Guild Wars PvP 2024: FORT ASPENWOOD EXORCISM with Nature Spirits Ranger ✝️😂✝️

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 2 พ.ย. 2024
  • Once upon a time, some people on the Luxon side of the FA got tired of losing matches.
    Some of the most toxic people went to the Kurzick side to leech off our winnings, leaving the Luxon side even more vulnerable. This made the games imbalanced unfair, predictable and BORING!
    These folks sabotage the game by leaving matches when there are no healers to carry them, and they badmouth just about anyone they feel intimidated by.
    They want an easy or free ride and the only way to get rid of them is to make matches difficult for them.
    So I decided to play Ranger today to cleanse the Kurzick side and have some good old-fashioned Guild Wars PvP fun while ding it! After all, isn't that what gaming is supposed to be all about?
    And yes the idea worked.
    Toxics went back home and we had normal healthy matches for the rest of the game.
    I hope you enjoy this footage as much as I enjoyed the match!
  • เกม

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