I got saved February 17 of 2024 I didn’t really know much about doctrine or anything else but for the first two weeks after I got saved I could not stop looking at the sky and I just felt this immense pressure like I was going to see Jesus very very soon now that I’ve read my Bible and I understand a little bit more about doctrine I understand that that is the feeling of the coming of the rapture. I try to make sure I always have a few minutes every day to just look at the sky watch and wait but I don’t wanna spend all day long staring up because that gospel ain’t gonna spread itself I want give as many people Jesus as I can so they can also come with us he is such an amazing savior
What a glorious day, that 17th of February. Happy to hear you got saved, brother! Its beautiful to see that you spread the gospel. I know its often not easy to talk to the people or to preach on the street, but its a blessing and very edifying to do. I recognised that usually 1 out of 1000 shows some interest. Very small rate. But always remember: Spreading the gospel is for His glory and to proclaim the truth in a world of lies, the light in a world of darkness is in itself a blessing for us from God. God bless you Michael!
Jesus tells us about the Holy Spirit in John 14-16 and Jesus Priestley prayer before the cross in John 17 . Revelation 19:10. I pray for the best Lord to speak to your heart mightly. To overwhelm you with His love, compassion, mercy and fill you with His truth. John 17:17 8:31-32 14:26 16:13-15
Just going by the dates we have available and speculating that the meteor Apophis is most likely wormwood trumpet 3 in April 2029, and that Israel's 80th birthday(Jacob's trouble) will be around the middle of the tribulation, they both point towards the tribulation beginning between November 2024 and April 2025, and of course the rapture even before that. So regardless of the dates, I believe wholeheartedly that it will be this year. Everything is lined up too perfectly. We were told in Luke 21 to look up when the signs BEGIN to take place, they began almost 16 months ago. Depending on which year Jesus was on the cross whether it was 31 or 32AD, 2000 years later minus 7 years puts us right at the beginning of the tribulation any time. The covenant with Israel and the AC is ready and will probably be signed this year, which will begin the tribulation. Whether ten kings through BRICS or ten kings through the UN, both are ready. The technology available now matches perfectly with the mark, Sweden is already using a chip on the left hand that does everything, so if it takes any longer then it will be obsolete and advance past the mark. I just can't see it being another entire year, too many things are aligned right now. Tension is high everywhere, not to mention "drones" are everywhere and are only increasing. Alien invasion will be the excuse used after the rapture.
The Lord said, we would know when his coming is at the door. He also said there is a special crown to those who love his appearing- the Rapture. Because obviously not the whole church will be looking for his appearing, but I am one who is looking for his appearing, yes, even so , Come Lord Jesus, yeah, yeah, and yeah, look up , he is coming.
Thankyou, let's go home where I Lord came forth to Save Us and celebrate our Passovet with Him and the Father with all the two thirds of the host faithfull Angels. I am truly excited to take our 1st Flight ✈ Home. Thankyou beloved for this message of encouragement and steadfastness.
I had a Rapture dream 3.1.25.I flying in the blu clear sky with joy and piece❤😊H(iLORD)told me- Our time is now!!! Stay Ready Harpaco family❤❤❤MARANATHA❤❤❤
Just so you know, I believe I've had at least 3 rapture dreams, the first one I can remember was in 2012, the fact that you had the dream doesn't mean it's happening tomorrow morning!
Hi friends Its unbelievable to see so many educated people be deceived by this pretrib rapture The Jesuit are throwing a party and serving the wine of babylon to the public When protestant ran from Catholicism in the Middle Ages, they took the formula of the papacy with them to drink the same wine that catholicism had drunk out of their golden cup
@plainwhitepaper3898 Hello Most Christians are unaware that it was the Jesuit who created all this Why? To take the stigma of what Martin Luther placed on the papacy of Rome The papacy is building an end time church for the antichrist The antichrist is the one who has a pretrib rapture to his church before the tribulation begins If we join this antichrist church, we will be able to buy and sell no tribulation from the antichrist Those who reject the invitation to the antichrist church will go thru a tribulation Those who join the antichrist church will receive the wrath of God Remember when Jesus said he was lord of the bibical 7th day sabbath The antichrist is lord of this black sabbath, which is the 1st day of the week We have a choice between the seal of God or the mark of the beast Who church you're in when the tribulation begins will mark you if you belong to the antichrist church or seal you if you belong to Jesus christ church Two women in the book of Rev Rev chapter 12 Jesus's church Revelation chapter 17, the antichrist church
@@DanHutchings-xx7ug If you want to call Revelation 2:I0, Revelation 20:4,6 the rapture, I won't argue. Except the way the rapture is taught, its contrary to Rev 2:I0, Rev 20:4,6
The Death Express When The Death Express rolls up to your door, the things that you’re doing, right or wrong you can’t do anymore! Life on earth is short at its best, for we all are facing the acid test. So when writing the poem (of life) make it rhyme, and it must be written on the shores of time. We must write it by faith, though we all like to see. But we can’t write this poem in eternity, so don’t sit on your seat until you hear the beep, get up and start now, awake out of your sleep! What am I sending on the other side? Before The Death Express comes (those wheels) to give us our ride? So get busy, do good, and get involved. And when The Death Express comes, your problems will be solved. Slow down; slow down, so that you may learn, don’t run ahead of our leader, you don’t know where to turn. Learn how to give, how to bear, how to share, Learn how to do good to men everywhere. Now you can watch for the signs as we go. Stay under the blood of Jesus, that washes white as snow. . When The Death Express rolls up to give you your first ride, who is your escort, with a heart full of pride? Too proud to listen, too stubborn to hear, But Wait! Those wheels, those dreadful wheels are rolling near. There’s an escort for every one and who will yours be? I want Jesus in the Holy Ghost to escort me! Speaking of space, there’s room to spare, for this train picks up men everywhere. It transport the rich and it transports the poor. It drops off one generation and returns for more. Those wheels, those dreadful wheels, those death wheels. Let’s face the facts now, and turn around. For why would you let sin forever hold you down? Repent, quit, be baptized in Jesus Name for remission of sins, receive the Holy Ghost and He will escort you in!
