I feel like flying wildhog never knew what to do with this franchise. The 1st game probably was the closest they got to a good formula but still it was a flawed experience. Then they made a looter and a doom eternal clone.
Yup, there is not at all an identity of its own to these games, and it's a pretty terrible realization after three games to know that is the case in hindsight.
As much as I would insist that the new Doom games are hella amazing, even I myself feel your pain on the rigidity of their combat loop. I don’t see them as flaws, but I can’t deny that there’s something confining about following a game’s strictly defined flow as opposed to Shadow Warrior letting you play at your own pace, sword or no sword even. Have you ever tried Ultrakill? I have a feeling the freedom in that type of shooter is right up your alley.
Regarding unfixed issues with cuscenes, I suppose they were busy with preparing evil West and not so many people played the game after the silent premiere which didn't have any marketing additionally.
surprised you didn't mention the linearity of this game, sure the 2013 game wasn't open wolrd or maze-like or anything like that, but you could explore the maps for secrets and cash and upgrade points I feel like this one would have benefited from variety in scenery, then the game could have been longer as well without overstaying it's welcome
There are good and bad ways to do linearity. Shadow Warrior 3 is somewhere in the "neither good nor bad linearity" spectrum, so it's not really worth mentioning.
@@DWTerminator personally I think it pulls off the linearity well because although it's basically a rail shooter, it keeps you hooked and entertained along the way usually through the sheer spectacle of the traversal like running across the giant dam falling apart on the other hand the very fact that it is so rigidly linear is really annoying the first one had it right in just being linear structure of levels, not a straight line ah well at least the combat keeps it goin
I played this thing in the meantime. Got it for 15 bucks in a sale. But I really hate how this just feels like a dumbed down version of Doom Eternal on top of nerfing the Katana, which was always kind of the trademark weapon of these reboot games to basically only have a single utility to it, which is not dealing damage or vary up the gameplay any more. Also for some reason the enemy roster in this got very boring way quicker than in DE or even SW 2 the same held true for the linearity of the map design. To me this is the weakest out of all SW reboot games, sadly even by far. Which was never what I thought I would find coming back to them now after having played SW 3.
Played it. Felt like a 5 hour-long Doom Eternal DLC. Ran just fine at launch, which unfortunately is more than most major releases in the last 10 years can say for themselves. If you really loved Doom Eternal and crave desperatly more of it, SW3 is more of it. Wait for a sale or give it a try if it's on Game Pass if you want, but it's not a must-have.
I sadly disagree with that. It just feels like a very much dumbed down lazy rip off of Doom Eternal and made me want to stop it and go back to Doom Eternal itself. Not a compliment in any way.
as someone who doesn't like being forced to use specific weapons/strategies for each encounter, I find this game a lot more enjoyable than Doom eternal.
@@DWTerminator Then I may just do a hard pass on this one. I can play Beat Hazzard if I turn the effects down, but even then I probably wouldn't play it in complete darkness.
I honestly don't understand all the hate for SW2, I enjoyed the hell outa it & made it through the entire game, something I won't do with Doom Eternal.
With the benefit of hindsight, I do kinda agree with that now. Though you can't compare Doom Eternal to any other Shadow Warrior game really. I hated it far more at the time than I do now - after being very disappointed with SW 3 and rather wanting to play Doom Eternal instead.
I mean, among old-school FPS fans, Shadow Warrior 3 is part of the "Build Trinity" along with Duke Nukem 3D and Blood. It's certainly widely loved... but it tends to get overshadowed by the other two.
@@DWTerminator Don’t you think that the first and only sequel killing the series makes Blood far _less_ regarded than Shadow Warrior? SW had a redux and an entirely rebooted franchise for goodness’ sake.
First... Shadow Warrior Classic Redux is just a source port with some extra content, much like Blood: Fresh Supply is. Second... Shadow Warrior never had the licensing issues Blood did, so it was easier to bring back. I mean hell, it was easier to put Redneck Rampage back up for sale than Blood, and barely anyone actually remembers that game.
