@@shadowbro514”Glass” can be incredibly strong and stop bullets without shattering, depending on how you make it and what you make it out of. Do you think he’s wearing it just because? You think he’s worried about mud or water getting in his face? In game it doesn’t stop bullets for balancing but in real life it might.
@@SomeOne-vf1rs Face shields are sometimes very thin, and not meant to stop much for riot type scenarios. Seems pretty silly to send in Doc with not much else, but it kooks like they couldn't keep the shield's thickness consistent across shots.
Deimos was apparently one of the OGs. According to lore, he was apparently recruited in 1999 shortly after the events of the first novel, which was released in 1998, by Six himself (John Clark).
@@HTX09honestly it looks like Deimos may be the new leader of the wolves, I mean you see his armor right ? And he uses the same exact Gun as their old leader. And the solders with him were wolfs as well
@@BDS3600Possible, though the R6S story would have to be taking place well past 2025 for that, as Operation Greenstone (Ghost Recon Breakpoint's main story, where Walker's killed) doesn't take place until mid-2025 or so. Even after Walker's death, Operation Motherland (which takes place three months after the main story iirc) has the remaining Wolves siding with Bodark, a Russian Spetsnaz unit.
If Rook and Mira didn't get the armor from Deimos' lair, they would've died. Deimos' revolver shoots .44 not .357 and it was confirmed that Rook's armor can be penetrated by Deimos' ammo.
What the hell i know its a game but every special forces operator uses level 4 plates that will stop all common rifle rounds plus a lot of armor piercing rounds
You guys talking about .357 magnum in the Upper Body with a plate. Dude there is no face mask like deimois have that stops 9mm and when its stop it will crack you. You will not be able to talk.
@@ItzSpense Wouldn't be surprised if the rest of Keres launched an attack on Rainbow's base after they brought him there. And I'm gonna huff some copium and say Nighthaven will come to the rescue
Epic trailer Ubisoft. Love the Sam Fisher entrance, how Rooks vest saved his life and that each member could have survived. Mira being his in armor plate near shoulder and Doc's helmet catching the bullet where you can see the shadow of the round as it is stuck in the visor.
In lore Rook had to upgrade his plates cuz Deimos' vendetta is able to pierce his standard rook armor like butter. Had he not done so chances are he and Mira could have bled out from the wounds.
Mira's Body armor richoted the bullet but knocked her out, Doc's visor can withstand a .44 Magnum shot so hes definitely out cold, and Rook's armor was upgraded they are NOT dead
i trust that the ceramic trauma plate im wearing will stop a 357 magnum traveling at 490m/s i trust myself not to move not to flinch i trust my teammates and they trust me
@@kappaletta0641 Doc probably healed himself and Mira while Zero and Rook was fighting Demois. Otherwise it wouldnt make sense when Mira brings entire window and Doc just doesn’t have his stim pistol
Bruh for a momentI thought we were going to lose Sam Fisher. That was a hell of a roller coaster. What a great cinematic trailer. Still amazed how this is not a series.
I appreciate they’re doing actual stories with the operators now and we get to see them in operations. I also love how it shows how well prepared rainbow is. They took the threat seriously, got taken out, but bc of Mira’s RnD, Docs lead, Rooks tenacity, and of course having second team on standby with Fisher as insurance (one HELL of a team), they survived and got their target.
You're an absolute fool to think Ubisoft is putting any actual effort at a storyline. We should have gotten this at Year 8. But no, gotta wait another year for another useless cinematic
@@heroicryan6257and Ubisoft wont give more because this is the standard we allow them to just do. They made a terrorist playable in a counterterrorist shooter.
@@memecliparchives2254Okay? you're not even playing against terrorists as counter terrorists. You're playing against other counter terrorists 😂 you made a moot point and are crying to cry
What if Deimos is Logan Keller? He was in Rainbow before it was shut down, he was abandoned in the field which could set him up to oppose them, it'd tie R6S into the older games, and his accent matches
He's Gerald Morris - a demolitions specialist in the original trilogy of Rainbow Six games + their expansions. You could take Gerald (Deimos) with you on missions or play as him. He could also die during your campaigns but canonically, Deimos and all the other original operators survive.