Want to be saved?believe with your heart that Jesus died for our sins and rose on the 3rd day..repent of your sins,read your bible,and pray..pursue the lord with all of your heart..have faith..💖
Truth is what matters. If a doctrine is misleading by wrong information we should always warn the saints. No where does it say anyone returns to heaven at Christ return by two or three witnesses. No where does it say Jacob's trouble is a 7 year period. Opinions and speculation is not sound doctrine. If you I or anyone else can not provide two or three witnesses about the particular teaching then we're misleading the people. 1st John 4:6 we are of God:He that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error. None of the prophets, apostles, or Jesus taught two distinct comings.
People love the world more and just like lots wife she looked back bc apart of herself wanted what was back there. Telling other Christians that he is like really really soon and I’m gonna go ahead and put it out there. It’s probably gonna be this year because America is mystery Babylon. It will be destroyed and people don’t want to accept that but that’s what is going to happen with Israel being left alone by itself for the last seven years and then at the very end they’re going to recognize oh crap we were the ones who crucified Jesusand every knee will bow and confess their tongue that Jesus is Lord and God
So, if someone tells you a lie about the Bible and they fall away from the faith because of this lie, wouldn't they be held accountable for said lie? The rapture is a real thing, but the entire thing has been corrupted. 1) The rapture happens at the 2nd Coming of Jesus 2) We are in the Tribulation already. It's simply the early days of the Tribulation 3) The tribulation lasts a lot longer than only 7 years 4) There is a period of 7 years where the Anti-Christ will rule the Earth. 5) In the middle period of 7 years there will be a great tribulation against believers. The Rapture is NOT a surprise for believers, but for the unbelievers. Go to the Holy Spirit and see for yourself. Ask him to show you and he will show you. Propagating a myth helps nobody and just helps people fall away from the faith faster.
We're going to see the Lord VERY SOON! Thank you Mr. Morris for such a concise compilation of scripture revealing our soon union with our Savior! Just ONE error in your list however. You reference a verse as the only time Jesus rebukes the Gentiles ("You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times" Matt. 16:1-4 ). But if you look at verse one, you will see that Jesus IS directly rebuking the religious leaders (Pharisees and Sadducees) in that verse. Thank you for your encouragement for us to continue running this race with every last breath! 😊
I believe in the resurrection of the saints before the catching away of the living saints. We believe that those who are alive and remain shall not precede those that are asleep. The Lord shall desecend with the shout of the archangel and the tump of God and the dead in Christ shall arise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them to meet them in the air, and then we shall ever be with the Lord
Dear Lord Jesus Christ Thank You Lord foe Everything and Everyone You place in my life,I Love You Lord and I need You, without You i am nothing,Lord im asking You to remove all negative energy from me ,my family and children and also from my group members and Please Pour out Your Holy Spirit upon us we are in lack and poverty,we need a financial breakthrough urgently Dear Lord Jesus,I Thank You Lord for our blessings is on the way and then we will be able to bless others in The Kingdom of God and tell them about our Only True Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,we Love You Lord and this is my prayer in The Mighty Name Of Jesus Christ Amen and Amen ‼️🙏❤️🔥😇 Lord please locate us where we are in Kimberley South Africa,we need help urgently and i Thank You for Hearing and Answering our prayers Thank You Lord Jesus Christ Amen and Amen ‼️🙏❤️
We don’t need anymore authors books explaining the Lord’s return. His admonition to His followers is to get into His word and study to show themselves approved and not be ashamed when we are to appear before Him.
“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be."-Matthew 24:36-39 "Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, that ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."-2 Thessalonians 2:1-12
Never a good idea to use scripture out of context. It is pure deception to quote Matthew 24:36 or Mark 13:32 without reading Matthew 24:35 or Mark 13:31. Jesus was NOT speaking about the rapture . Be blessed.
You are correct that He says what's going to happen before it happens. The truth about the rapture is found in Zephaniah 3:11-15, Zechariah 3:9, 9:10, 13:2, and Matthew 13:41. As Jesus stated in Revelation 2-3, He stated that those who overcome shall inherit the Kingdom. The earth is God's kingdom. We can look at Isaiah 65 and Revelation 21 to see this to be true. Many are being taught wrong about what is going to happen.
@you might want to read again because Jesus is the one saying it in Matthew 13:41 and He tells you personally what’s gonna happen. Say what you wish but only those who have eyes to see will hear and understand.
@ Currently yes, but not for much longer. Isaiah 65 and Revelation 21 talks about a new earth which is one free from sin and evil and that happens after the scriptures I posted originally.
