My sister, hope you always be in spirit and truth, bring your family to salvation in the name of Jesus. Saya juga dari Indonesia, sayapun ingin ayah ibu saya percaya kepada Tuhan Yesus. Mari kita saling topang dalam doa :) Tuhan Yesus sertai kita, Immanuel 🙏 🙏 🙏
Tetaplah setia, percayalah Tuhan dapat melakukan perkara yang ajaib untuk keluargamu, yang aku percaya adalah ketika satu orang diselamatkan dan dia mau berdiri bagi keluarganya maka keluarganyapun akan mengalami pemulihan dan menerima keselamatan yang dari Tuhan, Son of God, Abba Father, Lamb of God, Jesus loves you n GOD bless you more
I have known Jesus since I was a child, I spoke with Him while I did my home work. I wanted to make Him proud with my life. I have failed many times, but He still loves me.
Jesus loves you so much - He is speaking to you through this song. Give your life to Jesus please. Say this: Jesus, I accept you into my life. I love you Jesus and I’m ready to accept you into my life. I believe you died and rose again from the grave three days later. I love you Jesus, thank you for forgiving me of my sins as I accept you into my life Jesus, forgive me Lord. In Jesus’ name amen❤️
You literally are me. Since young, I'd always talk to Jesus, go on walks talking to him, and wanting to make him proud. I've failed miserably numerous times thinking that I could prove to him that I didn't need his help to make him proud; but so easily I forgot that nothing I do would make him proud, cos our best works are like dirty rags to him. It is only by his stripes, but his love, that we can be made brand new. And when we are made new, we can glorify him by living a life of praise and thanks. No matter how many times we fall, we rise again because he has given us the chance to live in honour of him. I thank Jesus greatly for not giving up on me when I was in the pits of utter darkness; and I want to thank him through a life that honours him.
This song so touched my life because 30 years ago this month the Lord rescued me from suicide and through the coming years loved me back to life and I physically began at His bidding to bow in worship before Him. One of my emails is the"onewhowaslovedbacktolife". The phrase "God brought me back to life" I have never heard in a song for these many years. Thank you for listening acutely to the Spirit leading you to write grateful. Rick Nichols
Amazing is the way Jesus works in our lives! My mother got healed completely of cancer.. its only prayers that transformed her life. There is nothing that is impossible for Jesus if we believe in Him completely!
Rick Nichols A few years ago I was saved, and now everywhere I go I feel the spirit around me and everyone else, and I hope that someday I can complete my trust in the lord. Thank you, God bless.
Kyla that is really good news. The Spirit of the Living God lives inside of you and He will walk with you and teach you many things as you walk through life. The Lord knows our frality and His commitment to us is that He will never leave us no matter what is going on in our lives. Talk with Him and tell him what is going on with you and He will talk with you too, for He loves you very much. I will be praying for you too.
I'm Buddhist but some how this song touch me so deeply, I want to cry every time I hear this song. Edit: Christian have it's own beauty that touch me somehow. But please, don't judge or labeled other religion because to some people that can be sensitive 🙏😁
The Holy Spirit is speaking to you in a way that you can hear - music. He pursues each one in a way that they can hear. Ask God to show you if Jesus is real. He will. Listen to Him calling you. There is no better life (not easy, but amazing).
I used to be a Buddhist, quite a pious one, but at the same i knew that there was a God, but i never pursued Him, was addicted to pmo for 4 years, anger and rage, but God reintroduced Himself back to me, and i remembered that day, as He told me to Preach The Gospel. I cry everytime i think about that day, that was the day, i told God, I want Him, i want to pursue Him, and bit by bit, God brought me out of addiction, and I've also made it my goal to preach the Gospel to anyone who doesn't know who He is yet. He is a loving, caring father who understands what you're going through. God bless you guys!
my religion is different. but this is beyond amazing. I'm speechless on how beautiful this soothing song are. This is amazing. I can't help but crying. this is so beautiful
You're crying because the Spirit of God is touching your heart. He loves you so much! Give your life to Jesus, and you'll never be the same! God bless you!
God's, are so many in this world. but I believe only in one. in our religion, Jesus is a great prophet who is a leader once who spread the God's lesson. but for now, religion aren't really the matter, we have our own God we serve to, and we raise them high. this song, are a spark.
Tachibana Mei that is so beautiful! Thank you Mei for sharing your heart even if you believe in a different religion. That is a bold and loving thing to do. Yeah, I love this song too. I cry listening to it too.
I think of it as a relationship with Jesus. It's not just a religion, though I am a believer. I believe that Jesus loves everybody no matter if you believe or not. He wants a relationship with all people. Every person is valuable to God. Jesus is the reason why I try to make it a point to show love and compassion to every person I meet. God's love is not meant to be secluded, but shared freely to all who will receive it.
