18:09 that drop rate is .05%. Also this weapon can only be farmed BEFORE you burn the Erdtree/Kill Maliketh. 1:29:56 That pure one time shot *Chef's kiss*
As a loot goblin and person who enjoys having everything at their grasp, even two years later, I would like to give a nod to the dedication poured into this video. Currently 3 hours 20 minutes in and the grind for a few of these so far has been absolutely horrific so having that little comfort knowing the item I want is there, keeps me going. Subscribed.
I officially did it! I've gone through the entire video and collected every. SINGLE. Weapon. Could not have done it without this guide for sure. Thanks so much for your hard work! Appreciate it very much 🙌
I just passed the halfway mark, and I've loved this tutorial the entire time. You actually pace each part like a normal person instead of time-lasping the most confusing/important parts. I love this guy, and I'm droppin' a like and subbing for sure!
the only good way to go bout this for players is to 1st make sure ur map is bout 90% completed....where u can almost go anywhere...that implies ur tarnished taken out most every main bose....then go weapon hunting....
This channel and the content creator are criminally underrated. I will share your phenomenal work with all my gamer friends. Kudos man. Please keep making such awesome content
I’m only :37 seconds in and ya already earned a like juss from the amount of time & detail you put into this !!! I’m watching this so I can know sum of the weapons ima want & more importantly need when I begin my grind, cause when I start a grind of a new game I have too 100% percent the game COMPLETELY(and I mean COMPLETING EVERYTHING). So thanks again for the help and preventing A LOT of deaths, and failed hours !!!
This is amazing. Your videos have made it so easy to 100% this game. We all owe you likes, subscriptions, and massive respect for all the work you put in. Thank you so much!
If you don’t want to go insane while trying to get the rib rake and celebrants sickle I would recommend upgrading your arcane to 99 and using the silver scarab, silver tear mask and a silver pickled foul foot
What an absolute legend! I started this video last week going one by one with 200 weapons still missing and man did it feel good getting the zweihander from kale at the end ;)
Luke, your videos are the best, hands down. Your "All-In-One" videos have saved me a bunch of time-thank you. However, I would like to request a farming video. You have that magical superpower that gets 100% drops, and you make the best clips, so help us out. Mainly for weapons; however, there are other essential items in-game that would help. You cover some of them in your videos, saying, "if you want to farm for this weapon," which is excellent. However, you get quite a few from chests or looted off of bodies that can also be farmed. I AM A LOSER. I do not have anyone to trade with or that can drop items to me, and I do not want to pay for things I can farm. There are one or two so-called "all farmable weapons" videos, but they are incomplete. Plus, yours are far superior. I/we need a video showing all the vital farmable items and consumables. Most players would like to get duplicates of weapons for power stancing and completing sets without completing multiple playthroughs. Again, you're the best, so can you help?
In theory that video is amazing but it terrifies me a little how much work it would take. The end product would also be like 10 hours long lol It would be do-able if I had backups of each item farm location I've done already but unfortunately I don't have any backups so I would need to re-film every item.
Legend is not the right word for you you buddy made me give money away third time in my life after fighting cowboy for Elden ring walkthrough and grohlvana for Skyrim walkthrough thanks sir
Once again, thank you, I managed to get all the weapons, your guides are great, I have already obtained all the shields and staff thanks for your videos, thank you very much! I had a question will you make guides to get all the weapons spells ect... When will there be the new dlc?
Tips: 1-for the bandits curved sword you can grab the sacred blade ash of war. Even on non faith builds you can 1shot the skeleton without it respawning. 2-for the cincadea DO NOT TRY TO GET IT ON EARLY PATCHES. There was a killbox they forgot to remove on the branch you need to jump down on which was patched out later. 3-for the great stars you can get two(as of patch 1.06 i believe) there is a red sign in the NE part of the ruins where you get the bloody helice. This sign can be used to complete Vare's questline if you are offline(simply enter 3 times and die the first two) the enemy you invade drops a somber 6 and the great stars. All ive got for now, will edit with any further tips i find out.
