I wanted to thank you for your obedience to the Lord. I found this video while searching hermeneutics & by extension, fell in love with your channel. I was also looking for a new Bible at the same time, & almost got a wide margin journaling Bible (because I take LOTS of nerd notes), but then I saw your interleaved Bible. I didn’t know this is exactly what I needed. Now I can’t pull myself out of the Word! I could (& sometimes do) spend hours a day in my Bible now!
Faith, I just love you and your channel. You have been such a blessing to me. There are a lot of channels out there that show ways to decorate our Bibles, but you give us meat and potatoes. Thank you for following God's direction.
Thank you! 💖. This is something I am trying to get better at, understand context. I wasn't taught thy when I was younger. Now that I am understanding things better, I wish some churches taught these things. Thank you for all of the work and effort you put into your videos. I and everyone else really appreciate it.
I’m so glad this was helpful for you! I also think it’s ridiculous that churches don’t teach it! I have to PAY to learn it in seminary and it’s just crazy. So that’s why I like to share it here.
Oh I forgot to mention what you said about making sure our interpretaions lead to glory and praise to God really struck me and I'm going to leave that note in my Bible.
I enjoy your explanation since been a catholic what's teached culture, history, traditions, chronology since the catholic Church put the bible together to show how humanity can get closer to God in relationship, love, faith to give glory to Him only. Thanks this is what all Christians need to be doing. God bless you.
I have been looking for help with understanding and applying God's word you my life.. he's word is what draws us closer to him. I'm so excited to find You on here. I know God has lead me to your channel!! You are such a blessing. God bless you and your family
I just found your channel and I am so happy. I am getting deeper into the Word so I am watching all 56 videos of the playlist. do you have a video on verse mapping? I could listen to you explain things every single day! my husband is so happy because he has been encouraging me to find a channel that really speaks to me and help me go deeper int he word. thank you!
Jesus Christ is the Word. John 1:1 Salvation through Jesus Christ should always be a part of our study and sermons. I appreciate this video because you 're such a good teacher. I finally understand this exegesis and hermeneutics. I think it will make my bible study more fun now. I like to learn. Thank you.
I love watching your videos and I love reading my bible everyday and night it makes me feel so closer to God thanks for that your help love you lots of ✝️❤
Nice introduction to an important subject. It's much more complicated than being able to pick an individual verse and interpret it in the simplest literal sense in isolation regardless of how that might be contradicted elsewhere in the bible. On the whole I think people who do that are actually guided by tradition as to which verses they can do that with (and which they can't) rather than being properly evangelical in the sense of using scripture as a guide to how we interpret scripture.
Thank you for everything I watch you and I can understand you what you are saying alote of people talk over me but it seems like you talk down to earth were I can understand
Dear Faith. Thank you for sharing with us the joy of studying the Bible. If it's possible, would you video review the following article concerning the question of interpretative authority and Sola Scriptura? Bryan Cross, Solo Scriptura, Sola Scriptura, and the Question of Interpretive Authority, Called to Communion, 2009.
Praying the prayers in Ephesians 1:16-23 and Ephesians 3:14-21 for yourself is like getting a doctorate in Theology! I prayed the prayers in Ephesians 1:16-23 and Ephesians 3:14-21 for myself every morning and night for six months in 1979 and God started to give me revelations on healing and deliverance. The first revelation that I had was that Mark 16:17 is saying that all Believers have authority over the devil in the name of Jesus and Mark 16:18 says that all believers have anointing to pray for the sick (I John 2:27). Yvonne in 1979 walked into a disco-tech and became blind, mute and paralyzed, She was in a hospital for months. We broke the power of the devil over her and she was send home completely normal. My Wife fell out of a 2 story window when she was 3 and cracked her scalp. Afterwards she had convulsions for 17 years. The Churches taught her Mark 9:29 to pray and fast. She prayed and fasted thousands of days, and thousands of hours on her knees. She begged God thousands of times with no results. When she married me I showed her Mark 16:17 says to cast out, not pray out, not fast out. She has now been normal for 35 years. January 1, 2006 I made the goal of praying the prayers in Ephesians every day for myself and I did so 360 times in 2006. God revealed to me to sell my house and buy it back 5 years later. I sold the home and bought it back for 1/3rd the price. I prayed the Prayers in Ephesians every morning and night for relatives that and within weeks they were saying things like, "God is talking to me, I am conscious that God is talking to me." And their spiritual eyes were opened.
Actually we cannot know for sure what the author's intention was. But I know this : there are often not just one intention but several. There ate many levels of interpretation.
I’m discerning between all sorts of bible study methods at the moment, inductive, soap, etc. You can’t go wrong when you go back to the basics! Great video. 👍🏻
Great video. I think it's important for Christians to recognize *both* that Scripture is God's perfect, infallible Word and that God chose to speak it in and through many different, very human, sometimes even quite messy particularities, such as various literary styles and even accounts from different perspectives, as in your Samuel/Kings vs. Chronicles example. Sometimes we get this even in a single book -- e.g., I once wrote a paper on how Proverbs deliberately brings together opposing statements in some areas (the best example is how Prov 26:4 and 26:5 give literally opposite instructions!) Perhaps we shouldn't take this analogy too far, but I do think we can link it with our understanding of Jesus himself as 100% divine *and* 100% human. It's both/and, not either/or. So for Scripture too, if we want to understand what God is saying in specific texts, we need to interpret them in light of their human circumstances as well.
Yes! I recently just read "Paul and First Century Letter Writing" by E. Richards and that grew my understanding of secretaries, the process of authorship and just blew my mind!
