Hey friends, So glad you could join us as we explore Swedenborg's experiences in the afterlife and what he learned from them. We thrive on your participation so please share your thoughts and comments while you watch! With love and wisdom - Curtis, Jonathan, and team
As a novelist, I embrace this analogy. Great job - so compelling. In my action-thriller, the Lord takes out my double agent. My God, the infinite narrative arc made these teachings clear as crystal; thank you. Karin's epilogue raises a troubling question for me. I live on the corner of a four-way intersection. In each of the four houses at that intersection, children aged 9-12 - including one of my grandchildren who had to be institutionalized for more than a year - erupted in repeated violent episodes against their parents and caregivers and frequently required the police to respond. On all four corners of the intersection? After watching this episode, I am concerned this intersection is crowded with evil spirits. Is it enough to clear them from my house? Is there more I could/should do for my neighbors? I know one already thinks I'm crazy with my crazy ideas about spirits. Love and respect.
@@gregruland1934 Wow that is heartbreaking for sure, that the child had such violent outbursts. I am so sorry! I have no answers for you about clearing the intersection.... I hope your grandchild is doing better. Good luck with the action novel as well. Is it published yet?
Lean into Divine Providence... The best is yet to come. Such a beautiful message of hope and trust. I have started practicing leaning into Divine Providence and my anxiety about life's issues has lessened. The Lord lovingly watches over us all. Thank you OfftheLeftEye team.
There is tremendous comfort in these discussions and presentations. Each builds upon and reinforces those that precede and those that follow. They are uplifting, inspirational, and they untangle the chaos we pick up just living in this world. I am thankful to our Lord for the SF, all its members, supporters, educators, translators, artists, writers, narrators, designers and any others whose hats I have not named. The SF videos and books are part of my daily life now. For me, the SF is transforming my spiritual, soulful, emotional amd even my physical health. I include physical health because the other aspects affect our attitudes and the messages we tell ourselves about our purposes on these earthly journeys. For me, this understanding is essential much like taking in adequate amounts of clean water, physical exercise, vegetables and fruits. How we feel emotionally and spiritually affects our physical health. If you are depressed you may eat the wrong foods and not obtain the right amount of sleep, so then your physical health suffers. I feel better spiritually, mentally, emotionally because of these discussions, and this improvement is the strength I use to keep chaos and negativity from seeping into my body and soul and causing illness, depression and misunderstandings. I am able to see the perspectives the SF discussions render and it opens a greater understanding as to what logical and rational thought really means. The world itself is a physical place, but it is highly influenced by the spiritual. I want my spiritual development to lean on those strengths we find, discover and are awakened by from our Heavenly influences. Within those is everything worth our focus, time, energy, love. The hellish stuff, well, it is a warning, a lesson sometimes, but ultimately, it is something that destroys a truthful and good picture until we learn what ot is we are seeing and adopting when we realize hell is shackling, tricking and binding us to it until we reject it. Rejecting hell is a daily process that requires we examine our lives, hearts, minds, thoughts. If we find we have been interacting with hell, when we wake from that experience we can see why it was necessary to trip a few times.
So many wonderful thoughts here, Helene! Our team always feel encouraged by your testimonials-- it's clear that you have a deep affection for Swedenborg's teachings and their use in letting the Lord's love flow into one's life. Thank you for taking this journey with us, dear friend :)
I so enjoy your videos and the messages we so need to understand and apply. Your shows confirms to me how I always felt and knew inside. And I don't ever want to not know God and want to be ever learning as it should be. To be a better human being, to me this is freedom... Thank you, your videos are meaningful to me, especially since my mom passed a year ago. I was in a lot of turmoil and your program helped me through the turmoil to healing. My appreciation to you all for helping to ease people's lives with your programs and videos.
Pamelyn, thank you for your kind and inspiring words! I agree, this IS freedom! It's felt that way for me too. I'm so sorry for the great loss of your dear mom, such a difficult thing to go through. I'm honored the message we share has been so helpful for you in easing your pain! God bless you, Pamelyn, and keep on sharing the peace and love and freedom you have found! So glad we have you in our community!
Thank you in all humility for your response and kind words as well. I was my mom's caregiver for 8yrs alone, and during that time I felt like life just passed me by while everyone else went on without me. It was a difficult time when you are caring for someone with Dementia with no support system and fighting with insurance company. Until Hospice came for which I had to fight the insurance company with their protocol/ requirements my mom had to qualify for. With all of that,while dealing with a mother that was difficult that didn't want anyone but me for her care. It was overwhelming and stressful. But when I came across your videos... It was the 1st time in a long time I felt like someone stopped for me to care. I truly believe it was God's way of telling me "I'm here, I will never leave you nor forsake you". And felt like the burden of caring for my mom was lifting off of my shoulders. In closing I just wanted to say thank you for your videos that reaches people deeply. Because I do believe with all my spirit and heart that He guided me to your programs. For which I am truly grateful, humbled and thankful to God for. Your videos do reach people from around the world, I'm from Hawaii... 😇🌺
@@pamelyncaldwell4060 wow, what an incredible sacrifice! Your mom, I'm sure, was so grateful in whatever way she could be. I hope I can be as generous as you when I am called to be - it must have been very difficult, but no effort is wasted. The Lord sees all we do and loves us for it, and sometimes it's vital to remember that this life is just the beginning - our real lives are in the spiritual world, and your kindness and devotion will all have been worth it! It's wonderful to hear you felt led here because we certainly hope we are sharing love and truth and God's will! So I'm glad God likes our work enough to bring you here. (= What an honor to be part of your journey. I hope things are going well now and that with your mom's passing you can remember her as she was, and start to re-enter the world here! Have fun in beautiful Hawaii! Sending love to you. Thank you for sharing your story with us! It means a lot.
Very good video. I learned a lot. I watched it twice because it was packed full of gems that I needed to write down! Swedenborg is starting to sink in slowly. Thank you for all the hard work you folks do. 🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏
This will undoubtedly be mirrored in other comments, but just wanted to say how much I appreciate how you articulate hope - simply, deeply and not in a way that placates. Thank you, Curtis.
I am so moved by your message, dear friend. It's a sincere honor to communicate these teachings here-- they do indeed inspire hope because the Lord is always with us, working towards our eternal happiness. Wishing you a wonderful week :)
I will pass your very kind and encouraging message on to Curtis. We're so grateful to have you in the audience! Thank you, and we're wishing God's blessing to you, too! 💖 -- Karin
After hearing the ‘knowing’ that couldn’t have arrived at a better time-Swedenborg gifted us with a cosmos that is fair and righteous. God is forever the Creator , under his mantle there is a profound number of Angels serving and guiding and protecting each human as they live on earth. There are opposing forces that present themselves as we grow and are exposed to a wider variety of challenges. I’ve learned in my last yrs of this life, there is no END. I’ve evolved into loving a simple & Godly life. Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer has become one of my greatest teachers.♥️
Wow Bridget, that is profound. You are using your disease as a great teacher. Not everyone can do that. Yes, there is no end, just a transition. May yours be gentle, and God filled.
@@offTheLeftEye Thaks Curtis. I have learned quite a bit watching you guys over the years . Life really is filled with messages of angelic inspiration and hope .I’m finally catching your humor at its deepest . Thanks for that, too.
This is not Curtis, but a member of the response team. But we are still thrilled to hear that you have been watching for years, and that they give you hope and inspiration. And yes the humor helps too, Bridget!
The narrative arc of life; theme, purpose. You have packed so many DEEP ideas in this show. There's too much to digest in one sitting so I've bookmarked it and watch as much as I can handle. Whoever does your graphics really knows what they're doing. Very impressive and effective. Thanks to all the cast members, narrators, IT wizards, etc. for the good work that gives me more concepts than I can handle this morning.
Thanks for this lovely affirmation for our work, Mark -- and I understand the overwhelm! A LOT of meaning per square inch, so to speak. Glad you can take it in small bites, and really get all the nutrition out of each mouthful. I'll pass your appreciation on to the graphics team -- that would be Matthew Childs at the fore. We appreciate hearing from you. Blessings and peace to you!
The beautiful aspect of evil/self-will is that it gives us the gift of being a person, of having the experience of being a discrete, separate being from all else, even apparently from God. That's an amazing experience beyond description, and absolutely worth having, pain included.
Stress (work, life events etc) opens door of hell (negativity) and God always on the rescue, which is good. I would rather minimize stress and let the angels and heavenly spirits work on me for bigger bigger things ahead. I love this episode. Thank you.
@@rovli816 I'm so glad you enjoyed this episode! I hear you about the stress level of life, but try to think of it this way: having challenges to encounter while trying to let the angels in is strengthening your spiritual mind and heart more effectively than if there were no challenges. Just like the development of any skill is more effective through the facing of challenges!
just missed in chat: re-watching really helps to internalize it - the content causes so many thoughts to enter my mind and I miss things while contemplating...
I'm so glad you enjoyed these efforts by our hard-working graphics team! We're very blessed to have them. Thank you very much for watching, and for the kind and encouraging words!
This was amazing. I'm going to watch this a bunch of times, and write things on cards. I don't want to fall into forgetting -- this information is too important.
Be blessed Curtis and crew. Your work is excellent and will continue to enlighten and bless seekers on the path of Heaven. Keep it up and continue to be joyful. In the name of Iyesus Kristos our Lord.
Totally loved this episode! Been trying hard to not let vague unease just be acceptable. Instead trying to notice it and ask for trust and hope instead. Why, because that is the true reality. The opposite is "garbage" as Curtis says in the show.
Wow! I so loved this show! Your team always presents Swedenborg's experiences so well, but this show was particularly engaging and easy to relate to my own life in every way. I often find myself thinking of evil spirits influencing us whenever I come across someone being rude, thoughtless or angry and reflect on how their behavior is most likely due to those spirits and instead of reacting negatively to those who are behaving that way, I now tend to say a short prayer for them instead. Your work in these videos is greatly appreciated and so very important for all of us to hear and I, personally have benefited immensely by them and would like to thank you for all you guys do to spread this wonderful knowledge.
Mel, I am beyond grateful that you decided to share this with us! I too share your sentiment about Swedenborg's teachings-- they have guided me through some difficult challenges and instilled within my heart a commitment to see each day as a new opportunity to grow more loving and connected to heaven. You are a part of this family, and I'm so glad for that!
I enjoyed this so much. I love the idea of ourselves as a double agent, and I loved the idea that the story just keeps getting better and better the further on it goes. It reminds me of The Last Battle, which is the last book in the Narnia series, where Aslan is leading everyone "further up, further in." That's the narrative arc! I don't think we can even really fathom what kinds of things are going to develop once we are on that other side. I feel like just getting free from the ego would be enough happiness for eternity, but in a way, that's just where the story gets started. It's exciting to think that whatever the best is we can imagine, that's just the springboard for God's next plan in our lives.
I still reference content from the Narnia series as it applies to my spiritual life experiences, too, including using the "further up, further in!" phrase :D The scene which always stuck with me, from childhood, was the one where the negative-oriented dwarves (I think they were dwarves?) were present in 'heaven,' but they couldn't see the beauty around them, due to their own, hateful, perspectives. Sounds quite like what Swedenborg describes!
What a wonderful reflection! The teachings in this episode really struck me too-- being potent reminders of how our perspective on reality can change for the better, if we let it! The Lord's plan for us is far better than our own. Thanks for sharing with us, Nadine and Shanna :)
Lov it - Narnia and The Last Battle - I read at 9 years old. It was my first intro to anything truly spiritual. So relevant to the process of regeneration. THEY REALLY SHOULD MAKE THE LAST BATTLE A MOVIE - 🔥✨
Loved the storybook/sketchbook and the animations. Very effective. And I'm feeling especially appreciative of your ability to identify and zero in on the key points that make Swedenborg's message (and dare I say the Truth) so affirming. As someone who's benefited greatly from meditation and Buddhist training, watching your show I recognize the difference the understanding of a personal god (divine providence) makes. Despite the language, underneath it all Swedenborg's teachings have a lot in common with Buddhism, especially the Tibetan branch.
I'm thrilled that the storybook and animations resonated with you! We work hard to create clear and accessible narratives from Swedenborg's teachings-- your feedback really means a lot to us. Thank you :)
What an absolutely amazing video, the team work paid off big time, just a joy to watch and a ton of useful information. Thank you so much OTLE people. PS OTLE is fast becoming my go-to TH-cam channel, so much to learn and ALWAYS entertaining.
I love the live broadcasts - but I have to say I really really love these episodes in which you’ve planned out all the details beforehand. The sequence and motion is beautiful in its transitions- and for me, is more effective. Of course, I deeply appreciate ALL of your content! But these are my favorites :)
I'm so glad you decided to share that with us, Klay. It is cool to see our motion graphics and video art staff in their element! It totally helps to make these teachings come alive...so I appreciate what you're saying! Thanks for learning and growing with us, my friend.
Hello Friends, all the best to Curtis and Dr. Johnathan Rose. Great show guys. I have always had a lot of struggle in my life and I have the habit of sometimes get very down on myself and the world in general. I love the way this show demonstrates that even when bad thing happen, God is always looking long term at the real endgame, and working to create the greatest happiness for all involved. So, comforting to realize I am not at the mercy of an unforgiving universe. Thank you so much!! Have Great week guys.
What a profound recognition, Randy. It sounds like you've had to face many challenges, and yet God was walking with you each step of the way. I'm glad you were led to these teachings, and to this community of friends. We are blessed by your presence here! Have a wonderful week, too :)
Thank you 🙏🏻 amazing Work and topic ... Gave me hope to Think, Hope and See that There is More to my Life Story 📈📊📘 and it’s perspective Way over a Worldly Mindset. ☝️🙏🏻 The Best is yet to come.
I am always grateful when you list the team - all 20 this time - at the end of the program. I like to be reminded of how much goes into your efforts. For me, the changes in my life story seem second nature to me now. This is really helpful as I have mentioned that I am 74 years old - already. Yikes! This life has been jam packed and time has flown by. So you might imagine that having learned about the “long game” of our life span into the next life is a lovely fact to know at my age. Gives me purpose, insight, and perspective. I am so happy to be a Swedenborgian, and to have the proper outlook and know the true purpose of life. Would I wish to have come to this much earlier - sure. But I have had so many varied experiences and big challenges that I realize all of this has gone into who I am. Facing what I have and overcoming has made me stronger and yet at the same time has softened my heart and keeps me grounded and sympathetic to those in tough circumstances. And I have come to truly trust in the Lord’s Divine Providence because I have seen it working in my life and in the life of many others. I trust the Lord to lead others as He has led me to the happy place where I am now. Great to be reminded of our true story. Thank you so much!! One last thought - all the hosts demonstrate how happy-making studying Swedenborg makes people!!! ❤️
We do indeed have a big team that gives their all to these shows. It's such a gift to be a part of it all! And it's clear that you were led to Swedenborg for a reason. I'm elated to read about your discoveries, and how these teachings have helped you re-frame the past and also develop a useful outlook on life in general. Good on you, Mary!
That's so kind of you to say. And as you know, the loving bond between you and your mother will be the means of a beautiful reunion when the time is right. Sending love, dear friend...
