2 Things make bare falsification naive: 1) Like your man said, almost every theory has anomalies, often right from the getgo- stuff it can’t explain as things stand. Maybe it’ll explain them later, but maybe it won’t. When are we to say that these anomalies falsify the theory?? 2) most theories aren’t even really about what’s true- they are models. Ask yourself, what would it mean to falsify the ideal gas law? What exactly could falsify it?? I mean there are plenty of gases that don’t follow it, but then they aren’t ideal…
thanks for the lecture. You are doing great.
Great work
thanks - helpful :)
WTF is naive about Falsification?
2 Things make bare falsification naive:
1) Like your man said, almost every theory has anomalies, often right from the getgo- stuff it can’t explain as things stand. Maybe it’ll explain them later, but maybe it won’t. When are we to say that these anomalies falsify the theory??
2) most theories aren’t even really about what’s true- they are models. Ask yourself, what would it mean to falsify the ideal gas law? What exactly could falsify it?? I mean there are plenty of gases that don’t follow it, but then they aren’t ideal…
read up on Duhem/Quine