The challenge is getting the community to actually understand and apply this. Can you also Make please a detailed explanation on how teams can trade around jungle pathing, play around objective times, managing waves after first tower falls ( instead of Aram mid) how to set up for objectives in early and late game by managing waves. Especially the duo lane. I would repost it on all social media, because these people NEED a third brain, which is these Guides
@@joshizac2174 shouldn’t that be a good thing. It means your team will also have good players (previous masters) though gold is a pretty hard place to climb out from because of bots. But you can do it
@@joshizac2174 shouldn’t that be a good thing. It means your team will also have good players (previous masters) though gold is a pretty hard place to climb out from because of bots. But you can do it
I would love to learn more about the jungle pathing and also how to gank when my team just doesn't care much about gank or objective, I'm new player myself and I notice if my team dont cooperate with me, I'm the worst jungle because I can't reach to any lane when there is a fight and when I reach there either my teammate or dead or the fight is over, I am not saying I'm a good jungle either I am learning but I am a good team member I try to do my best to play as a team and try to help my team as much as I can, and because of that I mostly lose my jungle farms and I die unnecessarily,, I play as VI, which is already a death sentence because once I go in and most of the time my team just don't join which mean I am dead lol, So I would love to know more about adding and other stuff you're mentioning here I'm a very new player so I don't understand these terms but if you have any suggestion please let me know, if you want me to watch a video or a guide please let me know, thank you
I thought this was entry level knowledge but by reading the comment down here I realised this guide was actually very helpful for most people. Which would explain why so many players really don't know how to itemise in my games.
oh please, stop this bs, itemization is objectively one of the most difficult things in this game and takes quite some time to learn (along with all the champion abilities and specs; actual mechanics). to be able to itemize well, you need to know all the items and all the champs and how it all interacts. the comp is different each game, and even within each game, it all depends on who is ahead. you need to analyze all this (and what the enemy is building) and make quick decisions. it's the highest order of knowledge
@@branlob Bs? Nope that's rather basic stuff, he said it himself multiple times during the video, he even fancied doing a more detailed super long video on each champion. If you think itemisation is "the highest order of knowledge" you are probably one of those top 3 ranked loadouts copy-pasters, that's not my problem.
@@Exacerberus nah you are just one of those overconfident "this is so easy and obvious, I am so smart". meanwhile if someone actually smart analyzed your builds in game, they would find a ton of mistakes
he literally says multiple times you need to know the kit to itemize well, and you need to know the situation (i.e. know all the other champions kits, what they're building - i.e. all the items), and then analyze this on the spot, make the right decision quickly. this is the highest order of knowledge of the game. I am not saying he covered everything (obviously not, that's proving the point). just going through each item and how it works takes hours, not to mention how it all interacts with each champion and comps
Catching up on "core video"...Let's be honest, the first step is to know the mechanics of your main before trying to understand the logic of items (I am an old thing at the time). This video is really useful to get to the next level! I am only starting now to understand why and how changing runes and built depending on the opposition. Thank you for taking the time to do this in depth explanation.
I just came back, i didnt know how to itemize on the current meta since when i was playing was back in vex meta where i build void staff and magic pen as quick as possible, this helps a lot, thanks
My core item build for Mordekaiser is Steel Caps into Profits pendant, Riftmaker, into awakened soul stealer, that ap item that converts hp, amaranth twinguard, (the hp convert item gives a shield, so with Mordekaiser seconds ability plus riftmaker sustain, this item actually makes you insanely tanky, the ap conversion is complete bonus stats we don't care about) and final item I usually get thornmail, but if we are playing 5 vs 5 Mario kart, I get redemption last... its insanely efficient build for Mordekaiser, you can almost play mid to late game like a roaming support, every teamfight you ult the adc and remove them from the battle, then clean up the 4vs5 with a few bonks on the head while full healing yourself and allies 💪 I know he is good built tanky, but I do see it being useful, all it achieves is slowing you down and permanently locking you into lane, only enemy making mistakes makes the heartsteel build pay off, but awakened soul build puts the game in your hands on your terms, regardless if enemy plays well or bad
I laned against a mordekaiser who built steel caps into the ap armor reflect item 😂😂 I was mundo... I stood under his turret farming minions the entire game, even when darius gank me... mordekaiser couldn't do anything the entire game, he beat himself, he lost game before leaving fountain
Wow great video!! Thoroughly enjoying it and very informative as well. If u ever wanna do every single champion core item, maybe u can do shorts on ur yt since it would be shorter and maybe add in some short explanation as to why it is their core item like ur shorts about jungling guide in ur channel. Much love bro ❤❤
Triumph, giant slayer, bloodline with second wind/transcendence is a good "one size fits all" auto build... but obviously for many champions this won't fit. For tanks you want green runes, some junglers you want blue runes.. for burst champions with 1 or more dash abilities, you want sudden impact
I'm glad you have made this guide, hopefully my teammates will get better (stop criticising my heartsteel gwen build!) :) Also I would love to see a DB or Hells collab.
