This interview finally showed me why my sexual fantasies are not my fault. Self-hatred was broken and I have enjoyed freedom from pornography for the last 5 years!
They are not your fault, but they really are your responsibility... All adults really are responsible for their own Thoughts, Feelings, & Behaviors. You can change any of these things you want to change
fuck yes! i am at day 32 and i have felt SO MUCH BETTER. bye bye brain fog increased strngth better hair, skin, eyes self respect integrity no more self shaming
Here for you in spirit brother. ..took the test on his site ..came back a 9 ...lots of work to do but his words you don't put time into things are not important will be ringing in my ears for hopefully a lifetime.
@@billysledgehammer it works but it takes a ton of effort. And it's all worth it. The old you needs to be completely erased. That's something you have to accept
I ordered Dr Carnes' and his daughter's books because my husband is in jail right now due to his own issues. It caught me totally in shock, I'm hurting, lonely, missing him and despising him. I will be starting therapy locally soon to get through all this!
Hi Laura. Just curious to find out where you are at, regarding the many levels that these issues thrust upon you? In particular, were the books enough to get you through? Hope all is well!
This is fascinating. Anyone that denies sex addiction exits needs to watch this. Life changing talk. This will only get more and more important as time goes on. Thank you to both of you from the bottom of my heart.
My parents were a total shit show of abuse and yelling and screaming, car accidents, breaking dishes, divorce, neglect, and narcissism and blaming us the kids and denying anything bad ever happened. To this day I have problems reconciling the fact that my parents will never admit what happened and will never apologize.
Absolutely---On watching this for the 2nd time i have concluded that this is the most important video on youtube...regardless of what addiction we suffer, we can apply the advice to any aspect of life..
The part when Dr. Carnes brought up how even something like gaming or TV can affect early brain development is so important, though it's very difficult to get across to people. There are parents out there who get very defensive about that fact because they seem to depend upon those modalities constantly to keep their children occupied so that they themselves can do things and not have to really engage with the kids. I don't think sometimes that people realize the far reaching effects, or if they do, their immediate gratification or defense of their parental skills is more important than their children's well-being and how that affects the world at large.
Absolutely incredibly important interview. He sums up every addiction in such accurate terms. It's a shame that many therapists don't regard sex addiction as an addiction.
I'm happy to see that someone is seriously talking about and addressing this problem. Yes, it is a very serious issue, and it will become more so now that PCs live in everyone's home and phone. I don't have this issue myself, but I live with it every day, and it destroys family and it really does break people's hearts. The worst part, I think, is that most people I know of with this issue are in total denial. They do not seem to believe they have a "problem". Their issue, from their own perspective is that OTHERS have a problem, but it does not belong to them. Their addiction is far more attractive to them than intimacy with another human being, and it feels like a no-win situation for the other people who love them. I view this primarily as an intimacy issue, though I understand it is more complex than JUST that. That's hard enough. If you have not seen it yet, check out Ted Bundy's last interview. No matter how nuts you may think he is, he makes a lot of sense, especially if you know a porn addict. They do escalate, and often, they do have issues with "power and control", which shows in all aspects of their lives if you look. Anyway! Thanks for this video. Shine on! I hope you continue to be able to assist others with this. There is so much pain in this situation that it is difficult for me to even talk about.
40:39 family history and genetics, age of two the gaze of the parents, attachment. Find addiction when their is a failure to bond, 10 for girls 12 for boys, stress chemicals. 42:20 oxytocin, inhibition, ability to stop themselves is affected 43:30 ....people of great achievement access their brains in the same way addicts do... therefore must be happy and in the flow, the zone of doing what they do best. Focus vs Obsession, Challenge vs. Stressed out, what happens is they get hooked on the stress of it. 46:39 involving family members in therapy, ....the family member is more distressed than the addict,... 47:17 the family member maybe have even been traumatized....broken promises and lies 47:40 when the family figures out they are part of the problem, and start to get work for themselves, then progress really starts to happen
I found the comment based on the comparison of the work done in Flow. Why are these people not work addicts? I grew up with a self-admitted and recovering work addicted father. It was still a failure to bond. All/most of his worth as a person came from his work. The impact on the children is more like neglect than active abuse. Work addiction is still the acceptable and even praised addiction.