Being a fan of the Shadow Warrior IP in general I have each of the existing Shadow Warrior titles on Steam having bought each Shadow Warrior title prior to Shadow Warrior 3 while SW Original Classic Redux, SW1, SW2, and even the SW themed Viscera Cleanup Detail while each of them were on sale for under 10 bucks per game. SW3 I was given as a birthday present from my dad during the middle of April so that's the one SW game I didn't burn any of my hard earned money that I have on my Steam library. It's on of the three SW related titles that I have as Perfect Games on Steam getting all achievements on out of the 19 or 20 Perfect Games total with the other two SW games on said list are Shadow Warrior Classic Redux (remastered version of the original) and Viscera Cleanup Detail: Shadow Warrior. Shadow Warrior 3 like how you rank the SW titles is around my top three SW titles alongside SW1 and the original 1997 version of SW. Nice review btw!
Btw what did they add with the updates since the game launched? You mentioned the short length to price complaints folks levied at it. I know they did add a harder difficulty, but are there any other noticeable additions besides that which make this game a better deal than when it was new? Edit: Sounds like towards the end you answered that. NG+ not the worst thing to have, but i rather have different modes which spice up the gameplay than just replay the same content with unlocks again. Somehow, that doesn't really grab me as much with an fps as opposed with other genres... Thanks for the review!
Really liked the second game coming from a borderlands fan played the first after the second and didn't enjoy the first. Brought this for £3.09 while they temporarily put this as the price the first game should have been.
Maybe it's because I just burned myself off boomer shooters over the years, but I really didn't find the original shadow warrior all that great. It was decent at best. This one looks more like doom eternal, only a bit more self aware and a little less cringe.
Had me until you started to bs Doom 2016/Eternal. You say you're forced to stop to glory kill enemies for health and conveniently omit the fact that there are health and ammo pickups throughout the ENTIRE game and you can even get health by just shooting enemies. Then you try to push the notion that unlike the new Doom games, there's actual pickups in the map. Then you generalize by making it seem that EVERY enemy in Eternal has a very specific way to be killed which you're forced to do. Zombiemen, Imps, lost souls, Hell knights, Barons, Mancubi, Arachnotrons, Pain Elementals, zombies, Archviles, Prowlers, Gargoyles, Cyberdemons and Carcasses can be killed by just shooting at them, so where's this supposed "forced to kill them in a very specific way"? Even Doom hunters can be killed in numerous ways without the need to use a plasma rifle. Then you try to ram that statement home by dismissing any potential call out towards you by calling people "Doom Eternal fanboys". I'm sorry but a lie is a lie. Edit: Nevermind, just took a look at your comments history on this game, so now I'm know I'm wasting my time here.
I played through Doom Eternal on ultra-violence. Nothing I've ever said about the game, whether in this video or my review, is a lie. I'm also beyond done with Doom Eternal fans since they cannot be reasoned with in the slightest. Thanks for living up to that expectation.
It's surprising how often our opinions about games are exactly the same until they aren't, but when they aren't they're reeeaally far away from each other. I loved SW2 and Doom Eternal, wouldn't consider me a fanboy though. I was so hyped for SW3, but I deinstalled it after 3 hours. After experiencing the godlike animation work and sound design of Doom Eternal it was really hard for me to enjoy the decent but inferior work done here - I don't understand why you'd try to copy a AAA-title when you know your budget won't cut it. SW2 knew that and made the best out of it, SW3 falls flat on its nose for me. I played it on release though, so maybe they fixed some of the things I didn't like. A straight sequel to SW2 would've satisfied me so much more... So now I have to watch your Doom Eternal video to see what you didn't like about it, I'm actually quite curious.
didn't enjoy this one, despite really enjoying the first 2 games i hate the direction they took this, the health/ammo system is a blatent rip off of doom eternal...which would of been fine, if i liked that approach...i don't
What? SW2 was Doom Eternal's superior by a long shot in terms of actual fun. Try-hard games suck, and SW2 only gets bad if you choose to push way past the hardest difficulty. Otherwise, thanks for this. SW3 has always seemed like a downgrade / samey with tacked on features. This confirms my feels and will continue to save me a couple bucks. Not paying for the same thing twice anymore ;)
The problem with that is that it's impossible *not* to compare SW3 to Doom Eternal, seeing as that's where SW3 lifted a large part of its design principles from.
