Just had a very big amalgam removed and feel the difference for sure! Only have two small ones left to take out. Nowadays I eat lots of coriander to clear excess mercury out of my system. Had my first amalgam at 8 years old followed by many more and blame the dentistry back then for all my mental health problems in my teens and twenties.
I had an amalgam removed last year that gave me so much grief, the filling was huge!! I can honestly say that after a couple of weeks after having it removed I saw an improvement in my mood, I don’t know if it’s placebo or not but I definitely felt better. I’m going to have the other 6 removed too
Whilst you still have other amalgam in your chops, you wouldn't notice much, if any difference until you're totally amalgam-free! So I hope you get rid of all of them. I just had my last molar extracted, about half of it was pure 40-year-old silver amalgam!! That's a lot of mercury right there, dont forget that 50% of silver amalgam is mercury = poison in _any_ quantity!!! I have been mercury-free for over 24hrs and YES I've noticed I'm not so depressed anymore. It will take a week for most of it to be gone.
19. Needed root canal. Mom was cheap, insisted dentist packed my tooth with metal. Woke up a couples weeks later feeling like DEATH. It never went away. Everyone thought I was making it up for an excuse to be lazy. They had no idea how hard I was working just to feel normal. To be completely honest, everything just became plain-harder. It felt like I was driving through life with the handbrake engaged. Just a year ago I saw Brian Bander's story on youtube, and had my fillings removed. Damn. I never felt this good before. My sleep is now restful and I wake up rejuvenated. My body and muscles turn on faster during physical activity. I have energy and drive that last all day. Yeah, potential was definitely diminished. I cant help but think how things could of turned out differently. Le' fucking sigh'...
I'm so glad you got them removed!! I'm currently planning on the removal of mines....my body feels so off and im always weak and tired.. today my tooth broke some with the filling coming out. The filling is heavy and sounds like a rock when dropping it...smh i'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ready to get this all out of my mouth
@@Everything_Amor oh yeah, you WILL FEEL BETTER. Quality of everything becomes better. When you wake up the next morning....wow. I'm happy for you. Really.
@@INDKFGC Thanks so much!! I’m happy for me to when it finally happens 😄😄 I’m too ready to experience this! Because I’ve greatly seen a decline side of things and I’ve been trying to figure out what’s been going on with my body… even my mind and my ability to clearly bravely communicate.. after doing research it’s most definitely this silver SHIT that was placed in my mouth without me even knowing the full effects .. 😮💨😮💨 but thankful there is HOPE .. thanks for sharing 🤍
I had mine 18 years and I had 5, imagine having lost that potential (I'm glad you mention that). i lost everything before getting educated. I'm glad you saved yourself brother. Respect! This is a crime against humanity, a secret so hard to figure out it's unimaginable.
I'm glad you're feeling better! I know too many people with health issues like this... :( although, this does confuse me to a degree, because your story doesn't really add up... mercury takes a _long_ time, both to enter, or to leave the body, and causes permanent damage that would not repair afterwards. feeling that bad in 2 weeks, and feeling better as quickly as you implied, isn't physically or chemically possible, according to the known properties of mercury alloys and absorption and excretion effects. its like saying "I touched lead and five days later I got a terrible headache and cramps, that stuff is so horrible." it doesn't make sense according to what we know about the substance in question. I have no doubt that what you say is true, but that should not have been possible in a normal person with any normal mercury amalgam.
@@IceCreamCornDawg The right answer isn't always obvious one, Einstein. I know you have the majority vote in likes, but the majority of people don't know squat about mercury either, so I'm not all too surprised they sided with you, since your opinion is the more _popular_ and more intuitive one, but regardless it is still _wrong,_ so lets sit down for 2 seconds and actually have a productive conversation. now I'm sure you think I sound stupid, but contrary to popular belief, I'm actually not, I have actually dedicated tens of hours to study on this subject, and what I've learned, is that your intuition wont really help you here. chemistry isn't always intuitive, in fact its surprisingly, and frequently, quite *counterintuitive.* now if you genuinely think I'm wrong, then if you would, please clearly explain why you _think_ I'm wrong, because saying "it sounds dumb" is not an actual argument, its just a cheap way to get out an insult online. you had asked a question, and I decided to answer it, and you didn't get the answer you wanted, and you pretty much rejected my answer as stupid... why? are you only happy if I answer your question the way you want me to? but why ask the question then? if you're only satisfied with one answer? if you already have the answer in mind that you want, then don't bother asking the question, because that's a waste of your time. in this case, I would bet, that you are solidly convinced that mercury is a terrible poisonous substance, and if by some miracle you were wrong, really nobody could convince you otherwise because you're probably too stubborn or at least too used-to it to accept the possibility that you're wrong and that the new and counterintuitive answer that I'm proposing, _is actually the right answer._ so, naturally, you just insult the person who in this case, actually knows what he's talking about, cuz you already have the answer you like. now think about _that_ for a moment... (in case you're wondering, this is like my 25th person I've talked to online about this subject, and I pretty much ran out of patience. took ranting for a try... maybe not a good idea, well see)
@@Metal_Master_YT no need to get mad/bold its all good. I'm simply referring to when people die. They don't die from compound poisoning or metal toxicity. They die from mercury poisoning not mercury intoxication. You want to be right go ahead, im only pointing out the FACT that mercury is deadly in very small amounts and yet someone thought it was brilliant to put it in a person's mouth... You win
@@IceCreamCornDawg ok, you say you are referring to when people die, ok, my only question here is _What People Exactly?_ since when have people died from tooth fillings? understand that there are a lot of people on the planet, so if a couple die here and there that doesn't immediately mean there's a serious issue. world wide problems are determined by their severity, not simply whether or not they happen at all to begin with. *"They don't die from compound poisoning or metal toxicity."* ok, great, but what's that supposed to mean? *do you even know what you are saying?* first of all its simply wrong, the mercury generally first gains methyl groups and absorbs through the skin, or is inhaled and forms an aerosolized unstable oxide which is absorbed by the lungs. either way, it has chemically become a compound. wait do you even know what compound means? sometimes I wonder how people think they're qualified to talk about this stuff... anyway, back to those terms you mentioned, those are basically just different ways to say the same thing, they are just broader terms, but both can refer to the same thing. "compound poisoning" isn't really an actual scientific term, but it simply means "getting poisoned by a compound" basically all poisons fall into this category, because there are very few effective elemental poisons. (which by the way is the whole point of my statement at the beginning) metal toxicity refers to how toxic a substance, in particular a metallic substance, is. this includes larger molecules that contain metals as well, this generally refers to heavy metals, (also called heavy metal poisoning when someone gets poisoned by it) and many of the metals in the same row as mercury on the periodic table are considered toxic heavy metals. I understand the terminology, but I don't get what your point is. *"They die from mercury poisoning not mercury intoxication."* again, _WHAT?_ I mean, mercury is not alcohol... yeah, so? what are you saying? better question: do you even _know_ what you're saying? *"im only pointing out the FACT that mercury is deadly in very small amounts"* yes, but you need to use your brain and think about what you are saying, "deadly in small amounts" what exactly does that mean? small amounts, where? for how long? because a small amount of mercury sitting on a table or sitting in the palm of my hand for a few seconds obviously isn't going to kill someone! what you're essentially _trying_ to say is that mercury is deadly if even a small about is _ABSORBED._ but here's the kicker, elemental mercury _does not absorb easily_ through both skin contact, and the digestive tract, which is precisely why I made my claim to begin with. *"someone thought it was brilliant to put it in a person's mouth... You win"* ok, stop it with the passive aggression, let me remind you that you kind of had it coming, with the name calling, and starting the whole issue... anyway, no it wasn't "brilliant", it just offered a use for all the mercury we had, and it offered a cheap way to make fillings, which by the way, have repaired millions of mouths and tens of millions of teeth from further decay and many horrible tooth/jaw related health problems and pain. you win some you lose some, it was a solution to a problem, and it wasn't flawless, _yeah so what?_ I mean when are they ever? I _will_ absolutely admit however, that there are much better options nowadays. it was never meant to be a permanent solution, it was just the duct tape to get us to tomorrow.
