This video made me cry. Chained in a factory, loyally serving the owner 11 years. Neglected all that time. Taken to his house when he retired. Poor dog, probably had a brief moment of hope when he left the factory, only to be chained 3 more years.He deserved so much more. All that pain and suffering from an owner who never really cared about him. Dogs ask for so little for all the loyalty and love they have to give in return. A different culture, a different mentality. So sad. Thank you to rescuers and care givers.🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏🇺🇸
A escória humana não cansa de fazer vítimas, é doloroso ver até onde chega essa saga incansável dos humanos em prender, usar, abusar e subjugar os animais!
@Maria4gaps, I agree with you, these cultures do not have much compassion for animals, I too have notice that. They do not value the life of animals nor think much of them, sadly I have seen videos of small puppies that have been abuse, who or what could such an evil act to a innocent baby puppy? This breaks my heart.
I’m sure plenty of people would have seen this poor dog was being neglected, yet nobody stepped in before you and team saved this old boy. It breaks my heart to see such cruelty. Keep up the good work ,this boy has now got to feel what it is like to be loved ❤
Hundreds and hundreds of people would've seen poor lucky over 14 years and did nothing. Just one single person, calling the authorities, would've freed him. His life's been stolen. Hopefully he's some years left.
I wept through this entire video. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for rescuing Lucky from his tortured life. It sickens me that there are such cruel and despicable people in this world. Your love and compassion allowed Lucky to experience love and happiness that he had never known. Bless your compassionate heart. ❤❤❤
I hope Lucky will continue to get stronger front legs. And, I hope another video update will be made and shown. It would be wonderful to see Lucky moving around easily and seeing that he is enjoying and finally happy even with the possibility of having a forever home w/a loving family to be shown love and kindness he deserves the rest of his life..❤❤❤
Gracias a los héroes que lo rescataron Dios los va a cuidar y les va a dar mucha salud y gracias por atenderlo al perrito por ser viejito aún más se les agradece ese que lo tuvo en cautiverio él se tiene que pagar y así mismo ha de morir encadenado y olvidado de su propia familia mil y mil gracias rescatistas les agradezco mucho de mi parte Que Dios los bendiga
todos que maltratam un pobre perrito encadenado Toda la Vida, es Pior que un Animal es El que deveria ser amarrado con ferros y chaînes como El Perrito , Y esto solo por dinero para guardar que ? Ninhuno tiem El derecho de Maltratar à un Animalito. Aqui lo Haces Aqui lo pagaras nesta Tierra, asi seja.
Parabéns Deus abençoe vcs por essa dedicação a ele, um cachorro lindo como puderam fazer essa maldade com ele.....Mas Deus é bom e colocou anjo no caminho dele...
Ihr Retter seid Engel für die grausamen Täter gibt es eine andere Gerechtigkeit nicht die?Lasche auf Erden.Hier szf dem nackten Boden anbinden ausgezogen.kein Essen kein Trinken.. ..
@@melodyedwards6178 so True I imagine the suffering of Lucky, hope they Found a Good Family for Him he Deserve the poor Dog. God Bless him and the Person that Save Lucky ❤️🐕
I don’t understand why people think they can treat animals this way and think it is acceptable. I am so happy Lucky was rescued and wish him the best in his life and hope for a total recovery. He is a very sweet dog. Thank you for rescuing him. Good Luck to you Lucky!
Thanks so much!...can anyone give him toys? That wil help too for her recovery..I'm so far..😢..please, all the people who are closer help her to play!...she had no life, no love, no garden, no sad..😔😪
Yo lo que le hacía a su dueño denunciarlo y luego cogerlo de la solapa y hablar y hablar con él seriamente subo pensión de vejez ojalá el Cashman por tener un un perro así no tiene corazón❤
Mil gracias a quién mostró empatia y tuvo el valor de denunciar y a quién lo rescato de esa persona sin corazón,,sería justo qué también lo encadenaran al miserable humano para que sintiera lo mismo,,,
Oh ja, dat zouden ze met mensen moeten doen, die dieren zo vastketenen, en mishandelen. Dat dit nog kan en mag in 2024. We moeten opstaan voor de rechten van dieren. Hoe kan het dat mensen niet eerder ingegrepen hadden voor deze prachtige hond. Hij is uitgeput en oudere honden slapen veel op een dag. Hij heeft een zachte mand of kussen nodig dat hij tot rust kan komen. Dank u voor uw hulp en uw gouden hart. God zegene u en Lucky. Namasté. Maar alstublieft geef hem een zachte mand om in te slapen, en laat hem rusten. Knufje van mij voor Lucky, en dank u wel. Er bestaan nog engelen op aarde. U bent er 1 van.
Si , necesita algo confortable para dormí , DIOS a cada quien le da lo que se merece, y esa gente no tiene sentimientos, como es posible que lo encadenó tantos años toda una vida, 😢 ❤❤❤❤
Escribo aquí por que yo no dejan escribir en los comentarios. Pero amo tanto a los seres humanos que hacen estas cosas, yo escasamente he salvado cuatro gaticos, por q no tengo donde tenerlos. Pero se siente hermoso hacer algún asi❤❤❤
Oh ja, dierenbeulen zijn verbonden met het duister, en zullen nooit het licht vinden, als ze in het duister leven, want zij die het licht volgen mishandelen niet. Zo gij doet zo gij ontmoet. Wat zijn er toch een hoop verdwaalde personen op aarde, maar gelukkig ook nog een heleboel mooie mensen zoals de lieve mensen die Lucky hebben geadopteerd. Lucky heeft zachte lieve strelingen nodig, en heel veel slaap op een zachte sofa, zetel of mandje. Veel liefs van mij.