@@DWTerminator Having played this now myself, I really agree with DW here. There is hardly any way to review this game without bringing up the biggest "inspiration" they took to make the game this way. Sure, some say both inspired each other, but these Shadow Warrior reboot games never had an identity in the first place, and now we get this. It's just not possible to talk about this in any other way.
It's aged far better than I ever expected it to, that is for sure. Made me realize just how limited and boring SW 3 really was by direct comparison. And I do not like looter shooter games, nor did play it co-op this time around either. This is really just coming from a pov of having been positively surprised by something I never really thought was this good in the first place. I, much rather take more SW 2 over more trend chasing kiddy Doom Eternal gameplay, that is for sure.
I feel like flying wildhog never knew what to do with this franchise.
The 1st game probably was the closest they got to a good formula but still it was a flawed experience.
Then they made a looter and a doom eternal clone.
Yup, there is not at all an identity of its own to these games, and it's a pretty terrible realization after three games to know that is the case in hindsight.
seems like the game's identity is copy Doom's latest formula and put their own twist on it.
As much as I would insist that the new Doom games are hella amazing, even I myself feel your pain on the rigidity of their combat loop. I don’t see them as flaws, but I can’t deny that there’s something confining about following a game’s strictly defined flow as opposed to Shadow Warrior letting you play at your own pace, sword or no sword even. Have you ever tried Ultrakill? I have a feeling the freedom in that type of shooter is right up your alley.
Regarding unfixed issues with cuscenes, I suppose they were busy with preparing evil West and not so many people played the game after the silent premiere which didn't have any marketing additionally.
surprised you didn't mention the linearity of this game, sure the 2013 game wasn't open wolrd or maze-like or anything like that, but you could explore the maps for secrets and cash and upgrade points
I feel like this one would have benefited from variety in scenery, then the game could have been longer as well without overstaying it's welcome
There are good and bad ways to do linearity. Shadow Warrior 3 is somewhere in the "neither good nor bad linearity" spectrum, so it's not really worth mentioning.
@@DWTerminator personally I think it pulls off the linearity well because although it's basically a rail shooter, it keeps you hooked and entertained along the way usually through the sheer spectacle of the traversal like running across the giant dam falling apart
on the other hand the very fact that it is so rigidly linear is really annoying
the first one had it right in just being linear structure of levels, not a straight line
ah well at least the combat keeps it goin
I played this thing in the meantime. Got it for 15 bucks in a sale. But I really hate how this just feels like a dumbed down version of Doom Eternal on top of nerfing the Katana, which was always kind of the trademark weapon of these reboot games to basically only have a single utility to it, which is not dealing damage or vary up the gameplay any more. Also for some reason the enemy roster in this got very boring way quicker than in DE or even SW 2 the same held true for the linearity of the map design. To me this is the weakest out of all SW reboot games, sadly even by far. Which was never what I thought I would find coming back to them now after having played SW 3.
Played it. Felt like a 5 hour-long Doom Eternal DLC. Ran just fine at launch, which unfortunately is more than most major releases in the last 10 years can say for themselves. If you really loved Doom Eternal and crave desperatly more of it, SW3 is more of it. Wait for a sale or give it a try if it's on Game Pass if you want, but it's not a must-have.
I sadly disagree with that. It just feels like a very much dumbed down lazy rip off of Doom Eternal and made me want to stop it and go back to Doom Eternal itself. Not a compliment in any way.
as someone who doesn't like being forced to use specific weapons/strategies for each encounter, I find this game a lot more enjoyable than Doom eternal.
I actually wish they'd make a Redneck Rampage game of this style, I'd buy that goddamn sumbitch in a heartbeat
I can see that working, though I can also see it being a tough sell.
I have to ask, is there any way to turn those photosensitive effects off or down or something?
From what I've seen... Not really.
@@DWTerminator Then I may just do a hard pass on this one. I can play Beat Hazzard if I turn the effects down, but even then I probably wouldn't play it in complete darkness.
