Because it's an unfair advantage. If dad always does the killing, he will be better at it than the person who drew the tag. The point of hunting laws are to make it fair to and safe to hunt and to prevent the species from being wiped out. Having designated hunters for families or friend groups who are basically apx predators with unlimited tags isn't good for conservation. It's just another way to limit over hunting and make the playing field level
Because then a person who wants to hunt the bear will enter in all their family members in the drawing for tags and just use somebody else’s tag if they get one and they didn’t.
Might as well make anyone entering public land wear hunters orange year round and screw the animals raising their young, we don’t need no hunting seasons
@@jamesgutman7686 it’s only for antlerless deer on private property. Public land would get over hunted if that were the case, and usually private land tracts aren’t hunted as heavily and often have an over population problem, so the DNR offers the antlerless season on private land to maintain proper populations and encourage more private land hunters to shoot does rather than hold out for a buck.
When will people just shut thier mouths. Warden, conservation officer, peace officers, dont matter what you call them they are still cops that are investing you. You dont have to help thier investigation, and you still have a right to not self incriminate yourself.
@@travisboling735 yeah I’m sure they really want want a pawn shop special .243 with a $49 scope. If a game warden wants a gun, they’ve got to bid on it at auction like everybody else after the case is settled.
ye yall are wrong thats one tough old lady she walked that mile and a half into the woods and shot that .30 06 like a champ straight threw the heart didnt even go 20
If they'd just said I'm not answering any questions without my lawyer and that they need to leave the property unless they have a warrant, the ending would have been far different.
montana sucks too $135 fine for everything even have a generic violation rulethat they can fine you for anything even stuff not in the laws. montana wardens work for local ranch owners not the public.
Hey Goalie, you wanna have a round with the old boy after the ticket you issued me in 2011, I have a real bone to pick about the ticket... me and you UFC... I think I can put down the piss cans and marlie reds for 20 mins to fight you... over a 115$ ticket... you game... bet.
The guy in the Kid Rock shirt leaning up against a Ford Flex represents pretty much everything of Michigan
Could be Idaho also
@@kylemartinson722could be your momma too
My question is why didn't she offer them cookies 😂
If someone has a tag why does it matter who shoots it?
Because it's an unfair advantage. If dad always does the killing, he will be better at it than the person who drew the tag. The point of hunting laws are to make it fair to and safe to hunt and to prevent the species from being wiped out. Having designated hunters for families or friend groups who are basically apx predators with unlimited tags isn't good for conservation. It's just another way to limit over hunting and make the playing field level
Because then a person who wants to hunt the bear will enter in all their family members in the drawing for tags and just use somebody else’s tag if they get one and they didn’t.
Life’s not fair last I checked
Do you lend your drivers license out ?
Straw purchase
I still don't understand why you can hunt your privately owned land early, but land owned by everyone you can't.
Might as well make anyone entering public land wear hunters orange year round and screw the animals raising their young, we don’t need no hunting seasons
Because certain laws don't apply on private property
@@jamesgutman7686 it’s only for antlerless deer on private property. Public land would get over hunted if that were the case, and usually private land tracts aren’t hunted as heavily and often have an over population problem, so the DNR offers the antlerless season on private land to maintain proper populations and encourage more private land hunters to shoot does rather than hold out for a buck.
Who came here to see if Golie is getting called out into getting in the octagon? 😂
@@jessecooper9795 and this isn’t even Montana game wardens now 😂
@@chevyon37s there was a guy calling out Golie for maybe the past 5 episodes...
@@jessecooper9795 oh more than the last 5, like every one of the Montana wardens episodes
When will people just shut thier mouths. Warden, conservation officer, peace officers, dont matter what you call them they are still cops that are investing you. You dont have to help thier investigation, and you still have a right to not self incriminate yourself.
Dude lied to the old lady to get her to confess
@@mclovin3339that's how they operate that's called corrupt
Glad we don’t have tags
YA right rifle condemned right into one of the Game officers' gun safe
@@travisboling735 yeah I’m sure they really want want a pawn shop special .243 with a $49 scope. If a game warden wants a gun, they’ve got to bid on it at auction like everybody else after the case is settled.
Don't make hunting violations, then your rifle doesn't end up in game officers' hands. Problem solved.
this is the first east coast state featured in this documentary series
Do you know what the east coast is?
@ yup look up time difference between nyc and Detroit
@Obieden1 COAST
Yeah. The kid rock shirt tells you he's not very bright!
ye yall are wrong thats one tough old lady she walked that mile and a half into the woods and shot that .30 06 like a champ straight threw the heart didnt even go 20
If they'd just said I'm not answering any questions without my lawyer and that they need to leave the property unless they have a warrant, the ending would have been far different.
Honest to God, these jerks put their grandmother in a bad jam. Making her lie was abuse without a doubt.
Pretty sorry profiling the elderly.
Montana wardens show is way better.
montana sucks too $135 fine for everything even have a generic violation rulethat they can fine you for anything even stuff not in the laws. montana wardens work for local ranch owners not the public.
It’s not the officer that he needs to apologize to. He swore to God about 92 times that he didn’t do it. Maybe he should start his apologies there.
I wonder why the game warden doesn't wear ORANGE after he makes contact. Officer safety you know.
Hey Goalie, you wanna have a round with the old boy after the ticket you issued me in 2011, I have a real bone to pick about the ticket... me and you UFC... I think I can put down the piss cans and marlie reds for 20 mins to fight you... over a 115$ ticket... you game... bet.
You loser 😂
Sounds like you’re in great shape to win. 😳 💨 🍻
You sound petty
Jesus get a life you drunk
There's always something to laugh about on the internet 😂
You and me Golie. @streetbeefs wants to sponsor the event. You bout to get piledrived in the octagon.