Como tem “ser humano” ruim, judiar de um anjinho dessa forma, graças a Deus encontrou um anjo em forma de humano para liberta-ló do inferno que vivia! Que Deus olhe por você Lucky, e que você tenha todo o amor e cuidados que você merece 🙏🙏❤️🐕😘
Eigenaars straffen die dieren en kinderen zoiets wreeds durven aandoen. En laten we opstaan voor al deze dieren in nood ! En handelen zoals deze lieve mensen hebben gedaan, en niet het negeren. Lucky had veel eerder gered kunnen worden. Als we zo een dier in nood kennen, laten we het vrijmaken zoals Lucky nu is !
Eyes of profound, hopeless suffering. A long and terrible life of pain. THANK YOU for giving kindness and Hope to the hopeless. He knows love and care late in his life. God bless all Animals and good people - the cruel and wicked be damned.
Danke..danke..ihr lieben Helfer ❤❤❤ Wie kann ein Mensch so viele jahre einem treuen Tier sowas antun😢😢 Ich hoffe und wünsche mir dass er irgendwann alles überstanden hat, und daß er geheilt wird 🙏🙏 Für seine letzten Jahre wünsche ich ihm eine tolle liebevolle Familie die ihm viel liebe❤❤❤schenkt.
Ceux qui infligent des souffrances aux animaux sans défense comme aux enfants d ailleurs devront rendre compte à Dieu le moment venu. La justice divine ce n est pas celle des hommes
Whoever helped tis dog may god bless. Bless. Bless. You heart breaking scene may ta karma dealt with tis person severely tq Malaysian I am @@christiane872
Tanta tristeza 😢😢😢, por hay personas que maltratan a estos lindos acompañantes 😢😢😢, bendiciones 🙏❤️🙏 por tanta dedicación para ellos 👏👏👏, es un guerrero él precioso niño 💗❤️❤️❤️
14 lat na łańcuchu to horror ! 😢😢😢To cud że ze ten biedny pies to przeżył 🙏 Na starość Lucky wydarzył sie cud - dostał w prezencie wspaniałe , dobre , ludzkie serce i miłość ❤❤❤ Dziekuje Ci za to z calego serca ❤ Daje Ci swoją ogromną Wdzieczność❤️🌹❤️🌹❤️
Avrà una fine vita dignitosa🤗💕 ma nessuno potrà restituirgli quei 14 anni di vita a catena e la totale indifferenza del suo dolore da parte del proprietario!! Dovrebbero mettere a lui una catena per i prossimi 14 anni di vita!😡
Zašto nema kaznanih mera u zakonu za ljude koji svoje kućne zapostavljaju i dovode njihov život i opstanak u opasnost!!! Svi koji se tako ponašaju trebaju da snose posledice i da plate kazne za ugrožavanje života nevinih bića koji su nam prijatelji a pojedinci se ponašaju prema njima kao da su predmeti koji su odslužili svoje pa ih zapostave, to treba strogo kazniti ko god da to čini😢😢😢😢😢 hvala dobrim osobama koji su bili uporni i istrajni da ovu kucu uzmu i spase je❤❤❤❤❤
Sono d’accordo con te ci dovrebbero essere forti punizioni per chi maltratta gli animali ma purtroppo in tanti paesi non c’è nessuno che si interessa😭😭😭
Fighting back tears. Why people are so cruel to animals is beyond my comprehension. Should be severe punishments for people committing these atrocities. Bless those rescuing animals & restoring to health. Bless the veterinary team working to heal this animal's life. May love & happiness fill the remainder of this dog's life.
I was teary eyed as I watched till the end. I’m happy and grateful there are good souls to care for Lucky. Thank you for your kindness. God bless your soul.
Don't be so naive creators of these cruel videos earn $$$ the more viewers the more $$$ and they put these poor dogs to the most horrible suffering to make videos look real. Authorities need to investigate and send to jail these cruel horrible people
Diesen Menschen würde ich gerne mal genauso behandelt wissen, wie er den Hund behandelt hat. Wahrscheinlich wird der arme alte Hund nie wieder ganz gesund, aber er hat jetzt ein glückliches lebenswertes Leben dank wunderbarer mitfühlender Menschen. Gott schütze Euch!
Poor dog 😢, after 14 years suffering in the hand of his cruel owner. Thank you so much for persistent in rescuing and getting this gentle dog outta there from hell. 👍🐕🙏❤️
As owner of dog I rescued myself this video had me crying thru the whole video. It is so sad to see the dog needs a wheelchair because of all the long term suffering he's been thru . Thanks to the people for saving this poor soul out of that hellhole . I'm glad his new owners going above and beyond to make sure he can walk himself even if it is by wheelchair. The dog really doesn't seem to care about it , it's like a lost puppy happily exploring his new world :)
@@maggielarson5472 My heart Just breaks seeing these videos and I Just cry uncontrollably , I don't care if I'm a grown man these things Just break me. I can't stand animal suffering.