Dude I don’t know why your channel don’t have more subs. Out of most of the videos I see these creators make they don’t do time stamps even for something as simple as a “top 10” or “rarest 5”. So irritating that I skip past their content. Ain’t nobody got time for that! Lmao you are a life saver!!! Keep up the good work! ❤️
I just had to subscribe. Anybody who goes through that much trouble to put something like this together deserves all of the subscribers he can get. Wow….
Just finished sir another video and what can we say.words are never enough for such an effort.they should make you an NPC in the mext game.thanks sir once again!!!!!
The sheer memory of this guy is just astonishing. Compiling all of these in a single video is undoubtedly arduous and painstaking. Man you're just paranormal.
cant believe that over 178k people viewed and around 171k were selfish enough to not even leave a like for such a marvelous effort by this man. Truly incredible!!
First off holy s*** what a video! Second I follow along to videos like these meaning if it's a 5-hour video I'm looking at 10 hours to get everything done
ahhh I finished G and I need a break for the day, lol. Coming back tomorrow. I thought i had nearly everything. maybe a few missing. i was dead wrong lol. thanks, mate this has been great
You can get the Academy Glintstone Staff from the dude in the Church of Irith, but it also just drops from the mask wearing sorcerers in Raya Lucaria. Not sure if only the ones that use the staff or also the ones with swords and shields
I got all of these now, I had to get all of them before the DLC comes out! Thank you for this it was a HUGE help. I'm on PS5 so no cheats either 😢I thought I might have died about halfway through if I kept going, but I did it xD!
@@andrewfoster1160 I ran a 99 arcane build with RoB to get the highest chance of items dropping. Nothing else really matters imo. I started after beating the game casually and it only took 3 days to get every item in the game... Not just weapons... That being said... I no lifed it. Don't be afraid to NG+ for the items you missed... Running RoB Mimic 99 arcane makes the game easy so get everything this playthrough... Then NG+
@@BamnBooper I did do the remembrances just missing like 3 weapons or so I’m gonna get all the ash of wars, etc and all the weapons I can before I start a new play through idk how you got it done in 3 days I’ve been doing it for hours a day but I don’t have 99 arcane so it takes me forever on some weapons to get to drop did they drop the first time every time with 99 arcane, silver tear, silver scarab, and silver foot?
a good place to farm both the banisht knights halbert and sword is in front of the god skin duo, if you keep moving in the first floor above the entrance of the bossfight you can walk in a cirkle were there will be single bansht knights who can all drop the ittems
0:00 Intro
0:50 Academy Glintstone Staff
4:50 Alabaster Lord's Sword
6:14 Albinauric Bow
7:45 Albinauric Staff
9:43 Antspur Rapier
11:07 Arbalest
12:48 Astrologer's Staff
13:17 Azur's Glintstone Staff
15:42 Bandit's Curved Sword
16:17 Banished Knight's Greatsword
