Using I²C (Pin A4=SDA, A5=SCL), Library: Etherkit_Si5351, Address: (0x60) or (0x62) Example: #include Si5351 Si(0x60); void setup() { Si.init(); ..... .... .... if you have installed the Etherkit Si5351 library, as a reference you can try the sample code provided }
displayed VFO: 1MHz - 30MHz. As far as I remember, the maximum vfo output is 60MHz in VFO+IF conditions (30+30MHz), and the minimum output is limited to 1MHz in VFO-IF conditions, to keep the Si5351 module working normally if the VFO-IF results are below 1MHz. I kind of forgot the details of the code because now I prefer to write my own code which is more concise and easy to understand
not yet, this code is only VFO, if used for SSB there must be an external BFO. Actually I have made a project for DDS with VFO and BFO but I haven't had time to upload it
Como vc ligou si5351 no arduino ?
Using I²C (Pin A4=SDA, A5=SCL),
Library: Etherkit_Si5351,
Address: (0x60) or (0x62)
Si5351 Si(0x60);
void setup() {
if you have installed the Etherkit Si5351 library, as a reference you can try the sample code provided
Não consegui funcionar a si5351 voçe pode min ajudar obrigado , py7pq
What is the maximum and minimum frequency of this DDS VFO. DE VU3IZD from India
displayed VFO: 1MHz - 30MHz. As far as I remember, the maximum vfo output is 60MHz in VFO+IF conditions (30+30MHz), and the minimum output is limited to 1MHz in VFO-IF conditions, to keep the Si5351 module working normally if the VFO-IF results are below 1MHz. I kind of forgot the details of the code because now I prefer to write my own code which is more concise and easy to understand
@@Involtage this dds has BFO output?
not yet, this code is only VFO, if used for SSB there must be an external BFO. Actually I have made a project for DDS with VFO and BFO but I haven't had time to upload it
@@Involtage can you reedit the code for VFO and BFO output please
sure, but not now. Maybe next week I can share it