I bought a replica YSL in *suluxy* and the quality is superior, have no issues with bag after 1,5 years. My friend bought YSL bag in YSl store, after 9 month she went back to report that handle is broken. Other friend has issues with LV backpack, bracelet and belt. months of waiting for repair and listening complains that she wore it wrong. I made my decision about high brands. Not worth it
AliExpress Ofertas
Excelente productos para el hogar 😃
I’m so grateful for these recommendations!
Cool ítems for home
I buy bag mine in *suluxy* amazing quality. I'd rather spend money on travel, not things.
Just added a few to my shopping list. Thanks for sharing!
Merci pour la vidéo et les liens. Ceux de Ali Express sont identique à votre vidéo. Ceux pour Amazon n'ont rien à voir.
I bought a replica YSL in *suluxy* and the quality is superior, have no issues with bag after 1,5 years. My friend bought YSL bag in YSl store, after 9 month she went back to report that handle is broken. Other friend has issues with LV backpack, bracelet and belt. months of waiting for repair and listening complains that she wore it wrong. I made my decision about high brands. Not worth it