17:03 Banished Knight's Halberd
17:49 Bastard Sword & Light Crossbow
18:09 Battle Hammer
19:47 Beastclaw Greathammer
20:14 Beastman's Cleaver
20:54 Beastman's Curved Sword
21:35 Black Bow
22:34 Black Knife
23:43 Blade of Calling
24:21 Bloodhound Claws
25:17 Bloodhound's Fang
25:51 Bloodstained Dagger
26:32 Bloody Helice
27:51 Bolt of Gransax
29:05 Brick Hammer
30:51 Butchering Knife(You can remove the sacred infusion by applying a different ash of war)
32:15 Caestus
33:30 Cane Sword
33:53 Carian Glintblade Staff(I said glintstone but it is glintblade)
35:11 Carian Glintstone Staff
36:32 Carian Knight's Sword
37:34 Carian Regal Scepter
38:23 Celebrant's Sickle, Cleaver & Rib-Rake
40:27 Celebrant's Skull
40:56 Chainlink Flail
41:53 Cinquedea
43:25 Cipher Pata
44:04 Clayman's Harpoon
45:00 Claymore
45:51 Cleanrot Spear, Sword & Halo Scythe
47:15 Clinging Bone
48:50 Club, Shortbow & Broadsword
49:11 Coded Sword
50:23 Commander's Standard
51:39 Composite Bow
52:06 Cranial Vessel Candlestand
53:49 Crepus's Black-Key Crossbow
54:41 Crescent Moon Axe
55:26 Cross-Naginata
56:46 Crystal Knife
58:20 Crystal Spear
1:00:38 Crystal Staff
1:02:10 Crystal Sword
1:02:45 Curved Club
1:03:15 Curved Great Club
1:03:50 Death Ritual Spear
1:05:05 Death's Poker
1:06:38 Demi-Human Queen's Staff
1:07:41 Digger's Staff
1:08:26 Dismounter
1:09:07 Dragon Communion Seal
1:11:16 Dragon Greatclaw
1:12:13 Dragon Halberd
1:13:40 Dragonscale Blade
1:15:15 Duelist Greataxe
1:16:27 Eclipse Shotel
1:17:38 Eleonora's Poleblade
1:19:31 Envoy's Greathorn
1:21:50 Envoy's Horn
1:22:24 Envoy's Long Horn
1:23:03 Erdsteel Dagger
1:25:50 Erdtree Bow
1:26:43 Erdtree Greatbow
1:30:08 Erdtree Seal
1:31:22 Estoc
1:31:43 Executioner's Greataxe
1:32:36 Falchion
1:33:11 Fallingstar Beast Jaw
1:34:09 Family Heads
1:35:59 Flail
1:36:27 Flamberge
1:37:54 Flowing Curved Sword
1:38:33 Forked Greatsword
1:39:16 Forked Hatchet
1:39:57 Frozen Needle
1:41:01 Full Moon Crossbow
1:43:32 Gargoyle's Blackblade & Gargoyle's Black Halberd
1:45:36 Gargoyle's Great Axe
1:46:38 Gargoyle's Halberd
1:47:36 Gargoyle's Black Blades & Gargoyle's Black Axe
1:49:09 Gargoyle's Twinblade & Gargoyle's Greatsword
1:50:25 Gelmir Glintstone Staff
1:53:18 Ghiza's Wheel
1:54:08 Ghostflame Torch
1:55:27 Giant's Seal
1:57:43 Giant-Crusher
1:58:27 Glaive
1:59:00 Glintstone Staff
1:59:33 Godskin Peeler
2:00:38 Godskin Stitcher
2:03:45 Godslayer's Seal
2:04:50 Godslayer's Greatsword
2:07:15 Golden Epitaph
2:07:51 Golden Halberd
2:08:34 Golden Order Greatsword
2:10:18 Golden Order Seal
2:11:10 Golem Greatbow
2:12:44 Golem's Halberd
2:14:08 Grafted Blade Greatsword
2:15:14 Grave Scythe
2:15:56 Gravel Stone Seal
2:18:18 Greatbow
2:19:36 Great Club
2:21:02 Great Epee
2:21:42 Great Knife
2:22:36 Great Mace
2:23:28 Great Omenkiller Cleaver
2:26:19 Great Stars
2:26:50 Greataxe
2:28:08 Greathorn Hammer
2:28:54 Greatsword
2:29:24 Grossmesser
2:30:24 Guardian's Swordspear
2:31:00 Halberd & Shortsword
2:31:26 Hammer
2:32:18 Hand Axe
2:32:39 Hand Ballista
2:33:40 Harp Bow
2:35:47 Heavy Crossbow
2:36:19 Helphen's Steeple
2:37:18 Highland Axe
2:38:00 Hookclaws
2:38:39 Horn Bow
