Drama Title: Serendipity (2021) Plot: Yan Sui is a veteran crossworld traveller - he enters storybook worlds and completes character missions to earn spiritual energy as a reward. His life starts to change when an ordinary girl, Mu Xiao Ru, accidentally stumbles into his inter-dimensional space and is sucked into one of his storybook worlds, all with the help of a magic bracelet which she obtained & has been wearing for a long time ago. Yan Sui has no choice but to enter his old storybook world to guide and save Mu Xiao Ru because her magic bracelet holds the key to his past. Both Yan Sui and Mu Xiao Ru then proceed to embark on a series of storybook adventures as they seek to find an answer about the bracelet and their own past as well. Related Content The Story of Souls from Endless Books (Chinese compilation) Native Title: 偶然闯入的世界 Also Known As: Accidental World , Ou Ran Chuang Ru De Shi Jie , 偶然闖入的世界 Episodes: 12
Drama Title: Serendipity (2021) Plot: Yan Sui is a veteran crossworld traveller - he enters storybook worlds and completes character missions to earn spiritual energy as a reward. His life starts to change when an ordinary girl, Mu Xiao Ru, accidentally stumbles into his inter-dimensional space and is sucked into one of his storybook worlds, all with the help of a magic bracelet which she obtained & has been wearing for a long time ago. Yan Sui has no choice but to enter his old storybook world to guide and save Mu Xiao Ru because her magic bracelet holds the key to his past. Both Yan Sui and Mu Xiao Ru then proceed to embark on a series of storybook adventures as they seek to find an answer about the bracelet and their own past as well. Related Content The Story of Souls from Endless Books (Chinese compilation) Native Title: 偶然闯入的世界 Also Known As: Accidental World , Ou Ran Chuang Ru De Shi Jie , 偶然闖入的世界 Episodes: 12
Drama Title: Serendipity (2021) Plot: Yan Sui is a veteran crossworld traveller - he enters storybook worlds and completes character missions to earn spiritual energy as a reward. His life starts to change when an ordinary girl, Mu Xiao Ru, accidentally stumbles into his inter-dimensional space and is sucked into one of his storybook worlds, all with the help of a magic bracelet which she obtained & has been wearing for a long time ago. Yan Sui has no choice but to enter his old storybook world to guide and save Mu Xiao Ru because her magic bracelet holds the key to his past. Both Yan Sui and Mu Xiao Ru then proceed to embark on a series of storybook adventures as they seek to find an answer about the bracelet and their own past as well. Related Content The Story of Souls from Endless Books (Chinese compilation) Native Title: 偶然闯入的世界 Also Known As: Accidental World , Ou Ran Chuang Ru De Shi Jie , 偶然闖入的世界 Episodes: 12
Drama Title: Serendipity (2021) Plot: Yan Sui is a veteran crossworld traveller - he enters storybook worlds and completes character missions to earn spiritual energy as a reward. His life starts to change when an ordinary girl, Mu Xiao Ru, accidentally stumbles into his inter-dimensional space and is sucked into one of his storybook worlds, all with the help of a magic bracelet which she obtained & has been wearing for a long time ago. Yan Sui has no choice but to enter his old storybook world to guide and save Mu Xiao Ru because her magic bracelet holds the key to his past. Both Yan Sui and Mu Xiao Ru then proceed to embark on a series of storybook adventures as they seek to find an answer about the bracelet and their own past as well. Related Content The Story of Souls from Endless Books (Chinese compilation) Native Title: 偶然闯入的世界 Also Known As: Accidental World , Ou Ran Chuang Ru De Shi Jie , 偶然闖入的世界 Episodes: 12
