James would be a great dad "Dad, I wanted to become a mermaid but we can't do it without a pool..." "WHAT?!?! THIS IS FUCKING BULLSHIT WERE GONNA GET YOU A BOSS ASS POOL RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!"
You're not allowed to use dyes. That's cheating!. NO! NO! NO! God damn it! God damn it! God damn it! God damn it! God damn it!. You broke the rules! & the rest of what he said
James you getting skinny has given me so much confidence to get skinny myself I hope you see this cause I want to thank you for helping me get my health on track
"Oh by the way I made this up" ... "Oh" (looks into glass of salt water he just droop his ring in.) I died laughing, and I never laugh watching stuff alone. That was gold 👌
they should start a series Examining "conspiracies and hidden message" using channels like Dark 5, Top 15, All Time conspiracies etc... and dress up in suits and try to explain everything a like ancient aliens spoof that would be funny call it "Cow Chop Conspiracies"
+Dragonborn yeah fuck nintendo, didn't they see what happened to sony and microsoft for trying to make users pay for online services? it's not like people bought PS4 and Xbox One anyway, is it?
Those clips when aleks zap the air with his godly powers made me laugh out loud. I like it when people dying is put into a humorous context, thus making it funny instead of sad.
Who ever edited this deserves a raise for the god editing
We all know that Aleks is our only God.
Jayspock myworld Aaron?
Bongocat Studios alon
Aron for God Tier!
Aleks going along with that girls instructions so genuinely. It makes him seem like he'd be a good father. 🥺
"Now you have to get your charm, and kiss it."
*Aleks excitedly pauses the video and looks at James intently*
Haha that was hilarious.
I love how seriously Aleks gets into the mermaid power guides. "HOW MUCH IS TOO MUCH?" *in panic*
Alixks using his powers legitimately made me jump
MackAttack713 "Alixks"
finally someone spells his name right
MackAttack713 its Aelixxs. idiot
MackAttack713 Next week he's gonna tell us HE was the one who dropped the nukes on Japan
Glass, check
Water, check
Salt, check
Charm, check
Murmaider murmaider murmaider
way to go, u forgot the spoon u fucking amateur, u dont know shit about mermaids
Aleks why is my mom asleep and not waking up
Esteban Garcia hungover
Esteban Garcia :,,(
Any updates? She ded? Aleks god?
Ha. I get it. Aleks said he just killed someone's mom
James lost more weight then I lost self esteem when I was bullied for three years.
shoulda grew some balls and brought a gun to school.
you guys are fucked up even if you are joking it's still fucked up
Don't fucking comment on youtube videos then. It's all retarded and fucked up.
Ah dude you had self-esteem? Lucky
vuac yeu is it bad he lost weight pls tell me what's fucked up I'm a new sub
Is James wearing a Cryaotic shirt?
asian_trashbag ダニエル 〜 worthless。 yes, he's wearing one of cry's old shirts
pweqpwaq stop
: Poyo : yeah, I think he's been in Cry's late night streams before
Oh no.
Doing a video for a school project if I get 5 likes I will upload it to my channel. (it's in french tho)
LeBleuQc sorry, I did it...
Visual Aids ayt leave me 15 minutes so I can finish it i will post the link here.
Fake French or Real French.
Wruce Bayne French from Québec
I actually pissed myself during James's mermaids power spell
I couldn't take it, my stomach actually hurts right now
Would Still Smash does it still hurt?
@@jacobisterribleprobably developed a disease sadly due to his virus powers
@@Dr.HooWho nah, he's fucking dead
I didn't know those John Cena memes started with prank calls
***** I think admitting to being a "meme hipster" is the first step to getting proper help
What are you, gay?
+Tibasu At least he doesn't have a "meme vision" like that one guy on 4chan.
Tibasu it was on a radio show they kept calling this lady about wwe
One piece? lol
I remember watching this video less then a minute after it was uploaded. 6 years DAMN
James would be a great dad
"Dad, I wanted to become a mermaid but we can't do it without a pool..."