Where does Morgana fall in your categories? I play her in mid. The problems I am having are 1) some games I seem to do zero damage, which is why I sought out this video, thinking it was likely an item issue. 2) I can pretty much always dominate the midlane, but if my teammates are struggling (losing towers) and I have to go help, then I usually end up losing the first midlane tower. Also, thoughts on Ryali's Scepter? I usually go for it if there are a lot of early team fights, as it seems to really help teammates either escaping or being able to catch up and kill would be escapees.
question! can the item Spirit Visage increase the heal effect for item Redemption? cause in the Spirit Visage description say "increasing healing and shield effects" does it mean work both way increases receiving and giving the effects? idea for core build Redemption, Heartsteel, n Spirit Visage for tank supp
now we need the same video for runes but there should be an explanation of every runes and when to pick them, unlike this one where u talked about specific about champs. (just remove cr!nge ap spamming femboys like lux sera kerma etc in mid)
Hellow Mr Kerxx, thank you very much for the great efforts of bringing more ingame knowledge to the player base, but I gotta say speaking for me personally, leider Gottes wirds die meisten ned jucken! Ive been playing for 1.5 years now, I comfortably reached dia within 2 to 4 weeks into every season at first and the called it a day to play pvp with friends, but once I actually got quite good it got more and more depressing to climb... Ive never been remotely close in terms of 1v1 because Im left handed and super slow regarding mechanics and so on but since I started playing I inhaled every video of yours, Vex, Strider as well as DB when he still cared explaining macro things... pretty unfortunately even tho I also improved massively in regard to mechanics it became harder and harder as the season progressed and my stats rose... I know every champion, every ability, I know when to fight where and what outcome the possible scenarios have, I have garbage 1v1 decision making but my macro and item knowledge alone secured me and my team a ton of wins, many times even on my own... unfortunately it made me more and more aware that 99 percent of the WR players do not give a Single damn... this season I cant even hit emerald anymore and its super frustrating bc even tho I did not really spam the game in ranks the past seasons I managed to get a few champs to the top200, but this season Im constantly infuriated when no matter what role I play and how hard I carry I cannot win... I literally go 12 3 on Camille? Dont worry, the 2 15 botlane makes sure I lose! TWENTY to TWO on Jinx? Nahh its fine, even tho I do 3rd drag on my own, ping group 5times and whatnot, steal elder twice, my jgl decides to afk farm red instead of coming bc he is mad he isnt the main character..., 6 0 Gwen, dominating lane? Alright, the whole team refuses to buy antiheal against Atrox, Swain and Soraka even tho I ping them the item, type it out nicely twice in the chat and even recommend it to everyone... NOPE no one gives a f about builds, drafts, team comps, team fighting, micro and macro... idk I cant be Arsed with this piece of sh** game anymore unfortunately... it is such a beautiful and well made game content wise but over the past 1.5 years Riot managed to absolutely shatter it into a money printing machine for China, not giving a Single damn about other Regions... Ill come back to play casually every now and then but thats about it, but thanks for the nice moments you provided me with!
