Download AFK Journey both on PC and mobile for FREE!: and get 40+ heroes for free! Use code "AFKJourneyLGIO" to get 200 diamonds and 20,000 gold!
I love how Josh's titles always _look_ like clickbait but once you watch video you realize "huh he really did steal *$11,863,450* from a single customer ain't that something"
The sponsorship must have given Josh an absolute BAG to get him to say "wherever you go, magic follows" without any sarcasm. Like I can't imagine how much money it took.
I won't touch that sponsored game in the beginning. They ask for permission for your photos, videos, browser history and more.... I'm sorry but you don't need any of that
Josh’s talent for doing everything imaginable to break a game to bits never ceases to be both funny and genuinely concerning. Those time cards are definitely not for show if what he’s doing is to be believed
@peteynutt4104 they don't have millions of dollars of investing and are in early acces or alpha/beta test and every game is breakable if you try enough........
What Josh showed me over the years is that there is a huge market of almost identical games, working almost exactly the same with just different shop names. As if someone has a template and just swaps to different store assets to 'make' a new game.
One of the most impressive thing about Josh (other than the 100s of hours he'll put in for a 10 second comedic bit) is the fact that he makes these simulator games look fun.
@@Shahzaib-j6q an auto clicker. Basically a little programm that simulates your input devices like mouse or keyboard and presses key a lot of times or very fast
@@Shahzaib-j6q I think he means autoclickers, which is how Josh does a lot of the big stuff (Like using an autoclicker to rapidly click the charge button during the credit card part, letting him get rich quickly)
still can't get over the fact this mutual relationship between josh and the game devs 😅he spends so many countless hours to find a hole in the game for content, and the game devs need that to make it a better game, honestly cannot be any more perfect than this 😂
Apparently Danny from Game Grumps is a big fan according to their new episode of Supermarket Simulator. Always neat when a creator I like likes the content of someone else I like!
@BingoClamshell "What are the Game Grumps doing wrong?" They've stagnated at 5M~ subs for the last 6 years, whatever they're doing wrong Josh is doing right.
I know! I agree! Like, when he was stocking all of those items, all I was thinking was, "Surely, he's going to hire employees to stock that for him, or at least set up the storage room so that the boxes are more organized and he can walk around better." But, of course, to my astonishment...!
Thank you so much Josh! Your entire TH-cam catalog has helped me during the past two days while I was in the hospital recovering from surgery. Your videos have helped me feel way happier and I just want to say I am so grateful for your humor and gameplay style! Thanks Josh!!
I was playing this earlier this morning and thought to myself, "Man, I can't wait for Josh to get his grubby little game breakers on this game." What a great blessing you have given me.
this is incredibly random but i’m so grateful for your channel. sometimes (especially recently) i really just need to watch something lighthearted and silly and not think about, well, everything else. and your goofiness is always so comforting keep shitposting josh you’re doing great
100% accurate to what it's like working in a small location that has high amounts of sales and traffic... more merchandise than you know what to do with, constantly fighting to keep the shelves stocked, and locked in an endless war with a sea of merchandise that keeps arriving because people keep buying it... welcome to working for small retailers
I had a nightmare last night that Josh played a game like a sane person instead of whatever you'd call this. He was eerily calm and happy about doing things the right way. Thank God it was only a dream.
As an eastern european, I shop at a tiny neighbourhood market that has a very Josh floor plan, all my friends are immediately scared and confused, so this playthrough was quite a ride really, I adored this
"finding basically every single bug in their games" is basically this in videos like this: THE GAME. That's it. This whole thing can't be real, right? Or the creative genius and OCD breaker that was LGIO is dead.
THIS! It's literally the most scathing put down I can imagine. I swear, when I just heard "I hope you had fun" I think the lighting in the room I'm in suddenly got darker.
I’ve watched this guy for like 3 or so years now, and I’m not kidding when I say this, but every. single. video I watch, *ALWAYS* ends in tears. Watching the frame rate drop and the zombie npcs just go along with whatever crap is going on always makes me laugh beyond physical stomach cramps 😂😂😂
@@mariocamspam72 It's not just that, it's also a 32-bit number. You could make it work with a 64 bit number of any typedef... Edit: ...and to be fair, I'm sure the spec said nothing about releasing a monster like Josh into the arena...
oh my god. you didn't steal $11M from customers. you stole it from *one* customer, who was a multimillionaire. and then you opened a food bank. i think against all odds i love this game.
