I have watched these scenes numerous times. Thumbs up to Director Pang and everyone who was involved in the production of this blockbuster with a star-studded cast! It was genuinely an enlightening display of artistic talent and martial arts in Cantonese Opera! Unfortunately, this production was not featured in the monthly publication of the Hong Kong Chinese Opera Journal (Magazine). I was patiently looking forward to it in Singapore but there was none at all!
Lisa Wang was performing the role of She Taijun, the elderly matriarch of the Yang family. Her singing had to be flat because of the role that she was performing! She had put in great effort as She Taijun! I salute all members of the cast because of their spirit of teamwork. Great coordination of effort was very evident!
The enormous success of this masterpiece is the result of the concerted effort of the entire cast and team. Much appreciation goes to the director and all the martial arts experts. I am particularly impressed with Li Qiuyuan, Leung Siu Ming and Wang Zhiliang. All the other martial arts 'SIFUS' are equally skilful and impressive. The coordination of their stage movement is clearly evident in every scene! Very well done! The staging of this masterpiece is a real milestone in Cantonese Opera! I take the opportunity to congratulate the director and the entire cast and team on their overwhelming success!
Li Qiuyuan is really adept in his movements and coordination! It is a joy to watch him perform on stage! The same credit goes to Leung Siu Ming. They are my favourite opera artistes who demonstrate true skills in their performances. Hope that they will perform in Singapore in the near future. With greater awareness and publicity in Singapore, Cantonese opera lovers will certainly support them wholeheartedly, Li Qiuyuan, Leung Siu Ming and Wang Zhiliang!
I totally agree with ABC-sq4le and the other commentators...Lisa Wang gave a dismal performance as She Tai Quan...with her shattered voice she could not be heard, she seemed to be mumbling..... she might have been an award winning actress for TVB dramas but it does not necessary translate to success in a live opera performance on stage...she fell flat on her face ...this production had assembled all the best n most promising " sang " and " tan " plying their trade in the Hong Kong opera arena.... everyone was brilliant except Lisa Wang...she was the weakest link in the whole scheme of things.... The character of " She Tai Quan " is the rallying point for all her sons and daughters-in-law after the death of the patriarch '" Yang Ling Kung " but here we find a semi-comatose She Tai Quan...she just lack the authoritative mien of the Yang matriarch...her facial expressions were not up 😊to the mark.... Over the decades I have seen some of the best performances of this Yang family saga in Hong Kong as well as from the mainland where they had casted a " lao (veteran) sang " to perform this female character and most of the time they have been impressive .....one of whom stood out was veteran Poon Yat Oon ( Uncle Onn ) who portrayed She Tai Quan to perfection in the film The Invincible Yang Army with the the renowned action movie actress Yu Soo Chiu and our irreplaceable Lin Jia Sheng.... Lisa Wang must be dumped to save this production n bring it to greater heights....at times she appeared confused, not knowing where to position her hands... resulting in too much hand-movements from her .....but we have to thank Ms Pang Mei Shih for giving us the opportunity to see TVB's so called Ah Chieh portraying an old lady first time ever......bet she did not need much stage make-up....at her age, with her hagged looks and sagging chin we are seeing her as she is 😂😂😂...not trying to play the main roles of the nubile maiden or young damsel in distress as in the Last Ming princess or The Purple Jade Hairpin .....all the Yam-Pak iconic dramas penned by Dickson Tang🎉🎉🎉
I have watched these scenes numerous times. Thumbs up to Director Pang and everyone who was involved in the production of this blockbuster with a star-studded cast! It was genuinely an enlightening display of artistic talent and martial arts in Cantonese Opera! Unfortunately, this production was not featured in the monthly publication of the Hong Kong Chinese Opera Journal (Magazine). I was patiently looking forward to it in Singapore but there was none at all!
