8 ways earn even good deeds Even after your death. 1. Give a copy of the Qur'an to someone. Every time they read from it, you gain. 2. Donate a wheelchair to a hospital. Each time a sick person uses it, you gain. 3. Teach someone to recite a Dua. 4. Sharing islimic content. 5. Participate in building a Mosque. 6. Place a water cooler/ well in a public place. 7. Plant a tree. You gain whenever a person or animal sits in its shade or eats from it. 8. And the easiest of all, share this message with people. Even if one person applies any of the above, you gain. Also copy & share with others
(O Allah grant me honour and value, and I cannot have honour and value without action and giving,and there cannot be action and giving without financial resources O Allah limited financial resources do not make me adequately functional and I cannot adequately function without having abundance in wealth )
As salam u alaikum but I have studied abdur rahman ibn auf a bit .. his net worth was 800 billion US dollars not millions... sheikh missed a letter .. may allah bless the sheikh and his family and all families of the ummah and give us victory .. Ameen
كان من دعاء سعد بن عبادة: "اللهمّ هب لي حمدًا، وهب لي مجدًا، لا مجدَ إلاّ بفعال ولا فعال إلاّ بمال، اللهم لا يُصلحني القليلُ ولا أصلُح عليه" اللهم إني أعوذ بك من الهم والحزن والعجز والكسل والبخل والجبن وضلع الدين وغلبة الرجال"
Is it applicable to women as well? Because I had always wanted to get a career first and then get married. However a major turning point in my life is making me see things differently now. Yet, I want to get a job so that I can be financially independent.
It is mostly applicable to men because of their primary accountability to sustain and secure their wife and children’s welfare. However, a financially independent woman is also an asset but the Islamic boundaries and priorities for her are not the same as a man’s.
This video is the straightforward and not clickbait like other this this video is very uncensored regarding regarding wealth like other if u just ask them oh haram thankfully this video made me less depressed about
Here’s the dua of Saad ibn Ubaida Allahumma hab li hamdan, wa hab li majdan- la majda illa bi faal, wa flaal illa bi maal. Allahumma la yuslihuni al-qaleel wa la asluhu 'alayhi.
Light on the Tongue, Heavy on the Scale (Dhikr) Prophet Muhammad(ﷺ) Said:👇🏿 The One Who Say سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ، سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ العَظِيم “Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi, Subhan-Allahil-Azim” 100 Times No One Will Be Better Than Him On The Day of Judgement Except Someone Who Said It More Than Him' [Sahih al Bukhari 6682] Also in [Sahih Muslim] Say It At Least 100 Times During The Day While You'Re Fasting Also Share With Others
Djazaka Allahoe Ghayraa for sharing knowledge of Allah, me Allah bless you and oemma islam, can you put the (dua's ) so we can learn more about dua's , Ghairh In shaa Allah 👍🏼🤲🏼😊
As Salam U alaikum, I have studied addur rahman ibn auf, and his net worth was 800 billion net worth not million .. so sheikh missed a letter May allah bless the sheikh and his families and all the families of the ummah and give us victories in every way.
Brother, can you add a link that show the real net worth of Abdur Rahman ibn auf? ( I need the data for teaching students about financial literacy in our prophet era)
Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Messenger ﷺ said, "Whoever says, 'Subhan Allah wa bihamdihi,' one hundred times a day, will be forgiven all his sins even if they were as much as the foam of the sea.
Im a revert. My understanding of hadith is narration of prophet only. But the dua of saad bin ubadah is mentioned as authentic hadith. How? Or any narrations are authentic?
Wow, Financial independence is better than financial dependence.. now how is Islam not religion for all aspects of our live? Islam is most definitely a complete religion..
Question… my father has less fortune family in Bangladesh - sisters and a brother. His kids all work and provide for themselves. All married apart from one. Who is entitled to his wealth if the unmarried one works everyday and ones in Bangladesh don’t try to work?
