I started learning DSA a few weeks ago but I was still confused if I am learning them in the proper order or not, your video really helped me out with it. Thanks ^_^
Thanks! Your content and website had the biggest impact towards me learning LeetCode (and as a result, getting hired!) so I’ll always recommend your stuff!
I started learning DSA a few weeks ago but I was still confused if I am learning them in the proper order or not, your video really helped me out with it. Thanks ^_^
Immensely underrated channel. Thank you for great content and clear explanations!
The prodigal son of code returns at last.
Good to have te back mate, life was lacking the odd infusion of code.
Really great stuff!
(and appreciate the shout out 🙏)
Thanks! Your content and website had the biggest impact towards me learning LeetCode (and as a result, getting hired!) so I’ll always recommend your stuff!
Keep the good content coming.
I found both grind75 and the neetcode 150 but didnt know ehich to start on. Thanks for helping!
very informative! loved it :)
Awesome video. Are more of them coming up soon?
Thank you friend! Very useful information!
Hash maps are dictionaries in Python?
Did linked lists and doubly linked lists in C 1992
I did this in C 2024