I have amalgam on my wisdom tooth and getting my dentist to remove it ,once it's removed I'm going to order dmsa to remove toxins. Thank you God bless you.🙏❤
Hi. This is an imperative topic to bring to the forefront and for us who have these fillings move on protecting our health. Moving forward on the removal of fillings then toxins, what is a dmsa? Ques.
I've seen about 10 dentists. all refused to remove a tooth with an old amalgam filling that has been making me v sick. I can taste the metals non stop and have many symptoms. I don't know what to do. I want the tooth gone 😫 Edit had the filling out vomited for weeks body detoxed. Recovering
@WhiteTrashTennessee mercury poisoning. The risk goes up the longer they are there as they start to break down and leak over time. It is linked to many problems alzheimers cancer auto immunity etc for me it was leaking so often that It was causing horrible symptoms. My pupil would dilate, severe panic, migraines, vomiting, exhaustion. The dentist suspected mine also contained thallium which is classed as the most lethal metal and can be life threatening. Mercury alone is high risk though and I tested very high for that. I also had seizures sometimes
@@shellbellhealingI have been touching my teeth with amalgam for about six years now. I have had a bad headache. To this day it still does not go away. But still can not relieve me, very difficult now. I think maybe amalgam got into my brain as well as my nerves, which gave me a headache. Do we have any way to remove amalgam from our brain or nerves? Can you tell me if there is any medicine that can cure this problem amalgam it back out. "Please help me" 😭🙏🙏🙏
I just had a tooth taken out today n this dentist said the chances of that compromising your immune system is next to none n I explained these videos didn care to listened anyways n i have more were talking 30 yrs ago i had these put in I im going with taking them all out ....trust your opinion on this then his tbh....thanks doc 🙏
This video is beyond important. My very first appointment for cavity filling I was under 15 years and the dentist chose to put amalgam filling. In less than a week after the silver filling put in I was chronically depressed, found it very hard to concentrate and had all sorts of problems up have listed. My carer said you have to go to the doctor because you now need antidepressants. When I never needed to have had a filling in the very first place. And never did that silver amalgam have to be inside my mouth.
@Us1997 After my 1st filling it affected my reading age at school., I later had dysautonomia with low blood pressure or Othostatic hypotension. Depression and possibly anxiety were bad during my teens especially for a time. I had premenstrual Syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, bladder and kidneys are affected, Urination and digestion can be affected by the dysautonomia. People with mercury / heavy metal problems often may have tinnitus, candida, and the many problems that it may contribute to. Leaky gut, Psoriatic arthritis,- migraines, skin problems, allergies. It can causes twitches. The worse part of dysautonomia is having spontaneous/ periodic hypothermia- it can be very scary when you are freezing and your body will not warm up. Perionondtal disease/ gingivitis, adrenal fatigue, chronic pain and fatigue and muscle weakness and parasthaesia are not very nice either, Dizziness/ vertigo. Nickel allergies, memory problems, ,pink, sore ends of fingers, hair loss.Timidity sometimes/ mood swings/ peripheral neuropathy. recurrent cyclical infections, some autism, reduced cognitive abilites. Some people may have any of the auto-immune conditions. Dry mouth, tooth loss, damage to jaw bone. Recurrent ENT and sinus problems or UTI's or athletes foot can be common too. Mine are out but for me it has been and is chronic now. I am still trying to detoxify etc.. But it is often painful on it's way out.
@Us1997 It is only safe to use a SMART Dentist or one trained by the IAOMT. I have had times when things have not always been too bad, but I had already become ill. I had to try to detoxify and this can cause some of us to be ill again. At first I noticed an improvement in cognitive skills but health wise it has taken it's toll. Many do experience noticeable improvements. But I think that I have a gene mutation that makes detoxification a bit more difficult for me. People who have the MTHFR Deficiency gene mutations can sometimes have difficulties in detoxification. My fillings came out gradually. I could not find or afford a smart dentist and regular dentists made a few mistakes and contributed to my being more ill. The IAOMT . org have a worldwide map and listings of SMART Dentists so that people might be able to find the best dentist to suit their needs. I hope that it all goes well.
Just had 2 amalgam fillings replaced with resin and I noticed that my left eyelid that use to have tremors throughout the day is gone. My anxiety has lessened as well. I will get 2 more replaced next month. I am also removing my permanent retainer which contains metal as well.
i had fillings in for about 12 years and i currently went on a tuna and fish diet and started getting crazy anxiety and depression glad i got to see this ready to get these things removed i have 5 metal fillings
@Dr. Gorbatov Dentistry - What would be the best biocompatible restorative material? I am thinking about replacing the amalgam fillings, but I am concerned about the toxicity of the composite resin fillings. Thank you in advance for your attention.