Thanks for the video. You are a good content creator. I liked your graphics, respected the video’s quality, and enjoyed your sense of humor. I also observed that you repeated the points you will typically read or hear from Christian authors or commentators when it comes to interpreting the Bible, such as: - Consider the type of literature you are reading (poetry, apocalypse, epistles, et cetera) - Consider the purpose of point of the “book.” - Consider the meaning to the original author. - Consider the audience. I found it interesting that you mentioned that if your interpretation led you to think less of “the Lord,” then you are interpreting it wrong. I would be curious to hear if you have Biblical references that state or support that. I also found it interesting that you compared the Bible to a love letter to a person. The definition you gave is one that you - or other Christians (I assume) - have created to define hermeneutics. The word actually comes from the Greek word meaning interpret. I think a better definition to it is that everything is interpretation/interpreted. Take a male bald eagle for example. To a female bald eagle, he might be viewed as a possible mate, or a competitor for food. To one U.S. citizen, he may be viewed as a strong representation of freedom, while to another U.S. citizen simply the country’s official bird. To a mouse, he is terrifying - a predator, and certainly not beautiful. All the interpretations are different, yet true for each. A Christian example might be to ask clergy from different denominations (e.g.., Lutheran vs. Catholic vs. Baptist) what it meant when Jesus told Peter he would give him the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Who is right? Wrong? Thank you again for your video!
The five stones might be, for instance, the armor of God as in Ephesians chapter 6 : belt, shoes, helmet, sword and breastplate. Five in total. There will be other explanations too
3:20 There is a story of a mystic wayfarer who went on a journey with a learned grammarian. They came to a sea and the wayfarer straightway flung himself into the waves, while the grammarian stood lost in his wondering. The wayfarer cried out, "forget what thou hast heard of the grammar books and throw thyself into the waves".
Hi, my name is William, and I never really read the New Testament I had mostly read the Old Testament. But I started reading the Gospels and the Gospels mention that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. BUT what confuses me is when I read the Book of Acts 5:30 and it makes mention that Jesus was hung on a tree? Is it because the translator mis interrupted the wording from Greek to English? Or there is different meaning behind the words? The version of the Bible I am reading is the King James version, but I think all versions of the Bible are all similar in how the language is written? Do you have a video I could watch which explains this? Thank you very much for your video content.
what about the book of matthew? i’m diving into that book for the first time , I actually got a little bit intimidated by some of gods words. Do i take his words literally? Or do i try to interpret it in a more 2021 kind of way. Example not getting divorced unless cheating is present? What about abuse? i’m just a bit confused
Great question! I encourage you to look at commentaries and sermons on those specific passages. So, commentaries can look like a study Bible or like a physical book and then sermons can be from your favorite pastors on that topic. I love to go to the gospel coalition website and type in the passage I am struggling with and I find great sermons there! Alistarr Begg seems to have a sermon on every single passage of scripture! LOL. Divorce is a really tricky topic and abuse is horrible! But I will tell you an overarching truth is that Jesus ALWAYS stood up for the used and abused and gave them a voice. Women in first century Palestine were valued essentially like cattle and Samaritans were HATED by the Jews, and yet in John 4 we see that Jesus sat and talked with a woman at a well who was a Samaritan, and that was the first person in the book of John that He really blatantly revealed His identity to. Then, there's the bleeding woman, the woman caught in adultery, and then even Mary Magdeline... and she was the first person to see the risen, resurrected Jesus and proclaim the good news TO THE DISCIPLES! So, I would say right off the bat, He always defended the used and abused and the underdogs. Now, the passages on divorce have many different ways they have been interpreted and applied so I would encourage you to check out that topic with a pastor that you trust and respect. Overall, the Biblical message is to avoid divorce except for in the case of unrepentant abuse/adultery- in those cases divorce is often advised! My mother and father divorced, without any adultery or physical abuse and so I know first hand the damage it can do to a family. Then, my aunt and uncle DID have that going on, and decided to work through it and NOT get a divorce...and they aren't even Christians! So, I feel like I am a little too emotionally tied up in the topic to say much more than I have said and I also don't know your personal situation. I'd say to talk with a pastor, if you are close to one, or we can email if you'd like! Hope this is helpful.
Hie Faith, where does the help from the Holy Spirit fit into Hermenutics and exegesis? i thought it was possible to also get "revelation from a scripture".
Journey to God's word or Grasping God's word are two books that explain the role of the Holy Spirit in hermeneutics. The Holy Spirit inspired the Word of God to more than 40 people across 2000 years, so it is ultimately God who decides the meaning (what God revealed to Moses, what God revealed to Paul), we are to study because understanding does not come authentic. Non-Christians can read and understand using good study methods but without the Holy Spirit, they won't accept the truth or apply it in their lives. Similarly, the Holy Spirit will convict us of the truth (our false believes, our pride, our sin) and cause us to apply these truth rightly in our lives. Because of our limits, we can interpret wrong, then apply it wrong. The Bible calls us to be disciples and calls us to renew our mind and pray that our knowledge of God increases. It is the Holy Spirit that works with your spirit to produce the fruit.
Please help me interpret this scripture. Is spanking children okay or not okay. I know we don’t have to spank or not spank. I just want to know if the Bible condones it or condemns it. Thank you. Proverbs 23:13-15 NLT Don’t fail to discipline your children. The rod of punishment won’t kill them. Physical discipline may well save them from death. Please.
Bible study is not really useful for the scripture is to imprison you under sin so that as a member of the faithful you receive the promise of eternal life given to the church built on Simon Peter.