Awesome discussion and a much needed one at that. Dr. Carnes knows his stuff and I agree with him on "many" of the points he makes. The technology we love so much is destroying so many people because they can be fed anything they want in the comfort of their own home for as long as they wish....bad or good. It's sad that such a great discussion prob wont keep people's short of attention span and they'll click off of it. The writing's on the wall, just too bad people wont look away from their devices to see it.
Dr. Carnes' writing has helped my quest for transformation has been supported and motivated by his attitudes and insights. I was particularly moved by his definition of addiction I am loosely paraphrasing as a condition where the addict is unable or distrusts the natural, normal connectedness and appropriate interpersonal dependency. I often refer people to his and Pia Melody, and Stephanie Carnes' work as well. I also was helped greatly by a figure in one of the books which describes the general picture of parenting and family life of the "average" addict i.e. it is a 4 part gradient that includes enmeshment & its opposite, and 2 other categories. I would appreciate help in finding this content again. Thx.
Darice Davis, Sorry can't help you with the rediscovery of the "4 part gradient". I can't take Carnes seriously. Sex can never be considered an "addiction". No more than a tadpole that develops legs and starts using them to hop can be called a 'hop addict' or a caterpillar that becomes a butterfly and starts using it's wings to fly can be called a 'fly addict'. It's ridiculous!
I knew a guy who had child porn on his PC and ended up committing suicide after he was offered a plea deal to be on the public sex register site for basically life or take it to trial and risk 30 years in prison. He never even went to trial.
Every active addiction requires predisposition (something in the brain), encouragement (an abusive home, chronic stress, poor upbringing), and availability (one can get to it). Sadly, once the addictive plexus is set up in the brain, the brain will seek out various means to gratify itself. As soon as one gets off one addiction (alcohol, drugs, pot, sugar), the brain will seek out something else (coffee, cigarettes, work, gaming, etc.).
A difficult and long night of dark sexual temptation brought joy in the morning like I cant even express seen at The freeing feeling after my night of resisting temptation
A phylosphist explained to me due to a case I have to face was animal pheromones from the individual or he was a sex worker and will send those vibes to targets or he was practicing sex magic to force target to give in, the person seems sure of this but reasons have to be rule out to avoid Injustice or misjudgements. Many explanations of that energy around the subject he seems ready to engage with anyone in the act which show was a illnesses ha had and many of his peers behave same way like a fun and casual thing making anyone that will no participate or agree a source of mockery, very sad but true. The person need to be interviewed about when he or she started that compulsive behavior and who participated with him or her and bring them to understand is a problem no a virtue o good trait, is all irrational and is not love never is love is a distortion of real love many times, more about self gratification to get self esteem boost and obsession with target or the stimulation of senses, sexual energy fix like chemical addict's or only for money or both.
Where was this discussion fifty yrs ago and how many lives marriages etc would have been saved How many have gone through this on their own and live with the stigma
im impressed. obviously this man knows well the subject. ran into this by luck. but is super important to know all this ahead of time before is too late. i wish i knew this before, but is still good i know now.
J Garcia, I can't take Carnes seriously. Sex can never be considered an "addiction". No more than a tadpole that develops legs and starts using them to hop can be called a 'hop addict' or a caterpillar that becomes a butterfly and starts using it's wings to fly can be called a 'fly addict'. It's ridiculous!
I believe I was a sex addict as I could not help myself With every woman I meet had one thing on my mind was to have sex with her I now feel I just used a lot of woman I now regret that and I am truely sorry for that
It is so important to listen, to research, to learn the fundamentals of this & it's satellite issues. I have tried to gain an understanding as to the reasons this has become such a widespread problem. Every tree has its roots, without them they cannot grow.
I am addicted to Grass Fed Organic Whole Milk and real butter and many things that CAUSE HEART DISEASE! Is there a 12 Step program that can cure me of being addicted to programs & videos like this? I am so glad the Clintons were mentioned... And Jeff Epstein and the whole Zionist Marxist Pedophile Honey Traps were NOT MENTIONED but this video speaks to that too.
watched another video from Insight about sex addiction, there is a huge debate about it. For own experience marrying a horrible sex addict (I know some people doubt this label term), I know how crazy it goes, especially passing several STDs, putting his and my life in danger, our children life in danger. Spending every single day to watch porn and masturbation. Lie through his teeth, did not feel any sense of problems with this behavior by telling his family "US has more tolerance for sexuality and your chinese do not know a damn thing about sexuality". He has slept with males, females and shambles (big thing for him), using inhales and weeds all the time. If anyone here is telling me that sex addiction does not exist, f*** wait until it happens to your life.