Because after salvation our relationship with God become personal intimate we get to truly know Him as ABBA FATHER...we learn and see and experience his heart and caracter...He become FATHER and i be His child ...and as a faithful disciple we will also hear john 15.15... ..... ...nobody call their earthly father by their name....its Daddy Dad or Father... ....its a personally relationship .....after salvation..... that will determine our rewards and help us not to be so formal towards God but to experience "family" life in our Fathers Kingdom
Maranatha 😊💫🙏🇺🇸🌎 Apply It Today After your fast, take deliberate steps to fill your life with the things of God. Commit to daily prayer, Bible study, and service to others. Consider joining a small group or a ministry team where you can grow spiritually and be equipped to reach others for Christ. Let the cravings that were surrendered during your fast be replaced with a hunger for God’s Word and His presence.
Luk.21...is about THAT tribulation and vers 36 tells us that if we worthy we will ESCAPE ALL THOSE THINGS. ... ..but truely knowing Him as ABBA FATHER...KNOWING HIS HEART AND CARACTER PERSONALLY...it will be an insult to our Fathers caracter to believe He will pour His judgement and wrath out on us His innocent family as well. Christ and the martyrs died at the hand of evil people ..not God. If you have that personal intimate FATHER/CHILD RELATIONSHIP..you cannot see any other rapture doctrine than the pretrib rapture because we know our FATHER ..HIS HEART...AND CARACTER
Don't let your faith be shaken by events that happen officiating that three tribulation has started... Jacobs trouble is never said to be the tribukation
We also have the Day of the Lord, which is not 1 day, is it? The day of the Lord is the tribulation period. Countless times in the bible the word "day" is used and it's a period of time. The trib period has phases. The rapture is probably what will shock the nations into creating the coalition of nations and an alien deception is going to be a part of the secular explanation. Look into Isaiah 26:9. A clear prophecy of the pre trib rapture.
Enoch was taken...noah went through the flood protected. Bride will be taken the jewish remnant will go through tribulation but protected in Bosra(petra)
: o i know this isn't important but i did see a mental image...of a field with Jesus Christ riding on a horse... Hes about to separate the wheat from the tares
Yes but we also have the Day of the Lord, which is not 1 day, is it? The day of the Lord is the tribulation period. Countless times in the bible the word "day" is used and it's a period of time. The trib period has phases. The rapture is probably what will shock the nations into creating the coalition of nations and an alien deception is going to be a part of the secular explanation.
I would like to learn about about the idea that Jesus is coming back to rapture his Church on feast of trumpets. It makes sense, but I do not want to be wise in my own eyes, less I become a fool. You say what Jesus said regarding "no one knows the time or the hour" to be a code word for Feast of Trumpets, help me connect the dots.
The coming of the Lord for His Church would be better understood if studied from the Brethren’s perspective. The truth revealed to early Brethren in the early 19th century was given by the Lord in response to the discontent of the state that Christendom had grown into in their day. Their desire to gather unto the Lord in His name and remember Him as He asked His followers to do resulted in such recovery and revival of truth concerning His imminent return. Look at Christianity today in its state of failure, with innumerable divisions of denominations after the names of men and ism’s, each requiring membership and submission to the clerical hierarchy which the scriptures forewarn. This particular age of church degeneracy is known as the last stage of church history called Laodicea. The “peoples rights” being more important than the Lords will and return, with Himself outside knocking, not for admittance but for a response by those with ears and hearts to sup (fellowship) with Him.
There is no specific date or time given in the Bible of Jesus’s return or rapture (1Corinthians 15:52) happening he Himself (at least during His time on earth) Jesus said that He did not know the date of His return. Jesus said, “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only” (Mt. 24:36; see also Mk. 13:32). After this verse, Jesus goes on to emphasize the importance of always being ready for Him to return because He will come at a time that is unexpected. Jesus says that we can be ready for His return by remaining faithful to God. This is critical because we “do not know on what day our Lord is coming” (Mt. 24:42) He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. (Acts 1:7) “Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.” (1 Thessalonians 5:1-2)
According to the word of God we are not supposed to be worried about it! We’re supposed to be winning souls not worried about a Rapture ! I am so tired of people making up stuff! It’s says those who make it to the end would be saved not leaving we will have to die for Christ like all the others this is a great deception
I agree God is a good God and he saves his people from destruction. But just because you don't believe in a rapture doesn't mean he won't take you. Lol
Matthew I3:4I Then the Son of Man will send out His reapers, and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend and those who practice lawlessness. 42 and will cast them into the furnace of fire, there will be wiling and gnashing of teeth. You all can debate Christ with your false rapture doctrine.
In the "olden days" people said we are in the last days........every decade people like you say we are in the last days.......be careful your ego doesn't lead people astray from the truth. Keep opinions to yourself, one does not know more than God
The Bible gives clear signs of the times with a command to watch. If you don't like it, you're arguing with the Bible. Perhaps you should keep your opinions to yourself and move on.
Almost 400 million believers are suffering persecution. Thousands have been martyred in just the past 10 years. I never hear any of you rapture people talk about caring for and supporting them. You all are so happy thinking you will get out of here soon and not experience what they endure daily.
Just because it's not in a comment doesn't mean that people don't care. When did you decide you're God. You seem to know what, I'm thinking, what I'm doing and not doing, and when and where, right.🙄
PAUL TOLD US WHEN THE RAPTURE WILL TAKE PLACE According to Paul the Apostle the rapture is not about to take place because he says two things must take place before the Rapture can take place. PAUL SPEAKING 2 Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, 3 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God. The third temple hasn't even been built so everyone just needs to chill. Having said that, Jesus really is coming soon and when He arrives at the rapture it will be like I just told you. Bruce
Watch your videos all the time. But the verse saying no man knows the day or the hour, is speaking about the verse before it. No man knows the day or the hour of God making the new heavens and new Earth.