Doc's plastic cover was pierced but not the actual helmet, The bullet still has a lot of force behind it which most likely is what caused him to fall down. Similar to how people with BP vests on still take the impact of the bullet but significantly less damage in the end, just brainstorming
The amount of nostalgia I felt for Sam climbing down like that, and Deimos didn’t even hear him like it’s just so perfect, why can we have a good splinter cell game again
I imagine someday, in one of these R6 trailers, Sam will eventually leave Rainbow (storywise) to go on a final(?) mission. That trailer can be both for a new season and a teaser for a new Splinter Cell game.
The cinematics we've gotten since the very first one have been so damn good. This could be a movie or TV show, I swear. Also, I never thought I needed to see Sam Fisher vs Deimos, but that gave me chills.
And placed a pre-placed c4, got a 3k, and then rushed in to get the last kill only to almost lose the round dying like idiots, truly a R6 ranked experience
@@0meru0 there are different father figures in siege like Castle but Sam is unique cuz he’s saved the world on multiple occasions and brings nothing but pure experience and skill when it comes to taking down enemies solis loves Sam because of who he is and he has everything to offer the team from leadership to stealth practice
Deimos is easily my new favorite character. Aside from being a total badass. He feels more real, ground and dangerous. Something team Rainbow hasn't been in some time with their flashy gimmicks
Deimos reminds me of Ywach. Whines about how soft the new squad is compared to the old squad, makes elaborate plans to destroy them, then kills their leader personally.
It doesn't work like that. Game and lore are not the same. Night haven and rainbow don't work together but in game they play in same team@@itsjustmenova
Deimos made the mistake of thinking Sam "I took down an entire branch of the government alone" Fisher was going to sit around and listen to his monologue mid-combat. Sam is a man of focus. He has no interest in listening to Deimos waxing poetically about the past or attempting to taunt him. In fact, he takes the opportunity to capitalize on it. The INSTANT Deimos lost focus, he took the chance and counter-grappled. I like it. It's very much in character for Sam.
Wow, Deimos did forgot about rook armor can stop a 357 round, but seeing Sam entering like that brought great memories playing Splinter Cell, but what Deimos said to Sam, "Say hi to Harry for me" that still hurts forgot that Deimos killed him, and you could see that Sam really wanted to kill him for that.
Deimos is using a .44 magnum, significantly more powerful than .357 magnum, Rook, Mira, and especially Doc should be either heavily wounded or dead after that
Sam got that cold intro, I really got hopes for a new Splinter Cell games but I fear for it since Ubisoft started doing making their games in a certain way...
1:30 that was very much a Ghost Recon moment... I know Ghost's and Rainbow is connected - but yeah, my point about that moment was because Demios did the interrogate animation and melee animations
Deimos reminds me of Rorke in COD Ghost. Both are ruthless, smart, cunning, skillful, hard to kill, and their tenacity at the objective. Once they got captured, there's always a way for them to escape, always.
It's crazy how quiet Sam is. Deimos didn't even hear him. he didn't even know he was there until he saw him in the mirror. He might've had some kinda sixth sense, but I doubt he would've caught it quick enough to stop Sam if it weren't for the mirror
Its interesting hearing Montagnes accent. In his bio he went to university in the US so when he talks, his accent disappears, but under high states of stress it still comes out as you would expect it to. Nice touch
Deimos speaking faxxs with Rainbow is already dead. He doesn‘t mean the unit but he does mean in fact the game itself and im glad the devs are recognising it too
>Doc directly says that they need Daimos alive >gets shot in the head >Rook doesn’t hesitate to shoot Daimos in the head Its now 100% my head canon that Rook was just getting his lick back for Doc
How tf is he not dead? He took a .44 magnum to the face, and those visors can't stop that powerful of a round so how tf he walking that off like it's nothing?
