I agree we need more people like this in our world. There has been enough hate,wars to last us from here to eternity. This is a beautiful post we need to see more of. Fan in Canada 🇨🇦 ❤😊
First must see if she are ok. Then, may can do what he deed. It is not normal to see young girl sleeping in the street, in this way. She is not homeless. Even if this video is editeted, sharing to people how is better to be, to act in that situation, being respectful and honor feminine beings, help her if she need that, but first must assure if she feel ok. Blissful Blessings to those who honor and respect feminine beings and all life around. Share your kindness and support to those who need that, is tho share your Divine Essence if who you really are. Being a good example for others, how to treat people around, who need help. With good people the world is changing for better. ✨🌟✨🤍✨
Przeczytałem.m wiele komentarzy, ale nikt nie zatroszczył się o to czy ona jeszcze żyje, czy jest zdrowa, co jej się stało, że opadła na ławkę. Zachwycacie pierdolami, tym co jest Najmniej istotne dla zdrowia i życia leżącego samotnie człowieka.Glupoty które wypisujecie Wam w trudnej sytuacji zdrowia i życia mogą nie przywrócić. Jesteście próżni ,puści i malostkowi. - urzekają Was sielankowe obrazki a nie faktyczne cudze dobro.
Ninguém dorme assim, pode ter sofrido um desmaiol, e quanto antes for socorrida melhor. Chame imediatamente uma ambulância, um socorro!!! faça alguma coisa nesse sentido!!😢
Que maravilla de hombre!!!un hombre gentil,respetuoso...y con cariño trato a la dama como si fuese su mamá o hermana!!!millones de estos varones necesita el mundo!!!!
👌 Wow that's beautiful 😍 to see 👀 kind 😇 angel 😇 walking around helping the tired working woman fast asleep 😴 on a bench 😴 ❤. Hopefully we could have more of such people everywhere ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thanks brother you a number one in a whole world Amazing job love you brother What a good reminder to all who have nothing and no respect to girls women and ladies I’m so proud of you thanks again
Qué lindo gesto!! Ésto nos indica qué aún hay gente buena y respetuosa en el mundo.!!! En su momento cuando corresponda todo tiene un momento y una etapa en que se tiene que hacer❤
I am so impress about this gentle man you don't meet people like him no longer. May doors keep opining to him where aver he my go. Keep up the good work bro may god keep you on the stright and marrow part. Bye
@@dporto2241 ya no hay respeto en la sociedad y los traficantes asesinos asen lo. Que quieren y nadie ase nada por qué américa no es una sola tenemos de todo
Muchas gracias para ese héroe de la sociedad,hacen falta muchos más como él 🙏🙏🙏👏👏👌💯💯
Some persons are really good and kind ❤
شكرا لك انت لطيف..❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Calidad humana
К сожалению некоторые
Such a beautiful gesture.
He surely has a peaceful home.
Yeah, I think so.
Jestem pewien ,że ta osoba omdlala leżącą na ławce potrzebuje pomocy medycznej.Ona ni potrzebuje zachwytów nad tymi co nie wołają lekarza.
No creo
que este dormida?? Necesita atención médica!! Y la deja sola.!!
شكرا ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I agree we need more people like this in our world. There has been enough hate,wars to last us from here to eternity. This is a beautiful post we need to see more of. Fan in Canada 🇨🇦 ❤😊
Greetings to Fans in Canda. Thank you so much. We will together build up a safe and peaceful world. 🌹🌹🌹💕💕💕💕💕♥️♥️♥️
Merci beaucoup monsieur ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
So beautiful moments can come from us human god bless him n his success
Nice words is said wen nice people do good loving things. God bless n love each other god for us all
I love this human being , Respect to you 😌
Keşke bizde yapabilsek
First must see if she are ok. Then, may can do what he deed. It is not normal to see young girl sleeping in the street, in this way. She is not homeless. Even if this video is editeted, sharing to people how is better to be, to act in that situation, being respectful and honor feminine beings, help her if she need that, but first must assure if she feel ok. Blissful Blessings to those who honor and respect feminine beings and all life around. Share your kindness and support to those who need that, is tho share your Divine Essence if who you really are. Being a good example for others, how to treat people around, who need help. With good people the world is changing for better. ✨🌟✨🤍✨
@@KeithFowler-m8h 🤩🌼🌼🌼
Toda mulher ,gosta de ver os homens tratando outra, com carinho e respeito!!!
