15:26 The treatment of mass non-zero particles. Penrose is not saying things out loud. The diagram displays a zig-zagging. In quantum theory, particles of matter are described by the Dirac equation, and the objects that the Dirac equation applies to are called "Dirac spinors". Their break-down is much like seen on the previous page 13:30. The components they split into are "Weyl spinors"; and these are solutions to the Weyl equation and describe mass-zero light speed particles. The orange "s" toward the bottom right (hard to see, because it's clipped) is related to something called "helicity". Weyl spinors have "left" and "right" helicity. The mirror image of "left" is "right" and vice versa. The Weyl spinors with the unprimed indexes {A, B, ...}, I think, are the right-handed ones, while those with the primed indexes {A', B', ...} are left-handed. It might be the other way around. A Dirac spinor is usually denoted ψ and its Weyl components are mixed up-stairs/down-stairs just like in the diagram. The second pair of Weyl spinors seen in the diagram, where the up-stairs/down-stairs index positions are swapped would be for the "Dirac conjugate", which is usually written ψ̅. A peculiar feature of the Dirac equation is that the average speed it registers (at least with one way of averaging) for its solutions is light speed - which only applies to mass-zero, despite the fact that the particles are mass non-zero. The fiction is therefore adopted that there is a continual back and forth between the left and right handed modes at a rate proportional to the mass of the particle. This is closely related to what's called "Zitterbewegung". Penrose modified this picture, by treating it as an actual zig-zagging between the left-handed and right-handed modes. That's called the "Penrose Zig-Zagging". The motion averaged over all the light-speed zig-zagging would, then, be that of a sub-light particle that has a non-zero mass, and in that way the incongruity of the Dirac equation, telling you everything is going at light speed, is resolved. I'm pretty sure the zig-zag picture in the diagram at 15:26 is meant to depict the "Penrose Zig-Zagging". He's just not saying it out loud.
I have no idea what Roger is talking about bit it's nice to hear the nuts and bolts of it for once. Popular science books often patronize by skipping too much math
The heart of the theory starts at 36:10 And yeah Sir Penrose’s excitement voice can’t be contained around 38:30 I really wish I’m so pleased with my work at this age as Sir Penrose managed to be with his :)
Im a layman on thid subject but find myself very interested as of late on physics in general Since I thought I'm catching some of this, I'm curious what are the practical applications fir this theory and have we attempted th yet? Causr i wanted yo get an opinion when u answer, if u answer. 😂 if so thanks fir your time
Life Goals: Start to write as if I was 5 years old, again. Every letter and symbol that Sir Roger Penrose writes in his presentation notes are so full of intention it takes him just as much mental concentration and physical effort as if he were 5 years old. So, the secret must be, write with that my intention and the quality of the work will be just as good as Sir Roger Penrose's work creating Twistor Theory. I think it's good. Really good. :)
This theory appears remarkable! Combining QFT and GR to construct quantised gravity is nothing short of genius. I hope Sir Roger receives a 2nd Nobel for this work.
Twistors have all the difficulty that goes along with visualizing and crunching numbers on dynamic 4D+ systems, but with the added difficulty imposed by the constraints of observable phenomena in the real universe. String Theory is 4D+, but without the difficulties associated with trying to understand actual reality, and so all the financing and undergrads get thrown into string theory or traditional cosmological physics.
Thanks a lot to Prof Penrose . But may i ask how much palatable is the palatial twistor approach to the followers of Einstein or any experimental physicists ?
Well it's just a different representation of same relativistic physics. But honestly, how many people are actually aware of twistors in the first place?
I think the guy in the audience meant the sign from heaven, which Roger quipped about - I.e. - the malfunctioning, smoking overhead projector - was a sign from heaven to change the subject.
20:57 I thought that the photon on the left was the sun/ a star. And maybe it is? Does a star exert any gravitational pull on whatever ‘screen’? Is there in Universe any planets configuration in an exact straight line?