I hate that this addiction automatically makes the one that suffers from it an evil person. If the person makes a mistake in their addiction, they most likely will get arrested and lose everything. There is no grace what so ever. If this addiction makes a person evil. Than I think all addictions should be considered evil. It’s really not fair. The person didn’t choose it. When a spouse leaves another because of this, it questions really how much the spouse actually loved the person. I think grace should be really taken to heart with this problem. When the addicted person is left or shunned, it will only make the addiction worse. Also if the person is arrested, it simply brings more shame on the person causing the addiction to get stronger. Its really all about a drive for dopamine and the high. The person that is addicted isn’t being addicted because they don’t love their spouses any less. They are only sick and really just need true love, grace, respect, and help to find a cure. Being shunned will only make the problem worse. Sad that many people don’t understand this. If you think the person needs to be condemned and they should pay for their sins, then you totally forget about your sins that you’ve committed. In God’s eyes, all sins and lust are the same.
I should have listened to the full interview before commenting in the first ten mins... Oops, sorry guys!! But its nice to see I was on the right track lol
You cannot be against child pornography if you're simultaneously okay with any pornography because pornography inevitably ends up in front of the eyes of children. The children that view pornography will many times end up viewing child pornography as adults. If you're against child pornography (rightly so) then you must be against all pornography lest you be a hypocrite.
Every thing that was said is even more relevant in 2018
9 ปีที่แล้ว +1
fantastic, this dr. carnes. at, and after the 40 minute mark, he's got me riveted. this is the kind of stuff i look for, not "try my program, it's guaranteed to work" kind of stuff. so 12-step is good, i'm in there already, though for something else.
yea very low views but making me think about my self i relized i am a addict to sex for sure seems like it. according to this happend for when i was younger crazy stuff
They used to ask a panel of people in community to look at porn video and were asked if that us obscene by your standards. If it was it we illegal .Bill Clinton and Janet Reno stopped it.
The last few seconds of this video are very telling. Carnes says, "I've been married to my wife since 1995 and just what it takes to deal with her" Then he proceeds to stammer and stumble over his words, and try to cover up what he just said by saying she is a wonderful woman...but how much it takes to deal with her. That is a lesson from How Men Think 101.
he seems not to have quite answered the question of where to start - he mentioned anxiety & bandwidth, but not where to start. i guess i does tell you which of his books to start with for different angles.
I'm so grateful for all of your work and activism in making the world realize and accept that sex IS an addiction. I discuss much of your work in my blog ( where I share my experiences as a female addict. I have been in recovery for sex, love and food addiction for several years, and your extensive research has helped me enormously. Thank you.
This is the genius network, where is Ken Wilber, please help to make him a household name Joe, he is a global treasure and a once in a thousand year genius His models will be the basis of all thought in all fields in th future, please make that happen now at our time of need
What good does it do to understand why people do evil things? Why don't you just call a spade a spade when you use another person for your own gratification you're evil when you can't see other people only yourself you're evil you need to cast The Devil out then you can get free of your desire to defile others and defile yourself! The Bible calls them dogs sexually immoral
Distortion of reality is where the demon takes over! When they care nothing about hurting others and invading their space and all they want is power what does that tell you? It turns them into selfish brute beasts not men
They're not wonderful people when they're addicted to power and control that's an evil person and now get well if they admit to their hunger to advance himself at other people's expense that's a predator
How you became an expert, is this base in personal experience or scientific research base in psychologist and psychiatric reports and observations? I need to understand how you got to your expertise and can quote you knowing you have sound knowledge about subject. Videos and media shows that is a rampant issue but is not from trauma neither sexual abuse that is a lie.
There is whole bunch of predators and those types in Hollywood. There was video at least 10 can't find video. Weinstein didn't only act out escort unless it was him and lyjng
What does it mean when your partner has sex with all of your family members I think that my partner has a sexual addiction what does that sound like to you thank you for your advice start healthy to have sex with all of my family members I don't think
This interview finally showed me why my sexual fantasies are not my fault. Self-hatred was broken and I have enjoyed freedom from pornography for the last 5 years!