I am tryimg to learn karma and my question is if I am playing karma support should i go supp items like imperial and redemption or full ap or maybe a mix of those two Thanks❤
I really love how you explain the adc itemization.. especially the part of survival rather the higher output damage...🥰 The tank/ engager itemization is kinda for me i categorized as selfish build... But for a all around situation its pretty good 😶 Also.... Day 6 request for senna and rengar spammers content 🌝
you're making great content, have deep knowledge, zero doubt about it. just one well-intended kind suggestion - I would focus on articulation and maybe slower speaking - even the speech recognition often doesn't capture your words well.
I thought that SUPPORTS should build SUPPORT items to SUPPORT their team. I get that this is the meta now, but it's very frustrating to sit 1v2 under your tower as an ADC when your Lux "Support" is rushing Rabadons and goes split pushing, one shoting every wave she sees, instead of, you know - shielding, rooting the enemies, securing vision, helping to secure objectives, using her "heal" summer spell to actually save your live instead of using it for the movement speed to escape when she overstayed at top t2
Does Spirit Visage increase the shield you get from Lifeline (Immortal Shieldbow)? And does it also increase the maximum shield you can get from Maw of Malmortius or just increase the amount of shield you get per attack (the maximum shield dosen't increase)?
Quick question: what abt sundered sky on zed (for jg and mid)? Since zed jg is a bit more of a bruiser (ish) build (e.g gluttonous, youmuus, trinity, seryldas, edge of night or eclipse), would u still go for sundered sky last or no (cuz ideally u want to auto in ur all-in once ur passive can proc, but sometimes u cant auto cuz u needa insta recast ult to not get caught) and for mid well since most of the time ur building lethality, well then obv lets build RoA (jk we gettin sundered sky)
My dream its FULL senna quide for otp's soloq. Since senna have many builds (tank with grasp, ga for max utility, fleet/pta as lethality/dmg), i want all items review and their synergy with runes. Man, pls do it) sorry, bad eng
Great video, but dont build awakened soulstealer on ahri. Your ult wont be on cd when you get a kill and the passive of soulstealer only procs if your R is on cd
Lucian should always buy spellblade first item... the constant proc and boost to dps in his overall combo = as good as a full item.. it will slow down your first item building, but you will already be ahead by this time... now when you have a completed item, vs an adc with 1 item, you are almost twice as strong... sell spellblade after you buy 3rd item... Think of spellblade lvl2 Lucian as getting spark on lvl 1 kayn.. it makes you a champion before you are a champion, while all other ADCs make a commitment to their first item, they either rely on sustain or lack sustain, Lucian just does more damage with spellblade and doesn't need it, you kite away,with dash and shoot a laser in their face, if they remain close enough, that's an extra 4 basic attacks including spellblade proc... no adc with 1 item can out sustain this dps 👌 EVERY SINGLE other build path is less damage, its just stat padding until full item, by which time your lane opponent has full item, so instead of gaining advantage, you only allow your enemy to remove any advantage... 800 gold is all you need to dominate lane, no matter what your full build is, spellblade will give you the freedom to build as you wish, you dont have to force pressure, you don't have to coinflip anything you just win, and collect kills whenever enemy tries to force plays, if they don't force plays, you farm much faster and snowball anyway 👌 Lucian spellblade is the only core 👌
And a rule of thumb, don't ever use the top 3 builds, they're troll builds most of the times, and are very situational to certain games, learn to make your own builds and to play well.
Yea. The champ just released and yet they already have a "top 3 builds" that's how you know somebody trollin. I pity the fool who doesn't take control of their champs and pick their own items/runes.
@@AzetheReal bro to be honest the premade builds are soooo bad. Look at the champion, look at their lane and purpose and look at their scaling. The premade builds legit spit in the face of that.
I think the video would be a bit clearer if you had juet used "crit based" "on hit" "caster" as the names of each category of ADC (which is already the case in PC LoL). Moreover I think if this video was a bit more scripted it would have also been a bit clearer so you don't go back and forth a lot within the video. But otherwise very helpful.
