I hope this helps someone out there. Love you all. All poems, vids and novels: www.ClaytonJennings.com Have I been able to help you? Support my channel here: app.moonclerk.com/pay/2qswhhel8db9 Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/3HM2KNmxuQ4SS3A3sI5Lez Apple Music: music.apple.com/us/artist/clayton-jennings/1494243865 Amazon Music: tinyurl.com/y5u4hxc3 Instagram: instagram.com/claytonjennings1/
I’m so excited about this! Happy to start off my first year of high school with a relationship closer to God than ever. You, Clayton have helped me along with many trials.. some like you. ❤️
Rene Wilder so the oppressed people aren’t racist even though they murdered white farmers because of their race which is the very definition of racism just because their black its okay you just seem to only care about what your told to
Rene Wilder they killed them because of there race and you said oh they cant be racist because there oppressed which is the same thing as saying black people cant be racist
I don't know you guys but I pray from you all there. Im a son of many generations of farmers here in tennessee, USA. I don't farm myself but I have much respect for you all. God bless you and thank you for creating something in this world instead of destroying.
Thank you for speaking on the farm murders in South Africa,I’m from South Africa and our government refuses to acknowledge or do anything to protect our farmers
This dude named Rene Wilder is saying that the murders of white farmers in south africa isnt racist. Can anyone else agree that that man is flawed and needs to seek help?
@@COVID--zo3ng I agree it’s a shame how South Africa’s government doesn’t care about the farmers getting Murdered one day I’ll run for governor or president and try hard to change this world into a much better and safe place for all of us and I’ll teach people about the Gospel of Jesus I’ll try my hardest to prevent more and more people from losing there lives I hope I get support god bless ❤️ you all and stay safe pray for our South African farmers 🙏 prevent South African attacks this is a global crisis and it must end thank you 🙏❤️
Amen God bless Clayton Jennings and his ministry and his walk through Jesus and the same to that guy who was rapping God bless them both and all those who watch and listen to their videos
I think we can count on one hand the amount of people who have a platform that raised awareness for farm murders in South Africa. You’ve always been brave man💪🏽
@@ClaytonJennings, you're so humble I've been on a lot of your poems, and when u reply to someone u always rebuttal with an I'm flawed, I'm not perfect, or I'm not brave.
„Spiders live online, that’s why they call it the web!!“ - this is FIRE!!🔥 *God* wants you to turn to him and place your trust in him. He is a *good father* and is everything you need to get through this difficult season. *Every blessing* 🙏❤️😇
I’m not Christian, most likely won’t ever be, but this hit different, it’s the ugly truth so it will never be anywhere popular, won’t go viral if things don’t change for the better.
Clayton thank you for talking about the farm murders in South Africa, it is getting worse every day, I farm as well and have family living on farms we fear for our lives everyday we go out to work, or when we get home at night. The world needs to see what is going on in South Africa, even though our government is trying to sweep everything under the rug. We live with firearms on our side not knowing when we going to have to use them to defend our families. We need a break in this country, it's the only place in the world where we get killed for trying to put food on other people's tables. Pray for us we need is urgently. Thank you once again.
I was not expecting the rap verse.. 😲but wow to the whole video! Praise God🙌🏾 for people like this, who's touching people in not only preaching, but in ways that are easier for the younger generation(like me) to understand 💯👏🏾
Thank you. We’ve never met but your poetry saved my life. I was on the edge of slitting my own throat but all I could think of was your poetry and it stopped me and made me put the knife down. So thank you. You’re a hero that has saved me. You’re a good man, you and Jesus were the only reasons that I’ve stayed alive this long. 🙏🏼✝️
The whole farming thing resounds with me. There are so many stories written in red that reference farming; those WORDS that Jesus said. Reep what you sow. TOIL the surface of your hard heart, prepare the ground so that these Word seeds can grow. FAITH comes by hearing 👂 the WORD of God. Receive the Word seed on good ground ( your ❤) the Holy Spirit will water 💧 the seed, and Jesus the Son shine 🌞 will cause the fruit to grow!!!!