Pobrezinho do cãozinho nada tira a dor do sofrimento que ele viveu durante quase a vida inteira ao lado de seu dono cruel e sem coração..Que Deus abençoe esse anjo inocente. E muito obrigada por salvar esse anjo inocente..😢🙂😊👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Doeu imensamente vê-lo abandonado e preso 😭😭 Corta a alma em pedacinhos em imaginar seus sofrimentos e solidão.💔💔 Pobre menino lindo 😞 Como é esforçado e deseja viver ❤️🩹 Obrigada aos resgatistas e só abrigo pelo excelente trabalho. Vocês são demais 🙏👏🌹 Seja muito feliz, Lucky ✨♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Člověk který se takto kruté stará o svéo pejska by měl být potrestán.Vám záchrancum velké poděkování za vaši práci vracíte zvířátkům bezbolestný život Thenk you very much Děkuji OK jste úžasní lidé super.😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Yeah I hear you on that , I wouldn't remotely have the financial needs to get this done. I would've done everything to get the dog out of it's hellhole though I would've at least done that to at least give it a chance. But yeah these treatments can run into the tens of thousands all together , It's not easy to get all this medical stuff cared for.
Porque o dono não o tratou?pq e um maldito egoísta cruel não ama nem a si próprio qto mais animal espero q vc tenham dado acelerar o q merece na justiça do homem pq a de Deus ele vai pagar caro pq a conta chega alta
L'amore, la costanza, la pazienza, il tempo e il denaro: tutto avete messo a disposizione di una creatura trattata da anni con crudele indifferenza. Spero e credo che riceverete 100 volte tanto. Siate benedetti, chi fa del bene cambia il mondo ❤
Ten co to udělal musí nést následky strašně co ten nebohy pejsek mesel vytrpět přeji zlatíčko uzdravení a hlavně kopu hlazení mazlení a lásky děkuji za jeho záchranu andele❤❤❤❤
Ese monstruo tendrá que pagar por no amar ni valorar a Lucky un hermoso, leal y fiel Akita Inu Japones😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Tengo uno así y lo amo con todo mi❤ Por eso que mi DIOS SANTO🙏los bendiga, guarde y ayude enormemente y siempre a ustedes por rescatar y darle ese gran amor, dedicación y cuidado a ese hermoso, inocente e indefenso Lucky el resto de su vida😘💖🙏
14 años para un perro es... toda su vida, ha pasado lo mejor de ella encadenado sin atenciones ni muestras de reconocimiento a su labor al menos... que triste Ahora cuando apenas le quedará tiempo es cuando descubre todo lo que se ha perdido y el AMOR que nunca debió faltarle😢 Los tratamientos veterinarios son caros, puedo entender que haya familias que no puedan asumirlos... pero eso no excusa al dueño de darle amor, compañía, apoyo... aunque no puedas afrontar lo demás. Es muy triste verlo arrastrarse así a causa de los años encadenado... Gracias por sacarlo de allí y procurar darle todo eso que nunca tuvo durante el tiempo que le quede❤
Lucky is beautiful inside and out❤ So glad she got rescued from his selfish owner shame on him but God bless all that have helped him! Thank you so much.🐶😍
Beautiful. Congrats on saving this little guy who needed so much love to survive the moster who treated him so badly. He will hopefully find himself in a jail.
So cruel and heartless owner. He was so loving and loyal 🥲. Thank you for rescuing him and I hope he will feel so much love and care moving forward ❤🙏.
È uno dei video più commoventi e triste che io abbia visto. Povera bestiola, quanta sofferenza e per quanto tempo😢 Il proprietario sarebbe da rinchiudersi e buttare la chiave, come si dice, ma in 14 anni chissà quante persone lo avranno visto e hanno tirato avanti. Questa indifferenza fa male al 💔 di chi ama gli animali!! Lucky, grazie all'amore di chi ama veramente povere creature indifese, riuscirà a vivere serenamente gli ultimi anni della sua triste esistenza!!! Grazie persone dal ❤ricolmo d'amore❤❤❤
💔💔💔😭😭😭 So heartbreaking. To see a whole life wasted in misery and despair … so wrong and I hope that Karma visits that horrible owner because they deserve nothing less 😡 Thankyou so much to everyone who worked so hard to rescue and rehabilitate lucky. He deserved your help … you are truly angels. Bless you all 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️😇😇😇
Спасибо вам большое за помощь животным, ангелочек родной поправляйся, солнышко наше будь здоров и счастлив и любим, дай Бог чтобы все животные были здоровы и счастливы и любимы и обрели свою любящую семью, не обижайте наших братьев меньших, помогайте им, Бог всё видит.