Who's voicing Fisher here? Is it still Jeff? That actually sounds pretty damn good for Fisher, the way his voice goes sharp when he raises it is very similar to Ironside
Sam fisher entry was cool AF
Spinter Cell - Gamecube - 2002
ong it was
Bro waited for his whole team to get dropped first
Its our boy Michael Ironside.. sounds a little like him
he old lol.... let the kids handle it.. till they can't...
Now the OG gotta pull up
Rook trusted that his Ceramic Trauma Plate could stop a .357 Magnum round…. He was right.
Except he was shot by .44 not .357 and both Rook and Mira used the same armor Deimos uses due to Deimos being able to penetrate rooks armor
@@LegendaryYuxie now we know that mira worked on the armor and upgraded it to handle deimos' bullets
Rook used upgraded armor
@quantumcringe6441 And doc knew the best area to save a man was in the field and sometimes to save a life is to take a life
@@LegendaryYuxie almost all handgun rated armor is rated for 44 magnum
Doc got shot in the face and it didn’t register standard Seige moment
It’s just his face plate in the lore can take .44
@@Gkamp98765His glass faceplate?
@@shadowbro514 yes he’s still alive look at the battle pass or any other op bio for doc
@@shadowbro514”Glass” can be incredibly strong and stop bullets without shattering, depending on how you make it and what you make it out of. Do you think he’s wearing it just because? You think he’s worried about mud or water getting in his face? In game it doesn’t stop bullets for balancing but in real life it might.
@@SomeOne-vf1rs Face shields are sometimes very thin, and not meant to stop much for riot type scenarios. Seems pretty silly to send in Doc with not much else, but it kooks like they couldn't keep the shield's thickness consistent across shots.
Deimos was apparently one of the OGs. According to lore, he was apparently recruited in 1999 shortly after the events of the first novel, which was released in 1998, by Six himself (John Clark).
Thought he was with ghost recon?
@ikstarven You're thinking of Walker lmao. Although I really do wish Rainbow would recruit Nomad from the Ghosts as Deimos is a strong opponent
@@HTX09honestly it looks like Deimos may be the new leader of the wolves, I mean you see his armor right ? And he uses the same exact Gun as their old leader. And the solders with him were wolfs as well
@@BDS3600Possible, though the R6S story would have to be taking place well past 2025 for that, as Operation Greenstone (Ghost Recon Breakpoint's main story, where Walker's killed) doesn't take place until mid-2025 or so. Even after Walker's death, Operation Motherland (which takes place three months after the main story iirc) has the remaining Wolves siding with Bodark, a Russian Spetsnaz unit.
@@BDS3600He leads a group called the Keres Legion
Deimos forgot rook could self revive now
Make sense. He's an old player, he didn't know😂
deimos is like a returning old siege player😂
Fr tho 💀
deimos forgot rook armor plate can stop a 357 magnum
If Rook and Mira didn't get the armor from Deimos' lair, they would've died. Deimos' revolver shoots .44 not .357 and it was confirmed that Rook's armor can be penetrated by Deimos' ammo.
I trust my teammates
@@Aydamir06 And they trust me
What the hell i know its a game but every special forces operator uses level 4 plates that will stop all common rifle rounds plus a lot of armor piercing rounds
You guys talking about .357 magnum in the Upper Body with a plate. Dude there is no face mask like deimois have that stops 9mm and when its stop it will crack you. You will not be able to talk.
Doc, Mira, and rook held that room down worse than me and my copper teammates
Had headholes, a mira, and still lost lmaoooo
@@diminuendo61lost a 3v1
“Your teammates”…. See if they aren’t your teammates, then they would easily get to champ. It’s you. You’re the problem
I'm dead 💀
I liked the part where doc didn’t use his stim to get up and revive his teammates. Truly an R6 Experience
He got headshot and demois is standing in front of him
lol you didn’t see he got jfk
Docs mains never ever heal teammates, stims are for him lmao
@@LizardWizard403 Ain't that the truth
Zero is in his 60s and is still fighting like a f***ing menace
Uhhh thats sam fisher
@@dimah4216his operator name is zero
he looks good too hahawhaw
"Zero" bro its sam fisher
@@cloroxbleachtm9638 his op name is zero
deimos: old rainbow was more intimidating. they could’ve seen me coming from a mile away… with their acog.