Two years ago I have filled my three teeths with amalgam, I was healthy with strong body never had any sickness except flu or some minor headache. But After a month of filling I was start to cough by passing some day my blood pressure was falling to 35 and 40. After three to four months wierd feelings I had in my ears, and kind of pain and tension in my backhead the doctor gives me some anti depression I was ok with since using it for 6 months. As I leave it I feel once again the same symptoms and even worst than it. Now I am suffering bad tinnitus and I am thinking that my brain is boiling. I am mantly ok and there is no depression with me but it will cause once again depression if it continues. I hope removing this amalgam give my previous health back.
@@ChrisBird1 all sickness they pick, its a scam. all those sickness are the ones which doesnt have any particular reason, so that they cheat people. scam.
I had amalgams fillings since 2009 … I was 14 years old … and since then I’m being suffering panic attacks anxiety brain fog depression:( fatigue … ughhhh now is making sense … I don’t have no reasons to feel like this .. and now I seee why I get those symptoms
It is very good that you arise heavy metal problems. May you please let me know. E max, zirconia veneers and crowns are safe in terms of heavy metals? (Since i have both in my mouth and recently come to know i have some heavy metals increased (of course it is other reasons) but to make cheating programs to be sure i don't have any sourse inside my mouth
Worst decision I ever made to have mine removed. I researched and researched dentists and finally settled on a holistic biological dentist with an amazing reputation. The removal was brutal and pain during recovery was over the top. I could not sleep and was hardly able to eat. I was in tears quite a few days even though I was taking Advil and Tylenol around the clock. The sensitivity has not subsided in nearly a year. The sad part is I still have three more to do but the first 5 were so horrific I’ll never do this to myself again. I would never recommend anyone doing this procedure
They need to be removed. I got 3 of mine removed few months ago and still have sensitivity and have to chew gently with thrm. But i do believe it takes time. Plus based on research we should take selenium every day for detoxing from mercury
@@anonymoususer4866 seems good so far. Not sure if I feel better due to the removal of the big one or if it's a placebo. I'll do a few more before the yr is over
@@youtubescroller350 thanks for the reply. I have about six I want to remove. I hope it provides me some sort of relief. Will be consulting with my dentist this week. 🙏🏻 good luck in your journey.
I believe the alternative is ceramic fillings. I dont want to walk into my dentist's office and tell him all the amalgam fillings he's lodged into my skull are bad for my health, either. Probably best to just find a better doctor
Don't be afriad, its your mouth! You gotta speak up when things arent right... the denist should not fill any type of way, I'm sure it wasnt a free job anyways. Do your research and if you find other alternative to be better, go with them quickly!!
It's the murcury filling that's is bad not the normal ones and they dont use murcury today because they actually try and think nowadays... sometimes anyway
5 weeks after my fillings I notice I am way more sensitive to caffeine than usual. Why is that? What is the actual mechanism of silver messing with the nervous system?
@@tractordriver8950 you have to make sure you go to a holistic dentist who is specially trained to remove them or else you can get realllly sick. And yeah the composite fillings are better
@@tractordriver8950 he probably will tell you that it’s all in your head or you are fine. But screw him. Go find a different dentist that specializes in the removal of amalgam fillings.
About 4 year ago I had to do filling again. I knew about mercury and I talked to the dentist about not putting the mercury in my mouth, he said don’t worry I won’t. That was a lie when asked him why did he do that. He said it’s gray and it will turn white. Well it never turned. I have all of the symptoms that the doctor talked about.
I heard porcelain fillings are the way to go. I got metal fillings in 6 of my back teeth! I might replace with porcelain and I don't think i needed them anyways because my 4 wisdom teeth never got cavities but they are way harder to brush.
Hmmm. By law in most countries, when these fillings are removed, the material has to be bagged, labeled, and disposed of, as "Hazardous Materials". MEANWHILE, patients are basically informed that it is completely safe to place these "Hazardous Materials" within ones mouth. When I had mine removed way back in the late 80's, the extra large waiting area could not be entirely seen, due to all the walls being covered with letters from many of the dentists patients. They typically started with, "Thank you for giving me my life back.", followed by describing what symptoms had faded away, or diminished substantially. Pretty well everyone started off with a partial collapse of the immune system which led them to all first having a massive candida yeast breakout. That was later on followed by the immune system beginning to attack the body itself, causing all sorts of nasty problems.
I have been touching my teeth with amalgam for about six years now. I have had a bad headache. To this day it still does not go away. But still can not relieve me, very difficult now. I think maybe amalgam got into my brain as well as my nerves, which gave me a headache. Do we have any way to remove amalgam from our brain or nerves? Can you tell me if there is any medicine that can cure this problem amalgam it back out. "Please help me" 😭🙏🙏🙏
problem is most porcelain and other none metallic materials simply , in my experience, do not last ; they crack... let food in.. the tooth can go bad , and then its root canal time..
I have alot of those symptoms and i have 12 fillings amalgam since im 6 years old i got muly first 2. im scared if they remove it in bad way or swallow during the removal ill make it worest !! 😢😢😢
Just saw my dentist today who wants to redo a composite filling in my back molar. I told him about mercury poisoning. He said his own mouth is full and he wouldn’t do it if he thought it was dangerous. He said it needs to be amalgam to get a solid seal. I disagreed and want another composite. What else can I say to convince him?
no, at least not yet, any symptoms you feel now are too soon, mercury poisoning is almost always chronic and can usually only happen over long periods of time.
@@Metal_Master_YT oh okay! It was my wisdom teeth that was filled but I changed my mind and plan to extract them once my dental insurance allows it, I was told I have to wait a year
@@awakenjake7128 well, basically 9 out of 10 people I talk to who have health issues that they think are from amalgam, have had them for multiple years, and have 5 or more, usually more than 8. so I think you will be fine if you don't have many, especially if the teeth get removed eventually, as you were saying.
@@mikegutierrez6227 that is the nationwide average number of fillings in America, and is significantly lower than many of the other people I've talked to. as long as you don't get very many more, and you _take good care of your teeth,_ you should be fine. Its probably a good idea to have them inspected every few years to make sure none of them are cracking or have any issues, because that can potentially cause mercury leakage. another thing to consider is your general health. you see, your liver and kidneys filter the blood in your body, so its important to keep them healthy so that any trace amount of mercury that your body does absorb can be quickly expelled in your urine as its supposed to. your body can handle small amounts of a lot of different toxins, its when they build up due to excessive exposure that it starts causing noticeable problems. I hope this was helpful @mikegutierrez6227. :D
I got dental fillings 2 weeks ago but idk if they’re silver or composite. Can composite ones be greyish in color also? I’m feeling more anxious and insomnia.