That’s true. But as a pastor, I learned a long time ago if people don’t actually understand HOW to properly divide the Word and correct exegesis then they don’t get fed properly. Also they have some messed up theology
I would say no! But, I respect those that do see it that way, worship in a tradition that holds to that interpretation, and am married to a man that believes that way and preaches and teaches our church that way. But I can do all of this because I believe this as truly secondary. But here's the hermeneutic.... what is this literature? It's a letter which EVERY Bible scholar would agree is written situationally. However, the discussion comes down to: what is "universal" for all Christians of all time and what was situational to that person, church, etc. Because Paul assumes women are prophesying and praying publicly in 1 Cor. 11:5 we have to look at context of all that Paul says and does and realize this only makes sense if he is speaking situationally or else he contradicts himself elsewhere in his letters. Does Paul hold that view "I suffer a woman not to teach" all through every letter he wrote? Clearly not! A quick look at Romans 16 it is undeniable that Paul worked alongside and supported women teaching and preaching, sending Phoebe to carry (and preach/read) Romans to the original audience. Obviously I understand the other side of the argument, but after much research and reading on this topic I personally am convicted that this is a more faithful handling of the scriptures as a whole and not just taking one verse and forgetting the rest. Again, I respect, love, worship with those who believe otherwise and have only been EDUCATED in circles that believe otherwise then me, but I just love talking about this so much I wanted to go ahead and respond because I happened to see this comment! Thanks for giving me an opportunity to TEACH you about my hermeneutic on this issue! ;)
I like it when you talk slower and not 90 miles an hour….my husband and I teach interpreting the Bible correctly. He developed the term “I-think-I-tis”, which basically means your own interpretation of the scripture(s). Your opinion needs to be backed up with scripture and divided correctly (exegesis & hermeneutics).
Just over acne, she would teach the Church "the proper way to interpret the Bible." I have a Master of Divinity degree and a Doctor of Ministry degree, plus over 40 years of ministry, and what baffles me is the challenge of "properly interpreting the Bible." My point? Don't let America's obsession with youthfulness fool you. One must spend a lifetime walking with God through seasons of well-being, and seasons of suffering ... or, as they used to say on the Wide World of Sports ... going through "the thrill of victory, and the agony of defeat," before gaining wisdom in "the proper way to interpret the Bible." It's not a technique ... it's a life.
The NT scriptures should be read in the light of the original first century recipients. We are literally reading someone else's mail from 1950 years ago. How did the original readers understand the text relative to them? Because it was written TO THEM, and preserved for us. The events prophesied to occur were limited to within that single generation then living. By the time the War of The Jews was over by the Fall of 70AD, everything had been fulfilled.
2:36 Doesn't it seem that every believer holds a different mode of Scripture and anyone who says their's is correct is really just reapplying what they learned from the mode of their professor? Further, whole institutions are created around one mode. To me, I would have to believe in all interpretations, or else my ears go deaf to the children of God.
Hi ..I came across ur videos. I like ur personality and clear wording but I thought i ur videos would be showing us while ur doing a study on inductive instead of telling us. I'm sorry
"That's not the purpose or point of 1 Sam 17" yep that is not in the historical context nor the result of the exegesis and obviously not what the author had in mind. I've heard many seminar teachers and pastors give this exact same example but at the end, there is nothing wrong for a Christian to apply 1 Sam 17 to something hard in their lives. they are understanding and applying that the victory belongs to the Lord. is not about them. Nothing wrong with that. I understand it can be bad exegesis (more of eisegesis per se) But not exactly bad application. If the Bible does not apply to the people, there is not much fruit in the hermeneutical process. Even if you follow all the rules of hermeneutics and even if you have a strong exegesis including biblical languages. It's funny because many of these pastors and teachers give this "David and the giant" example but many of them do not apply the same rules when they are reading other portions of the Bible. It's like saying that the Holy Spirit was promised just for the apostles and christians there, we obviously were not in mind when the Luke wrote that in Acts. Or the classic Jeremiah 29:11, the bible is more than just understanding the context, it must apply to us in our daily lives and situations. As it has been during centuries.
Bible commentaries are a great way to learn how to interpret the bible incorrectly, unless you're reading Chrysostom's commentary. At least with him you're getting close to accurate teaching. He was part of the ancient Church. Most other commentaries are just man's opinion. Usually a distortion.
DON'T INTERPRET THE BIBLE WITH SPIRIT FEELINGS, BUT TEST SPIRIT FEELINGS WITH THE BIBLE There are a lot of Christians who think the way to understand the bible is to "let the Holy Spirit tell you what it means." Often, they'll quote I Corinthians 2:14a as justification to this wildly inaccurate way to properly understand the bible--"the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God." Sure, anyone who has not yet experienced the unconditional love and complete forgiveness of God is, of course, going to behave as if they are not loved and forgiven, which is why they can't "receiveth," that is, experience the things of the Spirit of God. This ignorance, and the behavior which follows, makes no change to what God does or thinks or plans to do, but it does prevent the yet-to-realize-whom-they-are children of God FEEL it and begin acting accordingly. But that's a LOT different from RELYING ON FEELINGS to interpret the Bible!!! If one thinks, "It doesn't matter what the original authors of the bible intended to say when they put ink to a papyrus or vellum, but to rely on "spiritual feelings" to interpret their words, then the Bible can be made to said whatever one wants it to...or more likely, whatever SOMEONE ELSE wants you to FEEL it means, by using time-tested means of MANIPULATING YOUR FEELINGS! Now, this is not to say it's impossible or wrong to get feelings IN REACTION TO when the Spirit is, in fact, communicating with you in some way! Trouble is, how to KNOW for sure if what you FEEL is an accurate representation of what God is saying or has said, or merely the result of all the many things that go on around us or which happened to us before that results in what we call "feelings." Well, this is where PROPERLY DIVIDING THE WORD makes all the difference. Whenever you THINK you're feeling the Spirit of God, you should TEST THAT SPIRIT!!! How? By comparing what you SUBJECTIVELY FEEL the spirit is telling you to what the Scriptures OBJECTIVELY say, then you can screen out any stray feeling you mistook for the spirit of God. But if you do the REVERSE--using your feelings to determine what the bible says, then you're in for the wildest ride of your life because you'll be like a ship at sea, during a storm, without a rudder...or worse, you'll become the slave of anyone who has mastered the art of manipulating your feelings in order to get you to think they are God's voice when it's really just another MAN controlling you! Rick Lannoye, author of www.amazon.com/Rightly-Dividing.../dp/B091LSMD9N Are you a victim of bible abuse? Get help at ricklannoye.com/contact
No you don’t do that biblically. The first Christians knew how to do it spiritually. There is a Book called making senses out of scripture by Mark Shea.