2:39:25 Icerind Hatchet
2:40:02 Inquisitor's Girandole
2:43:45 Iron Ball
2:44:22 Iron Cleaver
2:45:04 Iron Greatsword
2:46:08 Iron Spear
2:47:04 Ivory Sickle
2:47:38 Jar Cannon
2:49:20 Jawbone Axe
2:50:16 Katar
2:51:25 Knight's Greatsword
2:52:12 Lance
2:52:52 Large Club
2:53:25 Lazuli Glintstone Sword
2:53:57 Longhaft Axe
2:54:39 Lordsworn's Greatsword
2:55:16 Lordsworn's Straight Sword
2:55:49 Loretta's War Sickle
2:56:58 Lucerne
2:57:29 Lusat's Glintstone Staff & Nox Flowing Sword
3:00:06 Magma Blade
3:02:10 Magma Wyrm's Scalesword
3:03:35 Mantis Blade
3:05:42 Marais Executioner's Sword
3:07:26 Meteoric Ore Blade
3:08:19 Meteorite Staff
3:09:03 Miquellan Knight's Sword
3:09:55 Misbegotten Shortbow
3:11:22 Misericorde
3:12:18 Monk's Flameblade
3:13:34 Monk's Flamemace
3:14:16 Moonveil
3:17:03 Morning Star
3:17:47 Nagakiba
3:18:32 Nightrider Flail
3:19:14 Nightrider Glaive
3:20:14 Noble's Estoc
3:20:48 Noble's Slender Sword
3:21:29 Nox Flowing Hammer
3:22:48 Omen Cleaver
3:23:25 Onyx Lord's Greatsword
3:25:52 Ordovis's Greatsword
3:28:40 Ornamental Straight Sword
3:30:07 Parrying Dagger
3:33:08 Partisan
3:33:50 Pest's Glaive
3:34:47 Pickaxe
3:35:10 Pike
3:35:52 Prelate's Inferno Crozier
3:37:00 Prince of Death's Staff
3:37:48 Pulley Bow
3:39:03 Pulley Crossbow
3:39:45 Raptor Talons
3:40:41 Red Branch Shortbow
3:41:41 Reduvia
3:43:15 Regalia of Eochaid
3:46:22 Ringed Finger
3:48:22 Ripple Blade
3:49:26 Ripple Crescent Halberd
3:49:59 Rivers of Blood
3:50:58 Rosus' Axe
3:51:46 Rotten Battle Hammer
3:52:47 Rotten Crystal Spear
3:53:48 Rotten Crystal Staff
3:54:42 Rotten Crystal Sword(Didnt move the info snip whoops)
3:55:18 Rotten Greataxe
3:56:16 Rotten Staff
3:56:57 Ruins Greatsword
3:58:33 Rusted Anchor
4:00:47 Sacrificial Axe
4:02:19 Scavenger's Curved Sword
4:03:13 Scorpion's Stinger
4:04:22 Scythe
4:05:49 Sentry's Torch
4:06:11 Serpent Bow
4:07:38 Serpent-God's Curved Sword
4:09:40 Shamshir
4:11:35 Shotel
4:13:01 Siluria's Tree
4:13:49 Soldier's Crossbow
4:14:41 Spear
4:15:08 Spiked Caestus & Beast Repellant Torch
4:15:39 Spiked Club
4:16:11 Spiked Spear
4:16:59 St. Trina's Torch
4:18:32 Staff of Loss
4:19:12 Staff of the Avatar
4:19:42 Staff of the Guilty
4:20:48 Star Fist
4:22:03 Steel-Wire Torch
4:23:33 Stone Club
4:24:14 Stormhawk Axe
4:25:16 Sword of Night and Flame
4:27:09 Sword of St Trina
4:28:00 Thorned Whip
4:28:51 Torch
4:29:11 Torchpole
4:29:46 Treespear
4:30:36 Troll-Knight's Sword
4:31:44 Troll's Golden Sword
4:32:29 Troll's Hammer
4:33:26 Twinblade
4:34:08 Twinned Knight Swords
4:35:12 Uchigatana
4:35:52 Urumi
4:36:41 Venomous Fang
4:38:28 Veteran's Prosthesis
4:41:23 Vulgar Militia Saw
4:42:05 Vulgar Militia Shotel
4:42:52 Vuke's War Spear
4:44:36 Wakizashi
4:46:47 Warhawk's Talon
4:47:36 Warped Axe
4:48:16 Warpick
4:49:02 Watchdog's Greatsword
4:50:39 Watchdog's Staff
4:51:57 Weathered Straight Sword
4:53:07 Whip
4:54:17 Wing of Astel
4:56:20 Winged Scythe
4:57:26 Zamor Curved Sword
5:02:26 Zweihander
5:02:43 Royal Greatsword, Dark Moon Greatsword, Magma Candlelstick Whip, Serpentbone Blade, Serpent-Hunter, Sword of Milos, Frenzied Flame Seal, Hoslow's Petal Whip, Devouerer's Scepter, Inseperable Sword, Glintstone Kris, Clawmark Seal, Rogier's Rapier & Varre's Bouquet