I ah tend to be quite the lurker I don't know if I've ever commented on any of your videos - I just wanted to tell you I've watched you for years and I pretty much immediately drop everything and click on your videos the second I see them with a thrilled giddy smile pumped for the chaos... I just wanted you to know I love your content, your commentary style and I really appreciate your stuff.
17:27 onward had me in literal tears of laughter! Closing the register without helping the four who’d been there that entire time…oh my goodness gracious.
I didn't understand much of what was said because it was spoken too quickly. But the pictures speak for themselves, and I often had to laugh. For example, the scene that was commented on with the words: "Just let me in!!! … Thank you" I will definitely watch your videos again and thank you for an enjoyable 25 minutes. Best regards from East Germany (Translated with DeepL)
Been just playing this game for last 2 days and now seeing your video. I realized how much work it has to be put in to do all the things you do for us. keep up the good work and thank you.
Im shocked Josh didnt do like Kevin did and seen how high a penny tower wud reach; but he did lag the game out with boxes before gettin the chance after all
Download AFK Journey both on PC and mobile for FREE!: and get 40+ heroes for free!
Use code "AFKJourneyLGIO" to get 200 diamonds and 20,000 gold!
NUH UH!!!!!
nah im good
josh i love you vids man
Maybe later
I love how Josh's titles always _look_ like clickbait but once you watch video you realize "huh he really did steal *$11,863,450* from a single customer ain't that something"
eh the banks got her covered. loooool
@@Siphonife her?
@@Bobertthecoolkid The customer he stole all that money from was female
@@FaelixDrakes ah my bad.
The sponsorship must have given Josh an absolute BAG to get him to say "wherever you go, magic follows" without any sarcasm. Like I can't imagine how much money it took.
I won't touch that sponsored game in the beginning. They ask for permission for your photos, videos, browser history and more.... I'm sorry but you don't need any of that
For real though, how much would someone get? Like 10k? 20k?
@@TheWickedWizardOfOz1 xD
"I hope you had fun..." [deafening silence in place of "I know I did"]
Josh are you OK? Did this one finally break you?
Was abt to say 😢
RIGHT?? that’s what I was thinking!
So true :(
Really noticeable too
Josh’s talent for doing everything imaginable to break a game to bits never ceases to be both funny and genuinely concerning. Those time cards are definitely not for show if what he’s doing is to be believed
Games like this trash are swiss cheese ran by spaghetti code.
@@peteynutt4104 uncalled for? This game isn't trash.
@@JohnT-mg9wxI love the game, but it certainly isn’t AAA
@peteynutt4104 they don't have millions of dollars of investing and are in early acces or alpha/beta test and every game is breakable if you try enough........
@@justamanofculture12 exactly. bro needs to learn to not be such a bully on the internet lmao
What Josh showed me over the years is that there is a huge market of almost identical games, working almost exactly the same with just different shop names. As if someone has a template and just swaps to different store assets to 'make' a new game.
It's kinda scary how common they are
Something also feels kinda suspicious about those user numbers and review counts.... Maybe that's just me though
The amount of horrible asset flips just like this one is insane
And they all have 25 years old graphics
There are templates. That‘s why there are so many.
Two videos in a little over a week. Don’t overwork yourself Josh!
He's just playing games its not thaAat hard
@@Double-oh-seven"bEinG a InfUluENcer iS hARder than yoUr 9-5"
Cost of living crisis really is impacting everyone
4:58 the casual perfect toss on top of the pile. Josh is an absolute gamer, he just pretends to be bad and break things.
I think you need to be good at games to figure out the ways to break them so spectacularly
Happy I'm not the only one who noticed
Absolute gamer 💀🤓
@1NonlyWishuu no
He's not bad at games. He just has a completely different definition of winning.
One of the most impressive thing about Josh (other than the 100s of hours he'll put in for a 10 second comedic bit) is the fact that he makes these simulator games look fun.
True. But also click programs exist to help him out.
I love just how chaotic the ideas were that Josh had for this game.
@@carlotta4thwhat’s a click programme?
@@Shahzaib-j6q an auto clicker. Basically a little programm that simulates your input devices like mouse or keyboard and presses key a lot of times or very fast
@@Shahzaib-j6q I think he means autoclickers, which is how Josh does a lot of the big stuff (Like using an autoclicker to rapidly click the charge button during the credit card part, letting him get rich quickly)
still can't get over the fact this mutual relationship between josh and the game devs 😅he spends so many countless hours to find a hole in the game for content, and the game devs need that to make it a better game, honestly cannot be any more perfect than this 😂
Truly a symbiotic relationship
Truly a symbiotic relationship
Truly a symbiotic relationship
Truly a symbiotic relationship
Truly a symbiotic relationship
I always love the moment of realization and the impending "Hold, please!" as the game is inevitably turned on its head.