Sarah Anna-Maria if you like dancing 💃🏼 you should try worship flagging look it up it’s a lot of fun . Useing your gifts to glorify him I’m mean he is the one who gave them to us in the first place 😂
God Almighty touch your heart, He want you to follow Him, believe in Jesus Christ, salvation only in Him, He is said:Come to me, eky andriani, only I can give satisfy. i pray in the name of Jesus Christ Amen. Efata
@@ekyandrianiwildan5217 if your religion still moslim is okay.. but, u must to know believe in Jesus, and when these song touch your heart, actually it's Jesus touching your heart. And believe it or not Jesus choose you !! Come to him
[Verse 1] Where would I run But to the throne of mercy Where would I kneel But at this cross of grace How great the love How strong the hand that holds us Beautiful, so beautiful [Chorus] So here, I bow, to lift You high Jesus, be glorified In all things, for all my life I am Yours, forever Yours [Verse 2] There is a King Who bore the scars of healing There is a Son Who came in grace and truth How great the love That carries us to kindness Wonderful, You’re wonderful [Chorus] So here, I bow, to lift You high Jesus, be glorified In all things, for all my life I am Yours, forever Yours [Bridge] God here, and now, be lifted high Right here, and now, be glorified God of heaven and earth God who brought me back to life I am Yours, forever Yours God here, and now, be lifted high Right here, and now, be glorified God of heaven and earth God who brought me back to life I am Yours, forever Yours [Chorus] So here, I bow, to lift You high Jesus, be glorified In all things, for all my life I am Yours, forever Yours [Outro] So here, I bow, to lift You high Jesus, be glorified In all things, and for all my life I am Yours, forever Yours ...
hgonte Sometimes instead of thinking things in that way , how about we see things in a different perspective? It could or could not be copy pasted but still , it’s amazing that this person had took the effort to share the lyrics on this platform(though the video has it) , but it’s still nice :)
Dengan cara ini lah kami menyembah Tuhan, berikan lagu yg indah pujian yg indah kepada Nya. Hubungan 2 arah terjalin antara manusia dan Tuhan. Tersungkur di kaki Tuhan adalah kesenangan bagi ku...He glorified His name is Jesus
Jesus is the true living God. I had an incurable disease. After praying for seven days and nights, and crying to Jesus to reveal himself to me, l encountered the Lord. I saw the sky torn apart and heaven was open and white cloud descending upon me. Then l saw a ball of fire came down upon me. My body was covered with the glory of God. I experienced the conviction of the Holy Spirit. God showed me my darkened heart.. l repented of my sins and believed in Jesus. My healing came miraculously without any medication. Praise be Jesus. It's been over 20 years now and l am healthy and very much alive. My doctor who said l will suffer for life has died. Jesus turned my life around. He spoke to me and revealed himself to me as the true living God. Glory to Jesus.
Yes he is. The Lord appeared to me in a dream and I witnessed his love and authority. I’ve also witnessed miracles through prayers, One being 3 year old girl who drowned and was in the ICU with Doctors telling the mother she may not make it and it would be a miracle if she did. Since then the little girl is home with her mother🙌🏻
This song was released 5 years ago but for me it's new and it really touched me as a Christian but I hope there are still many people who didn't hear this song hope they will find a way to listen to this amazing song... 🥀🥀💫
Heard this song in my church and i don't know somehow i cried singing to this song. I really wanted to experience Jesus in my life. I truly miss Him. I need Him so much more. God, show me a way so that i can have a new life with You, my Saviour!
I'm a pastor and I'm here right now listening to this hymn. God is very wonderful, it's worth going through everything we go through for love for him 🙏
This whole album is amazing. It's as if it's God speaking to us hurting sheep that He still loves us, He still holds, He knows everything that concerns us and is concerned with that as well. Praise God for the healing that will occur by those listening to the songs!
Somebody once moaned that the devil has all the good music. What utter rubbish! This is a stunning example of a song written under the crystal clear influence of the Holy Spirit. So easy and deeply satisfying to sing praises to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. God you are so wonderful, thank you for this utter masterpiece and thank you for Jesus.
Jesus loves you so much - He is speaking to you through this song. Give your life to Jesus please. Say this: Jesus, I accept you into my life. I love you Jesus and I’m ready to accept you into my life. I believe you died and rose again from the grave three days later. I love you Jesus, thank you for forgiving me of my sins as I accept you into my life Jesus, forgive me Lord. In Jesus’ name amen❤️
Praise the Lord Allmighty in the highest places. God here and now Be glorified. Thanks Jenn and let the hosts of heaven support you and your voice to keep glorifying I AM.
How STRONG THE HAND THAT HOLDS US....I AM YOUR FOREVER YOURS .... so here i bow to lift You high JESUS be glorified....RIGHT HERE AND NOW BE GLORIFIED. this is a powerful worship song. worshipping together with Jenn from ZAMBIA
The chorus of this song just came upon me….googled the lyrics and found it…God spoke to me through this song. Thank you! Such a beautiful song. I am reminded that I am forever His, He brought me back to life. 🌈💕🥰
Thank You Jesus for meeting me where I am and loving me through my many mistakes 🙏🏻🙌🏻 Thank you for lifting me out of the darkness and bringing me to life! May I never forget to always give the honor and glory to you because these things I couldn't do without you!