Literally 99% won't see this but if you do, I'm sending virtual hugs to anyone who needs it! Stay safe everyone and stay positive during this quarantine💪 My dream is to hit 5k, unfortunately I've been struggle recently❤
i have followed you for years now, literrally you talk about issues that are timely, with the whole thing happening in the world right now we all need this, and am eagerly waiting for the album
I’ve been struggling with anxiety and depression lately. Literally, laying awake this evening crying and decided to turn on TH-cam to try and distract my mind. I’m subscribed to you and just saw this. Thank you. Yet again, your spoken word hits home. The night is the darkest for the mentally ill. That line hit home.
are you sitting in your depression? are you right with God? do you have good intentions? are you living your life for God? these are questions i had to ask myself. God gave me a new heart and set me free, you just have to be willing.
Clayton Jennings, you inspire me. I've been watching & listening to your videos for about a week straight. It's really bringing me to a better mental state after contemplating so many different scenarios to end the pain. I haven't been the man to my family that I should be. But you're words give me faith and are helping me learn to better myself everyday. Thank you so much!!
It’s great to hear your words again, Clayton! I’ll always have the greatest amount of respect for yourself and your words for how much they’ve helped me. You’re doing so much good and I hope I can give the same to others.
You are inspiration in so many ways! Thank you for spreading so much awareness to so many dee things in such positive ways. You have truly inspired me to keep bringing awareness to mental health. My 5+ years of domestic violence, self harm, addiction almost caused me to take my life. However, God placed your and Trent Shelton’s messages to inspire me to share my story and help others. Today I’m not afraid to share any part of my story simply because it has helped so many people. So thank you for being you and spreading God’s messages in such creative ways! As my organization says, Stay Strong. Stay You, Clayton! 💚 🙏🏼
You are right on target with Jesus, mental illness, suicide, and the many bad things that happens oversees. Keep preaching the no compromising gospel of Jesus Christ! Thanks
Proud of you, Clayton. So excited for what’s to come from you. It’s funny because every time I feel myself drifting away from Jesus, even though I don’t want to, you put something out that brings me a step closer. The mind is the craziest of things. God bless you, Blake, and everyone reading this.
Hey Clayton. I just really want you to know that your poetry has been a great tool of inspiration in the hands of God, even in my own spoken word poetry. We stay thousands of miles away from each other, but every time I watch any of your videos, be it poetry, teaching, or the inspirational talks you give, God tells me 'You're a fighter', and just like Clayton, you can help others become fighters too. So, thank you for being God's servant, God's way of telling us, 'I'm not dead'.
Yup just re fell in love with Gods amazing gift he's given you to change the world! God bless you. Your videos helped me so much in the beginning of my salvation 2 years ago! 💙🙌
Your doing Gods work my friend. Lord. Let his word be spread. Amen brother. Blessings to you. I struggle with anxiety. I have my whole life. I cried out to God and your videos came up
You have no idea how true all this is. I live in SA and know alot of people struggling with mental illness and going through hard times financially and to have a president that doesn't want to acknowledge the seriousness of the farm murders doesn't help.
Idk if you read the comments but you have literal saved my life. I have ptsd and panic disorder.... I live alot of days trapped inside my mind. But you have literal saved me. I really appreciate you words keep it.
You so much for addressing these issues the world needs to know that everybody is suffering through this nobody is untouched no matter if they're racist normal not saying that racism is a normal but it shouldn't be Society needs to face that reality is coming to an end that we've known and you are helping bring it to light if not all at once one day at a time I pray that God teaches everybody that love is right and Hate he needs to go away
You inspire me to keep going! I started off hating myself, coming home crying because I was being bullied... but then I realized don't let that get to you! Your videos have inspired me to keep my head up not to go down hill. I've changed for the better and you are my role model for that. I'm sorry about Ava and I hope you're doing better since that. 🤍💯
I was so waiting for this (your next) video Clayton. And then so see it's about SA. Wow, so blessed thank you!! Two edged sword word shared! Thanks for being faithful to your calling/s.
