honestly he should be centre, it’s not cause he’s good looking but he just give the whole show a more mature vibe, with dong pyo being centre, it feels like everyone in the show is underage
Yeah i agree with that. I love Dongpyo too he's such a cutie but I'm a bit shock when i knew that Dongpyo become the center, it's just unexpected for me,and i thought that will be someone else who is more mature cuz the major vocal of the theme song is quite mature though
this is not a cutsie aegyo song, this is a manly song with strong lyrics and melody. he doesn't lack expression, his expression is fitting. I knew nothing about him but I'll honestly be surprised if this guy doesn't get a good spot in the final evaluation!
If you think looking good isn't a skill and a talent then you need to follow Wooshin. The boy knows how to work the camera and look good all the time no matter how hard the choreo.
I think WooSeok's dancing skill is different than others, he is avoiding unnecessary moves, keep it simple yet still powerful, when others is like losing their breathe after the dance over, he is still looks fierce
Eventually he will be center and that would be like how kang daniel and jeon somi got their center! ;) Easier to work your way up instead of maintaining that position throughout the entire competition.
He dances really well and looks so attractive that it's scary he might debut in the final team. Our desert fox show those oblivious people what you've got😃
Yves Saint Laurent I probably lose my time with you but seriously, that thing happened two years and each company said that was fake... Seriously, think about your future life... Firstly than you can talk about something good and Let him breathe, he has already suffered for nothing.. just move we don't need someone like you but just do something with yourself .
Stan Up10tion for True Happiness to be in the final lineup... sorry i didn’t make it clear 🤦🏽♀️😬 i was responding to your comment about him being in the debut lineup
He's a very high quality idol! Wooshin and Byungchan are my all the time pick 1, I can't choose just one; And having Wooshin, Wei and Byungchan in one frame makes me the most happy girl in the World 😍💖 I'm really wishing them the best, and let's go boys, until the final episode!💖 They really deserves better and so much recognition 😭✨
So i come back here in 2023 and find out why he became my bias. Like look at him. His charisma is not a joke! Then look at his clear dance line and how he found the perfect movement for him omg
my heart aches every time i see wooseok but he danced so well and it just looked so natural. i'm so proud of him, he put on a spectacular performance, i would literally give the whole world to him
It's sad that Up10tion is so underrated that they have to participate in this show 😔 Let's be successful my boys 😘 Show them what you've got! We will always support you.
The reason he is top 3 chosen as center. That unchanging charisma of his i love it. The members chose him as the center for 3 performance so there's a chance of him being the center for the final.
owenira Well Up10tion will have to keep promoting as 8 or 9 then and will potentially never be OT10 again considering how long the Produce contract is this time
I believe Wooshin will debut in here, and I'm little bit worry about Wei, I hope Wei can do far to. And OH MY!!! My Fav being in one frame *WOOSHIN, WEI, BYUNGCHAN* ♡♡♡
that ending pose though..he always comes up with unique poses and looks for the camera. never seen something like this before in produce - usually its a wink/heavy breathing/smile/kiss/etc
That's why they have 10+x (most votes overall and not finals) I'm really happy with this new rule :D must be because everyone attacked mnet after jonghyun and gaeun
Lol still can’t get over the fact that he wasn’t the centre for this like seriously my poor baby he could have been the centre still then we all know how much he deserved ♥️
I just started watching this show again. Before, I watched only the 1st episode since the show encountered lots of scandals I got tired. But seeing Kim Wooseok, I started watching again. I didn't appreciated him before. I only had eyes for Yoon Seobin and Kim Yohan. But it changed as I get to watch all the other episodes. It's just a shame that they had to cancel everything due to the scandals. I do think Kim Wooseok should be the center here. It feels like he is in command of everything here. His expressions says it all. Fighting Kim Wooseok!!! 💖
his gaze is like no one's else.. he really shouldve been the centre. he's really good with facial expressing and his gaze is so focused on the camera i love love dongpyo but wooseok just gives a more mature vibe
UP10TION, WOOSHIN AND WEI!! LET'S GET ALL THE ATTENTION YOU GUYS DESERVE♡♡ P.s. as a Honey10 I highkey hope both of them didn't get into final lineup. Just get a great amount of attention is what U10T needs ^^
Don't underestimate the visual member. You'd think he's in the group just because he's pretty, but it's not easy to look handsome all the time while doing hard choreo. Just look at the guy behind Wooshin on the right and see the difference between a pro and a beginner. The other boy couldn't maintain his facial expression and lost sharpness in his movements halfway through. Wooshin was in the zone! Visuals on point and never lost stamina. And that seductive ending pose that he can hit every single time!! 😍
@@janinebayor7507 I will compare because the difference is apparent. I know he's an idol from Victon. Not every idol has the same level of talent so the fact that he has debuted means little to me.