Hi, what part of the video is the fantasy part?
How did you do it?
They are not your fault, but they really are your responsibility... All adults really are responsible for their own Thoughts, Feelings, & Behaviors. You can change any of these things you want to change
fuck yes! i am at day 32 and i have felt SO MUCH BETTER.
bye bye brain fog
increased strngth
better hair, skin, eyes
self respect
no more self shaming
This man saved my life. And I hope this video gets more views.
Mine too
Here for you in spirit brother. ..took the test on his site ..came back a 9 ...lots of work to do but his words you don't put time into things are not important will be ringing in my ears for hopefully a lifetime.
Chris Thorton i
Does it actually work? I feel like I'm too far gone
@@billysledgehammer it works but it takes a ton of effort. And it's all worth it. The old you needs to be completely erased. That's something you have to accept
8 days clean from porn here and attended my first meeting. One day at a time because I know what I’m up against.
Good job! This is that fork in the road that will change the rest of your life. 😇
I ordered Dr Carnes' and his daughter's books because my husband is in jail right now due to his own issues. It caught me totally in shock, I'm hurting, lonely, missing him and despising him. I will be starting therapy locally soon to get through all this!
Hi Laura. Just curious to find out where you are at, regarding the many levels that these issues thrust upon you? In particular, were the books enough to get you through?
Hope all is well!
This is fascinating. Anyone that denies sex addiction exits needs to watch this. Life changing talk. This will only get more and more important as time goes on. Thank you to both of you from the bottom of my heart.
My parents were a total shit show of abuse and yelling and screaming, car accidents, breaking dishes, divorce, neglect, and narcissism and blaming us the kids and denying anything bad ever happened. To this day I have problems reconciling the fact that my parents will never admit what happened and will never apologize.
Absolutely---On watching this for the 2nd time i have concluded that this is the most important video on youtube...regardless of what addiction we suffer, we can apply the advice to any aspect of life..
Rarely do you hear an interview this in depth, not to mention long these days. Both these guys are really sharp. Well done.
Amazing! This needs to go Viral so that many of the people of the world HEAL so we can all set ourselves FREE!
You don’t know you’re addicted to porn til you try to quit. So much arrogance out there. I wish people understood.
This is so informative for someone coming into contact with sex addiction for the first time. Thank you for this.
The part when Dr. Carnes brought up how even something like gaming or TV can affect early brain development is so important, though it's very difficult to get across to people. There are parents out there who get very defensive about that fact because they seem to depend upon those modalities constantly to keep their children occupied so that they themselves can do things and not have to really engage with the kids. I don't think sometimes that people realize the far reaching effects, or if they do, their immediate gratification or defense of their parental skills is more important than their children's well-being and how that affects the world at large.
Great interview, Thanks, Dr.Patrick Carnes. Your book about sexual anorexia opened my heart to myself
Absolutely incredibly important interview. He sums up every addiction in such accurate terms.
It's a shame that many therapists don't regard sex addiction as an addiction.
I'm happy to see that someone is seriously talking about and addressing this problem. Yes, it is a very serious issue, and it will become more so now that PCs live in everyone's home and phone. I don't have this issue myself, but I live with it every day, and it destroys family and it really does break people's hearts. The worst part, I think, is that most people I know of with this issue are in total denial. They do not seem to believe they have a "problem". Their issue, from their own perspective is that OTHERS have a problem, but it does not belong to them. Their addiction is far more attractive to them than intimacy with another human being, and it feels like a no-win situation for the other people who love them. I view this primarily as an intimacy issue, though I understand it is more complex than JUST that. That's hard enough. If you have not seen it yet, check out Ted Bundy's last interview. No matter how nuts you may think he is, he makes a lot of sense, especially if you know a porn addict. They do escalate, and often, they do have issues with "power and control", which shows in all aspects of their lives if you look. Anyway! Thanks for this video. Shine on! I hope you continue to be able to assist others with this. There is so much pain in this situation that it is difficult for me to even talk about.
This is completely true I just found ought my man is a sex addict and he acts like it's nothing
This guy is great, cause he speaks as if he's dealing with the problem himself - which makes it therapeutic.