And so his words inspired rainbow to toss their 1.5’s into the trash.
"Back in my day there was night maps and you could run around outside the building for a few seconds without getting tagged."
@@NinjapowerMS"Back in my day, Rainbow fought real enemies, not these grown men playing airsoft."
@@NinjapowerMS "Okay grandpa, let's get you back to bed."
The game isn’t about what guns and sights you have, ffs
“Say hi to Harry for me”
Rook: *Gets buffed to have Last Stand now*
Sam reversed the choke hold before rook shot him
Sam fisher wasn’t Losing to “demios” or whatever his name is
@@GrogedUp I mean with what we saw he did
@@Grusken19pretty even fight tbh, zero got out of the last chokehold he was in and the fight wouldve kept going but rook shot demios
You guys forgot rook armor plate give self revive option?
Demios still in copper getting surprised like that, bro definitely wasn't droning
For a copper, he put in work.
While teammates didn't see Mira's black mirror 💀
Didn't have a headset
Who is Demios?
I feel like it's going to end up like another one of those "it was mr bad guy's plan to get kidnapped" situations
Most likely
Considering how smart he is, this was probably his plan
@@ItzSpense Wouldn't be surprised if the rest of Keres launched an attack on Rainbow's base after they brought him there.
And I'm gonna huff some copium and say Nighthaven will come to the rescue
Bane be like:
Sam is like what 70 the fact he can basically go bar for bar with Deimos is insane
To be fair deimos is old asf too and sam fisher uses nanomachines to keep himself young and strong
@@Lyfe4wait actually? Nano machines? Like snake?
@@alwest4472 ye
@@alwest4472He uses the same nano-machines as Finka canonically
Epic trailer Ubisoft. Love the Sam Fisher entrance, how Rooks vest saved his life and that each member could have survived. Mira being his in armor plate near shoulder and Doc's helmet catching the bullet where you can see the shadow of the round as it is stuck in the visor.
You can actually see Doc on the left side of Deimos. -> 2:20.
In lore Rook had to upgrade his plates cuz Deimos' vendetta is able to pierce his standard rook armor like butter. Had he not done so chances are he and Mira could have bled out from the wounds.
Mira's Body armor richoted the bullet but knocked her out, Doc's visor can withstand a .44 Magnum shot so hes definitely out cold, and Rook's armor was upgraded they are NOT dead
You can see them standing behind Deimos In last scene.
damn at first i really thought deimos ko’d 3 operators
Exactly all shots looked non lethal
@rsmirrr with how he fought he definitely could. Bad match up though.
it’s rainbow6, the story will never be serious and there will never be any major character deaths. ubisoft is afraid of risks
i trust that the ceramic trauma plate im wearing will stop a 357 magnum traveling at 490m/s i trust myself not to move not to flinch i trust my teammates and they trust me
Mira and Doc didn‘t trust
@@kappaletta0641 they got downed but ragequitted
@@GodlyBDSso basically like every doc and Mira?
@@kappaletta0641 Doc probably healed himself and Mira while Zero and Rook was fighting Demois. Otherwise it wouldnt make sense when Mira brings entire window and Doc just doesn’t have his stim pistol
@@SHAUNONSHIELDS doc got 1 tapped to the face
Bruh for a momentI thought we were going to lose Sam Fisher. That was a hell of a roller coaster. What a great cinematic trailer. Still amazed how this is not a series.
Sam went in on Deimos. Great 1v1 fight right there. Absolute fire 🔥
I'm so glad he didn't bruh love sam
Sam appears in games that are set after seige so he couldn't die
I kinda forgot that he was still alive after the fact, I was very worried they were gonna make a very big mistake by killing him off.@@Suckit626
Siege will never kill anyone off
1:14 I got chills. And I didn't even play the Splinter Cell series. I just know that it's legendary.
Me too
Fr never played a splinter call game but that entrance convinced me now
The Splinter Cell series are my favorite games, played them since I was a kid
Fisher still being able 2 do sam fisher things at 60+ is wild, dude is built different
Deimos is almost as old as Zero and Zero has enhancements (nanomachines that finka has and exoskeleton)
@@shadowbro514 I'd like to see Deimos crawl around on the ceiling like he's spiderman.
