(ទំពួន)សម្ពោធព្រះគម្ពីរប៊ីបភាសាទំពួន Celebration and Dedication of the Tampuan New Bible Translation
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.พ. 2025
- សួរស្តីលោកអ្នក បងប្អូនជាគ្រីស្ទានទាំងនៅក្នុងស្រុកខ្មែរ និងក្រៅ ស្រុកទាំងអស់ជាទីស្រឡាញ់ និងរាប់អាន ឆាណែលខ្ញុំបាទ មាន ផលិតជាចម្រៀងគ្រីស្ទានទំពួន ដោយមានបទចម្រៀង របាំសិល្បៈ កាយវិការ និងស្លៀកពាក់ពាក់ប្រពៃណី តាមបែបជីដូនជីតារបស់បងប្អូនជនជាតិដើមភាគតិចទំពួន និងបទចម្រៀងជាអក្សរភ្លេងផងដែរ ។ សូមជួយចុចកពាក្យជាវ ដើម្បី ទទួលបានចម្រៀងថ្មីៗ ។ ចំណាំ៖ សូមមេត្តាកុំយកវីឌីអូរចម្រៀង របស់ចម្រៀងSK Tampuan Christian ទៅផុសបន្តដើម្បីធ្វើអាជីវកម្មឡើយ! សូមអរគុណ! សូមព្រះប្រទានពរ។ Hello Christians, both in Cambodia and abroad, dear and dear friends, I have produced a Tampuan Christian song with songs, dances, gestures and traditional dress of the ancestors of the people. Tampuan minority and song lyrics as well. Please click subscribe to get the latest songs. Note: Please do not take the music video of SK Tampuan Christian song to continue to do business! Thank you! God bless you.
great to see our Khmer ethnic keep on sharing
Thank you
Miss Yett (in green) composed a special Tampuan hymn for the celebration. This is the English translation:
Rejoice today everyone, Rejoice! Brothers and sisters, today we have God’s Word!
We speak so the people will hear, Brothers and sisters, listen to the words of Bokatoy (God of Heaven)
We sing praises to the Lord God! Brothers and sisters, make his name famous.
Our hearts are filled with happiness, Brothers and sisters, because we have God’s Word in Tampuan.
Let us read the words of Bokatoy, Brothers and sisters, read his words everyday.
Oh, brothers and sisters and relatives, all of you, Brothers and sisters, let us put our trust in Bokatoy!
Amen! Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Thanks to Mr. Andrew and his family for sacrificing their happiness to live in Ratanakkiri to translate the Bible into Tampuan, God bless him and your family, and thanks to the team involved in translating the Bible.
Uh Boni oi adai yoh ayong ho Boni ih lu