Drama Title: Serendipity (2021) Plot: Yan Sui is a veteran crossworld traveller - he enters storybook worlds and completes character missions to earn spiritual energy as a reward. His life starts to change when an ordinary girl, Mu Xiao Ru, accidentally stumbles into his inter-dimensional space and is sucked into one of his storybook worlds, all with the help of a magic bracelet which she obtained & has been wearing for a long time ago. Yan Sui has no choice but to enter his old storybook world to guide and save Mu Xiao Ru because her magic bracelet holds the key to his past. Both Yan Sui and Mu Xiao Ru then proceed to embark on a series of storybook adventures as they seek to find an answer about the bracelet and their own past as well. Related Content The Story of Souls from Endless Books (Chinese compilation) Native Title: 偶然闯入的世界 Also Known As: Accidental World , Ou Ran Chuang Ru De Shi Jie , 偶然闖入的世界 Episodes: 12
Drama Title: Serendipity (2021) Plot: Yan Sui is a veteran crossworld traveller - he enters storybook worlds and completes character missions to earn spiritual energy as a reward. His life starts to change when an ordinary girl, Mu Xiao Ru, accidentally stumbles into his inter-dimensional space and is sucked into one of his storybook worlds, all with the help of a magic bracelet which she obtained & has been wearing for a long time ago. Yan Sui has no choice but to enter his old storybook world to guide and save Mu Xiao Ru because her magic bracelet holds the key to his past. Both Yan Sui and Mu Xiao Ru then proceed to embark on a series of storybook adventures as they seek to find an answer about the bracelet and their own past as well. Related Content The Story of Souls from Endless Books (Chinese compilation) Native Title: 偶然闯入的世界 Also Known As: Accidental World , Ou Ran Chuang Ru De Shi Jie , 偶然闖入的世界 Episodes: 12
💥Drama name: Serendipity
💖Full video with ENG Sub👉th-cam.com/play/PLx4E7q0i0vo28lo_SIMB2C-SZSUcUcyLw.html
Thank you 😊
Como se llama. Esta serie asi la puedo ver del principio
Title name please?
💥Drama name: Serendipity
💖Full video with ENG Sub👉th-cam.com/play/PLx4E7q0i0vo28lo_SIMB2C-SZSUcUcyLw.html
Drama Title: Serendipity (2021)
Plot: Yan Sui is a veteran crossworld traveller - he enters storybook worlds and completes character missions to earn spiritual energy as a reward. His life starts to change when an ordinary girl, Mu Xiao Ru, accidentally stumbles into his inter-dimensional space and is sucked into one of his storybook worlds, all with the help of a magic bracelet which she obtained & has been wearing for a long time ago.
Yan Sui has no choice but to enter his old storybook world to guide and save Mu Xiao Ru because her magic bracelet holds the key to his past. Both Yan Sui and Mu Xiao Ru then proceed to embark on a series of storybook adventures as they seek to find an answer about the bracelet and their own past as well.
Related Content
The Story of Souls from Endless Books (Chinese compilation)
Native Title: 偶然闯入的世界
Also Known As: Accidental World , Ou Ran Chuang Ru De Shi Jie , 偶然闖入的世界
Episodes: 12
Drama name in English
💥Drama name: Serendipity
💖Full video with ENG Sub👉th-cam.com/play/PLx4E7q0i0vo28lo_SIMB2C-SZSUcUcyLw.html
Drama Title: Serendipity (2021)
Plot: Yan Sui is a veteran crossworld traveller - he enters storybook worlds and completes character missions to earn spiritual energy as a reward. His life starts to change when an ordinary girl, Mu Xiao Ru, accidentally stumbles into his inter-dimensional space and is sucked into one of his storybook worlds, all with the help of a magic bracelet which she obtained & has been wearing for a long time ago.
Yan Sui has no choice but to enter his old storybook world to guide and save Mu Xiao Ru because her magic bracelet holds the key to his past. Both Yan Sui and Mu Xiao Ru then proceed to embark on a series of storybook adventures as they seek to find an answer about the bracelet and their own past as well.