Why are they still using metal feelings? I’m afraid of mercury rxpose with the removal. I had one side done after a long consultation with my dentist. When I went back to go the other side the new doctors said it was routine and there was nothing to worry about if she removed them. Her casual attitude has me even more worried!
Every dentist will say they are safe and no worries. I had 3 neurologists say they had nothing to do with seizures. My last one is gone, and I felt better instantly.
My baby had to be put to sleep to get like 6 fillings a couple years ago 😭😭 now he all of a sudden is in stage 4 kidney failure and hyperparathyrpidism I feel like I'm going to die I can't handle this Idk what to do for him he's only 9 years old I belive its from thise silver fillings!!!!! 😭😭💔💔💔
You can have them swish their mouths with colloidal silver. This will kill bacteria in the mouth. I tsp every couple of days. It's ok to ingest as well.
@@suzannepurpleyou mean do ???? That plant based nwo diet is one of the main causes of dental problems I know from experience organic animals products is the diet we are built to consume
@@suzannepurpleyou ever seen a vegan baby ? Majority of them grow up with some deformity or disease or end up dead very dangerous information you are trying to spread to a parent
Hey, may i know please what kind of test available for knowing that what is our mercury level. I'm badly suffering because of that poison but no one is agree that something like this can happen.
it wont show up in your urine or blood, only close to when they are put in or removed, because mercury is heavy and settles into your tissues and bones.
My dentist removed 8 amalgam filling put in my mouth during 1960.... he did so without any protection and I think I swallowed quite a lot... what are the symptoms if amalgams ingested ????
so they would love to tell you. Mercury next to Plutonium is the second most toxic substance on the periodic table and in the planet for that matter. Mercury Nitrate (an invisible compound released when mercury is heated or when friction is applied or when combined with a liquid substance of a low PH level) is a neuro toxin. Look up Mad hatters syndrome. We've known this for 300 years.
what he meant to say is that the form of mercury in fish is highly absorbable and the mercury in our mouth is not, because its still in its elemental form.
@@remyruff Mercury is fat soluble and the vapor rises directly to your brain and blood all of the time. The vapor rises it is not dense even so it ends up in the blood stream, so yes it could end up in the lungs especially someone around you you are correct. Mercury like water has three forms. Trace amounts of mercury amalgam is very damaging to the gut in addition to Mercury Nitrate the gas form.
@@sampsonleevon1982 what is LA? i hace 11 amlgam filling i have depression,isonomia and intensive IBS i am on detox and i feel better now..i from the czech republic
We need to start taking note on dentists suing and demanding clear accurate information and demanding that we have a choice.. the out these in my mouth I didn't know I had other options.. how dare he
Just had a very big amalgam removed and feel the difference for sure! Only have two small ones left to take out. Nowadays I eat lots of coriander to clear excess mercury out of my system. Had my first amalgam at 8 years old followed by many more and blame the dentistry back then for all my mental health problems in my teens and twenties.
Right. Nobody consented to getting poison in their head
what did you replace your big amalgam with?? thanks
I had an amalgam removed last year that gave me so much grief, the filling was huge!! I can honestly say that after a couple of weeks after having it removed I saw an improvement in my mood, I don’t know if it’s placebo or not but I definitely felt better. I’m going to have the other 6 removed too
Whilst you still have other amalgam in your chops, you wouldn't notice much, if any difference until you're totally amalgam-free! So I hope you get rid of all of them. I just had my last molar extracted, about half of it was pure 40-year-old silver amalgam!! That's a lot of mercury right there, dont forget that 50% of silver amalgam is mercury = poison in _any_ quantity!!! I have been mercury-free for over 24hrs and YES I've noticed I'm not so depressed anymore. It will take a week for most of it to be gone.
I have 6 too and I want them out before getting pregnant. Do you mind me asking you if you got pregnant before while the feelings were in?
@@suzzyy8669 get them out. This poison in your mouth is a form of social control.
How long have you had them?
i need to remove 6 too how much does it cost for new better fillings?
Im sat here with 6 of these in my mouth, ive had heart problems along with many more. Thanks dentists, thanks
19. Needed root canal. Mom was cheap, insisted dentist packed my tooth with metal. Woke up a couples weeks later feeling like DEATH. It never went away. Everyone thought I was making it up for an excuse to be lazy. They had no idea how hard I was working just to feel normal. To be completely honest, everything just became plain-harder. It felt like I was driving through life with the handbrake engaged. Just a year ago I saw Brian Bander's story on youtube, and had my fillings removed. Damn. I never felt this good before. My sleep is now restful and I wake up rejuvenated. My body and muscles turn on faster during physical activity. I have energy and drive that last all day. Yeah, potential was definitely diminished. I cant help but think how things could of turned out differently.
Le' fucking sigh'...
I'm so glad you got them removed!! I'm currently planning on the removal of mines....my body feels so off and im always weak and tired.. today my tooth broke some with the filling coming out. The filling is heavy and sounds like a rock when dropping it...smh i'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ready to get this all out of my mouth
@@Everything_Amor oh yeah, you WILL FEEL BETTER. Quality of everything becomes better. When you wake up the next morning....wow. I'm happy for you. Really.
@@INDKFGC Thanks so much!! I’m happy for me to when it finally happens 😄😄 I’m too ready to experience this! Because I’ve greatly seen a decline side of things and I’ve been trying to figure out what’s been going on with my body… even my mind and my ability to clearly bravely communicate.. after doing research it’s most definitely this silver SHIT that was placed in my mouth without me even knowing the full effects .. 😮💨😮💨 but thankful there is HOPE .. thanks for sharing 🤍
I had mine 18 years and I had 5, imagine having lost that potential (I'm glad you mention that). i lost everything before getting educated. I'm glad you saved yourself brother. Respect! This is a crime against humanity, a secret so hard to figure out it's unimaginable.
I'm glad you're feeling better! I know too many people with health issues like this... :( although, this does confuse me to a degree, because your story doesn't really add up... mercury takes a _long_ time, both to enter, or to leave the body, and causes permanent damage that would not repair afterwards. feeling that bad in 2 weeks, and feeling better as quickly as you implied, isn't physically or chemically possible, according to the known properties of mercury alloys and absorption and excretion effects. its like saying "I touched lead and five days later I got a terrible headache and cramps, that stuff is so horrible." it doesn't make sense according to what we know about the substance in question. I have no doubt that what you say is true, but that should not have been possible in a normal person with any normal mercury amalgam.