Terima kasih orang Baik,..
Menempatkan tidurnya ibu itu dengan nyaman dan manusiawi serta melindungi barang²nya yg berharga dengan jas mu...❤❤❤
That’s a kind of man, real man with respect & kind.❤️👍👏🤗🤗🤗
Very good looking work
Very good man
Com certeza!
А вот если бы все женщины так на мужчин смотрели на земле был бы. РАЙ
How much better the world would be if there were more people like this❤❤❤❤
누구? 술취해서 자는 여자분?
Очковтирательство. Ей крыша нужна над головой, а не скамейка. Лицемер 😢
Combien le monde serait meilleur si les femmes respectent leur mari et ne les insultes pas
Lo dico sempre anch'io e meno male che pochi ma ci sono ancora!❤
What a lovely gentleman GOD BLESS you ❤
A real gentleman..Salute to you Sir..❤❤❤
Хвала молодому человеку за заботу и внимание другим людямБРАВО🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Есть ещё мужчины с большой буквы , спосибо что они есть
@@Азамат-т7эCzy prawdziwy MĘŻCZYZNA zostawiłby kobietę na lawce bez pomocy medycznej ???!
Brawa za to ,że pozostawił chorą osobę bez medycznej pomocy. Może ta osoba miała zawał serca,a może coś gorszego.BRAVO ,BRAVO I dużo oklasków.
So touching to see a good man like this, God bless him for his kindness❤❤❤
Oh my god man you are one i na million. God bless you. 🙏🙏🙏
Przeczytałem.m wiele komentarzy, ale nikt nie zatroszczył się o to czy ona jeszcze żyje, czy jest zdrowa, co jej się stało, że opadła na ławkę. Zachwycacie pierdolami, tym co jest Najmniej istotne dla zdrowia i życia leżącego samotnie człowieka.Glupoty które wypisujecie Wam w trudnej sytuacji zdrowia i życia mogą nie przywrócić. Jesteście próżni ,puści i malostkowi. - urzekają Was sielankowe obrazki a nie faktyczne cudze dobro.
I agree we need more people like this guy!!!
سلام الله عليكم ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Gentleman to the core Respect 💯🎉
wow very gentleman and very caring, more like you please❤❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Muy caballeroso ,k pocos hay así otros se habrían aprovechado de la situación
Bendiciones para el señor
Nó lu loa là cưỡng dâm nó ,khi : còn chứng cứ là cái áo để lại làm rẻ lau ,thì chết bỏ mẹ .
❤❤❤❤❤❤ xanımlara belə qorumaq lazım.onlar bir ana,bir bacı,bir övlad. ALLAH ONLARI QORUSUN.
Yes, it's kind of you. Thanks so much. 🌹💗❤️
Gran Hombre, Full Respeto 🫡
@@sahlarnebiyev1375 hola Soy Julio desde Ecuador 🇪🇨 La Mitad del Mundo 👍
길에서 막 자고ㅡ그래도 괜찬아~~??
A picture of kindness God bless him.❤❤❤❤❤😊
رجل في قمة الاخلاق والإنسانية ❤❤
😮đàn bà con gái sao lại nằm tơ hơ nơi công cộng ngủ kì vậy, ở nước ngoài họ ngủ vậy hả anh
So kindhearted man,God bless you more❤❤❤❤❤
God bless to this man for caring from New Zealand 🇳🇿 🙏 🙌 ❤️ 💕
Greetings to New Zealand. 🌹🌹🌹💞💞💞💞💞
So much love and respect, beautiful ❤❤❤❤
Bravoo Felicitări așa da Gentelman 🙋🌿🌹🌺🍀🌟🌞🍁
What a beautiful attitude from this man, congratulations
Yes this is so right the humble guy did his best so proud of him he is nice and he could be proud of
@@VinceAmar não canso de ver este gesto lindo
Nice gesture. That's the right way of respecting the woman. Hat's off to you man.
Ese es un caballero elegante ❤
Ninguém dorme assim, pode ter sofrido um desmaiol, e quanto antes for socorrida melhor. Chame imediatamente uma ambulância, um socorro!!! faça alguma coisa nesse sentido!!😢
Bu dünyada böyle insanlarda varmi helal olsun sana kardeşim cok tesekür ederimi
We need more of this sweet and gentle man in the 🌎 .