What category is Kayle to you or in general? And what kind of builds do you know it can be played? Based on her kit, she needs attack Speed and AP right? Maybe omnivamp as well but it depends if you go to the route of Burst(PTA) or Lethal Tempo(probably needs omnivamp here). You can share about AP. l wonder if AD kayle, fits in the first category of just auto attackers like Jinx? l am trying to learn about Kayle only, l did play lot of games vs Bots. Of course the sample there isn't 100% useful but it is enough to get you going. l may have reached 35-65% of knowledge of Kayle. But you, you surely know how the game works. You even have above 100% knowledge and l can't even go above my cap limit because of just playing vs Intermediate bots. l am afraid of my teammates but that must be overcome for me.
23:45 Believe it or not even in late game as a senna with : redemption. Chempunc and black cleaver a 6 slot Evelyn still couldn't kill in a full combo ( i know the build looks troll ) my last 2 items were serylda and infinity edge ? Lolllolol ( im 2 season rank 1 tank senna 😢😂) brooo but heal and shielded 75 k in 30 m game it was insane...
@@SirangPakpakyuka sometimes when you are tank senna, chempunk better. For example u have carry in your team and you dont need deal more damage to tanks, bc+chempunk better as support items (chempunk give nice ability haste + cheaper then mortal reminder+more raw ad for q heal )
If my teammates understood the english language this would surely be a very helpful video for my ranked experience😊
Try saying No entiendo Espanol they might start speaking english
X2 bueno yo tengo amigos que si saben inglés pero no ven vídeos para mejorar en rankeds 😭 so I have to be the carry most of the time
Ask them if you don't talk English you are gay and all of the sudden they talk better than British people
Unfortunatly this doesnt work with turkish
@@rosaanatriello4660 nothing work with turkish. They ruin this game
That twitch collection screen was diabolical. 😂
Good job dude, doing a video like this is helpful for the whole community and lowers our chances of getting a terrible teammate. Thanks
If only he can make a video on how to stay calm and not troll 🙂
The challenge is getting the community to actually understand and apply this. Can you also Make please a detailed explanation on how teams can trade around jungle pathing, play around objective times, managing waves after first tower falls ( instead of Aram mid) how to set up for objectives in early and late game by managing waves. Especially the duo lane. I would repost it on all social media, because these people NEED a third brain, which is these Guides
My challenge is not that I have bad teammates but rather that I'm vsing previous masters in gold. Highest rank is emerald...
@@joshizac2174 shouldn’t that be a good thing. It means your team will also have good players (previous masters) though gold is a pretty hard place to climb out from because of bots. But you can do it
@@joshizac2174 shouldn’t that be a good thing. It means your team will also have good players (previous masters) though gold is a pretty hard place to climb out from because of bots. But you can do it
I would love to learn more about the jungle pathing and also how to gank when my team just doesn't care much about gank or objective, I'm new player myself and I notice if my team dont cooperate with me, I'm the worst jungle because I can't reach to any lane when there is a fight and when I reach there either my teammate or dead or the fight is over, I am not saying I'm a good jungle either I am learning but I am a good team member I try to do my best to play as a team and try to help my team as much as I can, and because of that I mostly lose my jungle farms and I die unnecessarily,,
I play as VI, which is already a death sentence because once I go in and most of the time my team just don't join which mean I am dead lol, So I would love to know more about adding and other stuff you're mentioning here I'm a very new player so I don't understand these terms but if you have any suggestion please let me know, if you want me to watch a video or a guide please let me know, thank you
I thought this was entry level knowledge but by reading the comment down here I realised this guide was actually very helpful for most people.
Which would explain why so many players really don't know how to itemise in my games.
oh please, stop this bs, itemization is objectively one of the most difficult things in this game and takes quite some time to learn (along with all the champion abilities and specs; actual mechanics). to be able to itemize well, you need to know all the items and all the champs and how it all interacts. the comp is different each game, and even within each game, it all depends on who is ahead. you need to analyze all this (and what the enemy is building) and make quick decisions. it's the highest order of knowledge
@@branlob Bs? Nope that's rather basic stuff, he said it himself multiple times during the video, he even fancied doing a more detailed super long video on each champion.
If you think itemisation is "the highest order of knowledge" you are probably one of those top 3 ranked loadouts copy-pasters, that's not my problem.