I do not think you can make Spaceship with this information, having said this I want my own spaceship. Podkletnov and Znidarsic experimentally have created ANTI-GRAVITY , Podkletnov HAS BEEN VANISHED ,Therefore he reached a fact about Gravity.
If it's a parallel view of the Mathematical Disproof Methodology applied to Perspective Principle, then of course corresponding equivalents or glossary of terms is required and the Riemann Sphere is a form in the original concept of "crystal sphere" in the old Greek time-timing calendar format of recirculating re-evolution temporal functions such as was condensed into the Antikythera Mechanism. A method for putting future mapping on past mathematical emulation in the presence of metastable pure relative motion.., a Fluxion-Integral expression, or projection-drawing methodology combined in Numerical Coordinate Calculus. Similarly, Professor Penrose's Mathematical Instruments are, like AdS/CFT real-time i-reflection containment composed in 3D-T space and fitted to the naturally occurring quantisation Calculus of Polar-Cartesian self-defining infinitesimal coordination-identification positioning by trancendental e-Pi condensation In-form-ation substantiation dimensionality equivalent to coherence-cohesion objective location in pure relative motion Calculus, this may appear to paint a different picture in Completeness cause-effect Actuality but it is not, in e-Pi-i sync-duration floating resonance bonding Perspective. WYSIWYG here-now-forever is Actuality Disproof of precision theory of Numerical Mathematical Mythologies outside of continuous creation connection Calculus. As in Art, Mathematical Beauty is mostly Symbolic Conjecture, like Perspective proportioning landscape design Conception. Superspin mass-energy-momentum or implied holographic message of E=mC² compounded "momentum", of time-timing relative motion in Spacetime, Einsteinian Curvature Fields of Temporal trajectories. Ie Mathematical Disproof Methodology is an applied Numerical coordinated-balanced system, Singularity number conglomeration configuration that is assuming e-Pi-i-numberness by practical convention, which is real-time continuous creation cause-effect bubble-mode condensation of/by transverse trancendental density-intensity information, and that is complete and certain sync-duration connectivity ONE-INFINITY/Eternity here-now-forever.., or Superspin Modulation Mechanism Holographic Principle. If no "precision" names or labels of convenience, that are subject to "truth in labelling" debate are assumed, then the Actuality of Time Timing Mathematical circularity is Observable. The parallel substantion POV.
So practical applications real world? I guess tech thry could be infinite but hrnxe practical Sm I crazy or could this be used currently in computer science and development of quantum mechanical hardware? Prob tripping but I judy thought it feasible even eith are material science hence limitations and limited parallel theories for software
Does the following quantum model agree with the Spinor Theory of Roger Penrose? Quantum Entangled Twisted Tubules: "A theory that you can't explain to a bartender is probably no damn good." Ernest Rutherford When we draw a sine wave on a blackboard, we are representing spatial curvature. Does a photon transfer spatial curvature from one location to another? Wrap a piece of wire around a pencil and it can produce a 3D coil of wire, much like a spring. When viewed from the side it can look like a two-dimensional sine wave. You could coil the wire with either a right-hand twist, or with a left-hand twist. Could Planck's Constant be proportional to the twist cycles. A photon with a higher frequency has more energy. (More spatial curvature). What if gluons are actually made up of these twisted tubes which become entangled with other tubes to produce quarks. (In the same way twisted electrical extension cords can become entangled.) Therefore, the gluons are actually a part of the quarks. Mesons are made up of two entangled tubes (Quarks/Gluons), while protons and neutrons would be made up of three entangled tubes. (Quarks/Gluons) The "Color Force" would be related to the XYZ coordinates (orientation) of entanglement. "Asymptotic Freedom", and "flux tubes" make sense based on this concept. Neutrinos would be made up of a twisted torus (like a twisted donut) within this model. Gravity is a result of a very small curvature imbalance within atoms. (This is why the force of gravity is so small.) Instead of attempting to explain matter as "particles", this concept attempts to explain matter more in the manner of