Karen BLAMES ME for her TODDLER getting HURT in an ADVANCED PARKOUR CLASS - Reddit Podcast

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 29 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 129

  • @davidwichmann3788
    @davidwichmann3788 ปีที่แล้ว +67

    I actually disagree with the last one. A dead wife is not the same thing as an ex-wife. Though I would differentiate between them by calling the one who passed either “first wife” or “late wife” or something that differentiates between them. But say ex-wife implies that they got a divorce.

    • @Hostilemob01
      @Hostilemob01 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      That is exactly what I was thinking during that last story

    • @mdevandry
      @mdevandry ปีที่แล้ว +4

      100% agree!

    • @magic8ball1982
      @magic8ball1982 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Not only that, but it's also a bit insulting to the first wife's memory.

    • @reanna04098
      @reanna04098 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @jackmemphis777
      @jackmemphis777 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I agree. He is obviously still upset about her death and is trying to keep her memory alive by continuing to talk about her. There should be something to differentiate them, though. If the late wife was still alive, could maybe understand the current wife's frustration, but she is literally jealous of a dead wife

  • @anakaliaeastwood
    @anakaliaeastwood ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Story 1: My answer when asked to let it slide would be, "No." I get that the school didn't want any further crap from the entitled mom, but the children's safety is more important. Plus, rewarding her bad behavior won't guarantee that she won't find something else to get pissed about.

    • @princessmarlena1359
      @princessmarlena1359 ปีที่แล้ว

      Plus regardless of whatever “additional waivers” were signed, there’s still some ruthless ambulance chasing lawyer that would still sue someone.

  • @KitKatKman
    @KitKatKman ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Story two if your wife is already in the middle why wouldn't you go trade your aisle four there one🤷‍♂️

  • @naturalglitch9774
    @naturalglitch9774 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am doing parkour too, till learning

    • @Nockgun
      @Nockgun ปีที่แล้ว

      how's the slide?
      the jump is easy to perform
      a technique is to put your hands up curl your finger

  • @eric98292
    @eric98292 ปีที่แล้ว +70

    For the last story, his first wife isn't his ex wife. She's his late wife. Big difference. He's allowed to still talk about and love her. He should be more clear that about distinguishing between you and certainly never compare you two. Personally I think you're both a little in the wrong.

    • @peterlee584
      @peterlee584 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      A widower's former wife is called his late wife, not his ex wife. She would only be his ex wife, if they wete already divorced when she dies, which doesn't seem to be the case here. I think the current wife is being a little unfair and should cut the husband some slack. Losing a spouse must be tremendously painful and just because he still loves his late wife and talks about her, that doesn't mean he can't love his current wife as welll. I think some couples' counsellng might be helpful, as well as some grief counseling for tje husband to help him process his loss

    • @itzmeolivia
      @itzmeolivia ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@peterlee584 What he did wrong here was referring to his current wife as his late wife. He calls both of them his wife and makes people mistake her for the late wife, which if you think about it sounds a bit rude to the other. Sometimes it's best to talk it out through therapy or another person's view point.

    • @peterlee584
      @peterlee584 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@itzmeolivia I think he refers to his late wife as his current wife. I don't really think he's doing it deliberately to be rudr. I just think he hasn't properly dealt with his first wife's death. That's why I suggested both couples' counseling to help improve communication between the husband and his first wife and individual grief therapy for him in order to wprk through his grief process.

    • @BlueFoodtide
      @BlueFoodtide ปีที่แล้ว

      I was about to reply the same thing

    • @jackmemphis777
      @jackmemphis777 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@peterlee584 yep still seems like he is mourning his wife's death. My grandpa Got remarried after my grandma died and he still would talk about her. Turns out my step grandpa was just after his money though and got most of it when he died

  • @stephendawson6854
    @stephendawson6854 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I disagree with your comments on the last story. It’s not his ex-wife, it’s his late wife. I feel both OPs story and your comments are toxic; here especially. Perhaps you come from a place of ignorance, but as someone who has lost their the love of their life, I find your perspective very short sighted.