I really like the system you had there at the end: Rob one rich person and the other people can get everything for free. Well done comrade.
Like a modern Robin Hood...and definitely not because of ulterior motives like raising store levels 😅
I didn't know you were a communist, Queen Glory. It makes sense, though.
@1NonlyWishuudude, stop before you get (rightly) reported for spam
Since that day, nobody from that neighborhood has spent a penny on their daily flour bags.
And just like real communism, everyone stood in line for hours to get 'free' bread, only to have it denied to them as they're sent home hungry.
Apparently Danny from Game Grumps is a big fan according to their new episode of Supermarket Simulator. Always neat when a creator I like likes the content of someone else I like!
too bad he can't remember Josh's name though 😂
This is how I found out about this channel.
@@unoriginalmoniker2625 welcome aboard! Josh is literally insane.
@BingoClamshell "What are the Game Grumps doing wrong?" They've stagnated at 5M~ subs for the last 6 years, whatever they're doing wrong Josh is doing right.
@@danem2215 the fanbase is pretty involved and they have a lot of other revenue options outside of TH-cam ads. I feel like they're doing just fine
19:47 Damn, I didn’t know Josh was secretly Master Chief.
“No, it has to be cold!”
Indeed, Master Chief, indeed.
he kinda sounded like markiplier
Where's the arbiter Josh where is he!
Even with his Master Flour
EXACTLY 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
You have an absolutely ASTOUNDING ability to do tedious repetitive things for hours on end to get these ridiculous outcomes and I'm all here for it.
lmao, u know he automates dat right?
@@filipebeat Let 👏him👏be👏the 👏pyschopath👏I 👏believe👏him 👏to 👏be 👏
I know! I agree! Like, when he was stocking all of those items, all I was thinking was, "Surely, he's going to hire employees to stock that for him, or at least set up the storage room so that the boxes are more organized and he can walk around better." But, of course, to my astonishment...!
@@stormtrooperisgb hahahaha got it
Customer: "Is this for sale?"
Josh: "No, it has to be cold!"
Devil level of voice lol
Blue had the HE HE HE HA tone
I was just cleaning peacefully while playing this video until I heard this and thought someone broke in my room 19:47
Thank you so much Josh! Your entire TH-cam catalog has helped me during the past two days while I was in the hospital recovering from surgery. Your videos have helped me feel way happier and I just want to say I am so grateful for your humor and gameplay style! Thanks Josh!!
I know this was a month ago, but I hope you are doing better :)
Hope ur doing better
I was playing this earlier this morning and thought to myself, "Man, I can't wait for Josh to get his grubby little game breakers on this game." What a great blessing you have given me.
I've been thinking the same since I got it 😂
Josh is the ultimate test for games to see how much of its code can be broken and exploited.
Game developers should really hire him as a bug finder.
they probably already do cut him a check when they send him a key
shh!! we call them beta testers, because then they become free!
He does it for free content... :) lol
Game tester
Callmekevin did it first
this is incredibly random but i’m so grateful for your channel. sometimes (especially recently) i really just need to watch something lighthearted and silly and not think about, well, everything else. and your goofiness is always so comforting
keep shitposting josh you’re doing great
19:47 His really low voice legitimately scared me for a second
Josh's true devil form
since when could he do that?
Yeah I've never heard that from him 😂
IKR? That really threw me off. xd
19:40 *"No, it has to be cold."* Okay Kratos. 😨
Josh's true demon form
100% accurate to what it's like working in a small location that has high amounts of sales and traffic... more merchandise than you know what to do with, constantly fighting to keep the shelves stocked, and locked in an endless war with a sea of merchandise that keeps arriving because people keep buying it... welcome to working for small retailers
Man, I know that the chances of you seeing this are probably really low, but this channel has really helped me though the years. Thank you.
I had a nightmare last night that Josh played a game like a sane person instead of whatever you'd call this. He was eerily calm and happy about doing things the right way.
Thank God it was only a dream.
You mean like for April 1st?
Bro had a nightmare, the nightmare booted him because it was neat impossible
Thank god
As an eastern european, I shop at a tiny neighbourhood market that has a very Josh floor plan, all my friends are immediately scared and confused, so this playthrough was quite a ride really, I adored this
"I know it seems weird but hear me out"
The most terrifying sentence I've heard so far, yet said so calmly
That “No, it has to be cold” was absolutely diabolical
9:14 I just realized that is literally the "That's how mafia works" guy.