I’m a pastor. Pentecostal pastor at that. I say that because we are known to be very Spirit lead. And yes you are correct that the Spirit I’ll guide you as you study if you allow Him. But I also like her use exegesis methods when studying. It works and effect. I like the balance of Spirit and knowledge. Some of my Pentecostal brothers and sisters are fruity because they refuse to train themselves properly lol
@@chris2fur401 you obviously have been improperly trained and didn’t read the book. 115 According to an ancient tradition, one can distinguish between two senses of Scripture: the literal and the spiritual, the latter being subdivided into the allegorical, moral and anagogical senses. The profound concordance of the four senses guarantees all its richness to the living reading of Scripture in the Church. 116 The literal sense is the meaning conveyed by the words of Scripture and discovered by exegesis, following the rules of sound interpretation: "All other senses of Sacred Scripture are based on the literal." 83 117 The spiritual sense. Thanks to the unity of God's plan, not only the text of Scripture but also the realities and events about which it speaks can be signs. (1) The allegorical sense. We can acquire a more profound understanding of events by recognizing their significance in Christ; thus the crossing of the Red Sea is a sign or type of Christ's victory and also of Christian Baptism. 84 (2) The moral sense. The events reported in Scripture ought to lead us to act justly. As St. Paul says, they were written "for our instruction". 85 (3) The anagogical sense (Greek: anagoge, "leading"). We can view realities and events in terms of their eternal significance, leading us toward our true homeland: thus the Church on earth is a sign of the heavenly Jerusalem. 86 118 A medieval couplet summarizes the significance of the four senses: The Letter speaks of deeds; Allegory to faith; The Moral how to act; Anagogy our destiny. 87 119 "It is the task of exegetes to work, according to these rules, towards a better understanding and explanation of the meaning of Sacred Scripture in order that their research may help the Church to form a firmer judgement. For, of course, all that has been said about the manner of interpreting Scripture is ultimately subject to the judgement of the Church which exercises the divinely conferred commission and ministry of watching over and interpreting the Word of God." 88 But I would not believe in the Gospel, had not the authority of the Catholic Church already moved me. 89 --- 83 St. Thomas Aquinas, S Thess I, 1, 10, ad I. 84 Cf. I Cor 10:2. 85 I Cor 10:11; cf. Heb 3:1 -4:11. 86 Cf. Rev 21:1 - 22:5. 87 Lettera gesta docet, quid credas allegoria, moralis quid agas, quo tendas anagogia. Augustine of Dacia, Rotulus pugillaris, I: ed. A. Walz: Angelicum § (1929) 256; Augstine of Dacia, Rotulus pugillaris, I: ed. A. Walz: Angelicum § (1929) 256. 88 DV 12 § 3. 89 St. Augustine, Contra epistolam Manichaei 5, 6: PL 42, 176
The holy Scriptures should be interpreted through the Church Fathers, not lay people like you and me. There is a reason why protestantism has over 30,000 plus denominations in the world today.
You're telling your audience to pick and choose bible interpretations. You're basically saying, "if you don't like one interpretation, just read another commentary".
I made 0.36 seconds before I could take no more - I'm sure it's me misconstruing your enthusiasm as shear arrogance. I guess I'll never know now, a well
I wanted to thank you for your obedience to the Lord. I found this video while searching hermeneutics & by extension, fell in love with your channel. I was also looking for a new Bible at the same time, & almost got a wide margin journaling Bible (because I take LOTS of nerd notes), but then I saw your interleaved Bible. I didn’t know this is exactly what I needed. Now I can’t pull myself out of the Word! I could (& sometimes do) spend hours a day in my Bible now!
Thanks for sharing!!
You did a wonderful job on explaining to us how to interpret the Bible 💯❤️
I’m so glad it was helpful!
Faith, I just love you and your channel. You have been such a blessing to me. There are a lot of channels out there that show ways to decorate our Bibles, but you give us meat and potatoes. Thank you for following God's direction.
I love the way you put things in applicable context. Thanks for your faithful teaching scripture. Thanks.
Off topic, but I love, love, LOVE how you start almost every video with a story that ties in with your topic. LOVE it. :) Thank you!
I’m so glad! That means so much!
Thank you! 💖. This is something I am trying to get better at, understand context. I wasn't taught thy when I was younger. Now that I am understanding things better, I wish some churches taught these things. Thank you for all of the work and effort you put into your videos. I and everyone else really appreciate it.
I’m so glad this was helpful for you! I also think it’s ridiculous that churches don’t teach it! I have to PAY to learn it in seminary and it’s just crazy. So that’s why I like to share it here.
Oh I forgot to mention what you said about making sure our interpretaions lead to glory and praise to God really struck me and I'm going to leave that note in my Bible.
@@rebekahmackenzie I am so glad that was helpful!
I enjoy your explanation since been a catholic what's teached culture, history, traditions, chronology since the catholic Church put the bible together to show how humanity can get closer to God in relationship, love, faith to give glory to Him only. Thanks this is what all Christians need to be doing. God bless you.