I honestly don't understand all the hate for SW2, I enjoyed the hell outa it & made it through the entire game, something I won't do with Doom Eternal.
With the benefit of hindsight, I do kinda agree with that now. Though you can't compare Doom Eternal to any other Shadow Warrior game really. I hated it far more at the time than I do now - after being very disappointed with SW 3 and rather wanting to play Doom Eternal instead.
Sounds like something i will enjoy to pick up when i can get it for a reasonable price.
The original (and the reboots, except for SW2) are criminally underrated.
I mean, among old-school FPS fans, Shadow Warrior 3 is part of the "Build Trinity" along with Duke Nukem 3D and Blood. It's certainly widely loved... but it tends to get overshadowed by the other two.
I'm pretty sure Blood is the overshadowed one, considering it's not even a running series like Shadow Warrior is to this day.
Blood has always been much more highly regarded than Shadow Warrior. It also got a sequel that pretty much killed the series, so there's that.
Don’t you think that the first and only sequel killing the series makes Blood far _less_ regarded than Shadow Warrior? SW had a redux and an entirely rebooted franchise for goodness’ sake.
First... Shadow Warrior Classic Redux is just a source port with some extra content, much like Blood: Fresh Supply is.
Second... Shadow Warrior never had the licensing issues Blood did, so it was easier to bring back. I mean hell, it was easier to put Redneck Rampage back up for sale than Blood, and barely anyone actually remembers that game.
Being a fan of the Shadow Warrior IP in general I have each of the existing Shadow Warrior titles on Steam having bought each Shadow Warrior title prior to Shadow Warrior 3 while SW Original Classic Redux, SW1, SW2, and even the SW themed Viscera Cleanup Detail while each of them were on sale for under 10 bucks per game. SW3 I was given as a birthday present from my dad during the middle of April so that's the one SW game I didn't burn any of my hard earned money that I have on my Steam library. It's on of the three SW related titles that I have as Perfect Games on Steam getting all achievements on out of the 19 or 20 Perfect Games total with the other two SW games on said list are Shadow Warrior Classic Redux (remastered version of the original) and Viscera Cleanup Detail: Shadow Warrior. Shadow Warrior 3 like how you rank the SW titles is around my top three SW titles alongside SW1 and the original 1997 version of SW. Nice review btw!
That's the problem with games copying trends, it makes them all feel the same.
Btw what did they add with the updates since the game launched? You mentioned the short length to price complaints folks levied at it. I know they did add a harder difficulty, but are there any other noticeable additions besides that which make this game a better deal than when it was new?
Edit: Sounds like towards the end you answered that. NG+ not the worst thing to have, but i rather have different modes which spice up the gameplay than just replay the same content with unlocks again. Somehow, that doesn't really grab me as much with an fps as opposed with other genres... Thanks for the review!
There’s a horde mode
Really liked the second game coming from a borderlands fan played the first after the second and didn't enjoy the first. Brought this for £3.09 while they temporarily put this as the price the first game should have been.
Can't wait for the next Reboot of Shadow Warrior... because thats apparently a thing with this franchise
Yeah... after SW3, I really don't know what they can do with the franchise going forward outside of rebooting it again.
I might buy it but man you sound so salty
This actually does look really cool but not worth 40
Like I said, wait for a sale.
Did you finish halo combat evolved? Because in your mto of demands fans make regarding reviews you used it as gameplay
The Halo redux is on hold for now. I have other things to catch up on first.
Damn I loved Shadow Warrior 2. I wonder why people don't like it.
They took a good thing (the 2013 reboot) and utterly ruined it with looter shooter bullshit. Of course people don't like it.
@@DWTerminator I loved it lol. I played both liked both. Then again I also like borderlands so
Maybe it's because I just burned myself off boomer shooters over the years, but I really didn't find the original shadow warrior all that great. It was decent at best.
This one looks more like doom eternal, only a bit more self aware and a little less cringe.
I think the problem with the Shadow Warrior reboot is that sword combat is so good that it made the guns look worse in comparison
Had me until you started to bs Doom 2016/Eternal.