our current understanding of the space-time curvature of gravity. If an electron has qualities of both a particle and a wave, it cannot be either one. It must be something else. Therefore, a "particle" is actually a structure which stores spatial curvature. Can an electron-positron pair (which are made up of opposite directions of twist) annihilate each other by unwinding into each other producing Gamma Ray photons. Does an electron travel through space like a threaded nut traveling down a threaded rod, with each twist cycle proportional to Planck’s Constant? Does it wind up on one end, while unwinding on the other end? Is this related to the Higgs field? Does this help explain the strange ½ spin of many subatomic particles? Does the 720 degree rotation of a 1/2 spin particle require at least one extra dimension? Alpha decay occurs when the two protons and two neutrons (which are bound together by entangled tubes), become un-entangled from the rest of the nucleons . Beta decay occurs when the tube of a down quark/gluon in a neutron becomes overtwisted and breaks producing a twisted torus (neutrino) and an up quark, and the ejected electron. The phenomenon of Supercoiling involving twist and writhe cycles may reveal how overtwisted quarks can produce these new particles. The conversion of twists into writhes, and vice-versa, is an interesting process. Gamma photons are produced when a tube unwinds producing electromagnetic waves. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Within this model a black hole could represent a quantum of gravity, because it is one cycle of spatial gravitational curvature. Therefore, instead of a graviton being a subatomic particle it could be considered to be a black hole. The overall gravitational attraction would be caused by a very tiny curvature imbalance within atoms. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In this model Alpha equals the compactification ratio within the twistor cone. 1/137 1= Hypertubule diameter at 4D interface 137= Cone’s larger end diameter at 3D interface A Hypertubule gets longer or shorter as twisting occurs. 720 degrees per twist cycle. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How many neutrinos are left over from the Big Bang? They have a small mass, but they could be very large in number. Could this help explain Dark Matter?
20:02 I am watching this in awe as I have absolutely no idea what it is 😂 Nonetheless, the coloured slides are fabulous. Been struck by this. It does not make sense in 3D, but kind of is in 3D. Could you flatten it, and see what you would see if it were in 1D? In a sense, isn’t this what maths does- analysing slices of 1D and what might be projected in them (or rather, included in them)? You slice ‘it’ anyway- otherwise how can you even conceive of time? And a final piece of stupidity from me, but I am genuinely curious- are there such a thing as multidimensional number? A multidimensional ‘4’ or ‘6’? How many dimensions can ‘zero’ have? No, I am not trying to make fun, but it looks like good fun.
What is a number? An ‘object’/ entity in itself or a function amongst ‘objects’? Do numbers cross between dimensions or do you try to interpret other fields according to one? Are the different types of numbers nested inside one another or at odds with each other competing for explanatory supremacy? If the latter, it would explain the fragmentation (sometimes incompatibility) of theories.
The intro reminded me of something. When I was at Oxford I went once to a presentation at the Mathematical Institute. It looked promising in theory, but (unlike this) it was boring as hell. I even stayed in the canteen and had some lunch in hoping that I would informally speak to someone about something interesting. Alas, they were either too important snd posh or too deeply inside their heads. The whole things and the atmosphere there was, for lack of a better word, stale. 😕
15:26 The treatment of mass non-zero particles. Penrose is not saying things out loud.
The diagram displays a zig-zagging. In quantum theory, particles of matter are described by the Dirac equation, and the objects that the Dirac equation applies to are called "Dirac spinors". Their break-down is much like seen on the previous page 13:30. The components they split into are "Weyl spinors"; and these are solutions to the Weyl equation and describe mass-zero light speed particles. The orange "s" toward the bottom right (hard to see, because it's clipped) is related to something called "helicity". Weyl spinors have "left" and "right" helicity. The mirror image of "left" is "right" and vice versa.