  • @The.official.TravisISCOOL
    @The.official.TravisISCOOL ปีที่แล้ว +86

    My gran is called Karen but she is not a Karen

    • @alex14474
      @alex14474 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Your lucky man!

    • @Lens_arcade
      @Lens_arcade ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Same for my aunt

    • @thathotsaucekid
      @thathotsaucekid ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Man's barely dodged a bullet

    • @carsonjones6479
      @carsonjones6479 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      I went to get food and the lady taking my order was named Karen but she was super sweet

    • @FreezingWinters4793
      @FreezingWinters4793 ปีที่แล้ว +4


  • @michellecoleman5577
    @michellecoleman5577 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    last story: Yes you are definitely being a little jerky. No matter how valid your point is, which it is, you needed to approach this with a lot more tact and definitely not with a fight. And you need to stop disrespecting the dead and referring to her as if she's the stalker ex- who divorced him but won't go away. He needs support and therapy for his grieving and only then can you both move on properly. But acting like this woman no longer matters because she's dead and gone is cruel. You need to understand that you can't replace her, you can just find a place in his heart to nestle beside that spot where she'll always be. And you won't do it by yelling at him and making ultimatums.

  • @silky0439
    @silky0439 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Story 3 OP needs to RUN and don’t look back! Her husband isn’t toxic, he’s down right POISON! Get out and Get out Now while you have some semblance of sanity!
    Story 4 he should say Exactly that. Stop beating around the bush. People need to know the truth. Yuen send a copy to your family so she can’t lie about it, because she will.
    Last story, hubby could easily say my first wife or wife that passed . Whichever is more comfortable for him.

  • @rheeta-louroepke307
    @rheeta-louroepke307 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Last story: she is not his ex-wife, she is his late wife.

    • @aelminiatures
      @aelminiatures ปีที่แล้ว +3

      that made me super hate the op

    • @lolarichter9415
      @lolarichter9415 ปีที่แล้ว

      At the same time she's not his wife. Op is. And pretending otherwise to your friends IS NOT OKAY. There should be a distinction. OP shouldn't have to play side chick to another woman who isn't in the picture

    • @Jmasteredits
      @Jmasteredits 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      She not she married a dude who’s wife died and now when clearly her husband still needs help grieving she absolutely disrespecting his late wife also not in the picture really that’s just cold

  • @angelamurray2725
    @angelamurray2725 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Story 3 NTA, Husband massive A. Why doesn’t your husband work. If it’s disability can’t he do something voluntary. I think he’s bored but try couples counselling or tell him to bug off. You could record him and then tell him to listen to what you have to every time he’s there.

  • @billieking2257
    @billieking2257 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Story 3 is just…wow. I love to make commentary during a movie but I also know there is a time and place. Movie theaters? Mouth is shut. Movie that requires some level of focus? Mouth is shut. Movie that I haven’t seen before and my future partner told me not to talk through the movie? Mouth is shut.
    It can be fun to make commentary but again, time and place. I know it’s more than just the husband going weird during OP’s interests but I’m just annoyed when people are like “That’s how I enjoy a film” okay fine, then watch it with friends who are okay with people talking through it. OP’s husband sucks

  • @viviennemorgan7217
    @viviennemorgan7217 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    karen doesn't listen to op about this class being advanced, it's all her fault not op's fault.

    • @viviennemorgan7217
      @viviennemorgan7217 ปีที่แล้ว

      but i'm glad that op didn't get fired for that, the daughter refuses to listen to him being her instructor.

  • @tf9241
    @tf9241 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    The last story sounds like the OP is TJ. She can’t accept that there was someone before her who unfortunately passed away. The wife wasn’t the ex wife. She is his late wife. As other comments have said, ex implies separation. The only separation that happened between the husband and the first wife was death. It will still take some time for him to adjust to having a new wife. My question is. What was she being referred to as before they got married?