Your programs are all very clear and to the point, and this video is exceptional, in my view! I'm so glad that all of then remain available for people who join in as time goes on, to learn what you're teaching. And they are so easy to access any time someone would like to re-experience them. One point that stood out for me tonight is the thought that God has such mercy that he rescues us many times during our lives, and chances are we didn't even know that it was from his divine providence! Interestingly, just yesterday I had a flashback of a memory of a time when I was rescued as a little 6-year-old child who had wandered into deep mud in the middle of a road. I had no idea how to get free of it, and also did not want to leave my rubber boots behind. Right then a big truck came along and the driver kindly picked me up and set me on safe ground, along with my boots. In just the same way, this week the Lord has picked me up when my thoughts were causing me to feel as though I had stepped into a quagmire, emotionally. God is full of lovingkindness, for sure! Thanks to all of you for your dedication to your continuing work....!
Edie Sneath your flashback sent a flashback to me as well! I was nine years old and our three year old neighbor was on her tricycle and stopped just behind a car backing out of a driveway. I ran over and pushed the child out of the way. The community I lived in went crazy over the “story”. I didn’t understand what the big deal was. Then...just a few weeks ago , divine intervention stepped in and saved me from being backed over by a vehicle in a parking lot! You are so right, the Lord pulls us from the mud all through our lives, He must need us for something! Blessings!💖
@@gsand07 It's also clear to me that the situation when I was a child is a correspondence of now, in my later life, still needing to be rescued sometimes. And your story also confirms that for me. My recent rescue came in the form of a simple new song, which had not been in my repertoire before. These are the lyrics that were impressed upon me: "Blessed Jesus, come to me. Soothe my soul with songs of peace. As I look to you alone, fill me with your love. Glorious, marvellous grace that rescued me! Holy, worthy is the Lamb who died for me." They are still revolving in my mind to block thoughts that were disturbing. Thanks for sharing!
Wow! Thank you both for sharing these powerful stories of being led by the Lord. And your kind encouragement of our programming is such a gift to us! Love and blessings...
@@offTheLeftEye I wish you all the best as well. Your videos are really well done. I'm definitely inspired by them and I plan to start reading Swedenborg's books. 😎
I just love,love,love the empowering,good and positive messages you are sending out into the universe…….and I love the idea of loving Interdependence and active Participation in a loving, good and kind Transformation process,…….. “having the lord in us and us being in the lord”….and of course Chelsea Orhner and Karin Child’s are wise and beautiful souls……..🙏
Such a heartwarming response, MW Poppy! Thanks for letting us know how these episodes are striking you. Interdependence is indeed a beautiful concept. And we're lucky to have Chelsea and Karin on the team -- wise women indeed!
The production on this one is awesome as is the message. One of your best among so many great ones. I should replay it at least once a week to keep my focus!
I am with you on needing repetition, dfearo. Both the bible and these true ideas I need to hear over and over. It is actually a correspondence with how I need to drink water every day.
awesome explanation I enjoy giving hugs of love and trying to show by example what a love of life is. Each person must make their own choices and deal with the results and all we can do is try to help guide them back to God and learning a more peaceful life and know they are accepted
Brazil is in the house! Thanks for checking in, Leo! Glad this video resonated with you. We've heard that Kardec has a similar take -- so interesting to know!
Yes, anger comes from evil spirits. But there is something called "zeal" that can look very much like anger on the outside, but is all about defending something good rather than attacking and destroying. This short clip explains the difference: "Zeal Vs. Anger" th-cam.com/video/V0o4BN_QfJ4/w-d-xo.html
Tuned in too late to see it all live, so I just went back and watched it through again. There is so much good stuff in this episode! In fact, a couple "events" that happened today sent me spinning with thoughts of why did this happen and where did this come from? My prayers for insight into why these things happened were totally illuminated by watching the show. Thank you!! Keep up the great work!
My heart feels tender reading through your message, Kaye! These teachings certainly have a way of keeping us grounded when the dark clouds circulate around.
lol i actually like the shirt lol (46 years old) oh, and i loved this, I think this is the second video i'll show my mum..after 101.. Thankyou for these
Great video! Always is. Makes me think of all the channels on TH-cam with millions of views yet not one millionth of the meaningful content presented here. This will change of course! If I had to ponder what the story of life is in one word, it would be ‘becoming’. The only story is God becoming God
Our stories are related to everyone’s stories. In other words be loving and truthful and all is good. Just believe it 😀 in which is the truth. Be good and love being good . Others will catch on
You're welcome, Sharon! And thanks for letting us know they have touched your heart. Nothing like a little humor to balance these very big ideas. Hope you'll continue to find spiritual nourishment here, and thanks for joining us!
Behind our life story lies an higher power that does change the way we change our lives,I know this with messages from spirit I've had over the years,been told that certain things are going to happen and years later it does,I've a spiritualist I've had years of messages I've wrote down and it's all happened,I've were told I couldn't go on doing the same old things and my life has totally changed also our thoughts bring us what we want,I were told I would have fruit trees in my garden and a certain place I would be living,yes it happened I moved to the country and guess what I have 4 fruit trees in my garden also told my late husband giving me purple flowers and yes my garden sprouted up from nowhere purple poppies,it was same as the place I would be spending my time in this certain place,I do my shopping in this place every week,I once had a day time vision of seeing someone in my day dream yes I married him,it just gets weirder,it often get a vision of de ja vue but it won't let me carry it on it stops me so far so we're not meant to see the whole thing,lol.my life is better now,more peaceful,love to you all,keep hope and watch your thoughts lol,it just might happen.😆😇💖262 liked person meaning amazing,the attributes of individual numbers in this angel number,2 is about working jointly by coming together with another person in order to achieve your set goals,number 22 is about charity work,personal growth,peace and for insight. Amazing and guess what yes I catch the 22 bus and spirits said they were putting us together 2 years before it happened,so we've been put together to help others,there were 2 years difference between our late partners ,we were put together 2 years before it happened,we help others on our journey and we're both at peace.divine intervention for a higher purpose.😇💖
It might help others come to terms with loved ones who have crossed over to know they aren't far away and come back into our lives as guidance.They change our stories for our higher purpose,go with the flow.thankyou my friend take care oh and I'm good with my neighbour lol.😆😆😆
What a brilliant, positive and life aferming episode. Above all, it gives me a new perspective on things. Just wondering how to share the whole Swedenborg thing with family & friends. I think I'll wait until the time is right. I have a feeling that providence will help me in this. 👍🤸
Hmm, I've wondered the same, Jung At Heart! People seem to find it when they're ready. Just showing them your new lease on life will probably help develop some curiosity for them and perhaps they will be lead here on their own? There's definitely power in being an example or an inspiration to others. Not by showing off or anything - just leading with your heart and your own sense of happiness. People gravitate towards that kind of love and will want to cultivate the same for themselves! So keep on keeping on. Putting that good energy out there creates a ripple effect, and it has more impact than we realize. Thanks for watching and I'm so glad you feel so inspired!
Shakespeare said we're all but players (characters) in a play. In my case, I seem to have a "turning point," in my life every 10 years. Think of each of these periods in my life as a chapter!
"I'm not trying to badmouth hell or anything, but ..." 😅 So, did an angel give me my crush on Jonathan Rose? 😇🤔 Great show, great team! The Ghostbusters show overlaying my personal show has certainly altered and enlarged my view on a daily basis. (I ain't 'fraid of no ghost. 👻🚫) Wish I could have watched all these videos about 40 years ago when I was a kid in church. So grateful for them now. Muchas gracias!! 🙏💞
It's so great to hear from you, Chrissy! And we join you in feeling great affection and gratitude for Jonathan. Maybe you were led to these ideas right when you were really ready to drink them in. I'm so glad the videos are supporting you now in understanding your own personal journey better! God bless!
That was Devil's problem as well his EGO got in his way. He wanted to be higher then God. It all goes back to the classic war between heaven and hell. I am learning so much from you fine people thank you for my spiritual awaking. Things make so much more sense now.
I'm so glad these teachings resonate with you deeply, Lukus! Your message reminds of a recent exploration we did on the nature of the devil in the bible: th-cam.com/video/V7JMUhYqgHs/w-d-xo.html I'd love to hear your thoughts on it!
I think that we have an ego naturally, as part of human life, to help us individuate when we are two years old, but we hold on to it long past its usefulness.
This makes me laugh, Vivian, as I watch my young grandbabies! I guess we continue to grow in our individuation, and we definitely need to keep our spiritual freedom, so I guess there's a use to it -- we just need to figure out how to keep it in the right place in the hierarchy!
That's a really good idea! In the meanwhile, there are some good resources out there designed for children: www.newchurchvineyard.org/ th-cam.com/users/ncsundayschools
I know not good to be harmful to people but can a murderer be forgiven if a murderer wants to change their ways once they get to the spiritual world 🌍 and they want to change their ways and pick heaven instead of hell ??
Great question, The Cube. My sense of the gist of Swedenborg's teaching is that it's all about inner motivation and heartfelt priorities. Perhaps a murder happens out of some state of desperation on the earthly level -- hunger, debt, war, fear, etc. In the next life, that action will be examined to discover the true motivation behind it, and the person will discover whether they identify with that motive or not. Swedenborg says that over a lifetime of making spiritual choices, we are building our eternal spirit, and our spirit will either resonate with the atmosphere of heaven (love, truth, kindness, usefulness) or not. In one place he says we just go to the place in the spiritual world where we can breathe. But Swedenborg urges us to try to be conscious of our choices in THIS life, because "as the tree falls, so shall it lie." Behavior that happens without our full rationality at our disposal, though, is not a real choice that we are held spiritually responsible for, he says. It seems like it's a tricky balance, and only the Lord can see our true self and guide us towards our best possible eternity!
Loved the way you presented the ideas. It answers so many questions and that is great! I'm left with one unanswered question though. What is the origin of evil in the first place? Does Swedenborg have any material that addresses that? I'd love to watch/read if so.
I'm glad this episode answered many of your questions! And yes, we do have a short clip on the origin of evil...check it out here! th-cam.com/video/GeuIbfUnLPg/w-d-xo.html
I love the shirt Curtis! I love the info (and humor) of the OTLE videos. One question and if I look you've probably covered it in another video. Why do evil spirits exist in the first place?
Thanks for the love! Swedenborg wrote that evil spirits came into existence when the earliest humans decided that autonomy was more important to them than partnership with God. This is actually the allegory of Adam and Eve's fall and expulsion from the garden. Check out these 2 videos for more info: th-cam.com/video/RVlVBOsW5jk/w-d-xo.html th-cam.com/video/0IPGEzj9GAg/w-d-xo.html
Quick question about the question I asked last time, Do the nephilim still exist ? And if so would it not be better for the nephilim to not exist ?? Assuming they are that unbelievably bad?? The Nephilim ??
It's important to remember that no matter how bad a person becomes, they are still a beloved child of God. Think about if you had a dear friend or family member who went insane, and had to be restrained in some way so they wouldn't hurt other people. You would still have love for them, so, even while you were making sure they couldn't get out and hurt anyone, you would still feel compassion and mercy and love for them. God loves everyone, and will not reject or annihilate anyone. At the time Swedenborg was writing, there were still these "nephilim" spirits begin contained in particular areas of hell, but in a way that they could not get out and harm anyone. God is continuing to work with them, so that their evil passions will eventually burn out, and they will be harmless.
I have been watching and reading and studying Swedenborg since I read Helen Keller's A Light in my Darkness and I am absolutely so taken by it. I just dont understand these things: what is the urgency for regeneration during our time on Earth? Also, I see a lot about why Jesus came to live here, but not why he dies; what did He do exactly that leads to our salvation (and where does evil originate if God is love)? I struggle aligning these hopes and truths into view...creation (of everything, and of evil and good)... regeneration and salvation, death to new life...? Why didn't the Lord Jesus just come to show us how to live and give us this Human God to relate to....then go on up back home to heaven with the win, all in one piece?? I am starting to see Jesus as God (not as two persons), but I dont really understand his mission clearly, and it makes my heart ache. Because whatever it is, I know it's good. :)
Hi, Terra Ray! We're so happy to know that you have been digging into Swedenborg for a while. All that is necessary on earth is to make a start in the repentance/reformation process -- to form some kind of conscience and some form of service to others. Then we can continue to be regenerated in the afterlife to eternity. I believe Swedenborg urges us to get going on this process for the same reason that someone would urge people to take care of their health in early life, and not put that all off until later in life. It will be easier to maintain health if you have been practicing healthy habits all along, and more importantly, if you have not severely damaged your body's systems for staying healthy. Similarly, the more we forge good habits in this life that are supportive of regeneration, the easier things will be for us progressing in the afterlife. Our spirit will be stronger and healthier when we cross over to begin that new stage. But again, all that is necessary is to have made a start on earth. That is enough for God to work with. I'm going to suggest some shows for you to watch in order to understand why God/Jesus had to do things the way that he did. Basically, God had to come down to our level and go through our process in order to be able to connect with us on the earthly level and to forge a path for us to follow back to a union with God. "Why Did Jesus Suffer and Die?" th-cam.com/video/VqsbY9gRXxo/w-d-xo.html "Why Did Jesus Come to Earth as a Baby?" th-cam.com/video/fHMNygYiXd4/w-d-xo.html "The Purpose of Death" th-cam.com/video/Gmd2q1BLriM/w-d-xo.html "Why Jesus Was Born" th-cam.com/video/VsbuxkXYbRI/w-d-xo.html
great video. curtis was that your mom?! she seems cool! --- jonathan was more animated this episode! I liked it better, in the past, when he was more the “straight-man” or regular guy, and curtis was the more silly one... and then jonathan would drop a “truth bomb” with one of his epic takes on a swedenborg text, but in a calm relaxed natural way. i could get a subtle feel that he truly was an editor of some of the books i am reading. i honestly feel grateful to have met him through the videos! i was just feeling it was more balanced with : one wisdom ( light) guy, and one goodness(warmth) guy! --and Of course, not one aspect of God is better than another. its just my honest feedback. but i did love the content of this video so much. also update: and today ive been listening to “true christianity” volume 1 on audible while following in the book. to keep my attention fixed. theres some funny parts in there. (i was surprised!...about meeting all the “wise guys” in heaven talking about the trinity! ) but really the first section all about God and his Oneness is so AWE.............some!!!!!!literally mind blowing... --so... alls well that ends well! so aloha , and have a blessed night!
I loved reading through your reflection!! You've clearly spent some time thinking about the content, format and teachings. And yes, Karin is Curtis' mom! At any rate, I'm so glad you reached out. Looking forward to more chats whenever thoughts or questions pop up in your mind :)
Genuinely interested how this either compliments or contradicts other theorists who believe that heaven and hell are not physical places which exist but are differences in our levels of consciousness. Interested in what people think on this matter. To me hell on earth can be indeed other people with their selfishness but one of these other people may argue it is my perception of them that is wrong and needs to change. I do struggle to be tolerant of rude, thoughtless people and have other issues around impatience but am trying so hard to become a better individual even though I try to be sensitive to others needs and put them first most of the time. My ego does get hurt or I want to scream at others to show more manners or respect.