Quanta maldade meu Deus! chorei do começo ao fim..Lucky é um guerreiro por tudo que passou... obrigado por resgatar esse anjo e lhe proporcionar uma nova vida de amor e proteção! 🙏❤️
O que há de errado é que as pessoas más e perversas ,não são punidas ,porque se fossem pensariam 2 vezes antes de submeter um.ser inocente à tamanha covardia
Lucky is still a very y handsome dog for being 14 years old, so glad he is safe and sound and getting love now. Please give him a pat and kiss for me, if he were closer I would adopt him and give him the best last years of his life. No chains, no cages, no confinement, just wide open backyard for him to lay in the sun and enjoy life the way he wants. Big comfy mattress to sleep on at night, food and water available at time he wants, toys to play with, a Vet. available anytime needed and lots and lots of love, care and affection. 💙
Quand on aime les animaux on peut faire des miracles en voici un exemple parmi tant d'autres un grand merci aux personnes qui ont aidé soigné donné tout leur amour et leur gentillesse pour sauver et améliorer la vie de ce magnifique et gentil Luki. Merci Merci ❤❤❤❤❤❤
This video made me cry. Chained in a factory, loyally serving the owner 11 years. Neglected all that time. Taken to his house when he retired. Poor dog, probably had a brief moment of hope when he left the factory, only to be chained 3 more years.He deserved so much more. All that pain and suffering from an owner who never really cared about him. Dogs ask for so little for all the loyalty and love they have to give in return. A different culture, a different mentality. So sad. Thank you to rescuers and care givers.🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏🇺🇸
Das ist keine Mentalität das ist Brutalität von der Bestie. 👹👹
A escória humana não cansa de fazer vítimas, é doloroso ver até onde chega essa saga incansável dos humanos em prender, usar, abusar e subjugar os animais!
En. Français s v p
@Maria4gaps, I agree with you, these cultures do not have much compassion for animals, I too have notice that. They do not value the life of animals nor think much of them, sadly I have seen videos of small puppies that have been abuse, who or what could such an evil act to a innocent baby puppy? This breaks my heart.
So true, it's just horrible how people can be so mean.
I’m sure plenty of people would have seen this poor dog was being neglected, yet nobody stepped in before you and team saved this old boy. It breaks my heart to see such cruelty. Keep up the good work ,this boy has now got to feel what it is like to be loved ❤
Lidská hrozná lhostejnost, dávno to měl svědek hlásit!
Hundreds and hundreds of people would've seen poor lucky over 14 years and did nothing. Just one single person, calling the authorities, would've freed him. His life's been stolen. Hopefully he's some years left.
Muito triste o que crime.... Obg a vcs que salvaram,!!!!!!
You know ppl have had to seen this poor dog! We're they too busy to get involved or afraid to 😢. Stupid people
I wept through this entire video. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for rescuing Lucky from his tortured life. It sickens me that there are such cruel and despicable people in this world. Your love and compassion allowed Lucky to experience love and happiness that he had never known. Bless your compassionate heart. ❤❤❤
What wicked people there are in this world . I wept too.
I love you Lucky. Thank for not giving up on him. You guys are awesome.❤
I hope Lucky will continue to get stronger front legs. And, I hope another video update will be made and shown. It would be wonderful to see Lucky moving around easily and seeing that he is enjoying and finally happy even with the possibility of having a forever home w/a loving family to be shown love and kindness he deserves the rest of his life..❤❤❤
Beautiful boy you will get love &kindness that you deserve xxx💕
All this poor dog has known is misery. I THANK ALL WHO RESCUED HIM
Gracias a los héroes que lo rescataron Dios los va a cuidar y les va a dar mucha salud y gracias por atenderlo al perrito por ser viejito aún más se les agradece ese que lo tuvo en cautiverio él se tiene que pagar y así mismo ha de morir encadenado y olvidado de su propia familia mil y mil gracias rescatistas les agradezco mucho de mi parte Que Dios los bendiga
todos que maltratam un pobre perrito encadenado Toda la Vida, es Pior que un Animal es El que deveria ser amarrado con ferros y chaînes como El Perrito , Y esto solo por dinero para guardar que ? Ninhuno tiem El derecho de Maltratar à un Animalito. Aqui lo Haces Aqui lo pagaras nesta Tierra, asi seja.
Thank you thank you you all are angels to This dog
Parabéns Deus abençoe vcs por essa dedicação a ele, um cachorro lindo como puderam fazer essa maldade com ele.....Mas Deus é bom e colocou anjo no caminho dele...
Ihr Retter seid Engel für die grausamen Täter gibt es eine andere Gerechtigkeit nicht die?Lasche auf Erden.Hier szf dem nackten Boden anbinden ausgezogen.kein Essen kein Trinken..
Opět ZRŮDA, která bude potrestán až to nebude čekat!!!
Díky tém,kteří volali SOS a Vám, kteří jste poslechli volání pro trpícího 😢.
Bůh s Vámi❤
Supongo uds. de nuncian a estos criminales que maltratan a los animales y controlan que no les permitan tener nunca más un perro desde Argentina
Eso espero que la bestia subhumana sea cruelmente castigada
No dog should have to live a life like that
@@melodyedwards6178 so True I imagine the suffering of Lucky, hope they Found a Good Family for Him he Deserve the poor Dog. God Bless him and the Person that Save Lucky ❤️🐕
My dear ,
Thank you for your help .
God bless you more and more ,
I don’t understand why people think they can treat animals this way and think it is acceptable. I am so happy Lucky was rescued and wish him the best in his life and hope for a total recovery. He is a very sweet dog. Thank you for rescuing him. Good Luck to you Lucky!
Nâo posso entender para que ter um cachorro acorrentado.
Melhor nâo ter..
Thanks so much!...can anyone give him toys? That wil help too for her recovery..I'm so far..😢..please, all the people who are closer help her to play!...she had no life, no love, no garden, no sad..😔😪
Essas pessoas não sabem o que é o amor de um bichinho
Because they can and they do to hurt them we need tuffers laws we are there voice ❤❤❤❤🐾
Nesse lugar, esse criminoso e punido com pena de prisão? Gratidão anjos do bem 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️
Great improvement for Lucky!Great job guys.💪
Gracias mil por ayudar al pequeño k Dios los bendiga Son lindas personas con ellos.
