ATTENTION. Prana looks sophisticated, but other than noise it doesn’t work. The air exchange is minimal, at 1.2 zero to 3.4 almost zero, at other intensities it is too loud for the neighbors, let alone for their own apartment. I had 4 mounted, but I removed everything due to inoperability and noise. Avoid this product and don't throw money out the window!
Купите водосборное кольцо и будет все круто.
А як вона по рівню шуму? І мене встановлена старіша версія(ставив десь 7років назад) то вона досить шумна навіть на мінімальній потужності.
1 - не чутно, 3- тихо, далі вже гучніше.
ATTENTION. Prana looks sophisticated, but other than noise it doesn’t work. The air exchange is minimal, at 1.2 zero to 3.4 almost zero, at other intensities it is too loud for the neighbors, let alone for their own apartment. I had 4 mounted, but I removed everything due to inoperability and noise. Avoid this product and don't throw money out the window!
Pull out inside part and enjoy)))
tank you
Цікавий формат відео. Спершу думав, що це 4х3, але тут, здається, висоти більше, ніж ширини.
це квадрат 1080х1080