I think Swedenborg would agree completely, michael, that heaven and hell are states of mind or consciousness! They are the experience and choice of our spirits or souls. It's not popular to call bad behavior or negativity "hell" today, but that doesn't mean the idea isn't true. We all experience heaven AND hell in life, and most of us tend to favor one or the other, but it's important we not make assumptions about where other people stand. We can never really know another person's spiritual state, or what they've been through or what motivated them. We can, however, choose our company wisely, and work to send compassion and love to the people who create hell for US. I have two images I use (when I'm good enough to remember) to help me be kind to people who make me want to not be kind at all: 1) picture them as a little child, acting out from a place of hurt or fear, and 2) remember that they are also God's creation, and so they too have a spark of love and divinity inside - and we can always love the part of each other that is Divine, even if loving the individual is challenging! Some episodes on the states of being: Swedenborg Minute - "What Are Heaven and Hell?" th-cam.com/video/cCizOSUw6yw/w-d-xo.html "How To Live in Eternity Now," th-cam.com/video/lO-Oj7exXC4/w-d-xo.html "Repentance: How to Be in Heaven Now" th-cam.com/video/5_-zxnqG_sg/w-d-xo.html Thanks for sharing your thoughts and insights with us!
That's a great question, Ellen! Swedenborg does say that the Lord keeps us in balance between the darkness and the light while living here on earth-- this is important because it preserves our freedom to choose one or the other (a lifetime process, I might add). The Lord is constantly working to maintain our freedom, while at the same time trying to lead us toward heaven. In the afterlife, we move towards a community in either heaven or hell that is most compatible with our heart. Those that delighted in purely selfish affections and activities on earth, they would gravitate towards hell and be most fulfilled there. In fact, Swedenborg did report seeing some hellish inhabitants entering heaven (the Lord allows this sometimes) and they were miserable! These demons jumped head-first back down into hell. Here are a few episodes that touch on this: th-cam.com/video/1alL7mRL5zA/w-d-xo.html th-cam.com/video/qoaPwhzDHWM/w-d-xo.html What do you think?
@@offTheLeftEye Yes I understand why they aren't in the light and that they are happy in the community they are in as well as a purpose they are fulfilling. I guess my question is, will they ever in the eternities grow out of this hellish state? Does the part they play in our lives help them grow into the light? Do angels subtlely help them grow after they cross in to hell? It hurts my heart to think they will never grow toward the light. Why would God, knowing all, create ppl he knew would never have love in their hearts and would for all eternity be evil? I like to think that they grow as we do and eventually cross from dark to light. Even if it's a slow growth. I just can't see God allowing that to happen to anyone.
@@63ewood Swedenborg does report that God is constantly working to improve everyone's state, including those in hell, leading them away from severe evils to lesser evils. And there are some passages that seem to indicate that there is a way to eventually heal people who have immersed themselves in evil, but it is a VERY long and very difficult, unpleasant process, because it has to involve the person's own will, and they have to first be purged of all the harmful behavior that they have become completely addicted to. Though Swedenborg doesn't give us much information on the process, it does seem to me (Karin) that eventually everyone can be saved from evil. I think that Swedenborg's main concern is to warn people from taking a path to hell in the first place, just as it is better that someone take care of their health from early on rather than abusing their bodies for decades and then trying to come back from that, because then they have damaged the very systems that were put in there to cure them. But, with God nothing is impossible, so, I do believe there is a way.
@@offTheLeftEye Thank you Karin! That makes me feel better to know. I would hope that ppl crossed into the dark could somehow grow into the light using their own freewill with encouragement from Angels. I never thought about the resolute evil being healed and forced. I loved your explanation of ES information on this. I appreciate the time you took to explain. It has weighed heavily on my mind. Love to you ❤️
So if life is trying to give me everything to make me happy, how in the h*** did I end up having a chronic illness that ruins pretty much every day of my life?
I'm so sorry you are dealing with that. That really sounds awful, and my heart goes out to you. The answer is, because this external system we're all living in, this earthly, physical plane, has been very messed up for thousands of years. Picture a natural ecosystem that was pristine, with everything working well to provide for all the life that lived there. But then people come and dump a bunch of pollution into the area, and suddenly the wildlife is dealing with lack of food, illnesses, and other suffering. This earthly plane of existence has been polluted for a long, long time due to human corruption. That corruption has led to all the suffering that we deal with on earth -- illness, violence, lack of resources, etc. That's why we feel it is important to realize that this short earthly life is only a tiny part of our life story. This earthly plane is messed up, but most of life will happen in the afterlife, where we can be lifted above the mess of the earthly level, into a system that is in the order that God intends. But even in this polluted earthly level, God can use whatever happens in your life to help you develop a strong and healthy spirit, and a softer, more open heart. There are many, many stories out there of how people have turned suffering into strength and connection and fulfillment, and into ways of reaching out to make a positive difference in the lives of others. The suffering is temporary. The strength, wisdom and love that can be gained going through the challenges lasts forever. The earthly level has to be a freewill zone, which means corruption and all that results from it does happen. But it also means that when humans individually and collectively decide to work to make a difference, the corruption and pollution and suffering can be alleviated, because more of heaven and God's order can flow in. Hang in there! Just take one day at a time, and seek whatever help and support are possible to get you through. Here are some shows that might help. For why bad things have to be allowed on the earthly level: "Why Bad Things Happen" th-cam.com/video/_F3Gokp44Qo/w-d-xo.html For how God makes sure that anything people lack on earth can be fulfilled in the afterlife: "Life Isn't Fair... Or Is It?" th-cam.com/video/42BEBqN0H3Y/w-d-xo.html For connecting with eternal life during earthly life: "How to Live in Eternity Now" th-cam.com/video/lO-Oj7exXC4/w-d-xo.html For how important we each are, no matter what we are going through: "Does My Life Matter?" th-cam.com/video/33FfPQsf_zU/w-d-xo.html Sending much love to you, Ronnie!
@@offTheLeftEye yes, definitely I am living in what I consider the Dark Night of the soul. I am a fighter, and I am a sinner too. Part of me thinks this is punishment for my sins in life, and the bad things that I have done, but also there's a part of me that knows I have a good heart and despite being corrupted I definitely do my best to be good not only to myself but others that I come into contact with in my daily life. But there is a strong Battle of Good and evil that takes place in my life every single day. The strangest things happen to me, and many times they repeat. Especially some of the bad things, they will repeat themselves to the point where I can almost say to myself, "here we go again." I feel like sometimes people are used as unwilling pawns by negative spirits or forces in my life to try and come at me, even despite the fact that I'm sick. But, my drive to see goodness and light, which I think is only strengthened by all the bad things that happen and the illness that I have to suffer with every day, drives me forward to try and create light. Sometimes it's selfish, but many times it's not. Many times I'm trying to do good things for other people. I need to practice hardcore discipline, and despite the effects of how the illness makes me feel from day-to-day and how hard things are, I need to follow through with the little plans and ideas that I have that I feel will help me heal. However, at the end of the day I know that the only way I'm going to heal is if it's the choice of God and that if I'm just supposed to suffer until I die this really not much I can do about it. But I have to try, and I have to heal because I cannot.... I know from what you guys say that life goes on after this and I know that there are many different ideas from Christianity, too Judaism, to even Buddhism and other religions that all point to some sort of afterlife but what if it's all just fiction because we're all afraid? Then I will have suffered all this time, every day of my life, all for nothing. So I have to try and still make the best of whatever I can do while I'm here. I have just always heard people say that they called out to Jesus or they called out to God and they could immediately feel God come into their life and take hold and everything got better after that. I've heard other people say that they've tried various other ways To have something great happen on a spiritual level and that goodness of God or Jesus or whomever stepped into their life and took hold and life became way better after that. However I have tried over and over again to call out to God and Jesus and I don't get a response, I don't get a reply, I don't get anything and I definitely don't feel that God or Jesus comes into my life to heal me. On the contrary, I still suffer greatly and even frighteningly so. I even had a shaman not too long ago tell me, that I was born with a dark spirit guide or something to that effect. I was getting this in translation because my friend is Asian and his uncle was the shaman who only speaks his own language. But apparently I was born with a dark Spirit guides attached. That the dark spirit that I did bring down would do things to damage my life. I believed that before I actually was told that by a shaman, at least on some level, that a dark Spirit was harassing my life. But then my question is, if I call out to God and ask him for deliverance why would God not take away that bad Spirit from my life and replace it with a benevolent loving angel who can bring healing and peace!?
@@GeeseFX Swedenborg witnessed that everyone has evil spirits around them, whether they realize it or not. So you are not alone! It helps to become aware of their tactics, so that you can take action to help more of God's protection come in. See if any of these episodes have ideas that might be helpful to you: "How to Deal With Evil Spirits" th-cam.com/video/RmWrAoML2hE/w-d-xo.html "How to Free Your Mind From Hell" th-cam.com/video/B832ykXZeYU/w-d-xo.html "The Lies Evil Spirits Tell Us" th-cam.com/video/Qaqd9Fhsxpg/w-d-xo.html "How Spirits Are Connected to Your Health" th-cam.com/video/8N-ofY8eLvw/w-d-xo.html
This perspective on the interplay of heaven and hell and the intervention of angels would be a blessing for those suffering in Gaza. Are there New Church members on the ground in Gaza?
Another great episode with ALOT to digest. I’m really enjoying learning about ES. 0TLE is challenging my belief system, I’ve taken Jesus/Lord/God out of the existential equation. Is there a God stacking the Deck?! Psychologists explained an inherent negative bias, evolved for our survival (don’t approach that pretty lion it will eat you, don’t eat those colorful berries they will make you sick). Does this correspond with inherited evil, a celestial double agent? Is there really eternal sacred intention to save humans? Phew - the Search for Truth is a fulltime occupation!
Bobo, you made me laugh! Agreed -- truth searching is an endless endeavor. But it's pretty delightful, if you think about it! We can keep learning and developing our minds to eternity! Would you like to say more about your phrase, "celestial double agent." What do you mean by that? I'd like to understand your question better.
offTheLeftEye Hihhi 🙃 it makes me happy to hear laughter, even if it’s over the Internet! Dr. Rose spoke of this double agent, in that God helps to protect us from evil, yet something inside ourselves, our self-centeredness, points us towards hell. Are we that double agent from which goodness flows but we are inclined to be bad? Perhaps I’m misguided? What is your interpretation? Feel free to critique me, I know I’m crazy but I am open minded!
@@bobouzala It helps me to understand that we each have many levels to ourselves. We have deeper levels that can open up to the constant inflow of God's love and wisdom. And we also have a lower ego that tends to react against and resist that inflow from God, and turn toward hell (selfishness and materialism) instead. We're a "double agent" in that we have both possibilities inside ourselves, and can choose to go with those lower, negative tendencies, or with the higher, good and true tendencies. We're making choices between the two over time, and gradually, one direction will become more prevalent than the other. Does that makes sense?
It sure seems there must be, to me, Terry! It seems like an essential piece of our spirit, to be able to imagine a different kind of life for ourself if we make different choices. And using artistic imagination as an expression of our hearts/minds also seems nurturing or healing... Are you feeling like there is NOT a good use of the imagination? I don't recall what this video says about it. In this Q&A session with Curtis, he answers a question about imagining at minute 6:11. May be to narrow for your question, but give it a listen and see: -- th-cam.com/video/QKXM14UV3dc/w-d-xo.html
As usual, yet another premium presentation. You addressed a question I have had for some time but still grapple with the concept. I wanted to ask what Swedenborg deemed to be hereditary sins. Dr. Rose stated that hereditary sin is akin to ego but it is my recollection that when Swedenborg presented this concept he stated it as sins in the plural. I see sin as singular. Are there other hereditary sins besides ego?
Hey Gordon, that's a really good question! According to Swedenborg, hereditary sins are those tendencies passed down in families from generation to generation. They are inclinations towards varieties of selfish or evil tendencies that we are not responsible for unless we act on them. Swedenborg wrote that we are not born with original sin, but rather we inherit these inclinations from family lines going back generation after generation. Check out this episode, and watch at 1 hour, 4 minutes to see my answer to a similar question: th-cam.com/video/jYJ571hkxQA/w-d-xo.html
@@offTheLeftEye Thank you for the response and associated link. I suspect that the proclamation found in the Old Testament that God would curse us unto the third and fourth generation is not that God curses us but that by cultural momentum or hereditary sins we are impacted.
@@rubarb0406 We actually address that statement directly in our episode "False Gods: Mysteries of the 10 Commandments Explained" in section three, which starts at 33 minutes 30 seconds th-cam.com/video/MKcIUMpCNok/w-d-xo.html But it might be good to watch the whole show for context.
Kim, I am not a Swedenborgian church member and have a slightly different perspective than they espouse but let me share it with you. First off, Swedenborg saw only the afterlife in the context of humanity. He did not see or record that there is a being called Lucifer or Satan. Some denominations believe that Lucifer dwelt in Heaven with God in a pre-life existence. Lucifer and 1/3 of the hosts of heaven (our spirit brothers and sisters as Children of God) were cast out because of rebellion (they wanted to take away our agency and force us to be righteous). They were cast down to earth but in a dimension we cannot see unless acted upon by the Lord or so wholly absorbed by Satan that he reveals himself. On earth, we are subject to a number of different modes in which we can be tempted. We can be tempted by Satan (or his minions), who dwells here on earth; by evil spirits who occupy the hells: by other men; and even by ourselves. While this may appear as majorly unfair or disproportionate, Christ loves us so much He will not allow us to be tempted (from any source) beyond our ability to resist. When we die, Satan (in the context I have presented it) is left behind us here on earth. If we have done everything within our power to overcome evil, we have in effect bound "Satan" to where he has no ability to influence us. Notice I put Satan in a parenthetical context, which includes all the forms of manifestations. I believe that the higher the kingdom one attains to in the afterlife the less they have to be concerned about struggling to stave off temptation. I believe that Swedenborgians will agree with that in principle. I think that Swedenborgians do believe that it is in our best interest to live a life here on earth such that we conquer "Satan" (however you wish to define him). The person we have strived to become ends up in the Kingdom where we are most comfortable. That is based on an eternal principle we designate as agency or free agency. Bottom line: We get to chose where we will end up but Christ hopes we will have lived our lives where we will want to be as close to Him as possible. Please note: It is pretty bold of me to proclaim what Swedenborgians believe. If I have misrepresented my Swedenborgian brothers or sisters in any way, I hope they will chime in and correct me.