So.. they both are your aunts and uncle ( paternal ) , right ? In Islam, aunts and uncles are secondary heirs, or residual heirs, if there are no primary heirs. This includes the deceased's parents, spouse, and children. However, according to the four schools of Islam, paternal aunts and their sons are excluded from inheritance because they belong to a different class than the residuaries. The Shafi'i and Maliki schools do not consider them capable of inheriting at all. However, there are some exceptions: If the deceased ( your father ) is the only heir, the paternal aunt receives the entire estate. And if someone dies and leaves behind a wife, a daughter, and a paternal aunt, the wife receives one eighth and the daughter receives half. With regard to the paternal aunt, she is one of the dhawaat al-arhaam (distant kindred), and there is a difference of scholarly opinion as to whether they (distant kindred) inherit. The more correct view is that: they inherit if there are no heirs who are entitled to allocated shares, and no residuary heirs. And Allah knows best.
I recommend reading surah baqarah(even a small portion a day WITH THE MEANING) and astaghfar constantly as zhikr. Always read with your HEART AND NOT DISTRACTED. Look up the benefits and miracles of them. Put Allah first above everyone. Pray ur five daily prayers. May Allah make it easy for you sister 🤍
Allahumma habli majdan, wa la majda illa bi fiaal, wa la fiaalin illa bimaal, allahuma the yuslihunil qaleel wa la asluhul alayhi O Allah grant me honour and value, and I cannot have honour and value without action and giving,and there cannot be action and giving without financial resources O Allah limited financial resources do not make me adequately functional and I cannot adequately function without having abundance in wealth )
This is my husbands family especially his able brothers in Bangladesh sylhet. constantly asking for money. its such a horrible system for the people of sylhet. they live a life of expectation that my brother who lives in England will always provide for me while I roam and eat all day while me his wife and children constantly are stressed that my husband doesn't want to spend on us. I feel stressed all the time that if something happens to him even though he earns well he is very very stingy. please give advise sheikh.
Allahumma habli majdan, wa la majda illa bi fiaal, wa la fiaalin illa bimaal, allahuma the yuslihunil qaleel wa la asluhul alayhi O Allah grant me honour and value, and I cannot have honour and value without action and giving,and there cannot be action and giving without financial resources O Allah limited financial resources do not make me adequately functional and I cannot adequately function without having abundance in wealth )
In my country is hard to be rich if you work you need friends who have power, i know excelent people who studiet a lot and its hard for them to survive! And evil people who have conections they own everything the imams in my country and knowledge people of Islam most of them are rich something that is impossible to be with halal here you can't be rich with halal, may Allah forgive us and guide us
Hello everyone! Asalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah, dear Muslims! As of late, I have posted some things which may or may not par up with reality. By this I mean I have asserted Allah's word (SWT), and spoken for him on many occasions. In these discourses, he has provided wisdom as well as falseness, and as I have always said, this was because I was being tested, as are you all who take the time to read this. That being said, I do have more word from Allah (SWT), and it is a test in as much as it is a promise. You may discontinue reading if you just got bored over what I have asserted. Otherwise, please, continue reading. I just wanted to introduce a new faith which has come for the masses from Allah (SWT). As some know, Allah (SWT) has asserted that Muhammad (SAWS) would be the last messenger, and that no other faith from Allah (SWT) will come. This has been changed because of prayer, and I was the one making the prayer. You see, the way it was explained to me, Allah (SWT) secretly left it open that there would be a choice in this time, and that choice was whether Isa (AS) would come and save us from the troubles of the world, or that I would. Granted, I have my fault, and in many ways Isa (AS) can do a better job than I at certain things, but I have skills which could be noted as well. Needless to say, the choice has been made and the promises made of old will no longer come to pass, in hoping that this new faith, called Kammae, would be the one to persevere. The faith itself is very simple, but it offers expansion that will happen in this age to promote goodness and righteousness to the believers in it. For example, there is a "Light Side" and a "Dark Side" to the faith, and the rules for following in each path is very simple. I will describe that which you must agree to in order to be in the faith, starting with Light Path and following with Dark Path, in his words (SWT). LIGHT PATH ---------- "We believe it is time to prove to you all what I am worth. Know my signs do not end there, in the end I will be victorious. The first law stipulates