I literally needed this right now because I'm in like a deep hole and depressed every day Thank you Clayton for taking your time to help people getting through a lot of stuff you are truly an angel Frome God thank you for everything
😥🥺💔Thank you for making this video... I am from South Africa and the farm murders are real... very sad that this is being hidden from the rest of the world by our government... Only our Heavenly Father can bring change... 🙏🙏🙏🌸 I pray this happens soon🥺
It’s crazy how you can watch something so many times and then BOOM a certain line hits you in a way like never before. “Just because you’re down it doesn’t mean that you’re trapped. Under attack, and now you wanna retract. Give it up to God it’s time to bounce back.” Been struggling mentally this past few weeks and this is exactly what I needed. Feels like Satan has had a hold on me and I just need to break free and give it to Christ
You're the best artist I've ever listened to you've helped me trough so many though times and I just want to thank you for that even tho you will probably not see this
Clayton, I just woke up to check my notifications. As i do every morning praying that I will see a new notification ftom you. TODAY........... MAN U JUST MADE MY Day!!!! Keeo on keeping o. Y Brother .........# You are the prophecy! i hope you and ur blessed famy is staying loved and 💯💯💯SAFE..... SINCERL YOURS, DIANA GOVE.
That is the most amazing poetry I've ever heard. That took alot of what I was trying to say and you just summed it up for me thanks not gonna us it but some of it like I'm trying to change the world and I wanna attract as much action to the fact as I need to get this to happen. People like you helps my current dreams and goals. They say closed mouths dont get fed. Or people that dont speak up then there voice is never heard. I'm on a mission to save the people and animals on earth.
God is good such a blessing to see the things God does threw you two can’t wait to hear the rest God bless prayers for you guys and your family’s!🙏🏻 much love🖤
Amen brothers. You guys are seriously underrated. Please don't stop making these amazing songs. Truly needed it tbh. And I know more people need and deserve to hear it
Please keep spreading your gift god Jesus instilled in you and your messages our country needs Hope our children need to feel safe loved to grow up strong to prosper believe n achieve their goals n dreams
Wow when Blake came in so unexpected really great video I’ve been here since I could remember gone through a lot and this has really helped me through hard times
As a South African I feel relieved to know that people from other countries are seeing our problem when our own President said farm murders dont happen #stopfarmmurders
Thanks for bringing up the farm murders in south africa more people need to hear about it. When I brought it up in a oral at school I was told it isn't a real problem.
I hope this helps someone out there. Love you all.
All poems, vids and novels:
Have I been able to help you? Support my channel here: app.moonclerk.com/pay/2qswhhel8db9
Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/3HM2KNmxuQ4SS3A3sI5Lez
Apple Music: music.apple.com/us/artist/clayton-jennings/1494243865
Amazon Music: tinyurl.com/y5u4hxc3
Instagram: instagram.com/claytonjennings1/
I’m so excited about this! Happy to start off my first year of high school with a relationship closer to God than ever. You, Clayton have helped me along with many trials.. some like you. ❤️
@@Tei_022 hey!👋 I'm gonna be a freshman too! Also that's great! So happy for you😊💛
GODGOOD 🔥💥🎉jump jump joy joy 🎉💥🔥changing the world 🖤
Hey, you are doing a great job! Keep up the good work, it changes lives!
You motivate me to pursue my dream homie I’m a boxer💯 I thank god your my brother thru the blood of Jesus
I feel like an NF and Clayton Jennings collaboration would be so dense...
That would be 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Oh stars yes please🔥
Read my mind 🤯💫
@@jakemotionless6210 Definitely would be out of this world!
So glad he talked about South Africa's murders.
Clayton Jennings
Yes and if you mention it here you risk getting your neighborhood burned down
Too bad racism isn’t clearly understood by the individual in the poem . Racism can’t be created by the oppressed but okay.