Sir you are not fully understanding the scriptures Jesus told his disciples that before they would have time to spread the Gospel throughout the cities of Israel that he would return and this was his Second Advent that has already been fulfilled. Matt 10:23 23 But when they persecute you in this city, flee ye into another: for verily I say unto you, Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of man be come. Also the Time of Jacob's troubles Also known as the Great tribulation has already been fulfilled it began in 66ad-70ad when the Roman Army destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple 70Ad was the beginning of Sorrows because the Wars commenced in Jerusalem from 115ad through 1967ad the six day war these wars were the great tribulation that Jesus spoke of in Matt.24. There is no such thing as a 7 year tribulation period God did not leave a gap in the Daniel 70th week prophecy the date that Nehemiah left Persia in 445bc is not the correct date of God's time clock of the Daniel 70th week prophecy. The correct count down began when Ezra left Babylon in 458bc to put God's law back in place into the land of Israel and to choose the Levitical Priesthood Ezra is like the second Advent of Moses Ezra's lineage is from the Levitical Priesthood from Zadok and God's law serves precedence over the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. If you are claiming to know God and say that you are a Teacher of God's Word then you should know that : Ezra left Babylon in 458bc to 30ad when Jesus was crucified is 487 years with 3 1/2 years that remained and in between 33ad to 34ad when Stephen was Stoned the Prophecy was fulfilled. 2nd Peter 3:9 9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance When Jesus comes for the church, it will be his 3rd Advent, which parallels with When he said destroy this Temple, and in three days, I will raise it up again . Jesus said when he comes for the church he said that it will be like the days of Noah when they were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage Jesus is describing a time of peace a regular day business as usual a time of Celebration so there will be no signs of when he comes for the church Amen 🙏
6000yrs exactly was d rapture n 1000yrs reigning of God...maybe 2033 is d 2nd coming and rapture is 2026 bcoz Jesus back 2 heaven at 33yrs old.nd ders a reason y dey put his age in bible bcoz it is a clue..dt only my logic:-)
I got saved February 17 of 2024 I didn’t really know much about doctrine or anything else but for the first two weeks after I got saved I could not stop looking at the sky and I just felt this immense pressure like I was going to see Jesus very very soon now that I’ve read my Bible and I understand a little bit more about doctrine I understand that that is the feeling of the coming of the rapture. I try to make sure I always have a few minutes every day to just look at the sky watch and wait but I don’t wanna spend all day long staring up because that gospel ain’t gonna spread itself I want give as many people Jesus as I can so they can also come with us he is such an amazing savior
What a glorious day, that 17th of February. Happy to hear you got saved, brother! Its beautiful to see that you spread the gospel. I know its often not easy to talk to the people or to preach on the street, but its a blessing and very edifying to do. I recognised that usually 1 out of 1000 shows some interest. Very small rate. But always remember: Spreading the gospel is for His glory and to proclaim the truth in a world of lies, the light in a world of darkness is in itself a blessing for us from God. God bless you Michael!
@@HB_IE52829 thank you And may the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ shelter you and protect you all your days
So glad you got saved
Praise the Lord, continue in the word, Isaiah 28:9-10 Psalms 119:27 105 130 Mathew 7:7 James 1:5 Revelation 1:3 2Timothy 3:16-17 Hebrews 4:12 Romans 15:4 Mathew 4:4 Romans 12:1-2 Hebrews 12:2 13:8 1 Thessalonians 5:23 Luke 10:19 Ephesians 3:14-21 🙏
Jesus tells us about the Holy Spirit in John 14-16 and Jesus Priestley prayer before the cross in John 17 . Revelation 19:10. I pray for the best Lord to speak to your heart mightly. To overwhelm you with His love, compassion, mercy and fill you with His truth. John 17:17 8:31-32 14:26 16:13-15
I am so ready for the lords coming come soon mighty king
Maranatha..let's go Jesus..I am ready❤❤❤
When they say peace & safety ..sudden destruction come upon them
God said that when we see all these things, that generation will surely not pass away
Im so ready, and have been ready😊
My final hope is jesus christ name God willing
Thank you for rappng up so much information into a very short video. Awesome! I can see the the signs and I believe that I am ready to meet the Lord!
All the signs are here !!! There is no doubt about it !!!
I've been feeling in my spirit for a while that we will not be here for more than 10-15 years if not sooner
That’s good ❤
I don’t see us here that long.
It's either TH-cam or this channel is censoring my comments in defense of the pre-trib rapture.
Just going by the dates we have available and speculating that the meteor Apophis is most likely wormwood trumpet 3 in April 2029, and that Israel's 80th birthday(Jacob's trouble) will be around the middle of the tribulation, they both point towards the tribulation beginning between November 2024 and April 2025, and of course the rapture even before that. So regardless of the dates, I believe wholeheartedly that it will be this year. Everything is lined up too perfectly. We were told in Luke 21 to look up when the signs BEGIN to take place, they began almost 16 months ago.
Depending on which year Jesus was on the cross whether it was 31 or 32AD, 2000 years later minus 7 years puts us right at the beginning of the tribulation any time.
The covenant with Israel and the AC is ready and will probably be signed this year, which will begin the tribulation.