Jesus, I'm really sorry for all the bad things I do... Can you forgive me? I wish you did... I also wish if I passed away, I wanna live with you Jesus... You always awakened me... And make me happy if I am sad... Thank you Jesus for all the things you do to me......
Jesus loves you so much - He is speaking to you through this song. Give your life to Jesus please. Say this: Jesus, I accept you into my life. I love you Jesus and I’m ready to accept you into my life. I believe you died and rose again from the grave three days later. I love you Jesus, thank you for forgiving me of my sins as I accept you into my life Jesus, forgive me Lord. In Jesus’ name amen❤️
Jesus loves you so much - He is speaking to you through this song. Give your life to Jesus please. Say this: Jesus, I accept you into my life. I love you Jesus and I’m ready to accept you into my life. I believe you died and rose again from the grave three days later. I love you Jesus, thank you for forgiving me of my sins as I accept you into my life Jesus, forgive me Lord. In Jesus’ name amen❤️
This was played in the first few services I had as a Christian. Still I think I want to sing and proclaim this song the most (the first christian song in my playlist).. it captures the heart of worship wonderfully.. thank you for this song and thank God for saving me!!
The more I run to God and his everlasting love, the more I heal, the more protected I feel, the more he reveals himself in my life. I gladly bow to him, his divine plans, and his love ❤
Jesus loves you so much - He is speaking to you through this song. Give your life to Jesus please. Say this: Jesus, I accept you into my life. I love you Jesus and I’m ready to accept you into my life. I believe you died and rose again from the grave three days later. I love you Jesus, thank you for forgiving me of my sins as I accept you into my life Jesus, forgive me Lord. In Jesus’ name amen❤️
Hello im from Indonesian i heard this song from mu church this song really make me want to hear it all the time and now i sing it forever and it make me tell that god always forgive us :) I'll Pray for everyone who lost there body and need some money for their family and food and clothes and home im gonna pray for them :D Thank you Jesus for all you gave me :)
Jesus all people no matter what their religion. Jesus did not bring religion but He is the way, the truth and the life. Open your heart to believe and recieve Him as God and savior for your life..
Jesus loves you so much - He is speaking to you through this song. Give your life to Jesus please. Say this: Jesus, I accept you into my life. I love you Jesus and I’m ready to accept you into my life. I believe you died and rose again from the grave three days later. I love you Jesus, thank you for forgiving me of my sins as I accept you into my life Jesus, forgive me Lord. In Jesus’ name amen❤️
God you are the one who brought me back to my life and who forgive all of my sins I would use all of my life and all my heart to praise you and worship you forever and ever
thanks for great album its woken something within me long lost intimate longing for God and deeper relationship with Him I listen to your music when I drive to work and back its personal prayer & praise worship time
I'm a deist. But, I like this song. Every time I listen to this song, I feel a peacefully atmosphere. This also happen when I listen to the other Christian songs
Jesus loves you so much - He is speaking to you through this song. Give your life to Jesus please. Say this: Jesus, I accept you into my life. I love you Jesus and I’m ready to accept you into my life. I believe you died and rose again from the grave three days later. I love you Jesus, thank you for forgiving me of my sins as I accept you into my life Jesus, forgive me Lord. In Jesus’ name amen❤️
It is an honor to be Jesus follower, He who brought me back to life, God of heaven and earth. God who taught me about Love...God who taught me to forgive and God who gives me power and authority to break the chain of the darkness...God who never leaves me nor forsakes me...and I love Jesus because He first loves me...He is Jesus, my Lord and Saviour. 🤗😘
I apologize with all my heart. I had to, I had to share to my Facebook. This song is so beautiful. I heard this song just today at church. So going to church really beneficial, yes? The Lord shall be glorified. Thanks for uploading this song, to be blessing for those who needs it. Let's rise again those who are in trouble, Lord shall taken yr burden to carry on in life.
I was feeling tried n dizzy the moment i heard this song i dont know from where i got energy back n i felt soo good🥺thank you for such a beautiful song❤💯
Jesus changed my life. Ask the one who created you to reveal himself to you and he will. God is sovereign and he loves you. Jesus died on the cross to pay for the sin that we deserved to pay for. Jesus came down and was sinless, but bore our sins for the sake of us. No matter what you have done in the past, God will forgive you as long as you truly repent and follow him the rest of your life. He wants you to be part of his family and he is a loving father who wants to spend eternity with YOU. Please consider what I am saying to you. I say this because I love you and I know you are God's beloved creation. I pray you come to know the truth.
This song for me personally, is so different from many others, it's powerful, it's like a movie soundtrack, immersed in the atmosphere, but this is with filled with Christ. I teared up when i heard this song. Praise the Lord!