Sin palabras 😢pobrecito,,que angustia,,que angustia ¡¡, mil GRACIAS por esa oportunidad que le dieron DIOS LOS BENDIGA ¡¡¡
Yo lo que le hacía a su dueño denunciarlo y luego cogerlo de la solapa y hablar y hablar con él seriamente subo pensión de vejez ojalá el Cashman por tener un un perro así no tiene corazón❤
La persona que le salvó Dios le dé mucha vida gracias por estar y gracias por el bien qué has hecho a ese perrito
Che Dio benedica sempre qste persone che fanno aiuto a chi ha bisogno, che siano animali o persone....
Salamat maam sa pgtulong sa aso❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Vorrei dire che il proprietario del cane è un assassino deve andare in galera poverino amore ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Mil gracias a quién mostró empatia y tuvo el valor de denunciar y a quién lo rescato de esa persona sin corazón,,sería justo qué también lo encadenaran al miserable humano para que sintiera lo mismo,,,
Oh ja, dat zouden ze met mensen moeten doen, die dieren zo vastketenen, en mishandelen. Dat dit nog kan en mag in 2024. We moeten opstaan voor de rechten van dieren. Hoe kan het dat mensen niet eerder ingegrepen hadden voor deze prachtige hond. Hij is uitgeput en oudere honden slapen veel op een dag. Hij heeft een zachte mand of kussen nodig dat hij tot rust kan komen. Dank u voor uw hulp en uw gouden hart. God zegene u en Lucky. Namasté. Maar alstublieft geef hem een zachte mand om in te slapen, en laat hem rusten. Knufje van mij voor Lucky, en dank u wel. Er bestaan nog engelen op aarde. U bent er 1 van.
Si , necesita algo confortable para dormí , DIOS a cada quien le da lo que se merece, y esa gente no tiene sentimientos, como es posible que lo encadenó tantos años toda una vida, 😢 ❤❤❤❤
Por favor sigamos siendo su voz y no nos cansemos de denunciar, las mascotitas merecen qué se les trate bien, sin sufrimiento
Zawsze mówię zeby kazdy dostal co sam daje innym
W tym zwierzęta
Jestem przekonana ze piesek chodzić będzie ❤❤❤
Gracias ángeles humanos, por salvar a este bello perrito ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Escribo aquí por que yo no dejan escribir en los comentarios. Pero amo tanto a los seres humanos que hacen estas cosas, yo escasamente he salvado cuatro gaticos, por q no tengo donde tenerlos. Pero se siente hermoso hacer algún asi❤❤❤
@@SusyPérez-i3t Eres un ángel humano 👏👏
😢😢biedny piesek którego los zgotowal potworny człowiek 😢😢dziękuję za uratowanie biedaka ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Muita maldade....por quê maltratar e acorrentar????
Tão lindo! Merece ser feliz ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Oh he wants so badly play with his friends. What a precious dog ❤❤❤❤❤
@marymac130 Jaaaaa, nicht wahr ?!!! Dieses süße Gesicht voll von Freude und Liebe und Dankbarkeit !!!! 💝💖💗💓💞💟❤🩹❤🧡
Oh ja, dierenbeulen zijn verbonden met het duister, en zullen nooit het licht vinden, als ze in het duister leven, want zij die het licht volgen mishandelen niet.
Zo gij doet zo gij ontmoet.
Wat zijn er toch een hoop verdwaalde personen op aarde, maar gelukkig ook nog een heleboel mooie mensen zoals de lieve mensen die Lucky hebben geadopteerd. Lucky heeft zachte lieve strelingen nodig, en heel veel slaap op een zachte sofa, zetel of mandje. Veel liefs van mij.
Amen 🙏
Como tem “ser humano” ruim, judiar de um anjinho dessa forma, graças a Deus encontrou um anjo em forma de humano para liberta-ló do inferno que vivia! Que Deus olhe por você Lucky, e que você tenha todo o amor e cuidados que você merece 🙏🙏❤️🐕😘
Makasih orang baik semoga kebaikan mu selalu ada dalam lindungan ya dan sukses selalu 🤲❤👍
Amiin..menangis trs saat melihat perjalanan hidup lucky
😢😢😢😢😢😢❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤Dziekuje za pomoc tego wlasciciela uczepic na lancuch
Eigenaars straffen die dieren en kinderen zoiets wreeds durven aandoen. En laten we opstaan voor al deze dieren in nood !
En handelen zoals deze lieve mensen hebben gedaan, en niet het negeren. Lucky had veel eerder gered kunnen worden. Als we zo een dier in nood kennen, laten we het vrijmaken zoals Lucky nu is !
Eyes of profound, hopeless suffering.
A long and terrible life of pain.
THANK YOU for giving kindness and Hope to the hopeless. He knows love and care late in his life.
God bless all Animals and good people - the cruel and wicked be damned.
He would have more luck standing up, if he was on a carpet floor his legs are sliding on the hard slippery floor..
Díky, díky, díky Vám za pomoc trpícího přítele člověka 😢. Ten, co toto udělal nechť nese následky. Je to opět nepochopitelné😢😢😢
Danke..danke..ihr lieben Helfer ❤❤❤
Wie kann ein Mensch so viele jahre einem treuen Tier sowas antun😢😢
Ich hoffe und wünsche mir dass er irgendwann alles überstanden hat, und daß er geheilt wird 🙏🙏
Für seine letzten Jahre wünsche ich ihm eine tolle liebevolle Familie die ihm viel liebe❤❤❤schenkt.