akiheavenly6 i can really see what are you trying to point out. I thought the guy behind wooseok (the one wearing the tie) was a trainee until I saw that he’s from Victon. But seriously, I can see wooseok looking at the camera and looking attractive in the WHOLE Video. That’s some talent right there! ❤️✨
You know, the final group needs wooseok as vocalist and visual
Also the center ❤
He's debut now 😭❤
He did
he was..... im crying
i didn't not sign up for this...
honestly he should be centre, it’s not cause he’s good looking but he just give the whole show a more mature vibe, with dong pyo being centre, it feels like everyone in the show is underage
Yeah i agree with that.
I love Dongpyo too he's such a cutie but I'm a bit shock when i knew that Dongpyo become the center, it's just unexpected for me,and i thought that will be someone else who is more mature cuz the major vocal of the theme song is quite mature though
I think all the contestants vote for who's gonna be the center?
I can't disagree. The moment I saw the mv I was suprised there was so many babies.
this is not a cutsie aegyo song, this is a manly song with strong lyrics and melody. he doesn't lack expression, his expression is fitting. I knew nothing about him but I'll honestly be surprised if this guy doesn't get a good spot in the final evaluation!
If you think looking good isn't a skill and a talent then you need to follow Wooshin. The boy knows how to work the camera and look good all the time no matter how hard the choreo.
Yes!!! Finally someone said this! Looking good is a talent and talent. No one can looking good all the time but our dear Wooseok does that!
he has the self-awareness as a visual of the group and I'm digging it!
he is confident with his dance, so thats why he always look at camera
I think WooSeok's dancing skill is different than others, he is avoiding unnecessary moves, keep it simple yet still powerful, when others is like losing their breathe after the dance over, he is still looks fierce
We were all robbed when they didn't pick Wooshin as center.
akiheavenly6 true, really thought he would suit the center
Eventually he will be center and that would be like how kang daniel and jeon somi got their center! ;) Easier to work your way up instead of maintaining that position throughout the entire competition.
@dcss please update urself before you put a comment bruh
@dcss get the fuck outta here! I hope you're a troll because otherwise you're ignorant as fuck.
He is the only trainee that got me felt satisfied watching his dancing's move 😍 i keep coming back to here just to feel satisfied again
It looks like his dancing just comes naturally without having to think about it while the other contestants are different
His dance is really smooth and clean. Everyone please support Kim Wooseok!!
hwang minhyun vibes 😍💗 i can smell debut debut debut 🔥
He touched Somi inappropriately ew minhyun better
Yves Saint Laurent lmao really now??? lol where is your receipt???
I think like that too hahahah
watching wooseok and jinhyuk work so hard for this makes me tear up
I feel yah huhu
me too...
But only wooseok made it😭
Wooshin didn’t come to play, he’s dancing diligently but still looks super handsome, I mean hoooow?! 😂💖
He dances really well and looks so attractive that it's scary he might debut in the final team. Our desert fox show those oblivious people what you've got😃
He touched Somi inappropriately ew
Honestly he deserves it.. and hopefully up10tion can get more recognition in korea
Yves Saint Laurent I probably lose my time with you but seriously, that thing happened two years and each company said that was fake... Seriously, think about your future life... Firstly than you can talk about something good and Let him breathe, he has already suffered for nothing.. just move we don't need someone like you but just do something with yourself .
Stan Up10tion for True Happiness to be in the final lineup... sorry i didn’t make it clear 🤦🏽♀️😬 i was responding to your comment about him being in the debut lineup
@@hadidontknowwhatimdoing Aw. Don't be sorry. But I want him to come back to his group 😓 but don't know what the future holds
He's a very high quality idol! Wooshin and Byungchan are my all the time pick 1, I can't choose just one; And having Wooshin, Wei and Byungchan in one frame makes me the most happy girl in the World 😍💖 I'm really wishing them the best, and let's go boys, until the final episode!💖 They really deserves better and so much recognition 😭✨
Yunseong is better at peforming and dancing tho
@@Theoneandonlybish Who care?? nobody ask u.
truee sis 🙉💕
Everything about him, his singing, his dancing and his appearance, all make him the perfect idol. Can’t believe he wasn’t centre.
Who loves wooshin ? Anyone
Me uwu
When you want to focus at Wooshin but at the same time you can see Wei ...😂😂 Honey10 can't help❤❤❤
who is wei? and where is he?