That's a great question, Kim! Swedenborg observed that in the afterlife, those bound for heaven go through a process of putting aside their selfishness and fully embodying their real, loving qualities. As such, angels in heaven do not deal with the influence of evil like we do here on earth. That being said, angels do go through cycles of feeling closer to or farther away from the Lord. Here's a passage from Swedenborg: "For angels experience different states of love and wisdom, just as in the world different times of day - morning, midday, evening, night or twilight prior to morning, and morning again - give way to one another. When the angels experience a state of love, to them it is morning, and the Lord appears before them as the rising Sun. When they experience a state of wisdom, to them it is midday. When however they experience a state of wisdom set in obscurity, to them it is evening; and when after this they experience a state of love set in obscurity or some coldness, for them it is night, or rather the twilight before morning. [2] Such states experienced by the angels follow unceasingly one after another, and serve unceasingly to make them more perfect. But those changes are not due to the Sun there, to its rising and setting, but to the state of the interiors within the angels themselves; for as with people in the world they have a desire at one time to turn towards their internal interests, at another towards their external ones. When they turn towards internal interests they experience a state of love and consequently of wisdom in clearness, and when they turn towards external interests they experience a state of love and consequently of wisdom set in obscurity; for what is external is such, compared with what is internal. This is the origin of the changes of state experienced by angels." One of the most powerful statements in this passage is "such states experienced by the angels follow unceasingly one after another, and serve unceasingly to make them more perfect". In heaven, life isn't static. There is a constant flow of learning, growing, feeling joy and connection, and embracing love. As such, the reality for angels is one that is eternally remarkable. What do you think?
@@offTheLeftEye yes, I think it what I was understanding, but my to be honest, my head spins a bit trying to figure it out. Most of his perceptions so far have given me 'that's it!' Or 'aha' moments, in other words, have really spiritually clicked for me. I love this channel and thank God for it, I was in a big time doubt a few months ago, losing my 7 year old nephew to bone cancer but his story not only brought me to my knees in doubt but then opened up spiritual experiences for me, strengthened my relationship with Jesus and the Divine, and brought me to your show. Thank you keep up the good work
@@kimnicholls3423 What a painful loss to endure. I'm so very sorry. We're deeply glad if our channel can offer some support and comfort. How beautiful that you have felt a deepening relationship with the Lord through this experience. Wishing you healing and peace!
I must be keeping the angels busy. I'm not complaining as I am happy and grateful for that. So do I thank God directly or is it proper to thank the angel team? I really don't mean to be funny. I'd like to do it right since I'm trying to do things right . God bless you all.
Ah, Susan I love your question. Swedenborg often spoke with angels and their sincere desire is to not take any of the credit belonging to God. For them that would be stealing, as all good comes from him. They would rejoice if all of your gratitude is directed towards God.
Hi Jack, none of us are perfect! We all make mistakes-- what matters most is how we learn from them and see each day as a new opportunity to do something good. How is your relationship with God? Do you know that He loves you so much?
I'm sorry to hear that, Diane! It sounds hard! I hope you can make some changes if your company doesn't help you, or if not, focus on what you love about these people, find moments of gratitude, and practice compassion - they may just not be as far along on their spiritual journey and mercy and forgiveness can go a long way in waking people up to living a life of love! Have you watched our short clip, "How to Use Positive Energy to Deal With Someone's Negative Behavior" th-cam.com/video/7KheK_sW1YE/w-d-xo.html ? Or, "The Spiritual Reality of Compassion with Losang Samten," th-cam.com/video/roFS4pIBbH0/w-d-xo.html Let me know if these give you some effective tools to help you deal with frustrating people!
@@offTheLeftEye I pray only for a life without them...praying for them makes it worse...because it shows them themselves...and they hate themselves...these are little boys in adult bodies.. Who want a mommie to take advantage of.. Their inner cry is why WON'T you love me...I tell them, LOVE IS A GIFT THAT CANNOT BE STOLEN and it hurts them to their core.. I think they take the song MY WAY too seriously...junkies, drunks, thieves... I want no part of. Misery loves company...and I WON'T play along... I refuse to feed their demons...it is truly disgusting...but I'm not their momma...didn't create this drama.. You know my theme song...if it AIN'T good...they think I'm playing
@@dianematlock7922 I hear you, Diane. Sometimes love has to be tough, meaning, refusing to enable someone's negative behavior. We discuss that in "How to Love" th-cam.com/video/i1vLrF-BeGY/w-d-xo.html and "Should You Love Everyone the Same?" th-cam.com/video/zTLvlfZ672E/w-d-xo.html I hope you are able to find ways to move to a healthier situation in regards to these particular people. Wishing you courage, guidance and peace!
I'm new to Swedenborg and his writings. now this is only the second video I've watched and i need something cleared up. In the first video you talked about the structure of the afterlife and how we are drawn towards like minded others. after the first video i left with the impression that Swedenbourg was presenting haven as like a skyscraper with the 'purer souls' on the upper floors and the lower floors and the basement as hell. as individuals we deiced which floor we will live on by our life here. Now in this video you and your co host are talking about evil, as a being, with a plan and desires who wants to draw us into 'his' hell. to draw a saying from my youth, "you seem to be walking on both' sides of the street". what am i missing?
Hello, dan! I'm so glad you felt free to post questions here. Just to clarify, we're not talking about evil as one being, but a whole collection of beings in the afterlife who exude hatred and greed, and want to draw people into that. (Those icons of the angel and the demon were just to represent the whole collection of "upper floor" people and "basement" people in the afterlife.) See if this helps: while on earth, we are walking in the middle, in between the "upper floor" people and the "basement" people. The upper floor people are sending us invitations to join them, sending loving feelings and true thoughts. The basement people are pressuring us to join them, sending negative thoughts and feelings: fear, anger, hatred, revenge, etc. On earth, we walk in equilibrium in the freewill zone, between the two influences. Life on earth is about choosing which kind of mindset we want to get on board with and gravitate toward. We are all born with a lower ego, which tends toward negativity (selfishness and greed), and a higher self, which tends toward neighborly love (altruism and compassion). The direction we choose is what will determine which groups we will be drawn to in the afterlife. Does that help at all? Here is a show that describes the situation we are in on earth: "Spiritual Warfare: How Heaven and Hell Fight Over You" th-cam.com/video/COwnnC5J5ms/w-d-xo.html
thank you so much. that video cleared up my perception, answered that question and at the same time raised and answered a few more. keep up the good work
Hey Mark, I'm glad you decided to reach out. This happens to most of us, so don't fret! We actually explored the phenomena of how our thoughts get confused in this episode, which may be useful to you! th-cam.com/video/KiO-gW7zfz4/w-d-xo.html Also, sometimes it's good to take baby steps. We put together an introduction playlist that has been useful to many of our viewers! th-cam.com/video/3Q14EcEwQVQ/w-d-xo.html And of course, I'm here to support you along the way. Please feel free to reach out with any thoughts, questions or concerns as you navigate these resources. Sending love...
i have a question i went online to see how i can get rid of evil spirit's in my home and they were saying about white roses/salt/ sage (i have the spray) and the roses are fake ones) white candles/ they said to sprinkle the salt in every corner of your house / and also water and vinegar together in a bowl and they say that you are suppose to tell them to take a hike standing in the place where they are active and tell them they are not welcome here anymore i'm wondering if i am over doing it i am trying to get rid of the evil spirit's and bring in the good spirit's (my husband) do you think i am over doing it
Sarah, this is a little beyond my expertise, although I personally have burned sage and have some crystals in my home because I think it can create a more holistic atmosphere, and I tend to like esoteric things. I do think there's a lot of truth to energy fields and how we can affect them differently, but I don't know much about it. My instinct, though, is that if these smells, candles, and salts make YOU feel safe, confident, harmonious, and content, they will most definitely keep evil away! However, that said, I don't think you could possible send your husband away, since you are only ridding yourself of bad spirits, and he is certainly going to understand that. Here are a couple episodes we have about spiritual energy, I'm not sure if they talk about sprays and candles but I bet they'll give you some good tools: "Renewable Spiritual Energy," th-cam.com/video/BEIc8cIE05w/w-d-xo.html "About the Collective Energy of Spirits" th-cam.com/video/0a9e0h_p0NU/w-d-xo.html Let me know if that helps!
@@offTheLeftEye the only reason why i did that with the salt/ vinegar and water/ and the roses/and the white sage spray i wanted to make sure that any evil spirit that was there in my apt was gone because i feel that if they are around that would stop my husband's spirit from connecting with me and i want my husband's spirit to connect with me as much as possible but since i did them thing's i feel that there is a different atmosphere in my apt i am not by any mean's trying to get rid of my husband i want to make sure the evil spirit's are no longer around so he can come around i love my husband and miss him more than anything in this world and i am longing to be with him
@@sarahbeahn3540 Just try things, and see what seems to feel best overall. But don't worry. You could never get rid of your husband's presence, because the two of you are united in spirit.
@@offTheLeftEye that i know for a fact i'v been going out for walk's and have been finding pennies/ heart shaped cloud's / white feathers / and some of the cloud's that i see it look's like a face looking at me and yes i take pictures / and my husband has been coming around at night / but with what is going on here on earth with this virus i'm sure god is very busy with all the angel's coming up to him/ but like i said before there is no way i want to get rid of my husband i am really looking forward to seeing him and spending all eternity with him in heaven
It can be intense, all this info! If you're interested, you can search for "Swedenborg Minute" on our channel, and you'll find a whole series of one-minute videos looking at various topics through a Swedenborgian lens. Blessings to you, Susie!
@@offTheLeftEye No. The list of things people value and long for the most which is what i never got... 1. Being loved and appreciated 2. Finding Romantic Fulfillment 3. Finding a Meaningful Purpose in life 4. Finding a community of people that you fit in with If there is life after death and these things are still available to get, then why do i have to keep suffering in this life knowing i will never get these things? It seems absurd to say the least that a loving god would force anyone to suffer in such an inhumane way for all of their life. But then grant them these things after this life is over??? Then what was this miserable life for in the first place? But before you tell me its to grow spiritually i must tell you that there are too many people even children who are cruelly and inhumanely treated without any hope only to be sadistically dispatched so there would be no chance of spiritual growth... This outline doesn't seem to touch on those instances, those surreal and horrific "events" ...the stuff nightmares are made of. I wonder why
@@bluecrystal3900 Try these episodes: "Life Isn't Fair... Or Is It?" th-cam.com/video/42BEBqN0H3Y/w-d-xo.html "Does My Life Matter?" th-cam.com/video/33FfPQsf_zU/w-d-xo.html I know people who went through horrific experiences in childhood, and yet found ways to make a positive difference to others in the world. That is the thing that brought them healing and purpose and community. Instead of looking at what you don't have, look for some way, big or small, that you can make a positive difference in someone else's day. There are countless stories out there about how that has brought happiness, meaning, community, and purpose to people.
Man you all got things completely different from what the Bible says thinking Hell is not a real place and just a mental or psychological place. Boy do you have an awakening coming if you're wrong.
I'm not sure how you got these impressions, Miranda. We do believe hell is a real place, but it's a place in the spiritual world, and our minds are in the spiritual realm at all times, so it is both a mental/psychological state AND a spiritual place. The inhabitants of hell experience it as living in a place, but we can have feelings of being "in hell" even while we're alive on earth -- a mundane example is being stuck in traffic, a more intense example would be suffering some kind of abuse at the hands of others. This channel is based on the spiritual revelations of a devout Bible scholar and devoted worshipper of the Lord Jesus Christ. And I guess none of us will really know until we get there! Blessings on your journey!
Would you like to elaborate? Happy to hear you, if you'd like to share more. Sounds like this one either offered some much-needed relief -- or it pressed a button or two! ;)
Hey friends, So glad you could join us as we explore Swedenborg's experiences in the afterlife and what he learned from them. We thrive on your participation so please share your thoughts and comments while you watch! With love and wisdom - Curtis, Jonathan, and team
Hi have you spoken about Jesus physical appearance while on Earth if so what's the title so that I can watch it. Thank you guys for all the videos
As a novelist, I embrace this analogy. Great job - so compelling. In my action-thriller, the Lord takes out my double agent. My God, the infinite narrative arc made these teachings clear as crystal; thank you. Karin's epilogue raises a troubling question for me. I live on the corner of a four-way intersection. In each of the four houses at that intersection, children aged 9-12 - including one of my grandchildren who had to be institutionalized for more than a year - erupted in repeated violent episodes against their parents and caregivers and frequently required the police to respond. On all four corners of the intersection? After watching this episode, I am concerned this intersection is crowded with evil spirits. Is it enough to clear them from my house? Is there more I could/should do for my neighbors? I know one already thinks I'm crazy with my crazy ideas about spirits. Love and respect.
@@gregruland1934 Wow that is heartbreaking for sure, that the child had such violent outbursts. I am so sorry! I have no answers for you about clearing the intersection.... I hope your grandchild is doing better. Good luck with the action novel as well. Is it published yet?
Everything is intended to teach us to LOVE, its the lesson we are here to learn. But its not an easy ride!
I'm with you on that, w m! God is on our side though, and leading us toward Love as much as we allow ourselves to be led!
Lean into Divine Providence... The best is yet to come. Such a beautiful message of hope and trust. I have started practicing leaning into Divine Providence and my anxiety about life's issues has lessened. The Lord lovingly watches over us all. Thank you OfftheLeftEye team.
Exactly on the same page Annie
You're so welcome! And I too am on the same page, Annie.
There is tremendous comfort in these discussions and presentations. Each builds upon and reinforces those that precede and those that follow. They are uplifting, inspirational, and they untangle the chaos we pick up just living in this world. I am thankful to our Lord for the SF, all its members, supporters, educators, translators, artists, writers, narrators, designers and any others whose hats I have not named. The SF videos and books are part of my daily life now. For me, the SF is transforming my spiritual, soulful, emotional amd even my physical health. I include physical health because the other aspects affect our attitudes and the messages we tell ourselves about our purposes on these earthly journeys. For me, this understanding is essential much like taking in adequate amounts of clean water, physical exercise, vegetables and fruits. How we feel emotionally and spiritually affects our physical health. If you are depressed you may eat the wrong foods and not obtain the right amount of sleep, so then your physical health suffers. I feel better spiritually, mentally, emotionally because of these discussions, and this improvement is the strength I use to keep chaos and negativity from seeping into my body and soul and causing illness, depression and misunderstandings. I am able to see the perspectives the SF discussions render and it opens a greater understanding as to what logical and rational thought really means. The world itself is a physical place, but it is highly influenced by the spiritual. I want my spiritual development to lean on those strengths we find, discover and are awakened by from our Heavenly influences. Within those is everything worth our focus, time, energy, love. The hellish stuff, well, it is a warning, a lesson sometimes, but ultimately, it is something that destroys a truthful and good picture until we learn what ot is we are seeing and adopting when we realize hell is shackling, tricking and binding us to it until we reject it. Rejecting hell is a daily process that requires we examine our lives, hearts, minds, thoughts. If we find we have been interacting with hell, when we wake from that experience we can see why it was necessary to trip a few times.
So many wonderful thoughts here, Helene! Our team always feel encouraged by your testimonials-- it's clear that you have a deep affection for Swedenborg's teachings and their use in letting the Lord's love flow into one's life. Thank you for taking this journey with us, dear friend :)
Truly a FANTASTIC intro - incredibly well done. Hats off to the creator!
Three Cavaliers and a Cat hats off to the Creator indeed 👀 😉
Ha, well said Klay! And thanks for the love @Three Cavaliers and a Cat!