    • @lolarichter9415
      @lolarichter9415 ปีที่แล้ว

      The story said that he always referred to her as his daughter's mother around op. Never as the wife

  • @shortangel333
    @shortangel333 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Story 3: Divorce is a fun hobby that he can't complain about if you do it

  • @pattibennett8774
    @pattibennett8774 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Story #3. Divorce him. My ex was exactly the same way. I divorced him about 35 years ago. Best decision I ever made.

    • @princessmarlena1359
      @princessmarlena1359 ปีที่แล้ว

      Broke up with a few boyfriends as a result of this behavior from them.

  • @AmItheJerk
    @AmItheJerk  ปีที่แล้ว +3

    👉 SUBMIT YOUR OWN STORIES HERE ▶ amithejerk.com/submit
    👉 SUBMIT YOUR OWN STORIES HERE ▶ amithejerk.com/submit
    👉 SUBMIT YOUR OWN STORIES HERE ▶ amithejerk.com/submit

  • @QuickManEXE
    @QuickManEXE ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Story 1: Uggghhh, i just knew that this would happen. I've said this before and i will here again; "RIGHT TO REFUSE SERVICE!!!" Come on. The biggest jerk here isnt the entitled Karen (although she was a complete blockhead), but the reception for telling the OP to "just let it slide". That person should've been fired for that. You NEVER let safety "slide", especially when it comes to children. Children are always going to do dumb things, and this is proof of that (I wonder where that little girl got her attitude from). Now i know that the Karen signed a waiver for it, but they still should've rejected her. Good thing the OP handled this well and even better that there were cameras.... you can be almost certain she'll try something eventually.
    Story 2: I would've just got flight attendents or security to shut this guy up. Dont bother arguing with idiots like that.
    Story 3: I'm really surprised that the OP is still with this malcontent. The husband is being a jerk solely for the sake of being a jerk. If a good conversation or two doesn't work, then i would go the divorce route. Why stay in an absolute miserable relationship/marriage like that?
    Story 4: Tell your mom to screw off. You may love her (which is good) but she is 100% just using you for money, and she has been for many years it sounds like it. Don't give her a single cent and maybe limit contact.
    Story 5: Hmm, i can see both sides of this one. I dont think that either the OP or the husband are jerks here, but i can see the frustrations of the OP here. The husband should be refering to the OP as his wife, since thats what she is. There's nothing wrong with refering to the deceased wife as just that. I think a couple good conversations between the OP and the husband are needed here and with cooler heads.

    • @viviennemorgan7217
      @viviennemorgan7217 ปีที่แล้ว

      op and her husband aren't the jerks, the husband is confused by calling op her his ex wife, because his deceased wife passed away and he called his daughter his wife's daughter this is confusing.

    • @DaShikuXI
      @DaShikuXI ปีที่แล้ว

      Nah man let natural selection take its course. They want to be stupid? Let them be stupid. Just make sure you cover your ass legally. If Karens refuse to listen, just let them live with the consequences.

  • @Orca4135
    @Orca4135 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Final Story: I want to make clear that I agree that it's very demeaning for the husband to call someone else his wife as well as the OP, and that needs to change. I also sympathize with the husband however, since he is clearly hurting from the loss of his former wife whom he clearly loved very much. I think a compromise like calling her his "late wife" would help distinguish that his deceased wife and his living wife are different people, and he misses his late wife, and also loves his wife, the OP. I feel that this could be a good solution because this way he doesn't have to call his late wife his "ex" bexause that indicates that they had a falling out, and divorced or something like that, when in reality they never stopped loving her, and he misses her every day, while still loving and caring about his wife the OP at the same time. This way the OP's reasonable wishes are respected, while he can still respect his late wife and make it clear he still misses her.

  • @darkwarriormaster9644
    @darkwarriormaster9644 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Story 1: This Karen needs to have her kids taken away from her.
    Story 2: That guy was a spoiled brat. His poor planning skills are not the OP's fault.
    Story 3: The husband is toxic and miserable. He can't enjoy anything, so he doesn't let anyone else enjoy anything. Good luck to the OP with the divorce.
    Story 4: This woman is a mess who can't get her act together. Plus, she's taking money from the OP that the OP could be using for her grandchildren. Plus, she's more concerned about her boyfriend's kids than her own kids and grandkids.
    Story 5: This dude needs help.