LunarBrony "dad I wanna paint my hair"
"dont use the dye"
You're not allowed to use dyes. That's cheating!. NO! NO! NO! God damn it! God damn it! God damn it! God damn it! God damn it!. You broke the rules! & the rest of what he said
Man James is looking good and healthy. I dig it.
'Light of the night, shine bright'
Is that the fucking chant to become a Green Lantern?
Very close it hurts
James you getting skinny has given me so much confidence to get skinny myself I hope you see this cause I want to thank you for helping me get my health on track
It’s always nice to watch the classics
i can't believe Aleks have not seen that John cena prank.
when aleks showed his hand in 11:36 honestly surprised me, i almost spilled my drink everywhere
11:40 the creature office
Rob Cinderblock wowww
alex the murder made me choke on the chocolate i was eating :D so funny
at least you're not choking on a book
Matthew B at least you're not norman jayden
Matthew B Aleks*
Alice Caitlyn Brooke *Sasha
Dude when the guy hit that crazy pool shot at 2:57 I literally thought he was gonna look into the camera and say
..... "Heyy that's pretty gooood"
"Oh by the way I made this up" ... "Oh" (looks into glass of salt water he just droop his ring in.) I died laughing, and I never laugh watching stuff alone. That was gold 👌
The editing in this episode was golden
Man, now I'm super sad :(
love you james
In the end he did become a mermaid
I so, SO badly want them to go through the entire important videos playlist in a separate video. Would be the fastest click of my life.
would be better if they went through web junk
One of the funniest videos I’ve seen on TH-cam lately I’m glad I gave cow chop a chance.
"I'll chop you later, cow guys."
-Aleks 2017
Was I the only one who jumped when Aleks shot lightning out of his hands at 11:38?😂
Karasu Edits ..Nope...
Karasu Edits I almost peed myself
Eugi Ferñuela u neef help
I like to appreciate a glimpse of Vinny's channel at 2:03.
Still waiting for the crossover of all of the channels that I like. Just a big shitty meme video that's full of kazoos and diseases.
Oh man. It'd be a wild trip of memes
All hail our new god emperor aleks, now he is truly immortalhd
I was expecting the Twin Towers when Aleks was being a madman
God this series is GOLDEN
I really thought he was going to say "Hey, that's pretty good.".... 2:56
Best one yet. Had me creasing all the way through.
Good to see Immortal became immortal again, expecting to see that optimus mask back.
they should start a series Examining "conspiracies and hidden message" using channels like Dark 5, Top 15, All Time conspiracies etc... and dress up in suits and try to explain everything a like ancient aliens spoof that would be funny call it "Cow Chop Conspiracies"
I'm so happy that they found the important videos playlist.
3:50 that song has been a meme between me and my brother for so long.
Shoutouts to Vinesauce and Theoddonesout that made very small cameos on the suggested videos
SuperiorDeadpool They probably watch them sometimes, that's really cool lmao
SuperiorDeadpool and E;R
The second mermaid tutorial had a subliminal message "Help me plese".
James rocking that Cryaotic tshirt.
I'm going through some emotional stuff right now and this episode really lifted my spirits thank you Alec and James!!!
They should test Aleks' godly power by pepper spraying him to see if it hurts xd
It did
So I'm just here to say. Wtf TH-cam! I have to confirm my age with my credit card now to watch a God damn great video.
the lightning bolts from his hands actually scared me
I love the important videos playlist.
Oh look, the future home of the creatures, a storage unit.
CrazyKingStev Then after that. A box behind kfc.
Omg that is so funny and sad at the same time lol.
CrazyKingStev Nah, they wont upgrade to a stotage unit.
Stop. That's just too damn savage.
I love how james looks like old school james again.
When James wears cryaotic shirt
Thanks for the uplifting entertainment over the years. Going through some tough shit right now and you guys help
What does Alek's ring signify?
Mewling Mew His virginity.
Wyatt Rowe really?
CrystalTigerclaw I didn't know what ring it was. I am so shocked that he's gotten this far and is still a virgin.
