Fareel in a single session of Executioner -Found really bad loot -Went through like 4 nights without melee -Got jumpscared by a skinner -Got jumpscared by Kai -Got fired for a spelling mistake (sos) -Is now homeless -Received gambling addiction -Had many conversations with their inner thoughts And most of all -Has received Stage 2 Systemi- *WE DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE SYSTEMIC INFECTION, IT DOES NOT EXIST*
The Executioner is an Epic card that is unlocked from the Serenity Peak (Arena 14). It spawns an area damage, air-targeting, medium-ranged, ground troop with high hitpoints and high damage. The Executioner launches an attack that travels up to its maximum range, and returns back after some time, while piercing through enemies on both ways. An Executioner card costs 5 Elixir to deploy.
at 2:36 if you didn’t hear the sound rendering that’s means you didn’t hit them because the game tend to do this to avoid like cheesing enemies in their blind spot which in this case idk how did it not rendered but it’s just sth in the game if you don’t hear your distinct melee sounds then it didn’t hit
Main executioner here. (3 years, but no one cares bout that) Some tips and advice. Recommend when holding something, Press H. That way you can gain bounty’s while also holding items as well. (Fist counts as melee) Always prioritize gun scav as they are more dangerous and possibly a destroyer to your goggles. Very normal for executioners when they are looting Don’t rely on melee too much. You’re pretty much back line as soon as wave 7 or 8 begins.
@@touhoumomo let’s say if you have something in hand, and you have couple of throwing knife, you used one. They don’t count as bounty because you have an item that’s not an melee. It’s useful if you just wanna loot while killing scavs far
not an exec main but i play it pretty good you can get a sov in your team and you can easily wipe out waves up until night 7 with a few daggers oh yeah screw fireier executioner solos (please dont use exec if you cant time your heavies)
As a exe main I have noted that you need to first see the bounty to collect it. Even if you kill them if the bounty doesn't load in you won't get the exe kill.
fun fact: if you kill enemy with any weapon it wont count, UNLESS they died when you hold out a melee (fist count too) so thats why throwing knife and throwable works as long as you dont have anything else in hand than a melee
While i was playing exe i noticed something i dont ussally notice. U all have prob noticed that when ur goggles are on there's writings. Among those writings are "wanted" and under it is the reason they are wanted for. Its fun to read these. Like slegde scav was wanted for murder and some cleaver scav wanted for sabotage. This may or may not tie into the lore. Like many cleaver scavs would be from the agency and they sabotaged them.
I came because i liked the thumbnail artwork and stayed for the executioning (Btw thanks for including the name im probably gonna play it after this comment)
Btw you can use piles of rock and wood during looting phase to safely kill gun scavs, which are free bounties Stand behind the pile and scav is gonna keep shooting and hitting the pile, attack whenever they reload, if they ain't dead, repeat Won't recommend luring from far to the pile any other scavs aside fanning winchester (scavs that go for precise shots wear an eyepatch, anything else is fanning) and revolver scavs - they try to walk close to you and then start firing, unlike others that just start blasting whenever you are seen Might work on snipers but they must already be triggered when you stand behind the pile cuz otherwise they diagnose you with lead deficiency
That prolly works cuz their pathfinding thinks there's nothing since there might or might not be the pile, and they only see the map without any piles spawned
0:17 to 0:25 to kill and enemy and it count to a bounty you need to be holding a melee weapon like your fists it didn't count with the throwing knife because you were holding that shotgun
The kills with knives at the start didn't add because it only counts when you have a melee out. In this case you had the shotgun out, thus not counting it. Unless you already knew that and I look stupid for commenting on a 3 month old video, just kill me.
U forgot 1 thing (im a executioner main) the kill will ONLY count if the enemy is showed with glaasses aka if u kill a npc at a close range with a shotgun it will count but if u shoot with at a long range with a sniper it wont count
i think ik why u didnt get the stacks for the thrrowing knives, its bc you were holding a gun, and gun kills dont add to your stacks, so maybe bc you were holding the gun, the game thought you got the kills with it, and didnt give the stacks
Also I'm jotting down the loadout you used for each one so I can reference this stuff on the fly *oNlY tWeLvE mOrE pErKs To Go* (11 if you don't count/intend on doing damned)
Fareel in a single session of Executioner
-Found really bad loot
-Went through like 4 nights without melee
-Got jumpscared by a skinner
-Got jumpscared by Kai
-Got fired for a spelling mistake (sos)
-Is now homeless
-Received gambling addiction
-Had many conversations with their inner thoughts
And most of all
Most important thing, he did not survive
@@Fareels also made another spelling mistake at the start saying imaptient instead of impatient
The Executioner is an Epic card that is unlocked from the Serenity Peak (Arena 14). It spawns an area damage, air-targeting, medium-ranged, ground troop with high hitpoints and high damage. The Executioner launches an attack that travels up to its maximum range, and returns back after some time, while piercing through enemies on both ways. An Executioner card costs 5 Elixir to deploy.