Rene Wilder so the oppressed people aren’t racist even though they murdered white farmers because of their race which is the very definition of racism just because their black its okay you just seem to only care about what your told to
Jax Morris look up what racism actually means....he twisted this. That act is hate but not racism as defined. Hate nonetheless
Rene Wilder they killed them because of there race and you said oh they cant be racist because there oppressed which is the same thing as saying black people cant be racist
"Because it's wrong regardless of skin colour or where it's at" - Well said brother. Proud South African here.
As I South African Farmer... I got goosebumps listening to this! Totally off guard for your first words
As South Africans we need stand together....
God bless South Africa 🙏🏼❤️
With you on that as a South African I feel like we as people are shunned and hidden from the rest of the world
God Bless South Africa.
I don't know you guys but I pray from you all there. Im a son of many generations of farmers here in tennessee, USA. I don't farm myself but I have much respect for you all. God bless you and thank you for creating something in this world instead of destroying.
Thank you for speaking on the farm murders in South Africa,I’m from South Africa and our government refuses to acknowledge or do anything to protect our farmers
Praying for you and your precious farmers.🕊🙏💗
Clayton I'm from south Africa thank u need to hear this
Me too😊
Also from South Africa. Needed that brother.
This dude named Rene Wilder is saying that the murders of white farmers in south africa isnt racist. Can anyone else agree that that man is flawed and needs to seek help?
We will be okay
@@COVID--zo3ng I agree it’s a shame how South Africa’s government doesn’t care about the farmers getting Murdered one day I’ll run for governor or president and try hard to change this world into a much better and safe place for all of us and I’ll teach people about the Gospel of Jesus I’ll try my hardest to prevent more and more people from losing there lives I hope I get support god bless ❤️ you all and stay safe pray for our South African farmers 🙏 prevent South African attacks this is a global crisis and it must end thank you 🙏❤️
“Because if Jesus didn’t say it, I don’t care who did.”
Beautiful truth spoken. Praise God. Thank you Jesus. Our Lord, our King, our Savior. God bless.
Amen God bless Clayton Jennings and his ministry and his walk through Jesus and the same to that guy who was rapping God bless them both and all those who watch and listen to their videos
Thanks Clayton I’m a South African glad to see that the world knows about the problems we are facing
I think we can count on one hand the amount of people who have a platform that raised awareness for farm murders in South Africa.
You’ve always been brave man💪🏽
Praying for everyone there. I'm not brave, I just care deeply for the hurting. People need to know what's happening in SA. Much love.
@@ClaytonJennings, you're so humble I've been on a lot of your poems, and when u reply to someone u always rebuttal with an I'm flawed, I'm not perfect, or I'm not brave.
@@ClaytonJennings i've also been trying to find a Christian rapper like polo g, so I can stop living in sin, I finally found one, blake whitley.
„Spiders live online, that’s why they call it the web!!“ - this is FIRE!!🔥
*God* wants you to turn to him and place your trust in him. He is a *good father* and is everything you need to get through this difficult season. *Every blessing* 🙏❤️😇
If more then 1/8 of the world actually followed Christ this would be top billboard
I’m not Christian, most likely won’t ever be, but this hit different, it’s the ugly truth so it will never be anywhere popular, won’t go viral if things don’t change for the better.
I’m Jewish but still hits diffrent
"Rumors become tumors if left to live in your head"
Clayton thank you for talking about the farm murders in South Africa, it is getting worse every day, I farm as well and have family living on farms we fear for our lives everyday we go out to work, or when we get home at night. The world needs to see what is going on in South Africa, even though our government is trying to sweep everything under the rug. We live with firearms on our side not knowing when we going to have to use them to defend our families. We need a break in this country, it's the only place in the world where we get killed for trying to put food on other people's tables. Pray for us we need is urgently. Thank you once again.