I'm so glad this blessed you!
I like your enthusiasm, even the we have a indifferent views of faith since I am catholic.
Thank you!
Catholic is a branch of Christianity.
Gonna marathon your videos! Super enjoy your content.
Wow, I am humbled to hear that! Thanks for the support! It truly means so much! I hope these videos bless you greatly!
I have been looking for help with understanding and applying God's word you my life.. he's word is what draws us closer to him.
I'm so excited to find You on here. I know God has lead me to your channel!! You are such a blessing. God bless you and your family
I wish I could give you more likes 👍🏼 you deserve them Sis!! I love this video!!
Awe haha! Thank you! 🥰
Thank you for taking time to teach us God’s word; I am grateful. I thank God; and for ministry.
I’m so glad I could be an encouragement! Praise the Lord!
I just found your channel and I am so happy. I am getting deeper into the Word so I am watching all 56 videos of the playlist. do you have a video on verse mapping? I could listen to you explain things every single day! my husband is so happy because he has been encouraging me to find a channel that really speaks to me and help me go deeper int he word. thank you!
That was good stuff! 🙌🏻 I cannot thank you enough! ❤️
Glad you enjoyed it, Cindy! :) You are always so sweet and affirming! Thank you for that!
10:34. Amen. All roads led to Jesus. ♥♥♥
Jesus Christ is the Word. John 1:1
Salvation through Jesus Christ should always be a part of our study and sermons. I appreciate this video because you 're such a good teacher. I finally understand this exegesis and hermeneutics. I think it will make my bible study more fun now. I like to learn. Thank you.
I’m so glad! Praise the Lord! Yay!
I love watching your videos and I love reading my bible everyday and night it makes me feel so closer to God thanks for that your help love you lots of ✝️❤
Nice introduction to an important subject. It's much more complicated than being able to pick an individual verse and interpret it in the simplest literal sense in isolation regardless of how that might be contradicted elsewhere in the bible. On the whole I think people who do that are actually guided by tradition as to which verses they can do that with (and which they can't) rather than being properly evangelical in the sense of using scripture as a guide to how we interpret scripture.
Thank you for everything I watch you and I can understand you what you are saying alote of people talk over me but it seems like you talk down to earth were I can understand
Woo young lady this weighty truth. Amen
Good Word.
Dear Faith. Thank you for sharing with us the joy of studying the Bible. If it's possible, would you video review the following article concerning the question of interpretative authority and Sola Scriptura?
Bryan Cross, Solo Scriptura, Sola Scriptura, and the Question of Interpretive Authority, Called to Communion, 2009.
Praying the prayers in Ephesians 1:16-23 and Ephesians 3:14-21 for yourself is like getting a doctorate in Theology!
I prayed the prayers in Ephesians 1:16-23 and Ephesians 3:14-21 for myself every morning and night for six months in 1979 and God started to give me revelations on healing and deliverance. The first revelation that I had was that Mark 16:17 is saying that all Believers have authority over the devil in the name of Jesus and Mark 16:18 says that all believers have anointing to pray for the sick (I John 2:27).
Yvonne in 1979 walked into a disco-tech and became blind, mute and paralyzed, She was in a hospital for months. We broke the power of the devil over her and she was send home completely normal.
My Wife fell out of a 2 story window when she was 3 and cracked her scalp. Afterwards she had convulsions for 17 years. The Churches taught her Mark 9:29 to pray and fast. She prayed and fasted thousands of days, and thousands of hours on her knees. She begged God thousands of times with no results. When she married me I showed her Mark 16:17 says to cast out, not pray out, not fast out. She has now been normal for 35 years.
January 1, 2006 I made the goal of praying the prayers in Ephesians every day for myself and I did so 360 times in 2006. God revealed to me to sell my house and buy it back 5 years later. I sold the home and bought it back for 1/3rd the price.
I prayed the Prayers in Ephesians every morning and night for relatives that and within weeks they were saying things like, "God is talking to me, I am conscious that God is talking to me." And their spiritual eyes were opened.
This video came right on time!! Thank You 😊
I’m so glad! Praise the Lord!
The best book on covenant theology is A Father Who Keeps His Promises by Scott Hahn.
Actually we cannot know for sure what
the author's intention was. But I know this : there are often not just one intention but several. There ate many
levels of interpretation.
I’m discerning between all sorts of bible study methods at the moment, inductive, soap, etc. You can’t go wrong when you go back to the basics! Great video. 👍🏻
Yes! Sometimes it’s nice to just follow a set outline! I always thought they were a little silly until I took a deeper look at the methods!
Would you do a series of reading thru the entire Bible from Genesis- Revelation?
Great video. I think it's important for Christians to recognize *both* that Scripture is God's perfect, infallible Word and that God chose to speak it in and through many different, very human, sometimes even quite messy particularities, such as various literary styles and even accounts from different perspectives, as in your Samuel/Kings vs. Chronicles example. Sometimes we get this even in a single book -- e.g., I once wrote a paper on how Proverbs deliberately brings together opposing statements in some areas (the best example is how Prov 26:4 and 26:5 give literally opposite instructions!) Perhaps we shouldn't take this analogy too far, but I do think we can link it with our understanding of Jesus himself as 100% divine *and* 100% human. It's both/and, not either/or. So for Scripture too, if we want to understand what God is saying in specific texts, we need to interpret them in light of their human circumstances as well.
Yes! I recently just read "Paul and First Century Letter Writing" by E. Richards and that grew my understanding of secretaries, the process of authorship and just blew my mind!
Thanks for the video. You are a good content creator. I liked your graphics, respected the video’s quality, and enjoyed your sense of humor.