Yeeeeaahh... thats because its how mafia works
12:12 classic Josh finds out the money generator of the game🤣
this game has like 3
There's 3? What ones?
Two videos in a little over a week. This makes me so happy Josh!
Fortnite banna has 1 million subscribes crazy😮 teach me your ways
Every time Josh says "hold please", somewhere a dev cries.
A video from Josh on Easter!? This is a blessing ✨️
blessings doesn't exists but yeah, that's cool to have a new vid
Happy Easter 🎉
@@Zigma72 i'm sure you're fun at parties😐
gawk gawk
Bro shut up @whereheattho
@@Double-oh-sevensaid the person who don’t know how to tag them Lol
@@Zakibo lol
Gotta respect josh for making absolutely horrifying content and helping the devs of games by finding basically every single bug in their games
"finding basically every single bug in their games" is basically this in videos like this:
That's it.
This whole thing can't be real, right? Or the creative genius and OCD breaker that was LGIO is dead.
Not like he had to actually try to find bugs in this POS.
I severely doubt the devs care about bugs since it looks to be 100% assets and no creative energy
17:28 hey I forgot my credit card at the store and now there's a 9,666,666,000,596 billion dollar charge I didn't even know I had that much money
hmm despite the fact this was obviously fraud we will not be doing a chargeback
sorry i was hungry and wanted popeyes
@@ihearthistoryy caseoh wrote this
psst you're talking about a debit card not a credit card
You know the game sucks when he doesn't say "I know I did" line in the end 😂😂😂
THIS! It's literally the most scathing put down I can imagine. I swear, when I just heard "I hope you had fun" I think the lighting in the room I'm in suddenly got darker.
King of Retail is a pretty decent game if you want to play a store sim like this but better,
it's not that bad, if you actually play the game and have more option, that help you doing things faster
I’ve watched this guy for like 3 or so years now, and I’m not kidding when I say this, but every. single. video I watch, *ALWAYS* ends in tears. Watching the frame rate drop and the zombie npcs just go along with whatever crap is going on always makes me laugh beyond physical stomach cramps 😂😂😂
17:37 Oh my god they're storing your balance as floating point. Eh, that figures lmao
The dev is one person 😅 Gotta give them a little more leeway.
Rule 1 of financial computing: use fixed-point decimals
Tbf, i actually feel this is a grt visualisation of how when you get rich enuf, you stop caring at all about small change, and then small bills even
@@mariocamspam72 It's not just that, it's also a 32-bit number. You could make it work with a 64 bit number of any typedef... Edit: ...and to be fair, I'm sure the spec said nothing about releasing a monster like Josh into the arena...
I love how Josh can make any game into chaos
No matter what the computer screams for help
why are these videos always so engagin and uplifting... the tone of his voice and the way he makes every game look fun is just :)
He's the only guy who games it out
Yeah, Anthony is the only guy who games it out, josh games it inside
Grace gets gamed out
Kudos for that one lady for generously funding the neighbourhood food drive and providing everyone in this square Truman Show world free food.
Josh is the rare TH-camr whose videos never miss
12:36 "But what if we need them?!"
Ah, the hoarder's mantra!
Hearing Josh say “It’s not an idle game, it’s an ethereal fantasy rpg” made me think he was being sarcastic after watching him for so long 😂.
oh my god. you didn't steal $11M from customers. you stole it from *one* customer, who was a multimillionaire. and then you opened a food bank. i think against all odds i love this game.
14:59 you’ve recreated a realistic Flying Tiger Copenhagen store! Nice work! 👍
9:23 🤣 perfect disguise
Two LGIO videos in one month?!
Josh, you're spoiling us!
(Please continue. =D )
17:49 ah yes, committing credit card fraud in front of people.
I mean, she left the credit card to him
The real hero’s are the ones who didn’t report it
yay josh is back😊
am i first?😊
also he only comes back for the money
@@caj56he still entertains me
Hey Josh! Game Grumps mentioned you! Shoutout!
Cant get over your the first TH-camr to figure out how to break this game in a profitable way!! I laughed so freakin hard.. 🤣🤣🤣🤦🤦
I ah tend to be quite the lurker I don't know if I've ever commented on any of your videos - I just wanted to tell you I've watched you for years and I pretty much immediately drop everything and click on your videos the second I see them with a thrilled giddy smile pumped for the chaos... I just wanted you to know I love your content, your commentary style and I really appreciate your stuff.