I so enjoy your videos and the messages we so need to understand and apply. Your shows confirms to me how I always felt and knew inside. And I don't ever want to not know God and want to be ever learning as it should be. To be a better human being, to me this is freedom... Thank you, your videos are meaningful to me, especially since my mom passed a year ago. I was in a lot of turmoil and your program helped me through the turmoil to healing. My appreciation to you all for helping to ease people's lives with your programs and videos.
Pamelyn, thank you for your kind and inspiring words! I agree, this IS freedom! It's felt that way for me too.
I'm so sorry for the great loss of your dear mom, such a difficult thing to go through. I'm honored the message we share has been so helpful for you in easing your pain! God bless you, Pamelyn, and keep on sharing the peace and love and freedom you have found! So glad we have you in our community!
Thank you in all humility for your response and kind words as well. I was my mom's caregiver for 8yrs alone, and during that time I felt like life just passed me by while everyone else went on without me. It was a difficult time when you are caring for someone with Dementia with no support system and fighting with insurance company. Until Hospice came for which I had to fight the insurance company with their protocol/ requirements my mom had to qualify for. With all of that,while dealing with a mother that was difficult that didn't want anyone but me for her care. It was overwhelming and stressful. But when I came across your videos... It was the 1st time in a long time I felt like someone stopped for me to care. I truly believe it was God's way of telling me "I'm here, I will never leave you nor forsake you". And felt like the burden of caring for my mom was lifting off of my shoulders. In closing I just wanted to say thank you for your videos that reaches people deeply. Because I do believe with all my spirit and heart that He guided me to your programs. For which I am truly grateful, humbled and thankful to God for. Your videos do reach people from around the world, I'm from Hawaii... 😇🌺
@@pamelyncaldwell4060 wow, what an incredible sacrifice! Your mom, I'm sure, was so grateful in whatever way she could be. I hope I can be as generous as you when I am called to be - it must have been very difficult, but no effort is wasted. The Lord sees all we do and loves us for it, and sometimes it's vital to remember that this life is just the beginning - our real lives are in the spiritual world, and your kindness and devotion will all have been worth it!
It's wonderful to hear you felt led here because we certainly hope we are sharing love and truth and God's will! So I'm glad God likes our work enough to bring you here. (= What an honor to be part of your journey.
I hope things are going well now and that with your mom's passing you can remember her as she was, and start to re-enter the world here! Have fun in beautiful Hawaii! Sending love to you. Thank you for sharing your story with us! It means a lot.
Very good video. I learned a lot. I watched it twice because it was packed full of gems that I needed to write down! Swedenborg is starting to sink in slowly. Thank you for all the hard work you folks do. 🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏
It sounds like this episode was nourishing for your spirit! We feel so grateful to be promoting these teachings. They are so deeply reconciling :)
I love the swinging door metaphor. It’s a great image of how god can’t save us from ourselves if we’re only obsessed with ourselves
That's a strong point, Reece. Our spiritual evolution is something that we must be open to-- then the Lord can work with us.
This will undoubtedly be mirrored in other comments, but just wanted to say how much I appreciate how you articulate hope - simply, deeply and not in a way that placates. Thank you, Curtis.
I am so moved by your message, dear friend. It's a sincere honor to communicate these teachings here-- they do indeed inspire hope because the Lord is always with us, working towards our eternal happiness. Wishing you a wonderful week :)
I love off the left eye ❤️❤️❤️!!! God bless you Curtis and please continue to be inspiration to aall of us!👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏
I will pass your very kind and encouraging message on to Curtis. We're so grateful to have you in the audience! Thank you, and we're wishing God's blessing to you, too! 💖 -- Karin
After hearing the ‘knowing’ that couldn’t have arrived at a better time-Swedenborg gifted us with a cosmos that is fair and righteous. God is forever the Creator , under his mantle there is a profound number of Angels serving and guiding and protecting each human as they live on earth. There are opposing forces that present themselves as we grow and are exposed to a wider variety of challenges. I’ve learned in my last yrs of this life, there is no END. I’ve evolved into loving a simple & Godly life. Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer has become one of my greatest teachers.♥️
Wow Bridget, that is profound. You are using your disease as a great teacher. Not everyone can do that. Yes, there is no end, just a transition. May yours be gentle, and God filled.
@@offTheLeftEye Thaks Curtis. I have learned quite a bit watching you guys over the years . Life really is filled with messages of angelic inspiration and hope .I’m finally catching your humor at its deepest . Thanks for that, too.
This is not Curtis, but a member of the response team. But we are still thrilled to hear that you have been watching for years, and that they give you hope and inspiration. And yes the humor helps too, Bridget!
The narrative arc of life; theme, purpose. You have packed so many DEEP ideas in this show. There's too much to digest in one sitting so I've bookmarked it and watch as much as I can handle. Whoever does your graphics really knows what they're doing. Very impressive and effective. Thanks to all the cast members, narrators, IT wizards, etc. for the good work that gives me more concepts than I can handle this morning.
Thanks for this lovely affirmation for our work, Mark -- and I understand the overwhelm! A LOT of meaning per square inch, so to speak. Glad you can take it in small bites, and really get all the nutrition out of each mouthful. I'll pass your appreciation on to the graphics team -- that would be Matthew Childs at the fore. We appreciate hearing from you. Blessings and peace to you!
The beautiful aspect of evil/self-will is that it gives us the gift of being a person, of having the experience of being a discrete, separate being from all else, even apparently from God. That's an amazing experience beyond description, and absolutely worth having, pain included.
Especially because we can then freely choose a life that invites heaven into our hearts!
Great show. Good reminders. Seems we constantly need to be reminded. Thank you.
These are good reminders, indeed! I'm so glad you enjoyed the show, Dora :)
Seeing this made me contemplate to live in a small island and live simple, free from all stress
I would love to hear more about why you bring this up!
Stress (work, life events etc) opens door of hell (negativity) and God always on the rescue, which is good. I would rather minimize stress and let the angels and heavenly spirits work on me for bigger bigger things ahead. I love this episode. Thank you.
@@rovli816 I'm so glad you enjoyed this episode! I hear you about the stress level of life, but try to think of it this way: having challenges to encounter while trying to let the angels in is strengthening your spiritual mind and heart more effectively than if there were no challenges. Just like the development of any skill is more effective through the facing of challenges!
just missed in chat: re-watching really helps to internalize it - the content causes so many thoughts to enter my mind and I miss things while contemplating...
I totally appreciate that, Carl! I find that I'm constantly checking back on things I watch or read regarding Swedenborg.
. The animation in the beginning of the show is great! The sound effects in the show- doors shutting, etc., I enjoy a lot. Good episode!
I'm so glad you enjoyed these efforts by our hard-working graphics team! We're very blessed to have them. Thank you very much for watching, and for the kind and encouraging words!
Very well done,again. Thank you for your efforts. May God bless us all.
Definitely, ColoradoKen! Bless you and may you feel God's love today and always!
This was amazing. I'm going to watch this a bunch of times, and write things on cards. I don't want to fall into forgetting -- this information is too important.
Dorothy, you're in good company! I too have found these teachings to be revolutionary and deeply reconciling. Thank you for journeying with us :)
Think the ball went out of the park on this one! Great plot! Life is so far out- a love story.
Yay!!! I'm so glad you enjoyed this one! Life is a love story, indeed :)
Be blessed Curtis and crew. Your work is excellent and will continue to enlighten and bless seekers on the path of Heaven.
Keep it up and continue to be joyful.
In the name of Iyesus Kristos our Lord.
Thank you, thenowchurch, for this lovely blessing! We'll keep working on it, and hope you will too!
Totally loved this episode! Been trying hard to not let vague unease just be acceptable. Instead trying to notice it and ask for trust and hope instead. Why, because that is the true reality. The opposite is "garbage" as Curtis says in the show.
Keep up the good work, Jon! It's amazing what the Lord can do when we let His love in.
great insights
Wow! I so loved this show! Your team always presents Swedenborg's experiences so well, but this show was particularly engaging and easy to relate to my own life in every way. I often find myself thinking of evil spirits influencing us whenever I come across someone being rude, thoughtless or angry and reflect on how their behavior is most likely due to those spirits and instead of reacting negatively to those who are behaving that way, I now tend to say a short prayer for them instead. Your work in these videos is greatly appreciated and so very important for all of us to hear and I, personally have benefited immensely by them and would like to thank you for all you guys do to spread this wonderful knowledge.
Mel, I am beyond grateful that you decided to share this with us! I too share your sentiment about Swedenborg's teachings-- they have guided me through some difficult challenges and instilled within my heart a commitment to see each day as a new opportunity to grow more loving and connected to heaven. You are a part of this family, and I'm so glad for that!
Mel, you’re taking the words right out of my mouth, hah ha!
I enjoyed this so much. I love the idea of ourselves as a double agent, and I loved the idea that the story just keeps getting better and better the further on it goes. It reminds me of The Last Battle, which is the last book in the Narnia series, where Aslan is leading everyone "further up, further in." That's the narrative arc! I don't think we can even really fathom what kinds of things are going to develop once we are on that other side. I feel like just getting free from the ego would be enough happiness for eternity, but in a way, that's just where the story gets started. It's exciting to think that whatever the best is we can imagine, that's just the springboard for God's next plan in our lives.
I still reference content from the Narnia series as it applies to my spiritual life experiences, too, including using the "further up, further in!" phrase :D The scene which always stuck with me, from childhood, was the one where the negative-oriented dwarves (I think they were dwarves?) were present in 'heaven,' but they couldn't see the beauty around them, due to their own, hateful, perspectives. Sounds quite like what Swedenborg describes!
What a wonderful reflection! The teachings in this episode really struck me too-- being potent reminders of how our perspective on reality can change for the better, if we let it! The Lord's plan for us is far better than our own. Thanks for sharing with us, Nadine and Shanna :)
Lov it - Narnia and The Last Battle - I read at 9 years old. It was my first intro to anything truly spiritual. So relevant to the process of regeneration. THEY REALLY SHOULD MAKE THE LAST BATTLE A MOVIE - 🔥✨
Loved the storybook/sketchbook and the animations. Very effective. And I'm feeling especially appreciative of your ability to identify and zero in on the key points that make Swedenborg's message (and dare I say the Truth) so affirming. As someone who's benefited greatly from meditation and Buddhist training, watching your show I recognize the difference the understanding of a personal god (divine providence) makes. Despite the language, underneath it all Swedenborg's teachings have a lot in common with Buddhism, especially the Tibetan branch.
I'm thrilled that the storybook and animations resonated with you! We work hard to create clear and accessible narratives from Swedenborg's teachings-- your feedback really means a lot to us. Thank you :)
What an absolutely amazing video, the team work paid off big time, just a joy to watch and a ton of useful information. Thank you so much OTLE people. PS OTLE is fast becoming my go-to TH-cam channel, so much to learn and ALWAYS entertaining.
So glad you find our stuff fun AND helpful, Dub Siren. Glad to have you along for the ride! Thanks for the kind words.
I love the live broadcasts - but I have to say I really really love these episodes in which you’ve planned out all the details beforehand. The sequence and motion is beautiful in its transitions- and for me, is more effective. Of course, I deeply appreciate ALL of your content! But these are my favorites :)
I'm so glad you decided to share that with us, Klay. It is cool to see our motion graphics and video art staff in their element! It totally helps to make these teachings come alive...so I appreciate what you're saying! Thanks for learning and growing with us, my friend.
Hello Friends, all the best to Curtis and Dr. Johnathan Rose. Great show guys. I have always had a lot of struggle in my life and I have the habit of sometimes get very down on myself and the world in general. I love the way this show demonstrates that even when bad thing happen, God is always looking long term at the real endgame, and working to create the greatest happiness for all involved. So, comforting to realize I am not at the mercy of an unforgiving universe. Thank you so much!! Have Great week guys.
What a profound recognition, Randy. It sounds like you've had to face many challenges, and yet God was walking with you each step of the way. I'm glad you were led to these teachings, and to this community of friends. We are blessed by your presence here! Have a wonderful week, too :)
Thank you 🙏🏻 amazing Work and topic ... Gave me hope to Think, Hope and See that There is More to my Life Story 📈📊📘 and it’s perspective Way over a Worldly Mindset. ☝️🙏🏻
The Best is yet to come.
That's right, Karina-- the best is yet to come. So much hope in God's plan for us, if we're willing to let His love guide us :)
I am always grateful when you list the team - all 20 this time - at the end of the program. I like to be reminded of how much goes into your efforts. For me, the changes in my life story seem second nature to me now. This is really helpful as I have mentioned that I am 74 years old - already. Yikes! This life has been jam packed and time has flown by. So you might imagine that having learned about the “long game” of our life span into the next life is a lovely fact to know at my age. Gives me purpose, insight, and perspective. I am so happy to be a Swedenborgian, and to have the proper outlook and know the true purpose of life. Would I wish to have come to this much earlier - sure. But I have had so many varied experiences and big challenges that I realize all of this has gone into who I am. Facing what I have and overcoming has made me stronger and yet at the same time has softened my heart and keeps me grounded and sympathetic to those in tough circumstances. And I have come to truly trust in the Lord’s Divine Providence because I have seen it working in my life and in the life of many others. I trust the Lord to lead others as He has led me to the happy place where I am now. Great to be reminded of our true story. Thank you so much!! One last thought - all the hosts demonstrate how happy-making studying Swedenborg makes people!!! ❤️
We do indeed have a big team that gives their all to these shows. It's such a gift to be a part of it all! And it's clear that you were led to Swedenborg for a reason. I'm elated to read about your discoveries, and how these teachings have helped you re-frame the past and also develop a useful outlook on life in general. Good on you, Mary!
@@gardenboundbylove2193 Hello! so happy for your reply! one question - could you please tell me the significance of your message -
@@maryvalentine4924 A triple heart, Love amplified to the vibration of Ascended Master. You are Loved.
Curtis: your mom is so cute and hugable, your so lucky. I wish my mom was still here to hug. I guess I will have to wait till I cross.........
That's so kind of you to say. And as you know, the loving bond between you and your mother will be the means of a beautiful reunion when the time is right. Sending love, dear friend...
Your programs are all very clear and to the point, and this video is exceptional, in my view! I'm so glad that all of then remain available for people who join in as time goes on, to learn what you're teaching. And they are so easy to access any time someone would like to re-experience them. One point that stood out for me tonight is the thought that God has such mercy that he rescues us many times during our lives, and chances are we didn't even know that it was from his divine providence!
Interestingly, just yesterday I had a flashback of a memory of a time when I was rescued as a little 6-year-old child who had wandered into deep mud in the middle of a road. I had no idea how to get free of it, and also did not want to leave my rubber boots behind. Right then a big truck came along and the driver kindly picked me up and set me on safe ground, along with my boots. In just the same way, this week the Lord has picked me up when my thoughts were causing me to feel as though I had stepped into a quagmire, emotionally. God is full of lovingkindness, for sure! Thanks to all of you for your dedication to your continuing work....!