@@Exacerberus nah you are just one of those overconfident "this is so easy and obvious, I am so smart". meanwhile if someone actually smart analyzed your builds in game, they would find a ton of mistakes
@@branlob Nah, you're just bad. And not particularly smart.
he literally says multiple times you need to know the kit to itemize well, and you need to know the situation (i.e. know all the other champions kits, what they're building - i.e. all the items), and then analyze this on the spot, make the right decision quickly. this is the highest order of knowledge of the game. I am not saying he covered everything (obviously not, that's proving the point). just going through each item and how it works takes hours, not to mention how it all interacts with each champion and comps
Catching up on "core video"...Let's be honest, the first step is to know the mechanics of your main before trying to understand the logic of items (I am an old thing at the time). This video is really useful to get to the next level! I am only starting now to understand why and how changing runes and built depending on the opposition. Thank you for taking the time to do this in depth explanation.
I just came back, i didnt know how to itemize on the current meta since when i was playing was back in vex meta where i build void staff and magic pen as quick as possible, this helps a lot, thanks
Super helpful guide! Would love if you covered bruiser/tank jungle itemization
Me vs 4 while my team losing to 1 champ with vamp build because they don't buy anti-heal item.
My core item build for Mordekaiser is Steel Caps into Profits pendant, Riftmaker, into awakened soul stealer, that ap item that converts hp, amaranth twinguard, (the hp convert item gives a shield, so with Mordekaiser seconds ability plus riftmaker sustain, this item actually makes you insanely tanky, the ap conversion is complete bonus stats we don't care about) and final item I usually get thornmail, but if we are playing 5 vs 5 Mario kart, I get redemption last... its insanely efficient build for Mordekaiser, you can almost play mid to late game like a roaming support, every teamfight you ult the adc and remove them from the battle, then clean up the 4vs5 with a few bonks on the head while full healing yourself and allies 💪
I know he is good built tanky, but I do see it being useful, all it achieves is slowing you down and permanently locking you into lane, only enemy making mistakes makes the heartsteel build pay off, but awakened soul build puts the game in your hands on your terms, regardless if enemy plays well or bad
I laned against a mordekaiser who built steel caps into the ap armor reflect item 😂😂 I was mundo... I stood under his turret farming minions the entire game, even when darius gank me... mordekaiser couldn't do anything the entire game, he beat himself, he lost game before leaving fountain
Just in time for massive item reworks in a few weeks! 💪🏼
Amazing work as always
Wow great video!! Thoroughly enjoying it and very informative as well. If u ever wanna do every single champion core item, maybe u can do shorts on ur yt since it would be shorter and maybe add in some short explanation as to why it is their core item like ur shorts about jungling guide in ur channel. Much love bro ❤❤
Can you do a video about Runes too? I don't have problem with itemizing but I struggle with Runes. Which to take and which not to take.
Triumph, giant slayer, bloodline with second wind/transcendence is a good "one size fits all" auto build... but obviously for many champions this won't fit. For tanks you want green runes, some junglers you want blue runes.. for burst champions with 1 or more dash abilities, you want sudden impact
Very helpful guide. How would you build Miss Fortune in the current patch?
I'm glad you have made this guide, hopefully my teammates will get better (stop criticising my heartsteel gwen build!) :) Also I would love to see a DB or Hells collab.
yeah I also think in order to bring WR back into the spotlight on TH-cam, the guys should do regular collaborations
Would love an item/rune guide specific to kindred and Camille since they have such a unique way to play successfully
Thanks for the major effort in this 🙏
No mention of AP jungle assassins, like Fizz and Evelynn? Did I miss it?
GREAT video! absolute gem of knowledge for 99% of WR population
Where does Morgana fall in your categories? I play her in mid. The problems I am having are 1) some games I seem to do zero damage, which is why I sought out this video, thinking it was likely an item issue. 2) I can pretty much always dominate the midlane, but if my teammates are struggling (losing towers) and I have to go help, then I usually end up losing the first midlane tower. Also, thoughts on Ryali's Scepter? I usually go for it if there are a lot of early team fights, as it seems to really help teammates either escaping or being able to catch up and kill would be escapees.