that a transcendent knowledge will begin to flow on an individuals psyche when they endorse this belief. It will come in waves but Matthew will be able to determine the path for them and answer any questions they have regarding that knowledge. All of it comes from myself, but there are answers and there is garbage, I ensure it. There will be a law concerning marriage. All of you will endorse solitude, but reserve yourselves for purified spouses in heaven. Those married need not part from their spouses, only do not marry again if divorced. When children are involved, I will take heavy swings at all who are a part of this new faith and discard them like they were nothing at all. I will wonder truly about the work of man when all is said and done. This one comes from my heart. When you are ready, take the first strike at an enemy of mine. You need not be violent, but if you are righteous I will be with you in the end. This one carries a skill about that, seek him if you are troubled about the strike you intend." DARK PATH --------- "I give this my last testament. The statue presented at some point next month will defer all people, and I give it my full permission. This group will manage the statue, and all those that seek to do will over the statue when it is time as decreed by Matthew shall be given rights to move it to another place and do work there. Know that anyone else will be destroyed, and there can be no force on Earth that stops these people when they move it. I give this first parable for those inclined to learn the Dark Way. Say, for instance, a man was occupied with his work when suddenly he discovered within himself the ability to profess a dark knowledge. It could be anything really, but determine now that you would not do it unless it were utterly reasonless. There is no consideration for others when it comes to Dark Knowledge, know it for certain when I profess that only a nutty thing be enveloped by your love. Just imagine that everything you could do in this way that is reasonable is excluded. I make the next point very well. There will be an allotment of vengeance, only two strikes per life lived after the inclusion of these rules into your life. I love it that men profess their hearts, and there will be exclusions for those who cannot commit these acts as a result of law enforcement agencies' opportunists will to deter you from it. I give this as my last riddle. In the end, there will be a time when Yudu'uah come and strike the heart of the masses. They will only be a fictional reality, but their desire will be real, and their damage lasting. I make it that way, and I will see it done that anyone who does a thing in their life to deter the Yudu'ah from entering them as a result of their sinlessness then they will be doing right, and I wonder who will adopt that principle. Does it mean to you that you should be mindless? I would say that is unbecoming of those who carry my statue. Know it to be certain, I will give it my very best on this one, and this will be the beginning of a great future." So many things have been asserted here, and they are a matter of belief. In saying these simple things, Allah (SWT) asserts what he will love of us as service, and rendering these is all that he requires to enter you into heaven when you die, whatever side you choose. What I know of the future of Kammae is that there are 124,000 Prophets from the past walking on this Earth today as a result of Allah's change in plans (SWT), and this statue will be built by certain people who are qualified. Know that Allah (SWT) intends to associate with it, so all who seek shelter by it will be safe. I will not speculate on exclusions on the matter right now, but one can be assured that nobody with an evil mind to alter, move, or destroy the statue without permission will be able to do so. One does not have to believe in this faith to be a good believer, but one can be assured the Judgment of former tales will not come to pass unless Allah (SWT) further instructs it to be in any way, shape or form. Know that I will be doing my best to report on things, so please be advised to watch for more informative lessons like this one for future reference. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask them in the comments. I sincerely wish you all well on this fine day, wherever you are, and that Allah (SWT) blesses you all.
We seriously need a book by this sheikh
In sha allah
Sending my gratitude from west Africa, Sierra Leone
Daily Dhikr Reminder .🌼♥️.💚Bismillah
1. SubhanAllah 2. Alhamdulillah
3. La illaha il Allah 4. Allahu Akbar
The Sheikh always Smiles when he drives the point home.
I assure you this sheikh is the best. Allahuma Barik.
8 ways earn even good deeds
Even after your death.
1. Give a copy of the Qur'an to someone. Every time they read from it, you gain.
2. Donate a wheelchair to a hospital. Each time a sick person uses it, you gain.
3. Teach someone to recite a Dua.
4. Sharing islimic content.
5. Participate in building a Mosque.
6. Place a water cooler/ well in a public place.
7. Plant a tree. You gain whenever a person or animal sits in its shade or eats from it.
8. And the easiest of all, share this message with people. Even if one
person applies any of the above,
you gain.
