I agree that My photos are most important to Me,-because they (hopefully) bring me back (mentally) to a past time,locale, event, or experience. I've never taken any Photog. classes, but I REALLY want to have good mastery of the technical basics-especially if it will help me take more "Perfect" pic.s and maximize the visual/emotive content that could possible be "captured". Another goal is to take get botanical details for use later to help identify plant species. Same with small birds atdistance
I agree that My photos are most important to Me,-because they (hopefully) bring me back (mentally) to a past time,locale, event, or experience. I've never taken any Photog. classes, but I REALLY want to have good mastery of the technical basics-especially if it will help me take more "Perfect" pic.s and maximize the visual/emotive content that could possible be "captured". Another goal is to take get botanical details for use later to help identify plant species. Same with small birds atdistance
Lol David Doucheman.