@@shadowbro514he’s in his 50s while Samuel is 67yrs old
@@ghostayham4180more like rainbow 6 retirement home jesus christ everyone in this game is old
okay but sams entrance was so nostalgic considering splinter cell was one of my first games ever
what’s splinter cell
@@ChiefNicholas the game sam fisher first appeared in (it was not rainbow six siege)
@@ChiefNicholastell me u were born in the late 2000s without telling me you were born in the late 2000s
@@flixsunpo2.029late 2010s more like
If only the game could have this darker vibe
It used to with night maps & the old lighting
@@wisdomincoming12and it was asscheeks
@@wisdomincoming12 yep back in the day
@@wisdomincoming12i think it’s confirmed coming back next season
@@okalewIf that's true that's fantastic.
The CGI was nuts. Absolute banger.
wdym this is real
Nah it's cake@@queeflord38312
If only the game was as good as this trailer
@@queeflord38312??? No it isnt
Too bad it has nothing to do with the actual game
I appreciate they’re doing actual stories with the operators now and we get to see them in operations. I also love how it shows how well prepared rainbow is. They took the threat seriously, got taken out, but bc of Mira’s RnD, Docs lead, Rooks tenacity, and of course having second team on standby with Fisher as insurance (one HELL of a team), they survived and got their target.
Yeah. Definitely prefer it to the weird sports team arc they had going for a while lol
You're an absolute fool to think Ubisoft is putting any actual effort at a storyline.
We should have gotten this at Year 8. But no, gotta wait another year for another useless cinematic
@@memecliparchives2254 I'll level with you chief, I do agree I think there should be more, but at least there's a tiny bit of effort?
@@heroicryan6257and Ubisoft wont give more because this is the standard we allow them to just do.
They made a terrorist playable in a counterterrorist shooter.
@@memecliparchives2254Okay? you're not even playing against terrorists as counter terrorists. You're playing against other counter terrorists 😂 you made a moot point and are crying to cry
What if Deimos is Logan Keller? He was in Rainbow before it was shut down, he was abandoned in the field which could set him up to oppose them, it'd tie R6S into the older games, and his accent matches
He's Gerald Morris - a demolitions specialist in the original trilogy of Rainbow Six games + their expansions. You could take Gerald (Deimos) with you on missions or play as him. He could also die during your campaigns but canonically, Deimos and all the other original operators survive.
I like how it is accurate to the game, both doc and deimos got shot in the head and are still alive
Lmao, i have a clip where i sprayed an enemy in the head FOUR different times and none of em connected
@@grand_howlerthere is time between shots in r6 just like real life, so that can happen but 4 times is REALLY unlucky
@@Dalgoons Its hitscan, there isnt any delay apart from the server updates
Doc's plastic cover was pierced but not the actual helmet, The bullet still has a lot of force behind it which most likely is what caused him to fall down. Similar to how people with BP vests on still take the impact of the bullet but significantly less damage in the end, just brainstorming
I got goosebumps when Fisher came out of nowhere, and the tension between him and Deimos was legendary.
It was great seeing him in action but the fact he was spotted in a freaking mirror was kinda out of character.
@@aleksanderzaremba9695i thought the same thing, sam wouldn't slip up like that
@@ASTRALEGION I would rather take cliche creaky floor than that.
The amount of nostalgia I felt for Sam climbing down like that, and Deimos didn’t even hear him like it’s just so perfect, why can we have a good splinter cell game again
I imagine someday, in one of these R6 trailers, Sam will eventually leave Rainbow (storywise) to go on a final(?) mission.
That trailer can be both for a new season and a teaser for a new Splinter Cell game.
I wish they added the NV sound that would of been sick
Imaging if splinter cell was just like caveira but a attacker 😳
@@llllllllllll1635well… that’s what Deimos is so no need to imagine it on on a diff character
1° game remaster
Bro that rook self revive came in clutch 😤
Sam: but that was some fancy shooting, you're pretty good.