Thanks for this video! Very interesting!
Thanks kerxx you always give good vids ive been playing since day 1 but i dont know which is which tbh hahah
can the item Spirit Visage increase the heal effect for item Redemption? cause in the Spirit Visage description say "increasing healing and shield effects" does it mean work both way increases receiving and giving the effects? idea for core build Redemption, Heartsteel, n Spirit Visage for tank supp
visage doesn't increase the healing to others, only yours unless they also have visage
Was this the video with the Dr Mundbro build? I can't find it in the splits. I'm just starting Mundbro and looking for builds.
now we need the same video for runes but there should be an explanation of every runes and when to pick them, unlike this one where u talked about specific about champs. (just remove cr!nge ap spamming femboys like lux sera kerma etc in mid)
Hellow Mr Kerxx, thank you very much for the great efforts of bringing more ingame knowledge to the player base, but I gotta say speaking for me personally, leider Gottes wirds die meisten ned jucken! Ive been playing for 1.5 years now, I comfortably reached dia within 2 to 4 weeks into every season at first and the called it a day to play pvp with friends, but once I actually got quite good it got more and more depressing to climb... Ive never been remotely close in terms of 1v1 because Im left handed and super slow regarding mechanics and so on but since I started playing I inhaled every video of yours, Vex, Strider as well as DB when he still cared explaining macro things... pretty unfortunately even tho I also improved massively in regard to mechanics it became harder and harder as the season progressed and my stats rose... I know every champion, every ability, I know when to fight where and what outcome the possible scenarios have, I have garbage 1v1 decision making but my macro and item knowledge alone secured me and my team a ton of wins, many times even on my own... unfortunately it made me more and more aware that 99 percent of the WR players do not give a Single damn... this season I cant even hit emerald anymore and its super frustrating bc even tho I did not really spam the game in ranks the past seasons I managed to get a few champs to the top200, but this season Im constantly infuriated when no matter what role I play and how hard I carry I cannot win... I literally go 12 3 on Camille? Dont worry, the 2 15 botlane makes sure I lose! TWENTY to TWO on Jinx? Nahh its fine, even tho I do 3rd drag on my own, ping group 5times and whatnot, steal elder twice, my jgl decides to afk farm red instead of coming bc he is mad he isnt the main character..., 6 0 Gwen, dominating lane? Alright, the whole team refuses to buy antiheal against Atrox, Swain and Soraka even tho I ping them the item, type it out nicely twice in the chat and even recommend it to everyone... NOPE no one gives a f about builds, drafts, team comps, team fighting, micro and macro... idk I cant be Arsed with this piece of sh** game anymore unfortunately... it is such a beautiful and well made game content wise but over the past 1.5 years Riot managed to absolutely shatter it into a money printing machine for China, not giving a Single damn about other Regions... Ill come back to play casually every now and then but thats about it, but thanks for the nice moments you provided me with!
This is absolutley insane , ! Quick build for Darius top pls
I honestly thought that you'll join the wild smash in China. Nice guide btw I often watch you for meta picks.
very helpful guide. like me i just only follow the item build don't know how counter item
I am tryimg to learn karma and my question is if I am playing karma support should i go supp items like imperial and redemption or full ap or maybe a mix of those two
This waa so good thank you
I really love how you explain the adc itemization.. especially the part of survival rather the higher output damage...🥰
The tank/ engager itemization is kinda for me i categorized as selfish build... But for a all around situation its pretty good 😶
Also.... Day 6 request for senna and rengar spammers content 🌝
Dude great vid next can we get how to fix our runes for different matchups
Fotos video tysm the only issue I see it’s that when you say some items have synergy you don’t explain why they have synergy 😵💫
you're making great content, have deep knowledge, zero doubt about it. just one well-intended kind suggestion - I would focus on articulation and maybe slower speaking - even the speech recognition often doesn't capture your words well.
My feverishly writing this down even though I've been playing since s2-s3, haha
mid lane champs have the most diversity and variety possible in rft
so when will you use Tear items ?