Related Content
The Story of Souls from Endless Books (Chinese compilation)
Native Title: 偶然闯入的世界
Also Known As: Accidental World , Ou Ran Chuang Ru De Shi Jie , 偶然闖入的世界
Episodes: 12
💥Drama name: Serendipity
💖Full video with ENG Sub👉th-cam.com/play/PLx4E7q0i0vo28lo_SIMB2C-SZSUcUcyLw.html
Drama Title: Serendipity (2021)
Plot: Yan Sui is a veteran crossworld traveller - he enters storybook worlds and completes character missions to earn spiritual energy as a reward. His life starts to change when an ordinary girl, Mu Xiao Ru, accidentally stumbles into his inter-dimensional space and is sucked into one of his storybook worlds, all with the help of a magic bracelet which she obtained & has been wearing for a long time ago.
Yan Sui has no choice but to enter his old storybook world to guide and save Mu Xiao Ru because her magic bracelet holds the key to his past. Both Yan Sui and Mu Xiao Ru then proceed to embark on a series of storybook adventures as they seek to find an answer about the bracelet and their own past as well.
Related Content
The Story of Souls from Endless Books (Chinese compilation)
Native Title: 偶然闯入的世界
Also Known As: Accidental World , Ou Ran Chuang Ru De Shi Jie , 偶然闖入的世界
Episodes: 12
@@Doreas13 thank you so much 😊
Name: serendipia
Drama Title: Serendipity (2021)
Plot: Yan Sui is a veteran crossworld traveller - he enters storybook worlds and completes character missions to earn spiritual energy as a reward. His life starts to change when an ordinary girl, Mu Xiao Ru, accidentally stumbles into his inter-dimensional space and is sucked into one of his storybook worlds, all with the help of a magic bracelet which she obtained & has been wearing for a long time ago.
Yan Sui has no choice but to enter his old storybook world to guide and save Mu Xiao Ru because her magic bracelet holds the key to his past. Both Yan Sui and Mu Xiao Ru then proceed to embark on a series of storybook adventures as they seek to find an answer about the bracelet and their own past as well.
Related Content
The Story of Souls from Endless Books (Chinese compilation)
Native Title: 偶然闯入的世界
Also Known As: Accidental World , Ou Ran Chuang Ru De Shi Jie , 偶然闖入的世界
Episodes: 12
Drama Title: Serendipity (2021)
Plot: Yan Sui is a veteran crossworld traveller - he enters storybook worlds and completes character missions to earn spiritual energy as a reward. His life starts to change when an ordinary girl, Mu Xiao Ru, accidentally stumbles into his inter-dimensional space and is sucked into one of his storybook worlds, all with the help of a magic bracelet which she obtained & has been wearing for a long time ago.
Yan Sui has no choice but to enter his old storybook world to guide and save Mu Xiao Ru because her magic bracelet holds the key to his past. Both Yan Sui and Mu Xiao Ru then proceed to embark on a series of storybook adventures as they seek to find an answer about the bracelet and their own past as well.
Related Content
The Story of Souls from Endless Books (Chinese compilation)
Native Title: 偶然闯入的世界
Also Known As: Accidental World , Ou Ran Chuang Ru De Shi Jie , 偶然闖入的世界
Episodes: 12
Can somebody please give the name of this drama? I have looked and looked and I can’t find nothing. I sure would like to have it. Thank you.😮
Came here with you
That drama title does not work
Drama Title: Serendipity (2021)
Plot: Yan Sui is a veteran crossworld traveller - he enters storybook worlds and completes character missions to earn spiritual energy as a reward. His life starts to change when an ordinary girl, Mu Xiao Ru, accidentally stumbles into his inter-dimensional space and is sucked into one of his storybook worlds, all with the help of a magic bracelet which she obtained & has been wearing for a long time ago.
Yan Sui has no choice but to enter his old storybook world to guide and save Mu Xiao Ru because her magic bracelet holds the key to his past. Both Yan Sui and Mu Xiao Ru then proceed to embark on a series of storybook adventures as they seek to find an answer about the bracelet and their own past as well.
Related Content
The Story of Souls from Endless Books (Chinese compilation)
Native Title: 偶然闯入的世界
Also Known As: Accidental World , Ou Ran Chuang Ru De Shi Jie , 偶然闖入的世界
Episodes: 12
Serendipity 2021