Whether ten kings through BRICS or ten kings through the UN, both are ready.
The technology available now matches perfectly with the mark, Sweden is already using a chip on the left hand that does everything, so if it takes any longer then it will be obsolete and advance past the mark.
I just can't see it being another entire year, too many things are aligned right now. Tension is high everywhere, not to mention "drones" are everywhere and are only increasing. Alien invasion will be the excuse used after the rapture.
10-15 years? We wont be here to see the end of THIS year!! Things r happening way too fast!
The Lord said, we would know when his coming is at the door. He also said there is a special crown to those who love his appearing- the Rapture. Because obviously not the whole church will be looking for his appearing, but I am one who is looking for his appearing, yes, even so , Come Lord Jesus, yeah, yeah, and yeah, look up , he is coming.
I am, I just wish I can do things and resolve the lack of faith in my own family.
@@justice8718 Keep praying for them
Keep watching and waiting...
I had a rapture dream!!
Amen, I pray Jesus raptures the church soon, but until He does, we will work.
Almost Home Church, Thank You Joseph! Right On!🎺😁☝🏼⏰✈️👑👰🏻❤️🕊️
We are very close to rapture
Amen, Maranatha!
Thankyou, let's go home where I Lord came forth to Save Us and celebrate our Passovet with Him and the Father with all the two thirds of the host faithfull Angels. I am truly excited to take our 1st Flight ✈ Home. Thankyou beloved for this message of encouragement and steadfastness.
Maranatha, Greetings from Tampa Florida 😎
I had a Rapture dream 3.1.25.I flying in the blu clear sky with joy and piece❤😊H(iLORD)told me- Our time is now!!! Stay Ready Harpaco family❤❤❤MARANATHA❤❤❤
Yes Brother
Just so you know, I believe I've had at least 3 rapture dreams, the first one I can remember was in 2012, the fact that you had the dream doesn't mean it's happening tomorrow morning!
In my recent vivid dream, an angel told me that the rapture would occur before the the 7 bowls of wrath being poured to earth. Thank You Jesus.
It's before the seals. Pretrib.
@@Titus2-13Acts 1:7-8 John 20:20-22 Revelation 3:21 Be blessed
That angel was a demon.
False info not biblical
Finally someone that knows and it is pretty clear in scripture even without a dream!
@@Titus2-13 Sorry but scripture tells me different.
What a powerful message! Glory be to God!
Hi friends
Its unbelievable to see so many educated people be deceived by this pretrib rapture
The Jesuit are throwing a party and serving the wine of babylon to the public
When protestant ran from Catholicism in the Middle Ages, they took the formula of the papacy with them to drink the same wine that catholicism had drunk out of their golden cup
Those false doctrine are really convincing. Do not be deceived, there is NO Rapture.
@@plainwhitepaper3898 Oh there is a rising or what they call a rapture just not a pre trib rapture.
Most Christians are unaware that it was the Jesuit who created all this
To take the stigma of what Martin Luther placed on the papacy of Rome
The papacy is building an end time church for the antichrist
The antichrist is the one who has a pretrib rapture to his church before the tribulation begins
If we join this antichrist church, we will be able to buy and sell no tribulation from the antichrist
Those who reject the invitation to the antichrist church will go thru a tribulation
Those who join the antichrist church will receive the wrath of God
Remember when Jesus said he was lord of the bibical 7th day sabbath
The antichrist is lord of this black sabbath, which is the 1st day of the week
We have a choice between the seal of God or the mark of the beast
Who church you're in when the tribulation begins will mark you if you belong to the antichrist church or seal you if you belong to Jesus christ church
Two women in the book of Rev
Rev chapter 12 Jesus's church
Revelation chapter 17, the antichrist church
@@DanHutchings-xx7ug If you want to call Revelation 2:I0, Revelation 20:4,6 the rapture, I won't argue. Except the way the rapture is taught, its contrary to Rev 2:I0, Rev 20:4,6
Excellent!!! Yeah, it's soon!
The Death Express
When The Death Express rolls up to your door, the things that you’re doing, right or wrong you can’t do anymore! Life on earth is short at its best, for we all are facing the acid test.
So when writing the poem (of life) make it rhyme, and it must be written on the shores of time. We must write it by faith, though we all like to see. But we can’t write this poem in eternity, so don’t sit on your seat until you hear the beep, get up and start now, awake out of your sleep!
What am I sending on the other side?
Before The Death Express comes (those wheels) to give us our ride?
So get busy, do good, and get involved.
And when The Death Express comes, your problems will be solved. Slow down; slow down, so that you may learn, don’t run ahead of our leader, you don’t know where to turn. Learn how to give, how to bear, how to share, Learn how to do good to men everywhere. Now you can watch for the signs as we go. Stay under the blood of Jesus, that washes white as snow. .
When The Death Express rolls up to give you your first ride, who is your escort, with a heart full of pride? Too proud to listen, too stubborn to hear, But Wait! Those wheels, those dreadful wheels are rolling near. There’s an escort for every one and who will yours be? I want Jesus in the Holy Ghost to escort me! Speaking of space, there’s room to spare, for this train picks up men everywhere. It transport the rich and it transports the poor. It drops off one generation and returns for more.
Those wheels, those dreadful wheels, those death wheels. Let’s face the facts now, and turn around. For why would you let sin forever hold you down? Repent, quit, be baptized in Jesus Name for remission of sins, receive the Holy Ghost and He will escort you in!