I thought that SUPPORTS should build SUPPORT items to SUPPORT their team.
I get that this is the meta now, but it's very frustrating to sit 1v2 under your tower as an ADC when your Lux "Support" is rushing Rabadons and goes split pushing, one shoting every wave she sees, instead of, you know - shielding, rooting the enemies, securing vision, helping to secure objectives, using her "heal" summer spell to actually save your live instead of using it for the movement speed to escape when she overstayed at top t2
Some didn't even know how to build anti barrier or anti heal. I think riot need too make some item suggestions for bronze and plat players.
is the varus top build good for vayne top too or is there a better build ?
If possible please activate the hype function on this video
If your adc are top lane do you counterbuild the enemy adc or the enemy team ( just started video so if it's mentioned in video u don't need to reply)
Whoever are you
Thank you
Does Spirit Visage increase the shield you get from Lifeline (Immortal Shieldbow)? And does it also increase the maximum shield you can get from Maw of Malmortius or just increase the amount of shield you get per attack (the maximum shield dosen't increase)?
Quick question: what abt sundered sky on zed (for jg and mid)?
Since zed jg is a bit more of a bruiser (ish) build (e.g gluttonous, youmuus, trinity, seryldas, edge of night or eclipse), would u still go for sundered sky last or no (cuz ideally u want to auto in ur all-in once ur passive can proc, but sometimes u cant auto cuz u needa insta recast ult to not get caught)
and for mid well since most of the time ur building lethality, well then obv lets build RoA (jk we gettin sundered sky)
My dream its FULL senna quide for otp's soloq. Since senna have many builds (tank with grasp, ga for max utility, fleet/pta as lethality/dmg), i want all items review and their synergy with runes. Man, pls do it) sorry, bad eng
Great video, but dont build awakened soulstealer on ahri. Your ult wont be on cd when you get a kill and the passive of soulstealer only procs if your R is on cd
Just a random question, how many games do you play a day?
i play 1-3
Personally when im playing ranked is either 3-5 games but
If its just bored then 1-3 game only
@@thatonelight1002 today i lost all 3 matches of mine...guess what? i am afk for 3 days now
Ur the 🐐🐐🐐
Why not sickle for Mage supports? Is sickle that bad despite giving you more AP?
@@deadspace4755 Coin and relic shield is just way more better
Could you make full varus build guide or even 2 if necessary ? 😂
Is juggernaut champs go with tank items?
Lucian should always buy spellblade first item... the constant proc and boost to dps in his overall combo = as good as a full item.. it will slow down your first item building, but you will already be ahead by this time... now when you have a completed item, vs an adc with 1 item, you are almost twice as strong... sell spellblade after you buy 3rd item...
Think of spellblade lvl2 Lucian as getting spark on lvl 1 kayn.. it makes you a champion before you are a champion, while all other ADCs make a commitment to their first item, they either rely on sustain or lack sustain, Lucian just does more damage with spellblade and doesn't need it, you kite away,with dash and shoot a laser in their face, if they remain close enough, that's an extra 4 basic attacks including spellblade proc... no adc with 1 item can out sustain this dps 👌 EVERY SINGLE other build path is less damage, its just stat padding until full item, by which time your lane opponent has full item, so instead of gaining advantage, you only allow your enemy to remove any advantage... 800 gold is all you need to dominate lane, no matter what your full build is, spellblade will give you the freedom to build as you wish, you dont have to force pressure, you don't have to coinflip anything you just win, and collect kills whenever enemy tries to force plays, if they don't force plays, you farm much faster and snowball anyway 👌 Lucian spellblade is the only core 👌
Say an ap miss Fortune the other day, still won with a 21/6 mordekaiser but some people shouldn't be allowed to itemize
Thank you
32 losses in my last 50 games (bad loss streak). 14 SVPs. Only 2 S and 2 A ratings
Would be great if you did it while I was still playing, but a good one nonetheless. Hope it helps whoever needs it
And a rule of thumb, don't ever use the top 3 builds, they're troll builds most of the times, and are very situational to certain games, learn to make your own builds and to play well.