武功最扎实和底子最好當選李秋元 扮相靚 😍👏👏👏👍👍👍💪💪💪
Lisa Wang was performing the role of She Taijun, the elderly matriarch of the Yang family. Her singing had to be flat because of the role that she was performing! She had put in great effort as She Taijun! I salute all members of the cast because of their spirit of teamwork. Great coordination of effort was very evident!
Enjoyed the clipse so much, the slow motion accentuates the beauty of the costume and the performance. Excellent. Wish I can watch the whole show.
上世紀90年代, 國內[湛江]嘅粵劇教育家[孔雀屏]女士(已故)憑自己對綿延粵劇嘅一股使命感, 毅然同幾位有心人以私人嘅人力同財力…去創立一個有固定訓練場所嘅【🦚湛江小孔雀粵劇團】(亦供應學員嘅日常起居飲食); 幾十年嚟成就咗一大班由貧苦孩子出身嘅青年粵劇接班人成才! 已經因為優才計劃移居[香港]發展事業嘅”小孔雀”計有: [🦚梁兆明(梁小明)、梁小飛([兆明]兄長,未有參加是次演出)、梁燕飛(梁燕夏)、李秋元、黃小鳳、符樹旺、詹浩鋒、林芯菱(林小葉)🦚],以上各人早已練就一身文武兼備嘅本錢加入[香港]粵劇界嘅新一代新力軍, 加埋出身自[廣東粵劇學校]嘅[林穎施、陳景銣]兩位粵劇承繼人嘅帶藝投入演出行列…形成[忠烈楊門]入面嘅陣容實在係人材濟濟。 當然: 本地薑仔如~[王志良、宋洪波、梁非同、曉瑜、王希穎、鄺紫煌、陳玬橦、司徒凱誼、吳思穎]等眾位精壯演員🌳…亦都係形成是次演出陣容更加之如虎添翼。
所以: 謝幕果陣~對於感謝單位方面…真係要提一提[孔雀屏]女士對有份是次演出嘅”小孔雀”身上所曾經付出嘅心血同貢獻🌈。
(( 註: 飾演[楊五郎]嘅[陳景銣]…係一位具男兒味嘅身材高大女仔🤗, 佢可以被挑選反串出演其中一位[楊]家子, 實在有佢一定嘅實力…願佢~百尺竿頭、更進大步! ✌🏻))
很是精彩! 各人的演出也逹至極高水平,感情發揮也恰如其分。
好精彩! 完全唔知有咁多精彩嘅粵劇新高手👍👏💪
個個大老公 有功夫值得讚
The enormous success of this masterpiece is the result of the concerted effort of the entire cast and team. Much appreciation goes to the director and all the martial arts experts. I am particularly impressed with Li Qiuyuan, Leung Siu Ming and Wang Zhiliang. All the other martial arts 'SIFUS' are equally skilful and impressive. The coordination of their stage movement is clearly evident in every scene! Very well done! The staging of this masterpiece is a real milestone in Cantonese Opera! I take the opportunity to congratulate the director and the entire cast and team on their overwhelming success!
I look forward to the staging of this masterpiece in Singapore. An extremely vibrant and rare production with a wonderful cast!
文武生都使出渾身解數! 5 Sept 24 Thursday
Li Qiuyuan is really adept in his movements and coordination! It is a joy to watch him perform on stage! The same credit goes to Leung Siu Ming. They are my favourite opera artistes who demonstrate true skills in their performances. Hope that they will perform in Singapore in the near future. With greater awareness and publicity in Singapore, Cantonese opera lovers will certainly support them wholeheartedly, Li Qiuyuan, Leung Siu Ming and Wang Zhiliang!
人哋嗰個演得咁辛苦 阿姐真係同人唔同命
飾演[楊七娘]嘅[黃小鳳]妹妹~喺壽堂齊為[楊宗保]賀壽果場...係唔應該著黑色嘅披, 唔通佢預知[宗保]嘅死訊而"著定" ? 雖然黑色係[楊七娘]嘅標誌顏色, 但喺壽宴上穿著黑色係於理不合。(京劇入面, 壽宴哩場入面...[楊七娘]係著黑披, 一直以來沿襲至今....約定俗成, 無人敢改; 如果係唔啱嘅....何解仲要盲從?)