Who decided to put that poison in people's mouths?
because its not a poison, its compounds are. and because its quite unreactive, so it doesn't like to form those poisonous compounds to begin with.
@@Metal_Master_YT lol Mercury isn't poisonous... you should.change your name to metal rookie
@@IceCreamCornDawg The right answer isn't always obvious one, Einstein. I know you have the majority vote in likes, but the majority of people don't know squat about mercury either, so I'm not all too surprised they sided with you, since your opinion is the more _popular_ and more intuitive one, but regardless it is still _wrong,_ so lets sit down for 2 seconds and actually have a productive conversation.
now I'm sure you think I sound stupid, but contrary to popular belief, I'm actually not, I have actually dedicated tens of hours to study on this subject, and what I've learned, is that your intuition wont really help you here. chemistry isn't always intuitive, in fact its surprisingly, and frequently, quite *counterintuitive.* now if you genuinely think I'm wrong, then if you would, please clearly explain why you _think_ I'm wrong, because saying "it sounds dumb" is not an actual argument, its just a cheap way to get out an insult online. you had asked a question, and I decided to answer it, and you didn't get the answer you wanted, and you pretty much rejected my answer as stupid... why? are you only happy if I answer your question the way you want me to? but why ask the question then? if you're only satisfied with one answer? if you already have the answer in mind that you want, then don't bother asking the question, because that's a waste of your time. in this case, I would bet, that you are solidly convinced that mercury is a terrible poisonous substance, and if by some miracle you were wrong, really nobody could convince you otherwise because you're probably too stubborn or at least too used-to it to accept the possibility that you're wrong and that the new and counterintuitive answer that I'm proposing, _is actually the right answer._ so, naturally, you just insult the person who in this case, actually knows what he's talking about, cuz you already have the answer you like. now think about _that_ for a moment...
(in case you're wondering, this is like my 25th person I've talked to online about this subject, and I pretty much ran out of patience. took ranting for a try... maybe not a good idea, well see)
@@Metal_Master_YT no need to get mad/bold its all good. I'm simply referring to when people die. They don't die from compound poisoning or metal toxicity. They die from mercury poisoning not mercury intoxication. You want to be right go ahead, im only pointing out the FACT that mercury is deadly in very small amounts and yet someone thought it was brilliant to put it in a person's mouth... You win
@@IceCreamCornDawg ok, you say you are referring to when people die, ok, my only question here is _What People Exactly?_ since when have people died from tooth fillings? understand that there are a lot of people on the planet, so if a couple die here and there that doesn't immediately mean there's a serious issue. world wide problems are determined by their severity, not simply whether or not they happen at all to begin with.
*"They don't die from compound poisoning or metal toxicity."* ok, great, but what's that supposed to mean? *do you even know what you are saying?* first of all its simply wrong, the mercury generally first gains methyl groups and absorbs through the skin, or is inhaled and forms an aerosolized unstable oxide which is absorbed by the lungs. either way, it has chemically become a compound. wait do you even know what compound means? sometimes I wonder how people think they're qualified to talk about this stuff... anyway, back to those terms you mentioned, those are basically just different ways to say the same thing, they are just broader terms, but both can refer to the same thing. "compound poisoning" isn't really an actual scientific term, but it simply means "getting poisoned by a compound" basically all poisons fall into this category, because there are very few effective elemental poisons. (which by the way is the whole point of my statement at the beginning) metal toxicity refers to how toxic a substance, in particular a metallic substance, is. this includes larger molecules that contain metals as well, this generally refers to heavy metals, (also called heavy metal poisoning when someone gets poisoned by it) and many of the metals in the same row as mercury on the periodic table are considered toxic heavy metals. I understand the terminology, but I don't get what your point is. *"They die from mercury poisoning not mercury intoxication."* again, _WHAT?_ I mean, mercury is not alcohol... yeah, so? what are you saying? better question: do you even _know_ what you're saying?
*"im only pointing out the FACT that mercury is deadly in very small amounts"* yes, but you need to use your brain and think about what you are saying, "deadly in small amounts" what exactly does that mean? small amounts, where? for how long? because a small amount of mercury sitting on a table or sitting in the palm of my hand for a few seconds obviously isn't going to kill someone! what you're essentially _trying_ to say is that mercury is deadly if even a small about is _ABSORBED._ but here's the kicker, elemental mercury _does not absorb easily_ through both skin contact, and the digestive tract, which is precisely why I made my claim to begin with.
*"someone thought it was brilliant to put it in a person's mouth... You win"* ok, stop it with the passive aggression, let me remind you that you kind of had it coming, with the name calling, and starting the whole issue... anyway, no it wasn't "brilliant", it just offered a use for all the mercury we had, and it offered a cheap way to make fillings, which by the way, have repaired millions of mouths and tens of millions of teeth from further decay and many horrible tooth/jaw related health problems and pain. you win some you lose some, it was a solution to a problem, and it wasn't flawless, _yeah so what?_ I mean when are they ever? I _will_ absolutely admit however, that there are much better options nowadays. it was never meant to be a permanent solution, it was just the duct tape to get us to tomorrow.
I had them since college and never thought of it causing my mood swings and depression to the extent of me undergoing a psychiatric therapy
I have amalgam on my wisdom tooth and getting my dentist to remove it ,once it's removed I'm going to order dmsa to remove toxins. Thank you God bless you.🙏❤
Hi. This is an imperative topic to bring to the forefront and for us who have these fillings move on protecting our health.
Moving forward on the removal of fillings then toxins, what is a dmsa?
I watched dr pompa on you tube and he mentioned it...
I've seen about 10 dentists. all refused to remove a tooth with an old amalgam filling that has been making me v sick. I can taste the metals non stop and have many symptoms. I don't know what to do. I want the tooth gone 😫
Edit had the filling out vomited for weeks body detoxed. Recovering
Im happy you are recovering. Im sorry you had to go through that. I myself still have a big amalgam filling that i need to save money for removal
@@suzannepurple I pray the money turns up soon for you
What problems do they cause i have one aince 2016
@WhiteTrashTennessee mercury poisoning. The risk goes up the longer they are there as they start to break down and leak over time. It is linked to many problems alzheimers cancer auto immunity etc for me it was leaking so often that It was causing horrible symptoms. My pupil would dilate, severe panic, migraines, vomiting, exhaustion. The dentist suspected mine also contained thallium which is classed as the most lethal metal and can be life threatening. Mercury alone is high risk though and I tested very high for that. I also had seizures sometimes
@@shellbellhealingI have been touching my teeth with amalgam for about six years now. I have had a bad headache. To this day it still does not go away. But still can not relieve me, very difficult now. I think maybe amalgam got into my brain as well as my nerves, which gave me a headache. Do we have any way to remove amalgam from our brain or nerves? Can you tell me if there is any medicine that can cure this problem amalgam it back out. "Please help me" 😭🙏🙏🙏
I'm 4 days post removal and my fibromyalgia symptoms are gone.
