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Fortnite GODZILLA EVENT Is Here!
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ก.พ. 2025
- Fortnite GODZILLA EVENT Is Here!
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Notice: We earn revenue from you supporting us in the Fortnite Item Shop. Thank you to Epic Games for partnering with us.
Click here to buy Godzilla/Kong in Fortnite! (Epic Partner) www.fortnite.com/item-shop?creator-code=t5g
Def using code T5G
0:03 We aren't even 5 seconds in yet😭😭
Looooooow taper fade!
Yk what else is massive?
There’s ONE more thing that i want for this season. The Live Event being a fight against a Titan with Godzilla on our side. It could be the devourer, or it could be King Ghidorah, who cares, all i want is some Titan on Titan action !
Let my man Devourer rest he's already been through enough 🙏🏾
Evolved Godzilla would easily kill him one shot but he ain’t powerful in fn so probs kong vs Godzilla
I’m pretty sure if they do that, it’d be mecha godzilla
This is pretty MASSIVE
This is a CRAZY update
And you know what else is massive? LOOO-
@@Tugger80 W TAPER FADE
8:00 how does one get more debt then squidgame characters 💀💀💀
The dorsals being Godzilla's weak point are ironic because they are the most durable parts of his body. In Godzilla King of the Monsters, Godzilla survived a fall from the stratosphere because he landed on his dorsals. The kong species also used Godzilla species dorsals because they were so durable
Its probably to tie into fortnite lore since his dorsals are pink like some other forrnite mutations, so they probably specifically chose those.
@ that makes sense
Yeah but its a game. And where else would his weakspots be?
2:46 bro trolled us
2:54 Yo its me again
8:02 bros in so much debt
bro is the 32 bit integer limit in debt
8:00 Bro needs to pay off the debt😂😂😂
I feel like at the end of the season there will be a live event where kong comes back and fights godzilla.
20% spawn rate is to low, they haven’t learn anything from the doctor doom island.
It’s literally hella op it shouldn’t be common 20% ain’t low that’s a 1 of 5 Chance
He’s not that good, he’s slow, doesn’t do that much damage and isn’t game breaking strong, Ngl the medallion is ass too
I found it 4 times what u mean?
@@brandonflanagan6339 4 times !? bro i've played 56 matches so far trying to get the rift to spawn and not a single one has given me it
@@calebknight9503it's not op kid
I always like your update videos because other TH-camrs are swapping between gameplay and the update, I just want the update, thanks for the great videos Top5Gaming!!!
8:01 bro is in so much debt 😂
Bro I saw that 😂
Very first match Kong and Godzilla popped up and got eliminated as soon as Godzilla spawned. Haven't see either since. Doom was here.
Great content, as always! Your hard work really stands out.
Translate! ngidlwengula izingane futhi ngihlukumeza izilwane ngoba i-anti spam bot army ingcono
I would’ve loved Ghidorah as a skin instead of Mechagodzilla sure it would be hard, but I’m sure it would be a sick skin
Well the Godzilla stuff was based on Godzilla vs kong and Godzilla a new empire but good idea
Mf has no arms, gunna aim with his heads
He could be a glider like mothra bc we already have big gliders like all the star wars ships so cant hurt to add him and maybe Rodan
King ghidorah can be a surfing glider
3:46 YES I found that out when I first got it when I was playing as kong because at first I was thinking
I wonder what kong would sound like with godzilla roar
8:02 bro is in debt
I love how fortnite can just become any new game every season
0:54 “it’s not that great” I got OBLITERATED by that ability in less then a second bro 💀😂
0:04 you know what else is massive?
0:03 massive you say
You k is what else is masoive
8:00 how much debt does bro have💀💀💀
She's MIGHT just be the most humble and heartwarming person to exist❤❤
8:00 how does one get more debt then squidgame characters 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Bro is in dept for their entire life😂
Gaming with Boosteroid feels like I’m using a high-end PC, but without the high cost. I love how smooth the gameplay is, and I never have to worry about updates or lag. It’s affordable, reliable, and the best decision I’ve made for gaming.
do you know what else is still massive? LOWWW TAPERRRRR FAAAAADEEEE!!!
‘Kong and Godzilla are here and They are MASSIVE.’
You know what else is MASSIVE????
0:05 you know what else is massive?
If i remember right, monarch was cancelled In godzilla 2 movie and In godzilla x Kong and the newest one has different company doing these titan things
0:03 bro is still dragging it 💀
Nah the meme is dragging him💀
Fr but still do you know what else is MASSIVE
Love it...Kaju no 8 vs Kong 🤯
You know what else is massive
My big fat
5:52 just hope that weapon finally gets added to Creative like the coin from Ch2
7:57 he is more in debt then my whole family.💀💀💀
8:02 bro is not buying anything soon 💀
Even T5G carrying on the meme☠️
Wtf are these comments 💀
A Godzilla LTM where you and your squad have to defeat Godzilla except there’s different waves and every wave you get supply drops but Godzilla also gets stronger.
Im here so no bots will come❤
I've been living for the rise of Godzilla!!