Beyond amazing 😉 very inspiring I love all the instruments 🎸 wooo the violin 🎻 it's just so beautiful I can hear it over and over and go sleep,hearing your instrumental music 🎶 may the good lord bless you abundantly 😃
I would not overemphasize it, nor say about huge sentimental things. But the song is Biblically really correct and based on the core of what scripture meant to be. So, huge love from brother Borah and 10 star out of 10.
Thank you Jesus. So here i bow to lift you high. Jesus be glorified in everything i do. From how i spend my time, to speaking to others, to living out my life as my greatest form of ministry. Jesus help me to give all the glory back to You. He must increase but I must decrease. (John 3 verse 30). To never once think i can do it. To keep relying on You. i am nothing without You. You are everything. Please work through me, not about what i will, but let Your will be done. Thank you Jesus for Your grace that i never will be able to repay. Soli Deo Gloria...
I'm Indonesian, when I hear this songs touch my ♥ so deeply
And make me 😢 coz so many my family no trust God
I need to pray for them 🙏 🙏 🙏
Lianne Kalangie i pray for all of your fam touch by Holly Spirit, want to know Jesus & get salvations .. 🙏🙏🙏
My sister, hope you always be in spirit and truth, bring your family to salvation in the name of Jesus. Saya juga dari Indonesia, sayapun ingin ayah ibu saya percaya kepada Tuhan Yesus. Mari kita saling topang dalam doa :) Tuhan Yesus sertai kita, Immanuel 🙏 🙏 🙏
May God bless you, give you strength, have faith, and pray.. and believe there will come a day they will turn to Jesus. ...From Surabaya.
Tetaplah setia, percayalah Tuhan dapat melakukan perkara yang ajaib untuk keluargamu, yang aku percaya adalah ketika satu orang diselamatkan dan dia mau berdiri bagi keluarganya maka keluarganyapun akan mengalami pemulihan dan menerima keselamatan yang dari Tuhan, Son of God, Abba Father, Lamb of God, Jesus loves you n GOD bless you more
I pray for you Lianne :) May God bless your family thorugh Holy Spirit
Saya Muslim , dan saya suka lagu ini... Tau lagu ini dari video Wedding Marcus & Dr.Agnes ...
halo mas.. shalom,,, salam kenal.. Tuhan berkati..
Saya juga dari marcus
Saya tau lagu ini juga dari pernikahan nya Gideon kok😊
Sama mas,aq jg muslim tp suka lg ini dari pernikahan marcus
Sama... Sy juga tau lgu ini dr video weddingnya Marc and Dr. Agnes 😀
I have known Jesus since I was a child, I spoke with Him while I did my home work. I wanted to make Him proud with my life. I have failed many times, but He still loves me.
Jesus loves you so much - He is speaking to you through this song. Give your life to Jesus please. Say this:
Jesus, I accept you into my life. I love you Jesus and I’m ready to accept you into my life. I believe you died and rose again from the grave three days later. I love you Jesus, thank you for forgiving me of my sins as I accept you into my life Jesus, forgive me Lord. In Jesus’ name amen❤️
He sure does Valerie 💗
@@jesussavedme6260 Jesus, you are Lord. Come, be the Lord of my whole life
You literally are me. Since young, I'd always talk to Jesus, go on walks talking to him, and wanting to make him proud.
I've failed miserably numerous times thinking that I could prove to him that I didn't need his help to make him proud; but so easily I forgot that nothing I do would make him proud, cos our best works are like dirty rags to him.
It is only by his stripes, but his love, that we can be made brand new. And when we are made new, we can glorify him by living a life of praise and thanks. No matter how many times we fall, we rise again because he has given us the chance to live in honour of him.
I thank Jesus greatly for not giving up on me when I was in the pits of utter darkness; and I want to thank him through a life that honours him.
This song so touched my life because 30 years ago this month the Lord rescued me from suicide and through the coming years loved me back to life and I physically began at His bidding to bow in worship before Him. One of my emails is the"onewhowaslovedbacktolife". The phrase "God brought me back to life" I have never heard in a song for these many years. Thank you for listening acutely to the Spirit leading you to write grateful. Rick Nichols
Rick Nichols Thank u for sharing your testimony. It is truly inspiring.
Amazing is the way Jesus works in our lives! My mother got healed completely of cancer.. its only prayers that transformed her life. There is nothing that is impossible for Jesus if we believe in Him completely!
Rick Nichols A few years ago I was saved, and now everywhere I go I feel the spirit around me and everyone else, and I hope that someday I can complete my trust in the lord. Thank you, God bless.
Kyla that is really good news. The Spirit of the Living God lives inside of you and He will walk with you and teach you many things as you walk through life. The Lord knows our frality and His commitment to us is that He will never leave us no matter what is going on in our lives. Talk with Him and tell him what is going on with you and He will talk with you too, for He loves you very much. I will be praying for you too.