Justicia para ese perrito, gracias a quienes lo rescataron.
Ceux qui infligent des souffrances aux animaux sans défense comme aux enfants d ailleurs devront rendre compte à Dieu le moment venu. La justice divine ce n est pas celle des hommes
Whoever helped tis dog may god bless. Bless. Bless. You heart breaking scene may ta karma dealt with tis person severely tq Malaysian I am @@christiane872
Gerçekten çok üzüldüm izlerken onu ne olur bırakmayın sahip çıkın çok teşekkürler kurtardığınız için
You know who did this did you charge them? I pray you did so they no longer get another animal to mistreat. God bless you.
I just now seen this in 2025. Need to be put in jail. Or be put in prison
Tanta tristeza 😢😢😢, por hay personas que maltratan a estos lindos acompañantes 😢😢😢, bendiciones 🙏❤️🙏 por tanta dedicación para ellos 👏👏👏, es un guerrero él precioso niño 💗❤️❤️❤️
Danke ❤ und hoffentlich wird dieser Abschaum bestraft!
Definitivamente, temos muito a aprender com os animais. Espero que Lucky esteja bem e feliz. Gratidão a todos que o ajudaram! 🐕🙏🙌
14 lat na łańcuchu to horror ! 😢😢😢To cud że ze ten biedny pies to przeżył 🙏 Na starość Lucky wydarzył sie cud - dostał w prezencie wspaniałe , dobre , ludzkie serce i miłość ❤❤❤ Dziekuje Ci za to z calego serca ❤ Daje Ci swoją ogromną Wdzieczność❤️🌹❤️🌹❤️
Deus vai te da o dobro
Thank you for rescuing this good dog from his insane owner. You did a great thing!
Avrà una fine vita dignitosa🤗💕 ma nessuno potrà restituirgli quei 14 anni di vita a catena e la totale indifferenza del suo dolore da parte del proprietario!! Dovrebbero mettere a lui una catena per i prossimi 14 anni di vita!😡
Oh Gott wie schreklich 😭 das ist doch nicht normal 👺👺👺 was sind das für Menschen so kaputt und ohne Verstand 👺
Ich Danke ihnen für die Rettung des lieben Hundes ❤❤❤❤und Gott sei mit ihnen 🙏
Der kaputter Besitzer ohne Verstand gehört das Mann den auspeitscht damit der Schmerzen spüret oder Gefängnis
Muchas gracias por ayudarle ❤❤❤❤❤
Human cruelty knows no bounds. He is now free. He will recover slowly but happily surrounded by the earth angels who saved him.❤❤❤
Thanks for rescuing the dog and bring a New opportunity with love.God bless all.
Danke ❤🐕😰😰😰🐕🍀❤👍😘💋
@@ChaimayhuaChaidici?Da cosa lo capisci?Anch' io non mi fido di questi video,dove le persone non vengono mai inquadrate.
Graças à Deus por todos que ajudará esse cachorro ❤❤❤❤❤
Zašto nema kaznanih mera u zakonu za ljude koji svoje kućne zapostavljaju i dovode njihov život i opstanak u opasnost!!! Svi koji se tako ponašaju trebaju da snose posledice i da plate kazne za ugrožavanje života nevinih bića koji su nam prijatelji a pojedinci se ponašaju prema njima kao da su predmeti koji su odslužili svoje pa ih zapostave, to treba strogo kazniti ko god da to čini😢😢😢😢😢 hvala dobrim osobama koji su bili uporni i istrajni da ovu kucu uzmu i spase je❤❤❤❤❤
So sad❤🎉❤
Tych którzy to robią, też bym tak przywiązał
Sono d’accordo con te ci dovrebbero essere forti punizioni per chi maltratta gli animali ma purtroppo in tanti paesi non c’è nessuno che si interessa😭😭😭
Fighting back tears. Why people are so cruel to animals is beyond my comprehension. Should be severe punishments for people committing these atrocities. Bless those rescuing animals & restoring to health. Bless the veterinary team working to heal this animal's life. May love & happiness fill the remainder of this dog's life.
I was teary eyed as I watched till the end. I’m happy and grateful there are good souls to care for Lucky. Thank you for your kindness. God bless your soul.
Com certeza deveria haver punição e severa.
He is so beautyful and deserves all the love he is getting now. Thank you for giving him that.
Bless you f😊saving these poor abused animals. You have a big heart
❤❤❤❤❤❤ thank you so much 💯 times thanks 🙏 great plz help them Poor's animals
Don't be so naive creators of these cruel videos earn $$$ the more viewers the more $$$ and they put these poor dogs to the most horrible suffering to make videos look real. Authorities need to investigate and send to jail these cruel horrible people
Diesen Menschen würde ich gerne mal genauso behandelt wissen, wie er den Hund behandelt hat. Wahrscheinlich wird der arme alte Hund nie wieder ganz gesund, aber er hat jetzt ein glückliches lebenswertes Leben dank wunderbarer mitfühlender Menschen. Gott schütze Euch!