Want to be saved?believe with your heart that Jesus died for our sins and rose on the 3rd day..repent of your sins,read your bible,and pray..pursue the lord with all of your heart..have faith..💖
Thank you brother Jesus Christ is coming are you ready
This is my first time hearing you. Very nice and wise words.
PRAISE GOD' Thank YOU Father...we stand in AWE'
Praise God! Thank you, Lord Jesus! Amen!
I honestly don’t understand why people get on and argue about this- if you don’t like what’s being presented then move on.
I completely agree!!
Truth is what matters. If a doctrine is misleading by wrong information we should always warn the saints. No where does it say anyone returns to heaven at Christ return by two or three witnesses. No where does it say Jacob's trouble is a 7 year period. Opinions and speculation is not sound doctrine. If you I or anyone else can not provide two or three witnesses about the particular teaching then we're misleading the people. 1st John 4:6 we are of God:He that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error. None of the prophets, apostles, or Jesus taught two distinct comings.
Why let people spread lies and give false hope?
People love the world more and just like lots wife she looked back bc apart of herself wanted what was back there. Telling other Christians that he is like really really soon and I’m gonna go ahead and put it out there. It’s probably gonna be this year because America is mystery Babylon. It will be destroyed and people don’t want to accept that but that’s what is going to happen with Israel being left alone by itself for the last seven years and then at the very end they’re going to recognize oh crap we were the ones who crucified Jesusand every knee will bow and confess their tongue that Jesus is Lord and God
So, if someone tells you a lie about the Bible and they fall away from the faith because of this lie, wouldn't they be held accountable for said lie?
The rapture is a real thing, but the entire thing has been corrupted.
1) The rapture happens at the 2nd Coming of Jesus
2) We are in the Tribulation already. It's simply the early days of the Tribulation
3) The tribulation lasts a lot longer than only 7 years
4) There is a period of 7 years where the Anti-Christ will rule the Earth.
5) In the middle period of 7 years there will be a great tribulation against believers.
The Rapture is NOT a surprise for believers, but for the unbelievers.
Go to the Holy Spirit and see for yourself. Ask him to show you and he will show you.
Propagating a myth helps nobody and just helps people fall away from the faith faster.
I saw the Father last year sitting on his thrown and on his left hand a seal on his finger. It is the seal of the 144000. Rapture is near.
Yes and Amen
We're going to see the Lord VERY SOON! Thank you Mr. Morris for such a concise compilation of scripture revealing our soon union with our Savior! Just ONE error in your list however. You reference a verse as the only time Jesus rebukes the Gentiles ("You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times" Matt. 16:1-4 ). But if you look at verse one, you will see that Jesus IS directly rebuking the religious leaders (Pharisees and Sadducees) in that verse. Thank you for your encouragement for us to continue running this race with every last breath! 😊
Thanku for this encouragement. I'm ready to go.
Jesus said like you can see a storm is coming by the signs of the dark clouds you can see the return is close by the signs in the world.
I believe in the resurrection of the saints before the catching away of the living saints. We believe that those who are alive and remain shall not precede those that are asleep. The Lord shall desecend with the shout of the archangel and the tump of God and the dead in Christ shall arise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them to meet them in the air, and then we shall ever be with the Lord
Thank you brother❤!
MARANATHA 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
We can also see the planets in the sky!!YAYYY JESUS IS COMING SOON
In The Twinkling of An Eye!
Jesus is the King of Kings!!!!
Amen, bless by the Lord 🙏🙏🙏
Come Lord Yeshua Jesus Christ 🙏
Dear Lord Jesus Christ Thank You Lord foe Everything and Everyone You place in my life,I Love You Lord and I need You, without You i am nothing,Lord im asking You to remove all negative energy from me ,my family and children and also from my group members and Please Pour out Your Holy Spirit upon us we are in lack and poverty,we need a financial breakthrough urgently Dear Lord Jesus,I Thank You Lord for our blessings is on the way and then we will be able to bless others in The Kingdom of God and tell them about our Only True Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,we Love You Lord and this is my prayer in The Mighty Name Of Jesus Christ Amen and Amen ‼️🙏❤️🔥😇
Lord please locate us where we are in Kimberley South Africa,we need help urgently and i Thank You for Hearing and Answering our prayers Thank You Lord Jesus Christ Amen and Amen ‼️🙏❤️
Good common sense, I like it !
We don’t need anymore authors books explaining the Lord’s return. His admonition to His followers is to get into His word and study to show themselves approved and not be ashamed when we are to appear before Him.
All these things .... ❤
Good word brother!
“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be."-Matthew 24:36-39
"Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, that ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."-2 Thessalonians 2:1-12
Never a good idea to use scripture out of context. It is pure deception to quote Matthew 24:36 or Mark 13:32 without reading Matthew 24:35 or Mark 13:31. Jesus was NOT speaking about the rapture . Be blessed.
Amen 🙏
Thanks bro
You are correct that He says what's going to happen before it happens. The truth about the rapture is found in Zephaniah 3:11-15, Zechariah 3:9, 9:10, 13:2, and Matthew 13:41. As Jesus stated in Revelation 2-3, He stated that those who overcome shall inherit the Kingdom. The earth is God's kingdom. We can look at Isaiah 65 and Revelation 21 to see this to be true. Many are being taught wrong about what is going to happen.
Like you
@you might want to read again because Jesus is the one saying it in Matthew 13:41 and He tells you personally what’s gonna happen. Say what you wish but only those who have eyes to see will hear and understand.