Rick Nichols Thank you. I wish you luck in your journeys!
I'm Buddhist but some how this song touch me so deeply, I want to cry every time I hear this song.
Edit: Christian have it's own beauty that touch me somehow. But please, don't judge or labeled other religion because to some people that can be sensitive 🙏😁
Jesus is drawing you...God Bless you Olivia. He loves you❤️
The Holy Spirit is speaking to you in a way that you can hear - music. He pursues each one in a way that they can hear. Ask God to show you if Jesus is real. He will. Listen to Him calling you. There is no better life (not easy, but amazing).
Jesus wants you to be his
Oh yeah i feel the same way when my christian friend send me this song, i felt a deep connection with this song
I pray for you. God loves you.
I used to be a Buddhist, quite a pious one, but at the same i knew that there was a God, but i never pursued Him, was addicted to pmo for 4 years, anger and rage, but God reintroduced Himself back to me, and i remembered that day, as He told me to Preach The Gospel. I cry everytime i think about that day, that was the day, i told God, I want Him, i want to pursue Him, and bit by bit, God brought me out of addiction, and I've also made it my goal to preach the Gospel to anyone who doesn't know who He is yet. He is a loving, caring father who understands what you're going through. God bless you guys!
my religion is different. but this is beyond amazing. I'm speechless on how beautiful this soothing song are. This is amazing. I can't help but crying. this is so beautiful
You're crying because the Spirit of God is touching your heart. He loves you so much! Give your life to Jesus, and you'll never be the same! God bless you!
God's, are so many in this world. but I believe only in one. in our religion, Jesus is a great prophet who is a leader once who spread the God's lesson. but for now, religion aren't really the matter, we have our own God we serve to, and we raise them high. this song, are a spark.
Tachibana Mei that is so beautiful! Thank you Mei for sharing your heart even if you believe in a different religion. That is a bold and loving thing to do. Yeah, I love this song too. I cry listening to it too.
Tachibana Mei what do you believe? And loving jesus and others is no religion
I think of it as a relationship with Jesus. It's not just a religion, though I am a believer. I believe that Jesus loves everybody no matter if you believe or not. He wants a relationship with all people. Every person is valuable to God. Jesus is the reason why I try to make it a point to show love and compassion to every person I meet. God's love is not meant to be secluded, but shared freely to all who will receive it.
"God who brought me back to life" my tears fall down.. Jesus Christ my Lord
This part hits me so much..
This song awakened my soul and spirit from a desert period. Danced before the Lord... I want to glorify Jesus with my life, that is my prayer. ♥
Sarah Anna-Maria what is
Sarah Anna-Maria if you like dancing 💃🏼 you should try worship flagging look it up it’s a lot of fun . Useing your gifts to glorify him I’m mean he is the one who gave them to us in the first place 😂
God bless you
Trust in Jesus that He has given His life to live and work in your life therefore you are not in desert anymore sister Sarah because of Jesus.
I'm moslem but this song is really touch my heart. the meaning of this song is really good.
Eky Andriani Holy spirit will touch your heart, just open your heart and say, i need You Jesus, help me, if you wanted. Amin
+ericson fernando Thank you but for now i just like this song bcs this song really touch my heart not for change my religion.
Thankyou for saying this:)Just let your faith lead you. Whatever you are, you already be our family
God Almighty touch your heart, He want you to follow Him, believe in Jesus Christ, salvation only in Him, He is said:Come to me, eky andriani, only I can give satisfy. i pray in the name of Jesus Christ Amen. Efata
@@ekyandrianiwildan5217 if your religion still moslim is okay.. but, u must to know believe in Jesus, and when these song touch your heart, actually it's Jesus touching your heart. And believe it or not Jesus choose you !! Come to him
[Verse 1]
Where would I run
But to the throne of mercy
Where would I kneel
But at this cross of grace
How great the love
How strong the hand that holds us
Beautiful, so beautiful
So here, I bow, to lift You high
Jesus, be glorified
In all things, for all my life
I am Yours, forever Yours
[Verse 2]
There is a King
Who bore the scars of healing
There is a Son
Who came in grace and truth
How great the love
That carries us to kindness
Wonderful, You’re wonderful
So here, I bow, to lift You high
Jesus, be glorified
In all things, for all my life
I am Yours, forever Yours
God here, and now, be lifted high
Right here, and now, be glorified
God of heaven and earth
God who brought me back to life
I am Yours, forever Yours
God here, and now, be lifted high
Right here, and now, be glorified
God of heaven and earth
God who brought me back to life
I am Yours, forever Yours
So here, I bow, to lift You high
Jesus, be glorified
In all things, for all my life
I am Yours, forever Yours
So here, I bow, to lift You high
Jesus, be glorified
In all things, and for all my life
I am Yours, forever Yours ...