I just had a tooth taken out today n this dentist said the chances of that compromising your immune system is next to none n I explained these videos didn care to listened anyways n i have more were talking 30 yrs ago i had these put in I im going with taking them all out ....trust your opinion on this then his tbh....thanks doc 🙏
How are you doing now? Have you removed them?
This is exactly why I had all of my amalgams removed and replaced around 6 years ago.
Hey did you notice a difference?
@@THRILLHO__ .... After about 3 years i began to feel a little more clear-headed.
@@vivian4949 well I know older people who still have there's and no health issues?🙄
How much did it cost you?
@mikelbrenn111 .... I'm a very lucky person, it was all covered, I'm in Canada.
This video is beyond important.
My very first appointment for cavity filling I was under 15 years and the dentist chose to put amalgam filling.
In less than a week after the silver filling put in I was chronically depressed, found it very hard to concentrate and had all sorts of problems up have listed. My carer said you have to go to the doctor because you now need antidepressants.
When I never needed to have had a
filling in the very first place. And never did that silver amalgam have to be inside my mouth.
I am so sorry that this happened to you, similar things happened to me too! All of the very best wishes to you.
@Us1997 After my 1st filling it affected my reading age at school., I later had dysautonomia with low blood pressure or Othostatic hypotension. Depression and possibly anxiety were bad during my teens especially for a time. I had premenstrual Syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, bladder and kidneys are affected, Urination and digestion can be affected by the dysautonomia. People with mercury / heavy metal problems often may have tinnitus, candida, and the many problems that it may contribute to. Leaky gut, Psoriatic arthritis,- migraines, skin problems, allergies. It can causes twitches. The worse part of dysautonomia is having spontaneous/ periodic hypothermia- it can be very scary when you are freezing and your body will not warm up. Perionondtal disease/ gingivitis, adrenal fatigue, chronic pain and fatigue and muscle weakness and parasthaesia are not very nice either, Dizziness/ vertigo. Nickel allergies, memory problems, ,pink, sore ends of fingers, hair loss.Timidity sometimes/ mood swings/ peripheral neuropathy. recurrent cyclical infections, some autism, reduced cognitive abilites. Some people may have any of the auto-immune conditions. Dry mouth, tooth loss, damage to jaw bone. Recurrent ENT and sinus problems or UTI's or athletes foot can be common too. Mine are out but for me it has been and is chronic now. I am still trying to detoxify etc.. But it is often painful on it's way out.
@Us1997 It is only safe to use a SMART Dentist or one trained by the IAOMT. I have had times when things have not always been too bad, but I had already become ill. I had to try to detoxify and this can cause some of us to be ill again. At first I noticed an improvement in cognitive skills but health wise it has taken it's toll. Many do experience noticeable improvements. But I think that I have a gene mutation that makes detoxification a bit more difficult for me. People who have the MTHFR Deficiency gene mutations can sometimes have difficulties in detoxification. My fillings came out gradually. I could not find or afford a smart dentist and regular dentists made a few mistakes and contributed to my being more ill. The IAOMT . org have a worldwide map and listings of SMART Dentists so that people might be able to find the best dentist to suit their needs. I hope that it all goes well.
Look up Dr Boyd Haley and the compound he developed called OSR. It's for safe mercury chelation.
Try nano zeolites for detoxing
Just had 2 amalgam fillings replaced with resin and I noticed that my left eyelid that use to have tremors throughout the day is gone. My anxiety has lessened as well. I will get 2 more replaced next month. I am also removing my permanent retainer which contains metal as well.
i had fillings in for about 12 years and i currently went on a tuna and fish diet and started getting crazy anxiety and depression glad i got to see this ready to get these things removed i have 5 metal fillings
Stay strong I’ve had them long enough
Tuna fish diet? There are warnings about consuming more than a few servings of tuna a week because of the mercury they have.
Multiple times dentists recommended I have root canals be done and I refused every time.
@Dr. Gorbatov Dentistry - What would be the best biocompatible restorative material? I am thinking about replacing the amalgam fillings, but I am concerned about the toxicity of the composite resin fillings. Thank you in advance for your attention.
Two years ago I have filled my three teeths with amalgam, I was healthy with strong body never had any sickness except flu or some minor headache.
But After a month of filling I was start to cough by passing some day my blood pressure was falling to 35 and 40. After three to four months wierd feelings I had in my ears, and kind of pain and tension in my backhead the doctor gives me some anti depression I was ok with since using it for 6 months.
As I leave it I feel once again the same symptoms and even worst than it.
Now I am suffering bad tinnitus and I am thinking that my brain is boiling.
I am mantly ok and there is no depression with me but it will cause once again depression if it continues.
I hope removing this amalgam give my previous health back.
I got many amalgam filling in teeth for 25 years. It make me depression and anxiety for many years until today.
I have all that symptoms you mentioned 😢
everyone does ,lol.
@@ChrisBird1 i have all and i dont have tooth filling at all XD
@@ChrisBird1 all sickness they pick, its a scam. all those sickness are the ones which doesnt have any particular reason, so that they cheat people. scam.
@@vincentcorleone4951 exactly
I had amalgams fillings since 2009 … I was 14 years old … and since then I’m being suffering panic attacks anxiety brain fog depression:( fatigue … ughhhh now is making sense … I don’t have no reasons to feel like this .. and now I seee why I get those symptoms
Have you treated it now?
It is very good that you arise heavy metal problems.