I was not expecting the rap verse.. 😲but wow to the whole video! Praise God🙌🏾 for people like this, who's touching people in not only preaching, but in ways that are easier for the younger generation(like me) to understand 💯👏🏾
Thank you. We’ve never met but your poetry saved my life. I was on the edge of slitting my own throat but all I could think of was your poetry and it stopped me and made me put the knife down. So thank you. You’re a hero that has saved me. You’re a good man, you and Jesus were the only reasons that I’ve stayed alive this long. 🙏🏼✝️
"Known to be peaceful, but I'm killing these lines" that you are my dude! Respect to big homie for this ART
This... I wish the whole world could listen to this🙌🏽🧡Praise Jesus. Sending love from South Africa
"I stopped reading word unless their written in red." That's it right there.
The whole farming thing resounds with me. There are so many stories written in red that reference farming; those WORDS that Jesus said. Reep what you sow. TOIL the surface of your hard heart, prepare the ground so that these Word seeds can grow.
FAITH comes by hearing 👂 the WORD of God.
Receive the Word seed on good ground ( your ❤) the Holy Spirit will water 💧 the seed, and Jesus the Son shine 🌞 will cause the fruit to grow!!!!
This was so beautiful Clay. Your words are truly well said...
Dear Clayton, you’ve kept me alive for 3 years and 45 days so far. Thank you 🙏
When your two favorite ppl come together🖤😊👏🙏🏼
Literally 99% won't see this but if you do,
I'm sending virtual hugs to anyone who needs it! Stay safe everyone and stay positive during this quarantine💪
My dream is to hit 5k, unfortunately I've been struggle recently❤
Right back at you! Hand your struggles to Him! He can handle it
You are awesome awwwww hugs
Back to u ☺️
My head is automatically 'yea, I am not worth that hug, I'll give mine to someone else.' Then I realised it was a fricking virtual hug...
i have followed you for years now, literrally you talk about issues that are timely, with the whole thing happening in the world right now we all need this, and am eagerly waiting for the album
"We're so focused on our own hurt that we forget other people's pain ;you can have a beautiful face with a terrible brain " uhhhh hits so deep 😭
I’ve been struggling with anxiety and depression lately. Literally, laying awake this evening crying and decided to turn on TH-cam to try and distract my mind. I’m subscribed to you and just saw this. Thank you. Yet again, your spoken word hits home. The night is the darkest for the mentally ill. That line hit home.
are you sitting in your depression? are you right with God? do you have good intentions? are you living your life for God? these are questions i had to ask myself. God gave me a new heart and set me free, you just have to be willing.
jenna grace help me understand what living for God means
Nibba X- make time for God every day, study his word, spend time in prayer, worship him, and obey his word
Nibba X- if you’re living in sin, ask for forgiveness and change your ways
Clayton Jennings, you inspire me. I've been watching & listening to your videos for about a week straight. It's really bringing me to a better mental state after contemplating so many different scenarios to end the pain. I haven't been the man to my family that I should be. But you're words give me faith and are helping me learn to better myself everyday. Thank you so much!!
Mr Clayton, this gave my evening an extra blessing. God bless and honour you. And may your intimacy with Him ever burn.
It’s great to hear your words again, Clayton! I’ll always have the greatest amount of respect for yourself and your words for how much they’ve helped me. You’re doing so much good and I hope I can give the same to others.
You are inspiration in so many ways! Thank you for spreading so much awareness to so many dee things in such positive ways. You have truly inspired me to keep bringing awareness to mental health. My 5+ years of domestic violence, self harm, addiction almost caused me to take my life. However, God placed your and Trent Shelton’s messages to inspire me to share my story and help others. Today I’m not afraid to share any part of my story simply because it has helped so many people. So thank you for being you and spreading God’s messages in such creative ways! As my organization says, Stay Strong. Stay You, Clayton! 💚 🙏🏼
You are right on target with Jesus, mental illness, suicide, and the many bad things that happens oversees. Keep preaching the no compromising gospel of Jesus Christ! Thanks
Faith is the saving grace in a world filled with doubts and greed
Proud of you, Clayton. So excited for what’s to come from you. It’s funny because every time I feel myself drifting away from Jesus, even though I don’t want to, you put something out that brings me a step closer. The mind is the craziest of things. God bless you, Blake, and everyone reading this.