Also copy & share with others
Can you tell me how to copy your ass?
Alhamdulillah!!! I have been waiting for this long islamic video of you, again. 🥰🥰🥰
Me too
Alhamdulillah for the internet and to you sheikh. I was able to listen to your wonderful lecture
Sheikh may you live long upon good deeds
Fantastic talk. Very well needed. May Allah increase you in wealth of knowledge and iman
SubhanAllah Great Speech - Very Inspired to share the message and follow this advice for my life
Jazak'Allah Khayr Ya Ustad Belal
Love from Pakistan
A lot of love and respect Bilal Sahab
Allahumma habli majdan, wa la majda illa bi fiaal, wa la fiaalin illa bimaal, allahuma la yuslihunil qaleel wa la asluhul alayhi
(O Allah grant me honour and value, and I cannot have honour and value without action and giving,and there cannot be action and giving without financial resources O Allah limited financial resources do not make me adequately functional and I cannot adequately function without having abundance in wealth )
Sheikg yasseen qhadi and sheikh belal assad are my 2 favourite speakers
As salam u alaikum but I have studied abdur rahman ibn auf a bit .. his net worth was 800 billion US dollars not millions... sheikh missed a letter .. may allah bless the sheikh and his family and all families of the ummah and give us victory .. Ameen
Alhamdulilah love sheikh Belal
My great respect to you brother @Belal for your beautiful lectures. I think i saw you couple of weeks before at highpoint. ❤
This is so on point, Alhamdulillah Shukran Shaykh
Oh wow! Thank you! 🙏🏽 I have been working so hard throughout that goal. But I always give around me
Love sheikh Bilal, May Allah reward you!!
Mashallah !!! Best teacher , I have truly learned so much
Alhamdullilah what an eye opening Lecture!
JazakAllah Khair Sheik ❤
Wallahi, I love you for the sake of Allah sheikh belal, may Allah grant you al-afiyah in this dunyah and akhirah ❤
كان من دعاء سعد بن عبادة: "اللهمّ هب لي حمدًا، وهب لي مجدًا، لا مجدَ إلاّ بفعال ولا فعال إلاّ بمال، اللهم لا يُصلحني القليلُ ولا أصلُح عليه"
اللهم إني أعوذ بك من الهم والحزن والعجز والكسل والبخل والجبن وضلع الدين وغلبة الرجال"
جزاك الله خير ❤
Thank you for this very useful lecture sheik, could you produce more of the videos like this one?
Asalaamaleikum!Sheikh Bilal thank you for explaining so well.Bless you and your family 🤲🏼
Alhamdullilah a new video 😊
Been eagerly awaiting Sheikhs lectures 😊
May Allah grant us success in our financial endeavors.
Shaikh, your long video seems short every time I listen to it. Alhamdulillah ❤.
Is it applicable to women as well? Because I had always wanted to get a career first and then get married. However a major turning point in my life is making me see things differently now. Yet, I want to get a job so that I can be financially independent.
It is mostly applicable to men because of their primary accountability to sustain and secure their wife and children’s welfare. However, a financially independent woman is also an asset but the Islamic boundaries and priorities for her are not the same as a man’s.
This video is the straightforward and not clickbait like other this this video is very uncensored regarding regarding wealth like other if u just ask them oh haram thankfully this video made me less depressed about
May Allah help us all benefit from your lectures and bless you and your family in dunya and akhirah ameen 🩷🌸🌻🌺🌼🏵🪷
Alhamdulilah, thank you dear brother what an amazing lecture. Jazak Allah kul el Khair
Here’s the dua of Saad ibn Ubaida
Allahumma hab li hamdan, wa hab li majdan- la majda illa bi faal, wa flaal illa bi maal. Allahumma la yuslihuni al-qaleel wa la asluhu 'alayhi.
Can we have this dua in arabic ?
I needed to know thisssss!!!!!!