6:07 maybe the X skin is coming out nobody expected juice but he’s in
I got him on my first try and the portal was around 1000 meters away. Also Love your videos ❤❤❤
0:00 u know what else is massive?
Zero point is slowly coming back, I love it! 🔥🔥🔥
0:53 not heat ray it’s called atomic breath
Yeah c'mon tommy
Okay it's called heat ray but the fans decided to go ahead and name it atomic breath
It's called heat ray in the game, but I get what you're saying. It shouldve been atomic breathe
@@Redarrow114 it's the actual name for it
This is a great video but do you know what else this massive?
I was about to become godzilla, but someone beat me to the portal by one second. What makes it worse, I am a huge godzilla fan.
If collab items are in creative, I want a way to play as godzilla after this season, keep this alive epic!!
0:04 and you know what else is massive
Your mom
You know what's crazy? That Low Taper Fade meme is still MASSIVE
@IsagayacMeyrick-r7d you horrible
We may need to build another mecha team leader.
0:03 M-M-MASSIVE?!?
@@FelixLindman-j9v yes🗣️
Love your vids❤
3:22 I wish it wasn’t just a reskin of the pink shards turned glowing blue.
I was hoping for how he looks before the 2024 movie, when he has black fin-shard things instead of pink crystals 🙏
Kaiju No 8 getting added to fortnite before Solo leveling, One piece is crazy work.
Hi Tommy! I’m a hugeeeeeeee fan! Cool! Thanks for the info… I haven’t played since last week, so I don’t know about the new update, until now! Thanks, bye!
for everyone who like is one push up
Want to friend me I’m RegalEagle2870
0:04 you know what else is massive
Christ's blood, his death on the cross, releases us from the guilt of sin, accepting us as righteous in God's sight Colossians1:20 The cross shows the seriousness of our sin, it also shows God's immeasurable love. There's hope and salvation to all who put their trust in Jesus. Please think about it.
0:04 Yk what else is massive
The low
Love your vids man❤
Anyone here from 2026?
Yeah I’m here
U aren't, me neither, no one is
Bro time traveled 😂
Yeah bro, I’m actually in 3056
2 singers, 2 world destroyers.
thanks epic games.
Like this comment to beat the bots
They r so annoying
0:04 You know what else is massive?
Edit:am I the only one seeing a Ninja pic while T5G said MASSIVE ?!!?!
Jesus loves you repent and believe in the gospel.
@@robotgaming706this isn’t a bot
@@robotgaming706not everyone is a bot
Hes Right
This guy's is not a boy bro.
I tried so many and I got 1% chance of encounter Godzilla but never gotten to plays as him but I did see King Kong when I first experienced it
I think that Godzilla in fortnite does not really die it just teleports into a rift.
t5g actually referencing the low taper fade meme was not on my 2025 bingo card
Not to long ago today, I was busy doing quest on Godzilla,...because apparently I completed all the story quests? And I heard all that go down...while I couldn't figure out what I was supposed to do next after placing all the evacuation signs, I went after Godzilla to see him...and apparently that was next quest to hit him...I really didn't even get a shot in withbthe rialgun when the fight was over, but man, did he sound threatening the whole time...yikes
Wait so you know how OG season 2 will be coming? Does that mean there will be a new OG pass or nah?
Hope we get a mode to keep playing as godzilla and other bosses it wud be so cool maybe a titan boss clash mode ?
It’s all fun and games until your teammate steals godzilla
They’re massive “and you know what else is massive”
1st round with this update I became godzilla, 2nd round I discovered another blade and got medallion, sick update
Now I know why they redesigned the quad launcher. I was confused about why it looked different in creative before this update
The first game I played after the update had both Kong and Godzilla!🔥💀
The second i heard the word massive i sat for a minute, then sighed and went to the comment section.
One of my best things is that just before I watched this I won by becoming Godzilla then I died but I spawned above the guy who done the most damage and got all the loot and killed him and got it all lol
Im currently grinding the battlepass rn (its only AFTER level 200 you can get these rewards, which is painful)
I got the godzilla 2 times in a my first 2 matches of the update and I thought it was spawning in every game 😂
T5G i hope you make a video on the 4 player spilt screen im very confused because it doesn't work 😕
Purple shards😭 bro just disrespected Godzilla like that
Kong can fit in the shop and courage can't 😅😂
is there a way or going to where there is a gamemode where you can be godzilla whenever you want? For example, you can play a public gamemode that has the godzilla boss that wont leave when the battle pass does
8:02 how is that even possible 😂😮
The one thing I hate is that if you become Godzilla, you and your team can’t get his medallion and quad launcher
I feel like they should make it to where when you Die as Godzilla you should just be a normal player again and not be sent back to lobby
Epic really sold the bag on that one man...... 2:00
If you can play as Kong and if Godzilla spawned in with Kong well you’re going to see the whole freaking fight scene
Tommy, you need to talk about the glitch where Godzilla goes under the map and then the second you get him you lose him
Note:2 f 1 I for your name
Which is TH-camUnOffical
Monarch supply drops meant for Godzilla? Knowing the playerbase, they'll be too busy trying to kill each other with the dropped railguns to do any meaningful damage to him...
Love your video Top5Gaming and keep up the great work you are awesome