5:04:56 Dagger, Longsword, Rapier, Scimitar, Battle Axe, Mace, Short Spear, Longbow & Finger Seal
5:05:27 Grafted Dragon, Giant's Red Braid, Blasphemous Blade, Sacred Relic Sword, Starscourge Greatsword, Lion Greatbow, Maliketh's Black Blade, Dragon King's Cragblade, Margott's Cursed Sword, Hand of Malenia, Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear, Winged Greathorn, Axe of Godrick, Scepter of the All-Knowing, Marika's Hammer, Bastard's Stars & Axe of Godfrey
5:05:49 Outro and thank you :)
Timestamps too long for the description unfortunately! lol
18:09 that drop rate is .05%. Also this weapon can only be farmed BEFORE you burn the Erdtree/Kill Maliketh.
1:29:56 That pure one time shot *Chef's kiss*
@@godlyforever059 Yes good point they aren't in the ashen capital. They should have just left this one at the previous location lol
Your a G.o.a.t for this one. here b4 10k.
The man. The myth. The legend. Seriously, this is quite the undertaking. All my gratitude to you, good sir.
Thanks jimmy! It was by far the biggest video project I've ever done
As a loot goblin and person who enjoys having everything at their grasp, even two years later, I would like to give a nod to the dedication poured into this video. Currently 3 hours 20 minutes in and the grind for a few of these so far has been absolutely horrific so having that little comfort knowing the item I want is there, keeps me going. Subscribed.
Thanks for the sub!
I officially did it! I've gone through the entire video and collected every. SINGLE. Weapon. Could not have done it without this guide for sure. Thanks so much for your hard work! Appreciate it very much 🙌
Happy to help! I have done this same video for all of the new DLC weapons consider checking that out
How did you get the aulbinaric bow, literally doesn’t drop like how it says in the video, second weapon of the video. Been trying for 2+ hours
@@LarryLobster9603try for their armor and you’ll get like 5 bows. Trust.
@@LarryLobster9603it’s a small percent chance he said he has a mod to get 100% droprate
This is exceptional for people like me who wanna collect every weapon in the video game.
5 hours...hoo boy. Fantastic job on this.
Thanks :)
@@LukeCanWin you will do an elden ring dlc one?
been looking for each weapon individually and still finding a few that i didnt realize existed. This guide is a godsend and you are a saint
Holy guacamole… you’re doing god’s work.
I just passed the halfway mark, and I've loved this tutorial the entire time. You actually pace each part like a normal person instead of time-lasping the most confusing/important parts. I love this guy, and I'm droppin' a like and subbing for sure!
Don't mind me just remembering weapons for next playthrough.
the only good way to go bout this for players is to 1st make sure ur map is bout 90% completed....where u can almost go anywhere...that implies ur tarnished taken out most every main bose....then go weapon hunting....
This is unbelievable, this should have a million views...
Thnx for the hard work.
