She deserved to get haunted for using him of his money. She never thought of being loyal to him in the first place. Perhaps have something to do with his death.
Cov niag txiv Hmoob meskas siab phem2 rau lawv tus txij nkawm es vwm2 rau cov niag niam nkauj mos ab mus2 tuag kus teb nplog teb na xav kom tuag lawm los rov qab los nrog tsaim cov niag niam nkauj mos ab nyob tus thaub nov mas thiaj tsim nyog mus tuag pob. Txiv niag txiv vwm2 rau lawv nav thov kom nej mus es tuag lawm no nco ntsoov rov los nrog lawv nyob
Txog txij thaub laus Hmoob mes kas los hem pog Hmoob nplog thiab nws niag hluas nraug npaum ko ces ham tsis yog nkawv koom siab lom thaub laus tuag xwb mos yog thaub laus plawv nres tuag xwb nws yeej yuav tsis lam los hem nkawv npaum ko na siab phem ces cia kom ntsib li ko ntag
Txaus ntshai kawg. Uas neeg no tsis txhob dag noj dag haus tsam tham taus tus zoo li aib thaub laus no. Tuag lawm los tseem tsuas2 txhog es niaj hnub niaj hmo los hem nawb.
Pem ntseeg Tau lawm hais tias tus poj laib no thiab nws tus hluas nraug nkawv koom siab muab tshuaj lom tus hmoob no xwb...yog nrhiav ces yuav tsum tau xwb
Peb ua neeg nyob yog ib tug neeg cia li nti e tuag rau yus saib li ko yog yus poob plig e nw qaim tau yus ntsuj ler, yuav tau hu plig thiab ua neeb kho
I remember this...
Nyob zoo! Rau koj.
She deserved to get haunted for using him of his money. She never thought of being loyal to him in the first place. Perhaps have something to do with his death.
Pretty scary!
He took too many viagras and had a heart attack.
Cov niag txiv Hmoob meskas siab phem2 rau lawv tus txij nkawm es vwm2 rau cov niag niam nkauj mos ab mus2 tuag kus teb nplog teb na xav kom tuag lawm los rov qab los nrog tsaim cov niag niam nkauj mos ab nyob tus thaub nov mas thiaj tsim nyog mus tuag pob. Txiv niag txiv vwm2 rau lawv nav thov kom nej mus es tuag lawm no nco ntsoov rov los nrog lawv nyob
She probably poisoned him. Especially when she’s still messing with her other bf. She just wanted his money. That’s why he won’t let her go.
😮 she's probably has something to do with his death, he's hunting her due to some unfinished issues between the two of them.
Txog txij thaub laus Hmoob mes kas los hem pog Hmoob nplog thiab nws niag hluas nraug npaum ko ces ham tsis yog nkawv koom siab lom thaub laus tuag xwb mos yog thaub laus plawv nres tuag xwb nws yeej yuav tsis lam los hem nkawv npaum ko na siab phem ces cia kom ntsib li ko ntag
Txaus ntshai kawg. Uas neeg no tsis txhob dag noj dag haus tsam tham taus tus zoo li aib thaub laus no. Tuag lawm los tseem tsuas2 txhog es niaj hnub niaj hmo los hem nawb.
Pem ntseeg Tau lawm hais tias tus poj laib no thiab nws tus hluas nraug nkawv koom siab muab tshuaj lom tus hmoob no xwb...yog nrhiav ces yuav tsum tau xwb
Zaj Neej neeg dab no cas hais lus tsis txau ntseeg li ne?
Hais lus mos2 hais nyiaj xwb zoo lis kuv niag pog laib tus niag ces hais lus yuav nyiaj xwb ua2 meb thaub pluag tas manager muab pog laib kick out
Ua tsaug na sister zoo mloog heev lis os
Puas muaj tiag ma? Vim nws dag thaub laus ntawv nyiaj xwb nws yeej tsis nyiam thaub ntawv os. Nws nyiam thaub ntawv nyiaj xwb.
Aws….. hais rau cov Ntxhais hmoob nplog tsis txob yuav thaub laus hmoob meskas lawm nawb
Peb ua neeg nyob yog ib tug neeg cia li nti e tuag rau yus saib li ko yog yus poob plig e nw qaim tau yus ntsuj ler, yuav tau hu plig thiab ua neeb kho
Maybe she used too much of his money that's why he came back for her.
Qhov zoo txhob nyob lub hoob xauj ko ler