@@kiranaanindya2226 Wei and Wooshin is UP10TION members ... He at the back.. Wei is the one that didn't wear tie..... *Sorry for my English😅
Sis i feel u
IKR! 🤣 My eyes kept going to Wei and I'm telling myself "bitch, focus! You're gonna watch Wei' s solo cam after this anyways".
he is the best contestant at making this move in 3:17 😍😍😝 *support wooshin yall!!!* he deserves all the love and support❤️
I hope wooshin will be center soon. The next of kang daniel. .
So i come back here in 2023 and find out why he became my bias. Like look at him. His charisma is not a joke! Then look at his clear dance line and how he found the perfect movement for him omg
Wooshin visual is in. Lets debut this guy he deserves it
Istg he needs to debut after seeing that Love Shot performance PLEASE I-
my heart aches every time i see wooseok but he danced so well and it just looked so natural. i'm so proud of him, he put on a spectacular performance, i would literally give the whole world to him
His dancing skills never disappoints me and his charisma to the camera while dancing a fast, difficult choreography is amazing 😍 GO WOOSHIN!!!
He's visual 💯✔
He's Dance 💯✔
He's so perfect!!!!
Wooseokie lets debut Fighting♡
He's really been through a lot 😭💕
I can say that wooshin is a contender to be the king of this season ❤️❤️
He touched Somi inappropriately ew
@@celinebeanie But he didn't, do you not think he suffered enough from the accusations already?
@@celinebeanie Please get your facts straight before commenting something like that, thank you :)
Wooshin fighting!💕
True ❤️❤️❤️
Yves Saint Laurent you are clearly a troll who knows nothing
김우석 사랑해
UP10TION is in the house
this is the best one ive watched he’s so clean and professional
Wooshin, Byungchan and Wei are being in one frame ❤️❤️❤️😭
I hope that they will get debut together 💓💞
1:32 his winkk ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
It's sad that Up10tion is so underrated that they have to participate in this show 😔 Let's be successful my boys 😘 Show them what you've got! We will always support you.
The reason he is top 3 chosen as center. That unchanging charisma of his i love it. The members chose him as the center for 3 performance so there's a chance of him being the center for the final.
Kim wooseok is a talented person ❤️
he definitely has the special something you need to be a star
If you are reading the comments Wooseokahh, pls remember there are many Fans who love you ♡♡
we are supporting you! we believe in you!
When you see two of UP10TION members on one stage, but didn't perform as UP10TION :")
may i ask, what happens to UP10TION if one of them or both of them is selected?
owenira Well Up10tion will have to keep promoting as 8 or 9 then and will potentially never be OT10 again considering how long the Produce contract is this time
I heard that it's 5 years contract, and they can't promote together with their group for 2.5 years
@@emal02 wow....2.5 years....that is quite long... thanks for the info
I believe Wooshin will debut in here, and I'm little bit worry about Wei, I hope Wei can do far to. And OH MY!!! My Fav being in one frame *WOOSHIN, WEI, BYUNGCHAN* ♡♡♡
I belive that Wei Wooshin ByeongChan and Yuvin will get debut.
@@ramiployrmp474 Hollyshit... We are the same Yuvin is one of my pick to. Yes yes Wooshin, Wei, Byungchan, Yuvin Let's Debut!! Let's prayer together 🙏
@@catleyakw496 yeah!! I'm grateful that we have same fav trainee , let's suport them together 😚😙😘😍💓
Wei keep getting lesser views than Wooshin. 😕 Honey10s must support both boys equally.
My feeling said he is gonna debut
that ending pose though..he always comes up with unique poses and looks for the camera. never seen something like this before in produce - usually its a wink/heavy breathing/smile/kiss/etc
I smell minhyun vibe from wooshin lol. I hope there will be no jonghyun kaeun this season :
That's why they have 10+x (most votes overall and not finals) I'm really happy with this new rule :D must be because everyone attacked mnet after jonghyun and gaeun
I'm not the only one who think like this, he has minhyun vibes like a sweet vocal and visual.
ughh.. not only jonghyun, hyungseob, minki, AND YOUNGMIN 😭
And Samuel 😭😭
i feel too
Oh god he can do everything and the visuals just too much.he will be another hwang minhyun for this seasons
ウシンくん がんばれ!💪💪🏻
Noona SuZy same 😂😂
Lol still can’t get over the fact that he wasn’t the centre for this like seriously my poor baby he could have been the centre still then we all know how much he deserved ♥️
Wooseok a.k.a wooshin, ice prince, angel smile, deep eyes 💚
he’s really center material. visuals and talent. perfect center for the final line up
Wooshin is the Ending Queen! 🙌🙌 🙇♂️🙇♂️🙇♂️
Wooshin let's debut!!