  • @DaShikuXI
    @DaShikuXI ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hold the phone. Two year old's running obstacle courses and training for parkour? What in the what?

  • @fernandorios474
    @fernandorios474 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    For the Parkour story: There are different levels of Parkour out in the world.....1 slip up could spill disaster or even worse

  • @peaceseeker52
    @peaceseeker52 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    YATJ She is his Late Wife NEVER EX WIFE. exe is ONLY when divorced
    You ARE his Wife in conversation.
    You never really get "over" a spouse. (From living in a Sr Bldg) because there is good and bad history there. He should "move on" before marrying again. If you cannot stand living with a person with a late wife you shouldn't have married one. This can be fixed if both of you want it to be fixed. No magic wands exist to erase late wives completely.

  • @lilithlux8127
    @lilithlux8127 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The last story OP is 100% the jerk. His first wife is not his ex wife she is his late wife. The difference between ex-wife and late wife is if his late wife was still alive you wouldn't even be in the picture.

  • @panqueque_mexicano
    @panqueque_mexicano ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Pancakes approved

  • @inkdevil_gamer1374
    @inkdevil_gamer1374 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    In the very last story, she is not an ex-wife she is a late wife, an ex implies that there was a breakup or a divorce

  • @kazan9918
    @kazan9918 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    That karen should ne arrested not the op. She force the op to take the kids into that class, she ignored the warnings that was given to her, and she actually left the kids in that situation.

  • @johnnymcneal5914
    @johnnymcneal5914 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    They insist on going into a class they're not ready for they failed to follow the instructions of the teacher the teacher's fault that they got hurt don't make no kind of sense

  • @ForestDw3ller
    @ForestDw3ller ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What game is in the background? I’m very intrigued

  • @aelminiatures
    @aelminiatures ปีที่แล้ว +1

    op as an masive AH for calling the late wife an EX wife

  • @autumnazure8928
    @autumnazure8928 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My story never ended up on here... unfortunate...

  • @kil2613
    @kil2613 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Your voice makes me feel like sleeping

  • @binodsmum
    @binodsmum ปีที่แล้ว +1

    *No he isn't*

  • @scarletlightning869
    @scarletlightning869 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What game is the background?

    • @jemzy1439
      @jemzy1439 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      it looks to be a game called Spirit of the North. I had to look it up too since I'm also interested in it haha :)

  • @alpha-sama
    @alpha-sama ปีที่แล้ว

    Story 1: NTJ. You tried to make sure the kids were safe and warned Karen mom about potential consequenses. The fact her kid got hurt is to blame on her and her kids' stupidity.
    Story 2: NTJ. You should not have to give up your seat because of someone else's inability to plan properly.
    Story 3: NTJ. Your husband is being an ass.
    Story 4: NTJ. Your mother is a money loving wolf and you're not obligated to give that piece of work a dime.
    Story 5: Yes, jerk. I understand the misunderstsndings can be awkward but I think it's pretty heartless to demand the husband calls his late wife his ex. Just because he still loves her doesn't mean he hasn't moved on or can't love you. Narraror misses the mark.

  • @buttonsfan
    @buttonsfan 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    That last story I cringed every time she said "Ex-Wife" the term is "Late Wife" "First Wife" would also be acceptable. He should be more clear but it sounds like he just wants to remember her fondly, and saying "my dead wife used to play baseball in college" is a conversation killer.

  • @Nockgun
    @Nockgun ปีที่แล้ว

    parkour is literally a dangerous movement style but effective
    you need to slide
    without scraping yo knees
    vault without breakin yo feet
    and last
    and the jump is easy as you must put your hands stretch it to make it reach the wall

  • @huinismith
    @huinismith ปีที่แล้ว

    Last story: He didn't stop loving his first wife, he LOST her. People like OP are the reason why I'll never date again. "Ex-wife" my a$$.