I also observed that you repeated the points you will typically read or hear from Christian authors or commentators when it comes to interpreting the Bible, such as:
- Consider the type of literature you are reading (poetry, apocalypse, epistles, et cetera)
- Consider the purpose of point of the “book.”
- Consider the meaning to the original author.
- Consider the audience.
I found it interesting that you mentioned that if your interpretation led you to think less of “the Lord,” then you are interpreting it wrong. I would be curious to hear if you have Biblical references that state or support that. I also found it interesting that you compared the Bible to a love letter to a person.
The definition you gave is one that you - or other Christians (I assume) - have created to define hermeneutics. The word actually comes from the Greek word meaning interpret. I think a better definition to it is that everything is interpretation/interpreted.
Take a male bald eagle for example. To a female bald eagle, he might be viewed as a possible mate, or a competitor for food. To one U.S. citizen, he may be viewed as a strong representation of freedom, while to another U.S. citizen simply the country’s official bird. To a mouse, he is terrifying - a predator, and certainly not beautiful. All the interpretations are different, yet true for each.
A Christian example might be to ask clergy from different denominations (e.g.., Lutheran vs. Catholic vs. Baptist) what it meant when Jesus told Peter he would give him the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Who is right? Wrong?
Thank you again for your video!
The five stones might be, for instance,
the armor of God as in Ephesians chapter 6 : belt, shoes, helmet, sword
and breastplate. Five in total.
There will be other explanations too
3:20 There is a story of a mystic wayfarer who went on a journey with a learned grammarian. They came to a sea and the wayfarer straightway flung himself into the waves, while the grammarian stood lost in his wondering. The wayfarer cried out, "forget what thou hast heard of the grammar books and throw thyself into the waves".
Thanks for all the links.
thank you for this
Our pastor always remembers to add copious quantities of "extra Jesus" in there with his exegesis.
The Holy Spirit reveals what the word is saying to each Pastor or minister and their congregation
How can we read with the revelation from the Holyspirit? John 14:17
What seminary school do you recommend for online?
Hi! What seminary did you go to?
So informative!
Glad you think so!
Isn't this your hubby? 👍🏾😁🤗 to you both!
@@latoyabolt9459 yes it is! Thank you!
Beautiful content & Informative
Hi, my name is William, and I never really read the New Testament I had mostly read the Old Testament. But I started reading the Gospels and the Gospels mention that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. BUT what confuses me is when I read the Book of Acts 5:30 and it makes mention that Jesus was hung on a tree? Is it because the translator mis interrupted the wording from Greek to English? Or there is different meaning behind the words? The version of the Bible I am reading is the King James version, but I think all versions of the Bible are all similar in how the language is written? Do you have a video I could watch which explains this? Thank you very much for your video content.
New to your channel and love your videos!
Welcome to the family!
what about the book of matthew? i’m diving into that book for the first time , I actually got a little bit intimidated by some of gods words. Do i take his words literally? Or do i try to interpret it in a more 2021 kind of way. Example not getting divorced unless cheating is present? What about abuse? i’m just a bit confused
Great question! I encourage you to look at commentaries and sermons on those specific passages. So, commentaries can look like a study Bible or like a physical book and then sermons can be from your favorite pastors on that topic. I love to go to the gospel coalition website and type in the passage I am struggling with and I find great sermons there! Alistarr Begg seems to have a sermon on every single passage of scripture! LOL.
Divorce is a really tricky topic and abuse is horrible! But I will tell you an overarching truth is that Jesus ALWAYS stood up for the used and abused and gave them a voice. Women in first century Palestine were valued essentially like cattle and Samaritans were HATED by the Jews, and yet in John 4 we see that Jesus sat and talked with a woman at a well who was a Samaritan, and that was the first person in the book of John that He really blatantly revealed His identity to. Then, there's the bleeding woman, the woman caught in adultery, and then even Mary Magdeline... and she was the first person to see the risen, resurrected Jesus and proclaim the good news TO THE DISCIPLES! So, I would say right off the bat, He always defended the used and abused and the underdogs. Now, the passages on divorce have many different ways they have been interpreted and applied so I would encourage you to check out that topic with a pastor that you trust and respect.
Overall, the Biblical message is to avoid divorce except for in the case of unrepentant abuse/adultery- in those cases divorce is often advised! My mother and father divorced, without any adultery or physical abuse and so I know first hand the damage it can do to a family. Then, my aunt and uncle DID have that going on, and decided to work through it and NOT get a divorce...and they aren't even Christians! So, I feel like I am a little too emotionally tied up in the topic to say much more than I have said and I also don't know your personal situation. I'd say to talk with a pastor, if you are close to one, or we can email if you'd like! Hope this is helpful.
Hie Faith, where does the help from the Holy Spirit fit into Hermenutics and exegesis? i thought it was possible to also get "revelation from a scripture".
Journey to God's word or Grasping God's word are two books that explain the role of the Holy Spirit in hermeneutics. The Holy Spirit inspired the Word of God to more than 40 people across 2000 years, so it is ultimately God who decides the meaning (what God revealed to Moses, what God revealed to Paul), we are to study because understanding does not come authentic. Non-Christians can read and understand using good study methods but without the Holy Spirit, they won't accept the truth or apply it in their lives. Similarly, the Holy Spirit will convict us of the truth (our false believes, our pride, our sin) and cause us to apply these truth rightly in our lives. Because of our limits, we can interpret wrong, then apply it wrong. The Bible calls us to be disciples and calls us to renew our mind and pray that our knowledge of God increases. It is the Holy Spirit that works with your spirit to produce the fruit.
Please help me interpret this scripture. Is spanking children okay or not okay. I know we don’t have to spank or not spank. I just want to know if the Bible condones it or condemns it. Thank you.