Lindo. Parabéns Pl carinho. Q tiveram com. esse. Cachorro Q sofreu muito mais encontrou vcs Q. Cuidaram. Cm dedicação total nota 1000000000000000❤
Preji ti pejsků , abys po utrpení, které ti způsobil zlý člověk, dožil mnoho let v lásce a výborné péči Díky Vám!!!!👍🐶☀️🩷
Orası neresiyle
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Psikopatlar varmış
Poor dog 😢, after 14 years suffering in the hand of his cruel owner. Thank you so much for persistent in rescuing and getting this gentle dog outta there from hell. 👍🐕🙏❤️
Agree, nothing can make up for his suffering 😢
How can you look in a dogs eyes and mistreat it you can
see right down to their little souls.
As owner of dog I rescued myself this video had me crying thru the whole video. It is so sad to see the dog needs a wheelchair because of all the long term suffering he's been thru . Thanks to the people for saving this poor soul out of that hellhole . I'm glad his new owners going above and beyond to make sure he can walk himself even if it is by wheelchair. The dog really doesn't seem to care about it , it's like a lost puppy happily exploring his new world :)
@@maggielarson5472 My heart Just breaks seeing these videos and I Just cry uncontrollably , I don't care if I'm a grown man these things Just break me. I can't stand animal suffering.
Pobrezinho do cãozinho nada tira a dor do sofrimento que ele viveu durante quase a vida inteira ao lado de seu dono cruel e sem coração..Que Deus abençoe esse anjo inocente. E muito obrigada por salvar esse anjo inocente..😢🙂😊👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Doeu imensamente vê-lo abandonado e preso 😭😭
Corta a alma em pedacinhos em imaginar seus sofrimentos e solidão.💔💔
Pobre menino lindo 😞
Como é esforçado e deseja viver ❤️🩹
Obrigada aos resgatistas e só abrigo pelo excelente trabalho. Vocês são demais 🙏👏🌹
Seja muito feliz, Lucky ✨♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Člověk který se takto kruté stará o svéo pejska by měl být potrestán.Vám záchrancum velké poděkování za vaši práci vracíte zvířátkům bezbolestný život Thenk you very much Děkuji OK jste úžasní lidé super.😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Gracias por ayudarlo Sra. muchas gracias
Bravo merci de l'avoir sauvé ❤
Thank you for doing what I couldn't when required 🙏
Yeah I hear you on that , I wouldn't remotely have the financial needs to get this done. I would've done everything to get the dog out of it's hellhole though I would've at least done that to at least give it a chance. But yeah these treatments can run into the tens of thousands all together , It's not easy to get all this medical stuff cared for.
Thank you for the help and love you give to so many animals you rescue.
Pero tantos años no puede vivir un animal asi en esas condiciones como es posible eso gracias por rescatarlo
Grazieeee ❤
Thank you for saving and taking good care of him..... May God bless you with all happiness and prosperity in your life ❤❤❤❤
Porque o dono não o tratou?pq e um maldito egoísta cruel não ama nem a si próprio qto mais animal espero q vc tenham dado acelerar o q merece na justiça do homem pq a de Deus ele vai pagar caro pq a conta chega alta
Ele temq pagar os custos do tratamento ele faz a reforma dele depois esse desgraçado ehousta
Que trabalho lindo!🙌👏👏👏👏
😢 gratidão❤
Gratidao aos que trataram este animalzinho.Lucky lindos são vcs ❤❤❤😢😂😂lindo teve anjos que cuidaram de vc Graças a vcs amados .
L'amore, la costanza, la pazienza, il tempo e il denaro: tutto avete messo a disposizione di una creatura trattata da anni con crudele indifferenza. Spero e credo che riceverete 100 volte tanto. Siate benedetti, chi fa del bene cambia il mondo ❤
You are a true hero taking care of the dog!
Ten co to udělal musí nést následky strašně co ten nebohy pejsek mesel vytrpět přeji zlatíčko uzdravení a hlavně kopu hlazení mazlení a lásky děkuji za jeho záchranu andele❤❤❤❤
Welche Konsequenzen dieses tierschutz Gesetz ist lachhaft diese Personen bekommen nie straffe richtig
Wow so schön viel Kraft euch allen und liebeeeee
Thank you for your kindness God bless you🙏
Ese monstruo tendrá que pagar por no amar ni valorar a Lucky un hermoso, leal y fiel Akita Inu Japones😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Tengo uno así y lo amo con todo mi❤ Por eso que mi DIOS SANTO🙏los bendiga, guarde y ayude enormemente y siempre a ustedes por rescatar y darle ese gran amor, dedicación y cuidado a ese hermoso, inocente e indefenso Lucky el resto de su vida😘💖🙏
14 años para un perro es... toda su vida, ha pasado lo mejor de ella encadenado sin atenciones ni muestras de reconocimiento a su labor al menos... que triste
Ahora cuando apenas le quedará tiempo es cuando descubre todo lo que se ha perdido y el AMOR que nunca debió faltarle😢
Los tratamientos veterinarios son caros, puedo entender que haya familias que no puedan asumirlos... pero eso no excusa al dueño de darle amor, compañía, apoyo... aunque no puedas afrontar lo demás. Es muy triste verlo arrastrarse así a causa de los años encadenado... Gracias por sacarlo de allí y procurar darle todo eso que nunca tuvo durante el tiempo que le quede❤
Lucky is beautiful inside and out❤
So glad she got rescued from his selfish owner shame on him but God bless all that have helped him! Thank you so much.🐶😍
Thanks a millions for your kindness rescuing this beautiful boy ❤
Gratidão por salvar esse anjinho 🐕 inocente dos maus tratos que sofreu todos esses anos ❤...