  • @princessmarlena1359
    @princessmarlena1359 ปีที่แล้ว

    Story 3: I’ve had a few former boyfriends such as this. The second that it would start up, I end the relationship. This is spiritual abuse. OP should get a divorce, thank god they don’t have any kids.

  • @kimp2377_GBA
    @kimp2377_GBA ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Idk why but there is no audio for me

    • @demoballer35
      @demoballer35 ปีที่แล้ว

      Go out of the video then out of youtube relaod youtube then you be good

  • @echocrashcraft
    @echocrashcraft 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    3rd story, I'm happy she divorced that man, him acting like this is like a toxic "friend" that has no enjoyment in life besides bringing down other people by telling them what they do sucks

  • @rimuru-kun_x_ciel-chan
    @rimuru-kun_x_ciel-chan หลายเดือนก่อน

    story 2 reminds me of that time I was flying on a like 8ish hour flight. My mother and sister were on the aisle and middle seats with a window seat where some other person was traveling. It seemed she was traveling alone so we asked if she would be willing to switch with my window seat, she simply said no and we didn't press further but one of the reason why we wanted to do that was so that I could help support and make my mother and sister comfortable considering they were sick. My sister was vomiting on the plane and my mother later told me that she was glaring at my mother and sister but couldn't really say anything since she refused to change seats. I on the flight just changed seats a couple of times cuz I was sitting alone so I was fine with it until I was switched 5 like times though I ended up with an aisle seat besides this newly wed couple. I was beside the man as a man though I felt I may of rested my head on his shoulder or not but it is a possiblitiy since I do this quite alot with my father

  • @derepa06
    @derepa06 ปีที่แล้ว

    In the first story the OP may not be the jerk but he definitely needs to be more careful. He himself said those kids weren't ready. Regardless of what their mother said he should have stuck with the rule. Even if he did let the kids participate, as soon as the one child threw the tantrum and brought her mother in he should have kicked them out. That's a lawsuit waiting to happen.

  • @dashdash3615
    @dashdash3615 ปีที่แล้ว

    In story number three the guy is a little punk you should divorce him😊
    He sounds like a little loser who doesn't work you can do much better

  • @Jay-iy2og
    @Jay-iy2og ปีที่แล้ว

    1st story, you are just has at fault has the mother, the kids are 2 and 3, that's a massive nono, you should have absolutely denied entry to the advanced class, just being the mother has no common sense doesn't mean you don't, you clearly said they was not ready and if that went to court,you would be found just as liable unfortunately

  • @krystalalien3344
    @krystalalien3344 ปีที่แล้ว

    Story 3: Best advice: divorce him, that's clearly toxic behaviour

  • @Kirbyfan-rl7pg
    @Kirbyfan-rl7pg 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Story three literally sounds like my grandma where as she tells me to do something and I get freaking yelled at for putting something in the wrong place and she doesn’t specify the details on where she wants me to put it.

  • @NoBlanc_
    @NoBlanc_ ปีที่แล้ว

    I train parkour, i love it. But yeah no, hurting yourself is part of it, youll hurt yourself atlesst once badly

  • @loganmargison1016
    @loganmargison1016 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    In that first story, that EM appears to believe that parkour instructors can will a kid to not get hurt.

  • @rainbowpegacornstudios
    @rainbowpegacornstudios ปีที่แล้ว

    Honest question: Why the hell would you sign up a toddler for a parkour class?

  • @Brianna_Love2009
    @Brianna_Love2009 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I lost track of what he was saying lol, i was watching the game in the background

  • @aelminiatures
    @aelminiatures ปีที่แล้ว

    Should taking your kids paper round money be classed as child abuse?

  • @melonyfarrell240
    @melonyfarrell240 ปีที่แล้ว

    For the story who has a husband is a jackass get a divorce plain and simple

  • @kingcastlequeenbeckett
    @kingcastlequeenbeckett ปีที่แล้ว

    “ He continues to bug me like the mosquito that he may have been in a former life”😂

  • @Jamesey1521
    @Jamesey1521 ปีที่แล้ว

    Why do Karens always think that the world revolves around them

  • @repentantsky4290
    @repentantsky4290 ปีที่แล้ว

    I don't normally ask, but what game is this?