It looks like Sam still remember the basics of CQC
He took "Initiating stealth operation" to another level with that entrance! Almost like I was back to being 10 years old seeing that. 😢
Giving that he knew big boss and solid snake wouldn't surprise me if he knew it
Definitely not those three though, somehow they missed a 3 way crossfire
Guess him, big boss and Gabe really did use to trade notes
@@smithyethan6543 we need another game but Ubi won't be able to microtransact it to death. Same "problem" with Max Payne and Rockstar 😮💨
The cinematics we've gotten since the very first one have been so damn good. This could be a movie or TV show, I swear.
Also, I never thought I needed to see Sam Fisher vs Deimos, but that gave me chills.
In the For Honor Black Prior trailer you could see his pupils dilate as they were exposed to more light. Ubisoft cinematics are on another level
I’ve been sitting on this since the summer and waiting for it to come out. It looks amazing.
Well the only thing ubisoft is good at is making cinematic trailers
Deimos is actually badass.
If you think Abt it he is just a terrorist
Wait that's his name?
his nickname is Deimos and his real name is in this cinematic Gerald Morris@@forze-tunic
@@forze-tunicYeah. Ill be assuming you havent watched the other cinematics with him but yes, thats the name they know him as
@@peanutbutter4804I was kidding🙄
Now that is what I call some tactical espionage! Sam sure remembered the basics of CQC
Mmmmetal Geaarrr...
“I’ve heard they don’t make em like me anymore. There was this other guy though- Army infiltration, he wore a bandana or something”
@@jaredwong-bynoe2750"I heard he finally retired"
As a French, I just love how Rook says "Ta G***e co***rd" befoe shooting Deimos.
Proud of you.
@@gennarosevero1856it means "shu* up mor*n"
@@hawaw-en-folie bro really censored the word "shut" i can't fathom this wtf
Rook est tellement Metal. 😊
rook my goat ♥♥
Rook came in clutch with that armor
1:51 the french power of the "shut up"
The REAL reason we Rook mains remain
0:54 Doc: M I R A 👁 👄 👁
*proceeds to shoot*
had me rolling
I love that Doc and Mora were actually setting up site, making head holes for the Black Mirrors 👌
And placed a pre-placed c4, got a 3k, and then rushed in to get the last kill only to almost lose the round dying like idiots, truly a R6 ranked experience
@@mkctao3815 the ranked experience indeed
That entry with the night goggles inside the smoke was badass!!
That was sick !!
I had goosebumps when I read the script
Deimos must actually be Blackbeard in disguise because he survived a headshot
Sam fisher one of the greatest spies ever, doesn't notice there is a mirror that could compromise his mission.
He’s getting old cut him some slack
atreites is catching up to him.
need that nano bots from finka to get in a shape and increase brain neurons activation@@pantyeater-kun5788
@@pantyeater-kun5788Arthritis you mean, and that affects your joints, not your abilities to see mirrors
@@itsjustmenova he is old, he's pushing 70
Loved the fight between Sam and Deimos it showed just how dangerous Sam still is at his age
nah its was deimos fault bcs he talked he used to much energy and focus to talk with him then strangle him but its his plan anyway so
isnt Sam basically a father figure in the r6 team who kinda lets his kids fight but if its close he steps in? xd
@@0meru0 there are different father figures in siege like Castle but Sam is unique cuz he’s saved the world on multiple occasions and brings nothing but pure experience and skill when it comes to taking down enemies solis loves Sam because of who he is and he has everything to offer the team from leadership to stealth practice
I hope the servers are good at the season beginning
We all do
Wishful thinking, champ
at this point, I think it's more realistic to hope for a high lottery win than well functioning Siege servers at the start of a season
then you are hoping for a miracle
Deimos is easily my new favorite character. Aside from being a total badass. He feels more real, ground and dangerous. Something team Rainbow hasn't been in some time with their flashy gimmicks
because he kinda is the OG operators according to lore
Deimos reminds me of Ywach.