Forget all the bad things that happened in the past and start again, show them your talents and your potential♡
His dancing is so detailed it just draws you in, not to mention the fact he absolutely knows his best angle. His eyes show great determinstion too!
I just started watching this show again. Before, I watched only the 1st episode since the show encountered lots of scandals I got tired. But seeing Kim Wooseok, I started watching again. I didn't appreciated him before. I only had eyes for Yoon Seobin and Kim Yohan. But it changed as I get to watch all the other episodes. It's just a shame that they had to cancel everything due to the scandals. I do think Kim Wooseok should be the center here. It feels like he is in command of everything here. His expressions says it all. Fighting Kim Wooseok!!! 💖
he really looks like winter😭😭 hes so handsome
Still come back here once in a while for this wonderful performance of Wooseok
He kinda looks like park bogum., he is insanely goodlooking and talented., goodluck wooshin., u are meant to be onstage! Fighting!
wow. He knows what angle is supposed to show him nice. And his eyes and expression didn't move and in mood along this whole song. Great job, Wooseoo.
Feel like watching the visual. Hahaha. Like minhyun during pd 101S2
his gaze is like no one's else.. he really shouldve been the centre. he's really good with facial expressing and his gaze is so focused on the camera i love love dongpyo but wooseok just gives a more mature vibe
너무 잘생겼어 충분히 좋아
Kim Wooseok
Wooshin is so handsome and i love his expression while he's dancing..
Always support wooshin, he is so telented. He always handsome. 😂
Wooseok and Jinhyuk in one Fancam ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
I think Wooseok can debut solo and still be fine. He can shine on his own without being part of any group.
I gotta say Wooshin and Wei got me into Up10tion by participating here, I didnt know their whole discography was so ffing amazing
yAS thanks for loving UP10TION! ❤️❤️❤️
Vocalist and visual King Woo Seok!!! 👑
Wooseok fighting keeps shining
4minutes see wooshin do a great dance and expression.. More love and salute for him
HE HAS THE SAME VIBES LIKE NAKO WHILE HE DANCE ! The move looks so neat and simple
Don't you guys think he sang a lot of the song. I keep hearing his voice
He deserve to be centre. Causes he so perfect. He reaction face. He dance. Argg!! My god..wooseok why you look so handsome🐻💙
In my opinion, i think wooshin deserve to be the center
Yess wake Korea up! Also I love that they used that screenshot as the thumbnail. His ending part got like 280k+ views on twitter💕
The face that saved the nation 😌
He's really perfect for the center position! With that visuals and talent, I hope he'll be the final center of the debut group!
His dance is so powerful ❤️
Omgg he dance so well! Korean fans please dont sleep on his talent! Lets debut wooshin a!
P.s. as a Honey10 I highkey hope both of them didn't get into final lineup. Just get a great amount of attention is what U10T needs ^^
Count me on your side~
Oh my god I thought I was the only one!!
Me too... I hope this show makes knetz think that up10tion is really great group, and they can stop judging Wooshin
woops we share the same thoughts
OMG same, why do people want them to debut? :( up10tion needs them
It has been three years n i still luv wooseok
He’s so effortlessly handsome
seriously there’s no doubt he’ll debut he’s got it all
Don't underestimate the visual member. You'd think he's in the group just because he's pretty, but it's not easy to look handsome all the time while doing hard choreo. Just look at the guy behind Wooshin on the right and see the difference between a pro and a beginner. The other boy couldn't maintain his facial expression and lost sharpness in his movements halfway through. Wooshin was in the zone! Visuals on point and never lost stamina. And that seductive ending pose that he can hit every single time!! 😍
akiheavenly6 I think the trainee that you’re speaking about is also an idol, from the group called Victon I guess.
lol the guy at the back that your talking about is also an idol from victon, he's not a begginer. Lol don't compare just stan your favorites 😉😊
@@janinebayor7507 I will compare because the difference is apparent. I know he's an idol from Victon. Not every idol has the same level of talent so the fact that he has debuted means little to me.
akiheavenly6 i can really see what are you trying to point out. I thought the guy behind wooseok (the one wearing the tie) was a trainee until I saw that he’s from Victon. But seriously, I can see wooseok looking at the camera and looking attractive in the WHOLE Video. That’s some talent right there! ❤️✨