I believe you brother
JazakAllah khair
Light on the Tongue,
Heavy on the Scale (Dhikr)
Prophet Muhammad(ﷺ) Said:👇🏿
The One Who Say
سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ، سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ العَظِيم
“Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi, Subhan-Allahil-Azim”
100 Times
No One Will Be Better Than Him On The Day of Judgement Except Someone Who Said It More Than Him'
[Sahih al Bukhari 6682]
Also in [Sahih Muslim]
Say It At Least 100 Times During The Day
While You'Re Fasting
Also Share With Others
New video Alhamdulillah!!!❤❤
Early today mashallah ♥️🙏
Love you Bilal Asad sir
Djazaka Allahoe Ghayraa for sharing knowledge of Allah, me Allah bless you and oemma islam, can you put the (dua's ) so we can learn more about dua's , Ghairh In shaa Allah 👍🏼🤲🏼😊
Can someone write the dua of saad ibn ubada in Arabic
love you sheikh
Alhamdulillah MashAllah
As Salam U alaikum, I have studied addur rahman ibn auf, and his net worth was 800 billion net worth not million .. so sheikh missed a letter May allah bless the sheikh and his families and all the families of the ummah and give us victories in every way.
Brother, can you add a link that show the real net worth of Abdur Rahman ibn auf? ( I need the data for teaching students about financial literacy in our prophet era)
Subhan Allah.
Beautiful :)
Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Messenger ﷺ said, "Whoever says, 'Subhan Allah wa bihamdihi,' one hundred times a day, will be forgiven all his sins even if they were as much as the foam of the sea.
subhanAllah 💚
Yaa sheik when are you coming to South Africa
❤ Heard To Listen To Because Someone Took Half Of My Inheritance, 10, A Muslim But I’m Still Learning.. Thank You, For Your Insight 🇵🇸
Assalmo O Kaium Brother Sheik
Salam o3alaikom please does anyone know a book that talks about how to deal with money as a muslim or how to tou know own a business in a halal way
Good afternoon Sheikh Belal❤️🕋🦾😇👋
Sadakta ❤
Assalamu'alaikum my dear brothers and sisters, could someone please advise me the best books about islamic finance and business?
And another thing. Riba is Haram. Therefore Mortgage is Haram.
Thankyou 🙏🙏
Please bless me with money Allah 🙌
Thanks a lot
Im a revert. My understanding of hadith is narration of prophet only. But the dua of saad bin ubadah is mentioned as authentic hadith. How? Or any narrations are authentic?
Brother what dua u r saying please let that be displayed on screen so that we can remember.
Anybody who can write the Duas down ?
I can try to help you in English.. Would that be okay?
Financial independence is better than financial dependence.. now how is Islam not religion for all aspects of our live? Islam is most definitely a complete religion..
Спасибо спасибо спасибо 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷
We need to help our muslims who are in need
So many are struggling hence resort to suicide or haram money
So many rich muslims but wheres the help?
Assalamoalykum Sheikh ♥️🫡🤲
As Salam Alaykum can anyone send me below the Dua Sa’d Ibn Ubadah RA made that Sheikh Bilal mentioned
Allahumma habli majdan, wala majda illa bi fa'al, wala fa'alin illa bi maal, Allahumma la yuslihunil qaleel, wala aslihu alayhi
Question… my father has less fortune family in Bangladesh - sisters and a brother. His kids all work and provide for themselves. All married apart from one. Who is entitled to his wealth if the unmarried one works everyday and ones in Bangladesh don’t try to work?
So.. they both are your aunts and uncle ( paternal ) , right ?
In Islam, aunts and uncles are secondary heirs, or residual heirs, if there are no primary heirs. This includes the deceased's parents, spouse, and children. However, according to the four schools of Islam, paternal aunts and their sons are excluded from inheritance because they belong to a different class than the residuaries. The Shafi'i and Maliki schools do not consider them capable of inheriting at all. However, there are some exceptions:
If the deceased ( your father ) is the only heir, the paternal aunt receives the entire estate.