Narcissistic personality disorder and sex addiction go hand in hand.
40:39 family history and genetics, age of two the gaze of the parents, attachment. Find addiction when their is a failure to bond, 10 for girls 12 for boys, stress chemicals.
42:20 oxytocin, inhibition, ability to stop themselves is affected
43:30 ....people of great achievement access their brains in the same way addicts do... therefore must be happy and in the flow, the zone of doing what they do best. Focus vs Obsession, Challenge vs. Stressed out, what happens is they get hooked on the stress of it.
46:39 involving family members in therapy, ....the family member is more distressed than the addict,...
47:17 the family member maybe have even been traumatized....broken promises and lies
47:40 when the family figures out they are part of the problem, and start to get work for themselves, then progress really starts to happen
This man is a magician that gave us an open door to how to understand these things about us that are complex to perceive
I have the 1st and 2nd edition of Out Of The Shadows.. THIS BOOK NEEDS TO BE A COLLEGE COURSE!!!!!
I need this book .how can I buy or find out
great psychologist & great hosting as well.....
12 steps work if you do the work. So do it cause your worth it.
Thank you SO much for this video .. Just a bit into it now, I relate with far too much of this. Thank you.. so much
Thank you both for making this content. So insightful!!!
I found the comment based on the comparison of the work done in Flow. Why are these people not work addicts? I grew up with a self-admitted and recovering work addicted father. It was still a failure to bond. All/most of his worth as a person came from his work. The impact on the children is more like neglect than active abuse. Work addiction is still the acceptable and even praised addiction.
Awesome discussion and a much needed one at that. Dr. Carnes knows his stuff and I agree with him on "many" of the points he makes. The technology we love so much is destroying so many people because they can be fed anything they want in the comfort of their own home for as long as they wish....bad or good. It's sad that such a great discussion prob wont keep people's short of attention span and they'll click off of it. The writing's on the wall, just too bad people wont look away from their devices to see it.
Dr. Carnes' writing has helped my quest for transformation has been supported and motivated by his attitudes and insights. I was particularly moved by his definition of addiction I am loosely paraphrasing as a condition where the addict is unable or distrusts the natural, normal connectedness and appropriate interpersonal dependency. I often refer people to his and Pia Melody, and Stephanie Carnes' work as well.
I also was helped greatly by a figure in one of the books which describes the general picture of parenting and family life of the "average" addict i.e. it is a 4 part gradient that includes enmeshment & its opposite, and 2 other categories. I would appreciate help in finding this content again. Thx.
Darice Davis,
Sorry can't help you with the rediscovery of the "4 part gradient".
I can't take Carnes seriously. Sex can never be considered an "addiction". No more than a tadpole that develops legs and starts using them to hop can be called a 'hop addict' or a caterpillar that becomes a butterfly and starts using it's wings to fly can be called a 'fly addict'. It's ridiculous!
this is incredible. Thank goodness for people like Patrick Carnes
Love this man only after 25 seconds
More money just makes your addiction more lavish in setting but no different in nature.
I knew a guy who had child porn on his PC and ended up committing suicide after he was offered a plea deal to be on the public sex register site for basically life or take it to trial and risk 30 years in prison.
He never even went to trial.
The aa book has 50 testimonies . Large percent were very serious stuff . Teachers abusing students.
Very distinguished Dr and mind. Beautiful.
Every active addiction requires predisposition (something in the brain), encouragement (an abusive home, chronic stress, poor upbringing), and availability (one can get to it). Sadly, once the addictive plexus is set up in the brain, the brain will seek out various means to gratify itself. As soon as one gets off one addiction (alcohol, drugs, pot, sugar), the brain will seek out something else (coffee, cigarettes, work, gaming, etc.).
“Out of the shadows” WOW that title is perfect. There is so much victim blaming of sex addicts.