Rebecca Kamara God bless you for your dedication to type it all out. You're effort is noticed and will be rewarded
Rcll it could’ve been copied and pasted....
beautiful words
I love this
hgonte Sometimes instead of thinking things in that way , how about we see things in a different perspective? It could or could not be copy pasted but still , it’s amazing that this person had took the effort to share the lyrics on this platform(though the video has it) , but it’s still nice :)
Dengan cara ini lah kami menyembah Tuhan, berikan lagu yg indah pujian yg indah kepada Nya. Hubungan 2 arah terjalin antara manusia dan Tuhan.
Tersungkur di kaki Tuhan adalah kesenangan bagi ku...He glorified His name is Jesus
Inspired me that I can't live without God 😇
Jesus is the true living God. I had an incurable disease. After praying for seven days and nights, and crying to Jesus to reveal himself to me, l encountered the Lord. I saw the sky torn apart and heaven was open and white cloud descending upon me. Then l saw a ball of fire came down upon me. My body was covered with the glory of God. I experienced the conviction of the Holy Spirit. God showed me my darkened heart.. l repented of my sins and believed in Jesus. My healing came miraculously without any medication. Praise be Jesus. It's been over 20 years now and l am healthy and very much alive. My doctor who said l will suffer for life has died. Jesus turned my life around. He spoke to me and revealed himself to me as the true living God. Glory to Jesus.
Yes he is. The Lord appeared to me in a dream and I witnessed his love and authority. I’ve also witnessed miracles through prayers, One being 3 year old girl who drowned and was in the ICU with Doctors telling the mother she may not make it and it would be a miracle if she did. Since then the little girl is home with her mother🙌🏻
All honor and glory to the king of kings who has overcome the world, our saviour Jesus Christ.
Heaven came down in this worship. The power of God is real
Saya muslim, tapi saya suka lagu ini. Karena, kebanyakan sahabat2 saya itu orang nasrani, dan mereka sering banget nyanyi lagu ini.
Tuhan cinta kita semua❤
So here I bow to lift You high
Jesus, be glorified
In all things, for all my life
I am Yours, forever Yours
I am yours forever yours,Hallelujah thank you Lord🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
Suatu saat nanti bagi kita yang percaya dan tetap setia akan bersama DIA di surga THANK YOU JESUS..I AM YOURS FOREVER YOURS..
This song was released 5 years ago but for me it's new and it really touched me as a Christian but I hope there are still many people who didn't hear this song hope they will find a way to listen to this amazing song... 🥀🥀💫
God of Heaven and Earth, GOD WHO BROUGHT ME BACK TO LIFE..... this part touches my soul so deep..
The love of Jesus is so faihtful even when we turn our backs to him. He stands firm for us...loving, caring...
To him and only him I bow!!!
Heard this song in my church and i don't know somehow i cried singing to this song. I really wanted to experience Jesus in my life. I truly miss Him. I need Him so much more. God, show me a way so that i can have a new life with You, my Saviour!
I'm a pastor and I'm here right now listening to this hymn.
God is very wonderful, it's worth going through everything we go through for love for him 🙏
I love Jenn Johnson's voice
This whole album is amazing. It's as if it's God speaking to us hurting sheep that He still loves us, He still holds, He knows everything that concerns us and is concerned with that as well. Praise God for the healing that will occur by those listening to the songs!
God is telling you that He still loves you. That He still cares. More than can be put into words in the amazingness of His incredible grace.
yes its an amazing album, its in my car the whole time
Somebody once moaned that the devil has all the good music. What utter rubbish! This is a stunning example of a song written under the crystal clear influence of the Holy Spirit. So easy and deeply satisfying to sing praises to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. God you are so wonderful, thank you for this utter masterpiece and thank you for Jesus.
We are truly blessed to be able to call HIM ABBA FATHER,and we are His children.Thank you Lord Forever Yours Amen! Hallelujah
Tuhan baik dan sngat baik. Sekarang dan selamanya. Thank u JESUS.. I am yours.
I have heard this song hundreds of times, but I feel that this song has a spirit that always shakes me when I hear this song.
Jesus loves you so much - He is speaking to you through this song. Give your life to Jesus please. Say this:
Jesus, I accept you into my life. I love you Jesus and I’m ready to accept you into my life. I believe you died and rose again from the grave three days later. I love you Jesus, thank you for forgiving me of my sins as I accept you into my life Jesus, forgive me Lord. In Jesus’ name amen❤️
Praise the Lord Allmighty in the highest places. God here and now Be glorified.
Thanks Jenn and let the hosts of heaven support you and your voice to keep glorifying I AM.
How beautiful it is to worship the King of King and Lord of Lords .... JESUS 🙏🙏
Beautiful voice and Anointed song. "Jesus be glorified. I am yours, forever yours" #SouthAfrica
iNCREDIBLY Anointed!! itz my VERY FAVORITE ON EARTH EVER of all time.
