Abraham teaches us how the body deals with Junk Food
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ก.พ. 2025
- 2005 03 19 Phoenix 5 Junk food
Hot Seater: My question has to do with cravings, perhaps hurtful cravings.
I’m a health counselor and a vegan raw foods.
I’ve noticed that the obvious things like alcohol and drugs have certain substances in them that cause people to feel good for the moment, and then it’s really hurtful for their health. And then there’s some common foods [that are] that way. And so my question, could you speak to that? How it spirals down people, chemically, really. They’re focusing on the feelings and yeah, it feels good to eat this or to watch that TV program, and then later they feel bad or it hurts their health and so they use the chemicals to feel better again. What can be done about that?
AH: Well, there are a number of things that we want to give you about this. First is that you have a very brilliant cellular mass that you call your body where there is cellular intelligence that understands everything that we’ve been talking about here today. IOW, we’re talking about alignment and making peace with what is. And the cells of your body know how to compensate for anything that takes them a little out of balance.
So, you introduce something to your body that is not necessarily on your list of most healthy things to do. Let’s say that your body. It’s not the same molecular structure as the body (but its something your body is accustomed to). Lets say its not vibrationally in alignment with the body. Lets say that it’s a distorted chemical that as you said, that stimulates the body in some way but it is not in harmony with the makeup of the body.
So, you ingest it, you eat it or drink it or sniff it or shoot it or get it in your body in some way and now your brilliant body, cellularly, recognizes that something is happened, and immediately begins to adjust to it. So it produces all kinds of compensating factors in order to maintain its natural balance cell by cell by cell by cell by cell. So now its adjusted to this thing that you’ve done.
And now that adjustment translates to you as a craving in time and not very much time. Once your body adjusts to this new thing that you’re giving it, it does such a good job of compensating for it that it translates to you as if your body wants it because if the body has now adjusted to it and you don’t give it to it, now your body’s out of adjustment again.
So now it goes through withdrawal for that thing that it has adjusted to. That is so important to understand. So understanding that, then you must conclude if your logic follows at all, that given a little bit of time, your body will adjust to wherever it is.
If you can go three days without the reintroduction of something back into your system, your body will completely find its balance again. But few people can make it through those three days because the withdrawal is uncomfortable in the meantime and even unconsciously they find themselves gravitating to what their cells have adjusted to who seem to be asking for……
you are inspired by your cellular activity. IOW, a lot of people are giving their body what they think their body wants, when their body is only wanting what they’ve already given it. Isn’t that interesting.
So that’s one basis of understanding that we think can go along way for anyone whose strong willed enough and determined enough that they are going to get control over their own body.
Most people do not fall into that category. Most people are not very deliberate about much of anything. Most people are letting the majority of their vibration follow or respond to whatever they are observing on some level so, you observe with your eyes and your ears you are observing with all of this physical ability to observe and and what you’re observing tends to be the basis of your vibration.
It’s a rare one of you who deliberately chooses a thought for the purpose of producing an emotion or mood, for the purpose of producing a vibration, for the purpose of affecting some result. IOW, that kind of deliberate creation is really rare even though that is really what we’re teaching and it’s what all of you knew and want to remember. It’s fun to be in physical form, but it’s so delightful to be in physical form directing your experience.