HEHEHA i have a rocket!
Oh no0Oo0
I think youre in the wrong game
@@alyssongabriel5116 yeah, you don’t say
Id win i have monk
Any other perk getting scrap vs Executioner getting scrap:
This game is literally the definition of "it gets fun after 300 hours"
As hard as it is I got hooked as soon as I started lol
Imagine how much harder this would be if he had stage 2. Good thing he kept up with the infection the whole time!!!
hey hey hey@@Fareels
how u get that jacket@@Fareels
Fun fact: You won't get kills with throwing knife if you have guns or anything that doesnt relate to melee out (this also applies to explosives)
you have to hold a melee when getting the kill (simplified)
@@tuc293 Ohh k.
how my solo luck on any perk in DW: night 1 gun+tier2 spear
my luck with executioner: absolute garbage, no melee for 5 nights straight
Very true
2:38 hits only register if you hear the slash/smack noise
at 2:36 if you didn’t hear the sound rendering that’s means you didn’t hit them
because the game tend to do this to avoid like cheesing enemies in their blind spot
which in this case idk how did it not rendered but it’s just sth in the game
if you don’t hear your distinct melee sounds then it didn’t hit
I had same stituations, and most likely reason for me is ping issue. I can have literally god scavs because of ping spikes.
trap snares mysteriously going invisible the moment i am being chased by a sledgehammer scav
Main executioner here. (3 years, but no one cares bout that)
Some tips and advice.
Recommend when holding something, Press H. That way you can gain bounty’s while also holding items as well. (Fist counts as melee)
Always prioritize gun scav as they are more dangerous and possibly a destroyer to your goggles. Very normal for executioners when they are looting
Don’t rely on melee too much. You’re pretty much back line as soon as wave 7 or 8 begins.
I don’t know how to feel about the “Press H” advice, wouldn’t it be better to just shove, back off and switch to your melee?
A more helpful tip would be 5 bounties is enough for a Fireier axe and 12 Bounties for a Billhook
@@touhoumomo let’s say if you have something in hand, and you have couple of throwing knife, you used one. They don’t count as bounty because you have an item that’s not an melee.
It’s useful if you just wanna loot while killing scavs far
@@touhoumomo ofc yeah you can do that as well but that depends on how there gameplay is
not an exec main but i play it pretty good
you can get a sov in your team and you can easily wipe out waves up until night 7 with a few daggers
oh yeah screw fireier executioner solos
(please dont use exec if you cant time your heavies)
y'know executioner gives a new meaning to ''powertrip''
"I love one shotting scavs"
As a exe main I have noted that you need to first see the bounty to collect it. Even if you kill them if the bounty doesn't load in you won't get the exe kill.
fun fact: if you kill enemy with any weapon it wont count, UNLESS they died when you hold out a melee (fist count too) so thats why throwing knife and throwable works as long as you dont have anything else in hand than a melee
I like your thumbnail, great piece of art
Thank you : - )
I like how kysophy just casually joins and starts gaslighting you
While i was playing exe i noticed something i dont ussally notice. U all have prob noticed that when ur goggles are on there's writings. Among those writings are "wanted" and under it is the reason they are wanted for. Its fun to read these. Like slegde scav was wanted for murder and some cleaver scav wanted for sabotage. This may or may not tie into the lore. Like many cleaver scavs would be from the agency and they sabotaged them.
Bro sq is wanted for nois complains and puplic indencies💀💀
"Don't get yourself cornered."
btw stacks from the begining didnt work because you were holding a ranged weapon in your hand
The Executioner + Exe sword + 100 Bounty = kill any bosses
5 head eyelander
"More you avoid death closer it comes"
Mate, ima say this now. I’m glad I am among your first 1000 subs so that I can see you grow. You will do amazing things and I wish you well.
What a legend quote
I came because i liked the thumbnail artwork and stayed for the executioning (Btw thanks for including the name im probably gonna play it after this comment)
How'd it go? Lol
How Executioner work:
More kill, more bounties
More bounties, more scraps
More scraps, more weapons
Which make the loop easier
Btw you can use piles of rock and wood during looting phase to safely kill gun scavs, which are free bounties
Stand behind the pile and scav is gonna keep shooting and hitting the pile, attack whenever they reload, if they ain't dead, repeat
Won't recommend luring from far to the pile any other scavs aside fanning winchester (scavs that go for precise shots wear an eyepatch, anything else is fanning) and revolver scavs - they try to walk close to you and then start firing, unlike others that just start blasting whenever you are seen
Might work on snipers but they must already be triggered when you stand behind the pile cuz otherwise they diagnose you with lead deficiency
That prolly works cuz their pathfinding thinks there's nothing since there might or might not be the pile, and they only see the map without any piles spawned
Nah, who cares about piles
love that YT said its “Team Fortress 2”
6:53 bro legit be like i am a skinner shifter lemme just jump down, bite hand and shift to a skinner
One of my favourited perk.