Whines about how soft the new squad is compared to the old squad, makes elaborate plans to destroy them, then kills their leader personally.
Ha! That’s perfect. 😂
It would be cool if Demios has rare dialogue where he taunts one of the operators on your team.
@@Sangth123he is it’s confirmed
@@gabewaldrop8188”I killed your leader and tried multiple times to kill all of you but is it okay if I train with you guys?”
It doesn't work like that. Game and lore are not the same. Night haven and rainbow don't work together but in game they play in same team@@itsjustmenova
@@jabbathehutt8952you know you can click on a name to @ them you don’t got to manually do it
@@jabbathehutt8952 They need to make a PVE focused game with this storyline.
"Nothing I say will save rainbow. You're already dead." I felt that.
just found out they removed terrorist hunt 😭
Incredible! Also, finally some Sam Fisher respect!
Deimos made the mistake of thinking Sam "I took down an entire branch of the government alone" Fisher was going to sit around and listen to his monologue mid-combat.
Sam is a man of focus. He has no interest in listening to Deimos waxing poetically about the past or attempting to taunt him.
In fact, he takes the opportunity to capitalize on it. The INSTANT Deimos lost focus, he took the chance and counter-grappled.
I like it. It's very much in character for Sam.
If Deimos had to go hand to hand combat with Sam Fisher AND Oryx bro would've had as many broken bones as the crooks in Gotham.
Now that's the Sam Fisher I like to see, absolutely amazing trailer 🤘
Deimos sucks. He couldn't even keep a mid 60s man in a chokehold when he was already on one knee.
@@skoshi_tempestSam Fisher is Elite
0:37 bruh lol guy holding R-301 from titanfall/apex legends
or yknow, an ar9 in a different caliber like they did with lions vector
prbbly yeah @@dealtanace
apex legends sucks
@@jaysecond42 TRUUUEEEEEE!!!!
R201 in tf, r301 in apex
Random player : *insults me*
Me, a french player : 1:48
Could you translate it for us not-french players, please?
@@toksy7718No thanks, don't wanna get banned from TH-cam
It means shut up @@toksy7718
He basically said « Sh*t up c*nt» I’ll let you add the letters to make the sentence spicier
@@toksy7718shut up ahole but in a meaner way
1:15 there was a missed opportunity for Ubisoft to play Sam’s night vision sound effect when before he dropped down
Wow, Deimos did forgot about rook armor can stop a 357 round, but seeing Sam entering like that brought great memories playing Splinter Cell, but what Deimos said to Sam, "Say hi to Harry for me" that still hurts forgot that Deimos killed him, and you could see that Sam really wanted to kill him for that.
Deimos is using a .44 magnum, significantly more powerful than .357 magnum, Rook, Mira, and especially Doc should be either heavily wounded or dead after that
I like the part where he said "It's Deimosin time"
And he proceeded to Deimos all over the rainbow operatives 😭🙏
@@MarcoTheGreat127truly the trailer of all time
Y’all need new jokes
and they say "morbius will have no effect on people"
@@ChoHuncho brother!? Is that you!?!
The operators getting beaten are my ranked 2.0 teammates in a nutshell.
Fun Fact : Super 90 that doc holding has two fire mode, pump action and semi auto. doc separate the fire mode for each situation.
I wish they'd do that with the SPAS-12 and Super 90 in game
This is so freaking good. Any time they actually showcase the ops using their gadgets and items is just a huge W
Sam is like 67 or 68, if the mirror hadn't been there Deimos would have been mega screwed from the moment he turned his back
nah and Zero is 63 with enhancements. Deimos is 59
doc stood back up, hes in the background after deimos gets the lasers on him
the bullet got deflected prolly . . .
the bullet didn't penetrate his helmet
That c4 did hella damage
those Demois operator is so good like pmc
Honestly the coolest out of the entire trailer, their guns were sick too
Sam got that cold intro, I really got hopes for a new Splinter Cell games but I fear for it since Ubisoft started doing making their games in a certain way...
1:30 that was very much a Ghost Recon moment...