May you please let me know. E max, zirconia veneers and crowns are safe in terms of heavy metals? (Since i have both in my mouth and recently come to know i have some heavy metals increased (of course it is other reasons) but to make cheating programs to be sure i don't have any sourse inside my mouth
Worst decision I ever made to have mine removed. I researched and researched dentists and finally settled on a holistic biological dentist with an amazing reputation. The removal was brutal and pain during recovery was over the top. I could not sleep and was hardly able to eat. I was in tears quite a few days even though I was taking Advil and Tylenol around the clock. The sensitivity has not subsided in nearly a year. The sad part is I still have three more to do but the first 5 were so horrific I’ll never do this to myself again. I would never recommend anyone doing this procedure
They need to be removed. I got 3 of mine removed few months ago and still have sensitivity and have to chew gently with thrm. But i do believe it takes time. Plus based on research we should take selenium every day for detoxing from mercury
Started my removal today
How are you doing with removal?
@@anonymoususer4866 seems good so far. Not sure if I feel better due to the removal of the big one or if it's a placebo. I'll do a few more before the yr is over
@@youtubescroller350 thanks for the reply. I have about six I want to remove. I hope it provides me some sort of relief. Will be consulting with my dentist this week. 🙏🏻 good luck in your journey.
@@anonymoususer4866 you too!
I hope that you are doing it safely. I would only trust a SMART Dentist or one trained by the IAOMT.
Is plastic the best alternative? I’m afraid of telling my dentist how I feel more light headed and anxiety with the silver ones he put in me.
I believe the alternative is ceramic fillings. I dont want to walk into my dentist's office and tell him all the amalgam fillings he's lodged into my skull are bad for my health, either. Probably best to just find a better doctor
Don't be afriad, its your mouth! You gotta speak up when things arent right... the denist should not fill any type of way, I'm sure it wasnt a free job anyways. Do your research and if you find other alternative to be better, go with them quickly!!
It's the murcury filling that's is bad not the normal ones and they dont use murcury today because they actually try and think nowadays... sometimes anyway
@@Guthix198 Even though they say it's mercury free. Really look into it.
@@Guthix198 in the uk the Nhs will only use mercury metal fillings in the back teeth
I had one mercury filling in a tooth and i removed the whole tooth , removing would lead to mercury exposure of removing was safe ???
5 weeks after my fillings I notice I am way more sensitive to caffeine than usual. Why is that? What is the actual mechanism of silver messing with the nervous system?
There is mercury in the silver fillings and it is a powerful neurotoxin and wreaks havoc on the nervous system.
@@mikeskel45 should I tell my dentist to replace them with plastic composite? What if he laughs?
@@tractordriver8950 you have to make sure you go to a holistic dentist who is specially trained to remove them or else you can get realllly sick. And yeah the composite fillings are better
@@mikeskel45 I have a follow up with him next week. I feel like telling him that I want them changed for plastic ones. What if he laughs?
@@tractordriver8950 he probably will tell you that it’s all in your head or you are fine. But screw him. Go find a different dentist that specializes in the removal of amalgam fillings.
About 4 year ago I had to do filling again. I knew about mercury and I talked to the dentist about not putting the mercury in my mouth, he said don’t worry I won’t. That was a lie when asked him why did he do that. He said it’s gray and it will turn white. Well it never turned. I have all of the symptoms that the doctor talked about.
You should sue that doctor!
Same thing happened to me
I heard porcelain fillings are the way to go. I got metal fillings in 6 of my back teeth! I might replace with porcelain and I don't think i needed them anyways because my 4 wisdom teeth never got cavities but they are way harder to brush.
Composite fillings are right now causing me severe pain in knees and hands. I looked up mds sheet on it and says nerve damage!!
Dr Gorbatov i just had a metal filling removed and replaced but idk if safely what should I do get metals blood test?
Would contact with the root or gums be more toxic than a filling that only touches the tooth?
How many people have those bastards made sick
1 in 3 Americans have Mercury amalgams
@@redflag4255 how many already died too cause of them thats not a stat but im sure many
took me like 3 re-reads to understand the comment xD
Jist had 2 amalgms removed. I believe this caused my hair loss,
Did you use biological dentist?
And tinittus ?
Hmmm. By law in most countries, when these fillings are removed, the material has to be bagged, labeled, and disposed of, as "Hazardous Materials". MEANWHILE, patients are basically informed that it is completely safe to place these "Hazardous Materials" within ones mouth. When I had mine removed way back in the late 80's, the extra large waiting area could not be entirely seen, due to all the walls being covered with letters from many of the dentists patients. They typically started with, "Thank you for giving me my life back.", followed by describing what symptoms had faded away, or diminished substantially. Pretty well everyone started off with a partial collapse of the immune system which led them to all first having a massive candida yeast breakout. That was later on followed by the immune system beginning to attack the body itself, causing all sorts of nasty problems.
I cant find a dentist who will agree to replace them.
Man that why I feel sick I got those things in my mouth and one ripped apart 🙃
I had this for a year and a half the tooth is now I had a nightmare vertigo bison problems bones moving in the head jaw shifted terrible time with it
I have been touching my teeth with amalgam for about six years now. I have had a bad headache. To this day it still does not go away. But still can not relieve me, very difficult now. I think maybe amalgam got into my brain as well as my nerves, which gave me a headache. Do we have any way to remove amalgam from our brain or nerves? Can you tell me if there is any medicine that can cure this problem amalgam it back out. "Please help me" 😭🙏🙏🙏
I have ten .all your symptoms are my life
problem is most porcelain and other none metallic materials simply , in my experience, do not last ; they crack... let food in.. the tooth can go bad , and then its root canal time..
I have no symptoms with amalgams
I have alot of those symptoms and i have 12 fillings amalgam since im 6 years old i got muly first 2. im scared if they remove it in bad way or swallow during the removal
ill make it worest !! 😢😢😢
Are u get pregnant during amalgam filling
How do you safely get them removed?
Find a place that does removal using SMART
Just saw my dentist today who wants to redo a composite filling in my back molar. I told him about mercury poisoning. He said his own mouth is full and he wouldn’t do it if he thought it was dangerous. He said it needs to be amalgam to get a solid seal. I disagreed and want another composite. What else can I say to convince him?
You can not convince him. You must change your dentist
Go to another dentist … same happened to me . I was denied … until I found an angel 😇 that removed it for me
I just had a silver amalgam put in two of my teeth last week and I have had nothing but headaches ever since. Mercury poisoning?
no, at least not yet, any symptoms you feel now are too soon, mercury poisoning is almost always chronic and can usually only happen over long periods of time.
@@Metal_Master_YT oh okay! It was my wisdom teeth that was filled but I changed my mind and plan to extract them once my dental insurance allows it, I was told I have to wait a year
@@awakenjake7128 well, basically 9 out of 10 people I talk to who have health issues that they think are from amalgam, have had them for multiple years, and have 5 or more, usually more than 8. so I think you will be fine if you don't have many, especially if the teeth get removed eventually, as you were saying.
