Glimpses From The Life of Sayeda Khadija (a) - Sayed Mohammed Baqer Al-Qazwini

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ก.ย. 2024
  • Al-Rasoul Islamic Society || Halifax - Canada

ความคิดเห็น • 16

  • @bntalhoda310
    @bntalhoda310 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I can't stop crying, the most humbling thing I've ever heard, Mrs. Khadija, she is the pride of Islam, amazing woman.

  • @omersuliman_
    @omersuliman_ 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    peace be upon you lady khadijah 🩵

  • @malaksalah
    @malaksalah 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    بارك الله فيك سيد وغفر الله لوالديكم

  • @MsNadua
    @MsNadua 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    I love the translations of the Quran verses that you do. It is the best translation of the Quran I have come across with a deep understanding. Thank you for that.

    • @bebimimi
      @bebimimi 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Can you please share the link for it? Thank you.

    • @MsNadua
      @MsNadua 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      The Quran verses are mentioned throughout the videos to prove points in this channel, , as well as the other members of Al-Qazwini family channels like , , , and Al-Qazwini videos on .

    • @Hadi.Hussein
      @Hadi.Hussein 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@MsNaduasubhanAllah thank you

  • @mkms7317
    @mkms7317 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    السلام على حبيبة الله ورسوله السيدة الطاهرة خديجة الكبرى ورحمة الله وبركاته

  • @Sanubalti-yp9rc
    @Sanubalti-yp9rc 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5


  • @abdalazizariff5154
    @abdalazizariff5154 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


    • @corpsefoot758
      @corpsefoot758 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Those other daughters were adopted
      And you should make sure to remember her great sacrifices in the Valley of Abu Talib, when many so-called “Sahaba” abandoned the holy Prophet & she was his only wife.