It’s so so beautiful and inspiring to see such talented people using their talents to serve Jesus! Thank you guys for always being awesome! God bless!
Hey Clayton. I just really want you to know that your poetry has been a great tool of inspiration in the hands of God, even in my own spoken word poetry. We stay thousands of miles away from each other, but every time I watch any of your videos, be it poetry, teaching, or the inspirational talks you give, God tells me 'You're a fighter', and just like Clayton, you can help others become fighters too. So, thank you for being God's servant, God's way of telling us, 'I'm not dead'.
Wonderful. Im from SA. Yes its true. Getting rough here. Farms being taken en old people killed violently because theyre white. Pray for us
Since finding your potery now this... It's just so moving makes me wanna cry... Cause I feel it move through me. Thank you for all you do!!
Thank you so much for shedding light on a brutal struggle we face in South Africa and around the world.
Yup just re fell in love with Gods amazing gift he's given you to change the world! God bless you. Your videos helped me so much in the beginning of my salvation 2 years ago! 💙🙌
Your doing Gods work my friend. Lord. Let his word be spread. Amen brother. Blessings to you. I struggle with anxiety. I have my whole life. I cried out to God and your videos came up
You have no idea how true all this is. I live in SA and know alot of people struggling with mental illness and going through hard times financially and to have a president that doesn't want to acknowledge the seriousness of the farm murders doesn't help.
The Lord is using Clayton he is a mighty warrior for the kingdom I felt the spirit of the Lord all over me from start to finish
ABSOLUTELY Brilliantly Stated
Praise God 🙏🙌🙏🙏🙏🙏
You're words are too strong to be powerless Sir. You're blessing so many lives both with your art and words-at least my life.
Bless you for your heart and serving God above all else. Keep walking the narrow path!!
Idk if you read the comments but you have literal saved my life. I have ptsd and panic disorder.... I live alot of days trapped inside my mind. But you have literal saved me. I really appreciate you words keep it.
You so much for addressing these issues the world needs to know that everybody is suffering through this nobody is untouched no matter if they're racist normal not saying that racism is a normal but it shouldn't be Society needs to face that reality is coming to an end that we've known and you are helping bring it to light if not all at once one day at a time I pray that God teaches everybody that love is right and Hate he needs to go away
Thanks for talking about south africa these murders against us is killing our country😭😭
THANK GOD FOR USING YOU TO REACH ME! I have found my peace.
Thank you for being so open and honest. I struggle with bipolar myself. As well as many other issues. God bless you brother.
I love you man never though anyone would bring our problems to light
Clayton, thank you, the world needs to hear. Greetings from a farmer family in South Africa.
You inspire me to keep going! I started off hating myself, coming home crying because I was being bullied... but then I realized don't let that get to you! Your videos have inspired me to keep my head up not to go down hill. I've changed for the better and you are my role model for that. I'm sorry about Ava and I hope you're doing better since that. 🤍💯
Love when you and Blake colab ❤️❤️❤️🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Amen Clayton ✝️. This is my favorite song ✝️❤️🌹✝️. Blessings to you and your family ✝️
Yes yes yes amen dear God speak the word of God.
🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻. Love this!!! Thanks for putting it all out there!!!
I was so waiting for this (your next) video Clayton. And then so see it's about SA. Wow, so blessed thank you!! Two edged sword word shared! Thanks for being faithful to your calling/s.
Oh my heart. Amen. Love how offensive y'all are. Wake 'em up!! Blessings~♡
You are a very deep, talented gentleman. Thank you for your words.
Thank you for this song. The words spoken are beautifully expressed! To be a voice for the voiceless is a blessing! Thank you for keeping it real!
I literally needed this right now because I'm in like a deep hole and depressed every day
Thank you Clayton for taking your time to help people getting through a lot of stuff you are truly an angel Frome God thank you for everything
Me 2 bro, your not alone!
Been suicidal and depressed for 8 years... been alone for 7
Simply Tinker Praying for you both, you have worth and you are so loved ❤️ God bless!
