Mabhoko Sindeni umhlab' unethuli. Silembe sakoSiphiwa. Yikomo eyaragh' abelusi. Ndlela zimazombe zombe njengobunyonyo, nabuyodl' iinyanga zezulu kosoNtimba Vuma zoke kaMagodongo Ongasiyakwala ndabo. Indaba kaPiet wayivuma kaFrans Wayivuma ithini? Yayithi ngyowadunga amanzi koNyembezi kuyokwamuka umfundisi Mvalo. Yakha ngamad’ amahlahla Mabhoko. Nang’ uMswaz’ ugangile KwaMabhoko akusavalwa ngamnyango kuvalwa ngamakhanda amajarha eDzidzini. Maphosa umkhonto eSwazini Uzondwe nguMswazi weziqatha ezibomvu inga ligwalagwala Abarhal' abaqedwa. Bayede. Ndabezitha. //////////English Translation./////////////// Mabhoko Escapee when the world is dusty Hoe of Siphiwa place The cow that kicks the herd boys Winding ways (like that of) ants as they go and devour the inyangas of the weather at the place of Sontimba. Agreer to everything of Magodongo Who will not refuse any matter He agreed to the matter of Piet and that of Frans He agreed to it saying what? He said 'I'm gonna make the water murky at koNyembezi until pastor Mvalo left' Build with long poles Mabhoko ( = defend yourself) Mswazi is insolent (= attacking) At Mabhoko’s place they are no longer closing with a door, they are closing with the heads of the young men of eDzidzini Hurler of the assegai in Swaziland You are hated by the mother of Mswazi with red hooves as if she's a Gwalagwala ( Gallirex Porphyreolophus ) Men are not finished The Great One Our King.
Mabhoko Sindeni umhlab' unethuli.
Silembe sakoSiphiwa.
Yikomo eyaragh' abelusi.
Ndlela zimazombe zombe njengobunyonyo, nabuyodl' iinyanga zezulu kosoNtimba
Vuma zoke kaMagodongo
Ongasiyakwala ndabo.
Indaba kaPiet wayivuma kaFrans
Wayivuma ithini?
Yayithi ngyowadunga amanzi koNyembezi kuyokwamuka umfundisi Mvalo.
Yakha ngamad’ amahlahla Mabhoko.
Nang’ uMswaz’ ugangile
KwaMabhoko akusavalwa ngamnyango kuvalwa ngamakhanda amajarha eDzidzini.
Maphosa umkhonto eSwazini
Uzondwe nguMswazi weziqatha ezibomvu inga ligwalagwala
Abarhal' abaqedwa.
//////////English Translation.///////////////
Mabhoko Escapee when the world is dusty
Hoe of Siphiwa place
The cow that kicks the herd boys
Winding ways (like that of) ants as they go and devour the inyangas of the weather at the place of Sontimba.
Agreer to everything of Magodongo
Who will not refuse any matter
He agreed to the matter of Piet and that of Frans
He agreed to it saying what?
He said 'I'm gonna make the water murky at koNyembezi until pastor Mvalo left'
Build with long poles Mabhoko ( = defend yourself)
Mswazi is insolent (= attacking)
At Mabhoko’s place they are no longer closing with a door, they are closing with the heads of the young men of eDzidzini
Hurler of the assegai in Swaziland
You are hated by the mother of Mswazi with red hooves as if she's a Gwalagwala ( Gallirex Porphyreolophus )
Men are not finished
The Great One
Our King.
vuma zoke ka Magodongo , ongasakwalandaba.......yakha ngamade amahlahla Mabhoko , nangu umswazi ugangile.......Bayede. Ndabezitha
Bayede Ndabezitha
Siphwe kabinde silembe Sako siphiwa
Siyazi khakhazisa ngawe Mahlangu sizafika nathi.
Yitjho Ndebele