  • @robertscholfield4048
    @robertscholfield4048 ปีที่แล้ว

    He might need therapy to get over the loss and to be able to move on completely

  • @gemmao1144
    @gemmao1144 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Bro i was playing assassins creed while watching this 😂

  • @BryanmNunezm
    @BryanmNunezm ปีที่แล้ว

    12:28 you should just breakup with him

  • @Drawing12378edits
    @Drawing12378edits ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey I just wanted to know why do you use two people for the voice

  • @alittlefunnyguy2512
    @alittlefunnyguy2512 ปีที่แล้ว

    Whats the game name bc it looks pretty good

  • @deborahkizer4664
    @deborahkizer4664 ปีที่แล้ว

    Your husband don't care about you at all.

  • @deborahkizer4664
    @deborahkizer4664 ปีที่แล้ว

    Your mother wouldn't get one red Cent.

  • @robertofernandez18000
    @robertofernandez18000 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yo where is the place at in the 1st story

  • @eua4808
    @eua4808 ปีที่แล้ว

    Why 2years and 3years old not even 5

  • @albertgongora6944
    @albertgongora6944 ปีที่แล้ว

    The original poster on that second-story literally needs to leave her husband private this man is literally yelling at her over the fact that when she stands up for anything she loves and cares about that he chooses to ruin is just so upsetting to here and normally I'm not the type of person that shouts divorce or break up but when your spouse is literally abusing you verbally and ruining things for you like a bully yeah it's time to believe that marriage and find somebody that is going to love and care for you the correct way and love doing the things that you because that's what a normal spouse is supposed to do with you that you're married to they're not supposed to be like you-know-what because you like something that I don't like I'm going to just completely ruin it anybody that is in a relationship like that please run away from that person as far as you can because that's not healthy

  • @florentinavasile2582
    @florentinavasile2582 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @nromk
    @nromk ปีที่แล้ว

    Even if a person is in the middle seat, said person isn't obligated to give up their seat. Like the middle seat might be what the bought seats look like.

  • @tttpppbbbaaa
    @tttpppbbbaaa ปีที่แล้ว

    Story 3 time for a divorce

  • @ameliaappel17
    @ameliaappel17 ปีที่แล้ว

    What game is he playing

  • @demoballer35
    @demoballer35 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love these vidoe i always watch them their part of my routn but when the upload is a 1hr and 10 minutes off its throws me off

  • @kil2613
    @kil2613 ปีที่แล้ว

    But in a good way

  • @Pixel-Cheese-Cake
    @Pixel-Cheese-Cake ปีที่แล้ว

    What game is this

  • @benjie128
    @benjie128 ปีที่แล้ว

    "nah, my husband would be riding in cargo, sorry."

  • @hazardssb2
    @hazardssb2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @yoshimorrison3734
    @yoshimorrison3734 ปีที่แล้ว

    Game name?

  • @Pixleperfection
    @Pixleperfection ปีที่แล้ว


  • @undeadgamer0568
    @undeadgamer0568 ปีที่แล้ว

    Get in contact with your father and give him money

    • @undeadgamer0568
      @undeadgamer0568 ปีที่แล้ว

      As a thanks for being the better parent

  • @antoninavirtucio972
    @antoninavirtucio972 ปีที่แล้ว

    The goat podcast

  • @dr.emerald8844
    @dr.emerald8844 ปีที่แล้ว

    Remember me

  • @Hamsberg
    @Hamsberg ปีที่แล้ว


  • @Bryson647
    @Bryson647 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @FrederickvonAlbrecht
    @FrederickvonAlbrecht ปีที่แล้ว

    Wow I'm early

  • @aunttummy
    @aunttummy ปีที่แล้ว

    i have a story so one day my friends dog got out a someone is like get this thing out of here