Hi how can I get help for someone who has basil skull fracture by any hospital you can suggest,? Please any number of hospital I can connect with for my daughter recovery will be greatly appreciated, Thank you.
thank you for diagnosing my skull fracture, I went in for xrays and they said there was nothing but my temple kept popping and i kept getting bloody noses and my face tingled all the way down from my temple down to my jaw hinges. I almost drowned on csf leakage in my sleep. now everytime I open my jaw I have to close my eyes and meditate so it all opens right and pops into the right places and I can't breathe out of my right nostril
Spot on Presentation. I think I just found my role model. Well spoken Presenter. Big ups doc.
Hi how can I get help for someone who has basil skull fracture by any hospital you can suggest,? Please any number of hospital I can connect with for my daughter recovery will be greatly appreciated, Thank you.
If you test fluid from nose with diabetes test strip, it will show sugar if it's CSF...
thank you for diagnosing my skull fracture, I went in for xrays and they said there was nothing but my temple kept popping and i kept getting bloody noses and my face tingled all the way down from my temple down to my jaw hinges. I almost drowned on csf leakage in my sleep. now everytime I open my jaw I have to close my eyes and meditate so it all opens right and pops into the right places and I can't breathe out of my right nostril
Excellent presentation. Is there any chance of posting a reference list?
Here is a link to Dr Nemethy's clinical summary and reference list: www.bcemergencynetwork.ca/clinical_resource/basilar-skull-fracture/
Why is an EM physician giving radiology lecture?
Great Presentation
What does MOBFFCUBAC mean?
Minding Own Business & Fell From Chin-up Bar At Crossfit.
I always wanted to be this intelligent, however, I wasn't. I then became a State Trooper in Calif :)