Edie Sneath your flashback sent a flashback to me as well! I was nine years old and our three year old neighbor was on her tricycle and stopped just behind a car backing out of a driveway. I ran over and pushed the child out of the way. The community I lived in went crazy over the “story”. I didn’t understand what the big deal was. Then...just a few weeks ago , divine intervention stepped in and saved me from being backed over by a vehicle in a parking lot! You are so right, the Lord pulls us from the mud all through our lives, He must need us for something! Blessings!💖
@@gsand07 It's also clear to me that the situation when I was a child is a correspondence of now, in my later life, still needing to be rescued sometimes. And your story also confirms that for me. My recent rescue came in the form of a simple new song, which had not been in my repertoire before. These are the lyrics that were impressed upon me:
"Blessed Jesus, come to me. Soothe my soul with songs of peace.
As I look to you alone, fill me with your love.
Glorious, marvellous grace that rescued me!
Holy, worthy is the Lamb who died for me."
They are still revolving in my mind to block thoughts that were disturbing. Thanks for sharing!
Wow! Thank you both for sharing these powerful stories of being led by the Lord. And your kind encouragement of our programming is such a gift to us! Love and blessings...
Edie Sneath “Glorious, marvelous grace that rescued me!” Love that!!
What a wonderful video. Thank you all so much. 😎
I'm so glad you enjoyed this, Leona! Have you been with us for a while?
@@offTheLeftEye Yes, I've been watching your videos for about 1 year. :-)
@@leonaheraty3760 Wonderful. It's great to know you are out there in the audience. Wishing you all the best!
@@offTheLeftEye I wish you all the best as well. Your videos are really well done. I'm definitely inspired by them and I plan to start reading Swedenborg's books. 😎
@@leonaheraty3760 Wonderful!
I just love,love,love the empowering,good and positive messages you are sending out into the universe…….and I love the idea of loving Interdependence and active Participation in a loving, good and kind Transformation process,…….. “having the lord in us and us being in the lord”….and of course Chelsea Orhner and Karin Child’s are wise and beautiful souls……..🙏
Such a heartwarming response, MW Poppy! Thanks for letting us know how these episodes are striking you. Interdependence is indeed a beautiful concept. And we're lucky to have Chelsea and Karin on the team -- wise women indeed!
The production on this one is awesome as is the message. One of your best among so many great ones. I should replay it at least once a week to keep my focus!
I am with you on needing repetition, dfearo. Both the bible and these true ideas I need to hear over and over. It is actually a correspondence with how I need to drink water every day.
Hey Curtis and Team: keep doing what you're doing. It IS making a difference.
Thank you so much for the encouragement! That means a lot to us.
awesome explanation I enjoy giving hugs of love and trying to show by example what a love of life is. Each person must make their own choices and deal with the results and all we can do is try to help guide them back to God and learning a more peaceful life and know they are accepted
It's awesome that you feel called to lead a loving life-- that's what it's all about Cherie!
example is wisdoms teacher
Excellent video. Thank you for sharing Swedenborg’s view of reality, which is not so different from Allan Kardec’s spiritism. Greetings from Brazil ❤
Brazil is in the house! Thanks for checking in, Leo! Glad this video resonated with you. We've heard that Kardec has a similar take -- so interesting to know!
Oh yeah and does even Anger come from evil spirits ??
Yes, anger comes from evil spirits. But there is something called "zeal" that can look very much like anger on the outside, but is all about defending something good rather than attacking and destroying. This short clip explains the difference: "Zeal Vs. Anger" th-cam.com/video/V0o4BN_QfJ4/w-d-xo.html
Tuned in too late to see it all live, so I just went back and watched it through again. There is so much good stuff in this episode! In fact, a couple "events" that happened today sent me spinning with thoughts of why did this happen and where did this come from? My prayers for insight into why these things happened were totally illuminated by watching the show. Thank you!! Keep up the great work!
My heart feels tender reading through your message, Kaye! These teachings certainly have a way of keeping us grounded when the dark clouds circulate around.
Very cool tee... too. Thanks for this.
You're welcome, Sryn!
Amazing. Praise God! Thank you so much for this video ❤️🙏🏻
You're so welcome, Kelly! Praise God :)
lol i actually like the shirt lol (46 years old) oh, and i loved this, I think this is the second video i'll show my mum..after 101.. Thankyou for these
Haha! The shirts sure do provide lots of entertainment! Hope your mum finds some meaning in this one -- let us know! Thanks for being here with us.
Great video! Always is. Makes me think of all the channels on TH-cam with millions of views yet not one millionth of the meaningful content presented here. This will change of course!
If I had to ponder what the story of life is in one word, it would be ‘becoming’.
The only story is God becoming God
Lionel Nelson Amen!❤️
Your message has left me feeling inspired and encouraged! Thanks so much for your presence here, Lionel...you rock :)
Amen Brother! OTLE is the place to be ☀️
thank you for this
You're very welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Thank you for a wonderful show. This message is exactly what I needed. Without a doubt, you are helping more than you think😁
We're so glad this resonated with you, Deborah. We feel blessed to have you in the audience!
Love good and truth is key in our daily lives
Amen to that, Betty!
Doc Rose, "How sick is that," you gotta love this guy! 😀 hats off to you Doc.
LOL right? He's a marvel!
I'm so glad to hear it, Mario!
Thank you. :)
You're very welcome :)
Our stories are related to everyone’s stories. In other words be loving and truthful and all is good. Just believe it 😀 in which is the truth. Be good and love being good . Others will catch on
A very wise statement! Thank you :)
Love your videos!! Funny and I have learnt so much , thank you sooo much🙂
You're welcome, Sharon! And thanks for letting us know they have touched your heart. Nothing like a little humor to balance these very big ideas. Hope you'll continue to find spiritual nourishment here, and thanks for joining us!
Love the animation! You guys do amazing things
Thanks, Theresa! So glad it touches your heart!
Behind our life story lies an higher power that does change the way we change our lives,I know this with messages from spirit I've had over the years,been told that certain things are going to happen and years later it does,I've a spiritualist I've had years of messages I've wrote down and it's all happened,I've were told I couldn't go on doing the same old things and my life has totally changed also our thoughts bring us what we want,I were told I would have fruit trees in my garden and a certain place I would be living,yes it happened I moved to the country and guess what I have 4 fruit trees in my garden also told my late husband giving me purple flowers and yes my garden sprouted up from nowhere purple poppies,it was same as the place I would be spending my time in this certain place,I do my shopping in this place every week,I once had a day time vision of seeing someone in my day dream yes I married him,it just gets weirder,it often get a vision of de ja vue but it won't let me carry it on it stops me so far so we're not meant to see the whole thing,lol.my life is better now,more peaceful,love to you all,keep hope and watch your thoughts lol,it just might happen.😆😇💖262 liked person meaning amazing,the attributes of individual numbers in this angel number,2 is about working jointly by coming together with another person in order to achieve your set goals,number 22 is about charity work,personal growth,peace and for insight. Amazing and guess what yes I catch the 22 bus and spirits said they were putting us together 2 years before it happened,so we've been put together to help others,there were 2 years difference between our late partners ,we were put together 2 years before it happened,we help others on our journey and we're both at peace.divine intervention for a higher purpose.😇💖
I appreciate you sharing those memories and experiences with us! Wishing you a day filled with love and wisdom, my friend.
It might help others come to terms with loved ones who have crossed over to know they aren't far away and come back into our lives as guidance.They change our stories for our higher purpose,go with the flow.thankyou my friend take care oh and I'm good with my neighbour lol.😆😆😆
What a brilliant, positive and life aferming episode. Above all, it gives me a new perspective on things. Just wondering how to share the whole Swedenborg thing with family & friends. I think I'll wait until the time is right. I have a feeling that providence will help me in this. 👍🤸
Hmm, I've wondered the same, Jung At Heart! People seem to find it when they're ready. Just showing them your new lease on life will probably help develop some curiosity for them and perhaps they will be lead here on their own?
There's definitely power in being an example or an inspiration to others. Not by showing off or anything - just leading with your heart and your own sense of happiness. People gravitate towards that kind of love and will want to cultivate the same for themselves! So keep on keeping on. Putting that good energy out there creates a ripple effect, and it has more impact than we realize.
Thanks for watching and I'm so glad you feel so inspired!
Shakespeare said we're all but players (characters) in a play. In my case, I seem to have a "turning point," in my life every 10 years. Think of each of these periods in my life as a chapter!
I love that, looking at stages of our lives as chapters in our story. So true!
I totally agree with you Monica! I think I am up to around chapter 38!
"I'm not trying to badmouth hell or anything, but ..." 😅 So, did an angel give me my crush on Jonathan Rose? 😇🤔 Great show, great team! The Ghostbusters show overlaying my personal show has certainly altered and enlarged my view on a daily basis. (I ain't 'fraid of no ghost. 👻🚫) Wish I could have watched all these videos about 40 years ago when I was a kid in church. So grateful for them now. Muchas gracias!! 🙏💞
It's so great to hear from you, Chrissy! And we join you in feeling great affection and gratitude for Jonathan. Maybe you were led to these ideas right when you were really ready to drink them in. I'm so glad the videos are supporting you now in understanding your own personal journey better! God bless!
Really wonderful video! 😊
So glad it served you well, Katie!
That was Devil's problem as well his EGO got in his way. He wanted to be higher then God. It all goes back to the classic war between heaven and hell. I am learning so much from you fine people thank you for my spiritual awaking. Things make so much more sense now.
I'm so glad these teachings resonate with you deeply, Lukus! Your message reminds of a recent exploration we did on the nature of the devil in the bible: th-cam.com/video/V7JMUhYqgHs/w-d-xo.html
I'd love to hear your thoughts on it!
I think that we have an ego naturally, as part of human life, to help us individuate when we are two years old, but we hold on to it long past its usefulness.
This makes me laugh, Vivian, as I watch my young grandbabies! I guess we continue to grow in our individuation, and we definitely need to keep our spiritual freedom, so I guess there's a use to it -- we just need to figure out how to keep it in the right place in the hierarchy!
it would be great if you could create books for kids. it s so important to know what Swedenborg sais and you explain here
That's a really good idea! In the meanwhile, there are some good resources out there designed for children:
Glad I watched this.
Glad to know it felt helpful, hermenutic!
I know not good to be harmful to people but can a murderer be forgiven if a murderer wants to change their ways once they get to the spiritual world 🌍 and they want to change their ways and pick heaven instead of hell ??
Great question, The Cube. My sense of the gist of Swedenborg's teaching is that it's all about inner motivation and heartfelt priorities. Perhaps a murder happens out of some state of desperation on the earthly level -- hunger, debt, war, fear, etc. In the next life, that action will be examined to discover the true motivation behind it, and the person will discover whether they identify with that motive or not. Swedenborg says that over a lifetime of making spiritual choices, we are building our eternal spirit, and our spirit will either resonate with the atmosphere of heaven (love, truth, kindness, usefulness) or not. In one place he says we just go to the place in the spiritual world where we can breathe.
But Swedenborg urges us to try to be conscious of our choices in THIS life, because "as the tree falls, so shall it lie." Behavior that happens without our full rationality at our disposal, though, is not a real choice that we are held spiritually responsible for, he says. It seems like it's a tricky balance, and only the Lord can see our true self and guide us towards our best possible eternity!
Loved the way you presented the ideas. It answers so many questions and that is great! I'm left with one unanswered question though. What is the origin of evil in the first place? Does Swedenborg have any material that addresses that? I'd love to watch/read if so.
I'm glad this episode answered many of your questions! And yes, we do have a short clip on the origin of evil...check it out here! th-cam.com/video/GeuIbfUnLPg/w-d-xo.html
Is the summary of all simple expressed: this is purgatory and you choose yourself how much you want to clean yourself so to get out of hell realms.
Hi Ksenija, I'd love to hear more about this. Would you be willing to elaborate on your thoughts here?
Totally agree.
I love the shirt Curtis! I love the info (and humor) of the OTLE videos. One question and if I look you've probably covered it in another video. Why do evil spirits exist in the first place?
Thanks for the love!
Swedenborg wrote that evil spirits came into existence when the earliest humans decided that autonomy was more important to them than partnership with God. This is actually the allegory of Adam and Eve's fall and expulsion from the garden. Check out these 2 videos for more info:
Feel better Curtis.
Thanks, Lynne!
Quick question about the question I asked last time, Do the nephilim still exist ? And if so would it not be better for the nephilim to not exist ?? Assuming they are that unbelievably bad?? The Nephilim ??
It's important to remember that no matter how bad a person becomes, they are still a beloved child of God. Think about if you had a dear friend or family member who went insane, and had to be restrained in some way so they wouldn't hurt other people. You would still have love for them, so, even while you were making sure they couldn't get out and hurt anyone, you would still feel compassion and mercy and love for them. God loves everyone, and will not reject or annihilate anyone. At the time Swedenborg was writing, there were still these "nephilim" spirits begin contained in particular areas of hell, but in a way that they could not get out and harm anyone. God is continuing to work with them, so that their evil passions will eventually burn out, and they will be harmless.
I have been watching and reading and studying Swedenborg since I read Helen Keller's A Light in my Darkness and I am absolutely so taken by it. I just dont understand these things: what is the urgency for regeneration during our time on Earth? Also, I see a lot about why Jesus came to live here, but not why he dies; what did He do exactly that leads to our salvation (and where does evil originate if God is love)? I struggle aligning these hopes and truths into view...creation (of everything, and of evil and good)... regeneration and salvation, death to new life...? Why didn't the Lord Jesus just come to show us how to live and give us this Human God to relate to....then go on up back home to heaven with the win, all in one piece?? I am starting to see Jesus as God (not as two persons), but I dont really understand his mission clearly, and it makes my heart ache. Because whatever it is, I know it's good. :)
Jesus conjoined his humanity to divinity, by suffering temptations and conquering in them luke 22:42-44
Hi, Terra Ray! We're so happy to know that you have been digging into Swedenborg for a while. All that is necessary on earth is to make a start in the repentance/reformation process -- to form some kind of conscience and some form of service to others. Then we can continue to be regenerated in the afterlife to eternity. I believe Swedenborg urges us to get going on this process for the same reason that someone would urge people to take care of their health in early life, and not put that all off until later in life. It will be easier to maintain health if you have been practicing healthy habits all along, and more importantly, if you have not severely damaged your body's systems for staying healthy. Similarly, the more we forge good habits in this life that are supportive of regeneration, the easier things will be for us progressing in the afterlife. Our spirit will be stronger and healthier when we cross over to begin that new stage. But again, all that is necessary is to have made a start on earth. That is enough for God to work with.
I'm going to suggest some shows for you to watch in order to understand why God/Jesus had to do things the way that he did. Basically, God had to come down to our level and go through our process in order to be able to connect with us on the earthly level and to forge a path for us to follow back to a union with God.
"Why Did Jesus Suffer and Die?" th-cam.com/video/VqsbY9gRXxo/w-d-xo.html
"Why Did Jesus Come to Earth as a Baby?" th-cam.com/video/fHMNygYiXd4/w-d-xo.html
"The Purpose of Death" th-cam.com/video/Gmd2q1BLriM/w-d-xo.html
"Why Jesus Was Born" th-cam.com/video/VsbuxkXYbRI/w-d-xo.html
@@offTheLeftEye Thank you so much! On it.
great video.
curtis was that your mom?! she seems cool!
jonathan was more animated this episode! I liked it better, in the past, when he was more the “straight-man” or regular guy,
and curtis was the more silly one...
and then jonathan would drop a “truth bomb” with one of his epic takes on a swedenborg text, but in a calm relaxed natural way. i could get a subtle feel that he truly was an editor of some of the books i am reading. i honestly feel grateful to have met him through the videos!
i was just feeling
it was more balanced with :
one wisdom ( light) guy,
one goodness(warmth) guy!