Yes, we do 💪💪💪❤️❤️❤️❤️💞💞💞
God bless him for doing that.
Respect and Salute him for his gentlemanly deed. ❤❤❤
May Almighty GOD Bless You So Much brother 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
A Real gentleman,ideal son in law.
Gặp nc tốt qua ha❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Cảm ơn người đàn ông tốt đã bảo vệ cô gái ❤❤❤❤❤
❤❤ vhag azguxy says she's zby
Cinste. Și. Onoare. Bunule. OM. BUN. !❤
老板 你是个善良的人 好棒❤
❤❤❤❤❤❤ Desde México. Gracias por tu valor.
Boa tarde tudo 2@@juanmanueleliassanchez2598
Que maravilla de hombre!!!un hombre gentil,respetuoso...y con cariño trato a la dama como si fuese su mamá o hermana!!!millones de estos varones necesita el mundo!!!!
Czy ta narynarka ,ten żakiet mógłby uratować życie tej pani ? - to parodia pomocy choremu.
Son pocos y son casado y fiel de más y por ellos él físico no importa ellos buscan él carácter. 😂
his wife i think😂
All humans are brothers and sisters .
God's creatures are in the same family.
BRAVO Felicitări domnule ❤❤❤❤❤
Felicid@des bendiciones para ha ti Dios ti benedica ❤
Que exemplo maravilhoso desse homem parabéns
❤WOW respectable and responsable gentleman❤this.😊
Absolutely beautiful ❤😊
Caballero. Muy agradecido por ayudar a
Mi hermana❤❤❤❤❤
Mi. Tesoro. Grande
Jorge. Luis
Ah bueno aquí no es asi😢😢😢
His mom raised a king❤❤❤❤❤❤
男的真是無微不至 , 讓人間充滿門溫暖 , 令我感覺到十分溫暖 ,😌❤❤❤
Rarity! .. amazing gentleman…❤
You are one of a kind…❤❤❤
Each of us will be the one, agreed ? 😘🌹🌹🌹💞💞💞💞💞
Super cool kind heart,
Clone this man and spread them all to all corners of the globe!
He was raised by goodly parents!
GOD BLESS YOU YOU HAVE A KIND HEART ❤️ 💙 💜 💖 💗 💘 ❤️ 💙 YOU ARE AN ANGEL 😇 💖 ❤️ ♥️ 💗 💕 😇 💖 ❤️ ♥️ 💗 💕
Excelente acción de este joven, es ejemplar y muy considerado 👍👍👍
👌 Wow that's beautiful 😍 to see 👀 kind 😇 angel 😇 walking around helping the tired working woman fast asleep 😴 on a bench 😴 ❤. Hopefully we could have more of such people everywhere ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Wow nice boy very good☺️🥰❤️
Nice touch
Good day to you my brother how nice of you bro well done 👍 lives long and stay strong. God is At your self please and love ❤
Thanks brother you a number one in a whole world
Amazing job love you brother
What a good reminder to all who have nothing and no respect to girls women and ladies I’m so proud of you thanks again
❤que encanto de persona solidaria, todavía hay gente buena 🎉
No chłopie okej okej i to jest miłość
선행하려면 제대로 해야죠
좀더 안전한곳으로
Taki dobry człowiek, że buc może do chorej osoby nie wezwał lekarza.
God bless this gentleman.
That’s absolutely 💯 a real gentleman who treats a woman genuinely and nicely like that when she’s in need ✊🏽👍🏾✌🏾❤️
Tak to jest prawda to jest prawdziwy dżentelmen 💯 procentach.Pozdrawiam serdecznie z Polski 🇵🇱🇵🇱
الأفضل أن توفروا للمرأه مكان آمن تنام فيه إن كان هذا إنسان محترم بالطبع فإن هناك من هو منحرف
Quel élégance monsieur😮 bravo ❤
A gentleman and a scholar.
That's what I call a true gentleman. Hats off to you brother. 👌👏👍👍💯🇵🇬
Señor bravo felicitaciones ❤❤❤❤❤
Masya Allah,mulia sekali hati pemuda itu ❤,Smoga mendapat keberkahan Aamiin Yra 🤲🏿
Thank you 🌹🌹🌹💞💞💞💞
1 love Maximum Respect look in our hearts 1 💕
What a noble act this sir is. ❤❤❤❤❤
Very rare we cam see a caring human..God bless his kind heart...
