Punkin Shananaquet - Passing this beautiful, rich and profound way of life into the next generation.

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 29 ก.ย. 2024
  • Come listen to Punkin Shanaaquet at the 2019 Hemp and Indigenous Farmers Conference discuss the beauty of Mother Earth and why we need to do everything to help protect it from those who would only subject her to exploitation and greed.

ความคิดเห็น • 4

  • @alexxkinney
    @alexxkinney 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Are these more lies?

  • @wbworkout
    @wbworkout 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    So many plants have been lost as we developed hybrids and created huge vast areas of mono-culture. The soils are depleted by misuse and overuse. Greed feeds all this. I agree that plastic is so bad and how do we get away for it or at least use it less and use it in better ways. So much waste and throw away stuff in the garbage chain that could be used or reused. I pull stuff out of the dumpster all the time and wonder why was this throw away? I look at everything and ask how can I reuse this? Our culture is no taught to think abut this study and is fed crap on TV and on commercials. I hate all the crap I see in the stores especially luring kids, throw away stuff which has n lasting value.I feel her words and ask myself each day how can I do better. I tried the lost of forests, the destruction of habitats and species. I have been including many animal nations and species in my prayers that have been poisoned, hunted to near extinction or their homes and lands destroyed and reformatted by the greed of man. Many are used for fake medicine, undergo torture and this is a sacrilege, vandalism of Creation, and callous regard for nature. This is rooted in Euro domination doctrine that the world is thier oyster nd they can have it all and they have exported that horrible philosophy to the rest of the world. The Native Wise Woman speaks the truth.

  • @julianlauzzana
    @julianlauzzana 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    So grateful for this transmission and your presence in our community Punkin Shananaquet! We are so fortunate that you and others have endured, thrived and held onto the teachings. So much sorrow and so much joy unite us as one family.

  • @xenashu9402
    @xenashu9402 4 ปีที่แล้ว