I believe this Earth is the devils kingdom.
@ Currently yes, but not for much longer. Isaiah 65 and Revelation 21 talks about a new earth which is one free from sin and evil and that happens after the scriptures I posted originally.
GOD bless u Michael
Question, how come the word 'Savior' isn't used? For example, our savior is coming for his sheep.
Because after salvation our relationship with God become personal intimate we get to truly know Him as ABBA FATHER...we learn and see and experience his heart and caracter...He become FATHER and i be His child ...and as a faithful disciple we will also hear john 15.15...
...nobody call their earthly father by their name....its Daddy Dad or Father...
....its a personally relationship .....after salvation..... that will determine our rewards and help us not to be so formal towards God but to experience "family" life in our Fathers Kingdom
about this time next year, you'll still be here....
In my opinion revelation 9:13-21 kjv will happen next year and it will take the 2nd coming of our lord and savour to stop it.God bless
Jesus please just come already. This world has gotten soooo bad!
Maranatha 😊💫🙏🇺🇸🌎
Apply It Today
After your fast, take deliberate steps to fill your life with the things of God. Commit to daily prayer, Bible study, and service to others. Consider joining a small group or a ministry team where you can grow spiritually and be equipped to reach others for Christ. Let the cravings that were surrendered during your fast be replaced with a hunger for God’s Word and His presence.
Show us a passage in context that teaches a pretrib rapture. Please.
Luk.21...is about THAT tribulation and vers 36 tells us that if we worthy we will ESCAPE ALL THOSE THINGS.
..but truely knowing Him as ABBA FATHER...KNOWING HIS HEART AND CARACTER PERSONALLY...it will be an insult to our Fathers caracter to believe He will pour His judgement and wrath out on us His innocent family as well. Christ and the martyrs died at the hand of evil people ..not God.
If you have that personal intimate FATHER/CHILD RELATIONSHIP..you cannot see any other rapture doctrine than the pretrib rapture because we know our FATHER ..HIS HEART...AND CARACTER
@@angeladekock-r9p Can't agree. What things will we be spared from? Please expound on that. Because I don't think it's saying what you think. Thanks.
I believe the rapture is very near !!
Don't let your faith be shaken by events that happen officiating that three tribulation has started... Jacobs trouble is never said to be the tribukation
How do you reconcile John 6:39, 40, 44, 54 (I'll raise them on the last day) with pre tribulation rapture.
We also have the Day of the Lord, which is not 1 day, is it? The day of the Lord is the tribulation period. Countless times in the bible the word "day" is used and it's a period of time.
The trib period has phases. The rapture is probably what will shock the nations into creating the coalition of nations and an alien deception is going to be a part of the secular explanation.
Look into Isaiah 26:9. A clear prophecy of the pre trib rapture.
The feast of tabernacles is called the last day
As in the days of Noah. Noah was not taken he was protected from harm. Others were not.
Enoch was taken...noah went through the flood protected.
Bride will be taken the jewish remnant will go through tribulation but protected in Bosra(petra)
: o i know this isn't important but i did see a mental image...of a field with Jesus Christ riding on a horse... Hes about to separate the wheat from the tares
I know exactly when Jesus is coming. John 6:40 Jesus says that ALL who believe in Him He will raise them up on the last day. ....now you know too!
Yes but we also have the Day of the Lord, which is not 1 day, is it? The day of the Lord is the tribulation period. Countless times in the bible the word "day" is used and it's a period of time.
The trib period has phases. The rapture is probably what will shock the nations into creating the coalition of nations and an alien deception is going to be a part of the secular explanation.
Hey Joe, have you named your horse yet? 🐎
Why would Jesus instruct us to watch for his coming if we can’t see him coming?! 😅
Feast of Trumpets could be the time...idk? 4 sure but I'm watching
God bless you dear 🙏🏼 ❤️
I hope much earlier!!
@Titus2-13 me 2
I would like to learn about about the idea that Jesus is coming back to rapture his Church on feast of trumpets. It makes sense, but I do not want to be wise in my own eyes, less I become a fool. You say what Jesus said regarding "no one knows the time or the hour" to be a code word for Feast of Trumpets, help me connect the dots.
Thought you was gonna quote Matthew 24 or Luke 21
They’ve been saying Jesus is coming soon for centuries
2 Peter 3:3 John 14:6
Proverbs 27:5 Romans 15:4 Mathew 7:7 Hebrews 4:12 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Revelation 1:3 John 20:20:22 17:17 1 Thessalonians 5:23 Revelation 3:21 Revelation 3:7
The coming of the Lord for His Church would
be better understood if studied from the Brethren’s perspective. The truth revealed to early Brethren in the early 19th century was given by the Lord in response to the discontent of the state that Christendom had grown into in their day. Their desire to gather unto the Lord in His name and remember Him as He asked His followers to do resulted in such recovery and revival of truth concerning His imminent return.
Look at Christianity today in its state of failure, with innumerable divisions of denominations after the names of men and ism’s, each requiring membership and submission to the clerical hierarchy which the scriptures forewarn. This particular age of church degeneracy is known as the last stage of church history called Laodicea.
The “peoples rights” being more important than the Lords will and return, with Himself outside knocking, not for admittance but for a response by those with ears and hearts to sup (fellowship) with Him.