A difficult and long night of dark sexual temptation brought joy in the morning like I cant even express seen at The freeing feeling after my night of resisting temptation
A phylosphist explained to me due to a case I have to face was animal pheromones from the individual or he was a sex worker and will send those vibes to targets or he was practicing sex magic to force target to give in, the person seems sure of this but reasons have to be rule out to avoid Injustice or misjudgements. Many explanations of that energy around the subject he seems ready to engage with anyone in the act which show was a illnesses ha had and many of his peers behave same way like a fun and casual thing making anyone that will no participate or agree a source of mockery, very sad but true. The person need to be interviewed about when he or she started that compulsive behavior and who participated with him or her and bring them to understand is a problem no a virtue o good trait, is all irrational and is not love never is love is a distortion of real love many times, more about self gratification to get self esteem boost and obsession with target or the stimulation of senses, sexual energy fix like chemical addict's or only for money or both.
absolutely love this guy's book "Out of the Shadows" (I think that was the title). Very helpful
The best book, EVER
Wow, this conversation is incredibly insightful. So applicable to all forms of addiction.
He was ahead of his time, he already saw this selfish addiction brewing in the 70s...
this has been thee most fascinating speak on recovery ive ever heard
Where was this discussion fifty yrs ago and how many lives marriages etc would have been saved
How many have gone through this on their own and live with the stigma
Thank you
Amazingly useful and pertinent. Very sad only 237 views
Just scored 19 out of 20 on SAST test.
A very good interviewer.
Great interview... Thanks
Loads of valuable information. Thanks for posting.
im impressed. obviously this man knows well the subject. ran into this by luck. but is super important to know all this ahead of time before is too late. i wish i knew this before, but is still good i know now.
J Garcia,
I can't take Carnes seriously. Sex can never be considered an "addiction". No more than a tadpole that develops legs and starts using them to hop can be called a 'hop addict' or a caterpillar that becomes a butterfly and starts using it's wings to fly can be called a 'fly addict'. It's ridiculous!
@@dannynyman9681 is documentary called chasing the cardboard butterfly about porn addiction
Great video. Its very hard to hear.
At 3:59, Work stress changes the brain..... that is something very important thing to know.
Does anyone know of an mp3 version of this?
+Mark Modesti Create your own with youtube-dl.
Good video. Thank you.
Amazing interview, very insightful.
I believe I was a sex addict as I could not help myself
With every woman I meet had one thing on my mind was to have sex with her
I now feel I just used a lot of woman I now regret that and I am truely sorry for that
It is so important to listen, to research, to learn the fundamentals of this & it's satellite issues. I have tried to gain an understanding as to the reasons this has become such a widespread problem. Every tree has its roots, without them they cannot grow.
Really great interview, thanks.
9:49 Interesting that there is a photography genre called "food porn". Patrick Carnes - genius insight.
Is this a good read for someone who has pornography addiction? Anyone?
Surfing for God
I am addicted to Grass Fed Organic Whole Milk and real butter and many things that CAUSE HEART DISEASE! Is there a 12 Step program that can cure me of being addicted to programs & videos like this? I am so glad the Clintons were mentioned... And Jeff Epstein and the whole Zionist Marxist Pedophile Honey Traps were NOT MENTIONED but this video speaks to that too.
watched another video from Insight about sex addiction, there is a huge debate about it. For own experience marrying a horrible sex addict (I know some people doubt this label term), I know how crazy it goes, especially passing several STDs, putting his and my life in danger, our children life in danger. Spending every single day to watch porn and masturbation. Lie through his teeth, did not feel any sense of problems with this behavior by telling his family "US has more tolerance for sexuality and your chinese do not know a damn thing about sexuality". He has slept with males, females and shambles (big thing for him), using inhales and weeds all the time. If anyone here is telling me that sex addiction does not exist, f*** wait until it happens to your life.
So sorry to hear this. I hope you get healing😇
I hate that this addiction automatically makes the one that suffers from it an evil person. If the person makes a mistake in their addiction, they most likely will get arrested and lose everything. There is no grace what so ever. If this addiction makes a person evil. Than I think all addictions should be considered evil. It’s really not fair. The person didn’t choose it. When a spouse leaves another because of this, it questions really how much the spouse actually loved the person. I think grace should be really taken to heart with this problem. When the addicted person is left or shunned, it will only make the addiction worse. Also if the person is arrested, it simply brings more shame on the person causing the addiction to get stronger. Its really all about a drive for dopamine and the high. The person that is addicted isn’t being addicted because they don’t love their spouses any less. They are only sick and really just need true love, grace, respect, and help to find a cure. Being shunned will only make the problem worse. Sad that many people don’t understand this. If you think the person needs to be condemned and they should pay for their sins, then you totally forget about your sins that you’ve committed. In God’s eyes, all sins and lust are the same.