How STRONG THE HAND THAT HOLDS US....I AM YOUR FOREVER YOURS .... so here i bow to lift You high JESUS be glorified....RIGHT HERE AND NOW BE GLORIFIED. this is a powerful worship song. worshipping together with Jenn from ZAMBIA
I am yours, forever yours. 🙌
Jenn Johnson is one of the most talented and anointed praise and worship leaders of this decade.
The first time i heard this song..i fell in love with this.. there is nowhere to run except Jesus..alleluiah
Wow if ever I needed a song to touch my soul. This is the one. 😢❤
So touching song, the singer’s voice is so powerful
My tears fall down, it's amazing, and i'm speechless
The chorus of this song just came upon me….googled the lyrics and found it…God spoke to me through this song. Thank you! Such a beautiful song. I am reminded that I am forever His, He brought me back to life. 🌈💕🥰
A song that lifts the spirit. Comforting for all those who humbly seek God.
Thank You Jesus for meeting me where I am and loving me through my many mistakes 🙏🏻🙌🏻 Thank you for lifting me out of the darkness and bringing me to life! May I never forget to always give the honor and glory to you because these things I couldn't do without you!
Jesus, I'm really sorry for all the bad things I do... Can you forgive me? I wish you did... I also wish if I passed away, I wanna live with you Jesus... You always awakened me... And make me happy if I am sad... Thank you Jesus for all the things you do to me......
Jesus is forgive you he never leave you :)
Jesus loves you so much - He is speaking to you through this song. Give your life to Jesus please. Say this:
Jesus, I accept you into my life. I love you Jesus and I’m ready to accept you into my life. I believe you died and rose again from the grave three days later. I love you Jesus, thank you for forgiving me of my sins as I accept you into my life Jesus, forgive me Lord. In Jesus’ name amen❤️
We sang this yesterday at church & I can’t stop listening to it🙌🏼🔥🔥🔥🔥
Every time i hear this song, i want to be in His arms of God and feel His beautiful presence
This song is the 1st worship song that can touch my heart and make me cry 👍
Jesus loves you so much - He is speaking to you through this song. Give your life to Jesus please. Say this:
Jesus, I accept you into my life. I love you Jesus and I’m ready to accept you into my life. I believe you died and rose again from the grave three days later. I love you Jesus, thank you for forgiving me of my sins as I accept you into my life Jesus, forgive me Lord. In Jesus’ name amen❤️
When I hear this song I'm always crying. So beautiful this song. Praise the Lord in the highest
Thank YOU LORD for all the Blessings that YOU gives me every single time.
Hallelujah 🙏🙏🙏♥️♥️♥️
Praise the Lord.
Beautiful song.
So blessed us.
Here I bow, to lift Jesus High!!!
This was played in the first few services I had as a Christian. Still I think I want to sing and proclaim this song the most (the first christian song in my playlist).. it captures the heart of worship wonderfully.. thank you for this song and thank God for saving me!!
My finger want to click the like button more and more just because I love this song deeply. Who created this masterpiece? ❤️
The greatest gift I have ever gotten was God sending his son Jesus into my heart
I still can't listen to this song enough even after 7 years. Can't believe it didn't have more of an impact in the church!
The more I run to God and his everlasting love, the more I heal, the more protected I feel, the more he reveals himself in my life. I gladly bow to him, his divine plans, and his love ❤
When i heard this song while remembering God's pleasure..i feel so touching 😢
Jesus loves you so much - He is speaking to you through this song. Give your life to Jesus please. Say this:
Jesus, I accept you into my life. I love you Jesus and I’m ready to accept you into my life. I believe you died and rose again from the grave three days later. I love you Jesus, thank you for forgiving me of my sins as I accept you into my life Jesus, forgive me Lord. In Jesus’ name amen❤️
Hello im from Indonesian i heard this song from mu church this song really make me want to hear it all the time and now i sing it forever and it make me tell that god always forgive us :) I'll Pray for everyone who lost there body and need some money for their family and food and clothes and home im gonna pray for them :D Thank you Jesus for all you gave me :)
Jesus all people no matter what their religion. Jesus did not bring religion but He is the way, the truth and the life. Open your heart to believe and recieve Him as God and savior for your life..
Jesus loves you so much - He is speaking to you through this song. Give your life to Jesus please. Say this:
Jesus, I accept you into my life. I love you Jesus and I’m ready to accept you into my life. I believe you died and rose again from the grave three days later. I love you Jesus, thank you for forgiving me of my sins as I accept you into my life Jesus, forgive me Lord. In Jesus’ name amen❤️
Despite all my mistakes, I can still say, I bow to lift You high, I am yours!!
oh God we worship and praise u thank u for what you’ve done for us we are so thankful we are forever urs
God you are the one who brought me back to my life and who forgive all of my sins I would use all of my life and all my heart to praise you and worship you forever and ever
Jesus, Be Glorified 💗
ooohhhhh, this just lift my soul to the throne of mercy
I am Yours, forever. So Glad you want me, Lord!!! Praise Jesus!