Mewling Mew It actually represents how many people he killed in Russia. 100 per ring
This is wat I've been waiting for
Are you guys gonna get Nintendo switch?
fuck no you have to pay for online services
+Dragonborn yeah fuck nintendo, didn't they see what happened to sony and microsoft for trying to make users pay for online services? it's not like people bought PS4 and Xbox One anyway, is it?
I mean, Microsoft and Sony both do that as well, and it's arguably made their internet services much better.
but thats what made nintendo good they had acceptable wifi without any online service payment
Dragonborn 😂😂what the fuck why would they pay for online when they can just play with each other
ahhhhhhh Aleks made me spil my glass of salt water when he shot me with lightning
and James being kappa pride made me drop the glass
It's like I actually have friends to watch dank memes with
That first video with the little girl just radiates chaos
That storage house looked comfortable as fuck.
"keep an eye on that. maybe you're watching this in 2018, in which case we already had jogging pants and we prolly went bankrupt too" aged like milk
I just called my mom to make sure aleks didnt kill her
12:22 Man this new version of The Life of Pablo looks great
3:45, 8:18, 10:43, 11:32, 13:34-, 17:11
I felt really proud of myself once I completed the important videos playlist
I see that playlist fucking everywhere didn't know it was there for pretty much everyone else.
Any chance you guys could do a Co-op game of SWAT 4 on Cow Chop, would be an amazing series!
Currently trying to explain to my Girlfriend why a guy kissing a Dragon Dildo twice to become a mermaid is not gay and is actually funny...
the mermaid shit started happening to james pretty instantly i'd say
he looked pretty salty
2:04 Vinesauce is getting recommended to Cow Chop? Niiiiiice.
The power of Trevors editing was blessed upon that ring.
I vote that we start a religion to worship our lord and Russian Twink, Aleksandr
TigerLily well you're in luck because aleksism and novatheism have been here since the creature era
Rifqi Hatta where do i sign up
TigerLily and this one is Novatheism
Yes child, yes, join our holy religion of peace and prosperity!
Rifqi Hatta Let in Why Is The Pizza Burning? That's me.
Those clips when aleks zap the air with his godly powers made me laugh out loud. I like it when people dying is put into a humorous context, thus making it funny instead of sad.
Not only aleks is a daddy, but a god? Damn
I watched all of those videos from that playlist. I'm a changed man, I've seen things no mortal could withstand.
We are going to have to have an update video on Jame's mermaid powers
I've been a long time fan of rooster teeth and than funhaus and I can honestly say this is becoming by far the funniest channel for me.
I just came across this video. Holy. Fucking. Shit. Subbed immediately.
By far the best series on TH-cam.
Somebody NEEDS to make fan art of James and aleks as mermaids
1:08 I've watched that playlist many times
holy shit, whoever edited that laugh deserves a doctors in humour
This is by far my favorite Cow Chop video, ever.
Don't fuck with Aleks' power ring
'important videos' is the one playlist I'll always go back to
james rocking that manbun like damn daddy
You guys have earned another sub
Did anyone else hear the ocean man intro when alexs called for a drumroll??????
I love James' shirt! One of the best Cryaotic shirt designs if you ask me.
Cow chop is gone its now Mermaid Chop
im fucking fantastic at jokes
Thanks Man
RampagexLegitx Sushi Slice.
I LOVE your videos
yo why the fuck did aleks only attack japan lmao I'm dying
this video sent me down one hell of a rabbit hole with that important video playlist.
James's forehead is brighter than my future
love watching cow chop everyday. I turned off ad block just for this channel.
james is wearing a cryaotic shirt and I love it
This has to be my favorite Wrong Side of TH-cam episode, the god power and mermaid powers had me dying!
You guys should get to sell ollos directly through the shop
I love how high Aleks keeps following the lil girls instructions and yet getting lost on the way.
Nice Cryaotic shirt, James.
I discovered the "Important videos" playlist long before cowchop. I feel special.