--and Of course,
not one aspect of God is better than another.
its just my honest feedback.
but i did love the content of this video so much.
and today ive been listening to “true christianity” volume 1 on audible while following in the book. to keep my attention fixed.
theres some funny parts in there. (i was surprised!...about meeting all the “wise guys” in heaven talking about the trinity! )
but really the first section all about God and his Oneness is so AWE.............some!!!!!!literally mind blowing...
alls well that ends well!
so aloha ,
and have a blessed night!
I loved reading through your reflection!! You've clearly spent some time thinking about the content, format and teachings. And yes, Karin is Curtis' mom! At any rate, I'm so glad you reached out. Looking forward to more chats whenever thoughts or questions pop up in your mind :)
Life changing video
Wow Luke we are so glad it has that positive impact on you.
Genuinely interested how this either compliments or contradicts other theorists who believe that heaven and hell are not physical places which exist but are differences in our levels of consciousness. Interested in what people think on this matter. To me hell on earth can be indeed other people with their selfishness but one of these other people may argue it is my perception of them that is wrong and needs to change. I do struggle to be tolerant of rude, thoughtless people and have other issues around impatience but am trying so hard to become a better individual even though I try to be sensitive to others needs and put them first most of the time. My ego does get hurt or I want to scream at others to show more manners or respect.
I think Swedenborg would agree completely, michael, that heaven and hell are states of mind or consciousness! They are the experience and choice of our spirits or souls. It's not popular to call bad behavior or negativity "hell" today, but that doesn't mean the idea isn't true. We all experience heaven AND hell in life, and most of us tend to favor one or the other, but it's important we not make assumptions about where other people stand. We can never really know another person's spiritual state, or what they've been through or what motivated them. We can, however, choose our company wisely, and work to send compassion and love to the people who create hell for US. I have two images I use (when I'm good enough to remember) to help me be kind to people who make me want to not be kind at all: 1) picture them as a little child, acting out from a place of hurt or fear, and 2) remember that they are also God's creation, and so they too have a spark of love and divinity inside - and we can always love the part of each other that is Divine, even if loving the individual is challenging!
Some episodes on the states of being:
Swedenborg Minute - "What Are Heaven and Hell?" th-cam.com/video/cCizOSUw6yw/w-d-xo.html
"How To Live in Eternity Now," th-cam.com/video/lO-Oj7exXC4/w-d-xo.html
"Repentance: How to Be in Heaven Now" th-cam.com/video/5_-zxnqG_sg/w-d-xo.html
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and insights with us!
So does this all mean that in the end God takes care of us all no matter what?
Yes! We get to choose the path, but God never, ever stops taking care of each and every one of us.
Yea : this is rock n' roll ----
Ha, that's awesome Arne!
wow super good
Glad you think so! I found this very powerful, too!
Will there always be a need for the dark? Does ES say anything about everyone in hell eventually crossing into the light during eternity?
That's a great question, Ellen! Swedenborg does say that the Lord keeps us in balance between the darkness and the light while living here on earth-- this is important because it preserves our freedom to choose one or the other (a lifetime process, I might add). The Lord is constantly working to maintain our freedom, while at the same time trying to lead us toward heaven. In the afterlife, we move towards a community in either heaven or hell that is most compatible with our heart. Those that delighted in purely selfish affections and activities on earth, they would gravitate towards hell and be most fulfilled there. In fact, Swedenborg did report seeing some hellish inhabitants entering heaven (the Lord allows this sometimes) and they were miserable! These demons jumped head-first back down into hell.
Here are a few episodes that touch on this:
What do you think?
@@offTheLeftEye Yes I understand why they aren't in the light and that they are happy in the community they are in as well as a purpose they are fulfilling. I guess my question is, will they ever in the eternities grow out of this hellish state? Does the part they play in our lives help them grow into the light? Do angels subtlely help them grow after they cross in to hell? It hurts my heart to think they will never grow toward the light. Why would God, knowing all, create ppl he knew would never have love in their hearts and would for all eternity be evil? I like to think that they grow as we do and eventually cross from dark to light. Even if it's a slow growth. I just can't see God allowing that to happen to anyone.
@@63ewood Swedenborg does report that God is constantly working to improve everyone's state, including those in hell, leading them away from severe evils to lesser evils. And there are some passages that seem to indicate that there is a way to eventually heal people who have immersed themselves in evil, but it is a VERY long and very difficult, unpleasant process, because it has to involve the person's own will, and they have to first be purged of all the harmful behavior that they have become completely addicted to. Though Swedenborg doesn't give us much information on the process, it does seem to me (Karin) that eventually everyone can be saved from evil. I think that Swedenborg's main concern is to warn people from taking a path to hell in the first place, just as it is better that someone take care of their health from early on rather than abusing their bodies for decades and then trying to come back from that, because then they have damaged the very systems that were put in there to cure them. But, with God nothing is impossible, so, I do believe there is a way.
@@offTheLeftEye Thank you Karin! That makes me feel better to know. I would hope that ppl crossed into the dark could somehow grow into the light using their own freewill with encouragement from Angels. I never thought about the resolute evil being healed and forced. I loved your explanation of ES information on this. I appreciate the time you took to explain. It has weighed heavily on my mind. Love to you ❤️
@@63ewood You're very welcome, Ellen! I'm glad those thoughts were helpful. Sending love right back to you!
So if life is trying to give me everything to make me happy, how in the h*** did I end up having a chronic illness that ruins pretty much every day of my life?
I'm so sorry you are dealing with that. That really sounds awful, and my heart goes out to you. The answer is, because this external system we're all living in, this earthly, physical plane, has been very messed up for thousands of years. Picture a natural ecosystem that was pristine, with everything working well to provide for all the life that lived there. But then people come and dump a bunch of pollution into the area, and suddenly the wildlife is dealing with lack of food, illnesses, and other suffering.
This earthly plane of existence has been polluted for a long, long time due to human corruption. That corruption has led to all the suffering that we deal with on earth -- illness, violence, lack of resources, etc. That's why we feel it is important to realize that this short earthly life is only a tiny part of our life story. This earthly plane is messed up, but most of life will happen in the afterlife, where we can be lifted above the mess of the earthly level, into a system that is in the order that God intends.
But even in this polluted earthly level, God can use whatever happens in your life to help you develop a strong and healthy spirit, and a softer, more open heart. There are many, many stories out there of how people have turned suffering into strength and connection and fulfillment, and into ways of reaching out to make a positive difference in the lives of others. The suffering is temporary. The strength, wisdom and love that can be gained going through the challenges lasts forever.
The earthly level has to be a freewill zone, which means corruption and all that results from it does happen. But it also means that when humans individually and collectively decide to work to make a difference, the corruption and pollution and suffering can be alleviated, because more of heaven and God's order can flow in.
Hang in there! Just take one day at a time, and seek whatever help and support are possible to get you through. Here are some shows that might help.
For why bad things have to be allowed on the earthly level:
"Why Bad Things Happen" th-cam.com/video/_F3Gokp44Qo/w-d-xo.html
For how God makes sure that anything people lack on earth can be fulfilled in the afterlife:
"Life Isn't Fair... Or Is It?" th-cam.com/video/42BEBqN0H3Y/w-d-xo.html
For connecting with eternal life during earthly life:
"How to Live in Eternity Now" th-cam.com/video/lO-Oj7exXC4/w-d-xo.html
For how important we each are, no matter what we are going through:
"Does My Life Matter?" th-cam.com/video/33FfPQsf_zU/w-d-xo.html
Sending much love to you, Ronnie!
@@offTheLeftEye yes, definitely I am living in what I consider the Dark Night of the soul. I am a fighter, and I am a sinner too.
Part of me thinks this is punishment for my sins in life, and the bad things that I have done, but also there's a part of me that knows I have a good heart and despite being corrupted I definitely do my best to be good not only to myself but others that I come into contact with in my daily life. But there is a strong Battle of Good and evil that takes place in my life every single day. The strangest things happen to me, and many times they repeat. Especially some of the bad things, they will repeat themselves to the point where I can almost say to myself, "here we go again." I feel like sometimes people are used as unwilling pawns by negative spirits or forces in my life to try and come at me, even despite the fact that I'm sick.
But, my drive to see goodness and light, which I think is only strengthened by all the bad things that happen and the illness that I have to suffer with every day, drives me forward to try and create light.
Sometimes it's selfish, but many times it's not. Many times I'm trying to do good things for other people.
I need to practice hardcore discipline, and despite the effects of how the illness makes me feel from day-to-day and how hard things are, I need to follow through with the little plans and ideas that I have that I feel will help me heal. However, at the end of the day I know that the only way I'm going to heal is if it's the choice of God and that if I'm just supposed to suffer until I die this really not much I can do about it. But I have to try, and I have to heal because I cannot....
I know from what you guys say that life goes on after this and I know that there are many different ideas from Christianity, too Judaism, to even Buddhism and other religions that all point to some sort of afterlife but what if it's all just fiction because we're all afraid?
Then I will have suffered all this time, every day of my life, all for nothing. So I have to try and still make the best of whatever I can do while I'm here.
I have just always heard people say that they called out to Jesus or they called out to God and they could immediately feel God come into their life and take hold and everything got better after that. I've heard other people say that they've tried various other ways To have something great happen on a spiritual level and that goodness of God or Jesus or whomever stepped into their life and took hold and life became way better after that. However I have tried over and over again to call out to God and Jesus and I don't get a response, I don't get a reply, I don't get anything and I definitely don't feel that God or Jesus comes into my life to heal me. On the contrary, I still suffer greatly and even frighteningly so.
I even had a shaman not too long ago tell me, that I was born with a dark spirit guide or something to that effect. I was getting this in translation because my friend is Asian and his uncle was the shaman who only speaks his own language. But apparently I was born with a dark Spirit guides attached. That the dark spirit that I did bring down would do things to damage my life. I believed that before I actually was told that by a shaman, at least on some level, that a dark Spirit was harassing my life. But then my question is, if I call out to God and ask him for deliverance why would God not take away that bad Spirit from my life and replace it with a benevolent loving angel who can bring healing and peace!?
@@GeeseFX Swedenborg witnessed that everyone has evil spirits around them, whether they realize it or not. So you are not alone! It helps to become aware of their tactics, so that you can take action to help more of God's protection come in. See if any of these episodes have ideas that might be helpful to you:
"How to Deal With Evil Spirits" th-cam.com/video/RmWrAoML2hE/w-d-xo.html
"How to Free Your Mind From Hell" th-cam.com/video/B832ykXZeYU/w-d-xo.html
"The Lies Evil Spirits Tell Us" th-cam.com/video/Qaqd9Fhsxpg/w-d-xo.html
"How Spirits Are Connected to Your Health" th-cam.com/video/8N-ofY8eLvw/w-d-xo.html
This perspective on the interplay of heaven and hell and the intervention of angels would be a blessing for those suffering in Gaza. Are there New Church members on the ground in Gaza?
I know of no New Church people in Gaza. The tragedy there is immense, Allen. I ache for their suffering.
Another great episode with ALOT to digest. I’m really enjoying learning about ES. 0TLE is challenging my belief system, I’ve taken Jesus/Lord/God out of the existential equation. Is there a God stacking the Deck?! Psychologists explained an inherent negative bias, evolved for our survival (don’t approach that pretty lion it will eat you, don’t eat those colorful berries they will make you sick). Does this correspond with inherited evil, a celestial double agent? Is there really eternal sacred intention to save humans? Phew - the Search for Truth is a fulltime occupation!
Bobo, you made me laugh! Agreed -- truth searching is an endless endeavor. But it's pretty delightful, if you think about it! We can keep learning and developing our minds to eternity! Would you like to say more about your phrase, "celestial double agent." What do you mean by that? I'd like to understand your question better.
offTheLeftEye Hihhi 🙃 it makes me happy to hear laughter, even if it’s over the Internet! Dr. Rose spoke of this double agent, in that God helps to protect us from evil, yet something inside ourselves, our self-centeredness, points us towards hell. Are we that double agent from which goodness flows but we are inclined to be bad? Perhaps I’m misguided? What is your interpretation? Feel free to critique me, I know I’m crazy but I am open minded!
@@bobouzala It helps me to understand that we each have many levels to ourselves. We have deeper levels that can open up to the constant inflow of God's love and wisdom. And we also have a lower ego that tends to react against and resist that inflow from God, and turn toward hell (selfishness and materialism) instead. We're a "double agent" in that we have both possibilities inside ourselves, and can choose to go with those lower, negative tendencies, or with the higher, good and true tendencies. We're making choices between the two over time, and gradually, one direction will become more prevalent than the other. Does that makes sense?
offTheLeftEye You do make sense, thank you! OTLE and SF are going to keep me pointed in the right direction!
is there any good use of the imagination
It sure seems there must be, to me, Terry! It seems like an essential piece of our spirit, to be able to imagine a different kind of life for ourself if we make different choices. And using artistic imagination as an expression of our hearts/minds also seems nurturing or healing...
Are you feeling like there is NOT a good use of the imagination? I don't recall what this video says about it.
In this Q&A session with Curtis, he answers a question about imagining at minute 6:11. May be to narrow for your question, but give it a listen and see: -- th-cam.com/video/QKXM14UV3dc/w-d-xo.html
Good question.
As usual, yet another premium presentation. You addressed a question I have had for some time but still grapple with the concept. I wanted to ask what Swedenborg deemed to be hereditary sins. Dr. Rose stated that hereditary sin is akin to ego but it is my recollection that when Swedenborg presented this concept he stated it as sins in the plural. I see sin as singular. Are there other hereditary sins besides ego?
Hey Gordon, that's a really good question! According to Swedenborg, hereditary sins are those tendencies passed down in families from generation to generation. They are inclinations towards varieties of selfish or evil tendencies that we are not responsible for unless we act on them. Swedenborg wrote that we are not born with original sin, but rather we inherit these inclinations from family lines going back generation after generation. Check out this episode, and watch at 1 hour, 4 minutes to see my answer to a similar question: th-cam.com/video/jYJ571hkxQA/w-d-xo.html
@@offTheLeftEye Thank you for the response and associated link. I suspect that the proclamation found in the Old Testament that God would curse us unto the third and fourth generation is not that God curses us but that by cultural momentum or hereditary sins we are impacted.
@@rubarb0406 We actually address that statement directly in our episode "False Gods: Mysteries of the 10 Commandments Explained" in section three, which starts at 33 minutes 30 seconds th-cam.com/video/MKcIUMpCNok/w-d-xo.html But it might be good to watch the whole show for context.
I dont mean to sound naive, but did Swedenborg believe that the struggle between good vs evil cease once our earthly life is over?