I should have listened to the full interview before commenting in the first ten mins... Oops, sorry guys!!
But its nice to see I was on the right track lol
You cannot be against child pornography if you're simultaneously okay with any pornography because pornography inevitably ends up in front of the eyes of children. The children that view pornography will many times end up viewing child pornography as adults. If you're against child pornography (rightly so) then you must be against all pornography lest you be a hypocrite.
That makes no sense whatsoever..
Great interview
The last 14 minutes are a repeat of the first 14?
great talk
Every thing that was said is even more relevant in 2018
fantastic, this dr. carnes. at, and after the 40 minute mark, he's got me riveted. this is the kind of stuff i look for, not "try my program, it's guaranteed to work" kind of stuff. so 12-step is good, i'm in there already, though for something else.
This Dr knows. Listen up, for your children's sake.. porn is normal, but not ok..
the link to the website did not work.
Thanks for letting us know - is working again now.
yea very low views but making me think about my self i relized i am a addict to sex for sure seems like it. according to this happend for when i was younger crazy stuff
And society allows and promotes so much addictive behaivour
They used to ask a panel of people in community to look at porn video and were asked if that us obscene by your standards. If it was it we illegal .Bill Clinton and Janet Reno stopped it.
This addiction creates ADHD like disorder messed up the chemistry of the brain.
didn't mean to write that that way. SPD is not that book, different book. Out of the Shadows is on Amazon. Intense read, very eye opening
Prior to the internet it was personal ads. That's what "Escape" from Rupert Holmes is all about.
But getting better!!
The last few seconds of this video are very telling.
Carnes says, "I've been married to my wife since 1995 and just what it takes to deal with her"
Then he proceeds to stammer and stumble over his words, and try to cover up what he just said by saying she is a wonderful woman...but how much it takes to deal with her.
That is a lesson from How Men Think 101.
funny..why did that catch my attention too..that was odd.. rabbit trail..?
Yes but have you met his wife?
Your comment is a lesson of how women think 101
he seems not to have quite answered the question of where to start - he mentioned anxiety & bandwidth, but not where to start. i guess i does tell you which of his books to start with for different angles.
Chris Rowley,
Go ahead and throw more money at the pseudoscience machine.
I'm so grateful for all of your work and activism in making the world realize and accept that sex IS an addiction. I discuss much of your work in my blog ( where I share my experiences as a female addict. I have been in recovery for sex, love and food addiction for several years, and your extensive research has helped me enormously. Thank you.
On sexual addiction 36:20
You don't put time into things that are unimportant.
This is the genius network, where is Ken Wilber, please help to make him a household name Joe, he is a global treasure and a once in a thousand year genius
His models will be the basis of all thought in all fields in th future, please make that happen now at our time of need
My scored was 20. Anyone could help?
Why do they want to invade other people's space? It's a hunger for power over others? To me that's evil
What good does it do to understand why people do evil things? Why don't you just call a spade a spade when you use another person for your own gratification you're evil when you can't see other people only yourself you're evil you need to cast The Devil out then you can get free of your desire to defile others and defile yourself! The Bible calls them dogs sexually immoral
Distortion of reality is where the demon takes over! When they care nothing about hurting others and invading their space and all they want is power what does that tell you? It turns them into selfish brute beasts not men
They're not wonderful people when they're addicted to power and control that's an evil person and now get well if they admit to their hunger to advance himself at other people's expense that's a predator
How you became an expert, is this base in personal experience or scientific research base in psychologist and psychiatric reports and observations? I need to understand how you got to your expertise and can quote you knowing you have sound knowledge about subject. Videos and media shows that is a rampant issue but is not from trauma neither sexual abuse that is a lie.
59:23 Harvey Weinstein??
There is whole bunch of predators and those types in Hollywood. There was video at least 10 can't find video. Weinstein didn't only act out escort unless it was him and lyjng
USA only country with a dessert card? Not true.
What does it mean when your partner has sex with all of your family members I think that my partner has a sexual addiction what does that sound like to you thank you for your advice start healthy to have sex with all of my family members I don't think
11,000 a day does that eman it’s normal lol
same way trump talks
"Genius Network"....a bit narcissistic, perhaps?
Thank you