You say you're forced to stop to glory kill enemies for health and conveniently omit the fact that there are health and ammo pickups throughout the ENTIRE game and you can even get health by just shooting enemies. Then you try to push the notion that unlike the new Doom games, there's actual pickups in the map.
Then you generalize by making it seem that EVERY enemy in Eternal has a very specific way to be killed which you're forced to do. Zombiemen, Imps, lost souls, Hell knights, Barons, Mancubi, Arachnotrons, Pain Elementals, zombies, Archviles, Prowlers, Gargoyles, Cyberdemons and Carcasses can be killed by just shooting at them, so where's this supposed "forced to kill them in a very specific way"?
Even Doom hunters can be killed in numerous ways without the need to use a plasma rifle.
Then you try to ram that statement home by dismissing any potential call out towards you by calling people "Doom Eternal fanboys".
I'm sorry but a lie is a lie.
Edit: Nevermind, just took a look at your comments history on this game, so now I'm know I'm wasting my time here.
I played through Doom Eternal on ultra-violence. Nothing I've ever said about the game, whether in this video or my review, is a lie. I'm also beyond done with Doom Eternal fans since they cannot be reasoned with in the slightest. Thanks for living up to that expectation.
@@DWTerminator 👍
It's surprising how often our opinions about games are exactly the same until they aren't, but when they aren't they're reeeaally far away from each other.
I loved SW2 and Doom Eternal, wouldn't consider me a fanboy though. I was so hyped for SW3, but I deinstalled it after 3 hours. After experiencing the godlike animation work and sound design of Doom Eternal it was really hard for me to enjoy the decent but inferior work done here - I don't understand why you'd try to copy a AAA-title when you know your budget won't cut it. SW2 knew that and made the best out of it, SW3 falls flat on its nose for me. I played it on release though, so maybe they fixed some of the things I didn't like. A straight sequel to SW2 would've satisfied me so much more...
So now I have to watch your Doom Eternal video to see what you didn't like about it, I'm actually quite curious.
didn't enjoy this one, despite really enjoying the first 2 games i hate the direction they took this, the health/ammo system is a blatent rip off of doom eternal...which would of been fine, if i liked that approach...i don't
I don't see the point of using the system of Doom Eternal. It doesn't sound like anything special anyway.
@@main1033 it isn't anything special, it's annoying
This looks like Doom Eternal in an Asian setting. Pass!
It's a simplified version of Doom Eternal, but yeah, pretty much that.
What? SW2 was Doom Eternal's superior by a long shot in terms of actual fun. Try-hard games suck, and SW2 only gets bad if you choose to push way past the hardest difficulty. Otherwise, thanks for this. SW3 has always seemed like a downgrade / samey with tacked on features. This confirms my feels and will continue to save me a couple bucks. Not paying for the same thing twice anymore ;)
Still busy hating games I see 😜😜😜
[insert A.M.-esque speech about how much I hate video games here]
your whiny betching about Doom eternal made me stop watching halfway
Good. The less I have to put up with Doom Eternal fans, the better.
I was surprised the video wasn't longer because of that, he was fairly reserved on that, imo. But sure could've been even less of that.
@@DWTerminator I actually use to like your content. I wanted to learn more about SW3, not about how you don't like doom's pick up system.
The problem with that is that it's impossible *not* to compare SW3 to Doom Eternal, seeing as that's where SW3 lifted a large part of its design principles from.
@@DWTerminator Having played this now myself, I really agree with DW here. There is hardly any way to review this game without bringing up the biggest "inspiration" they took to make the game this way. Sure, some say both inspired each other, but these Shadow Warrior reboot games never had an identity in the first place, and now we get this. It's just not possible to talk about this in any other way.
SW 2 was good
Yes! Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so
It's aged far better than I ever expected it to, that is for sure. Made me realize just how limited and boring SW 3 really was by direct comparison. And I do not like looter shooter games, nor did play it co-op this time around either. This is really just coming from a pov of having been positively surprised by something I never really thought was this good in the first place. I, much rather take more SW 2 over more trend chasing kiddy Doom Eternal gameplay, that is for sure.