    • @abdalazizariff5154
      @abdalazizariff5154 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      It is said about Umm-ul-Momineen Hazrat Khadija [RA] that her age 40
      when she married the Generous Prophet [AS]. It was a historical Rivayat,
      and it was not necessary to depend upon the reality; but is was so much
      propagated that it assumed a religious position. In as much as it was
      attempted to prove through this event that the Generous Prophet [AS]
      passed his period of youth with an old woman. During this old age, she
      [RA] gave birth to four daughters: Zaynab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulsoom and
      Fatimah Rdh; and three sons, namely, Qasim, Tayyab and Tahir were
      born. According to some, she(RA) gave birth to four sons, amidst them the
      name of a son was Abdullah, while some other say that very Abdullah is
      called Tayyab and Tahir. Hazrat Khadijah [RA] had already got married
      two times. One marriage was with Abu Halah Hind bin Banash bin
      Za‘ra‘ra. From him, she bore a boy and a girl. The name of the boy was
      Hind and the girl's was Halah. After the demise of Abu Halah, she married
      Ateeque bin 'Ayied Makhzumee .From him a girl was born, and her name
      was also Hind. This is why Hazrat Khadijah’s Kunniyat/Surname was
      Umm Hind. Hazrat Khadijah's son, Hind had embraced Islam. By him
      (RA), the good personal appearances [AS] have been stated in the
      ‘Shamaiel Tirmidhi’. (the Seeratun-Nabi, Vol.2, p. 402) Here a question
      arises that Hazrat Khadijah [RA] gave birth to four offsprings in the
      youth, but she bore seven or eight children in her old age, which is quite
      contrary to the sagacity. The reason: according to the Medical Science, a
      woman becomes unfertile to bear a child, generally after the age of 45. How
      it can be believed that eight children were born after the age of 40? The
      Orientalists and the enemies of Islam give emphasis on this state of affairs,
      because this situation is against the sagacity. And, presenting this event,
      they ridicule Islam. But our Ulema/Religious Scholars take it as "good
      enough a miracle, as such as they reckon it in the Fa‘za‘iel/ Virtues of the
      (Generous Prophet [AS], that he (AS) married an old woman in his young
      age. On the other hand, presenting this situation, the Sabaites claim that
      the birth of such a number of children in the old age is not possible, so
      (Zaynab, Ruqayya and Umm Kulthoom are not daughters), only two sons
      and one daughter were bom to him. Along with it, they (the Sabaites) also
      recognise that Hazrat Khadijah’s age at the wedding was 40. Though they
      are expert in playing the ‘game-of-ages ’, yet by mistake they also claim
      that Hazrat Fatimah [RA] was born five years before the Nabuvat/
      Prophethood [AS]. As if when Hazrat Fatimah [RA] was born, so Hazrat
      Khadijah [RA] was 60 years old. With this regard, if it is not possible that
      Hazrat Zaynab [RA], Hazrat Ruqayyah [RA] and Hazrat Kulthoom [RA]
      are the offsprings of Hazrat Khadijah [RA], so it is quite difficult that
      Hazrat Fatimah [RA] is not her daughter- Firstly, they must prove that a
      woman at the age of 60 can bear a child or not. And, when they provide this
      proof, then they must show that Hazrat Fatimah RA is the daughter of
      Hazrat Khadijah RA. When the “Sahaieyah millat” will have to prove
      these two things, then we will prove that these four daughters were bom
      from Hazrat Khadijah RA to the Generous Prophet [AS]. But the reality is
      that there is a difference in the age of Hazrat Khadijah [RA], and there are
      different statements of the historians. One statement is that she was 40
      years. The other one states thirty-five. Another states thirty, and someone
      states twenty-seven, while the one says that her age was twenty-five. The
      Sabaite historians did state that she was forty, and they did not copy other
      statements. And they clamoured for the age of forty as much as that other
      statements became non-existent. Even though, our Ulema/Scholars and all
      the later historians thought their statement ‘exact’ . Hafiz Ibn Katheer
      "Baheeqi quoted it from Hakim when the Prophet of Allah [AS] married
      Khadijah [RA], he (AS) was twenty-five, and Hazrat Khadijah Rdh was
      thirty - five ; one other statement is that her age was twenty five” (the alBadayah, Vol. II, p. 295 ) In other words, Baheeqi and Hakim state that
      Hazrat Khadijah [RA] was thirty-five at that time. Along with this, these
      persons also say that there is a statement that she was twenty-five years. At
      other place, Hafiz ibn Katheer, stating the total age of Hazrat Khadijah
      [RA] at her death year, writes : Hazrat Khadijah' s age tolled to 65. A
      statement is that she was 50. And this very statement is correct.” (the AlBadayah wun-Nehayah, Vol. II, p 294) All the Mu‘had‘de‘seen/ Scholars of
      Hadees and the Historians agree that Hazrat Khadijah [RA] remained for
      twenty-five years in the marriage bond of Generous Prophet [RA], and she
      [RA] passed away in the tenth year of the Nabuvat/ Prophethood [AS].
      Hafiz Ibn Katheer says; ‘the correct statement is that her age tolled 50
      years’ and has proved that Hazrat Khadijah‘s age at the time of her
      wedding was only 25 years. And, Hafiz Ibn Katheer also proved that the
      remaining statements were wrong and incorrect. Even having such a clear
      explanation, we have been believing in a mere hearsay gossip; and
      incidentaly, we too were involved in this unbeatable / fatal disease: But
      when we studied the ‘ Al-Badayah wun-Ne-hayah' of Hafiz Ibn Katheer, we
      realised our mistake. May Allah the Almighty forgive us that we were the
      victims of a greater misunderstanding. May Allah the Almighty bestow
      upon all of us the comprehension of the Truth. (Amien ! O the
      Nourisher of all the Worlds ! ) @@corpsefoot758

    • @corpsefoot758
      @corpsefoot758 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Your sect is only one perspective. There are other schools of Islam as well

    • @abdalazizariff5154
      @abdalazizariff5154 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You born in a shia family, it is not your fault,following forefathers I was born in a sunni family not my fault.following forefathers.We are accidental muslims.The word for sect in Quran is SHIA. I do not belong to any sect-just a muslim. All the books beside Quran-THEY ARE HISTORY-HIS+STORY.
      if you go to wikishia and type khadija ,you will find similar information I provided.
      The cousin of Hazrat Khadija[ra] was also born in side Kaaba, Hazrat Hamza[ra] was called Lion. Hazrat Umar[ra] was called door of knowledge.
      From shia scholars, including Justice Ameer Ali, whose book is used in university in pakistan
      per one shia scholar think ali naqi naqwi-bibi sakina was married to the eldest son of hassan, brother of hussein. She lived a long life almost 80 plus, She has a resting place in Damascus as five year old-tabbot sakinah, one resting place in Cairo very close tho the resting place of hussein. She has another resting place in Madinah.

    • @corpsefoot758
      @corpsefoot758 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Where is the proof for your nonsense claim that Umar was the door of knowledge? Umar didn’t even know the proper ritual for Tayammum, doesn’t sound knowledgeable at all to me