I know Ghost's and Rainbow is connected - but yeah, my point about that moment was because Demios did the interrogate animation and melee animations
as a french guy, the "Ta gu**le c*nn*rd" hit home, rook made me proud
what does that mean ?
@@MyH3ntaiGirl basically it translate to "sh** up a**h*le"
@@Jesus-hv7ic rook is based lol
1:29 Impressive stop right there
Please more cinematics like this! I mean the anime style was good but this is so much better!
It's trailers like this that make me wish they went through with a campaign as a stand alone game as well!
Sam Fisher vs Deimos battle was cinema stuff right there, fuckin loved it
Was great to see Ash back from her coma too ^^
Again make a series! This CGI has great potential!!
1:20 me and the homies when we have a disagreement
Deimos reminds me of Rorke in COD Ghost. Both are ruthless, smart, cunning, skillful, hard to kill, and their tenacity at the objective.
Once they got captured, there's always a way for them to escape, always.
Except that Rorke is a bland as hell character
It's crazy how quiet Sam is. Deimos didn't even hear him. he didn't even know he was there until he saw him in the mirror.
He might've had some kinda sixth sense, but I doubt he would've caught it quick enough to stop Sam if it weren't for the mirror
I genuinely would not be surprised if someone survived what doc got hit with irl that helmet winshiels is hella resilient
Deimos as an op is gonna be so sick. He just looks cool
he's going to be the op for y9s1 tho . . .
@@AntoniusHadethats what he said
Deimos Vs Fisher was dope and I certainly didn’t expect to see it
Its interesting hearing Montagnes accent. In his bio he went to university in the US so when he talks, his accent disappears, but under high states of stress it still comes out as you would expect it to. Nice touch
That's Rook not Montagne
deserves more views and thumbs up. Dope Sam and dope defender
This just makes me want another splinter cell game more then I already do
Speechless about the animation🤤
Finally I’m excited for R6 again
if Snake was here, he wouldn't need help. poor Sam Fisher.
That's insane work this part 1:18 is giving me shivers, that combat is a 10/10.
wild seeing sam fisher in action again
this is actually insane..
Ubisoft really needs to make a show around the lore of R6
I love the voice acting for doc and Sam Fisher And everyone else amazing job ubisoft 👏🏼
Is Rainbow Six Siege finally introducing hand to hand combat!!!????!!!!????
The Zero shot was so cold 😭😭
That's sam fisher not zero
@@flamemodule6461 Sam fisher is zero thats his Nickname in R6
@Overlegion his name is SAM mothafukan FISHER
If that plot line mirror wasn’t there, Deimos would be no more thanks to Sam alone.
Weren't they gonna take him alive anyway?
@@adumba3709oh yeah right. Well Sam would’ve captured him alone.
Those headholes were extremely satisfying to watch 0:27 😌
Deimos speaking faxxs with Rainbow is already dead. He doesn‘t mean the unit but he does mean in fact the game itself and im glad the devs are recognising it too
Rainbow is the biggest it's ever been and one of the biggest games currently
>Doc directly says that they need Daimos alive
>gets shot in the head
>Rook doesn’t hesitate to shoot Daimos in the head
Its now 100% my head canon that Rook was just getting his lick back for Doc
2:01 doc already get shot in the head, and now he’s still standing.
How tf is he not dead? He took a .44 magnum to the face, and those visors can't stop that powerful of a round so how tf he walking that off like it's nothing?
@@ksrebelbuck7936rook armor probably, but I don’t think rook armor helps with headshots
@@ThaFrostyMan it doesn't, an armor plate covering your chest does nothing for a headshot
@@ksrebelbuck7936 oh alright, thanks for correcting my mistake then.
It didn't hit his head it grazed it
Ok this was amazing, jesus, gave me goosebumps. I wish the siege lighting was the same way
As an og this sentence scares me.
I remember what it used to be like. It was so good!! Felt so tactical
Who's voicing Fisher here? Is it still Jeff? That actually sounds pretty damn good for Fisher, the way his voice goes sharp when he raises it is very similar to Ironside
Ubisoft, You're so talented! I had to hit the like button!
I´m so hyped. haven´t been hyped like this for years