大部分演員的表現都很出色。薑, 絕對是老的辣。但一定要講清楚, 我所指的老, 不是指演員的年紀, 而是說資歷, 必然需要是正正式式紅褲子出身。所以, 行內懂戲的, 一眼便看出, 整個舞台上, 最能壓埸的, 是森哥 (廖國森)。另一位老演員, 除了空具名氣之外, 甚麽也不是。台形, 唱腔, 功架, 樣樣應有卻盡沒有, 找她站台, 只不過是 “俾面派對”, 政治因素多於一切。那群盲撐的粉絲, 根本完全不懂藝術。事實勝於雄辯, 所以, 假若向我作出任何攻擊, 我亦絕不會浪費時間和精力, 回應於漫駡爭戰之中。
除森哥以外, 特別欣賞梁非同, 非常突破, 反串演出楊文廣。過往看慣她的花旦角色, 這回演娃娃生, 她將角色處理得極為恰當, 確是令人眼前一亮!
除了沽名釣譽的那一位演員之外, 實在應該為整台戲, 及台前幕後, 落力認真的製作喝彩 🎉🎉🎉
can't agree with you more. I can't even hear what she is singing🤷
It's a large production.....well..follow the money.....🤑
((🤔 聽聞哩套戲將會喺出年重演….))
啊, 好嘞….[汪女士]將會再演[佘賽花], 咁真係要正視一下以下嘅問題:~
🙄 除咗初次唱平喉係啱啱過關之外, [汪女士]演出[佘太君]哩個角色嘅外在裝扮係絕對冇問題, 佢係戲劇界演出[佘太君]以來…史上最華麗嘅一位🌈。佢喺角色氣質同體態嘅表現方面~所畀到觀眾嘅感受感覺…係一位具病態嘅[佘太君]…雙目無神(喺任何環境)、聲線氣息低弱、動作呆板、遲鈍無神🥸。 雖然: “百歲掛帥”嘅[佘太君]係一位年過一百嘅長者, 但~[佘賽花]本身底性格係聰明機靈、爽朗果斷嘅一位女中英。 諸位有否欣賞過…[上海紹興戲(越劇)電影[烽火姻緣]([夏夢]/[丁賽君]等合演), 又或者由[林家聲,李寶瑩]前輩開山嘅粵劇[戎馬干戈萬里情]呢? 因為, 以上兩套作品嘅劇情…都係描述[楊繼業]同[佘賽花]喺年青果陣嘅相愛軼事同有趣嘅過程經歷; 入面~就係充分表現出…以上我所指出嘅[佘賽花]性格特性☀。 之所以: [汪女士]喺演出果陣…真係要捉住哩個特性去演, 我並非指要好似老虎般咁生猛, 但起碼要有: “精/氣/神”, 尤其是喺關目嘅運用上…需要精靈, 非怒目。 當向子弟兒媳發號施令果陣…就絶對要憑關目去表露出果種~威儀性嘅眼神傳遞; 願[汪女士]能夠加多啲功夫落去"眼神‘’方面嘅發揮😵💫。
其實[汪女士]可以喺[TH-cam]入面尋找一下…六十年代著名京劇電影【楊門女將】、入面負責扮演[佘賽花]嘅係當年正值二十幾歲嘅京劇女演員[王晶華]女士, 又或者睇睇我地兩位前輩[靚次伯,半日安]叔叔…喺粵語戲曲片入面反串演出嘅[佘太君]。 我相信: 經過觀摩後…[汪女士]一定會有其之所得~^U^~🤗。
以下有“ ”符號嘅哩兩個字…如果[汪女士]能夠明白箇中字義, 而試以加諸落未來重演嘅[佘太君]角色身上, 相信對佢喺演譯上…會有所幫助, 果兩個字就係~~“抖擻”✊🏻。
忠烈楊門,整套粵劇非常好,演員位位傾力而出,可見彭美施的功力!整套劇之靈雲,就敗在一位汪姐身上!這不是蛋裡挑骨頭!唱做不佳!善意的議見 ,不知有人能接納?請查歷史書籍佘賽花的歷史!便知曉。
@@ABC-sq4le 你绝不是善意,是惡意,所以不會接纳你的建议。👎👎👎👎👎🙅♀️🙅♀️🙅♀️
She totally failed to deliver....
