I don’t speak Chinese, but I thought the video was really well-made and it took me back to when I used to work at that mall many decades ago thank you for sharing❤
這個物业實際上屬於City of Industry. 但是是少數不受City of Industry 市政府控制的物业,過去近50年一直由一個外州的家族擁有,直到三年前出售給華資集團! 買主就是和Alhambra 時代廣場同一owner(緬甸華僑),他同時也是隔壁Costco ,德成行及凰城餐廳的owner. 其中有台灣的資本在內,目前計劃拆除和隔壁一起重新蓋一個住商混合,有點像超大的時代廣場!所以得終止所有租約,目前只有month to month 的lease!
The main reason is this mall was sold to a Chinese company located in Arcadia and the Chinese kept rising rents and did not invest in any renovation. Covid was the nail in the coffins. This mall will resurrect if the Chinese sell it back to American company such as Westfield.
這商場陪伴我成長,因住蒙市南邊,Puente Hills Mall 比較方便。 在80s, 90s, 20s, 年代, 以前常帶媽媽來, Macy, H&M, Hollister,Food Court 常去,mall真的非常熱鬧,周末更是人山人海,找個停車位都難。現在水靜河飛,冷清清的,太唏噓了。 以前 Todai 吃buffet 都要等很久。
以前Todai那面的停車場,是拍攝1985年Back to the Future “回到未來”的場地!
I don’t speak Chinese, but I thought the video was really well-made and it took me back to when I used to work at that mall many decades ago thank you for sharing❤
Thanks for your comment. It does seem to bring back memories for many people, including myself. Sad to see it like this now.
這個物业實際上屬於City of Industry. 但是是少數不受City of Industry 市政府控制的物业,過去近50年一直由一個外州的家族擁有,直到三年前出售給華資集團! 買主就是和Alhambra 時代廣場同一owner(緬甸華僑),他同時也是隔壁Costco ,德成行及凰城餐廳的owner. 其中有台灣的資本在內,目前計劃拆除和隔壁一起重新蓋一個住商混合,有點像超大的時代廣場!所以得終止所有租約,目前只有month to month 的lease!
另外不会有私人住宅(因為city 不批准),但是會有一個Shelerton 喜來登大酒店在上面!❤❤
@@CATraveling4 謝謝你的介紹,我也好久沒去了!
睇到呢條片 真係好唏噓呀 我係喺附近居住嘅居民 有時都會嚟呢個商場 睇住佢嘅 沒落 現在仲要關門大吉 曾經真係風光過 以前 聖誕節真係 人流好多 聖誕裝飾都美輪美奐 現在只有在回憶中 幾時都係回憶係最美好嘅 多謝你嘅拍攝
第一次來到這個mall是1989年的事了。1992,甚至搬到附近的apartment 居住。那時,可不是熱鬧非凡啊!如今看來,無限唏噓!
If I was homeless, I would come live in this mall now that it's on life support.
網上購物實在太普及! 美國購物商場另外一個主要☠️因,我認為係因為每一個商場嘅店舖都差不多一樣,冇特色。而且又唔多興超市配套。好希望將來,購物商場再度流行起來。
同意, 冇特色. 太難流行起來了.
是的 我都有同感 多謝你嘅回覆😊
多謝看! 😉
I have been there so many times before & it's so sad to me.
Broth Shabu Shabu Cerritos $20.99 All You Can Eat Weekday Lunch
GUI GUI 9292 Korean BBQ All You Can Eat, La Habra $19.99 Weekday Lunch
不錯, 多謝!
相信業主其實想拆咗個mall好耐, 有心搞旺個佢嘅話, 佢會將週圍新起嘅餐廳黐住個mall嚟起, 等啲人排隊等位嘅時候行下mall. Arcadia Mall 同 West Covina Mall 而家都仲有好多人流.
Used to go there every weekend
我們在北加州的商場也有同樣的感覺。現在我們有很多其他選擇了,不一定要去大形商埸內。現在很多成Amazon 的倉庫,Sear’s parking lot 租給Tesla來放新車了
最早間日本buffet 叫todai, 差唔多廿年前
我剛查, 你說得對. 以前的Todai 也沒了.
Alhambra的Bobacraft 車輪餅更好吃, 口味選擇多, 皮薄餡多, 飲料也好喝
aiya pok gai. I used to go to hawaiian food place right before pandemic, round 1 wangan, and car meets down there.
抱歉, 讓你想起傷心迴憶 😢
@@CATraveling4 多謝您們一家的視頻,讓我們作日常活動參考👍
@@annlo2521You're welcome! 😉
The main reason is this mall was sold to a Chinese company located in Arcadia and the Chinese kept rising rents and did not invest in any renovation. Covid was the nail in the coffins. This mall will resurrect if the Chinese sell it back to American company such as Westfield.
是, 看到, 我們也有点傷心
Not even Puente Hill Mall, at here OC Westminster Mall same thing, established 1870 died now, 曾经风光一时, 車水马龙😂😢
越來越多商場死了 😢
我兩天前才去AMC 看電影
鬼城一樣 😬
1990 年代初期, 亞裔居民開始移入之前, Hacienda Heights 原是一個白人區, 而Rowland Heights 原是一個西語人區, 先天上就不一樣
hai di also. yummy. amc still good
Yes, those are 2 of the few remaining places there.
間AMC應該都捱唔到幾耐 去過幾次 熱死辣辣 冷氣都冇開 附近華人對哩D 鋪頭冇興趣 都係加速個mall 死亡既原因
我2002年住在這附近直到2021年搬走, 看著羅蘭崗由盛而衰, 好的鋪頭都一間一間關,便宜的髒的新移民愛去的越來越多! 羅蘭岡越來越像China Town.
@@tchen1457 chinafornia!
其實也不能全怪電商搶走聲音,附近其他地方Mall 生意都很好像是 Brea ,Arcadia ,Ontario 都很旺, 羅蘭崗新移民太多收入又太低。
應該也是management issue and not rennovation for like 10-20 years.
The property owner is planning to sell the land to build more houses.
Mixed-use property or just residential?
Nobody seems to know, but there has been rumors. I think it's too hard for this mall to rise again, even though it's at a prime location.
So, what happened in here?
There could be different factors. It's explained in the video. 😉
拆咗佢做warehouse啦,附近嘅warehouse 都唔夠用
What happened? 😮
Time happened. 😢
三十年來第二次變死城了。之前是蓋電影院前,再來是COVID-19 後和網路經濟興起。再也起不來了吧?
是, 最有可能已經死了
我聽說過... June 2022, Daniel's Jewelers got robbed ~$30k
以前有, 2018關門.
Sears 必買: Land's End 尤其女裝雨/風褸,品質超好,款式又低調,當年,媽媽們人人有一件湊仔着。聽講而家由 Kohl's 代理。
Kenmore 家庭電器亦好好!
Costco 普及之前,Sear's 係換車呔快靚正嘅地方。
This is like the many youtube uploads on the many head malls in Hong Kong. Everywhere you go is the same from Europe to North America.
This clearly tells you how many people have left California.
But some malls are still really busy, just certain malls are dying/dead.
Location唔係咁好咪好多人嚟打劫囉。跟住舖頭閂門越嚟越多,人流就越嚟越少,喺啲好區嘅商場咪依然好多人流。online shopping 應該唔係最大嘅原因
80 年代還是很多白人的!
慢慢中國人入侵這個地區 😁