Josh didn't have fun this time at the end 😢
But I know I did! 🖤 Thanks for two videos recently and that South Park stream! 🤘🏻
I like that josh say it's gonna take forever 20:50 but also do 22 hours of just clicking credit card payment
He used an autoclicker.
17:27 onward had me in literal tears of laughter! Closing the register without helping the four who’d been there that entire time…oh my goodness gracious.
I love when callmekevin and lets game it out play the same game. I just love seeing their chaotic energy 😂
1:45 skip ad
We love u bro
I like how this guy makes an active effort to break the game... He's the true tester!
I didn't understand much of what was said because it was spoken too quickly. But the pictures speak for themselves, and I often had to laugh. For example, the scene that was commented on with the words: "Just let me in!!! … Thank you"
I will definitely watch your videos again and thank you for an enjoyable 25 minutes.
Best regards from East Germany
(Translated with DeepL)
I would love a Let's Game It Out like Escape Room. The amount of things you'd need to do to escape would be insanity
I really hope Arin watches this brilliance and learns the errors of his ways. It's gonna take more than, "I don't care" to break a game.
The fact that Josh completely ruins everything and can become rich in ways you can’t comprehend, not to mention it’s hilarious 😂😂😂
17:01 This is how Josh got $11,863,450
Immediately finding the Fresh Prince reference in the game with the taxi license saying Fresh! 5 Star game
I'm surprised Josh didn't immediately check whether it had dice in the mirror.
In west Philadelphia born an raised...
An Easter egg on Easter
19:46 This is what Josh’s voice sounds like when he’s doing one of those 9 hour limit testing sessions
It's his true demonic voice
2:06 🎶🎵license plate said FRESH and it had a dice on the mirror🎵🎶
If anything I could say that this cab was rare
But I thought... 'Nah, forget it.'
Yo, homes! To Bel-Air! 🚕💨
I came here for this comment.
The music notes surrounding this can only be a jsab ref, if it isn’t tell me
Within the first 10 minutes of watching this video, I've decided I really like this guy, he's quite comical :)
I love how he slowly got more annoyed and passive-agressive (and agressive).
Been just playing this game for last 2 days and now seeing your video. I realized how much work it has to be put in to do all the things you do for us. keep up the good work and thank you.
you should do this irl next
I don't recommend
“Honey, why did this store charge you 1,482,932 time?”
Followed by "Honey why did your bill for 30 items in this store ring up to 0$"
This man finds every way to make unmilited money😂
Josh is the final boss for game developers
"Why are you so ungrateful?!" 🤣 20 years of retail, and 20 years of asking my customers that same exact thing.
I remember markiplier running around this same map in a mental breakdown, oh the (not so long ago) memories
22:02 Kevin Spacey has no room to be ungrateful! Take your free stuff and geeeeet out!
Did nobody notice that lady grabbing two packs of flour across the whole store at 7:25 without even walking in?
Josh is the only one of my sleep paralysis demons I love like a brother
Imagine getting an ad for a game called Supermarket Simulator while watching a guy play Supermarket Simulator
Totally couldn't be me
love that both josh and callmekevin went with the 'only pennies' thing. great minds think alike
I think Josh saw call me kwvins video
Im shocked Josh didnt do like Kevin did and seen how high a penny tower wud reach; but he did lag the game out with boxes before gettin the chance after all
@@SylviaRustyFae ye
Probably the first time I've heard Josh swearing 💀
He swears in his old videos.
@@rayyaninspookymonth1630and a lot in his streams
Me too same
oh my stars you should see his streams
I like how one of the unity asset customers is the "that's how mafia works" guy
Josh prob wasted money giving that guy all those pennies. He’ll probably melt them down into a bar of metal to sell now
8:46 - Did Josh COMPLETELY MISS the fact that he rang up Gus Fring from Breaking Bad for $5.00 worth of flour?
17:54 Look, I wouldn't steal from that guy, he looks like he kniws how mafia works.
Two episodes in less than two weeks! This is incredible.
19:46 “oh is that water for sale!”
“No it has to be cold👿”
lad if you press on the new game chapter it’ll do it, and faster too
14:50 Ah yes, the IKEA experience
17:12 the “NO..WAY” was perfectly executed. 🤣
17:37 The person is probably like “Why do I have an 11000000$ check on my credit card” 😂
15:18 - "Fully NavIgABle" 😂
Got me rolling 😭😭
Best channel on youtube, I love this guy.
The longer between videos, the more excited I get, and more concerned for the game that Josh is going to defile