a stretch but I don't think he would dare do any of act 9, at least until a Method was found, because he probably would've slide tapped most of it which just isn't possible for things like Suicide solo, or he would rake Final solo on a World Tour guitar which I just doubt. He probably would've went for individual sections at higher speeds like 110% or 125% but he wouldn't try to tech all of act 9.
Obviously, this is all my opinion, don't go shitting on my opinion or other people's opinion just because it's different to your own. This should be just a passive conversation about it but please don't end this like every other Schmooey talk. I'm talking to everyone, including myself.