Grazie di cuore per dare a Lucky tanto amore nella sua inoltrata vecchiaia. Finalmente conosce le carezze.❤❤
Beautiful. Congrats on saving this little guy who needed so much love to survive the moster who treated him so badly. He will hopefully find himself in a jail.
I hope the monster gets his due for doing this poor baby like that!
Bendiciones a las personas de buen corazón que ayudan a los animalitos. Y que Luky siga recuperándose.
Thank you for Not giving up on wonderfull Lucky. He is a little Sunshine❤
Gravias adorable señora/rita que le dad todo el amor Dios te bendiga❤y a Lucky tambien❤
Graças a Deus e a vcs salvaram ele,e estão dando uma vida digna e com muito amor que ele merece 🙏🏼🙌🏼❤️❤️💖💖🤍🤍🤍 gratidão, gratidão 🙌🏼
So cruel and heartless owner. He was so loving and loyal 🥲. Thank you for rescuing him and I hope he will feel so much love and care moving forward ❤🙏.
Look at how eager he is to live and be part of everything ☺️❤️❤️❤️❤️
You guys are wonderful people.
God bless you. ❤
Es tan adorable y precioso 😅😅😅 gracias por vuestra ayuda 🙏 a este ángel 😊😊😊
Poor old dog…bless you for saving him..he’s beautiful . I hope he gets some time to enjoy some good life!
È uno dei video più commoventi e triste che io abbia visto. Povera bestiola, quanta sofferenza e per quanto tempo😢
Il proprietario sarebbe da rinchiudersi e buttare la chiave, come si dice, ma in 14 anni chissà quante persone lo avranno visto e hanno tirato avanti. Questa indifferenza fa male al 💔 di chi ama gli animali!!
Lucky, grazie all'amore di chi ama veramente povere creature indifese, riuscirà a vivere serenamente gli ultimi anni della sua triste esistenza!!!
Grazie persone dal ❤ricolmo d'amore❤❤❤
럭키의 새로운 주인님 복 많이 많이 더 많이 받으실거예요
💔💔💔😭😭😭 So heartbreaking. To see a whole life wasted in misery and despair … so wrong and I hope that Karma visits that horrible owner because they deserve nothing less 😡
Thankyou so much to everyone who worked so hard to rescue and rehabilitate lucky. He deserved your help … you are truly angels. Bless you all 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️😇😇😇
Спасибо вам большое за помощь животным, ангелочек родной поправляйся, солнышко наше будь здоров и счастлив и любим, дай Бог чтобы все животные были здоровы и счастливы и любимы и обрели свою любящую семью, не обижайте наших братьев меньших, помогайте им, Бог всё видит.
Quanta maldade meu Deus! chorei do começo ao fim..Lucky é um guerreiro por tudo que passou... obrigado por resgatar esse anjo e lhe proporcionar uma nova vida de amor e proteção! 🙏❤️
Obrigada por não desistirem dele por ser velhinho ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you for not giving up for this angel god bless everyone ❤❤❤
Can't believe how much suffering he endured. No animal deserves such inhumane treatment
Gracias por ayudarlo y darle otra oportunidad de estar mejor y ser un poco feliz.😊😊😊😊❤❤❤❤❤
I don’t know what’s wrong with people! But thank you for the people who care
O qu
O que há de errado é que as pessoas más e perversas ,não são punidas ,porque se fossem pensariam 2 vezes antes de submeter um.ser inocente à tamanha covardia
Gracias, y Felicitaciones para todos, por todo su amor y esfuerzo por salvar, cuidar y proteger a tantos perritos.❤.
Lucky is still a very y handsome dog for being 14 years old, so glad he is safe and sound and
getting love now. Please give him a pat and kiss for me, if he were closer I would adopt him and give him the best last years of his life. No chains, no cages, no confinement, just wide open backyard for him to lay in the sun and enjoy life the way he wants. Big comfy mattress to sleep on at night, food and water available at time he wants, toys to play with, a Vet. available anytime needed and lots and lots of love, care and affection. 💙
That is cruel and inhumane that owner needs to be in jail and changed up it breaks my heart to see any animal abused may God bless you all 🐕🙏🙏🙏🙏
I do hope the owners will be charged with cruelty and neglect.
El dueño será castigado, pero quien le devuelve a Lucky sus cuatro patitas, que se le dañaron por no poder correr distancias grandes
Nessun animale dovrebbe subire quello che ha subito questo povero cane.
Siete persone veramente eccezionali ❤❤❤❤❤
Grazie mille vi voglio bene tantissimo ♥️
Dziękuję bardzo za pomoc i opiekę nad tym cudnym psiakiem ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Gracias por ayudar a este maravilloso ángel ❤❤
You know who did this,send them to prison. Thank you for saving him. God bless you.
Quand on aime les animaux on peut faire des miracles en voici un exemple parmi tant d'autres un grand merci aux personnes qui ont aidé soigné donné tout leur amour et leur gentillesse pour sauver et améliorer la vie de ce magnifique et gentil Luki. Merci Merci ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank God you got him just in time bless you all lucky deserves the best thank you I love you Lucky. ❤