The Weyl spinors with the unprimed indexes {A, B, ...}, I think, are the right-handed ones, while those with the primed indexes {A', B', ...} are left-handed. It might be the other way around. A Dirac spinor is usually denoted ψ and its Weyl components are mixed up-stairs/down-stairs just like in the diagram. The second pair of Weyl spinors seen in the diagram, where the up-stairs/down-stairs index positions are swapped would be for the "Dirac conjugate", which is usually written ψ̅.
A peculiar feature of the Dirac equation is that the average speed it registers (at least with one way of averaging) for its solutions is light speed - which only applies to mass-zero, despite the fact that the particles are mass non-zero. The fiction is therefore adopted that there is a continual back and forth between the left and right handed modes at a rate proportional to the mass of the particle. This is closely related to what's called "Zitterbewegung". Penrose modified this picture, by treating it as an actual zig-zagging between the left-handed and right-handed modes. That's called the "Penrose Zig-Zagging". The motion averaged over all the light-speed zig-zagging would, then, be that of a sub-light particle that has a non-zero mass, and in that way the incongruity of the Dirac equation, telling you everything is going at light speed, is resolved. I'm pretty sure the zig-zag picture in the diagram at 15:26 is meant to depict the "Penrose Zig-Zagging". He's just not saying it out loud.
Congratulations on the Nobel prize Sir Roger Penrose. Great to see that you are still forging ahead with this and other work.
When just the slides for this man's lecture are heavy enough to fry a projector..
I have no idea what Roger is talking about bit it's nice to hear the nuts and bolts of it for once. Popular science books often patronize by skipping too much math
The heart of the theory starts at 36:10
And yeah Sir Penrose’s excitement voice can’t be contained around 38:30
I really wish I’m so pleased with my work at this age as Sir Penrose managed to be with his :)
Im a layman on thid subject but find myself very interested as of late on physics in general
Since I thought I'm catching some of this, I'm curious what are the practical applications fir this theory and have we attempted th yet? Causr i wanted yo get an opinion when u answer, if u answer. 😂 if so thanks fir your time
Life Goals: Start to write as if I was 5 years old, again. Every letter and symbol that Sir Roger Penrose writes in his presentation notes are so full of intention it takes him just as much mental concentration and physical effort as if he were 5 years old. So, the secret must be, write with that my intention and the quality of the work will be just as good as Sir Roger Penrose's work creating Twistor Theory. I think it's good. Really good. :)
The coloring is part of having fun. His love of painting his flower garden shows.
This theory appears remarkable! Combining QFT and GR to construct quantised gravity is nothing short of genius. I hope Sir Roger receives a 2nd Nobel for this work.
Twistors have all the difficulty that goes along with visualizing and crunching numbers on dynamic 4D+ systems, but with the added difficulty imposed by the constraints of observable phenomena in the real universe. String Theory is 4D+, but without the difficulties associated with trying to understand actual reality, and so all the financing and undergrads get thrown into string theory or traditional cosmological physics.
I could listen to Roger Penrose or Thomas Sowell discuss facts and figures until the end of time.
Such a beautiful mind. Thank you Sir Penrose
Penrose is explaining Electromagnetism, Birkland Currents and Marklund Convection In Plasma
@Imjust Observing
Clavis Ad Thesaurum
It's Above Your Pay Grade , Dumb A$$
Thanks a lot to Prof Penrose . But may i ask how much palatable is the palatial twistor approach to the followers of Einstein or any experimental physicists ?
Well it's just a different representation of same relativistic physics. But honestly, how many people are actually aware of twistors in the first place?
20:46 Why do you posit the screen as a straight line? What if it’s not? Gravitational ‘lines’ are not straight, are they?
He's still very sharp.
A wonderful man a massive genius
Amazing discussion.... Thank you!!!!!!!
Did someone really say "change the subject" because Penrose referenced heaven?
I think the guy in the audience meant the sign from heaven, which Roger quipped about - I.e. - the malfunctioning, smoking overhead projector - was a sign from heaven to change the subject.
20:57 I thought that the photon on the left was the sun/ a star. And maybe it is? Does a star exert any gravitational pull on whatever ‘screen’? Is there in Universe any planets configuration in an exact straight line?