Bro I’ve watched all videos to literally get every important thing. It has taken me 2months but I’ve platinum Eldon Ring bc of you. Thank you
Congrats! Glad to help
This channel and the content creator are criminally underrated. I will share your phenomenal work with all my gamer friends. Kudos man. Please keep making such awesome content
will do! thanks
I’m only :37 seconds in and ya already earned a like juss from the amount of time & detail you put into this !!! I’m watching this so I can know sum of the weapons ima want & more importantly need when I begin my grind, cause when I start a grind of a new game I have too 100% percent the game COMPLETELY(and I mean COMPLETING EVERYTHING). So thanks again for the help and preventing A LOT of deaths, and failed hours !!!
This is amazing. Your videos have made it so easy to 100% this game. We all owe you likes, subscriptions, and massive respect for all the work you put in. Thank you so much!
We gotta get this man to a milli. This is actually insane
If you don’t want to go insane while trying to get the rib rake and celebrants sickle I would recommend upgrading your arcane to 99 and using the silver scarab, silver tear mask and a silver pickled foul foot
This dude needs 100000000x more credit 5 HOURS WITH EVERY WEAPON FULL GUIDE LOCATION bruh he should have 1mil subs
Wish I knew about this year's ago! Thanks for your hard work, my friend!
I’m subscribing
You put in way too much effort for me not to
Thank you my dude, me and many others really appreciate your work
What an absolute legend! I started this video last week going one by one with 200 weapons still missing and man did it feel good getting the zweihander from kale at the end ;)
There’s nothing like these guides. Excellent work. I can only imagine the time it takes to make these. Thanx
Luke, your videos are the best, hands down. Your "All-In-One" videos have saved me a bunch of time-thank you. However, I would like to request a farming video. You have that magical superpower that gets 100% drops, and you make the best clips, so help us out. Mainly for weapons; however, there are other essential items in-game that would help. You cover some of them in your videos, saying, "if you want to farm for this weapon," which is excellent. However, you get quite a few from chests or looted off of bodies that can also be farmed.
I AM A LOSER. I do not have anyone to trade with or that can drop items to me, and I do not want to pay for things I can farm. There are one or two so-called "all farmable weapons" videos, but they are incomplete. Plus, yours are far superior. I/we need a video showing all the vital farmable items and consumables. Most players would like to get duplicates of weapons for power stancing and completing sets without completing multiple playthroughs. Again, you're the best, so can you help?
In theory that video is amazing but it terrifies me a little how much work it would take. The end product would also be like 10 hours long lol It would be do-able if I had backups of each item farm location I've done already but unfortunately I don't have any backups so I would need to re-film every item.
This guy is such a goat obviously I’m not watching all of it but the time stamps are just a immaculate thank you so much
This is it! The big one! Thanks mr legendary!
Omg ty for the time stamps. Was literally 10 seconds from a roast for having to manual search a t hour video. Kings to you m8 tyvm!!!!
No problem 👍
Legend is not the right word for you you buddy made me give money away third time in my life after fighting cowboy for Elden ring walkthrough and grohlvana for Skyrim walkthrough thanks sir
Thanks for supporting the channel and your kind words :)
You are a absolute GOAT for this video praise to u my man
Once again, thank you, I managed to get all the weapons, your guides are great, I have already obtained all the shields and staff thanks for your videos, thank you very much! I had a question will you make guides to get all the weapons spells ect... When will there be the new dlc?
the shadow of the erdtree dlc comes out on in a few months i will make vids on the new stuff
@@LukeCanWin Okay, thank you so much for all these guides!
This guide has been phenomenal
1-for the bandits curved sword you can grab the sacred blade ash of war. Even on non faith builds you can 1shot the skeleton without it respawning.
2-for the cincadea DO NOT TRY TO GET IT ON EARLY PATCHES. There was a killbox they forgot to remove on the branch you need to jump down on which was patched out later.
3-for the great stars you can get two(as of patch 1.06 i believe) there is a red sign in the NE part of the ruins where you get the bloody helice. This sign can be used to complete Vare's questline if you are offline(simply enter 3 times and die the first two) the enemy you invade drops a somber 6 and the great stars.