Kim, I am not a Swedenborgian church member and have a slightly different perspective than they espouse but let me share it with you. First off, Swedenborg saw only the afterlife in the context of humanity. He did not see or record that there is a being called Lucifer or Satan. Some denominations believe that Lucifer dwelt in Heaven with God in a pre-life existence. Lucifer and 1/3 of the hosts of heaven (our spirit brothers and sisters as Children of God) were cast out because of rebellion (they wanted to take away our agency and force us to be righteous). They were cast down to earth but in a dimension we cannot see unless acted upon by the Lord or so wholly absorbed by Satan that he reveals himself. On earth, we are subject to a number of different modes in which we can be tempted. We can be tempted by Satan (or his minions), who dwells here on earth; by evil spirits who occupy the hells: by other men; and even by ourselves. While this may appear as majorly unfair or disproportionate, Christ loves us so much He will not allow us to be tempted (from any source) beyond our ability to resist.
When we die, Satan (in the context I have presented it) is left behind us here on earth. If we have done everything within our power to overcome evil, we have in effect bound "Satan" to where he has no ability to influence us. Notice I put Satan in a parenthetical context, which includes all the forms of manifestations. I believe that the higher the kingdom one attains to in the afterlife the less they have to be concerned about struggling to stave off temptation. I believe that Swedenborgians will agree with that in principle. I think that Swedenborgians do believe that it is in our best interest to live a life here on earth such that we conquer "Satan" (however you wish to define him). The person we have strived to become ends up in the Kingdom where we are most comfortable. That is based on an eternal principle we designate as agency or free agency. Bottom line: We get to chose where we will end up but Christ hopes we will have lived our lives where we will want to be as close to Him as possible.
Please note: It is pretty bold of me to proclaim what Swedenborgians believe. If I have misrepresented my Swedenborgian brothers or sisters in any way, I hope they will chime in and correct me.
That's a great question, Kim! Swedenborg observed that in the afterlife, those bound for heaven go through a process of putting aside their selfishness and fully embodying their real, loving qualities. As such, angels in heaven do not deal with the influence of evil like we do here on earth. That being said, angels do go through cycles of feeling closer to or farther away from the Lord. Here's a passage from Swedenborg:
"For angels experience different states of love and wisdom, just as in the world different times of day - morning, midday, evening, night or twilight prior to morning, and morning again - give way to one another. When the angels experience a state of love, to them it is morning, and the Lord appears before them as the rising Sun. When they experience a state of wisdom, to them it is midday. When however they experience a state of wisdom set in obscurity, to them it is evening; and when after this they experience a state of love set in obscurity or some coldness, for them it is night, or rather the twilight before morning.
[2] Such states experienced by the angels follow unceasingly one after another, and serve unceasingly to make them more perfect. But those changes are not due to the Sun there, to its rising and setting, but to the state of the interiors within the angels themselves; for as with people in the world they have a desire at one time to turn towards their internal interests, at another towards their external ones. When they turn towards internal interests they experience a state of love and consequently of wisdom in clearness, and when they turn towards external interests they experience a state of love and consequently of wisdom set in obscurity; for what is external is such, compared with what is internal. This is the origin of the changes of state experienced by angels."
One of the most powerful statements in this passage is "such states experienced by the angels follow unceasingly one after another, and serve unceasingly to make them more perfect". In heaven, life isn't static. There is a constant flow of learning, growing, feeling joy and connection, and embracing love. As such, the reality for angels is one that is eternally remarkable.
What do you think?
@@offTheLeftEye yes, I think it what I was understanding, but my to be honest, my head spins a bit trying to figure it out. Most of his perceptions so far have given me 'that's it!' Or 'aha' moments, in other words, have really spiritually clicked for me. I love this channel and thank God for it, I was in a big time doubt a few months ago, losing my 7 year old nephew to bone cancer but his story not only brought me to my knees in doubt but then opened up spiritual experiences for me, strengthened my relationship with Jesus and the Divine, and brought me to your show. Thank you keep up the good work
@@kimnicholls3423 What a painful loss to endure. I'm so very sorry. We're deeply glad if our channel can offer some support and comfort. How beautiful that you have felt a deepening relationship with the Lord through this experience. Wishing you healing and peace!
Jesus went on the craziest ride of his life when he died. :D
The Lord's life on earth and thereafter was certainly intense! But nothing short of remarkable too. His love for us is undying.
I must be keeping the angels busy. I'm not complaining as I am happy and grateful for that. So do I thank God directly or is it proper to thank the angel team? I really don't mean to be funny. I'd like to do it right since I'm trying to do things right . God bless you all.
Ah, Susan I love your question. Swedenborg often spoke with angels and their sincere desire is to not take any of the credit belonging to God. For them that would be stealing, as all good comes from him. They would rejoice if all of your gratitude is directed towards God.
Lefty: wonderful. I can go with that.🤗
I have been doing bad things in life some times I can’t be bothered to help my mum or my dad so that makes me a bad person and makes me go to hell ☹️
Hi Jack, none of us are perfect! We all make mistakes-- what matters most is how we learn from them and see each day as a new opportunity to do something good. How is your relationship with God? Do you know that He loves you so much?
I love god but I don’t usually pray to him
@@jackssstaylor7438 Well, God is very kind and patient. He loves you no matter what! So please don't worry.
I am surrounded by narcissists...
Tired of it...
I'm sorry to hear that, Diane! It sounds hard! I hope you can make some changes if your company doesn't help you, or if not, focus on what you love about these people, find moments of gratitude, and practice compassion - they may just not be as far along on their spiritual journey and mercy and forgiveness can go a long way in waking people up to living a life of love!
Have you watched our short clip, "How to Use Positive Energy to Deal With Someone's Negative Behavior" th-cam.com/video/7KheK_sW1YE/w-d-xo.html ?
Or, "The Spiritual Reality of Compassion with Losang Samten," th-cam.com/video/roFS4pIBbH0/w-d-xo.html
Let me know if these give you some effective tools to help you deal with frustrating people!
@@offTheLeftEye I pray only for a life without them...praying for them makes it worse...because it shows them themselves...and they hate themselves...these are little boys in adult bodies.. Who want a mommie to take advantage of..
Their inner cry is why WON'T you love me...I tell them, LOVE IS A GIFT THAT CANNOT BE STOLEN
and it hurts them to their core..
I think they take the song MY WAY
too seriously...junkies, drunks, thieves... I want no part of.
Misery loves company...and I WON'T play along... I refuse to feed their demons...it is truly disgusting...but I'm not their momma...didn't create this drama..
You know my theme song...if it AIN'T good...they think I'm playing
@@dianematlock7922 I hear you, Diane. Sometimes love has to be tough, meaning, refusing to enable someone's negative behavior. We discuss that in "How to Love" th-cam.com/video/i1vLrF-BeGY/w-d-xo.html and "Should You Love Everyone the Same?" th-cam.com/video/zTLvlfZ672E/w-d-xo.html I hope you are able to find ways to move to a healthier situation in regards to these particular people. Wishing you courage, guidance and peace!
I'm new to Swedenborg and his writings. now this is only the
second video I've watched and i need something cleared up.
In the first video you talked about the structure of the afterlife
and how we are drawn towards like minded others. after the
first video i left with the impression that Swedenbourg was
presenting haven as like a skyscraper with the 'purer souls'
on the upper floors and the lower floors and the basement as
hell. as individuals we deiced which floor we will live on
by our life here.
Now in this video you and your co host are talking about evil,
as a being, with a plan and desires who wants to draw us into 'his' hell.
to draw a saying from my youth, "you seem to be walking on both'
sides of the street".
what am i missing?
Hello, dan! I'm so glad you felt free to post questions here. Just to clarify, we're not talking about evil as one being, but a whole collection of beings in the afterlife who exude hatred and greed, and want to draw people into that. (Those icons of the angel and the demon were just to represent the whole collection of "upper floor" people and "basement" people in the afterlife.)
See if this helps: while on earth, we are walking in the middle, in between the "upper floor" people and the "basement" people. The upper floor people are sending us invitations to join them, sending loving feelings and true thoughts. The basement people are pressuring us to join them, sending negative thoughts and feelings: fear, anger, hatred, revenge, etc. On earth, we walk in equilibrium in the freewill zone, between the two influences. Life on earth is about choosing which kind of mindset we want to get on board with and gravitate toward. We are all born with a lower ego, which tends toward negativity (selfishness and greed), and a higher self, which tends toward neighborly love (altruism and compassion). The direction we choose is what will determine which groups we will be drawn to in the afterlife.
Does that help at all? Here is a show that describes the situation we are in on earth:
"Spiritual Warfare: How Heaven and Hell Fight Over You" th-cam.com/video/COwnnC5J5ms/w-d-xo.html
Here's a short clip that might also be helpful:
thank you so much. that video cleared up my perception, answered that question and at the same time raised and answered a few more. keep up the good work
@@dantaylor2086 Oh, I'm so glad. Thank you for the kind and encouraging words. We're really happy to know you're out there in the audience!
any way I can remove the demons that block my ears from hearing what your saying? I hear you, but it makes no sense to me..
I had that at first two with Swedenborg and course in miracles....but gets easier the longer you hang in there.
Hey Mark, I'm glad you decided to reach out. This happens to most of us, so don't fret! We actually explored the phenomena of how our thoughts get confused in this episode, which may be useful to you! th-cam.com/video/KiO-gW7zfz4/w-d-xo.html
Also, sometimes it's good to take baby steps. We put together an introduction playlist that has been useful to many of our viewers! th-cam.com/video/3Q14EcEwQVQ/w-d-xo.html
And of course, I'm here to support you along the way. Please feel free to reach out with any thoughts, questions or concerns as you navigate these resources. Sending love...
i have a question i went online to see how i can get rid of evil spirit's in my home and they were saying about white roses/salt/ sage (i have the spray) and the roses are fake ones) white candles/ they said to sprinkle the salt in every corner of your house / and also water and vinegar together in a bowl and they say that you are suppose to tell them to take a hike standing in the place where they are active and tell them they are not welcome here anymore i'm wondering if i am over doing it i am trying to get rid of the evil spirit's and bring in the good spirit's (my husband) do you think i am over doing it
Sarah, this is a little beyond my expertise, although I personally have burned sage and have some crystals in my home because I think it can create a more holistic atmosphere, and I tend to like esoteric things. I do think there's a lot of truth to energy fields and how we can affect them differently, but I don't know much about it. My instinct, though, is that if these smells, candles, and salts make YOU feel safe, confident, harmonious, and content, they will most definitely keep evil away!
However, that said, I don't think you could possible send your husband away, since you are only ridding yourself of bad spirits, and he is certainly going to understand that.
Here are a couple episodes we have about spiritual energy, I'm not sure if they talk about sprays and candles but I bet they'll give you some good tools:
"Renewable Spiritual Energy," th-cam.com/video/BEIc8cIE05w/w-d-xo.html
"About the Collective Energy of Spirits" th-cam.com/video/0a9e0h_p0NU/w-d-xo.html
Let me know if that helps!
@@offTheLeftEye the only reason why i did that with the salt/ vinegar and water/ and the roses/and the white sage spray i wanted to make sure that any evil spirit that was there in my apt was gone because i feel that if they are around that would stop my husband's spirit from connecting with me and i want my husband's spirit to connect with me as much as possible but since i did them thing's i feel that there is a different atmosphere in my apt i am not by any mean's trying to get rid of my husband i want to make sure the evil spirit's are no longer around so he can come around i love my husband and miss him more than anything in this world and i am longing to be with him
@@sarahbeahn3540 Just try things, and see what seems to feel best overall. But don't worry. You could never get rid of your husband's presence, because the two of you are united in spirit.
@@offTheLeftEye that i know for a fact i'v been going out for walk's and have been finding pennies/ heart shaped cloud's / white feathers / and some of the cloud's that i see it look's like a face looking at me and yes i take pictures / and my husband has been coming around at night / but with what is going on here on earth with this virus i'm sure god is very busy with all the angel's coming up to him/ but like i said before there is no way i want to get rid of my husband i am really looking forward to seeing him and spending all eternity with him in heaven
I like your t shirts 🧚♀️
Thanks! And thanks for watching!
Really appreciated this this morning and enjoy watching you and your channel grow
Yes haha, I need short version. I lose consentration. Too much information for me.
It can be intense, all this info! If you're interested, you can search for "Swedenborg Minute" on our channel, and you'll find a whole series of one-minute videos looking at various topics through a Swedenborgian lens. Blessings to you, Susie!
Oh, and P.S. Matt made me laugh.
He's a funny guy!
Or as Jesus asked, does anybody say, restore?
Can you tell me more about this?
No on all 4
No setting, no characters, no plot, no conflict?
No. The list of things people value and long for the most which is what i never got...
1. Being loved and appreciated
2. Finding Romantic Fulfillment
3. Finding a Meaningful Purpose in life
4. Finding a community of people that you fit in with
If there is life after death and these things are still available to get, then why do i have to keep suffering in this life knowing i will never get these things? It seems absurd to say the least that a loving god would force anyone to suffer in such an inhumane way for all of their life. But then grant them these things after this life is over??? Then what was this miserable life for in the first place? But before you tell me its to grow spiritually i must tell you that there are too many people even children who are cruelly and inhumanely treated without any hope only to be sadistically dispatched so there would be no chance of spiritual growth... This outline doesn't seem to touch on those instances, those surreal and horrific "events" ...the stuff nightmares are made of. I wonder why
@@bluecrystal3900 Try these episodes:
"Life Isn't Fair... Or Is It?"
"Does My Life Matter?" th-cam.com/video/33FfPQsf_zU/w-d-xo.html
I know people who went through horrific experiences in childhood, and yet found ways to make a positive difference to others in the world. That is the thing that brought them healing and purpose and community. Instead of looking at what you don't have, look for some way, big or small, that you can make a positive difference in someone else's day. There are countless stories out there about how that has brought happiness, meaning, community, and purpose to people.
Man you all got things completely different from what the Bible says thinking Hell is not a real place and just a mental or psychological place. Boy do you have an awakening coming if you're wrong.
I'm not sure how you got these impressions, Miranda. We do believe hell is a real place, but it's a place in the spiritual world, and our minds are in the spiritual realm at all times, so it is both a mental/psychological state AND a spiritual place. The inhabitants of hell experience it as living in a place, but we can have feelings of being "in hell" even while we're alive on earth -- a mundane example is being stuck in traffic, a more intense example would be suffering some kind of abuse at the hands of others. This channel is based on the spiritual revelations of a devout Bible scholar and devoted worshipper of the Lord Jesus Christ. And I guess none of us will really know until we get there! Blessings on your journey!
Would you like to elaborate? Happy to hear you, if you'd like to share more. Sounds like this one either offered some much-needed relief -- or it pressed a button or two! ;)
@@offTheLeftEye ok bot
I really like how this video was designed w the animations and art
I really appreciate that! We have an awesome motion graphics and video art team :)
Curtis tell me where u got your shirt!
Hey! I got that from a company called Design By Humans. Thanks for watching! -Curtis
@@offTheLeftEye i found it thanks!
@@simplegrl You're very welcome!