@@Metal_Master_YT I have 3 is that bad?....
@@mikegutierrez6227 that is the nationwide average number of fillings in America, and is significantly lower than many of the other people I've talked to. as long as you don't get very many more, and you _take good care of your teeth,_ you should be fine. Its probably a good idea to have them inspected every few years to make sure none of them are cracking or have any issues, because that can potentially cause mercury leakage. another thing to consider is your general health. you see, your liver and kidneys filter the blood in your body, so its important to keep them healthy so that any trace amount of mercury that your body does absorb can be quickly expelled in your urine as its supposed to. your body can handle small amounts of a lot of different toxins, its when they build up due to excessive exposure that it starts causing noticeable problems. I hope this was helpful @mikegutierrez6227. :D
ive had a big one for 24 years can someone help me
I got dental fillings 2 weeks ago but idk if they’re silver or composite. Can composite ones be greyish in color also? I’m feeling more anxious and insomnia.
No composites are always white
Second opinion, yes composites are white, very white in some cases never greyish, you have silver amalgam....get rid of it!
Why are they still using metal feelings? I’m afraid of mercury rxpose with the removal. I had one side done after a long consultation with my dentist. When I went back to go the other side the new doctors said it was routine and there was nothing to worry about if she removed them. Her casual attitude has me even more worried!
@@TheGeezzer u know the white ones are toxic too🙄
Every dentist will say they are safe and no worries. I had 3 neurologists say they had nothing to do with seizures. My last one is gone, and I felt better instantly.
I experience all that side effects
I have 10 of them I need to get them out cuz that's the only thing that's left that I can do feel better weed can only do so much for so long
Only use a SMART Dentist or one trained by the IAOMT. Or there are some similar protocols.
@Us1997 Many and they still do yes. It is not safe for people to have mercury in their bodies.
Look up Dr Boyd Haley and the compound he developed called OSR. It's for safe mercury chelation.
@@marygilson3490 yeah dentists also push fluoride toothpastes theyre evil bastards all about money not your health
Just pull out all the teeth and start from scratch with gold
Can I use Hydrogen Peroxide mouthwash if I have mercury amalgam?
These fillings continuously leak
My baby had to be put to sleep to get like 6 fillings a couple years ago 😭😭 now he all of a sudden is in stage 4 kidney failure and hyperparathyrpidism I feel like I'm going to die I can't handle this Idk what to do for him he's only 9 years old I belive its from thise silver fillings!!!!! 😭😭💔💔💔
I hope he is getting better now your son. ❤
But why its too expensive to remove the amalgams, I have 4, I called a holistic dentist and will cost me around 5k😮
LMAO. Seriously??? Its nothing here
That is beyond scam
What are the alternatives to fillings... I want to keep my little kids away from potential risks from fillings ???
You can have them swish their mouths with colloidal silver. This will kill bacteria in the mouth. I tsp every couple of days. It's ok to ingest as well.
Do not feed them with dead animal and dairy
@@suzannepurpleyou mean do ???? That plant based nwo diet is one of the main causes of dental problems I know from experience organic animals products is the diet we are built to consume
@@suzannepurpleyou ever seen a vegan baby ? Majority of them grow up with some deformity or disease or end up dead very dangerous information you are trying to spread to a parent
I had my metal filling since I was in my 20s I'm in my 40s now I could be poison 😢
These got out in my mouth without even telling me..iv been having all these symptoms really bad including loosing all my top Teeth
But there are thousands of people who have amalgam over than30 years and no issues no health problems??🤔🤔🤔🤔
Sir my murcury report 1.49 and my creatinine uria is normal
Hey, may i know please what kind of test available for knowing that what is our mercury level. I'm badly suffering because of that poison but no one is agree that something like this can happen.
it wont show up in your urine or blood, only close to when they are put in or removed, because mercury is heavy and settles into your tissues and bones.
Plz treatment
Biological dentist
Removal in an unsafe way can cause serious neurological problems sometimes.
I had severe problem of concentrating and other problem after amalgum feeling .
My dentist removed 8 amalgam filling put in my mouth during 1960.... he did so without any protection and I think I swallowed quite a lot... what are the symptoms if amalgams ingested ????
Swallowed is safer than inhaling the vapors because it mostly just goes through you.
@be bd yes, the mercury in the amalgam is elemental.
Quicksilver Mer protocol is what I used
Are you ok know??
Smart Man!
It's elemental mercury used in old amalgam filings. Not toxic c mercury.. its Less amount than mercury in can tuna.
Bullshit. They're 50% antimony and 50% mercury
so they would love to tell you. Mercury next to Plutonium is the second most toxic substance on the periodic table and in the planet for that matter. Mercury Nitrate (an invisible compound released when mercury is heated or when friction is applied or when combined with a liquid substance of a low PH level) is a neuro toxin. Look up Mad hatters syndrome. We've known this for 300 years.
what he meant to say is that the form of mercury in fish is highly absorbable and the mercury in our mouth is not, because its still in its elemental form.
This is completely false. Amalgam gasses mercury vapors into your lungs from there blood distribution takes it to the brain.
@@remyruff Mercury is fat soluble and the vapor rises directly to your brain and blood all of the time. The vapor rises it is not dense even so it ends up in the blood stream, so yes it could end up in the lungs especially someone around you you are correct. Mercury like water has three forms. Trace amounts of mercury amalgam is very damaging to the gut in addition to Mercury Nitrate the gas form.
Plz reply sir
My childhood was ruined by them and still is...I have 10 of them. IBS started after I got them. I'm in LA. I hate life.
How are doing?.....Did u have them removed?
@mikegutierrez6227 no I'm in LA
@@sampsonleevon1982 what is LA? i hace 11 amlgam filling i have depression,isonomia and intensive IBS i am on detox and i feel better now..i from the czech republic
@@frantisekmanek6708did u had tonscilectomy ??
they took my life away THEY GOING TO PAY
Holy cow 🐄
We need to start taking note on dentists suing and demanding clear accurate information and demanding that we have a choice.. the out these in my mouth I didn't know I had other options.. how dare he
Torture sorcery.
Do you know what’s crazy? They just put this in my tooth eight months ago and recommendations to not use this has been going on for years 🤦♂️
@@Calvinmkultra We agree, they should be illegal world wide right? Yes or No. Please respond.