เป็นภาพที่ดูแล้วอบอุ่นมากค่ะ ขอบคุณ นะคะ
con cạc
Q amor de pessoa ❤
A good kindness MAN. GOD bless you Sir 🌺🪴💐❤
NOW that's a man with integrity...and God's kindness.
A Men😊
Caramba igualmente aquí se la llevan con todo hasta 😢.que bello gesto 😊
This has to be one of the most touching videos l have seen yet!
Thank you for sharing!
Wonderful .person, to care for the woman he didn't even know!!❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊@@Dollar-d1l
Tylko ten gentleman zapomniał zadzwonić
Po medyczną pomoc.
Orangyangbaik banyak tapi peduli itu sangatlah penting.❤❤❤
А от чего защитил? Может ей плохо, давайте я вас укрою😅и можете спокойно умирать.
Сказочных, но фальшивых в разы больше, они под маской добра и целомудрия , но суть их , бесы злые и алчные до чужой добродетели !
Ojalá en verdad hubiera personas así, pero en los tiempos que estamos viviendo se me hace difícil, casi imposible. Saludos.
That man was excellent we still have great people in this
Kudos to this kind young man..❤
아빠에 마음으로 따뜻한마음 감사 합니다🎉
❤ sent huge hugs for this gentleman! I know you love your sisters and wife also.. Respect
❤ Best ❤ Beautiful ❤
Qué lindo gesto!! Ésto nos indica qué aún hay gente buena y respetuosa en el mundo.!!! En su momento cuando corresponda todo tiene un momento y una etapa en que se tiene que hacer❤
Caring is so beautiful ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Yeah. 😘😍🌹🌹🌹💕💕💕
Parabéns por ajudar essa mulher que Deus te abençoe sempre
А почему скорую не вызвал?
Lindo gesto de amor ao seu semelhante,aqui no 🇧🇷 é difícil ver tamanha bondade.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Vc faria essa bondade aqui no Brasil?
Aqui no Brasil eles iriam roubar as roupas bolsa e ainda iriam abusar da mulher.brasil e terra sem lei.terra de gente oportunista
True humanitarian quality! GOD bless him wonderfully!
He Is justo an angel
Ini baru manusiawi. Perduli sesama manusia. ❤
"Beautiful song !" Very polite man.❤❤❤❤
If the whole can have such people it can be a beautiful place ❤
I am so impress about this gentle man you don't meet people like him no longer. May doors keep opining to him where aver he my go. Keep up the good work bro may god keep you on the stright and marrow part. Bye
Very beautiful you are a wonderful person my dear ❤️
Thanks. 🌹🌹🌹♥️♥️♥️
Sinônimo de Respeito
Por pessoas .
Educação Sempre .
obrigado .
Amém ..
@@dporto2241 ya no hay respeto en la sociedad y los traficantes asesinos asen lo. Que quieren y nadie ase nada por qué américa no es una sola tenemos de todo
WOW ang bait naman ni SIR saludo kami Sayo 👍👍👍👍🙏🙏♥️❤❤️
Ainda existe pessoas generosas nesse mundo são poucos mais tem que Deus te abençoe grande atitude 👏👏👏👏👏
Un ser humano con grandes valores
God will truly bless this man for his kindness
Esse é humano é tem coração ♥️ gigantesco é muito lindo 🤩 que Deus abençoe o seu coração ♥️
Kenapaa harus tidur dipinggir jalan ????.rawan bangeeettt jelas bahayaa???😊
Quel beau geste de votre part monsieur ❤❤
DEUS. O abençoe MT por esse gesto tão lindo e humano.
What a kind hearted and wonderful person ..May the Lord bless him
Bro you are a man among Men.
Como pueden ver siempre existira u caballero para una dama..pues no somos muchos ..
Pero de seguro si existimos..
Yo por ejemplo son uno de eyos❤
Good hearted man may God bless you
Isso é ficção, mais seria muito mais muito bom se todos os seres humanos agisse dessa maneira .@@tintun5283
Respect ❤❤
Exemplo para os Brasileiros aprender...👏👏👏
Thank you so much 🥰🌹🌹🌹💞💞💞💞💞
Amém aleluia graças a Deus aleluia amém