But they should do a little buff on the goggles.
I think the goggles should be able to heal when not in combat, even when on, despite taking a long time
Game: Team Fortress 2
I love when the 6 spies on my team give me 4 morale irl
Executioner Is trully pain when you see a gun scav In the waves (bye bye goggles It was nice to have 40 bounties)
Oh hey an executioner with a Caldwell
0:17 to 0:25 to kill and enemy and it count to a bounty you need to be holding a melee weapon like your fists it didn't count with the throwing knife because you were holding that shotgun
The kills with knives at the start didn't add because it only counts when you have a melee out. In this case you had the shotgun out, thus not counting it. Unless you already knew that and I look stupid for commenting on a 3 month old video, just kill me.
khyshop on hs villain arc
Can you do the How 2 artillerist? Using
+ the dagger
I will add him in next poll
whats your outfit its looks really cool
Hair 10
Combat scarf
Old earth gear
Old earth legwear
thanks i really enjoy your videos aswell!!!!@@Fareels
Executioner when Firerier Axe bp:
this may seem a little off topic but what top are you using for your outfit?
Old earth Gear
@@Fareels Thanks
U forgot 1 thing (im a executioner main) the kill will ONLY count if the enemy is showed with glaasses aka if u kill a npc at a close range with a shotgun it will count but if u shoot with at a long range with a sniper it wont count
I alr was told that many times
i think ik why u didnt get the stacks for the thrrowing knives, its bc you were holding a gun, and gun kills dont add to your stacks, so maybe bc you were holding the gun, the game thought you got the kills with it, and didnt give the stacks
Ngl I wanna be friends with this guy Deffentily my type.
Not sure if u want to
I once had a scav completely eat my 134 damage heavy, mf’s are made of steel
Im got:no friend
You get:billhook
The only perk with i know play is no one class because i am dumb
I'm jotting down the loadout you used for each one so I can reference this stuff on the fly
*oNlY tWeLvE mOrE pErKs To Go* (11 if you don't count/intend on doing damned)
Damned is for grand finale
@@Fareels Once all are learned... the ultimate challenge arises.
love the fact youtube think this is tf2
Cloaker V2...craft billhook (a stun abuse melee) as soon as possible...or just use malice for melee emergency (kinda needed for early i guess?)
With my luck I will get billhook at night 8
Love your videos i think i will start a yt channel to make videos like you
Good luck! You will need it
the 3 dislikes are from shotgun and sniper scavs
Kill did not add cuz your not in melee slot which is weird (or because you were holding a gun)
It is because I was holding a gun
Yeah I called it I just auto corrected me self earlier just in case
Ah yes, my favorite class!
"Beserker but a little bitch"
Average executioner
I'm an berserk main and me and my executioner main friend meleed Yosef 💀
No melee is pain for executioner :))
Asking for “How 2 Hivemind” Day 2
Decaying winter easy mode
it's joever....
Kysophy jumpscare
god what a good video
sniper jumpscare :sob: 0:42
i m main executioner i can only say that pain
I *assume* How 2 Artillerist is fairly simple, considering my experiences with the game
*G U N*
yeehaw chucklefucks
le xecutionar
ive been waitin for this!
Why are you stage 2- CRITICAL BAN!!!
You have one more chance, before getting banned
what jacket u use?
Old earth gear
OW TO APOSTAL please i need more tips tahts my favort perk
Decaying winter
i love team fortress 2
wht did bro do to kysophy
6:53 that moment when I see an unsupervised skinner knowing he's parryable
then you get hit with the lag spike
So pro
as an executioner main, i agree with this video.
do you really hate exe ? this run wasn't this bad after all, a few issues but it was good.
If only you knew how many unlucky runs I had
executioner, for me is ass in last strandeds
Old earth gear
hard perk ngl
11:08 Bro thinks this is csgo
video really got marked as team fortress 2
rip your job
what the top outfit?
Old earth Gear
Nice video dude
@@Fareels 👍
Wait is not fact impatient?
@@Fareels ok that's... corious
Lol now you fired =(
Yes am now homeless
@@Fareels omg it so sad =((( also can you do "how 2 apsotle"???? i hope it will more pain than this video =/ )
That would be much better then exe, since I will have MELEE at start
I don't get it
da roblos is real