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  • @becausestuffbreaks
    @becausestuffbreaks 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Odd that she would ask that of you and not make any attempt to get it. I completely understand the feelings. I don't think you're being petty. Sounds like you're just trying to figure out the best direction for the relationship that is best for both of you. Just figure out what kind of relationship you can have with this person and try to let go of any other ideals you would like from the relationship. After I got married with children and moved away and had little time for my friends, I realized almost all my relationships were one sided. I was always the one to go visit them. So for many years there was a tension among my friends and family to get my attention when I would visit home. Ultimately it was no competition and my wife and kids win every time. It was just a new season of life and all my friendships adapted to a healthy state. I never let them guilt me as they would try to do. Some I visit, some I call, some I txt and some I only interact with on FB, and that's okay. No need to guilt, force or destroy a relationship because it changes. All your relationships will change and have seasons. Good luck!

    • @yappykaki
      @yappykaki 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

      That is very comforting to know your experience...I think I have tried to let go of those one sided friendship and the result is telling. But at the same time, I did keep some good ones because they are the real one! Thank you for your comment!

  • @malkchicken
    @malkchicken 10 วันที่ผ่านมา

    If it's still something that you feel is relevant to you, I would say you should address it. When it comes to something being petty I believe the individual should take time to considor what is that might be considered petty. Because their perspective will most likely just not 100% align with everyone elses thoughts. Then again, it won't matter how petty something is if it keeps digging at you or just piles up.
    You should aim to address it, because even if it is something petty then it should be something that can be worked out. As for your concern with how your friend may react, even if someone isn't your friend it should be addressed anyways if your going to be conversing. If things don't work out the option to move on is always there. You can't force others to change their ways but if you yourself is even capable of thinking about these things, you can continue to grow and improve as a person.
    Usually when it comes to having a broad way of thinking you need a little guidance, otherwise you can end up getting too hyper fixated on something and break that down into more then it is, or it can get out of hand and you end up overthinking.
    Hope this helps in some capacity.

    • @yappykaki
      @yappykaki 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

      I would like to address it if I ever meet her in person but I don't think it will happen any time soon because I don't think it would happen soon...I am done trying on my end. :'D. You seem to be a wise person, what would you advise if my friend reacted poorly when I expressed my feelings to them?