Homonationalism in Armenia

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.ย. 2024
  • A conversation by four queer people around a kitchen table.

ความคิดเห็น • 3

  • @vodkahouse6662
    @vodkahouse6662 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It's always easier to tell people to simply not get involved in the war and put the guns down when you live in the capital and haven't been through the shit that people in Artsakh have been through. And unfortunately, such an agenda of peace and let's just not fight won't work because the other side is a growing nationalist war machine terrorist state that won't stop on their tracks even if we all don't ingage in the fight. This felt honestly like an agenda pushed from the other side to make us all weaker. Also, always take into consideration that some people don't have the privilege that others have to not interfere when you are being attacked or when you know people want to whip you out along with your heritage. Therefore, these assumptions are baseless, and please be more sensitive next time before througing around the term '' nationalist''.

  • @edgarzatikyan3130
    @edgarzatikyan3130 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Peace is always better and should be always preferred however there should be a distinction made between the anti war tendencies in the imperial core (eg USA, France, Russia, etc.) to the anti war rhetoric in the imperial periphery. There is way tooo much suffering on both sides and cannot be achieved if we just eradicate "nationalism" from one society or from one aspect of the society. Especially since it should not be done in one country meanwhile the other one is continuing to increase its fascist rhetoric and actions. The continuous suffering of people cannot just stop if one side stops fighting, it will increase and continue in volumes that we cannot imagine.

    • @rahagop
      @rahagop 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      i think this is assuming that there is no antinationalist movement in azerbaijan which simply isn’t the case. journalists are constantly being arrested for speaking against their government. and regardless this video and article point to the specific and complex ways that armenian nationalism specifically harm the queer community. we are responsible for the harms that our own community creates, that’s what this is about. to say that we shouldn’t push back against nationalism because the other side are controlled by a fascist regime will only continue the cyclical problems that our own nationalist ideology creates, especially if our unwillingness to address those issues is based on the political state of a country and community we are not a part of