Amen. What an amazing love we are basked in. Jesus Jesus Jesus
thanks for great album its woken something within me long lost intimate longing for God and deeper relationship with Him I listen to your music when I drive to work and back its personal prayer & praise worship time
One of the most beautiful things I have ever heard in my life.
I wish this song could go on forever...
Agreed. Foreveeeeeeeeeer
Fr man, I'm so touched by this.
I'm a deist. But, I like this song. Every time I listen to this song, I feel a peacefully atmosphere. This also happen when I listen to the other Christian songs
Maybe you could look into why that is, peace to you 😊
Jesus loves you so much - He is speaking to you through this song. Give your life to Jesus please. Say this:
Jesus, I accept you into my life. I love you Jesus and I’m ready to accept you into my life. I believe you died and rose again from the grave three days later. I love you Jesus, thank you for forgiving me of my sins as I accept you into my life Jesus, forgive me Lord. In Jesus’ name amen❤️
Simply a beautifully helpful worship song; thanks to the Holy Spirit for the inspiration, and to you for your willingness to record it.
It is an honor to be Jesus follower, He who brought me back to life, God of heaven and earth. God who taught me about Love...God who taught me to forgive and God who gives me power and authority to break the chain of the darkness...God who never leaves me nor forsakes me...and I love Jesus because He first loves me...He is Jesus, my Lord and Saviour. 🤗😘
To think that this is a just little taste of glory with King Jesus in eternity.
I apologize with all my heart. I had to, I had to share to my Facebook. This song is so beautiful. I heard this song just today at church. So going to church really beneficial, yes? The Lord shall be glorified. Thanks for uploading this song, to be blessing for those who needs it. Let's rise again those who are in trouble, Lord shall taken yr burden to carry on in life.
I was feeling tried n dizzy the moment i heard this song i dont know from where i got energy back n i felt soo good🥺thank you for such a beautiful song❤💯
So here I bow to lift you high Jesus be glorified ❣❣
How can I worship if it's not You, Lord.
Only You worth to be worship and glorified, You are the reason that I live to worship
Im a moslem but this song touch me so deeply.
Jesus changed my life. Ask the one who created you to reveal himself to you and he will. God is sovereign and he loves you. Jesus died on the cross to pay for the sin that we deserved to pay for. Jesus came down and was sinless, but bore our sins for the sake of us. No matter what you have done in the past, God will forgive you as long as you truly repent and follow him the rest of your life. He wants you to be part of his family and he is a loving father who wants to spend eternity with YOU. Please consider what I am saying to you. I say this because I love you and I know you are God's beloved creation. I pray you come to know the truth.
God, Jesus knocks at the door of your heart
This song for me personally, is so different from many others, it's powerful, it's like a movie soundtrack, immersed in the atmosphere, but this is with filled with Christ. I teared up when i heard this song. Praise the Lord!
I worship n praise only Jesus.
Thank You, this song reminds me to keep Thank God whatever happens in my life 🙂
Great song, great lyrics, great Truth. Love you, Lord Jesus
It is Jesus Christ who brought us back to life so be his.
Amen to all the wonderful testimonies.
Lord , I will praise and glorify you forever 🙏🏻
lgsg cek kesini krn video Agnes - Marcus 💛💚💜
Beyond amazing 😉 very inspiring I love all the instruments 🎸 wooo the violin 🎻 it's just so beautiful I can hear it over and over and go sleep,hearing your instrumental music 🎶 may the good lord bless you abundantly 😃
An extreme soul touching worship song .
This made me cry.. Thank You, Jesus.
I would not overemphasize it, nor say about huge sentimental things. But the song is Biblically really correct and based on the core of what scripture meant to be. So, huge love from brother Borah and 10 star out of 10.
Thanks God Yours forever Yours ...praise The Lord Jesus glorified...
Praise the Lord!! Our Christ and Savior🙏🏻🙌🏻❤️ I love this song and I’m Christian! Thank you Jesus🙏🏻
God touch and deliverance, in the heart of everyone who is listening to this song! ❤️
just love Jenn's voice
Thank you morning dew for introducing me to this song
All the Glory and honor belongs to you my God my Creator🙏🙏🙏I love you Jesus Christ of Nazareth my Lord and savior one true God.❤️❤️❤️
Yeshua is my Redeemer! Be glorified! 🙏
Akhirnya woi dapet ni lagu 😭 lagu yg selalu di pake buat backsound short movie pas natal & paskah 😭❤️
Thank you Jesus. So here i bow to lift you high. Jesus be glorified in everything i do. From how i spend my time, to speaking to others, to living out my life as my greatest form of ministry. Jesus help me to give all the glory back to You. He must increase but I must decrease. (John 3 verse 30). To never once think i can do it. To keep relying on You. i am nothing without You. You are everything. Please work through me, not about what i will, but let Your will be done. Thank you Jesus for Your grace that i never will be able to repay. Soli Deo Gloria...
Oh Lord Jesus, I adore you 😔🙏