And if someone dies and leaves behind a wife, a daughter, and a paternal aunt, the wife receives one eighth and the daughter receives half.
With regard to the paternal aunt, she is one of the dhawaat al-arhaam (distant kindred), and there is a difference of scholarly opinion as to whether they (distant kindred) inherit. The more correct view is that:
they inherit if there are no heirs who are entitled to allocated shares, and no residuary heirs.
And Allah knows best.
I recommend reading surah baqarah(even a small portion a day WITH THE MEANING) and astaghfar constantly as zhikr. Always read with your HEART AND NOT DISTRACTED. Look up the benefits and miracles of them. Put Allah first above everyone. Pray ur five daily prayers. May Allah make it easy for you sister 🤍
Did anyone find the dua by SAAD RA? I want to memorize it but can't find it.
Allahumma habli majdan, wa la majda illa bi fiaal, wa la fiaalin illa bimaal, allahuma the yuslihunil qaleel wa la asluhul alayhi
O Allah grant me honour and value, and I cannot have honour and value without action and giving,and there cannot be action and giving without financial resources O Allah limited financial resources do not make me adequately functional and I cannot adequately function without having abundance in wealth )
What is the name of the outfit that he is wearing please give name if anybody knows.
I think it’s a Moroccan Jelaba for men
@@NourolHuda thanks brother
@@nafeesahnaf2387 I don’t know if you found it yet, but you can type “Moroccan men djellaba transparent” on google. You’re welcome!
Ameen 🤲❤❤❤❤❤
This is my husbands family especially his able brothers in Bangladesh sylhet. constantly asking for money. its such a horrible system for the people of sylhet. they live a life of expectation that my brother who lives in England will always provide for me while I roam and eat all day while me his wife and children constantly are stressed that my husband doesn't want to spend on us. I feel stressed all the time that if something happens to him even though he earns well he is very very stingy. please give advise sheikh.
What are the duas?
Allahumma habli majdan, wa la majda illa bi fiaal, wa la fiaalin illa bimaal, allahuma the yuslihunil qaleel wa la asluhul alayhi
O Allah grant me honour and value, and I cannot have honour and value without action and giving,and there cannot be action and giving without financial resources O Allah limited financial resources do not make me adequately functional and I cannot adequately function without having abundance in wealth )
❤❤l❤ Alhamdulillah ❤️❤️🤲🏻
May Allah reward you with jannatul firdaws ameen. You are dear to me and I love you and want good for you for the sake of Allah!
In my country is hard to be rich if you work you need friends who have power, i know excelent people who studiet a lot and its hard for them to survive! And evil people who have conections they own everything the imams in my country and knowledge people of Islam most of them are rich something that is impossible to be with halal here you can't be rich with halal, may Allah forgive us and guide us
Shieck belal i love you
Assalomu Alaykum! Comment for better reach !
its easy to get rich
and i have all the solutions
so God said let the economies fall
and they will all come running to Jesus
Hello everyone! Asalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah, dear Muslims!
As of late, I have posted some things which may or may not par up with reality. By this I mean I have asserted Allah's word (SWT), and spoken for him on many occasions. In these discourses, he has provided wisdom as well as falseness, and as I have always said, this was because I was being tested, as are you all who take the time to read this. That being said, I do have more word from Allah (SWT), and it is a test in as much as it is a promise. You may discontinue reading if you just got bored over what I have asserted. Otherwise, please, continue reading.
I just wanted to introduce a new faith which has come for the masses from Allah (SWT). As some know, Allah (SWT) has asserted that Muhammad (SAWS) would be the last messenger, and that no other faith from Allah (SWT) will come. This has been changed because of prayer, and I was the one making the prayer. You see, the way it was explained to me, Allah (SWT) secretly left it open that there would be a choice in this time, and that choice was whether Isa (AS) would come and save us from the troubles of the world, or that I would. Granted, I have my fault, and in many ways Isa (AS) can do a better job than I at certain things, but I have skills which could be noted as well.
