Descent 2nd ed. + Forgotten Souls (co-op expansion) Review

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 28

  • @engelalexander_official
    @engelalexander_official 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hi Marco! Thank you for sharing you thoughts on interesting boardgames and topics. To me, the official co-op mod (Forgotten Souls and now Nature's Ire) looks very oddly because of very little of replayability (only 4 monsters in one set and you can't share cards between said Forgotten Souls and Nature's Ire). I know that you really like co-op an solo, so try Nerdook's D2Ed Solo-Coop Variant 2.2. There won't be a place for regret:) We enjoy it since v2.0 (we also play official campaign mode, now in Nerekhall) and we are happy that we can include everything we bought for D2Ed because Nerdook's variant has that amazing option. All you need is to print 72 custom cards (8 2-sided sheets [sleeve them]). Or simply use on-line "app". Tell me if you like it. Probably you can share your thoughts about this variant on your channel with more details than you can share in the written form of commenting.
    The links are:
    And we are waiting for Joel's printer-friendly version of .pdf that he is promising to share as soon as possible

  • @Raphaelus13
    @Raphaelus13 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I love the Overlord!
    People who don't know the game might think its no fun this way, when in fact it has interesting options and its well made. Also the Overlord is not the narrator AT ALL. He or she is solely the story's villain, Its just vestigial perspective from the TTRPG Dungeon Master.
    Nature's Ire, the second Coop module, comes out I think at the end of this year.

  • @CinKaiDRocks
    @CinKaiDRocks 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    The absolute best solo/coop dungeon crawler is Warhammer Quest from 1995. And it is also the best 1 vs many dungeon crawler ever created imo. It had it all. I have tried many and they could never compete with that classic game.

  • @doomed2063
    @doomed2063 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is an interesting expansion. It makes sense to release expansion rules that turn the game into a full-on co-op.
    The fact that Descent 2.0 isn't designed as a full co-op means that any rules expansions to turn it into one won't work quite as smoothly as you'd like, but if your dedicated to playing co-op you can gradually work out the various rules kinks.

  • @baredas
    @baredas 10 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    If they ever add a full co-op mod for the base game scenarios I'm all in.

    • @jdogcisco1
      @jdogcisco1 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +baredas Not sure if you have come across RedJak's Automated Overlord Variat (RAOV). Some guy made cards that dictate Overload actions so that the overload can be automated and you can have your co-op game.

    • @doomed2063
      @doomed2063 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Justin Schroeder This is the type of expansion that drastically alters the game and gives it an entirely new dimension.

    • @jukka-pekkatuominen4540
      @jukka-pekkatuominen4540 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      This is a pretty old comment, nut apparently no one has given this info yet. There is a mobile app that is free to download (you can get it from Steam also) called Road to Legend. It is a co-op mode for the base game (and you can add your whole collection to it too and it will use it's contents also when making the quests).

  • @Caratacus1
    @Caratacus1 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    YES! Totally! Dungeon crawls = all together against the darkness.
    I avoided Descent for the DM reason. I also avoided it because I'm not sure about scaling if we just control one character each.
    So is it even possible / if so winnable for two players controlling just one character each? I ask because the wife HATES controlling more than one character. The narrative goes out of the window if that has to happen.
    Thanks for the review Marco!

    • @jukka-pekkatuominen4540
      @jukka-pekkatuominen4540 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      The game scales in a way that when you have more than 2 characters in play the Overlord will have more monster figures to use. There are also some other effects that might change according to character number. But also in the newest editions there is a new rule where when playing with 2 heroes the heroes are able to perform an additional attack action instead of having only 2 actions. And if they are not able to do that or don't want to they can also additionally heal 2 hearts after their turn. In my game I don't ever have only 2 heroes so I don't know how it goes. I could imagine that it works better in newer quests as they have been designed with that rule in sight.

  • @dkyzar
    @dkyzar 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Can someone tell me what game he says at 2:00? Shadow (something) can't quite catch it.

    • @bryanguzman8277
      @bryanguzman8277 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Shadows of Brimstone

    • @dkyzar
      @dkyzar 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks Bryan.

  • @bbblackwell
    @bbblackwell 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I never purchased Descent specifically because it was not co-op/soloable. I was ready to buy both the base game and expansion when I heard about this, but I'm not buying a box that's half-full of components I'll never get to use. If and when they go all the way with it, I'll buy in.

    • @ScarecrowJames
      @ScarecrowJames 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      well there are a few ways to get around that. Such as 1 player playing for all. Its a good way for starting off to learn how to play as both heroes and the overlord and testing how certain heroes work with each other. Thematically it sucks but so does playing by yourself though(imo).

    • @bbblackwell
      @bbblackwell 10 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      ScarecrowJames Over the holiday I was able to pick up Descent at a discount; I figured it was worth a shot and I wanted to know what the game was about. The opportunity would not otherwise arise, as I am almost exclusively a solo gamer.
      I was surprised to find that playing both the Overlord and the Heroes was no problem at all. The cards that the Overlord has in his deck should become known to the players after just a few plays, and it's appropriate for them to take them into consideration regardless of whether or not they know the Overlord has them in his hand. In this way, the knowledge of precisely what the Overlord is holding is a fairly minor consideration.
      I have no need for Forgotten Souls, as the game is playing just fine as it is, and I'm glad I had the opportunity to try it, as it has opened me up to a world of games I had previously avoided. Anything can be soloed with varying degrees of satisfaction, but I've found that you lose very little in terms of actual enjoyment, particularly with the types of games that I prefer.

    • @jdogcisco1
      @jdogcisco1 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Jaundiced Jape Not sure if you have come across RedJak's Automated Overlord Variat (RAOV). Some guy made cards that dictate Overload actions so that the overload can be automated and you can have another way to have your co-op/solo game.

    • @bbblackwell
      @bbblackwell 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Justin Schroeder Oh nice! Hadn't heard of it, thanks!

    • @doomed2063
      @doomed2063 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Then you're missing out on easily the best dungeon crawler out on the market. Nothing out right now compares really. There are some really good competition but Descent 2.0 is almost the perfect dungeon crawler. The fact that one player plays against the heroes as the overlord is an awesome mechanic actually and its generally a far more enjoyable system of play than full co-ops are because in those cases you're totally at the mercy of the mechanics and if the design isnt great, the game will be completely broken.

  • @zwara81
    @zwara81 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    i guess there will be a big box or small box in future.

  • @Kobraisten
    @Kobraisten 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    very nice vid really =) but I dont think this kills dnd boardgames, they are different, you can change them however you want, they are very open to modifications and home rules, custom characters etc., you can play that as casual or can deepen it to the extent you want to. Descent, however has rules that are complete which is certanly very cool but is not so easily played, less casual game and more rigid

  • @astraldrifter
    @astraldrifter 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Marco are you Romanian?