Sara France candle. Your candle history was great & reminded me of some candle lighting. I did my first internship in hospice & the agency did a yearly memorial for the family, which was nice. As they called the deceased name, the family came up front & we gave them a candle that I lit. They put it on the trellis as memory of their loved one. The family liked the candle ceremony.😁
I was drawn in by the Elizabethan tapestry.
Thank you!
Sara France candle. Your candle history was great & reminded me of some candle lighting. I did my first internship in hospice & the agency did a yearly memorial for the family, which was nice. As they called the deceased name, the family came up front & we gave them a candle that I lit. They put it on the trellis as memory of their loved one. The family liked the candle ceremony.😁
Aw that's a lovely practice and tradition! Thanks for sharing that!
Sata France! Never heard of them, would love to know more about the company..😊
One vote for Seda France!! :)
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