Needless to say, the choice has been made and the promises made of old will no longer come to pass, in hoping that this new faith, called Kammae, would be the one to persevere. The faith itself is very simple, but it offers expansion that will happen in this age to promote goodness and righteousness to the believers in it. For example, there is a "Light Side" and a "Dark Side" to the faith, and the rules for following in each path is very simple. I will describe that which you must agree to in order to be in the faith, starting with Light Path and following with Dark Path, in his words (SWT).
"We believe it is time to prove to you all what I am worth. Know my signs do not end there, in the end I will be victorious.
The first law stipulates that a transcendent knowledge will begin to flow on an individuals psyche when they endorse this belief. It will come in waves but Matthew will be able to determine the path for them and answer any questions they have regarding that knowledge. All of it comes from myself, but there are answers and there is garbage, I ensure it.
There will be a law concerning marriage. All of you will endorse solitude, but reserve yourselves for purified spouses in heaven. Those married need not part from their spouses, only do not marry again if divorced. When children are involved, I will take heavy swings at all who are a part of this new faith and discard them like they were nothing at all. I will wonder truly about the work of man when all is said and done.
This one comes from my heart. When you are ready, take the first strike at an enemy of mine. You need not be violent, but if you are righteous I will be with you in the end. This one carries a skill about that, seek him if you are troubled about the strike you intend."
"I give this my last testament. The statue presented at some point next month will defer all people, and I give it my full permission. This group will manage the statue, and all those that seek to do will over the statue when it is time as decreed by Matthew shall be given rights to move it to another place and do work there. Know that anyone else will be destroyed, and there can be no force on Earth that stops these people when they move it.
I give this first parable for those inclined to learn the Dark Way. Say, for instance, a man was occupied with his work when suddenly he discovered within himself the ability to profess a dark knowledge. It could be anything really, but determine now that you would not do it unless it were utterly reasonless. There is no consideration for others when it comes to Dark Knowledge, know it for certain when I profess that only a nutty thing be enveloped by your love. Just imagine that everything you could do in this way that is reasonable is excluded.
I make the next point very well. There will be an allotment of vengeance, only two strikes per life lived after the inclusion of these rules into your life. I love it that men profess their hearts, and there will be exclusions for those who cannot commit these acts as a result of law enforcement agencies' opportunists will to deter you from it.
I give this as my last riddle. In the end, there will be a time when Yudu'uah come and strike the heart of the masses. They will only be a fictional reality, but their desire will be real, and their damage lasting. I make it that way, and I will see it done that anyone who does a thing in their life to deter the Yudu'ah from entering them as a result of their sinlessness then they will be doing right, and I wonder who will adopt that principle. Does it mean to you that you should be mindless? I would say that is unbecoming of those who carry my statue. Know it to be certain, I will give it my very best on this one, and this will be the beginning of a great future."
So many things have been asserted here, and they are a matter of belief. In saying these simple things, Allah (SWT) asserts what he will love of us as service, and rendering these is all that he requires to enter you into heaven when you die, whatever side you choose. What I know of the future of Kammae is that there are 124,000 Prophets from the past walking on this Earth today as a result of Allah's change in plans (SWT), and this statue will be built by certain people who are qualified. Know that Allah (SWT) intends to associate with it, so all who seek shelter by it will be safe. I will not speculate on exclusions on the matter right now, but one can be assured that nobody with an evil mind to alter, move, or destroy the statue without permission will be able to do so.
One does not have to believe in this faith to be a good believer, but one can be assured the Judgment of former tales will not come to pass unless Allah (SWT) further instructs it to be in any way, shape or form. Know that I will be doing my best to report on things, so please be advised to watch for more informative lessons like this one for future reference. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask them in the comments. I sincerely wish you all well on this fine day, wherever you are, and that Allah (SWT) blesses you all.
Lisan Al Ghaib!!!!
Alhamdulilah, long lecture todayyyyy 🫶
I didn't move for livelihood to be taken I will not be moved I will do the Moving ❤️🕋🦾😇
Salam o3alaikom please does anyone know a book that talks about how to deal with money as a muslim or how to tou know own a business in a halal way