I'm praying for you right now as well as you Simply Taker.
may the lord Bless you both you are never alone when walking with Jesus.
@@xoltsPain you like the Joker
😥🥺💔Thank you for making this video... I am from South Africa and the farm murders are real... very sad that this is being hidden from the rest of the world by our government... Only our Heavenly Father can bring change... 🙏🙏🙏🌸 I pray this happens soon🥺
It’s crazy how you can watch something so many times and then BOOM a certain line hits you in a way like never before. “Just because you’re down it doesn’t mean that you’re trapped. Under attack, and now you wanna retract. Give it up to God it’s time to bounce back.” Been struggling mentally this past few weeks and this is exactly what I needed. Feels like Satan has had a hold on me and I just need to break free and give it to Christ
Man, can’t believe how dope this dude is.
Thank you Mr Clayton for giving hope too so many. And an inspiration to so many like me.
You're the best artist I've ever listened to you've helped me trough so many though times and I just want to thank you for that even tho you will probably not see this
Whaaaaaaaattttt!!!!! Yaaaaassssss🙌🏾😩❤️
That was unbelievably beautiful from the both of you. Clayton the major points in your verses completely true in a spiritual view.
This is posted when needed all the time
Facts bro.. God got us
For some reason this is still my favorite new song so far! Just my opinion.
I’ve watched this 30 times the last 4 days.
Oh...my...gosh! Not what I expected. This was amazingly spoken! Love this❤️
Anytime I feel lost, your videos always help me realize that God is greater
Bro this is saving me from a bunch of things. Thanks for always making 🔥 songs
I just woke up to check my notifications. As i do every morning praying that I will see a new notification ftom you.
MAN U JUST MADE MY Day!!!! Keeo on keeping o. Y Brother .........# You are the
i hope you and ur blessed famy is staying loved and 💯💯💯SAFE.....
This is amazing, clayton jennings and blake are just amazing- thank you
That is the most amazing poetry I've ever heard. That took alot of what I was trying to say and you just summed it up for me thanks not gonna us it but some of it like I'm trying to change the world and I wanna attract as much action to the fact as I need to get this to happen. People like you helps my current dreams and goals. They say closed mouths dont get fed. Or people that dont speak up then there voice is never heard. I'm on a mission to save the people and animals on earth.
you never failed me clayton
God is good such a blessing to see the things God does threw you two can’t wait to hear the rest God bless prayers for you guys and your family’s!🙏🏻 much love🖤
Thank you 🙏🏾 both for this song and all. I love ❤️ it so much. God Bless both of y’all and y’all beautiful family🙏🏾❤️🙌🏾💖
Amen brothers. You guys are seriously underrated. Please don't stop making these amazing songs. Truly needed it tbh. And I know more people need and deserve to hear it
Spoken words never hit this hard.
Great one guys
Please keep spreading your gift god Jesus instilled in you and your messages our country needs Hope our children need to feel safe loved to grow up strong to prosper believe n achieve their goals n dreams
amazing.. as always..
your words need to be heard by everyone
You are the greatest spoken word poet yet, more grace from the Father🙏. #letlovelead
So glad ur back! I love ur poetry!
Whoa baby this album is gonna be legit lit
Love it CJ! God bless you brotha! You were blessed with such a gift, keep using it 🙏💯
What a gift you have!
I absolutely Love this🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤Much Love from South Africa
That was amazing and right on point. We all need to remember that everyone is under attack not just blacks and whites, but also famine and starvation.
Wow when Blake came in so unexpected really great video I’ve been here since I could remember gone through a lot and this has really helped me through hard times
As a South African I feel relieved to know that people from other countries are seeing our problem when our own President said farm murders dont happen
Thanks for bringing up the farm murders in south africa more people need to hear about it. When I brought it up in a oral at school I was told it isn't a real problem.
SOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!! Thank you Jesus for Clayton!!
Here for Blake! Your part was literally the best part bro 🔥💯❤️