Yea. The champ just released and yet they already have a "top 3 builds" that's how you know somebody trollin. I pity the fool who doesn't take control of their champs and pick their own items/runes.
@@christatum3045 That fool is definitely me. I’m changing my mindset right now.
@@AzetheReal bro to be honest the premade builds are soooo bad. Look at the champion, look at their lane and purpose and look at their scaling. The premade builds legit spit in the face of that.
Holy shit i needed this
I'm also master with 97% Corki winrate in 30 games with the same build every game XD Diana 75% winrate 50+ games and I only play for fun tho
Can you make a draven video pls🥰
I wish you did yone and yasuo.
this should be in the tutorial
Waiting for the video about "decent teammates and how to find them"..
Nice bro, thanks for the guide.
Great efforts for the videos kerxx, unfortunately the majority of the players will follow blindly the troll builds from Top 3 leaderboards anyway....
I think the video would be a bit clearer if you had juet used "crit based" "on hit" "caster" as the names of each category of ADC (which is already the case in PC LoL). Moreover I think if this video was a bit more scripted it would have also been a bit clearer so you don't go back and forth a lot within the video. But otherwise very helpful.
maw is always better than wits end even for kalista ?
Ruunan's users gain absurd benefits from having maw as 1 AA = nearly fully stacked shield :/
algorithm boost go!!!!!
People will see this video and say "Nah, i'll use the top 1 build"
where is my spatula?!🤣
191,100 blue motes do u want to rent me some😂😂😅
id give them away since there's NO WAY TO USE THEM ANYWAY
What category is Kayle to you or in general? And what kind of builds do you know it can be played?
Based on her kit, she needs attack Speed and AP right? Maybe omnivamp as well but it depends if you go to the route of Burst(PTA) or Lethal Tempo(probably needs omnivamp here).
You can share about AP.
l wonder if AD kayle, fits in the first category of just auto attackers like Jinx?
l am trying to learn about Kayle only, l did play lot of games vs Bots. Of course the sample there isn't 100% useful but it is enough to get you going. l may have reached 35-65% of knowledge of Kayle. But you, you surely know how the game works. You even have above 100% knowledge and l can't even go above my cap limit because of just playing vs Intermediate bots. l am afraid of my teammates but that must be overcome for me.
You can build on-hit Kayle, when i'm still playing league of legends on PC i always use Kayle. Mostly jungle Kayle with on-hit items.
And please go play PVP if you really want to improve.
@@SirangPakpakyuka Any tips on what items have a chemistry (compatibility) with Kayle?
@@SirangPakpakyuka What kind of on hit items(both for AP and AD Wild rift)
@@deadspace4755 Termilus, Nashor's tooth, Witz end, B.O.R.K, Statikk Shiv, Boots.
nice jax
How do I explain this to my teammates 😭😭
What to build vs kaisa
,, Specifik klass"Yasuo Yone🎉
Don't really need to do a 10 hour vid. Just break them in parts.
Doesnt matter if you playing in sea and soloQ you cant do anything........
*1hour video*
*Its the latest you could find*
*Watches anyways*
F in chat, we honor your committment...
bro plays on a square
1 mins no views fell off
0:48 why don't you have yasou??
Kerxx guide must is,
spam 'prophets pendant' 👾 for AP champs
23:45 Believe it or not even in late game as a senna with : redemption. Chempunc and black cleaver a 6 slot Evelyn still couldn't kill in a full combo ( i know the build looks troll ) my last 2 items were serylda and infinity edge ? Lolllolol ( im 2 season rank 1 tank senna 😢😂) brooo but heal and shielded 75 k in 30 m game it was insane...
Chempunk is not good for ADC, last whisper is better.
@@SirangPakpakyuka sometimes when you are tank senna, chempunk better. For example u have carry in your team and you dont need deal more damage to tanks, bc+chempunk better as support items (chempunk give nice ability haste + cheaper then mortal reminder+more raw ad for q heal )
@@dred9475 Ohhh i see, thanks i'll try to build that too!
@@dred9475 good thoughts u have there do u play in EU? maybe we play together?
@@gxz.notaken4242 we can. ID?