All ive got for now, will edit with any further tips i find out.
Dude I don’t know why your channel don’t have more subs. Out of most of the videos I see these creators make they don’t do time stamps even for something as simple as a “top 10” or “rarest 5”. So irritating that I skip past their content. Ain’t nobody got time for that! Lmao you are a life saver!!! Keep up the good work! ❤️
Nice job with the explanations on how to get to destinations. Very informative. Very big help.
AND timestamps included?! Dude you're awesome, thank you.
Dude you out your time into this! I love the dedication to it
I just had to subscribe. Anybody who goes through that much trouble to put something like this together deserves all of the subscribers he can get. Wow….
Thank you for the sub!
You deserve this dude
Thank you very much!
This is BIG help and I thank you for going out of your way to provide this to the community.
im going through all of these but every one so far has been super helpful i hope you get more views and likes thanks for the help!
I appreciate it!
@@LukeCanWin your probably busy but do you know the name and location of that armor set with the triangle head? it looks drippy and i want it
your videos are incredible! truly a people’s champion.
This legend, the Hero we've all been waiting for. 😭👍
This beautiful soul of a man is highly underrated, keep at it dude 👏
Just finished sir another video and what can we say.words are never enough for such an effort.they should make you an NPC in the mext game.thanks sir once again!!!!!
Appreciate the kind words!
I'm so grateful for the incredible amount of work that went into this
The sheer memory of this guy is just astonishing. Compiling all of these in a single video is undoubtedly arduous and painstaking. Man you're just paranormal.
Even though this was made two years ago I’m just trying the game now and I’m so thankful for this video thank you
Thanks for watching!
cant believe that over 178k people viewed and around 171k were selfish enough to not even leave a like for such a marvelous effort by this man. Truly incredible!!
I appreciate your like good sir
You’re a madman and we adore you for it.
Maaan we a need a community award just for you..You are the true Elden lord
haha thank you!
I have every weapon in Elden ring as well as every shield thanks to your videos...much appreciated
Glad I could help!
Wow, thank you, I'm speachless
its absolutely useful since i follow you for a while , i watch and still watching your everty video
Doing the God's work man! Thanks
Holy shit i thought he was just gonna go thru the equipment list and tell us where they are. Nope hes doing a whole walkthrough on EVERY weapon 🤯🤯
Dude you earned a sub for this wtf that’s dedication like seriously
thanks for the sub!
@@LukeCanWin welcome. Keep rustling my dingle berries. Also theirs been updates in the DB again.
The time and effort for this video must’ve been immense, most definitely exhausting, thank you brother, I’ll have a lot of fun with moonveil😂😂
Thanks for putting the time and hours in showing us all the weapons and then sum you did a fanominal job 👍
You are legend my man 👏👏👏
I really respect this showing where to go and what to to do to get it an all in one video you deserve more likes and sub bro
the world needs more people like you :)
Big respect to you for all that work
Thanks Kai :)
First off holy s*** what a video! Second I follow along to videos like these meaning if it's a 5-hour video I'm looking at 10 hours to get everything done
Good luck on the drops!
@@LukeCanWin f*ck forgot about the really low drop rates for some, changing estimate to 30 hrs lol
Bruh u are truly the best when it comes to these videos!!!! Great job but i know exhausting!!!!
Thanks Willie I appreciate it!
My god thank you for this just got done getting myself every weapon!
Insane work, ty!
Dude. You are actually goated.
Thanks man! I appreciate you checking out my video
Respect the time and effort, great job man.
ahhh I finished G and I need a break for the day, lol. Coming back tomorrow. I thought i had nearly everything. maybe a few missing. i was dead wrong lol. thanks, mate this has been great
np! thanks for watchin my video
That Patches fight! 💀💀Jeez that was close 😂
Amazing guide btw. Top notch as usual, I am a proud subscriber
Thanks for watching my videos!