@@janetlee4285 首先, 好感謝[汪女士]願意接受演出[佘太君]嘅哩個挑戰~^U^~, 佢肯去扮老, 改唱平喉…都係佢嘅一次大嘗試, 以佢喺業界嘅身份地位~更加會替哩套戲嘅觀衆招徠同埋因為觀衆嘅好奇心態…帶嚟好大嘅吸引力。 論唱平喉~佢已經不過不失, 因為: 唱粵曲絶對係佢嘅弱項; 佢每次唱果陣都係戰戰兢兢, 總之~可以聽到佢唱咩?(包括字同埋曲牌係咩?)…已經係一額汗。 喺演方面, 佢今次呈現出嚟嘅…係一個有病態嘅老年[佘賽花], 一直嚟: 逢演出哩個角色嘅演員…無論南北戲劇, 雖然係"百歲掛帥‘’~但[佘太君]哩個角色嘅特性…應該畀到觀衆感受嘅係"精/氣/神‘’, 而唔係因為垂垂老矣嘅暮沉沉病態; [佘賽花]係一個精靈灑脫嘅女豪傑, 今時今日~如果揾[尹飛燕]或者[南鳳]去扮演, 相效果會更適合。 總之: [汪女士]衹要將哩個人物嘅演出處理方面…加入以下哩兩個字嘅演譯方法就得架啦: " 10:00 抖擻‘’
I totally agree with ABC-sq4le and the other commentators...Lisa Wang gave a dismal performance as She Tai Quan...with her shattered voice she could not be heard, she seemed to be mumbling..... she might have been an award winning actress for TVB dramas but it does not necessary translate to success in a live opera performance on stage...she fell flat on her face ...this production had assembled all the best n most promising " sang " and " tan " plying their trade in the Hong Kong opera arena.... everyone was brilliant except Lisa Wang...she was the weakest link in the whole scheme of things....
The character of " She Tai Quan " is the rallying point for all her sons and daughters-in-law after the death of the patriarch '" Yang Ling Kung " but here we find a semi-comatose She Tai Quan...she just lack the authoritative mien of the Yang matriarch...her facial expressions were not up 😊to the mark....
Over the decades I have seen some of the best performances of this Yang family saga in Hong Kong as well as from the mainland where they had casted a " lao (veteran) sang " to perform this female character and most of the time they have been impressive .....one of whom stood out was veteran Poon Yat Oon ( Uncle Onn ) who portrayed She Tai Quan to perfection in the film The Invincible Yang Army with the the renowned action movie actress Yu Soo Chiu and our irreplaceable Lin Jia Sheng....
Lisa Wang must be dumped to save this production n bring it to greater heights....at times she appeared confused, not knowing where to position her hands... resulting in too much hand-movements from her
.....but we have to thank Ms Pang Mei Shih for giving us the opportunity to see TVB's so called Ah Chieh portraying an old lady first time ever......bet she did not need much stage make-up....at her age, with her hagged looks and sagging chin we are seeing her as she is 😂😂😂...not trying to play the main roles of the nubile maiden or young damsel in distress as in the Last Ming princess or The Purple Jade Hairpin .....all the Yam-Pak iconic dramas penned by Dickson Tang🎉🎉🎉
全院滿座,一票難求 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉@@suetmingho9394
@@yanfunlee765 錯,有阿姐才提高了氣勢.😍👍👍👍💪💪
看看京劇的佘太君化粧吧!阿姐眼影有紅色 ?自己有否留意一下?!
@@rooneypang4761 她有話要做萬能旦后咩?