I‘ d pay my whole money for one of those sleeves
What's he talking about?
No one knows, just make sure you can talk in this way and you win a prize.
@Imjust Observing your so smart.
@Imjust Observing I can tell.
How to quantise gravity.
I do not think you can make Spaceship with this information, having said this I want my own spaceship.
Podkletnov and Znidarsic experimentally have created ANTI-GRAVITY , Podkletnov HAS BEEN VANISHED ,Therefore he reached a fact about Gravity.
If it's a parallel view of the Mathematical Disproof Methodology applied to Perspective Principle, then of course corresponding equivalents or glossary of terms is required and the Riemann Sphere is a form in the original concept of "crystal sphere" in the old Greek time-timing calendar format of recirculating re-evolution temporal functions such as was condensed into the Antikythera Mechanism. A method for putting future mapping on past mathematical emulation in the presence of metastable pure relative motion.., a Fluxion-Integral expression, or projection-drawing methodology combined in Numerical Coordinate Calculus.
Similarly, Professor Penrose's Mathematical Instruments are, like AdS/CFT real-time i-reflection containment composed in 3D-T space and fitted to the naturally occurring quantisation Calculus of Polar-Cartesian self-defining infinitesimal coordination-identification positioning by trancendental e-Pi condensation In-form-ation substantiation dimensionality equivalent to coherence-cohesion objective location in pure relative motion Calculus, this may appear to paint a different picture in Completeness cause-effect Actuality but it is not, in e-Pi-i sync-duration floating resonance bonding Perspective.
WYSIWYG here-now-forever is Actuality Disproof of precision theory of Numerical Mathematical Mythologies outside of continuous creation connection Calculus. As in Art, Mathematical Beauty is mostly Symbolic Conjecture, like Perspective proportioning landscape design Conception.
Superspin mass-energy-momentum or implied holographic message of E=mC² compounded "momentum", of time-timing relative motion in Spacetime, Einsteinian Curvature Fields of Temporal trajectories.
Ie Mathematical Disproof Methodology is an applied Numerical coordinated-balanced system, Singularity number conglomeration configuration that is assuming e-Pi-i-numberness by practical convention, which is real-time continuous creation cause-effect bubble-mode condensation of/by transverse trancendental density-intensity information, and that is complete and certain sync-duration connectivity ONE-INFINITY/Eternity here-now-forever.., or Superspin Modulation Mechanism Holographic Principle. If no "precision" names or labels of convenience, that are subject to "truth in labelling" debate are assumed, then the Actuality of Time Timing Mathematical circularity is Observable. The parallel substantion POV.
You good?
So practical applications real world? I guess tech thry could be infinite but hrnxe practical
Sm I crazy or could this be used currently in computer science and development of quantum mechanical hardware? Prob tripping but I judy thought it feasible even eith are material science hence limitations and limited parallel theories for software
We should be talking about what spacetime is made of. What are the "atoms of spacetime".
Does the following quantum model agree with the Spinor Theory of Roger Penrose?
Quantum Entangled Twisted Tubules: "A theory that you can't explain to a bartender is probably no damn good." Ernest Rutherford
When we draw a sine wave on a blackboard, we are representing spatial curvature. Does a photon transfer spatial curvature from one location to another? Wrap a piece of wire around a pencil and it can produce a 3D coil of wire, much like a spring. When viewed from the side it can look like a two-dimensional sine wave. You could coil the wire with either a right-hand twist, or with a left-hand twist. Could Planck's Constant be proportional to the twist cycles. A photon with a higher frequency has more energy. (More spatial curvature). What if gluons are actually made up of these twisted tubes which become entangled with other tubes to produce quarks. (In the same way twisted electrical extension cords can become entangled.) Therefore, the gluons are actually a part of the quarks. Mesons are made up of two entangled tubes (Quarks/Gluons), while protons and neutrons would be made up of three entangled tubes. (Quarks/Gluons) The "Color Force" would be related to the XYZ coordinates (orientation) of entanglement. "Asymptotic Freedom", and "flux tubes" make sense based on this concept. Neutrinos would be made up of a twisted torus (like a twisted donut) within this model. Gravity is a result of a very small curvature imbalance within atoms. (This is why the force of gravity is so small.) Instead of attempting to explain matter as "particles", this concept attempts to explain matter more in the manner of our current understanding of the space-time curvature of gravity. If an electron has qualities of both a particle and a wave, it cannot be either one. It must be something else. Therefore, a "particle" is actually a structure which stores spatial curvature. Can an electron-positron pair (which are made up of opposite directions of twist) annihilate each other by unwinding into each other producing Gamma Ray photons.