There is no specific date or time given in the Bible of Jesus’s return or rapture (1Corinthians 15:52) happening he Himself (at least during His time on earth) Jesus said that He did not know the date of His return. Jesus said, “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only” (Mt. 24:36; see also Mk. 13:32). After this verse, Jesus goes on to emphasize the importance of always being ready for Him to return because He will come at a time that is unexpected. Jesus says that we can be ready for His return by remaining faithful to God. This is critical because we “do not know on what day our Lord is coming” (Mt. 24:42) He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. (Acts 1:7) “Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.” (1 Thessalonians 5:1-2)
According to the word of God we are not supposed to be worried about it! We’re supposed to be winning souls not worried about a Rapture ! I am so tired of people making up stuff! It’s says those who make it to the end would be saved not leaving we will have to die for Christ like all the others this is a great deception
No pre trib rapture
I know my God is a generous God. If you don't believe in the rapture, I don't think God will take you or make you go 😊
I agree God is a good God and he saves his people from destruction. But just because you don't believe in a rapture doesn't mean he won't take you. Lol
@Mn_comics according to your faith, so shall it be given ,
Im always amazed at people who writes novel's about the bible....and then sell them ...read the bible it's God's word. NOT mans
My money is on a Purim Rapture. At the time of the blood moon.😮
Matthew I3:4I Then the Son of Man will send out His reapers, and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend and those who practice lawlessness. 42 and will cast them into the furnace of fire, there will be wiling and gnashing of teeth.
You all can debate Christ with your false rapture doctrine.
In the "olden days" people said we are in the last days........every decade people like you say we are in the last days.......be careful your ego doesn't lead people astray from the truth. Keep opinions to yourself, one does not know more than God
The Bible gives clear signs of the times with a command to watch.
If you don't like it, you're arguing with the Bible.
Perhaps you should keep your opinions to yourself and move on.
Are you saved
Almost 400 million believers are suffering persecution. Thousands have been martyred in just the past 10 years.
I never hear any of you rapture people talk about caring for and supporting them.
You all are so happy thinking you will get out of here soon and not experience what they endure daily.
Just because it's not in a comment doesn't mean that people don't care. When did you decide you're God. You seem to know what, I'm thinking, what I'm doing and not doing, and when and where, right.🙄
Revelation 12 sign already happened on September 23rd 2017.
According to Paul the Apostle the rapture is not about to take place because he says two things must take place before the Rapture can take place.
2 Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him,
3 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.
4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.
The third temple hasn't even been built so everyone just needs to chill.
Having said that, Jesus really is coming soon and when He arrives at the rapture it will be like I just told you.
The Great and Terrible Day… Glory and Gloom, rapture and nukes
Rapture: "Ascension"
Humans suffering
Watch your videos all the time.
But the verse saying no man knows the day or the hour, is speaking about the verse before it. No man knows the day or the hour of God making the new heavens and new Earth.
Sir you are not fully understanding the scriptures Jesus told his disciples that before they would have time to spread the Gospel throughout the cities of Israel that he would return and this was his Second Advent that has already been fulfilled.
Matt 10:23
23 But when they persecute you in this city, flee ye into another: for verily I say unto you, Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of man be come.
Also the Time of Jacob's troubles Also known as the Great tribulation has already been fulfilled it began in 66ad-70ad when the Roman Army destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple 70Ad was the beginning of Sorrows because the Wars commenced in Jerusalem from 115ad through 1967ad the six day war these wars were the great tribulation that Jesus spoke of in Matt.24.
There is no such thing as a 7 year tribulation period God did not leave a gap in the Daniel 70th week prophecy the date that Nehemiah left Persia in 445bc is not the correct date of God's time clock of the Daniel 70th week prophecy.
The correct count down began when Ezra left Babylon in 458bc to put God's law back in place into the land of Israel and to choose the Levitical Priesthood Ezra is like the second Advent of Moses Ezra's lineage is from the Levitical Priesthood from Zadok and God's law serves precedence over the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem.
If you are claiming to know God and say that you are a Teacher of God's Word then you should know that : Ezra left Babylon in 458bc to 30ad when Jesus was crucified is 487 years with 3 1/2 years that remained and in between 33ad to 34ad when Stephen was Stoned the Prophecy was fulfilled.
2nd Peter 3:9
9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance
When Jesus comes for the church, it will be his 3rd Advent, which parallels with When he said destroy this Temple, and in three days, I will raise it up again .
Jesus said when he comes for the church he said that it will be like the days of Noah when they were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage Jesus is describing a time of peace a regular day business as usual a time of Celebration so there will be no signs of when he comes for the church
Amen 🙏
Ask the Holy Spirit. What this men saying is true.
The Holy Spirit has already shown me through the information in my studying
Israel exports around 90% of its fruits and it certainly cannot produce that for all of Europe. That’s wrong.
6000yrs exactly was d rapture n 1000yrs reigning of God...maybe 2033 is d 2nd coming and rapture is 2026 bcoz Jesus back 2 heaven at 33yrs old.nd ders a reason y dey put his age in bible bcoz it is a clue..dt only my logic:-)
Yea Elon Musk and his Stargate and all these data centers so you won’t be able to buy and sell
According to Matthew He comes after the Tribulation & before wrath is Loosed!!
Matthew 24 is for the Jews not gentiles
Some of us get a private rapture Before the rapture.
Why? Because we're dying. See you later alligators. 🤔😯😊👍😎
thing about it twice , you won t be able to sun bathe,,, Rew 7/16 :-)))