Proverbs 23:13-15 NLT
Don’t fail to discipline your children. The rod of punishment won’t kill them. Physical discipline may well save them from death.
How much bible study is enough? How deep do we really need to go?
Bible study is not really useful for the scripture is to imprison you under sin so that as a member of the faithful you receive the promise of eternal life given to the church built on Simon Peter.
How about it means what it says?
That’s true. But as a pastor, I learned a long time ago if people don’t actually understand HOW to properly divide the Word and correct exegesis then they don’t get fed properly. Also they have some messed up theology
To me, it is hard to find a great commentary or study bible because our western interpretations seem to be interpreted with bias in areas.
Doesn't Paul say he suffers not a woman to teach is that correct hermanutics? 🤔
I would say no! But, I respect those that do see it that way, worship in a tradition that holds to that interpretation, and am married to a man that believes that way and preaches and teaches our church that way. But I can do all of this because I believe this as truly secondary. But here's the hermeneutic.... what is this literature? It's a letter which EVERY Bible scholar would agree is written situationally. However, the discussion comes down to: what is "universal" for all Christians of all time and what was situational to that person, church, etc. Because Paul assumes women are prophesying and praying publicly in 1 Cor. 11:5 we have to look at context of all that Paul says and does and realize this only makes sense if he is speaking situationally or else he contradicts himself elsewhere in his letters. Does Paul hold that view "I suffer a woman not to teach" all through every letter he wrote? Clearly not! A quick look at Romans 16 it is undeniable that Paul worked alongside and supported women teaching and preaching, sending Phoebe to carry (and preach/read) Romans to the original audience. Obviously I understand the other side of the argument, but after much research and reading on this topic I personally am convicted that this is a more faithful handling of the scriptures as a whole and not just taking one verse and forgetting the rest. Again, I respect, love, worship with those who believe otherwise and have only been EDUCATED in circles that believe otherwise then me, but I just love talking about this so much I wanted to go ahead and respond because I happened to see this comment! Thanks for giving me an opportunity to TEACH you about my hermeneutic on this issue! ;)
Lol, you crack me up. Thank you for TEACHING me about this topic!
I like it when you talk slower and not 90 miles an hour….my husband and I teach interpreting the Bible correctly. He developed the term “I-think-I-tis”, which basically means your own interpretation of the scripture(s). Your opinion needs to be backed up with scripture and divided correctly (exegesis & hermeneutics).
Just over acne, she would teach the Church "the proper way to interpret the Bible."
I have a Master of Divinity degree and a Doctor of Ministry degree, plus over 40 years of ministry, and what baffles me is the challenge of "properly interpreting the Bible."
My point? Don't let America's obsession with youthfulness fool you. One must spend a lifetime walking with God through seasons of well-being, and seasons of suffering ... or, as they used to say on the Wide World of Sports ... going through "the thrill of victory, and the agony of defeat," before gaining wisdom in "the proper way to interpret the Bible." It's not a technique ... it's a life.
The NT scriptures should be read in the light of the original first century recipients. We are literally reading someone else's mail from 1950 years ago. How did the original readers understand the text relative to them? Because it was written TO THEM, and preserved for us. The events prophesied to occur were limited to within that single generation then living. By the time the War of The Jews was over by the Fall of 70AD, everything had been fulfilled.
James 1:5 if any of you lack wisdom,let him ask of God,that giveth to all men liberally,and upbraideth not;and it shall be given him.
Why are you attending bible college? Will you be a minister.
I answer that in this video: th-cam.com/video/D04pqH401L4/w-d-xo.html
2:36 Doesn't it seem that every believer holds a different mode of Scripture and anyone who says their's is correct is really just reapplying what they learned from the mode of their professor? Further, whole institutions are created around one mode. To me, I would have to believe in all interpretations, or else my ears go deaf to the children of God.
I view your video and subscribe your channel already.
Hi ..I came across ur videos. I like ur personality and clear wording but I thought i ur videos would be showing us while ur doing a study on inductive instead of telling us. I'm sorry
Ok next time, thanks for that helpful feedback!
"That's not the purpose or point of 1 Sam 17" yep that is not in the historical context nor the result of the exegesis and obviously not what the author had in mind. I've heard many seminar teachers and pastors give this exact same example but at the end, there is nothing wrong for a Christian to apply 1 Sam 17 to something hard in their lives. they are understanding and applying that the victory belongs to the Lord. is not about them. Nothing wrong with that. I understand it can be bad exegesis (more of eisegesis per se) But not exactly bad application. If the Bible does not apply to the people, there is not much fruit in the hermeneutical process. Even if you follow all the rules of hermeneutics and even if you have a strong exegesis including biblical languages. It's funny because many of these pastors and teachers give this "David and the giant" example but many of them do not apply the same rules when they are reading other portions of the Bible. It's like saying that the Holy Spirit was promised just for the apostles and christians there, we obviously were not in mind when the Luke wrote that in Acts. Or the classic Jeremiah 29:11, the bible is more than just understanding the context, it must apply to us in our daily lives and situations. As it has been during centuries.
Her aesthetics have me thinking of whitewashed villas by the beach.
Bible commentaries are a great way to learn how to interpret the bible incorrectly, unless you're reading Chrysostom's commentary. At least with him you're getting close to accurate teaching. He was part of the ancient Church. Most other commentaries are just man's opinion. Usually a distortion.
John Chrysostom early church father?