Does an electron travel through space like a threaded nut traveling down a threaded rod, with each twist cycle proportional to Planck’s Constant? Does it wind up on one end, while unwinding on the other end? Is this related to the Higgs field? Does this help explain the strange ½ spin of many subatomic particles? Does the 720 degree rotation of a 1/2 spin particle require at least one extra dimension?
Alpha decay occurs when the two protons and two neutrons (which are bound together by entangled tubes), become un-entangled from the rest of the nucleons
. Beta decay occurs when the tube of a down quark/gluon in a neutron becomes overtwisted and breaks producing a twisted torus (neutrino) and an up quark, and the ejected electron. The phenomenon of Supercoiling involving twist and writhe cycles may reveal how overtwisted quarks can produce these new particles. The conversion of twists into writhes, and vice-versa, is an interesting process.
Gamma photons are produced when a tube unwinds producing electromagnetic waves.
Within this model a black hole could represent a quantum of gravity, because it is one cycle of spatial gravitational curvature. Therefore, instead of a graviton being a subatomic particle it could be considered to be a black hole. The overall gravitational attraction would be caused by a very tiny curvature imbalance within atoms.
In this model Alpha equals the compactification ratio within the twistor cone. 1/137
1= Hypertubule diameter at 4D interface
137= Cone’s larger end diameter at 3D interface
A Hypertubule gets longer or shorter as twisting occurs. 720 degrees per twist cycle.
How many neutrinos are left over from the Big Bang? They have a small mass, but they could be very large in number. Could this help explain Dark Matter?
holy cow this solved a puzzle
20:02 I am watching this in awe as I have absolutely no idea what it is 😂 Nonetheless, the coloured slides are fabulous.
Been struck by this. It does not make sense in 3D, but kind of is in 3D. Could you flatten it, and see what you would see if it were in 1D? In a sense, isn’t this what maths does- analysing slices of 1D and what might be projected in them (or rather, included in them)? You slice ‘it’ anyway- otherwise how can you even conceive of time?
And a final piece of stupidity from me, but I am genuinely curious- are there such a thing as multidimensional number? A multidimensional ‘4’ or ‘6’? How many dimensions can ‘zero’ have?
No, I am not trying to make fun, but it looks like good fun.
Something about Roger reminds me of Jimmy Page
Because Heat rises
Let us make a "Quantum Frankenstein Monster" to not contradict Einstein (shh...! we know that he was wrong,but....) Love from Sweden!
i understand you but einstein wasn't wrong but he missed a little point and sir penrose trying hardly to bring things together i respect him so much
You clearly have no clue what you are talking about.
What is a number? An ‘object’/ entity in itself or a function amongst ‘objects’? Do numbers cross between dimensions or do you try to interpret other fields according to one? Are the different types of numbers nested inside one another or at odds with each other competing for explanatory supremacy? If the latter, it would explain the fragmentation (sometimes incompatibility) of theories.
The intro reminded me of something. When I was at Oxford I went once to a presentation at the Mathematical Institute. It looked promising in theory, but (unlike this) it was boring as hell. I even stayed in the canteen and had some lunch in hoping that I would informally speak to someone about something interesting. Alas, they were either too important snd posh or too deeply inside their heads. The whole things and the atmosphere there was, for lack of a better word, stale. 😕