What a TREMENDOUS effort! I applaud you sir, and I've subbed.
Thanks for the sub I appreciate it!
This is insane. Great work man, thank you so much!
Thanks for taking the time to do this all of your videos are super helpful!
My pleasure!
As soon as i seen your title and photo of the weapons. I knew it was you again. Is there anything you don't do. Awesome job once again and thank you.
crazy dedication man I respect it and thank you because my smooth brain cant find shit
Your a hero, sir. All of your videos are impeccable.
Glad you like them!
You can get the Academy Glintstone Staff from the dude in the Church of Irith, but it also just drops from the mask wearing sorcerers in Raya Lucaria. Not sure if only the ones that use the staff or also the ones with swords and shields
thankyou so much for your hard work and the time u spent on this video
And again putting in an obscene amount of time for us tarnished. Thank you kindly sir, your work does not go unnoticed
Thanks for the kind words! I appreciate your support :)
Finally got the time to do this... Thank you friend :)
Glad I could help!
Yo ! Sick work .greatings.
You're a beast and I'm SO thankful for your ultimate guides!!
Thanks Dina! Appreciate your viewership
Thanks dude
Really nice job
I got all of these now, I had to get all of them before the DLC comes out! Thank you for this it was a HUGE help.
I'm on PS5 so no cheats either 😢I thought I might have died about halfway through if I kept going, but I did it xD!
Bro the grind is crazy tho im overwhelmed and some of the weapons I can’t even get bc I beat the game
@@andrewfoster1160 I ran a 99 arcane build with RoB to get the highest chance of items dropping. Nothing else really matters imo. I started after beating the game casually and it only took 3 days to get every item in the game... Not just weapons... That being said... I no lifed it. Don't be afraid to NG+ for the items you missed... Running RoB Mimic 99 arcane makes the game easy so get everything this playthrough... Then NG+
@@andrewfoster1160 Also make use of the mausoleums to dupe rememberance boss items. Dupe the ones you don't have this playthrough and the next
@@BamnBooper I did do the remembrances just missing like 3 weapons or so I’m gonna get all the ash of wars, etc and all the weapons I can before I start a new play through idk how you got it done in 3 days I’ve been doing it for hours a day but I don’t have 99 arcane so it takes me forever on some weapons to get to drop did they drop the first time every time with 99 arcane, silver tear, silver scarab, and silver foot?
You my friend are one very patient man you get a like for me just for this feat alone.
I appreciate the like!
This video earned a subscribe. So much dedication and effort put into this video
thanks for the sub!
Thank you sooo much for all Videos, thank you! ❤️
Thanks for making this guide. Great job!
You are the greatest tour guide EVER!
That Watchdog Great Sword took me eternity but finally 😭 😭 but finally its done. thank you so much
Glad I could help!
a good place to farm both the banisht knights halbert and sword is in front of the god skin duo, if you keep moving in the first floor above the entrance of the bossfight you can walk in a cirkle were there will be single bansht knights who can all drop the ittems
I was just wondering, is it possible to get the halberd the flying puppets use?, i dont seem to find it anywhere
Thanks for this vid absolutely the best guide iv seen on weapons thanks for taking the time to do this bro big shout out from me
Never seen any of your other videos but I had to sub purely out of respect for this lol now time for your other videos👌🏼
Thanks for the sub! Hope some of my other stuff can help as well
@@LukeCanWin hey Luke what arcane or stat for ur discovery to get higher what is yours
@@LukeCanWincuz I want to farm
@@LukeCanWin what level stat did u put for discovery higher
Dude out here putting together quality 'War and Peace' length videos and he's only getting less than a few dozen comments.
Some bullshit.
Bro, very thank you with your video❤
Bro thats so much time and effort u deserve a sub
Love you man❤
Man U da goat gunna do this twice so I can dual wield any weapon I’d like
Also I’m too far into the game to get some weapons :(
Great work u r amazing and this game is beautiful.