@@jonathanm4738 Yes
There are a lot of Christians who think the way to understand the bible is to "let the Holy Spirit tell you what it means." Often, they'll quote I Corinthians 2:14a as justification to this wildly inaccurate way to properly understand the bible--"the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God." Sure, anyone who has not yet experienced the unconditional love and complete forgiveness of God is, of course, going to behave as if they are not loved and forgiven, which is why they can't "receiveth," that is, experience the things of the Spirit of God. This ignorance, and the behavior which follows, makes no change to what God does or thinks or plans to do, but it does prevent the yet-to-realize-whom-they-are children of God FEEL it and begin acting accordingly. But that's a LOT different from RELYING ON FEELINGS to interpret the Bible!!! If one thinks, "It doesn't matter what the original authors of the bible intended to say when they put ink to a papyrus or vellum, but to rely on "spiritual feelings" to interpret their words, then the Bible can be made to said whatever one wants it to...or more likely, whatever SOMEONE ELSE wants you to FEEL it means, by using time-tested means of MANIPULATING YOUR FEELINGS! Now, this is not to say it's impossible or wrong to get feelings IN REACTION TO when the Spirit is, in fact, communicating with you in some way! Trouble is, how to KNOW for sure if what you FEEL is an accurate representation of what God is saying or has said, or merely the result of all the many things that go on around us or which happened to us before that results in what we call "feelings." Well, this is where PROPERLY DIVIDING THE WORD makes all the difference. Whenever you THINK you're feeling the Spirit of God, you should TEST THAT SPIRIT!!! How? By comparing what you SUBJECTIVELY FEEL the spirit is telling you to what the Scriptures OBJECTIVELY say, then you can screen out any stray feeling you mistook for the spirit of God. But if you do the REVERSE--using your feelings to determine what the bible says, then you're in for the wildest ride of your life because you'll be like a ship at sea, during a storm, without a rudder...or worse, you'll become the slave of anyone who has mastered the art of manipulating your feelings in order to get you to think they are God's voice when it's really just another MAN controlling you!
Rick Lannoye, author of www.amazon.com/Rightly-Dividing.../dp/B091LSMD9N
Are you a victim of bible abuse? Get help at ricklannoye.com/contact
No you don’t do that biblically. The first Christians knew how to do it spiritually. There is a Book called making senses out of scripture by Mark Shea.
I’m a pastor. Pentecostal pastor at that. I say that because we are known to be very Spirit lead. And yes you are correct that the Spirit I’ll guide you as you study if you allow Him. But I also like her use exegesis methods when studying. It works and effect. I like the balance of Spirit and knowledge. Some of my Pentecostal brothers and sisters are fruity because they refuse to train themselves properly lol
@@chris2fur401 you obviously have been improperly trained and didn’t read the book.
115 According to an ancient tradition, one can distinguish between two senses of Scripture: the literal and the spiritual, the latter being subdivided into the allegorical, moral and anagogical senses. The profound concordance of the four senses guarantees all its richness to the living reading of Scripture in the Church.
116 The literal sense is the meaning conveyed by the words of Scripture and discovered by exegesis, following the rules of sound interpretation: "All other senses of Sacred Scripture are based on the literal." 83
117 The spiritual sense. Thanks to the unity of God's plan, not only the text of Scripture but also the realities and events about which it speaks can be signs.
(1) The allegorical sense. We can acquire a more profound understanding of events by recognizing their significance in Christ; thus the crossing of the Red Sea is a sign or type of Christ's victory and also of Christian Baptism. 84
(2) The moral sense. The events reported in Scripture ought to lead us to act justly. As St. Paul says, they were written "for our instruction". 85
(3) The anagogical sense (Greek: anagoge, "leading"). We can view realities and events in terms of their eternal significance, leading us toward our true homeland: thus the Church on earth is a sign of the heavenly Jerusalem. 86
118 A medieval couplet summarizes the significance of the four senses:
The Letter speaks of deeds; Allegory to faith; The Moral how to act; Anagogy our destiny. 87
119 "It is the task of exegetes to work, according to these rules, towards a better understanding and explanation of the meaning of Sacred Scripture in order that their research may help the Church to form a firmer judgement. For, of course, all that has been said about the manner of interpreting Scripture is ultimately subject to the judgement of the Church which exercises the divinely conferred commission and ministry of watching over and interpreting the Word of God." 88
But I would not believe in the Gospel, had not the authority of the Catholic Church already moved me. 89
83 St. Thomas Aquinas, S Thess I, 1, 10, ad I.
84 Cf. I Cor 10:2.
85 I Cor 10:11; cf. Heb 3:1 -4:11.
86 Cf. Rev 21:1 - 22:5.
87 Lettera gesta docet, quid credas allegoria, moralis quid agas, quo tendas anagogia. Augustine of Dacia, Rotulus pugillaris, I: ed. A. Walz: Angelicum § (1929) 256; Augstine of Dacia, Rotulus pugillaris, I: ed. A. Walz: Angelicum § (1929) 256.
88 DV 12 § 3.
89 St. Augustine, Contra epistolam Manichaei 5, 6: PL 42, 176
The holy Scriptures should be interpreted through the Church Fathers, not lay people like you and me. There is a reason why protestantism has over 30,000 plus denominations in the world today.
You're telling your audience to pick and choose bible interpretations. You're basically saying, "if you don't like one interpretation, just read another commentary".
5 minutes in and no specifics yet.
man alive, will you just get to the point.... I don't need your life history
Get to the point.
To much talking, get to the point. What are the specifics.
Thanks for your feedback 🙃
Irritating voice, get to the pont.
I enjoy her voice, personality and her points. Word DOES hurt
I made 0.36 seconds before I could take no more - I'm sure it's me misconstruing your enthusiasm as shear arrogance. I guess I'll never know now, a well
Thanks for your feedback 👍 I never was good with first impressions! God bless.
I watch a lot of her videos. Shes very humble. She has a bubbly personality and passionate about bible study.